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Christian Zionist Slaves! Zionist Covid Propaganda And The Planned Destruction Of America! Alex Jones Talks About Mossad. Vaccine Mass Sterilization Depopulation AGENDA REVEALED ON 'UTOPIA' SHOW! – Must See Videos!

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Know More News with Adam Green











Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.  (1 Samuel 15:3 KJV)

Who’s Who in the Bible and Today?

The Jews always refers to their enemies as Amalek to justify killing them just like the Jews call Palestinians Amalek and called the Armenians Amalek before they genocided them.  The Jews are now referring to America and Western Europe as Edom and Amalek.  The Jews are really Edom and Amalek however they are liars (John 8:44, Titus 1:14) and call their enemies Amalek to justify killing them as commanded in the Bible to kill off all the Amalekites.

…According to the Jews, they consider the West as spiriitual “Edom” which is another Jewish fable (Titus 1:14).

Jews call non Jews goys. Goyim is the plural form. In the modern parlance, “goy” is a pejorative term for non-Jews. Kind of how whites are called “crackers” and “honkies” by the blacks or “gringos” by the Mexicans. To the Jews, all of you Catholics are idol-worshiping goys. Goys are outsiders to Judaism, and they’re looked down upon. The reason for this is because Jews believe they are supreme to all non-Jews.  The word gentile was inserted into the Bible to push the Vatican agenda that we are all one race and this was another Jewish creation as the word gentile does not appear in Hebrew.  

The Caucasians are the true Tribes of Jacob and the Holy Seed of God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.  The Caucasians are not lost but rather had their identity stolen from them from the Edomite Jews.  God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob warned the Tribes of Jacob not to live among the non Israelites and now the white Christian Nations are primarily controlled by the Jews as they control the central banks.

Caucasians are Israelites According to Noah Webster of the Webster Encylopedia of Dictionaries (© 1958)

If you were a Caucasian, you are also an Israelite according to Noah Webster, and the Holy Bible. 

Webster Encyclopedia of Dictionaries (Copyright 1958 by the Literary Press, page 64), says “Caucasian” pertains to the white race originating from the Caucasus Mountains near the Black Sea.

The Holy Bible states that the House of Israel would be scattered north of the river Euphrates (1 Kings 14:15).  This promise was fulfilled when, in 721 B.C., all ten tribes were taken captive and driven by the Assyrians into the Caucasus Mountains located between the Caspian and Black Seas (2 Kings 17:6; 18:9-11).  Hosea 2:6 says,  “I will hedge up the way with thorns, and make a wall that she shall not find her paths.”  In this way God was making it clear that the tribes were not to return to Palestine.  As Israel left the mountains and migrated into Europe, and finally to North America, they became known as CAUCASIANS.   

The Jews who are liars and call  non-Jews—and specifically for Westerners—spiritual Edom. The Europeans and the white Americans are regarded as spiritual Edomites by the Jews as they are liars (john 8:44) and we are not be believe in Jewish fables (Titus 1:14).  The Jews refer to the West, as a whole, is referred to as spiritual Edom.  Harold Rosenthal admited in his interview that the Caucasians are the true Tribes of Jacob and admitted that the god of the Jews is Lucifer.  

Now, this is not to say that rabbis consider European peoples to be literal genetic descendants of Edom. Instead, the West is the spiritual inheritor of Edom. Another way to say this is that, in their view, we are the “spiritual children” of Edom.  The Jews are liars and murderer in John 8:44 and 8:47 as they know that they are not Shemites but rather they are the Edomites in their own Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 Edition, Volume 5, page 41. DNA analysis has also prove that the Jews living in Israel today are Khazars, a semi nomadic Turkic people that converted to Judaism centuries ago.  The Khazars or Ashkenazi Jews are a mixed mongrel race and do not consider themselves white. 

The Jewish Almanac 1980 Pg.3 states Jews are not Israelites or Hebrews. The Pharisees, which are now the Ashkenazis, told Jesus the Messiah that they are of Abraham’s seed but were never in bondage, which can only mean one thing.  The Pharisees / Ashkenazis are descendants of Esau which mixed with other races and became known as the Edomites (John 8:33)

The Jews know that the Caucasians are the real tribes of Jacob surnamed Israel and that is why they are setting up a snare to kill the Caucasians and all non Caucasian Christians and it won’t be with kindess.  Psalm 69 tells us that God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob will set up a snare for the Edomite Jews.  The Edomite Jews will all be destroyed according to the Book of Obardiah when Messiah Jesus returns to earth unless the Jews recognize Messiah Jesus as their Savior.

The Edomites Jews which are also referred to as Kenites and are the negative part of God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s plan of redemption for the Tribes of Jacob-Israel to turn them back to their creator.  The white race has received all the blessings from God of Abraham Isaac nad Jacob as promised when they followed God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s commandments and ordinances and now that they have turned their face away from God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, they are now subject to all the curses.

“Edomite Jews began to call themselves Hebrews and Israelites in 1860.” En Judaica 1971, Vol 10:23

“Esau-Edom is in modern Jewry.”  1925 Jewish Encyclopedia Vol. 5, p 41.

“Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a “Jew” or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew” Jewish Almanac 1980 pg.3

Note all my pics with these Edomite definitions as Modern Jewry are being whited out from all my previous articles so please copy and download my pics and articles before they are deleted.  Share with our fellow Israelites, the real Tribes of Jacob surnamed Israel.

“Some call it Marxism – I call it Judaism.”

Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, in the American Bulletin of May 15, 1935

Communism is our supreme revenge against Christianity.”

-“Jewish Chronicle” (newspaper), December 1918

Links to prior heavily censored posts as BIN will not feature anything that goes against the Jewish Edomite party line and suppresses all my posts.  Censorship has dramatically increased!

Bombshell: The antiChrist Has Arrived! Find Out Who Is Going To Rule The World! Great Video and the Calculation of the Number of the Beasts 666 Per Revelation 13!


The Main antiChrist “The Big Dicktator” Is Here!  Antonio Guterres at the Luciferian UN is the main antiChrist that will be the one world Dicktator that will run the One World Government for the Jew NWO.  He is referred to as the Little Horn in Daniel 7 and the Beast That Comes Out Of the Sea In Rev.13.  Dope Francis is the Beast that comes out of the earth as he is the false prophet.

Note that Antonio Guterres is a Portuguese Jew, Kill Bill is a German Jew and Dope Francis is an Argentinian Jew.  These 3 “dicks” are all fallen angels and super evil and they want all non Jews dead.  Some Jews may be sacrificed just like in WW2 to achieve the Jewish objective of taking control of the entire world and making everyone else their slave who manage to survive their kill shots / Covid 19 vaccines/ Covid 19 tests / flu shots /  quantum dot tattoos / Neuralink which are all Marks of the Beast plus the food shortages and nuclear war.  The Jews are the Satanic Serpent seedline from Satan’s rape of Eve and are at war with God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and His Son, King Jesus, and His Holy Seed, the white race which are the Tribes of Jacob, and all Christians grafted in.  See Genesis 3:15 and John 8:44-47 and links below for more info.  Adolf Hitler and Joseph “Rabbi” Goebbels were the First Two Beasts of the Sea and the Earth respectively in WW2 and were both Jews.

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A Complete Analysis Of Revelation Chapter 11 And Where We Are In The Timeline Of End Times Events. Who Are The 6 Prophets In Revelation 11 And 3 Shepherds Who Will Be Annihilated In 1 Month? The Harpazo And Who’s Going & Who’s Staying.


The Angel Of Death Is Back! The Book of Esther Is An End Times Prophecy For Today For The True Israelites. The antiChrist Revealed! The Anunnaki And The Nephilim Are All Here. They Never Left! Find Out Who’s Who And What’s What!


Hollywood Actor Admits He Eats…People…Armie Hammer Is In Big Trouble!! Must See!


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Warning From The State Of Israel!! Prepare To Either Take The Mark Of The Beast Or Be Outcast! Better To Be An Outcast And Survive Either In This Life Or Your Next Life! Must See!


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Communist Leader, Dr Bella Dodd, Confesses To Infiltrating The Church & USA! Must See!


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The History Of The Communist Movement In The United States That Has Done Away With God Of Abraham Isaac And Jacob And The Supernatural! Must See Video!


Removing Some Darkness Of Today! Must See Video!


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The Truth About The World’s Deadliest “Virus” !! The Enemy Of Mankind! Must See Video !!


The Mark Of The Beast System Is Here! End Times, Social Conditioning, Great Reset, Vaccine Agenda! Must See Videos!


The Lockdown Has Killed Millions!! Must See Video By The Crowhouse!


Proof!! Moderna’s MRNA Injections Are An “Operating System” Designed To Program Humans And Hack Their Biological Functions. Head Of Moderna Playing God Says They Are Hacking The Software Of Life And Rewriting Genetic Code: Transhumanism 101! Must See!


Brendon O’Connell: Alex Jones Admits Israel Has Sold Out America To Russia And China! Must See Videos!


Must-Watch: What’s Really In The Covid-19 Experimental ‘Vaccines – Former FEMA Employee Celeste Solum With David Icke!!


Who Would Have Guessed Demolition Man Would Be the Most Prophetic Movie of the 90s? Prepper’s Movie Decode. Must See!


Never Forget What They Have Done! Must See Documentary!


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One World Government: The Tavistock Institute Of Human Relations [Military-Psychological Backroom Staff!] Must See Video!


Dr. John Coleman – The Tavistock Institute: The World’s Lies And Propaganda Machine. Adorno, The Beatles And Tavistock. 21 Goals Of The Illuminati And The Committee Of 300! Must See!!


Vatican Sex Trafficking And The Mark Of The Beast!! Vatican Child Trafficking & Blackmailed Monarch Slaves! Must See Videos!!


Jesuit False Prophet Francis Along With Gates, Collins & Fraudski Are Going To Stick It To All Of Us With The ID2020, Vaccines, Image Of The Beast, Tracking Systems, Quarantine, Global Genocide, and the Global Holocaust! Must See Videos!


Creating Human 2.0. The Transhuman Agenda. Must See Videos. Heavily Censored!! They Don’t Want You To Know This Info!!


Creating Humans 2.0. They Can Only Push You As Far As You Let Them! Must See Videos By TheCrowhouse!


This Is Mind Blowing! This Thing Holds Your Body Together Like Glue In The Shape Of Little Crosses. Proof Of The Word Of God Made Flesh!! Amazing Discovery! Must See!!


The Ancient Secrets of Cymatics and Resonant Frequencies. Amazing Video by Michael Telliger!


The Covid-19 Gene Modification Inoculation Documentary! Proof That Covid Doesn’t Exist!



The Ancient Secrets of Cymatics and Resonant Frequencies. Amazing Videos!


Just As The Days Of Noah! Revelation: The Trumpets and The Four Horsemen. Connecting The Four Beasts To Ezekiel! Must See!


Injected With A Poison Documentary. The Truth Behind Bill Gates Depopulation Agenda! Sars-Cov-2 Has Not Been Proven To Exist! Must See Videos!


Vaccines, Biontech Companies, Secret Agreements, Death Of The Germ Theory, Transhumanism, Vaccine Trials & What They Are Not Telling You | Dr. Carrie Madej


U S Diplomat Openly Calls For Christian Nation States! Must See!


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Skynet Is The Virus. Clones R Us & The Boys From Brazil! Everyone’s Eating Soylent Green! What’s The Big Secret? Must See Videos By Shaking My Head!!


Find Out Who Is Trying To Take America Down In Order To Establish The Stinking New World Odor! Must See Videos!


The Devil And His Children Are Here On Earth Today In Human Form. Find Out Who Is At War With God Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s Holy Seed! Awesome Video!


Kill Bill The Documentary! Must See Videos!


Kill Bill! Behind the Masque! How Do you Like Me Now? Bill Gates Barcode Children’s Advertising! Must See!


Whistleblower Video Exposes Forced Vaccination In Nursing Homes Which Led To 8 Deaths. Masks Lead To Pneumonia, Oral Thrush, Systemic Inflammation & May Be The Cause Of “Long-Haul” Covid. MSM Now Says Covid Won’t Be Over For “Seven Years”. Must See!


Bill Gates Exposed!! Found The Lost Documentary!!


Urgent Warning !! Nano Particles Found In PCR Test Swabs !! The PCR Test Can Kill You And Can Be Used To Vaccinate You – Dr.Vernon Coleman. Must See!


H.R. 5: The Sodom & Gomorrah Act. The Equality Act Makes Discrimination The Law Of The Land. Must See!


Is The CPAC Stage Designed To Resemble The Norse Odal Rune Insignia Adopted By Hitler Nazi SS Or Is It Just A Coincidence? I Must Admit I Did Nazi This Coming!


Bobby Fischer: How The Best Chess Player In the World Became Arrested And Banned From His Own Country! Was Bobby An MK-ULTRA Victim? Must See Videos!


The Biggest Identity Theft In History! Over 100 Proofs That The True Israelites Were White – 5 Part Series! – Must See Videos!


Donald Trump Is The Modern-Day Golden Calf! The Modern Day Tower Of Babel And The Burning “Rush”! Must See!


Exposing Our Manipulated History, All Is Not What It Seems, Nor What We Perceive! Must See Video!


Prepare To Be Mindblown! This Thing Holds Your Body Together Like Glue. How Great Is Our God Of Abraham Isaac And Jacob! Must See!


TITANpointe, Project Paperclip, Alien Abductions, Myanmar Coup, NSA/CIA/FBI/Darpa vs Americans. Strange Posters In Portland – “Ever Dream THIS MAN?” Heads Of Hydra. Must See Videos By Xtreme Reality Check!


ChrisCrutch ~ THE ONE ABOUT VACKSEENZ! Must See! Share Share Share!


Chris Crutch ~ THE ONE Video To Watch ABOUT VACKSEENZ In A Simple To Understand Presentation! Must See! Share With Everyone!


Fauci In Hot Water | Fauci’s Flip Flop. Del Bigtree – 2nd Dose Or 2nd Thoughts? How Many People Are Covid (False) Positive? Zero!! Doctor Drops Nuclear Truth Bomb On Covid Vaccine. Must See Videos!


Jon Rappoport – The Most Damning Evidence Against The PCR Test! Dr. Scott Jensen – WHO Lowered PCR Test Cycles Coinciding With Injection Release! Must See Videos!


The Transhumanist Covax Agenda Exposed With Dr. Carrie Madej! Our Creator Has His Signature In Your DNA And The Beast Will Leave His Signature In Your DNA After You Take The Covid “Jab”. Must See!


Woman Discovers Self-Assembling, Self-Replicating Nano Morgellons In COVID Swab “Test”. The Test Is Vaccinating You Like Goyim Aka Cattle! Must See!


The Serpent Seed Doctrine And The Kenites, The Seed Of Cain Filtered Through The Lens Of The Holy Scriptures. Must See!


Tiger Woods Car Crash: All Signs Point To The Illuminaughty! Texans Are Realizing Something Is Odd About The Snow! Church Infiltration! Mind Control. Must See Videos!


They Can’t Arrest Us All! Piss Off, It’s The Flu Song – Did The Demon Rats Really Get The Vaccine? Terrible Covid MRNA Vaccine Reactions Including Death! Refusing the RT-PCR Test! Must See Videos!


Frontline Doctor Simone Gold: FBI ‘Broke Down My Door’ In Swat Team Raid Of 20 Men. Must See Simone Gold Interview With Michelle Malkin On Stop Medical Discrimination!


Harry Vox – Emergency Broadcast! Blackouts, Breakdown Of Society, Lawlessness, Qui Bono? Must See Videos!


Dr. Lorraine Day Interview: The Covid Agenda And The Mark Of The Beast! Heavily Censored! Must See!


Vatican Secret Societies – Jesuits, Zionism And The New World Order! Must See Video!


What Is That Sitting On Alan Dershowitz’s Couch Seen In BBC Documentary Panorama? This Is The Same Dershowitz Threatening To Plunge A Needle In Our Arm? Must See Video!


Mark Of The Beast Already Started But People Can’t See It! Worshipping The Beast! Must See!


Expert Immunologist / Virologist Reveals The Absolute Hoax Being Perpetrated. Must See!


Gemma O Doherty Ireland’s Favourite Punching Bag Received Praise On Irish News For Uncovering The Truth. For People Waiting For The Truth On The Mainstream Media, Here It Is! UK Government Confirms That The Covid 19 Virus Does Not Exist! It Is All A Lie! Must See!


Race Mixing. Confusion And The Death Of White Civilization. God Of Abraham Isaac And Jacob’s Vengeance. The Manifestation Of Light. The Test. Must See Videos!


The Dark Winter Has Arrived! The Slavecoin Is Here – Blockchained To The Beast A Documentary! Must See Videos By Shaking My Head!


Pre-Mud Flood: Tartaria Tech Uncovered! The World We Lost! Must See Videos!


Dr. Carrie Madej: The Gene Code Injection! An Experiment On Humanity! Heart Frequency & The Spirit Of God! Must See Videos!


Public Service Announcement From Govern-Mental Overlords To Peasantry Underclass (Feb. 18, 2021)! Must See!!


The Most Unholiest Hoax In All Of History!! Must Listen As It Explains How Most Of The World Has Been Deceived By The Serpent And His Children!! Messiah Jesus Warned Us To Be As Wise As Serpents And Not To Believe in Serpent Fables In Titus 1:14! Must See!!


Are the End Times Upon Us? The Two Prophets Of Rev. 11:7 Assassination in 2021? Why Is the U.S. Government So Interested in UFOs? The Nazi Connection, Who Is the Anti-Christ? STOP AND LISTEN (The Michael Decon Program With Dr. Luke Prophet)


Cursed Dust, PAN, Cernunnos & Secrets of Mt. Hermon Revealed. The Corona Virus Serpent is Crowned…the Documentary! Amazing BODY CODE Documentary! Undeniable evidence Of Our Creator and His Son Coded in Our Body. Must See Decode By Enter The Stars!


We Never Knew, We Knew [2021] (Documentary Video)! Must See!


The Not So Chosen People Explanation. Must See Video! Heavily Censored!


The Covid Vaccine On Trial: If You Only Knew… [2021] – Maureen McDonnell (Documentary Video). Must See! Share With Everyone!


The Curse Of The Serpent And Eve. Amazing BODY CODE Documentary! Undeniable evidence Of Our Creator and His Son Coded in Our Body. The CV Serpent is Crowned…the Documentary! Must See Decode By Enter The Stars!


Follow The White Rabbit! Must See Adrenochrome Data Dump!


Bombshell: Mark Of The Beast And The Beast! Must See!


Israel Threatens To Dump The USA Because They Have Bled The United States Dry After Securing $40B In U.S. Aid! More Evidence Israelis Are Using Placebo COVID Vaccines! Must See Video!!


