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Written by: Marlene*

Posted on: Saturday 20th July, 2024.

There are so many wonderful gifts available to Humans that we need to seek and find to make our own.

Imagine this: You are standing there naked, and your flesh and blood body changes to become a kind of matter made of light. A kind of light, with form and substance, from head to toe, even your hair. You are Soul with a pure body, (which can only become pure and cleansed through Jesus Christ.)

Now imagine that you must put on your full armour of God. If you cannot imagine what your armour looks like, just google Archangels Michael or Gabriel and you will get some ideas. You have to actually put this full protection armour on, with prayer. You must also recognize how each part of your armour actually protects you and how you can use each part to defend yourself against the forces from the Gates of Hell.

Is our armour gold or is it made of white LIGHT substance? I think it may be golden, shining golden, but it could also be white and shining. Imagine also that there is a white light which also surrounds you, as in your own personal space. Stretch out your arms sideways and bring them down. I believe this is what is known as your Aura. There is a small circle that surrounds each of us, and perhaps from up above, we look like little grains of salt here on the Earth.

Now imagine a hedge of fire surrounding this circle which contains a Human Soul- YOU! Being fully armoured with Sword and Shield, Helmet and Breast-plate and the Word of God written upon your heart. That is the vision of the Sons of Thunder. The battle will be fought also in the supernatural and there are many wonderful gifts to find along the Way, possessions we will need to see us through until the last day, being among those who are alive and remain at the appearing of our LORD and KING together with His army of Angels.

Indestructibility, Perfect Mind are all Holy Spirits, and brothers with Truth- the Comforter and the WORD- LOGOS, all Holy Emanations of The Perfect Father. All these Holy Ones came out of the Father, they are parts of Him. Even though these parts came out of Him and are aspects of His Being, always existing, He is able to call aspects or parts of Himself to become manifest as individuals- Holy Ones, in His presence.

The manifest Holy Ones can also ask the Father to manifest other aspects of Himself as well, always in agreement with the Father. Now even though the Father releases these parts of Himself, who are individual Holy and powerful Ones, He is in no way made smaller nor has He lost or is lacking in any way who He is. He remains the same and unchanging in Himself, not losing any of the powers He possesses, even though these powers have emanated from Him and are of HIM-The Perfect Father.

Please forgive me: I am actually trying to put my knowledge into words for the first time in this way. It seems different having to put my thoughts into words. These words are under judgment, and perhaps I really should not be writing about this. As I have mentioned before, the knowledge concerning the Perfect Father is hidden, and only seekers will find it.

It always tells us to keep it secret and I think it is because, it is not for the ears of everyone and to some it may be a threat because people are generally nuts, so you could also put your life in danger. Look at what happened to Jesus! He was killed because He said that He was the ‘Son of God’! Blasphemy! He was the First to resurrect from the dead with a new body that was touchable, (Thomas did put his fingers in His scars) in a physical way, yet not physical and made of Light. Immortality!

There is a powerful force which drives me to do all I can to make it to the end. It is also possible that my destiny is different in that I may not make it to the last day, and have a place in the resurrection, when the ‘dead in Christ shall rise’. This is actually the first time that I have ever written those words, ever, as being a part of the resurrection and that is because of my dream-visions.

I really do want to experience the last days of the Earth and see the changes, experience the changes, and of course in my mind, I will be left undisturbed by the evil ones, while continuing to preach in the darkness. As you can see, I am a great optimist. We have many gifts here, and even our Faith can move mountains, we simply have to find these gifts and study them and ask for wisdom and understanding on how to make them our own, and not only that, how to attach them to you- as belonging to you, spiritual things- your possessions, the things you can take with you when you leave this world.

The Human Soul is completely equipped with ‘the full armour of God’ and it will protect you against the attacks from the evil ones. It is just strange for me, because I have been writing about the Perfect Father for many years now. The Thought of Him was conceived in me long before I ever found any knowledge of Him.

