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By Medium For God
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The children turned into child molester “Pedo Girls” say they practice and prepare to do that to a mere quaint la babala, they are told to do the oral sucking on tiny babys vaginas to make them cum because their Moms are bad for having long whisps of air come out of their uterus, and told by text that the birth canal is sacred, and it is not allowed to have another mans penis in it, and that is their golden rule, thereby you girls shall suck on babys of Moms who cum, seen in spy cam shots sent to your cells and that is to teach the bad dirty filthy Moms a lesson, as they are bad if they have air come out of their uterus and that is a sin so you will suck on their babys private areas to make them cum so practice on each other to prepare to do the private area sucking on babys.

Child Pedos Are Committing Crimes And Do Not Know The Law

They are calling and messengering saying do not read Nancy Fox’s tips.

They are lying they are wrong.

They are lying they have a save life mission job position and they do not, they steal mail do I D theft and lie the job positions are theirs.

They tell Bus Drivers the kids in the back of bus are dropping off information for them.

They are lying they are not breaking any American laws.

The laws they break are:

Voyeurism, Peeping Tom Laws,Exploitation Laws

Child Molestation Laws


Sex Crimes


Selling Humans

Human Sex Traffick Laws


They lie they take people to save them, and they have trained many kids to be child molesters, they tell them at age 7, 9, 11, 13 etc to suck on baby’s vaginas, and they tell them to do round n round clito to their clitoris and that is child molestation and sex torturing crimes they commit, they are sex offenders, children who would be on the Meghan’s Base Sex Offender List, they would be in Juvy, Jails ,Prisons ,they are 5 and 7 and 9, 11 etc exploiting people for human sex trafficking, the older girls do oral sex torture child molesting til the victims are dead. They would be arrested for indecent exposure sex offenders as they have no underwear on and have sex together on the back of buses at 5 am in cars parked etc. and thats a crime, and they do not even know they are breaking so many laws. They have alcohol in their purses and backpacks, children and teens are practicing alcoholics, and its in their cars parked where they sit drinking alcohol and they should all be charged for having alcohol, and for not wearing underwear, and they have illegal drugs in their socks, and older girls have shots in their bras, they are heroin meth junkys, children and teens, young women shooting up drugs, they should be tested by a urine test to show alcohol meth and heroin in their system, they are slandering many nice mothers and should be charged for slander and character assignation, character depravation, as they are lying nice good decent women with careers and professions who are great mothers are very bad persons, and that would ruin their income and perfect reputation, and they could all be charged for lies they tell in parks malls and in neighborhoods, they are kidnappers, who lie they need to get babys tots kids teens from mothers and they lie they are taken to hotels and motels for meetings to help them when its to molest them gang rape them human sex traffick torture murder them, to cut off clitorises with razors in their trunks after they sex torture them with bungy cords in their trunks they bound ankles together with they are canablists, the older girls ages 11 and 15 and up eat private areas til they are raw and bleeding, and bite off clitorises, and chew up and swallow human flesh, and Canablism is a Crime and they would all be in Juvy Jail Prisons if a dna test was done on them to show how many human beings they ate, they treat people like animals. and put dog muzzles on them when they sex torture them in apartments houses in hotel motel rooms they take them to by fraud liar papers on clip boards and lie they are County Worker assistants a helpin out a mere quaint baby, and a mom with a sex problema when they have no problem at all, they are brain washed to think of a mom has an orgasm in love making they see in spy cams they are a very bad person, they hear them in bugging, and are told if a mom makes noise when she has sex that means she’s a very bad person for moanin etc. they are commiting crimes by covering up crimes being committed as many of them know that moms and kids are in dog cages on newspaper naked under Dog parks by stop signs on the Dog park corner, they are under their houses in Whipple Woods and taken up to molest them in kids porn by these young women pedo child molesters, and brought up the fireplaces by a cut out in the floor and their are freezing naked boys in cages starving and they know where they are, and its a law that a person has to report a crime if they know its being committed, and they are covering up where victims are underground in dog cages, and they are under their local work computer hacker apartments in drains in dog cages and they are in their apartment building attics in sacks, and they are under the front and back lawns and houses around Parks they bought, and there are many victims a good Samaritan would report to rescue them but they cover up the crimes and where missing persons are, and do not report it.