C-I-A Drug Ops Conspiracy (Unaired Documentary). Must See Video!


Pastor Peter J. Peters Experience With Jewish Power For Standing With God Of Abraham Isaac And Jacob And Exposing the Truth! Must See! Pastor Peters Died Under Mysterious Circumstances!


Experimental Biological Vaccines And Geoengineering, Depopulation Is Real, We Are The Experiment!  The Day Of Reckoning Is Fast Approaching, The Bolsheviks Are In The White House!  Must See Videos!


It’s All About YOU-topia & It’s Happening NOW DARK WINTER is Happening NOW…Power Grid Down ~ I Pet Goat 2.  “They’re Here”…Dorothy & the Witch Land at Flushing Meadows & Lakehouse Matrix.  Must See Videos By Enter The Stars!


Former Luciferian Enlightening Lecture: The Order Followers ‘Cult Of Ultimate Evil’. There Are Only 2 Frequencies: Love And Fear! Must See!!


“Marching to Zion” Official Full Film! Must See!


Covid Death Va666ine – 1st Shot Changes Your DNA & Kills The Elderly – 2nd Shot Kills 50% Who Get It. Dr. Carrie Madej On Why V@ccines Are A Threat To Humanity & Cause Infertility, Qui Bono? Must See Videos!


Has Dark Winter Started? The Texas Blackout – When The Lights go Out Examined! Modern Medicine – Show Me The Money! The Weekend Plays Scar At Super Bowl 55. The Mixing of DNA – Iron And Clay. Must See Videos Shaking My Head!


Gates, Epstein, Maxwell & Mossad Connection! Must See Interview With Harry & Nick From Denmark! Heavily Censored! Watch While You Can!


Alien Joe Swears on Goat Lucy’s Bible. The Weeknd’s Super Bowl 2021 Performance Presents: an Ode to the AntiChristos. The 2021 Super Bowl Ads Are ALREADY Promoting the New Whoaaa Order. We Live in a Simulation of Reality. They Are No Longer Hiding It. Must See Videos!


Is Moses Back On Earth?  Why Does Barack Obama Look Like Akhenaten?  Are Akhenaten And Moses The Same Entity?  Akhenaten Brought In Monotheism To Egypt.  Find Out Who Barack Obama Is And His Role In The End Times!  Must See Videos!


Dr. Tom Cowan & Dr. Andrew Kaufman – Has The Covid-19 Been Isolated? China Admits: ‘They Didn’t Isolate The Covid-19 Virus’! MSM Just Admitted They Didn’t Isolate The Virus! It’s All Based On A Lie! Must See!


Dr. Carrie Madej: The Covid Vaccine Will Turn Us Into Human 2.0. Dr. Tom Cowan Explains MRNA Vaccines. Celeste Solum Talks Hydrogel. Nanobots, Vaccines & 5G = Depopulation! Gates Of Hells Admits The Vaccine Will Change Our DNA Forever! Must See Videos!


Michael Phelps is a Genetically Modified Human | Illuminati MK Ultra Facilities | Clones and Cyborgs. Must See Video.


Carrie Madej | Planet Lockdown | Full Interview!  Planet Lockdown: Brendon O’Connell Fills In The Missing Information In Catherine Austin Fitts Planet Lockdown!  How Microsoft Israel Gave The Keys To Russia And The China. Must See!


Exposed! Cows Are Vaccinated With A Swab In The Nose. Dr. Carrie Madej & Dr. Lorraine Day Both Confirm That COVID-19 Test Could Technically Be Vaccinating You Through Your Nose. Live Nanotechnology Found In The Covid-19 Swabs Test! Must See Videos!!


Fedex Shipping Body Bags Across America! Whistleblower Reveals Extermination Plan For Rounding Up Patriots, Christians & Intellectuals! Must See So You Don’t End Up In One Of Those Fedex Shipped Body Bags!!


The Vaccine Mafia! Harry ~ An Interview With Lillian McDermott & Nick From Denmark! Harry Explains What Is Really Going On Today & Why You Are Locked Up In Your House! The Dismantling Of America! Must See Videos!


Dr. Lorraine Day W. Jana Tells Us the Real Truth About Hydroxychloroquin. Enter The Stars Tells Us That This “Cure All” Has Been Scripted in the Spars Pandemic Paper Written by John Hopkins in 2017 That Everyone Is Following In Lockstep. Must See Videos!


Zoom Interview Rosa Koire And Willem Engel On The Fourth Industrial Revolution Unfolding! The UN Agenda 21 Masterplan. The UN Plan To Kill, Cull, Sterilize, Euthanize! Must See!


Brutal Honesty “It’s Ripping Time!” Heavily Censored!  Banned Everywhere! Truth Is Becoming A Revolutionary Act! Must See!! 


Brutal Honesty Chris Weinert “It’s Ripping Time!” Must See For A Dose Of Reality!


Spars Pandemic Scenario 2025-2028 Welcome To Your Future! Must See To FInd Out What Is Planned For You!


What They Secretly Told Us During The Super Bowl Halftime Show (2021)! How To Get A Medical Exemption For The Covid Messenger RNA DNA Changing Vaccine! Must See Videos!


Must See: “Lethal Injection” The Story Of Vaccination – Far Deeper Than You Can Imagine!


Pathogenic Priming! Must See!


All Wars Are Banker’s Wars! Must See VIdeo!!


Death By Medicine! Must See Video!


Exposed!! The Khazarian Mafia: The Synagogue Of Satan – Full Movie! Must See! Heavily Censored!! The Devil Doesn’t Want You To Know!!


Chilling Super Bowl Show & Ads Decode! Warped Seed Was Planned a Long Time Ago! Escape From New York & LA is Happening NOW! The Johnny Dmnemonic BIOHACK Matrix. Must See Enter The Stars Decode!


China Deception; Game Of Misdirection! Covid-19 Vaccine Truth. Obama In Jail? Truth, Lies, And Deceit! The Truth Of Biblical Israel; Not Church Lies! Must See Videos!!


The Break Up Of The United States – Oded Yinon Comes To America For The Benefit Of Israel. Kill Switch – Israel & Microsoft, How They Subvert America. Must See Videos Brendon O’Connell!/prophecy/2021/02/the-break-up-of-the-united-states-oded-yinon-comes-to-america-for-the-benefit-of-israel-kill-switch-israel-microsoft-how-they-subvert-america-must-see-videos-brendon-oconnell-2518560.html

Exposed!! AMERICA THE BLIGHT: The Method to The Madness. Must See!!


Exposed!! PhD Chemist Whistleblower who Worked 17 Years Developing Chemtrails: 90% of Chemtrails Designed to Alter Emotions/Mood/State of Mind and Provoke “Flu-like Symptoms” Must Read!


Enough Is Enough With Dr. Amanda Vollmer !! Must See !! /agenda-21/2021/02/enough-is-enough-with-dr-amanda-vollmer-must-see-2864.html

Spacebusters (Coronavirus & Vax, MRNA, Nano-Tech, 5G Crime Report) “They Once Were The Living…” Must See!! Share With Everyone!


Eustace Mullins: History You Have Not Been Told About! Must See Videos!


Prophecy Being Fulfilled With The Invasion Of America With The Illegal Aliens! Must See Video!


The Iron Curtain Over America. Military Intelligence Insider Was Privy To The Real Story Of What Happened In History That Brought Communism To America. You Will Be Surprised! This Is A Must Video!


Exposed!! Is President Joe Biden Human? This Is “Shocking” Bill Gates Reveals The Covid-19 Vaccines Is The Next Virus Coming. Fear Of Anti-Government Trump Supporters. What They Don’t Want You To Know About My Pillow Guy Mike Lindell! Must See!


Very Important Info!! Seniors Dying After COVID Vaccine Now Labeled As Natural Causes! Moderna VS Pfizer’s Gene Therapy: See Which “Injection” Is More “Deadly”! Must See!


COVID Death Vaccine ~ 1st Shot Changes Your DNA & Kills The Elderly ~ 2nd Shot Kills 50% Who Get It! Must See And Share Far And Wide!


10,000+ Adverse Effects In First Month Of DNA Distorting ‘Gene Therapy’ Injection. Wireless Warfare Exposed. Includes Ways To Protect Your Family. Must See!


Who Is Trying to Destroy the Christian And Caucasian Western Nations Who Are The Real Tribes of Jacob Surnamed Israel? Esau Is Mad As He!! For Trading His Birthright For A Bowl Of Gefilte Fish! Find Out Who’s Who Today. Heavily Censored Videos!


Red Alert: Dr. Carrie Madej: Human 2.0? Will The Covid “Injection” Turn Us Into A Transhuman & Completely Enslave Us? Must See Compilation Of Videos Of Doctors From Around The World Warning Us Of The Risks!!


Warning!! This Is Urgent!! You & Your Families Life Depends On Seeing This! – Must See Video!


329 Deaths And 9516 “Other Injuries” So Far Predominantly In The Nursing Homes. Now They Want Everyone To Bend Over! Excellent Videos And Updates!


Dr. Carrie Madej ~ Covid-19 Vaccine Will Permanently Alter Our DNA -There’s No Going Back!! Nursing Home Whistleblower “Patients Dying Like Flies After Vaccine” Timmy Learns About Covid Vaccines. Must See Videos!!


Wolves In Our Midst Identified ~ Awesome Video For All Christians & Caucasians To Understand Who The Wolves Are That Are Trying To Kill Us! Church of Smyrna and Philadelphia Both Taught Rev. 2:9 & 3:9 And Understood It.


Spacebusters: Once Were The Living – Full Covid Scam Uncovered! Fauci Exposed! Why You Cannot Trust Boris Johnson! Must See!!


American Police Now “Israeli-DHS Trained,” Precursor To Dictatorship. Ex-IDF Soldier Exposes Cause Of Police Brutality. The Kneeling on Floyd George Was A Freemasonic Ritual. Very Informative Video!


Priest Warns Vaccine Can Cause Death! Freemason’s Secret Society Exposed As Satanic Cult! Must See!


The Book Of Ezekiel Was Purposely Altered And Not Placed In Chronological Order In Order To Confuse The Reader. Excellent Video To Learn The Correct Order!


Whistleblower Leaks Extermination Plan For Rounding Up Patriots, Christians And Intellectuals! Must See Videos!


Friends Of David Goldberg Warning: USA Genocide: Get Out Of The USA Survival Guide & Plan For Patriots. Project To Exterminate Millions Of Americans! Must Listen!


Who Has Destroyed America? Must See Video !


329 Deaths And 9,516 “Other Injuries” So Far Predominantly In The Nursing Homes.  Now They Want Everyone To Bend Over!  Excellent Videos And Updates On All People That Have Died From This Experiment Jab Not FDA Approved!


The Epic Of Gilgamesh, The Two Adams And The Two Creations Of Genesis, Dagon The Fish god, The War In The Heavens And Satan And The Fallen Angels Being Cast Down To Earth! Important History For Your Learning. Excellent Videos!


The Elderly And Frail In The Long Term Care Homes Are Dying Like Flies Since They Got Their Shot In The Arm. Now They Want Everyone To Bend Over! Excellent Videos And Updates On The Hunger Games Tribute To People That Died From This Experiment Jab Not FDA Approved!


How To Legally Refuse The Lethal Injections Service. Get Ready To Say No! Must See!


The Covid Con ~ Here’s How It Works – Covid Bioweapon Of The Bankers. The Dismantling Of America: Harry Vox / Robert David Steel. The Collapse Of America? Max Igan With Harry Vox. Must See Videos On One Of The Most Heavily Censored Truth Tellers!


Max Igan On The Richie Allen Show. 5G Awareness. Reclaiming Sovereignty. Living In Resonance: A Conversation On Consciousness. Excellent Interviews With TheCrowhouse.


Pfizer Admits Vaccine Does Not Prevent COVID! Must See !


War To Conquer The White Western European Christian Nations And America. Much See Video!


Federal Reserve ‘System’ (Sits Atop The Food Chain Of The D.C. Swamp)! Must See!


The Legend Of Norman Dodd: How Rich People Pay Activists To Screw Everybody & How America’s Education System Was Hijacked! Must See!


Foundations & Flaws Of Viral Theory. Review Of The Covid And The Science Of MRNA Vaccines. 5G And Coronavirus! Excellent Videos By Dr. Cowan.


Proof of a Mysterious Lost Ancient Global Civilization Spanning Virtually the Entire Planet ~ Awesome Video by Bright Insight!


Dr. Carrie Madej ~ Fighting For The Children! Covid-19 Vaccine Will Permanently Alter Our DNA And Make Us Transhuman ~ There’s No Going Back!! The Covid-19 Vaccine Casualties Mounting Like Sheep To The Slaughter!! Must See Videos!!


Jacobin Cover Has Joe Biden As The antiChrist! Vaccine Logo Tied To Trump Ancestors! Excellent Videos And Decode By Enter The Stars!


History Of Putin, KGB, Chabad, & Mossad – Excellent Video! /prophecy/2021/01/history-of-putin-kgb-chabad-mossad-excellent-video-2518070.html

SUPER BOWL 55 Glorifying The Goat And Worship Of False Idols!  Beast Agenda Exposed!  Welcome To The Hunger Games! A House Divided Cannot Stand! Excellent Videos By Shaking My Head!  Banned On YT! /prophecy/2021/02/super-bowl-55-glorifying-the-goat-beast-agenda-exposed-welcome-to-the-hunger-games-a-house-divided-cannot-stand-must-see-videos-by-shaking-my-head-2518355.html

Anyone That Takes The Covid-19 Jab Will Be Turned From The Image Of God To The Image Of The Beast! Excellent Interview With Dr. Carrie Madej And Jana!  /christian-news/2021/01/anyone-that-takex-the-covid-19-jab-will-be-turned-from-the-image-of-god-to-the-image-of-the-beast-excellent-interview-with-dr-carrie-madej-and-jana-2592953.html

Communist Subversion | A Plan For Total World-Wide Control. Absolutely One Of The Best Videos Ever Made On ‘The New World Order’ And The Number 33! Lucifer’s JNWO Is Now Upon Us! /prophecy/2021/01/communist-subversion-a-plan-for-total-world-wide-control-absolutely-one-of-the-best-videos-ever-made-on-the-new-world-order-and-the-number-33-lucifers-jnwo-is-now-upon-us-2518031.html

“We’ll Just Get Rid of All Whites in the United States” – CDC Chair of Advisory Committee on Immunizations Lashes Out at White Americans. Planned Genocide Of The White Race ! The White Supremacy Lie ! Must See Banned Videos!!


Molech: It’s Priests & Temples Of Today Excellent Videos !


Court Says Lockdowns ‘Catastrophically Wrong,’ Overall Mortality Normal & Biden’s Vaccine Passports. PHD Says Sars-Cov-2 Has Never Been Isolated! Must See Videos!


Spiritual Warfare And Exorcism [Matthew 16:18-19; Mark 16:15-18; Luke 10:19-20]. Excellent Videos! /christian-news/2021/01/spiritual-warfare-and-exorcism-matthew-1618-19-mark-1615-18-luke-1019-20-excellent-videos-2592897.html

Agenda 21 Is Here! Excellent Videos ! Banned Everywhere!


The Great Game – A Family Civil War, Trump, Biden & Kissinger. Israeli Drones World Wide – Israel Russia China & Iran: The Belt & Road. Israels Secret Weapon – The Talpiot Program. Excellent Videos By Brendon O’Connell!


Exposed: Anthony Sutton, Eustace Mullins And The Control Paradigm. Bev Harris – Electronic Vote Fraud. Murder, Spies & Voting Lies: The Clint Curtis Story. Excellent Videos!!


U Eyes Shall Be Opened + U Shall Be As Gods ~ Transhumanism H+ Deception Rising ~ [Genesis 3:5]. Excellent Video By Nicholson 1968!


World Doctors Alliance – The Covid Nuremberg Trials. Nursing Home Health Issues Following Covid Vaxx Campaign “Testimony”. Excellent Videos!


Dr. David E. Martin – The Fauci/Covid-19 Dossier! Revealing the TRUTH behind the LIES! Excellent Video!


Covid Doesn’t Exist! We Have The Proof!! Excellent Video! Share With Everyone!!


The Science Of MRNA Vaccines The First Of Its Kind Being Rolled Out Called Covid-19! 5G And The Coronavirus! Excellent Videos With Dr. Tom Cowan!


Race Mixing! Excellent Video!!


Koch Brothers Exposed • Full Documentary By Brave New Films.  Great Video Showing How 2 Rich Philanthropists Subverted American Democracy To Help Usher In The Stinking Jew New World Odor!


Dr. Lorraine Day – They Are Putting Something Into Your Brain. Truth In A Satanic World. Excellent Interview With Alex Stein.


Jacob Rothschild Delivers Leaked Queen’s Speech Instructions On Covid Herd Management! Excellent Speech! Must See!


GlowingVegan Interviews Dr. Lorraine Day, The Most Fearless Truthteller To Help Cut Through The Lies! Excellent Video!


Demoralization: What Yuri Bezmenov Didn’t Tell You! – Excellent Video!


Justen Faull On Hollow Earth, Hybrids, & End Times Prophecy with Jim Wilhelmsen! The Fake ALIEN Invasion Is Coming From Underground! Excellent Video!!


VERY BAD NEWS: JEWS AT WORK: Nordic Resistance banned – Bitchute Deplatforms Law-Abiding Nationalist Groups On Behalf of Leftist NGOs – My Comments – Worthless Rumble

Dispatches ~The Communist Snakes At Their Best ~ Mind Control The UK. Excellent Video!


Doctors Aren’t Taught About Vaccines In Medical School. CIA Vaccines: Spying Or Sterilizing Program? HPV Vaccine Insert Lists Death As Adverse Event. Genocide In The Guise Of A Vaccine. CDC Admits Vaccines Contain A Carcinogen. Must See Videos!


Mass Civil Disobedience Is Spreading! Must See Video!


Dr. Carrie Madej: “This Is The Ultimate Enslavement Of Humanity” (January 20, 2021 Interview With Tania). Must See Video!!


The Trials Of Henry Kissinger (Documentary). Banned In 6 Countries. The Pornography Of Power! Must See!!


The Jewish Agenda to Destroy the White Race

The Greatest Lie Ever Told – History Is Not What You Think! Excellent Video!


The Book Of Revelation! Excellent Video To Understand The Book Of Revelation!


Tomorrowland…”58 Days”, Tesla, Edison & the 1939 World’s Fair. The Betrayal of Trump Was All Scripted And Outlined In Disney Movie! Don’s Farewell & The 5th Wave…Us Against Us! Great Videos And Decode By Enter The Stars!