I have always trusted that someone is responsible for my existence and had put that ‘thought of becoming manifest in the Light’ within me. I did not know who He was, but I knew that it was not Almighty God, and practically all of us believe and worship Him as Father. Remember Christ Jesus is also called the Father, as well as The All Mighty God.

I knew of Almighty God as a Catholic and I believe what the Scriptures say, that He is Creator and He gave the ‘breath of Life’ to raise up Adam, by blowing in his nostrils. He is a Jealous God and Vengeful, He is Just and hates sin and unrighteousness, He also curses and punishes, He blesses and rewards. He also does both good and evil and He is the God of Judgment over the inhabitants of this world and also over the Angels, since both Humans and Angels are under the same LAW. He is also a ‘consuming-fire’ which is currently headed towards Earth. He judges according to the LAW, and He also is merciful, and He blesses those who obey the LAW and punishes those who disobey. The penalty is always Death.

It was not logical to me that the thought originated from Him. So I held this ‘thought’ in my mind concerning the one who gave me the thought in the first place and I continued to seek to find knowledge about ‘becoming manifest in the light’, since that was the thought that was awakened within me. What is interesting in my journey is the way words are put together to become ideas and things that are tangible. ‘Becoming manifest in the light’, really means to enter into the Kingdom of God, through Christ Jesus, by means of personal experience.

I was about nineteen years old when the ‘Thought’ was conceived in me, in nineteen seventy-nine, and I finally found the Perfect Father in Knowledge sometime around nineteen ninety-four at the age of thirty-five, about sixteen years later; currently I am almost sixty-five, so it has been nearly thirty years since I found the Perfect Father in Knowledge, the One who sowed the Thought within me and forty-five years since I called out to Him, and He answered. He did tell me to go and seek Christ Jesus, He will show me the way… and He did. He showed me the way to the Father- the only One who is Perfect.

There is also knowledge on the ‘Thought’, and its origin and how it came to be, and what it is and who it is. There is even an entire text given by the Thought, which is found in all life-forms in existence. There is so much food to eat here and an endless supply of knowledge to study and understand all the days of your life here.

All of this to say that there are many things we need to seek and find here given to us as gifts and also knowledge of the Human journey. There is much knowledge within that I have yet to put into words, and the more I write the more the words will continue to flow out. It is very important for me to keep a testimony of my journey, and being Human means seeking after knowledge and experience of the highest places we can reach in this life. We will also experience the things we find in knowledge, in our personal journey. The words of knowledge sometimes do become manifest in our personal experience and so we must continue in seeking and finding the knowledge of the way to achieve this, for as long as we are here in this world.

I do study a lot and there is so much to understand and come to know. Personally, I have always trusted Christ Jesus in my journey. He has delivered me from evil in spiritual warfare and He has helped me in my daily life difficulties so many times, that it is impossible for me to live without Him, for He is the Door. He is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. He is also the Light of the world and the Saviour of the whole world. He is the LAMB of God who takes away the sins of the world.

The Human journey takes place within the individual, it is the SOUL who is held to give account for the life you live, not your flesh and blood body. It is the Soul who sins and the body is defiled. You cannot take any of your physical possessions with you to the other side, we all know this truth, however we can take spiritual possessions with us to the other side. We can only receive our spiritual possessions when we follow Christ Jesus, for He is our Lord and will lead us along the WAY.

There are so many mysteries about Humans still to be solved, our secrets yet to uncover. Personally, I believe that Human Beings are even more mysterious than Angels, since we can seek after the knowledge of Angels and find that there are two kinds basically, those who have fallen through rebellion and have become corrupt and evil, and those who did not. One-third have fallen and sided with Lucifer and are cast down from Heaven unto the Earth and the rest remained in their first estate.

There are many kinds of Angels with different levels of rank. How many Angels were created and established in Existence, from the Beginning? Does anyone really know? There have been many who have speculated as to the number of those Angels who have fallen, and there are differing opinions. One-third would be a lot, because there are a lot of Angels who were created. The Archangels are the highest ranking ones and there are four remaining in Heaven- Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael.