Today the sick girls are sitting parked with no underwear on having orgys with each other in cars and they are saying they do this when they see a mom cum and they are trained to see these moms as very bad persons by what their clitorus does in intercourse that they see in spy cam shots, they are doing genital electronic harrasment to targted individuals clitoruses by microchips they put in food and beverages and they are pressing keys on phones that say ” Clito Ouch” pad and do key pad pressing to hurt clitoruses and lie they do this to relax people to make clitos swell to show up and shoot them and all their family members up with a mere quaint shot in their sock and bras, and say they eat them out right in their houses and apartments and place dog muzzles on their lips to keep them quiet says a 22 year old named Kate and Sid her counterpart as I am channeling what these pedophile child molester orgasm hater serial killers are saying as I channnel criminals in addition to channeling people who died. They say they hate nice Moms who are wild in the sack and they killed another brand new infant thus morning under the roarin freeway by the hotel where they molest kids in kiddy porn shots on beds they lap them up and no one suspects them as they are 22 and 5 ft 2 or so with long brown straight hair, and pale skin and from the suburbs and one is half African American in her late 20′s and they say they do this with fierce hatred for moms who cum that they see in spy cams, and they are trained to know whos got passion within and hate them for being an incy wincy bit passionate and are addicted to sucking on brand new infants right after a sit down breakfast at a 24 hour coffee shop or a bagel and nosh spot or donut place for some where they meet up at half past 7 a m and they are told thats the save life mission top secret when really they are mass murdering the population of sexy attractive moms with a good shape a nice figure the instructions say today again, and they are killing them off and all their newborn infants and every age la  babala and tiny tots to boot and young children they are addicted to eating out and do this in their local work City Hall Computer technician apartment buildings they bought with not stolen money at all, they lie, as its all stolen money they run their murder operation by as they rob mail sent to save life on earth and reverse instructions and do the opposite as they are doing the Son of Satans mission and work for the devil, and say they won’t admit it at all ever, they are all texting that line amongst themselves today, Please Do Not Admit We Do This, Do Not Say A Word Of It, for you guys to have a lot of money later on as promised, from The Son of God leaders, really the Son of Satan leaders who steal Son of God mail put white out on it, type their hanus names on it, and pretend they got important Son of God Save Life On Earth Mission Commander jobs and have killed millions says God and Jesus Christ by this malicous con artist who hates clitoruses with a passion, they and others sit loathing what is between a persons legs, and stare at clitoruses in peeping tom hating the Moms who orgasm, and who are sexy looking in stylish clothes, and they the Son of Satans say they stinken dam all deserve to have that happen, to see their own new infants babys tiny tots of every age young kids and youths be all eaten out all lined up and restrained by the plastic shipping straps I send down on the Greyhound Bus lines and send them all over the Country to do that to all of them as we hate them so stinken dam much for being that way, for acting a little sexy just for flippin their hair, for wearing a coat with a fur hood, for having a sick body with dark furry pubic hair thats coarse and grose like a Playboy Centerfold, we hate those women who like that way, all sprawled out on a bed in cute P Js they make us sick,they way they look in a mirror at themselves to see how great they look, and we loathe them for being a little vain and for admiring themselves and hate crimes it is, cap YES the Son of Satan says who lies they have an important Son of God Save Life On Earth Mission job position who says you kids keep eatin out the ones we name, do not stop, continue on pressing the clito ouch pads to make their clitos hurt and swell up so you can run in in the nurse outfits my counterpart got you at the Uniform shop in Woodland Hills with your names embroidered on some, the tight fitted white Nurse dresses with matching Nurse caps, its so fun to fool everyone by that outfit thats so proffesional looking, and do not tell anyone at all you gals my great girls and your own mothers wearing them with the realtor woman I got in this in are in Studio City, as you killed a new baby under that freeway by the hotel where you take people after you place dog muzzles on them in their residences, it’s so fun I say, to treat them all like dam stinken dogs as they all deserve it because of the way they look and act and today that pregnant mom you guys got did not die, shes in critical condition the notices say that I take as they say Son of God on them, and all that mail is redirected to us where we sit and pretend thats our important job when its not but you girls got in on it when you were 10 and 11 years old, and some at 12 and many at 13 and 14 in early 2009, and you were told to munch out on each others V Js quietly in the dark as the mission is to take cumming time persons out of this whole wide world and the entire universe, that is the goal and the notices say we killed 900 million already and I say Hooray Yippee YES sir eee, that is the whole purpose, that is what you great girls good kids are doin, and thats what we agreed on way back when so do not stop it at all ever please continue on, sit parked in the areas named, and keep drinkin Peppermint Schnapps, and keep doin each others tiny so coot clitoruses parked, but do not put alcohol on them when your done as someone heard of the cloth diaper mom daughter kids porn films we did where that mom put alcohol on her daughters clitorus in a shot when she was 10 and is 18 now thank God, as shes with you parked and you are all eating her out as shes called our main porn star, I see in my spy cams in your cars on the dash board YES so keep doing the microwave energy key pad pressing, and do not sit under the area where you killed another infant today, as the hotel near there thinks I am doing the very important Son of God Save Life On Earth Mission job from L A and do not know I am not in L A, I am directing it by texts and by the mail sent to me that I pretend is mine, and I booked more hotel rooms at that hotel, and said the rooms are booked for CPS Secret Courthouse family therapy, where you guys bring the children in by the hand in the nice Nurse outfits, and Candy Stipper dresses with clip boards cap YES, and where we drag moms in we hand cuff as thats the name of our game for you girls to pound a family door barge in shoot the whole family up with speed ball meth heroin ajax shots, to place dog muzzles on their lips to pipe them all down so they cannot yell for help, to then eat them out in thier family apartments and homes, to torture the mother for being the way she is as we hate them YES, and to then throw alcohol on them, to them hand cuff them by the dem gal case workers who eat them out with you to drag them in a hotel where I made reservations, to make them look so stinken dam bad is why, ss to eat out their off spring in front of them shocks them so stinken dam bad, to then rape them by our medical unit men right in their stinken dam family homes and apartments, to then throw them in your vechicles I got you guys to say ” looky here what the cat dragged in a huh a huh got a bad mom who needs cps dcfs family group therapy, shes a wasted crack whore lady”










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