R.I.P. America. The Inauguration Ritual – Raising Osiris. And They Worship The Image. Television – Telling Lies To Your Vision. Great Videos By Shaking My Head!


What Is Lawful Money & Who Stole Yours? Excellent Video!


The Principle (2015) – Banned Film: Are We Special In The Universe? New Suppressed Science Says Yes. Must See Video!


Sterilisation By Vaccination! Excellent Video!


Celeste Solum & David Icke: Former FEMA Discusses Vaccine & Mass Depopulation! Is The Test Tagging You? Must See Video!


Operation Lying Spirit and “Operation Trust” A Jewish Bolshevik PsyOp! Great Video By Corner Fringe Ministries!


The Bolshevik Revolution was a Jewish Revolution to kill the white Christians and it was run by Jews and funded by Jews. The Jews took their vengeance on Russia as the Czar wouldn’t let the Rothschild have a central bank in Russia. 

The Jewish Ethnic Cleansing Of Europeans
Genrikh Grigoryevich Yagoda born Yenokh Gershevich Iyeguda (7 November 1891–15 March 1938) into a Jewish family in Rybinsk. He joined the Bolsheviks in 1907 and was a director of the NKVD, and intelligence agency. Responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people, as head Yagoda’s black vans went out every night in St. Petersburg, known then as Leningrad, to round up “class enemies”: former members of the aristocracy, former civil servants, former businessmen, former teachers and professors and professional people, ethnic Europeans who had graduated from a university. A quarter of the population of the city was arrested and liquidated by Yagoda.

In Flu Enza AKA “Spanish Flu” ~ How 50 Million Died In 1918 Due To Vaccines & Mask Wearing! Excellent Video!


The Red Shoes & The Illuminati Ninth Circle | Satanic Hollywood Sacrifices, NWO Agenda, Martial Law ! Fantastic video!!


Joe Imbriano: Update On The Inauguration, 5G And The Alien Virus! Great Videos!


Top Medical Inventor: Covid MRNA Covid 19 “Vaccine” Is Not A Vaccine! Must See Video!!  Dr. David E. Martin


Woman Slams The 4 Vaccinazis At Connecticut’s Required School Immunizations Hearing. FDA Vaccine Insert Lists Autism As Adverse Reaction! Gardasil Vaccine Causing Ovarian Failure. Flu Shot Kills Healthy Teenager & More! Excellent Videos!


Rabbi Confirms To Pastor That Sacrificed Babies Are Put Into The Food At McDonalds And Matzo Balls! America Is Collapsing, Rothshchild’s State Of Israel Must Step Up As New World Superpower Says Rabbi In January 2021. Great Video To Understand The Agenda!


Babies Are Born Alive At 5-6 Months Old With Beating Hearts And Having Their Hearts Cut Out Without Any Anesthesia & Sacrificed For Use In Vaccines – Shocking Interview With Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Discussing The Manufacture Of Vaccines – Must Be Viewed By Everyone!!


Dr. Carrie Madej: Reprogramming Of Cells Without Informed Consent – Ramola Reports. Excellent Video!! Must See!! Christians This Is Your Wake Up Call!!


Agenda “Plandemic” – 50 Years In The Making! Corona Madness – It’s All Planned Folks! 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony Ritual. Vaccine Truth – Share Everywhere! Excellent Videos Shaking My Head!


Dr Eric A Nepute 40,000 Adverse Vaccine Effects Which Is Not FDA Approved!  Vaers – Pfizer And Moderna Adverse Reaction Reports Escalating Exponentially.  Dr. Confirms The Jab Was The Cause Of Death Of Florida Doctor. Must See Videos!


Exposed !! This is Not a vaccine! Dr Judy Mikovits Goes Off On The Real Covid-19 Plot!! Focus On Fauci! Excellent Videos!


Warning !! 55 People Dead Already In The US After Getting The “Jab”. Florida Nurse: ‘I Can’t Stand This Corruption Any More’ Regarding The Covid-19 Lies !! 120,000 Care Home Staff Refuse Covid-19 Jab. What Are The Risks Of The Covid-19 Vaccine? With Sucharit Bhakdi !! Great Videos!


Donald J. Trump The Role Of A Lifetime – A Documentary! Hells Angels Hidden In Plain Sight – It’s All Scripted! Greenland 2020 American Disaster Trailer. Great Video By Shaking My Head!


White Race – Battle Of The Ages Is Upon Us. The Black Budget And What Americans Have Paid For With Their Tax Dollars! Awesome Video!


Confusion The Death Of White Civilization And Where Did Your American Tax Dollars Go?? Excellent Video!


Bombshell:  Globalist New World Order Plan: Classified COVID Depopulation of Earth, Document Read by Italian Doctor! – Must See Banned Video!


Must Watch !! Urgent Information About The Covid-19 Vaccine From Doctor Simone Gold !! Very Concise Layman Friendly Presentation On This Vaxx! Video.


Exposed !! A Funeral Director Blows The Whistle, The Covid-19 Numbers Are A Lie !! Dr Louise Lagendijk Discusses New Mrna Vaxx. Dresden Concentration Camps For Covid19 Skeptics. Male Nurse Develops Severe Reaction To Covid 19 Jab! Excellent Videos!


The White Reformer! Amazing Historical Video For All Christians And The White Race To Determine Who’s Who!


And The Oscar Goes To…President Trump. The Whole Worlds A Stage & We Are The Ones Being Played! Clade X Simulation Exercise Predicts The Fraudulent Election, The Riots, The Next President And More! Excellent Videos – Banned By You Tube – Shaking My Head.


Jim Willie Interview – Stolen Vatican Gold!?! Insurrection Act – PART 1 – Fact or Fiction? – Part 2 Great Videos!


Double Vision – The Tale Of Two Trumps – Welcome To The Bizarro World! Great Video By Shaking My Head!!


Time For Melting – The Present Brain Freeze – The Real Virus – The Stupid Virus! The Car That The US Gov Doesn’t Want You To Know About! Excellent Video!


The Planned White Genocide! Excellent Video!


Rise of the New World Order 2021! - The Fight Against Spiritual Wickedness In High Places.  Must See Videos!


The “PCR Test Everybody” Strategy Has No Scientific Validity Whatsoever. Studies Show Masks Cause Higher Rates Of Infections And Disease. The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated On An Unsuspecting Public. Great Videos From Thomas Cowan, Del Bigtree & Roger Hodkinson!


Merging Man & Machine – Where Do You Draw The Line? America – It’s Not What You Think. Great Videos By Shaking My Head Production!


Light Vs Darkness. Excellent Video!


Breaking News! Woman Goes Into Anaphylactic Shock Minutes After Taking Killer Phisza M-RNA Vaccine & Whistleblower! Must See Video!


The Death Of White European Civilization! Must See Video!


Did Nostradamus Predict Everything Currently Happening In 2021?? 2021 The Great Reset, Lockdowns, Genocide And Censorship. Great Videos By Dollar Vigilante!


Dr Amanda Vollmer: How To Fight Fines And Grow A Spine – Psychological Warfare – The Antibody Theory Is False – The Mutations Explained – Enough Is Enough – Covid Is A Lie. Awesome Videos To Help Wake You Up!


England’s Royal Family Polluted And The Kings Of The Earth As Prophesied From The Tribe Of Judah! Excellent Video!


Exposed! Nanotechnology In The Covid-19 Swabs Test! In Egypt This Swab Up The Nose Was A Punishment For Slaves! Excellent Videos! Must See!!


America Betrayed!! The Pentagon On 9-11 2001 Excellent Videos!


Planet Lockdown –  Filling In The Missing Information – Catherine Austin Fitts!  How Microsoft Israel Gave The Keys To Russia And The Chinese Commies.  The Rats In The Ranks.  Excellent Videos By Brendon O’Connell! /prophecy/2021/01/planet-lockdown-filling-in-the-missing-information-catherine-austin-fitts-how-microsoft-israel-gave-the-keys-to-russia-and-the-chinese-commies-the-rats-in-the-ranks-excellent-videos-by-bren-2517598.html

Trump Is The Tip Of The Spear And The Tip Of The Needles To Deliver The Venom. Apollo’s Arrow Brings Disease! Trump’s Columbus Globe Dates Back to 1939 Fair. I Pet Goat 3, The Honey Trap & Much More! Excellent Videos By Enter The Stars!


Joe Biden’s Wife and Baby Died in a Mysterious Car Crash – The Donald Trump Impeachment & Joe Biden Inauguration Is Federal Theater – Pope Francis & Pope Benedict Receive the Coronavirus Vaccine! Breaking Down the News and Jesuit Propaganda Using Gematria – Great Videos!


Bombshell: Klaus Schwab Tells The Truth About The Great Reset In Harry Vox Interview. Police State Contagion: US Plan To Use Bioweapons To Impose Martial Law. The 2010 Lockstep Plan Explained Which All Countries Are Following In “Lock Step”. Must See Videos!


Shawn’s Story After Taking The Moderna Mark Of The Beast 666. Shake Rattle And Roll Even When You Don’t Want To! Must See Video!!!


Boring Boris Johnson Confirms The Transhuman Agenda With The Use Of Gate’s Big Prick And The New World Order Plans! Excellent Video!


The Jewish Kaballah And The Jesuits all Point to 911 (IXXI) As The Beginning Of Their Door Opening To The antiChrist! Excellent Videos!


I Pet Goat 3 Shows How The World ENDS! Awesome Video And Decode With Enter The Stars, Nicholson 1968 And KJ!


America Without Trump. Secession Is The Only Way. International Zionism Or Globalism. The Corona ‘Gates’ Tattoo. Fake News, Fake Election. Excellent Videos!


666: Coronavirus And The Mark Of The Beast! Excellent Video!


Project Blue Beam – God Of Abraham Isaac And Jacob Shall Send Them Strong Delusion, That They Should Believe A Lie! Land Of Confusion – Order Out Of Chaos. Pharmakeia – A Cure For Wellness. Excellent Videos Shaking My Head


Super Bowl X And How It Relates To The Coming Potential Disaster On Or Around Inauguration Day January 2021! Patriots Should Stay At Home! Great Video And Decode!


24 Dead In NYC Nursing Home Days After Getting The Jab! The Culling Has Begun! Great Video!


Vaccines Agenda Murder US ALL!!! Must See! Is Donald Trump A Judas Goat? David Knight Exposes Trump! Great Videos!


Cracked ILLUSION! Counting Down To A Major Catastrophe In The Next 10 Days! Great Video!! Heavily Censored! Watch While You Can!


Zoom Call Leaked – Biden Declares “This Country Is Doomed” Along With The White Race!! The Covid PCR Test Can Be Deadly! A Very Tragic Christmas Story From Taking The PCR Test! Must See Videos!


Brave Reporter Goes Off Script On Air With Doctor! Excellent Video!


God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s Gift To The Wicked! Excellent Video!


Vaccines Good Or Bad? Excellent Video!


Demon Observed By Hundreds At Midday On Vatican Roof | Total NWO Elite Media Censorship Taking Place! Excellent Video!


Trump’s NEW AGE Warp Speed Advisor Wants to Tap Chakras w/ BIOELECTRIC Nano Implants! 1939 World’s Fair “Democracity”, the WORLD of TOMORROW is NOW.. Serpent Sun God Injection Ritual! Awesome Videos By Enter The Stars!


They Live [1988] (Movie)! Excellent Video That Is Applicable ForToday!!! People Need To Shut Off Their Talmudvision In Order To Find The Truth!


MUST SHARE WITH EVERYONE! mRNA Vaccine is an Operating System! Excellent Video!


24 Dead and 137 Infected at NY Nursing Home After Experimental COVID Injections!! Excellent Update!!


Denmark Is Now At War! Must See Videos!!


For Those Who Cannot See (There Are 10 Days Left)!  Awesome Video!


YOU Are The Key – Stairway To The Heavens!!! COVID Connection To The Cosmic Void! Excellent Video!! Watch While You Can! Heavily Censored!


Panicked Area 51 Worker Calls Exposing Lying aLIEns & NWO Human Extermination Plan! Excellent Video!


The Mustard Seed Of Life! Awesome Video!!  /christian-news/2021/01/the-mustard-seed-of-life-awesome-video-2-2592347.html

The Final Countdown! Select Blackouts Around the World And More! Heavily Censored Video. Watch While You Can!  /prophecy/2021/01/the-final-countdown-select-blackouts-around-the-world-and-more-heavily-censored-video-watch-while-you-can-2517470.html

The War In The Heavens Against God Of Abraham Isaac And Jacob! The Real Star Wars! Excellent Video!


The Crowhouse: The Coming Zombie Apocalypse! Excellent Video!


The Truth About Autism And Cancer And Vaccines! Hunger Games Tribute To The Holistic Doctors! Must See Videos! Heavily Censored


Breakthrough cancer treatment called GcMAF


The Truth About Baby Vaccines! What Every Parent Should Know And What Your Doctor Will Not Tell You! Excellent Videos!


Hunger Games Tribute To Another Great Patriot Fallen! The War On Truth And The Battle For Freedom! Excellent Video! Must See!


Trump Loses WWF Fight – What Just Happened? Should The U.S Invade Israel? Solarwind Was Intel Killed By Russian Espionage Based In Israel. Israel’s Secret Weapon – The Talpiot Program! Excellent Videos By Brendon O’Connell A Beacon Of Truth!


The History Of Joos In China – Israel Continues To Sell Out The United States To The CCP. Excellent Video By Brendon O’Connell!


Obama Paid Italian Weapons Contractor Leonardo $400m To Manipulate 2020 Election Via Satellite. Great Video!


Gemma O’Doherty: Death Toll From Covid “Kill” Shot Rises! Sheep To The Slaughter! Awesome Update!


Harry Vox On Richie Allen Show.  The Great Reset Explained: Satan Klaus Schwab And Harry Vox.   Police State Contagion: US Plan To Use Bioweapons To Impose Martial Law.  Must See Videos! /christian-news/2021/01/harry-vox-on-richie-allen-show-the-great-reset-explained-satan-klaus-schwab-and-harry-vox-police-state-contagion-us-plan-to-use-bioweapons-to-impose-martial-law-must-see-videos-2592271.html


The War On Truth And Our Rights! Excellent Video! Must See!


Here’s Why Everyone On The World Stage Will Die From Covid-19 Before You. Awesome Video!


The Devil’s Been Busy – He Knows His Time Is Short! Washington D.C. Gone Wild – Keep Calm Because It’s Showtime!  Great Video By Shaking My Head!


Never Again! Excellent Video!


Warning About Communism In Third World Countries Coming To America. This Race War Between Jacob And Esau And Their Descendants Was Prophesied. Find Out What’s What And Who’s Who To Understand What Is Going On Today! Awesome Videos!


The Noahide Laws In America Which Will Be Used To Decapitate Christians And Patriots! Excellent Video! /christian-news/2021/01/the-noahide-laws-in-america-which-will-be-used-to-decapitate-christians-and-patriots-excellent-video-2592224.html

The Simpsons Grim Prediction About Trump. Another Show Predicts That Pence Will Be Dead At The Age Of 61. Is The Grim Reaper In Trump And Pence’s Immediate Future? Who Will Become The Führer Of The Fourth Reich In America? Excellent Videos!


The Dropa Race & Their Discs Of Knowledge In China. Very Interesting Video!  /prophecy/2021/01/the-dropa-race-their-discs-of-knowledge-in-china-very-interesting-video-2517423.html

Belarus Offered $940m From The World Bank To Lockdown.  Excellent Videos!


The Mainstream Media’s War On Truth And Freedom. Great Video By The Crowhouse!


Scripture And Historicity – Just Say No To The Covid19 Va666ine! Excellent Video!


The Mystery Of Genesis 3:15 Unravelled! Who Was Screwing Who And Who Is Screwing Us Today! Awesome Video!


The Right To Bear Arms! They Are Coming For The Guns And Bibles Next To Push In The Totalitarian Fascist Stinking Jew New World Odor!! Banned Videos! Watch While You Can!


The Jew & Black Communist Movement In The United States! Excellent Video!!


Shocker: Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine Whistleblower Speaks Out. Must See!! Great Video!


Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine Causes “Monsterism”

Abductions And How To Stop Them! Awesome Video!


CDC Death Numbers Expose Covid Hoax. CV: 2019 Cares Act? H.R. 6666? Patent 060606? Introduced Jan 2019 Before Covid Outbreak? Sentient World Simulation Darpa Advisor Reveals Conscious AI Supercomputers Used For Mind Control. Excellent Videos!


PhD Chemist Whistleblower who Worked 17 Years Developing Chemtrails: 90% of Chemtrails Designed to Alter Emotions/Mood/State of Mind and Provoke “Flu-like Symptoms” Must Read!


Professor Dolores Cahill People Will Start Dying Soon After The First MRNA Vaccination! Top Microbiologist Says Covid Vaccine “Downright Dangerous,” Will Send You “To Your Doom”. Excellent Videos!


John Wrote It Very Simple! Excellent Video!


Moses The Mount And Starships. Awesome Video!


The Greatest Commandment! Awesome VIdeo!


The Second Commandment. Excellent Video!


Operation Warp Speed Ahead – The Spiritual War For Your Soul! – Excellent Videos By Shaking My Head & Enter The Stars!


Portuguese Nurse Dies Suddenly After Receiving COVID Vaccine. Modern Admits Their Experimental COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Are Operating System Designed To Program Human DNA! Must See Videos!


PCR Test & COVID-19 Pandemic Debunked as Deep State Terrorism Hoax! – Must See Video!


Seattle Space Needle 2021 Shows The Luciferian Agenda! – Awesome Videos By Shaking My Head And Decode By Enter The Stars!


EU Lawsuit Reveals Globalist’s Coronahoax Vaccine Extermination Protocol. Shocking Video!!


How One Man Took Down America….And The World! Excellent Videos!


Georgia’s Election Fraud Linked To Global Pedophile Network Coverup! Great Video!


Jews In Family Guy, American Dad, South Park & The Simpsons (( Compilation )).  Excellent Video!


People Dropping Like Flies From The Vax, Empty Hospitals And Dancing Tik Tok Nurses! Must See Video By Dollar Vigilante!!


Simpsons Reveal That Jew Owned Trump Serves Israel & Betrays America (The Ex Wife). Excellent Video!


The Coming Starvation As Prophesied In The Tribulation! Excellent Video!


Israel Cohen, A Racial Program for The Twentieth Century. Great Video To Understand The Plan!


Pervywood ~ Part 6 ~ Royal Flush. Connecting The Dots With Lady Di, JFK Jr, Justin Trudeau And The Vatican. Excellent Video!


Corbett Report: The Future Of Vaccines! The Fiasco Of The 1976 ‘Swine Flu Affair’. The World In 2021 And The Biderman Report For Compliance. Great Videos!


Biden: “I Was Ready To Prostitute Myself!”. Great Video!


Lucky Larry Silverstein. Great Video!


Sirhan: A “Manchurian Candidate” In The RFK Assassination? RFK Jr. Tells Of His Visit With Sirhan In His Interview. Must See Videos!


There Are Only Two Choices For You Now! Will You Take The Kill Shot Or Not? Biggest Deception On The Whole World Endgame Plan – 5G Whistleblower! Awesome Videos By Think About It!


Covid 19 Is Very Dangerous And This Is Why.  The Biderman Report of 1956 and Covid-19 Similarities.  The Jewish Communist Coercive Methods For Eliciting Individual Compliance.  Excellent Videos!


3 Things You Must Know Before You Take The Covid-19 “Kill” Shot! They Pushed A Global Vaccine Program Before. How Changing the Definition of Pandemic Altered Our World! Excellent Videos!


Will We Ever Get Out Of This? RFK Jr.’s Warning Not To Take The Shot! The Injection Fraud – It’s Not a Vaccine! Great Video By Thnk About It!


Everything Is A Rich Mans Trick Part 2 On Secret Societies That Have Shaped Human History! Excellent Video!


White Genocide And The Zionists Behind It – Attention Caucasians!! Look Who Is Behind The Curtain! Excellent Video!


Laura Lynn: Only 166 Deaths In Canada Outside Of Long Term Care Facilities For Draconian Lockdowns! Del Bigtree Drops Some Major Truth Bombs! Canada Prepares Vaccine Roll Out! Excellent Videos!


Urgent Alert – Doctor Heinrich Fiechtner Warns: ‘It’s A Killer Vaccination’. Great Video!


Pastor Transforms Church To ‘Strip Club’ To Avoid COVID-19 Restrictions! Must See Video!!


The Dollar Vigilante: Bill Gates Stars As ‘The Ventriloquist’ In The Communist Takeover Of The World – Excellent Video!


Gang Stalking & Voice To Skull Testimony by Private Security Whistleblower. Seattle Is A Big Hub For Electronic Warfare Against Citizens Of America. Excellent Videos!


Zionist Mafia World Dictatorship Exposed in 1998 By Kay Griggs, Former Marine Colonel’s Wife. Great Explosive Full Interview That Explains The Corruption & Evil Within The American Government. Awesome Video!!


The CIA’s Secret Heart Attack Gun. Excellent Videos!


Do You Want To Lose Your Soul? Must Watch!!! This Video Explains The “Vaccine Agenda”. Very Enlightening Video!!


The Deadly Deception! Heavily Censored Video! Watch While You Can! Doctor Died Mysteriously 3 Months After This Presentation!


Why Are People Afraid Of The Facts About Jews? Mind Control By Jewish Hollywood.. Family Guy – Early Brainwashing Propaganda Warfare We Watched. Excellent Videos!


Days Of Noah Reloaded – Hybrids Walk Among Us – A Documentary Alien Disclosure & The Incoming Christ Consciousness False Awakening Exposed. Humans 2.0. Great Videos By SMHP.


Has the Zombie Apocalypse Begun & Is Media Minimizing First Adverse Events? Trump Signs Pork Bill, But Already Outspent Obama in February 2020. Similarities Of Trump & Shrek And Draining The Swamp. Great Video By Enter The Stars!


This Will Blow Your Mind! The Transhuman Agenda And Ice Cream! Covid 19 Is Not About A Virus – It’s About Economic Reset & Global Warming – Posted By Jeff C. Prior To Him Being Dying Of Mysterious Circumstances! Awesome Videos!


Serial Killer Fauci Forgets Which Arm He Injected With Fake Coronahoax Vaccine!  Are They Trying To Surpass The Stalin Body Count Of The White Christians In Russia?  Excellent Video On The American Psychos!


A True American Hero Who Fought To Preserve the White Christian Race Was Murdered! No Surprise! George Warned Us Who Was Behind Destroying America.  The Same People That Destroyed Germany Came To America To Do The Same!  Great Videos Of A True Patriot.


UFO & Aliens Exposed As A Masonic New World Order Agenda – The Fake Alien Invasion Project Bluebeam. The Crown & The White Horse Symbolism – “This Is The End” Rapture Scene. Fake News Revelation From 1968 TV Show. Phenomenal Videos!


DNA Light Harvesting. Color Out Of Space. Tech Trap Of Lovecraft Great Old Ones. 5g. D-Wave. Q. Birthing A New Race With The Covid. When They Say Peace Peace Then Sudden Destruction! Excellent Videos!


The Promise of God Of Abraham Isaac And Jacob To Adam! Awesome Video!!


How To Refuse Mandated Vaccinations – Getting Ready To Say No! Excellent Video!


Tiffany Dover Dead!! Another Vaccine Casualty Via Lethal Injection! Excellent Video!


Guess Who Is Mrs. Doubtfire Today? Welcome To The Grand Illusion! Great Video By Shaking My Head!


The Hunger Games Have Begun! Prominent Truther Jeff C (The Most Censored Man On YouTube) Has Died Mysteriously! RIP Jeff C! Excellent Videos!


Plagues Of Babylon. Excellent Video!  /christian-news/2020/12/plagues-of-babylon-excellent-video-2591781.html

Noah’s Seedline! Excellent Video! /christian-news/2020/12/noahs-seedline-excellent-video-2591779.html

Killer Gates – The Deleted Documentary! First Symptoms of Covid…Singing, Laughing & Talking! Pfizer Vaccine Death Data Report! Excellent Videos!


Real Money, Equal Weights & Measures And Today! Awesome Video! /prophecy/2020/12/real-money-equal-weights-measures-and-today-awesome-video-2516989.html

We Will Have Created Utopia! (Youtube Censored Video) – Awesome Video By Demon Hunter!


Gemma O’Doherty: Today They Were Forced To Admit That ‘Covid-19′ Does Not Exist! Must See Video!


Rabbi Tells Pastor That The Jews Will Rule Over Everyone! Excellent Video To Understand Who Will Be Running The NWO!


Masonic Lodge Over Jerusalem. Excellent Video!


The Communist And Masonic Infiltration Of America And The Catholic Church – Dr. James Wardner. Excellent Video!


Masonic Werewolves In Utah. Excellent Video!


Michael A Hoffman: The Rothschilds & The Church Of Rome. Great Video!


The Vaccine Scam Of The Covid Conspiracy! Great Video On The World Affairs Update!


Stop Human Cloning, Transhumanism, Anunnaki Alien Agendas … But With The Nephilim Reality Of It! Awesome Video!


NWO & Coronavirus Plannedemic End-Game Plot; Vaccines; Beast System; Martial Law; Cashless Society. Awesome 29 min. Presentation!!


Altered Carbon, Human Cloning, Transhumanism, Super Soldiers, The Nephilim And More! Excellent Video!


Prophecy Club: 2045 The Year Man Becomes Immortal Or Earlier? Awesome Video!


The Illusion Of Money. The Complete History of Money. New World Order: Secret Societies And Biblical Prophecy Vol. 2. The Money Changers Are In The Temple. Where Did The $50 Trillion Dollars Go? Awesome Video!


Who’s Who and Who’s…? Awesome Video To Understand Who Is Trying To Destroy America And The White Western European Nations!


NWO: Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy Vol. 1. Well Researched Documentary. Excellent Video.


Time Is Just A Place. God Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Is Outside Of Time. Awesome Video!


Reviewing Historical Information That Proves The Bible! The Raided Tomb Of Gilgamesh By The Americans Contained The Flood Tablet 11 Which Recorded The Flood On The Earth! Awesome Video!


Bill Schoebelen: The Medical Conspiracy. Awesome Video!


David Knight: Armed Open Carry Rally On Jan 17th. Tom Cruise Trying To Save His “Essential” Film, But Saving Small Biz Is Mission Impossible! No $$ For People Or Small Biz & No Vaccine Mandate For Soldiers. Vaccine “Testing” Stage 4. Excellent Videos!


Dr. Carrie Madej Discusses The CV Agenda And The MRNA DNA Changing Vaccines, Mandatory Vaccine Ethics And Risks And More! Awesome Videos And Interview!


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson Lets Slip That The Cv19 Vaccines Are Actually A Virus! Bolshevik Commies In The White House, Too Blind To See Or Just Too Dumbed-Down To Notice? The Force Behind The Noahide Decapitation Laws!


David Knight: Will Christians Be Shamed Or Silenced? David’s Last Show Before Alex Jones Fired Him On The NWO Jab! False Prophets Are Revealing Themselves With Anthony Patch And Stevie Ray. Excellent Videos!


Eustace Mullins: The Rockefeller Drug Empire. Excellent Video!


Hellstorm – The True Story Of The Nazi Genocide! Excellent Video!


The Corona 5G Virus – Fear Based Programming – An Over Dose Denver Production. Great Video By ODD TV.


Is Your Phone Gangstalking You? (Targeted Individuals)! Great Video!


Catholicism: The Church on Haunted Hill ! Great Video Exposing How Corrupt And Immoral The Catholic Church Is With Former Illuminate Now Christian!


Is Christmas Pagan? Excellent Video!


The Snake Exposed! Robotaxis Taxis Today – Brain Chips Tomorrow – Let The Hunger Games Begin! St. John Divine NYC – The Devil Is In The Details! Great Video By SMHP!


Satan Has Little Time! Lucira / Lucifer-Ase DNA Changing Vaccines You Wont Feel God Anymore! Songbird Programming, Nationwide Blackouts, Internet Shutdown, 5g & 6g Rollouts Exposed! The Simpsons Predictive Programming, January 2021 Destruction To Come? Excellent Videos!


Countdown to January 2021 Inauguration Day! The Truth Unmasked In This Mad World! Great Videos By Shaking My Head Production


The Communist Jews Used the Blacks To Fight Against The Whites in South Africa Just Like They Are Doing In America Today. The Jews Are Trying To Incite A Civil War In America Between The Blacks And The Whites While They Sit Back And Watch! Great Videos.


Bohemian Rhapsody Donald Trump Cover. As Most ActWhores Are Jewish, Trump Is The Great ActWhore Of Them All And Is A Jew! Great Videos!


Nurse Thrown Out Of Town Hall For Telling The Truth About Coronahoax Vaccine. Top Catholic Cardinal: Coronahoax Being Used To Usher In “Evil Great Reset”. How To Steal The 2020 Election! Awesome Videos!


The Bible Warns Us Against Mongrelizing The Blood Of The White Race, Which Is The Holy Seed Of God Of Abraham Isaac And Jacob! Excellent Videos!


Microsoft Israel Election Guard & Netanyahu Stole Election! Trump Goes After Military Industrial Complex Lockheed Gives Tech To Iran Russia China & Israel. Hyperinflation & Food Shortages, Watch Out! Excellent Videos By Brendon O’Connell.


Trump and The Purge: Election Year Predictive Programming. The AntiChrist is Using Trump to Trick You. Trump Mimicking Christ. 5G Waves. Babylon the “Great”. Awesome Videos!


The Communist Objective Behind Immigration Is The Dissolution Of Europe And America! Great Videos To Understand How George Soros Is Funding The Refugees To Weaken The White Christian Nation And Incite Race Wars!


Rapper Lord Jamar: ‘George Soros Controls Black Lives Matter! It’s NOT Our Movement’! Great Video Confirming That There Is A Political Agenda Behind All These Protests!


Who is Wormwood? Who is George Soros? Excellent Video By Tamara!


Shocker: Today It’s Best You Understand The Real History Of Who Owns What In America! You Will Be Surprised! Awesome Video!


The Snake Oil Salesman’s Biggest Hit! Vaccines! Awesome Video!


Who Is Behind The Invaders Of White Christian Nations? Awesome Video!!


Henry Makow & Jeff Rense – Benjamin Freedman’s 1961 Speech! Excellent Interview (Video)!


Nasa’s First Boss Wernher Von Braun Bragged About Faking An Alien Invasion. Why? Great Video To Show What The Jewnited Nations Is Planning For Us To Usher In The antiChrist!


Who Are The Kenites? Are They Here Now? Great Historical Information That Explains How God Uses The Kenites (Satan’s Serpent Seed) As The Negative Part Of His Plan For Redemption Of His Holy Seed, The Tribes of Jacob Surnamed Israel. Great Videos!


A Time Far Removed Shows That The War In Heavens Will Also Happen Again Here On Earth! Excellent Video!


Fritz Springmeier: Culling The Sheep With The 7 Deadly Sins And Using 5G And Vaccines As An Extinction Level Event!! Awesome Videos!


Amerigeddon (2016) Banned Hollywood Movie – This Film Dares to Show Martial Law and Civil War Coming to America! Great Movie!


Europeans Are the “Lost” Tribes of Israel – A Rare Documentary That Traces the Origins of the Tribes of Jacob Surnamed Israel to Europe and America. Very Enlightening Videos!


The Planned Death Of Germany And The German People As Well As The White Western Christian Nations and America! Excellent Video!


God of Abraham Isaac And Jacob’s Vengeance Upon Edom! Excellent Video!


The Mystery of Melchizedek and the Coming Great Royal Priesthood Unveiled! Great Videos and Analysis To Unravel This Mystery!


They Are Teaching Us To Eat Each Other! Great Video By KJ & Analysis Of The Holy Scriptures Forbidding Drinking Human Blood And Eating Human Flesh!


The Synagogue of Satan Who Say They Are Jews And Are Not, But Lie (Revelation 3:9). DNA Confirms The Truth! Excellent Video!


The Jewish Utopia (Book Written On Jewish World Domination) & The Kabbalah! Great Video To Find Out Who’s Who!


The World’s Troubling Time And The Plan To Conquer The White Christian European And American Nations! Great Video!


The antiChrist Is Here! Gather For Your Enslavement! Great Video!


Jewish Communist Race Mixing Agenda In Advertising And “Entertainment” To Genocide The White Race. The White Race Is The Holy Seed Of God Of Abraham Isaac And Jacob And We Are Not To Corrupt Our DNA! Great Video!


Disney, Media Advertising, Sexual Subliminal Messages, The Illuminati/ Freemasons/ Satanism & Hollywood Exposed! Great Videos!


Federal Forced Planned Vaccinations Began With Barack Obama And The Poisoning Of The People In The USA For Depopulation! Excellent Videos!


The Killer Gates Nanodot Tattoo Is A Mark Of the Beast 666. The Covid Hoax! The 1% Are The Only Ones Who Benefit From Covid-19 And The Lockdown! Excellent Interviews!


Who Rules The ‘World’… Shape, Change The Course Of Society And Modern Human History! Excellent Video!


Enough Is Enough With Dr. Amanda Vollmer! The Antibody Theory Is False! Covid-19 Is Fake! Humans Are The Virus! As They Are Testing Chromosome 8! Awesome Videos For Exposing The Truth!


This corona plandemic is to bring in the Jew NWO under the Rabbi`s and the 7 Noahide laws with the main anti-Christ (Antonio Guterres at the Jewnited Nations) and total enslavement, this is all conditioning for serf class existence.  It is a stinking Jew New World Odor for the Jews and run by the Jews for the Jews and all the non Jews will either die or be their slaves until King Jesus returns in 2022 to extinguish all evil and set up His Kingdom here on earth for the millenium.  The Great Tribulation is God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob pouring out His wrath on the unbelievers and punishing His children, the white race and Christains for turning their face was God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and His Commandments and Ordinances.

Ancient Mysteries Of Michigan! Awesome Video!


Head Scars of Obama 100% Match Akhenaten Hieroglyph! Pharaoh Returning for End Times! Great Videos!


Head Scars of Obama 100% Match Akhenaten Hieroglyph! Pharaoh Returning for End Times! Great Videos!


Secrets Of Judaism & Freemasonry, The Noahide Laws, And Jack The Ripper. Awesome Video With Priceless Information And Historical Facts! You Will Be Surprised!!


Warns Us Not To Take The Killer Covid-19 Vaccine That Has Not Been Tested And Not To Participate In The Distribution Of These “Kill” Shots! Awesome Video!


Cathy O’Brien: Ex-Illuminati Mind Control Victim Tells Of Her Experience As A CIA MK-Ultra Whitehouse Pentagon Level Trauma-Based Mind Control Slave. She Speaks Out To Expose Those Who Abused Her Including Presidents! Great Heavily Banned Video!


The Identity Exposed of Barack “Insane” Obama, the Spear Chucking Dog Without A Bone Or A Home And Without An Authentic Birth Certificate! Find Out What Bones This Dog Intends To Bury In America! Awesome Videos!


Lucifer’s Temple Chambers Beneath The Vatican. Find Out What Is Below The Vatican! You Will Be Shocked! Great Video!


The Last President | What A 127 Year Old Book About Two Trumps Reveals About Donald And Barron Trump And The Downfall Of America! Great Video!


David Sassoon (Jew) The World’s Biggest Drug Dealer, And How He Destroyed China Using Opium. Find Out The Truth Not Taught In Your Communist Indoctrination Schools! The Sassoon FDR Connection! Awesome Video!


Shocker: Dr. Lorraine Day Warns People Of The Covid Nonsense And That The Covid Test May Also Be The Covid Vaccine 666! Awesome Interview Dr. Day W. Jana! Must See Video As The Beast Has More Than One Mark!


Dr. Lorraine Day Interview On Covid, Your Health, Purpose Of The Plandemic And More! Extremely Important And Valuable Information! Great Video With Glowing Vegan!


Anarchy Today In The USA. Awesome Video To Understand Who Your Enemy Is As Most Americans Are Clueless!


Jewish Prof. Roger Dommergue Demolished the Holocaust and Warned of Worldwide Weimar Nazi Global Domination! Excellent Video!


Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng: Any Covid 19 Vaccine Or Covid 19 Test Corrupting People’s DNA , That Vaccine Or Test Must Be Destroyed! Awesome Video!


Dr. Lorraine Day w/ Dr. June Knight on Noahide Laws & The Covid 19 Shamdemic! Great Video November 23, 2020!


Bill Gates’ Big Prick Exposed For What It Is! The Ju Jab Will Not Only Corrupt Your DNA But Will Target Your Testicles! Excellent Videos!


Clearly, the MRNA DNA Changing Gene Altering “Soul Damning” Covid-19 Vaccine + RFID Chip included is the Mark of the Beast!  The Covid 19 Test is also a Mark of the Beast if it changes your DNA (see Dr. Lorraine Day Interview with Jana below) as it contains nanobots that can change your DNA. The number in Holy Gematria equates to 666 for Covid 19 test. 

Do not take anything from Bill Gates or Elon Musk or any electrononics / tattoos to affix on your body or in your body that will corrupt and change your DNA.  We must keep our DNA pure!

Elon Musk’s Neuralink is also another form of the Mark of the Beast.  Anything that is inserted in or on your body or orfices that changes and corrupts your DNA is a Mark of the Beast. 

Sunday worship is another form of the Mark of the Beast.  The Sabbath is Saturday, the 7th day, according to the Bible and must be adhered to by all Christians / Israelites / the white race which are the true Tribes of Jacob surnamed Israel  (Friday sundown until Saturday sundown).  The Law has not been done away with.  See link to the Commandments and Ordinances still in effect today that must be adhered to.  

Antonio Guterres at the Luciferian UN is the main antiChrist that will be the one world Dicktator that will run the One World Government and his number equates to 666.  He is referred to as the Little Horn in Daniel 7:7-8.and the Beast that comes up out of the Sea (Revelation 13:1).  

Note that Antonio Guterres is a Portuguese Jew, Kill Bill is a German Jew and Dope Francis is an Argentinian Jew.  They are all fallen angels and super evil and they want all non Jews dead.  Some Jews may be sacrificed just like in WW2 to achieve the Jewish objective of taking control of the entire world and making everyone else their slave who manage to survive their kill shots / Covid 19 vaccines/ Covid 19 test / Neuralink.

Warning: Ex-Merck Rep Brandy Vaughan Exposes The Dark Side Of pHARMa – WAVE! The Covert & Overt Intimidation Of Brand Vaughan Who Was Found Dead After Warning People To Investigate Her Tragedy! Excellent Videos!


You Can’t Fix Stupid! Awesome Video To Unravel Some Of Satan’s Lies To Christians & The White Race!


Jeff Berwick & Lucy Banned On JewTube! Kary Mullis Says Fauci Is A Fraud & A Liar!! Great Videos By Dollar Vigilante!


Dr. Lorraine Day Warns People Of The Covid Nonsense And That The Covid Test May Have Already Done Significant Damage To People! Awesome Video!


The Selling Off Of America. Awesome Video To Understand How America Was Destroyed From Within!


100% Proof Jews Are Behind Race Mixing To Destroy The White Race. Great Video!


The Zionist Massacres In The Last Century! Great Video!


The Rothschild Controlled Popes! Great Video!


The History Jews Do Not Want You To Know: Judaism Is Bolshevism, Communism & Marxism And Are Detailed In Their Jewish Babylonian Talmud For World Domination And Enslavement Of Humanity! Very Good Eye Opening Videos!


The Bloody History Of Communism & The Black Book Of Communism! Great Documentary (Video)!


Who Fathered Cain? The Blood Covenants. Great Teaching By Pastor Jones (Video)!


Operation Talpiot – Israel Spying On The World.  Israel Is The Biggest U.S. National Security Threat (Talpiot, Unit 8200)! Great Videos To Understand How America Was Subverted From Within!


Science Of The Soul Full Documentary. Great Video Confirming That Reincarnation Does Exist For Some People Here On Earth!


The Pineal Gland: The Entrance To The Soul And The Spiritual Light Of Truth. Great Video By Dr. Joye!


The Sabbath Is A Sign Between God Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob And The Israelites Forever! Great Video Series By Corner Fringe Ministries On Keeping The Sabbath On The 7th Day!


Understanding The Divinity Of Our Messiah Jesus And His Relationship With God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob And The Holy Spirit. Great Video Series Explaining The Godhead Using The Holy Scriptures!


Same Fear, Different Year: This Vaxx Scam Has Been Going on for More Than a Century. Globalist Plans Revealed: How To Survive The Coming Years of the Great Reset. Great Videos By Dollar Vigilante!


Fritz Springmeier: Illuminati Bloodlines, Demons, Aliens, Dumbs, Human Blood Sacrifice Rituals, Mind Control & Exposing the New World Order Agenda. Awesome Videos!


Testing The Star Of David Against The Holy Scriptures To See If It Is The Star Of Remphan In Acts 7:43.  Very Eye Opening Videos!!


Bombshell!! Dr. Francis Boyle,Bioweapons Treaty Author, Reveals That The Covid-19 Vaccine Contains HIV! Awesome VIdeos!!!


Urgent Warning!! Corona Jabs Will Unleash The Beast, The Devil Is In The Detail! Danger Of Permanent Brain Damage And Death By Covid-19 Vaccine! WTF ?? Scientists Using HIV In Covid-19 Vaccine!! Excellent Videos!


Cain, Able & The Two Enochs. Excellent Video!


Re-Education Camp FEMA; The Next Phase Of The Covid Scamdemic; They Tried This Very Scenario In 2010. Could This Be The Plan For What’s Coming? Excellent Video!


The Corona Jab Serum & It’s Effects On Human DNA & Brain Hacking! Are You Ready To Blow Your Mind? Excellent Video Featuring Celeste Solum!


Dr. Wesley Swift: A Master Plan Against The Caucasian Race By Satan And His Children! Very Prophetic Video!


Would You Trust Killer Gates, A College Drop Out & Frequent Visitor To Pedo Island On The Lolita Express With Jeffrey Epstein, With Your Health By Taking His Covid-19 Vaccines That No One Is Allowed To Analyze? Banned Video Watch While You Can!!


The Khazarian Synagogue Of Satan Full Movie! Must See Videos!! Revelation 2:9 & 3:9.


Bill Gates Calls His Covid-19 Vaccine The “Final Solution”. Proof Of The Planned Genocide Of The White Race Through Sterilization. Found The Book Written On The “Final Solution”. You Will Be Surprised! Excellent Videos!


Scientist Linked To Wuhan’s Coronavirus, Covid-19 Test, Bill Gates And Facebook ‘Fact Checker’. Fauci’s Daughter Ali Works At Twitter. Why Zuckerberg Will Not Go To Jail. Great Videos!


Warning: Dr. Francis Boyle: ‘Bioweapon’ MRNA DNA Changing Vaccines Violate Nuremburg Code Against Cruelty! The Elderly Are Considered Useless Eaters And Will Be Fed To The Lions First Like Daniel Except This Time, They Will Be Eaten, Prison Garb & All! Awesome Video!


Killer Gates Tells Viewers To Ignore Life Threatening Side Effects Of His New Coronahoax Vaccine! Great Videos!


Dr. Lorraine Day Discusses Health, The Covid Hoax, The Truth About Vaccines And The Noahide Laws Coming To Your Town Soon! Great June 7 2020 Interview (Video)!


Dr. Lorraine Day Interview On The Corona Hoax And How It Is Being Used To Muzzle Us And Enslave Us Prior To Us Being Railroaded To The FEMA Camps. Great Video For People That Want To Know The Truth!


Ancient Knowledge 2014 Full Movie! Consciousness, Sacred Geometry, Illusion of Reality, Hidden History, Spirituality, Lost Civilizations, Energy, Coral Castle, Magnetism, Illuminati, Suppression, Religion, Astrology, Numerology, Philosophy, Esoteric & Occult Knowledge. Awesome Video!


How Obama Won The War Against Christmas And Rolled Out Satan Lucifer Clause. From Snaketivty, To The Church Of Lucifer, To Childhood’s End, To Supernatural, We Can See A Major Change Took Place in 2015. Great Videos!


I Pet Goat 2: The Illuminati’s New York City Plan To Usher In Armageddon. Great Video!


EXPOSED: Obama’s 3 Head Scars and Hillary’s 9/11 Seizure: The Beast Has Its Head Wound Healed – Revelation 13:3. Great Video!


Isaac Newton’s Prophecy; Crossings And Chaos; “100% PROBABILITY” of Asteroid. Solving Isaac Newton’s Riddle – The Temple at the Center of Time. Great Videos!


Vatican’s Project Lucifer, The Alien Hoax, Vatican Astronomer Finds Dark Matter Entities: The Lucifer Disclosure Is Coming. Great Videos!


The Beginning Of The End Has Officially Begun! If This Doesn’t Wake People Up About What Is Happening Then Nothing Ever Will! Great Videos By This Is A Call For An Uprising!


The Video Freemasonry Doesn’t Want You To See!!!!! FEMA Death Camp Executioners…Great Videos!!


There’s Storm Brewing Called the Noahide Laws Drummed Through Congress by the Jew Traitor George HW Bush to Kill Christians! Barack Obama, Another Jew, Promised That He Will Be Back but Not Wearing a Suit – What Is Barack Obama Coming Back As? A Jack Ass, the Mascot of the Demon Rats? Great Videos!


How Bill & Melinda Gates Came From The Computer Industry To Influence The Vaccine Industry And Big Pharma And Deny Your Freedom Today! Great Video!


This Is How The World Will Worship The Beast, The Commie CV19 Vaccines Can Edit The Human Brain. Hell Is Real, And The CV19 Vaccines Will Make Sure That Those Who Take Them Will Be Cut Off From God Forever! President Trump Promises Vaccines Will Be Distributed In 2 Weeks! Excellent Videos!


Exposing the Catholic Church! Catholics Are Following The Traditions Of Man And Not God Of Abraham Isaac And Jacob! Awesome Video!


Dr. Carrie Madej Urgent Warning On The Covid Vaccine And How It Will Permanently Change Your DNA And Make You Transhuman! Multiple Videos And Interviews!


Celeste Solum: The Dangers To Humans From COVID PCR Tests & Hydrogel! Excellent Interview!


C = BS! It’s All A Lie And People Need To Wake Up Or Perish. The First & Second Wave Covid Hoax. The Gates Of Hell Vaccine Will Only Enslave You & Possible Kill You. The Vaccine Is A Guarantee To Lose Your Soul As It Is The Mark Of The Beast! Excellent Videos!


Jews Have Been Kicked Out Of 109 Locations Including 79 Countries Throughout History! The Jews Have Taken Lessons From Their Brother Hitler Who Was A Jew And Now They Are Trying Bring All The White Caucasians Into A Jew Created Holocaust! Excellent Videos!


António Guterres Calling For The “Great Reset” To Turns Man Into Machine With The Covid-19 Vaccine To Serve The Jewish UN Controllers. The Little Horn Is Going To Stick It To Us With The Covid-19 Vaccine & Wants To Take Charge Of The Global Vaccines Rollout!


Update On The 3rd Temple – Peace Deal – Noahide Laws – One World Religion Controlled By False Prophet Francis! Excellent Video By Shaking My Head!


Dr. Wesley Swift: Children Of The Heavenly Father. The Foretold Destiny Of America. Great Spiritual Treasure Of Your Race! Awesome Videos


Did Eve Really Much On An Apple Or Is The Church Just Trying to Make Us All Look Like Fruitcakes? Great Video!


Operation Armageddon, Covid-19, And The War Against The West. The War Against The West Was Planned Years Ago. Find Out Who Are Enemies Really Are. Great Video To Understand Who’s Trying To Destroy The White Western Civilization! You Will Be Surprised!


The War Of The Children Of Light vs. The Children Of Darkness! Excellent Video!


Scripture And Historicity – The Parable Of The Wheat And The Tares. Great Video!


The REAL Star Wars.  It is far more astounding than any science-fiction fantasy—and it is absolute reality!  Awesome Videos!


The Serpent Race On Earth Today Who Is At War With God Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s Holy Seed, The White Race! Awesome Video!


The Rapture, The Greater Grander Second Exodus, The 144,000 Saints And Where We Are On The Tribulation Timeline! We Are Farther Along Than Most People Realize! Great Video And Analysis!


The Greater Second Exodus Will Be Much Grander Than The First Exodus To Gather The Remnant Of The Tribes Of Jacob Surnamed Israel From The Four Corners Of The Earth In 2022! Great Videos!


António Guterres Calling For The “Great Reset” To Turns Man Into Machine With The Covid-19 Vaccine To Serve The Jews! The Little Horn Is Going To Stick It To Us With The Covid-19 Vaccine And His Big Mouth To Lock Everyone Down For Good. It Will Be Catastrophe To Put The antiChrist In Charge Of The Vaccines! Video.


The Movie “You Should Have Left” Released This Year Was a Warning That You Should Have Left Babylon by Now – They Already Did the Movie “Get Out” and You Didn’t Go – Permanent Lockdowns Coming Soon to a Theatre Near You – WW3 Is Not a Fictional Action Movie but the Real McCoy – Great Videos!


Shocking Information About Face Muzzles And Vaccines You Aren’t Supposed To Know. Canadians Should FLEE Canada Before December 9. – Great Video by Dollar Vigilante.


Thunder Over Zion: Illuminati Bloodlines and The Secret Plan For A Jewish Utopia And A New World Messiah. Excellent Video!


LBJ Lying At The Signing Of The 1965 Immigration Act And How A Lying Jewish Congressman Shaped American Immigration Policy To Destroy The Anglo Saxon Ethnicity Of America! Great Videos!


The Prophecy Of Daniel, Bel & The Dragon In the Apocrypha And Who They Are Today. This Is A Prophecy For America Today! Great Videos And Decode!


Illuminati Play Book For World Domination: Awesome Video Explaining Barack Obama’s Rise To Power And How The Rulers In America Have Been Hornswoggled To Push The Khazarian Jewish Fascist Agenda For The Stinking New World Odor!!


David Duke Interview With Alex Jones as to Who the Real Enemy Is in America! Banned Video Well Worth Watching To Understand Who’s Who & Who’s Jew!


The French Certainly Know How To Organize A Revolution And Know Who’s Who & Who’s Jew! The Government Wants You To Act Like Sheep While They Destroy The Middle Class. Great Video By Dollar Vigilante!


This Is It! It’s Officially Here And Being Given Out December 15th… Look At What Our American Heros Are About To Do For Us!!! Great Videos By This Is A Call For An Uprising!


Another Monolith Shows Up In California. The Black Awakening. Bad Prophet Files. Great Videos By Tamara!


Information embedded in DNA Proves The Existence of God! Great Video!


The Hidden Name of Our Creator YHVH in Your DNA! Great Videos!


The Abrahamic Covenant (Audio Book) – Written By E. Raymond Capt. Excellent Video!


The Conditional And Unconditional Covenants In The Holy Bible Explained.  Great Chuck Missler Videos!


Covid-19 The Video That Broke The Australian Internet – Jay Ross. When They Said 3 Weeks To Flatten The Curve They Actually Meant A World Prison State Forever More – The Crowhouse. Awesome Videos!


Mark Of The Beast 666 Unveiled Revelation 13:15-18 Prophecy Fulfillment. Killer Gates’ Injectable Biochip With Body Sensors Permanently Fused To Your Body Within Your Covid Inoculation. Excellent Video!


COVID Vaccines “Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction” says Wyoming Medical Doctor and Former Manager for Wyoming’s State Public Health Department. Fabulous Video!


Warning:  The Mark Of The Beast 666 Is Here! The Covid-19 Vaccine Is The DNA Changing Gene Altering “Soul Catching” Mark Of The Beast [Revelation 13:15-18]! Must See Video!


Barbara Thiering Unravels The Riddle of the Dead Sea Scrolls Using The Pesher Technique In the Gospels And Revelation. The Book Of Revelation Contains A Pesher and Holy Gematria Code That Has Now Been Unravelled. Great Documentary Video!


Alan Horvath Tells Us How To Pitch Our Tent With God Of Abraham Isaac And Jacob Who Knows Our Heart And Will Allow Us, If We So Choose, To Have A Personal Relationship With Him. Great Teachings (Videos).


The Simpsons Predicted The Metal Monalith In Utah Which Has Mysteriously Disappeared And Another One Has Now Appeared In Romania. Planet of the Apes is Happening Now As They Are Injecting Monkey Kidney Cells Into The Covid Vaccines! Awesome Videos!


The Covid-19 vaccine is guaranteed to change your DNA and make you transhuman.  God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s Holy Spirit does not dwell in a machine and will immediately leave your body.  If you choose to take the Covid-19 vaccine which is the Mark of the Beast, then God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob will grant your request and you will be separated from Him for an eternity in utter darkness.  There is no chance of redemption as per Revealtion 14.

Matrix Architect (Lucifer) Attempts Omnipresence With His “All Seeing Eye” AI Surveillance Apparatus In Order To Imitate God Of Abraham Isaac And Jacob. Skydome Atlantis and The Great Mask Debate!  Awesome Videos By Demon Hunters!!


Nathan Reynolds Comes Out From a Famous Illuminati Satanic Family That Manufactures Reynolds Wrap &Tobacco and Finds Jesus After Getting Wrapped by the Holy Spirit. Wonderful Story How He Left Mammon for Jesus and Stands for Truth Today! Great Video!


The Corona Eclipse Ritual – Crowning Of Their Sun King Exposed. Rider On A White Horse & The Image Of The Beast. Great Videos By Shaking My Head!


Alfred McCoy – A Short History Of Psychological Terror! Great Video To Understand Your Big Brother!


UTAH Cryptic Monolith Monument Found on 322nd Day of 2020, Relating it to Georgia’s Guidestones! Monolith Discovered In Utah Near MOAB Mysteriously Disappears. SYNCHRONIC Serpent Arrow Through TIME! Great Videos And Decode!


The Serpent Seed Explained In 15 Minutes. Great Video!


The Tribes of Jacob Surnamed Israel Are Not Lost. They Only Lost Their Identity. They Are The Great Nations Of The World. Tribe of Judah Identified Today and How All the Kings of the Rulers of the Earth Are Descended From Judah as Prophesied. Awesome Videos!


God of Abraham Isaac And Jacob’s Chosen People. Ye Are The Light Of The World! Awesome Videos To Understand Your Heritage!


Cain’s Satanic Seed Line – The Two Seed-Line Doctrine – Without Two Seedlines, There Is No Need For A Savior In Christianity – Banned Videos Confirming How Eve Was Beguiled By The Serpent!


A Biblical Overview of the Christian Identity Truth. The Most Confusing Word in Scripture: Jew. Pastor Peters Interviews Charles Weisman Whose Books Were All Banned! Great Videos By Pastor Peters!


The Tall Israeli That Runs The Rap Industry – Illuminati Satanic Music Industry Exposed. Great Video Showing How The Rap Music Degraded The White Race To Further The Jewish Agenda!


First Wave And The Coming Deadly Second Wave Of Covid-19. Who Is The Big Prick Going Around Sticking Needles Into Everyone And Won’t Even Vaccinate His Own Children? Great Videos!!


Ashton Kutcher’s Human Trafficking Organization (Thorn) Connection To Jeff Bezos And The Clowns In Action! Awesome Video!


Indisputable Proof Of The Identity Of The 12 Tribes Of Israel With Rosette! Awesome Video!


Deconstructing White Privilege. The Real Agenda Behind “White Privilege” and The Staged Race Wars! Great Video.


Aaron Russo And Ex IRS Agent Tells It Like It Is About Federal Income Tax! You WILL NOT Believe What You Hear! The US Government Doesn’t Want You Know Know This! Awesome Videos!


Trump: 6.4 Trillion In Mid-East Wars 10s Of 1000s Of American Lives To Protect Israel. Trump: Jewish Founded U.N. Must Hold Jewish Communism Responsible For Jewish Created Coronavirus. Great Videos!


Scariest UFO Documentary Ever! Astounding Compilation Of The Leading Experts On UFO’s, The Illuminati, Freemasons, And The New World Order! Awesome Video!


King Cyrus Boasted How He Captured Babylon Without Firing A Shot. Donald Trump Is A Type Of King Cyrus And Will He Take Down America (Babylon) Without Firing A Shot As Well? Great Chuck Missler Video!!


Dr. Wesley Swift: Racial Origins In The Bible And The Stream Of Life. The Bible Was Given To Adam And His Son Shem, And His Descendants In Genesis 5. Find Out If You Are Heir To The Covenant. Excellent Video!


Pawns In The Game. Awesome Speech In 1958 That Lays Out The Plans For The Third World War Coming To A Street Where You Live! Video.


The Death Of America Series Reveals The Imminent Destruction Of America Through The Prophetic Lens Of Scripture!  A Great Video Series To Find Out Why Judgment Is Coming To America & Why Americans Should FLEE Babylon Which Is America Today (Jeremiah 51:6)!


Age of Deceit: 1 Fallen Angels and the New World Order; 2 Alchemy and the Rise of the Beast Image; 3 Remnants in the Cyber Hive Earth – Great Videos by Face Like the Sun!


The Truth In ‘Plane’ Sight Documentary – The American Government Is Using Weather Warfare Weapons To Starve Humankind and Usher In The JNWO. Great Video Banned On Jew Tube!


Decode Your Reality – Exposing The Occult! Amazing Video!


Symbolism – A Different Perspective. Very Interesting Video!


The Swiss Beast. Home Of The Devil. Great Video!


Bobby Kennedy Jr In Washington Protest: Breaking: Co House Hearing On Vaccine Bill SB20-163. Great Video!


Vatican Secret Societies Jesuits and the New World Order. Great Documentary (Video)!


The Jesuits And The Assassination Of JFK. Eric Phelps On The Jesuits. Fascinating Videos!


JESUIT New World Order & The War on Protestant Churches! Great Videos!


The Secrets of the Secret Societies and Their Hidden Agenda to Destroy Christians and Caucasians and to Bring in a Global Fascist Communist Dictatorship Controlled by the Unelected United Nations – Great Videos Banned On Jew Tube!


In The Name of Zion (Full Documentary Video)! Very Informative Video!!


AI God – New Church With New Deity (AI) As It’s Head. Great Video On “The Image Of The Beast” Revelation 13:15.


The Protocols Of Zion | What The Goi Are Not Supposed To Be Told. Excellent Video!


Murder By Injection! The Medical Monopoly! Great Videos By Eustace Mullins. Warning For Today!


Warning: Michael Collins Piper On The Two Party Jew Party Dialectic That People Have Been Suckered Into. The Jews Are The Circus Masters & You Are The Circus Clowns For Listening to All Their BS! Phenomenal Video!


The Rothschilds, Hitler, Holocaust, State Of Israel & Zionist World Government. Fabulous Video!


The Sabbatean-Frankist Nazi Empire After WW2 That Rules The World Today!. Great Video.


The Protocols Of Zion: Rothschild’s Game Plan. Heavily Censored Video!


Rapture Of The Church? What Do The Scriptures Say About The Rapture? Blockbuster News I Have To Tell You About. Great Videos By Think About It.


Meet “The Good Club” | Warren Buffoon and Killer Gates’ Billionaire Think-Tank to Curb Overpopulation – The Good Club Even Have A Cartoon Series To Indoctrinate the Children!  Great Videos!


The NWO Floating Trial Balloons: Qantas and Ticketmaster Will Require YOU To Be Vaccinated For Entry. Aborted White Male Fetus In All Vaccines For Vanilla Flavoring. Christians This Is Your Wake Up Call! Great Videos!


Revelation 12 Virgo Sign In Heaven in September 2017 Inseminated In November 2016! CONCEPTION COMET! Amazing Discovery! Awesome Video!


The August 21 2017 Great American Eclipse, The Signs in the Heavens September 23 2017 and the America – Egypt connections! Great Video!


Monopoly Men (Federal Reserve Fraud).  Great Documentary Featuring Eustace Mullins.  Excellent Video!!


Adolph Schicklgruber – Founder Of Israel. Eustace Mullins – Adolf Hitler & The Central Banks Financing His War Effort. Great Videos!


Eustace Mullins Exposes The New Neo-Zionist World Order And Traces Them All The Way Back To Caanan. Great Videos For Learning Who Rules Your Rulers, Who Starts All Wars And Who Is Behind Communism!


BIFS (Blow-Fill-Seal) Mass Vaccination Warp Speed Plan. Proof That The Vaccines Were Ordered Before The Lockdown. Excellent Video By Enter The Stars!


Carl Sanders – Man Who Invented RFID Microchip Speaks Out: Mark Of The Beast 666. Great Video!


Vaccines: Whistleblower in 2020 – David Knight Show. Great Video!


Covid Vaccine Injury Halts Astrazeneca Trial When People Suffered From Neurological Problems And Lost Their Connection With God! Another Volunteer In Oxford Dies From Covid Vaccine! Great Videos!


“They’ve Killed God; I Can’t Feel God; My Soul Is Dead” AstraZeneca Halts COVID-19 Vaccine Trials after Second Volunteer “Develops Neurological problems” Great Video By ” Great Video By RFB!


Sex Crimes And The Vatican 2006 Documentary Banned From You Tube. Watch Before It Is Deleted Again!


False Prophet Francis Proclaims Lucifer As God In The Catholic Church. Shocking Videos. Come Out My People!


Vatican Secrets. Are The IRS, FBI, U.S. Department Of Labor, The Mafia And Labor Unions Part Of The Vatican? Is The Pope The Super-Boss Of All Government Agencies As Well As The Vatican? Excellent Video!


The Judas Goats: The Enemy Within America.  The Shocking Story of the Infiltration And Subversion Of the American Nationalist Movement.  Author Was Killed Mysteriously Afterwards.  Explosive Interview (Video)!


How The Jews Infiltrated The Vatican & Changed The Catholic Church With Vatican II. Great Interview (Video)!


The Video The Vatican Doesn’t Want You To See! The Enthronement Of Satan Right Before Our Eyes In The USA!


Former Luciferian Discusses Coming Out Of Cults Like Freemasonry And The Mormons. Intriguing Talk On Vampires, Werewolves, The Dangers of the Twilight Books, Dracula and The Fallen Angels. Awesome Videos!


Exposing The Satanic Empire (Illuminati) And The Vatican – Full Documentary By Keith Thompson! Excellent Video!


Former Luciferian Now Christian Exposes The Illuminati From Within And Tells Of The Light Behind Masonry. Excellent Videos!


The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion Decoded! Excellent Video!


The Communist Manifesto Decoded. Great Video!!


Jews Are Only The Tip Of The Spear! How The World Really Operates! Great Video!


The Secret Masonic Victory of WW2 Documentary – Great Video!


Explosive Interview With Rabbi (Abraham) Abe Finkelstein About Jewish Plans To Take Control Of The World And Make Everyone Else Their Slave!  Must Listen!  Great Video!


Rabbi confirms that the Jews infiltrated the Vatican in the 1800s.

Also Rabbi states, among many additional other jaw-dropping things, including the Zionist intention to kill off all of humanity other than Jews, that:

“we ARE god’s chosen people. Its just most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer.” – an open admission that Jews ARE NOT Israelites, because Israelites are the chosen people of the OTHER God – the Christian God – God the father.

The New World Order Communism by the Backdoor – Great Documentary Video!


Ancestry DNA Tests Exposed Banned On Youtube! Excellent Video!


The Neanderthal Roots of the Jews. Great Interview On This Controversial Topic Of Jewish Genetics (Video)!


From Long Ago To Today. Is the Neanderthal Still Living Among Us? Great Video!


“Pandemic is Over” – Dr. Yeadon Former Pfizer Chief Science Officer Says “Second Wave” Faked On False-Positive Tests! Great Video Banned Everywhere!


Dancing With Devils! Excellent Video For Christians To Understand Who Our Enemies Are Today!


The Obelisks Of Joseph’s Two Sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, Pointers To The Children Of Israel. Awesome Video!  /christian-news/2020/11/the-obelisks-of-josephs-two-sons-ephraim-and-manasseh-pointers-to-the-children-of-israel-awesome-video-2590626.html

The Whites Are The True Native Americans. The Los Lunas Stone (Decalogue Stone) And Cherokee Jubilee Stone Discovered In America. Awesome Videos!


Caucasians are Israelites According to Noah Webster of the Webster Encylopedia of Dictionaries (© 1958)

If you were a Caucasian, you are also an Israelite according to Noah Webster, and the Holy Bible. 

Webster Encyclopedia of Dictionaries (Copyright 1958 by the Literary Press, page 64), says “Caucasian” pertains to the white race originating from the Caucasus Mountains near the Black Sea.

The Holy Bible states that the House of Israel would be scattered north of the river Euphrates (1 Kings 14:15).  This promise was fulfilled when, in 721 B.C., all ten tribes were taken captive and driven by the Assyrians into the Caucasus Mountains located between the Caspian and Black Seas (2 Kings 17:6; 18:9-11).  Hosea 2:6 says,  “I will hedge up the way with thorns, and make a wall that she shall not find her paths.”  In this way God was making it clear that the tribes were not to return to Palestine.  As Israel left the mountains and migrated into Europe, and finally to North America, they became known as CAUCASIANS.  

Aryan Bloodlines Of Ancient Babylon. History Of Atlantis And The Lost Tribes. Dragon Bloodlines And The Serpent Seed. Great Videos By Robert Sepehr!


Find Out The Real Story Behind The Swastika Before It Was Adopted By The Nazis. Learn The Truth Hidden From You About Your European Israelite Heritage. Excellent Historical Informative Video On One Of The Symbols Of the Tribes Of Israel!


The White Mummies Of Tarim Basin And The Real Noah’s Ark Found! Find Out About Our Ancient Ancestors From Abraham, Isaac And Jacob That Historians Have Hidden From Us In Order To Push The Vatican Agenda That We Are All One Race. Phenomenal Videos!


UK Expects ‘High Volume’ Of Covid Vaccine Adverse Reactions Ex Pfizer VP Concerned About Experimental Covid Vaccine! Pfizer Covid Vaccine Frenzy! Great Videos!


Buck Fill Gates’ Plan! Killer Gates, An Antivaxxer, Likens Anti-Maskers To Nudists. Great Video To Prove Without A Doubt That There is No Covid!


Trust Me, I’m A Doctor! From Brave New World To Slave World Order – Mark of the Beast 666 Revealed! Santa Is Basically The Devil – The More You Know! Great Videos By Shaking My Head.


The Truth About The Elites Who Are Trying To Enslave And Kill Us! Great Videos!


Elite’s Exposed Illuminati Plans Secret Video 1967 Leaked And How They Plan On Destroying America. Great Video!


The Dark Winter Operation Warp Speed Exposed. Awesome Video To Help You Wake You Up!


Judaism: Satanism, Sorcery and Black Magic. Great Video Exposing The Dark World Of Judaism And The Kabbalah Which Controls The Cabal Today!


THE BALFOUR AGREEMENT Is The Repayment For The Devil And His Children For Forcing America Into The Second World War! Great Videos And Bible Prophecy For Dividing Up God Of Abraham Isaac And Jacob’s Land!


The British Royals and the Ninth Circle Satanic Cult. Where Are The 10 Missing Children? – Great Eye Opening Videos


The Jewish Talmud Exposed. The Jewish Bankers Are Wiping Out The Non Jewish Businesses Just Like In WW2. Jews Are Not Supposed to Rescue A Non Jew So Do Not Trust A Jewish Doctor Or A Jewish Vaccine To Save You! Great Eye Opening Videos!


The Truth About The Vaccine Pimps Gates, Fraudski And Collins. Are All The Nazis Back In Town To Set Up Their Fourth Reich? The Nazis Never Surrendered. Warning For All Caucasians & Christians As To What The Bible Foretells Will Be Coming To America To Take Them Down!

The Book of Esther prophecy unravelled and who’s who today.  Haman today and the plan to exterminate all Israelites (the white race).


The “PCR Test Everybody” Strategy Has No Scientific Validity Whatsoever. Studies Show Masks Cause Higher Rates Of Infections And Disease. The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated On An Unsuspecting Public. Great Videos From Thomas Cowan, Del Bigtree & Roger Hodkinson!


Richie Allen Show: Sucharit Bhakdi Author Of ‘Corona False Alarm?’ Great Interview!


COVID-19 Vaccines Being Tested In Africa And People Are Dying. Gates Vaccine Rollout In Africa And India Scrubbed From The Net. Find Out Why! Great Videos!


Fraudulent Covid PCR Tests Taken To Court: Interview With Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich. Crimes Against Humanity! Great Videos


As In The Days Of Noah. Project Tiberius Decoded. Shame On The Demonic General For Pushing A DNA Changing Vaccine On Us For A Non Existent Virus To Turn Us Into Zombies Like Him! Great Videos Shaking My Head!


All Wars Have Been Banker’s Wars! Britain Helped Orchestrate WW1 And WW2 With The Bankers Against Germany Due To Jealousy As Prophesied! Great Eye Opening Video.


UK Agreement in 1940 Pledged the New World Order To the Jews In Exchange For Getting America Into WW2. The Jews Are Now Your Slave Masters. See Video and NY Times Article Which Explains How America Was Bamboozled Into WW2.


Wake Up Stupid, It’s The Jews! The New World Order Is Pledged To The Jews! Great Videos!


James Perloff ~ Covid-19 And The Agendas To Come: Red-Pilled. Excellent Video!


James Perloff : Rothschild’s War on Christianity And How The Church Was Infiltrated. Excellent Video!


Lost Arts Radio: The Science Of EMF Weapons & Understanding 5G With Mark Steele. Excellent Interview


Where Can You Run From The Great Reset? The World Has Gone Completely Insane… What Is Going On?? Great Videos By Dollar Vigilante!


Predictive Programming: Idiocracy 2006 Film. The Dumbing Down Of America To Usher In The NWO! Great Video!


Pastor Tells Us Why Kabbalistic Jews Want To Do Evil. Excellent Video!


I AM THE WITNESS: The Multi-Pronged Attack On Humanity! Awesome Videos!!


Benjamin Freedman Warned United States In 1961 How The Christians And The Caucasians Have Been Duped! The Biggest Hoax In History! Must Listen As It Explains How Most Of The World Has Been Deceived By The Serpent! Fabulous Videos!


The Depopulation Agenda To Exterminate Humanity. Great Videos To Understand Why Everything Is So Confusing.


A Summary Of The Devil’s Plandemic So Far – Mandatory Vaccines – ID-2020 Mark Of The Beast 666. Cyber Plandemic. Dicktator World CEO Klaus Schwab And The Not So Great Reset Satire. Excellent Videos.


Dr. Lorraine Day Explains How The Noahide Laws Were Fraudently Introduced Into Congress. Now The Government Can Legally Kill Christians! Great Interviews on Health, the Noahide Laws and Communism Taken Directly From The Jewish Talmud. Great Interviews!


by Bill Dannemeyer (husband of Dr. Lorraine Day)
U.S. Congressman, 1979-1992

The Plandemic – Coronahoax, 5G and Vaccine Deception – Full Deception – Full Documentary – Heavily Censored Video!


Lilith And Other Considerations. Great Video!


Off With Their Heads – The Noahide World Order Examined. The Transformation Project – Realize The Real Lies! Fortnite – Millions Addicted – Exposing The Beast System! Great Videos By Shaking My Head!


Who Do You Obey God Or Man? The Lines Are Now Being Drawn. Great Video!


Warning !! Not Just A Vaccine ~ Covid19 Sci-Fi Experiment ~ Dr. Carrie Madej & Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Great Video!


Proof Covid Was Planned Years Ago !! Covid-19 To Be Diagnosed Using A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) According To 2015 Patent Application. Great Video!


“They’ve Killed God; I Can’t Feel My God, My Soul Is Dead” – Covid Vaccine Trial Volunteer Reports. Great Video!


Canada’s Communist Pm Trudeau Says Purpose Of Coronahoax Was Always An Excuse To Usher In The JNWO. Canadian Government Publishes Bid Request for “Programmable Hydraulic Guillotines” For Convid.


Carrie Madej: MRNA Vaccine Technology Killed Animals In Tests Bypassed For Covid. Covid-19 Vaccines Kills 7 Infants In Senegal. Great Videos!


Urgent Vaccine Information !! – Share With Everyone You Know Today Entire Genome From Aborted Baby Found Inside Most Vaccines! Excellent Video!


Hacking Your DNA – Linking Humanity To A Sentient World Simulation. Great Video On The Dangers Of The DNA Altering Covid-19 Vaccine!


While Everyone Is Distracted They Are Closer To Forcing This On Us. Great Videos By This Is A Call For An Uprising!


The Biggest Identity Theft in History, The Parable Of The Wheat And Tares, & The Royal Lineage Of Judah From Adam To Now. Excellent Videos!


Dr. Lorraine Day AIDS Expert: The Covid Was Planned To Usher In The JNWO & Together With The 7 Noahide Laws Will Depopulate the Planet! The Government Can Legally Kill Christians Now! Great Eye Opening Videos!


Forbidden Knowledge:  History of the Khazarian Empire – Lecture by Jack Otto.  Warning About The Agenda For  WW3.   He Died Mysteriously A Year After This Lecture.  Excellent Video!


The One Year Tribulation and the Return of Messiah Jesus Our King Of Kings. Declaring the End from the Beginning. Awesome Videos!


The Jasons: The Secret History of Science’s Postwar Elite.  Find Out About This Secret Illuminati Science Group Working For The Government Trying To Devise Ways To Kill Off Humanity.  Great Video!


CDC Admits Covid Death Rate For Healthy People Is Miniscule. So What Is The Underlying Agenda? Great Videos On Subversion Explained By Former KGB Agent Yuri Bezmenov And Iron Mountain Document Explained By Deborah Taveres.


The Tribulation Timeline and Where We Are Today in Events on God’s Timetable – What Event Triggered the Beginning of the Tribulation and When? We Are Currently Only Two Steps Away From the Great Tribulation Commonly Referred to as the Time of Jacob’s Trouble – Videos Of The Sign Of Jonah!


It’s All About Your DNA! – Great Videos SMHP & Celeste Solum!


Confirmed They Are Collecting Your DNA From The Covid Test Swabs! Your DNA Is Being Bought And Sold For Record Profits. DOD Has Been Mapping Genome Of Military Personnel For Years. The Top Secret Jason Mad Scientists Are Using Your DNA For Nefarious Purpose!. Great Videos.


Bombshell Evidence That Covid Is Testing Chromosome 8 Human DNA – Faulty PCR Test. Humans Are The Virus. Ground Breaking Videos Banned By YouTube Including The Latest With AMANDHA VOLLMER. Phenomenal Videos.


It’s The Final Countdown To Crazyville! Riding The Storm Out! Awesome Videos By Shaking My Head.


Elon Musk Says Something Bogus Is Going On With Covid. 12 Step Detailed Covid-19 Project Plan. We Are At Step 5. Whistleblower Leaks “Years End” Globalists Plan. The Science Behind The Masks And Vaccines. Excellent Videos!


Video Game Predicts 2020 Election And The Inauguration? Are We In For A Big Surprise? The Manchurian Candidate Files: Joe Biden. The Envelope Affair. Awesome Videos!


The Biggest Secret Ever Kept In History REVEALED! Ezekiel’s Wheels & Hollow Earth Explored & The Fallen Angels Of the Deep! Great Videos!


The Mark of Cain and The Origin of Freemasonry. The Trump Card And The Battle For Your Mind! Great Videos By Walter Veith!


Dr. Chuck Missler Talks About Esau And The Edomites. Who Are They? And What Is To Come? Is There A Surprise Coming According to Obadiah? Great Videos With Scriptural References.


No More Boom Boom In The Bedroom! No More Sex. No More Procreating. The Devil Turns Everything Upside Down Including All Of God Of Abraham Isaac And Jacob’s Commandments. Great Videos And Decode On Demolition Man!


Viral Video Rocks the Rabbinic Establishment and Shocks Israel! The Women Are Considered Animals in the Talmud and Decided to Make This Shocking Video! Must See As These Talmudic Jews Will Soon Be Treating the Goyim Worse Than Their Wives!


Tracking the Vaccinated! Dark Winter Is Code Name For The Beginning Of The Great Tribulation! Great Videos!


5G WILL COOK YOUR GOOSE!! Very Important Information About 5G Dangers! Excellent Videos!


Scooby Doo & The Covid Hoax. Whistleblowers: The Covid Doesn’t Exist. Excellent Videos!


World Doctors Speak Out “We Do Not Have A Medical Pandemic”! American Doctors Speak Out On Misinformation Surrounding The Coronavirus. Great Videos!


They Are Disguising The Covid-19 Vaccines As A Cure When It Really Is Just A Reason To Change Your DNA, Own You And Control You! Excellent Videos By Nicholson 1968.


The Holocaust Of The Palestinians. Shocking Video As To What Is Really Going On In Israel Today!


Shocking: An Israeli Gives His Testimony As To What Is Really Going On In Israel. Very Eye Opening Video!


The Covid-19 Depopulation Of 2020. Awesome Presentation By Claire Edwards! Best 20 Min Video Ever!


*There is no Virus* pg 39 para. 2 sentence 2. *

Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available

Copper King Snake…Rise & Fall. The Clean & Unclean of GOD’s TEMPLE. The Plan Of Salvation Is Coded In Our Eyeball. Mind Blowing Videos By Enter The Stars


The Illusion Of Freedom Examined. Has The World Gone Mad or Is It Me?? Great Videos By Shaking My Head!


The Third Elijah. Great Videos.


Dr. John Coleman – 21 Goals Of The Illuminati And The Committee Of 300 – The Elimination Of the Middle Class – World Depopulation – Wake Up America Video!


We Have The DNA Changing Vaccine Within 24 Hours The Mark Of The Beast! Great Videos!


Race vs Religion. Awesome Video That Explains How Religion Was Created To Control Man And Deceive Many!


Do Gentiles Exist And If So, Who Are They? You Will Be Surprised To Find That The World Gentile Was Inserted Into The Bible By The Catholics To Deceive Everyone And To Teach A Universal Religion That All Races Are Equal. Excellent Video!


And do not have fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather even expose them.  (Ephesians 5:11)

Christian Identity: Identifying God Of Abraham Isaac And Jacob’s Holy Seed and Why It is So Important? A Panel Discussion On The Truth Of Judaism & How Judaism Is Diametrically Opposed To Christianity. Great Videos On Revealing The True Biblical Identity!


Chrstian Identity Archive With Impeccable Research On The Tribes Of Israel Including America Being The Tribe of Manasseh and Britain and the Commonwealth Being The Tribe of Ephraim.  Free to everyone to learn the truth.

The Mystery of True Israel

The Greatest Hoax in History! Christians Duped by the Unholiest Hoax in All History, by Modern Jewry Who Say They Are Jews but Are Not but Do Lie! Awesome Videos That Reveal the Truth!


Christian Zionism: The Tragedy & The Turning, By Chuck E. Carlson – Great Video Showing How the Scofield Bible Was Corrupted to Push the Zionist Agenda


Who are the Gentiles?

Do Gentiles Exist And If So, Who Are They? You Will Be Surprised To Find That The World Gentile Was Inserted Into The Bible By The Catholics To Deceive Everyone And To Teach A Universal Religion That All Races Are Equal. Great Video.


Christians Duped By Another Unholy Hoax By The Insertion Of The Word Gentiles In The Bible. Who Are The Gentiles? There Is No Such Word As Gentiles In The Hebrew Manuscripts. You Will Be Surprised! Great Videos.


Who are the Gentiles? Can Anything Be “Judeo” Christian? Does Christianity Discriminate? Was Noah’s Flood A World Wide Flood Or Only A Partial Flood? One Of the Best Bible Scholars Of The Twentieth Century Provides The Answers To These Disturbing Questions Which Have Misled Many. Great Videos By Bertrand Comparet.


The Tribes of Jacob Surnamed Israel Found! Find Out Which Tribe of Israel You Are From Based on Your Ancestry. Find Out What Countries Make up the Tribe of Judah Today and How All the Kings of the Rulers of the Earth Are Descended From Judah as Prophesied. Awesome Videos.


Warning: DC BIll Allowing Children 11 Years And Older To Be Vaccinated Without Parental Knowledge Or Consent. On the Corner Fringe: Scary Science. Must See Video!


Masks do not protect you nor others.  The cold hard facts of masks and vaccines.  Masks cause irreparable brain damage and extremely harmful for children as well as adults.

Dr. Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy And Vaccines. Will America Stand Or Be Destroyed By A Hoax? Awesome Video!

The Corona Virus Was Planned Years in Advance – Great Videos!


3rd Grader Expelled From School For Wearing A “Jesus Loves Me” Mask! Great Video By The Watchman.


The Unmasked Buried The Masked In The “Spanish Flu”. Is History Going To Repeat Itself? What Did People In Masks Die From? Bacterial Pneumonia. Dr. Fraudski Wrote About This In 2008! Banned Videos!!


Wars Wars And Rumours Of Wars All Lead Back To The Rothschilds. Dr. Stan Monteith And Bill Cooper, Anthony Sutton &. Ambassador Smith. All Communist Revolutions All Lead Back To The Jewish Banksters On Wall St. And The 4th Floor Of The US State Department. Great Brother Of Darkness Video!


What Happened to the Passengers on the 9/11 and the Malaysian Flights? Rothschild Gains Rights to a Semiconductor Patent. Will These Passengers Be Arriving With the Fake Alien Arrival As Part of Project Bluebeam? Awesome Videos!


Death Of Warmonger Andrew “Yoda” Marshall Exposes 100 Year JNWO Patent Theft Ring! Excellent Video!


The Red Dawn Invasion Of America In Bible Prophecy And Specifying Which Countries Will Be Invading North America. The Two Prophets In Revelation 11 And American’s Next President Revealed. The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse Identified! Video Interview.


More Predictive Programming: Trump Learns That He Lost The US Presidential Election & Investigates Voter Fraud Prior To Events Happening. James Bond Auditions 1 Day Before Sean Connery Dies. Wow! Spitting Image Knew! Excellent Videos From The Creators Of The Simpsons.


Jewish Ritual Murder (The Full Original Banned Documentary) – Eye Opening Video!


Adrenochrome Blood Ritual Sacrifice – Great Video!


Israel Controls USA – A Must Watch For… All Of Us Goyim! – Great Video!


Catholic Confidential | Deplorable Jesuit Secrets Revealed! Great Video!


Donald Trump Time Traveler. Excellent Videos By Demon Hunter!

Luciferase / Covid-19 Vaccines – Celeste Solum


Jewish Nazis & The Protocols Of Zion. Excellent Video For The Truth!


Brother Nathanael, a former Jew now Christian tells us how the Jews hate God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and His Son, Messiah Jesus Our King of Kings and all of His creation, the white race and all Christians adopted in.

109 Locations whence Jews have been Expelled since AD250


Find Out About Your Overlords Who Consider Themselves the Superior Race To Rule Over You In The Stinking Jew New World Odor! – Eye Opening Videos with Brother Nathanael, a former Jew now Christian.


The Trump – JFK – Lincoln Connection – All Roads Lead To Rome. The Knights Templar Is Alive & Well Hiding In Plain Sight! Great Videos Shaking My Head.


Donald Trump Is The Great Pretender & Has Deceived Many Americans! He Is Pretending To Be Your Savior But In Reality His Goal Is To Bring Down America To Establish A Fascist Jewish NWO. Awesome Videos To Find Out the Truth!


Satan’s Blueprint To Destroy America And Take Over The World! Great Video.


Is The Western Wall Really Part Of The Temple Destroyed In 70 AD In Jerusalem? The Bible Tells Us that No Stone Will Be Left Unturned. Find Out the Truth. Awesome Videos!


The Truth About Abraham Lincoln And More Trump Connections! Great Video!


Trump Tip of the SPEAR…”Through These Portals” Special Show. Time Travel. Trump – Lincoln Connections. Great Videos!


Predictive Programming: The 2020 Election and the Simpsons & More. Great Videos!


Covid-19 Hoax. The Crime Of The Century. Defiance vs Non-Compliance. Great Video!


Max Igan: An American Coup – 10 Million USD If You Can Prove Covid 19 Is Real. Great Video!


Was Adolf Hitler A Zionist Stooge? The Extermination Plan for America. Great Video To Understand What Is Coming in America!


The Truth About The Vaccine Pimps Gates, Fraudski And Collins. Are All The Nazis Back In Town To Set Up Their Fourth Reich? The Nazis Never Surrendered. Warning For All Caucasians & Christians As To What The Bible Foretells Will Be Coming To America To Take Them Down!

The Book of Esther prophecy unravelled and who’s who today.  Haman today (Donald Trump) and the plan to exterminate all Israelites (the white race).


The Love Hate Relationship Between Jacob And Esau. Christians Must Know Who’s Who Today To Know Who Their Enemy Is. Awesome Videos!


The Ancient Forbidden Kingdom Of The Ancient White Civilization On Earth In Lemuria Known As “Mu” And The “Mu” People. The Continent Of Mu Was Destroyed And Sunk And The Remnant Of The 144,000 Saints (Rev 7/14) Were Saved That Did Not Pollute And Corrupt Their DNA With The Nephilim. Fabulous Video!

The Flu World Order – Eric Dubay (Documentary Video). Fabulous Video Proving That This Scam Was All Planned!


5G Whistleblower: Coronavirus Test Spreading Virus! You Cannot Catch the Covid-19 Unless You Take the Covid-19 Test or a Vaccines! GROUNDBREAKING Claire Edwards Presentation! Must See Videos!!


The Results Are In And They Say That The Show Isn’t Over Yet…Trump Says He’s Not Leaving! Great Videos.


Share This Information & Wake Up A Lost Friend Or Family Member Today. Great Video! – Christian Video for friends that are in the occult.


As the End Draws Near The Mark Of The Beast Is Getting Closer. Busta Rhymes Music Video On The Mark Of The Beast Decoded. Great Videos!


Songbird: Is This Predictive Programming Or The United Nations Plans For The Stinking New World Odor? Great Dark Winter Reset. Great Videos And Decodes!


Jacob Have I Loved…Esau Have I Hated! Romans 9:13. Find Out Who’s Who! Great Videos!


Dr. Wesley Swift: Children Of The Nephilim And Great Spiritual Treasures Of The White Race. The First Creation Of The White Race On Earth (The 144,000) & What Happened To Them. The Sinking Of Atlantis. Great Eye Opening Videos.


Flower Of Life & Sacred Geometry Used In All Of Creation By Our Creator Of Heaven And Earth Who Is The Ultimate Mathematician! The 144,000 Is In The Flower Of Life And Relates To The First Creation Of The 144,000 Saints – Awesome Video!


Second Wave Documentary! [2020] – V For Vendetta (Documentary) Great Video


Rothschild’s Sino-Russo-Israeli New World Order And The Controlled Demolition Of America. Excellent Video!


The Nibiru Movie. The Secret Origins Of Our World! Great Video!


The 2020 Election Selection. Trump Is the Tip Of The Spear. The Year of the Dragon Has Arrived And Dark Winter Coming. Great Videos!


The Human History Movie Showing How The Nephilim Came To Lemuria On Earth After Destroying Mars And Then Destroyed Lemuria. Only A Remnant Of The Hebrews Survived. This Remnant Are The 144,000 Mentioned In Revelation 7 & 14 And From The First Creation In Genesis 1. Great Video!


Why the Lockdown? Ian R Crane Explains the Real Agenda – Brilliant Video!


Trump To Exterminate Americans! Must See! Great Video!


Donald Trump Signs $10M Holocaust Brainwashing Bill While America Burns And People Starve. Great Educational Videos For People That Are Interested in Learning The Truth Since The Schools No Longer Teach The Truth.


Fritz Springmeier: World System The Illuminati Structure. Great Video!


ODD TV: Predictive Programming. 100% Proof of Hollywood Brainwashing & Foreknowledge. Big Bird Tells Us What Will Happen To Anyone Who Gets The Killer Gates Covid-19 Vaccines! Great Videos!


Why Is Trump’s Presidential Campaign 2020 Selling Freedom Hats With A Decapitated Eagle With No Claws And With The Satanic Pentagrams On It? Is Trump Planning To Decapitate All Christians And Patriots Like The Eagle On This Hat? Find Out What Trump Is Telling Us. Great Videos!


America’s Secret Destiny – Ralph A. Epperson. Great Video Showing The New World Order Plans All They Way Back To 1776!

Ralph tells us that Trump will be elected for a second term as all Presidents serve 8 years and alternate between the Demon Rats and the Repulican Rats since 1920.  Presidents are selected and not elected.


Planned Genocide Against The White Race! The White Supremacy Lie! Must See Banned Videos To Understand Who The Enemy Is!!


Trump Gave Pope Francis Books By Martin Luther King, Jr. At His Vatican Meeting In 2017. A Deeper Look At Martin Luther King Jr. To See Why He Is Treasured By These Two. Great Videos!


Fritz Springmeier: Illuminati Human Cloning And Immortality. Excellent Video.


Dr. Ron Carlson Exposes The Cult of Freemasonry. Excellent Videos.


Mossad 101 Restricted Information. Great Video To Show How The Majority Americans Have Been Duped!


Wow! The Jewish Question Famous Quotes! Fasten Your Seatbelt! Great Video Banned On Youtube!


The UN is planning on eliminating the white race which is the Holy Seed of God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.  

The white Christain nations cannot be conquered unless they are flooded with immigrants as confirmed by former Britisih PM Benjamin Disraeli who was also Jewish and a Rothschild in his book.

Google “Replacement Migration”. The UN Are Replacing The Western Nations With Radical Islamists To Weaken The White Christian Nations. Great Video!


See Trump’s secreat weapons.  One of them are US government preachers infiltrating the churches.  /prophecy/2020/11/trumps-secret-weapons-unleashed-great-videos-2515165.html

Secret Societies: The Dark Mysteries Of Power Revealed. Great Videos!


How The State Of Israel Censors The Internet – Banned From Youtube! Great Video! Watch While You Can!


Will There Be A Third World War? Wars and Rumors of Wars! Remember, Remember 5th November! Great Videos By Shaking My Head.


Jewish Kabbalah (Zohar 1,25b) “Exterminate All Non-Jews”.  


The Jewish Utopia Written By A Psychopath For Psychopaths That A Jewish Utopia Is Coming But Messiah Jesus Tells Us Otherwise. Excellent Decode And Videos!


Wake Up Stupid, It’s The Jews! Excellent Videos To Understand Who Is Trying To Take America Down In Order To Establish The Stinking Jew New World Odor!


Trump’s Pedophiles. Must See!! Great Videos!


The Countdown : Fall Of 2021. Awesome Videos To Give You The Cold Hard Facts What Is Going On And Cut Through The Deception!


The Jewish Mafia – Wexner, Maxwells, Mossad & Mega Group Exposed! Great Video!


Secret Societies – Bankers. – Ralph Epperson

Secret Societies – How The Bankers Took Control Of The World!. Awesome Video!


Project Zephyr Exposed – Tag, Track, ID And Extermination It’s Happening In 2020 Wake Up. Awesome Video!


AMERICA THE BLIGHT: The Method to the Madness Shocker: They Are Telling Us The Purpose Of The Covid-19 Vaccine Is To Tag, Track & ID Us. Awesome Video By Dayz Of Noah!

Featuring Klaus The Louse Schwaab (World Economic Forum).


Tracked Like Cattle – QR Codes – RFID Chips – Quantum Dots. Tracked ‘Til Death’ – ID2020 – “Digital Vaxines” – The Digital Currency Beast System Is Upon Us. Awesome Videos By Shaking My Head.


Andre and Pastor Bob have a very interesting discussing on idols and  the Federeral Reserve Jewish Banking System that has enslaved everyone.

Stop Worshipping Idols! Awesome Biblical Discussion On Idol Worship Focussing Primarily On The Jewish Federal Reserve System That Controls The World Wide Economies (Video)!


Revelation 2:9 Jewish People Are Not The Israelites Of The Bible Exposed By Texe Marrs

Bombshell! Revelation 2:9 Jewish People Are Not The Israelites Of The Bible Exposed! Excellent Video!


Get Your Corona Bacon Mask Today! LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION!!! Wake Up – TV Is Casting A Spell On You! Great Videos By Shaking My Head.



Flat Earth, Jews, Jesuits & More – ODD TV Interview. Great Video!


The Seed Of Hate. How The Lying Jewish Owned Media Turns The Christians Into Terrorists. Great Video!


The New World Order Plan Discussed In Detail By Whistleblower Who Was Killed By The Illuminati! The Plan Is Materializing Before Our Eyes. Awesome Videos!


Jesuits Are Crypto Jews. Must See! Excellent Video!



Rothschild Created Communist Red China. Find Out What Happened To The Oil In Iraq That Was Supposed To Pay For The US – Iraq War. Awesome Video By Christian Author!


The Chinese ghost cities in China will be used for slave labor camps where the remnant of The Tribes of Jacob-Israel (the white race from the Christian nations) will be sent.

Yet I will leave a remnant, for some of you will escape the sword when you are scattered among the nations and throughout the lands. (Ezekiel 6:8 Berean Study Bible)

to disperse their offspring among the nations and scatter them throughout the lands.  (Psalm 106:27 Berean Study Bible)

The plan to take down America and build up China has been in the works for quite some time.  Cheyney (a crypto Jew) made a secret oil deal that he refused to disclose it to Congress.  America has enough oil for all her needs but the oil companies locked up the rights so no one can drill very much in the USA in order to build up China.

Die America Die! Awesome Video Based On Book By A Christian Author! Texe Marrs



New Age Plan For A One World Stinking Jew New World Odor! Great Video!


Robert Alchemy. Excellent Video!



Jesuits Are Crypto-Jews. Awesome Video!


New World Order – Pope Francis Kissing The Hands Of Rothschild & Rockefeller. Great Video!


Martin Luther On The Jews And Their Lies! Excellent Video.


The Brainwashing of America and Exploding the Chosen People Myth. Awesome Video!


The Race Riots Between the Whites And The Blacks In America Are Right Out Of the Playbook Of The Protocols Of The Elders of Zion. Awesome Videos That Reveal The Enemy!


The only written plans for genocide during the 20th-century was not a German plan to exterminate the Jews but rather Jewish plans to exterminate the Germans, The Royal Tribe of Judah.

The Great Melting Pot: The Final Solution To Exterminate the White Race Through Mongrelization, Sterilization, Starvation, Vaccination and War! The Full Europa Documentary Details The Jewish Plans In Detail! Very Informative Videos!


The absorption of Edom/Idumea into Judea is recorded by Josephus and Strabo.  See link below.

The Book of Obadiah is a future prophecy of Edom and Esau being destroyed for dealing treacherously with his brother Jacob surnamed Israel when Jesus the Messiah Touches down to earth.

The Murderers & The Mongrels. The Sheep And The Goats. Messiah Jesus Told Us The Truth As To Who Our Enemies Are Today. These Patriots Tried To Warn Us. Awesome Videos!


“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”

Israel Cohen, A Racial Program for he Twentieth Century, 1912. Also in the Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957

The Talmud And Communism

By David J. Stewart


The Cult of Q: Who Is Q and Who Is Q Anon? The Riddle Has Been Solved – Great Video by Shaking My Head and Decode


Donald Trump Wants Albert Pike Statue Put Back Up. Speaks Volumes As To Where Trump’s Loyalties Lie. Trump Was A Billion In Debt To His Jewish Attorney – “Worth More Alive To Us Than Dead”! Great Videos.


Donald Trump Is The Great Pretender! He Is Pretending To Be Your Savior But In Reality He Is AntiChrist. Find Out the Truth So That You Are Not Deceived! Awesome Videos!


Could Trump Be The Transmigrated Aleistair Crowley? | Druidic Witches | Illuminati AntiChrist Peace Plan | Church of Satan | Trump Gorgoyle. Great Videos!


Mark Cleminson Former Illuminati Member Warns Us What They Have In Store For Us In The Coming New World Order! Very Eye Opening Videos.


SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN Full documentary 1878 – 2006 by A C Hitchcock.  All wars are designed and controlled by Rothschilds and his children.

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock: Synagogue of Satan Full Documentary. Excellent Video!


Face To Face With The Devil. Excellent Video Showing How The Devil Tries To Imitate God Of Abraham Isaac And Jacob.


Who are the Gentiles? Can Anything Be “Judeo” Christian? Does Christianity Discriminate? Was Noah’s Flood A World Wide Flood Or Only A Partial Flood? Bertrand Comparet Provides The Answers To These Disturbing Questions Which Have Misled Many. Awesome Videos!


The Complete Works of the late Pastor Betrand Comparet

Trump’s Jewish Mafia (Donors). Jewish Mafia Called Out! Great Videos!


The Talmudic Communist Blueprint To Conquer America. Warning For America. Jack Knew And Understood Our Enemy And Christians Should Heed Jack’s Warning! Great Videos With Important Information For The Tribes Of Israel For Today!


Colonel Jack Mohr’s Archive With All His Impeccable Research On The Tribes Of Israel Including America Being The Tribe of Manasseh.  Free to everyone to learn the truth.

The Mystery of True Israel By Col. Jack Mohr

Christians Duped By Another Unholy Hoax By The Word Gentiles Inserted In The Bible. There Is No Such Word As Gentiles In The Hebrew Manuscripts. Great Videos To Understand Who The Gentiles Refer To In The Bible.


Satan’s Secret Agents: The Frankfurt School And Their Evil Agenda To Destroy Western Society And Christianity! Great Videos To Understand How America Was Subverted From Within!


Crown / Corona The Deeper Meaning. Need More Proof They Want To Control You? Banned Immediately On YouTube.


Donald Trump is not anyone’s savior and he certainly is not superman as he claimed to be. 

Only God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and Messiah Jesus can save us.  (Psalm 118:8; Acts 4:10-12)

The True Tribes Of Israel Found! Have You Had Your True Identity Stolen? Who Are The 144,000 Saints Mentioned In Revelation Chapters 7 & 14? Who Will Be Raptured? The Two Creation Events In Genesis!  By Dr. Luke Prophet




The so called Jews living today in Israel are not Semites.  They are Edomites according to their own Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 Edition, Volume 5, page 41. DNA analysis has also proved that the Jews living in Israel today are Khazars, a semi nomadic Turkic people that converted to Judaism centuries ago.  The Khazars or Ashkenazi Jews are a mixed mongrel race and do not consider themselves white.

The Jews Themselves Tell Us That They Are Edomites And Not Semites In Their Own Writings. Great Historical Information Telling Us That Judaism is Communism And That Judeo Christianity Is a Myth. Great Videos Revealing The Enemy Within Plotting The Demise of Christianity and All White People & All White Nations.



Jews Admit They Are NOT Israelites link to article below:

Jews Admit They Are NOT Israelites

The Peoples Intelligence Agency. Project Blue Beam “The Fake Alien Invasion Coming. The Truth About The Moon Landings. You Will Be Surprised. Excellent Videos!


Project Blue Beam: The Fake Alien Invasion to Usher in the AntiChrist – The Fake Holographic Asteroids Preparing for the Day of 1000 Stars and Asteroids – Fabulous Videos!


DNA Science Proves That The Jews, Who Say They Are Jews And Are Not, Are Actually Khazars And Not The Tribes Of Jacob-Israel. Very Eye Opening Video With Scientific Proof!


Daniel R. Walsh: Lost Tribes of Israel Found, The Tribes of Israel Tracked Through The Bible, And World History To The White Western European Nations. Greatly Informative Videos!


The Jews Themselves Tell Us That They Are Edomites And Not Semites In Their Own Writings. Great Historical Information Telling Us That Judaism is Communism And That Judeo Christianity Is a Myth. Great Videos Revealing The Enemy Within Plotting The Demise of Christianity and All White People & All White Nations.



Jews Admit They Are NOT Israelites link to article below:

Jews Admit They Are NOT Israelites

See Book on the Pre Adamite, Or Who Temped Eve to show the different races here on earth and how we are not to race mix.  The white race is the “holy seed” as per Ezra 9:2.  The Serpent that Seduced Eve produced Cain and his descendants.

Only Ten Commandments? The Commandments For Israelite Christians Today That We Are All Supposed To Abide By According To The God Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.


Helping Each Other By Sharing This Important Information – Already Blocked In Some Countries.  Awesome Video!

A Shot in the Dark 2020.


A Good Deep Look Into The Secret Satanic Communistic Societies Run By You Know Who Ushering In The UN Administered One World Order Controlled Out Of Jerusalem. Great Video!


Secret Societies are Controlled by the Jews to bring about the Jewish Controlled New World Order

The Kalergi’s United Nations Plan for The White Race Extinction in Europe and America. International Communism. Great Video!


“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”

Israel Cohen, A Racial Program for he Twentieth Century, 1912. Also in the Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957

The New World Order. Redemption Through Sin! Awesome Heavily Censored Video Showing How The Secret Societies Are Being Used To Usher In Their Two Fake Snake Messiahs And Their Stinking Jew New World Odor!




The Scientific Mechanisms Of The Anti White Paradigm: Psychology Of White Genocide And Its Evolution. Phenomenal Video!


The Scientific Mechanisms Of The Anti White Paradigm: Psychology Of White Genocide And Its Evolution. 

The Jews are pushing multiculturalism as it is strictly forbidden by the white race (The Tribes of Jacob surnamed Israel) to live amongst the non Israelite tribes and race mix.

God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob instructed the white race not to live amongst the other preAdamic races and forbid them to race mix outside of the Tribes of jacob – Israel.  The white race is the Holy Seed of God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and Satan and his children (the Edomite Jews) want to exterminate all whites.  

Why do jews hate White people?! The J e w s Admit That They Are NOT The Israelites

The real Israelite people formed the European nations, they are the White race alive today as most every other family of Adamic peoples have been miscegenated out of existence!! Here’s proof!! Heirs To The Covenant


100 PROOFS THE ISRAELITES ARE WHITE!! This is a set of podcasts with historical, archaeological, linguistical, biblical, cultural, etc proof that the Israelites without doubt migrated west and formed the European nations, they are called Saxon, Celtic, Nordic, Germanic, etc peoples today. The Israelites are not arabs, jews, or negroids they are the White race!! Abraham A Father Of Many (White) Nations!! Christ Is White!! 

John 3:16, What It Says And What It Doesn’t The Seed of Inheritance, Part 1 [show more] Epistles Of Paul – Romans chp 5, Salvation Is A Racial Phenomenon The Unpardonable Sin The Unforgivable Sin(Race mixing) No Safe Haven – Stripped Bare & Naked

Two Top Leading Experts Explain the Alien Human Abduction Agenda. The Evil Demonic Fallen Watchers Are The Ones Doing the Abducting. Awesome Videos And Analysis.


Calling On The Name Of Messiah Jesus Proven To End The Abduction. 

Anyone that believes that they are being abducted, should call on the name of Jesus the Messiah to help them and the abduction should come to an end.  The CE-4 research group has done extensive research on abductions and found the experience was shown to be able to be stopped or terminated by calling on the name and authority of JESUS THE CHRIST.


by Bill Dannemeyer (husband of Dr. Lorraine Day)

U.S. Congressman, 1979-1992

The U.S. government can now legally kill Christians for the “crime” of worshipping Jesus Christ! 
See full article on the Noahide Laws.



70 nations have all signed legislation to adopt the Noahide Laws under the umbrella of the United Nations.

Revelation 19:15-16 Jesus the Messiah will be Victorious, Destroy All Evil and Rule over Us as King of Kings and Sovereign of Sovereign

15And from His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may smite the nations; and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty. 16And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, “KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.”

Acts 4:12 There is no salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.

Seeking an alternative to Jesus for salvation? There is no other way! Jesus is it!

Scripture declares that there is one creator God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and one mediator between the Father and man, and that is His Son Jesus, the Messiah, King of Kings and Sovereign of Sovereigns.

Woe To You Pastors Who Deceive The Flock And Push The Mark Of The Beast (The Covid-19 DNA Changing Vaccines) On Your Congregation! Jeremiah 23:1. Awesome Video For All Christians!


Project Blue Beam: The Fake Alien Invasion to Usher in the AntiChrist – The Fake Holographic Asteroids Preparing for the Day of 1000 Stars and Asteroids – Fabulous Videos!


The Awesome Mystery Of The Hebrew Alphabet That Reveals The Mystery Of GOD OF ABRAHAM ISAAC AND JACOB, Yeshua Our Messiah, Creation, The Purpose Of Human Life, The Redemption Of Jacob-Israel, And The END Of This Age!


“The Little Horn Is Coming to Stick it to All of Us! Find Out Who Is Going to Rule the World With a One World Government and a One World “Currency Prior to the Anti-Christ Blowing His Own Horn!”


What is the Sign the Prophet Jonah gave us that Signifies the Beginning of the Tribulation? What Lessons Can Be Learned from Jonah? What Ethnic Group did Jonah Belong to, and Who Are They Today? Does Nineveh Represent Sinful America Today and Will Our End Be Invasion, Captivity and Destruction?


Whose Image Is On The Shroud Of Turin And Who Is The Vatican Planning To Claim To Be The Christ Based On The Image On The Shroud Of Turin? Are We In For Another Deception By False Prophet Francis? Great Videos To Be Prepared For The Coming Deception!


“Magicians” Prove a Spiritual World Exists – Demonic Activity Caught on Video. Excellent Educational Videos.


Your Guide to the Great Reset.  This Week in Tyranny.  How The EU Stopped The Pandemic.  Great Videos By The Corbett Report.


The Other Mark Of The Beast That No One Is Talking About. The Beast Has Two Marks! If The Left Mark Doesn’t Get You, Then The Right One Will! Great Videos!


The Covid-19 Vaccine And Neuralink Are Both  Individually  The Mark of the Beast.  You Only Have Take One Of Them To Be Cut Off From God Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Forever!

The American Eclipses Collide at LITTLE EGYPT America! America is the new Egypt. Here’s Actual PROOF!!! Excellent Videos!


Who Is Esau-Edom? Book Review. Who Are They? And What Is There Fate? Is There A Surprise Coming? Excellent Videos With Biblical Support!


The Evil Luciferians Are Using The Holy Bible Playbook As Their Playbook. Awesome Videos!


Shocker: How Trump Got COVID And The Spitting Image. Find Out About The Real Donald Trump. Awesome Videos!


Betelgeuse And The Cosmic War In Heaven Before They Were Thrown Down To Earth! Great Video And Explanation As To Who Our Spiritual Enemies Are Today.


Former Illuminati With 189 Years Experience Tells Us Of The Pagan Origins Of The Holidays Including Halloween And How They Were Placed Over God Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s Calendar. Fascinating Video!


Luciferase – Bill Gates Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccine Exposed. The Smoking Gun Of The Mark Of The Beast! Awesome Videos Banned On YouTube!!


Shocker: The Other Mark Of The Beast That No One Is Talking About. The Beast Has More Than One Mark! If The Left Mark Doesn’t Get You, Then The Right One Will!

The Covid-19 Vaccine, the Covid-19 Test, the Quantum Dot Tattoo And Neuralink Are Each  Individually  The Mark of the Beast.  You Only Have Take One Of Them To Be Cut Off From God Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Forever!

Donald Trump Is The Great Pretender! He Is Pretending To Be Jesus Our Messiah With His Blood And He Is Pretending To Be Christian. Find Out the Truth! Awesome Videos!


The Jews Themselves Tell Us Who They Are From Their Own Writings! Find Out the Truth! Awesome Videos!


Kabbalah Sabbateanism Chabad Lubavitch The Illuminati – Awesome Video!


Washington Insider Blows The Whistle On The Planned Agenda For the New World Order And What They Plan on Doing With The White Race And Christians Who Are The Real Tribes of Jacob Surnamed Israel. Insider Was Killed 30 Days After This Eye Opening Interview! Great Video To Understand Your Enemy!


What World Famous Men Have Said About The Jew. Awesome Video!


The Jew Is The Problem… Ejected From Over 109 Locations!  Excellent Video.


109 Locations whence Jews have been Expelled since AD250

The International Jew – The World’s Foremost Problem. Great Videos!


The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have begun Their Gallop Towards War!  Trump is the rider on the white horse and he is the first horsemen to ride of the four horsement of the Apocalypse.  Trump does not have any arrows in his quiver as he is a windbag and will bring down America to her knewws without firing a shot just like Cyrus took down Babylon without firing a shot.

The Red Dawn Invasion Of America Prophecy And Which Countries Will Be Invading North America? The Two Prophets In Revelation 11 And American’s Next President. The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse And Baphomet Revealed. Great Interview (Video)!


The Zionist Conspiracy Full Movie. Great Videos!


The Real Mafia That Controls The Entire World And Soon The New World Order! Excellent Video. Must See!!


The Drugging Of America And The West To Destroy Western Civilization And Usher In The New World Order! Great Video!


The Khazarian Mafia – The True Rulers Of The World (Documentary Video). Awesome Historical Information Of Major Past Events That Lead Us Up To Today!


Jesus Our Messiah is at the door and if you have not yet been baptized, full immersion at an age of accountability, then time is running out and I encourage you to do so today.

David Pawson On Baptism: Christians Are Required To Be Baptised, Full Immersion At An Age Of Accountability, In Order To Be Saved. Great Videos That Explains How Baptism Should Be Performed Filtered Through The Lens Of The Holy Scriptures.


See Dr. Luke Prophet’s full decode of the Prophet of Revelation unveiled.

America Is Babylon the Great With Over a Hundred Scriptural Verses to Prove Without a Shadow of a Doubt Why the USA Is End Times Babylon – Awesome Videos – Britain Is Also Babylon the Great and Will Be Destroyed After America Is Obliterated!


See Full History of All My Articles Attached to my Last Post on Jan 19 Before BIN Changed Size Limits on these 3 posts;

TITANpointe, Project Paperclip, Alien Abductions, Myanmar Coup, NSA/CIA/FBI/Darpa vs Americans. Strange Posters In Portland – “Ever Dream THIS MAN?” Heads Of Hydra. Must See Videos By Xtreme Reality Check!


Dr. Lorraine Day Interview: The Covid Agenda And The Mark Of The Beast! Heavily Censored! Must See!


Dr. Carrie Madej: The Gene Code Injection! An Experiment On Humanity! Heart Frequency & The Spirit Of God! Must See Videos!


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Before It’s News® is a community of individuals who report on what’s going on around them, from all around the world. Anyone can join. Anyone can contribute. Anyone can become informed about their world. "United We Stand" Click Here To Create Your Personal Citizen Journalist Account Today, Be Sure To Invite Your Friends.


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    • Jen the pen

      The creator yahuaha created Adam and eve with black skin, satan is white. Yahuaha created three forms the angels ,the jinn aka demons and man who was black. Yahuaha gave adam the keys to the kingdom and white supremacist satan was jealous. White supremacist satan raped black skin eve and the serpent seed race was created. The jewish serpent seed race was behind the enslavment of my ancestors in America. These mofo nazi are pure damn evil, Hitler was a damn jew and a percentage black

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