There is knowledge found concerning the Archangels which states that there were seven original Archangels who were present before the Throne of God. Lucifer was one of them and he was actually the most beautiful created one of them all. He was also the ‘conductor’ of the Heavenly choirs and the music played in Heaven. He also had the most beautiful voice in Heaven and when he sang, his voice was a quartet- four voices. He did rebel against Almighty God and his Throne, and did also cause two other Archangels to join him, and so there remained four Archangels who stand before the Throne of God, those who did not rebel. I also believe that they are the FOUR BEASTS who stand before the Throne of God Almighty.

The Fallen Ones really hate Humans and want to kill us and remove us from upon the face of the Earth, while the loyal ones fight against the fallen ones in their spiritual battles to save and protect mankind from the wiles and evil deeds of those that hate the light and the truth. They will even begin to appear here in our world more and more, until they have complete power over Humans, as our kings and governors. We must endure and resist them for a short time, until the Day of Judgment when they will all be removed from the Earth and be imprisoned for all the evil they have done to corrupt, kill, destroy, enslave and steal the Souls of Humans.

The knowledge concerning Angels can be found if you desire to find it. The knowledge of Humans on the other hand is very difficult to find. Of course there are many ‘wise men’ and religious men and philosophers and other experts who have written extensively about the Human Being, and I have read many different theories, ideas, thoughts and beliefs. These ideas vary from Humans descending from Ape-kind to Humans being a slave race for Extraterrestrials. The latter sounds more plausible if you consider the Extraterrestrials to be the fallen Angels, then it makes perfect sense, since that is exactly what the fallen ones think of us Humans. Do they even realize that it will be Humans who will judge over them on the day of Judgment?

A Human Being is a Living Soul, a supernatural creation, in that our Souls are supernatural in nature, covered in flesh and blood clothing. The ‘job’ of the Angels was to teach us about God and to bring us into the Heavenly Kingdom. I believe that there are still Angels working among us to protect and save us from the wiles of the Devil and his minions, as well as helping us to enter into the Kingdom. Angels will be seen by Humans in these last days of the world. The sounds of Trumpets will be heard and the voices of Angels preaching the Gospel and announcing the destruction of the Babylonian Kingdom.

So many Christians believe that Christ Jesus is coming to the Earth, actually setting His feet in this world, and this is a false belief. He has already fulfilled His mission here in the world. The Church is harvested and join Him in the clouds, and during these last days, many Souls will enter into Heaven. I believe that the ‘dead in Christ’ are those who have entered into Paradise, at the time of the Ascension of Christ Jesus when He was raised from the dead and ascended into Paradise with the Saints who were held captive in Hell. He emptied the prisons of Hell and He set the captives free. He took the captives with Him to Paradise, even the prophets of the Old Testament, as well as Adam and Eve.

He opened the Gates of Paradise that were shut and guarded by Angels with flaming swords so no Human could enter and all those who saw His Light in Hell and believed in Him were released from their captivity and ascended into Paradise with Him. Before Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead, no one could really be saved. Almighty God does allow some to enter into Heaven, however when they do appear in Heaven they are not cleansed, but are purified by Angels in Heaven. Only the Blood of the LAMB can wash away the sins of Humans. (Please read the Gospel of Nicodemus).

He descended into Hell and He set the captives free, and they all entered into Paradise with Him, because all the powers who prevented Human Souls from entering into Paradise were defeated and removed, and the Gates of Paradise were opened for saved Humans over two thousand years ago. We already have victory over these despicable ones in spiritual warfare, and we must continue the fight here in the physical. Prayer works effectively in both realms.

I also understand that my spiritual perspective differs slightly from those of Christianity, where the Trinity is believed. I want to make it very clear that I believe that the Trinity does indeed exist, being the Father, The Son and the Holy Ghost, as stated in Scripture:

Matthew 28:16-20

16 Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them.

17 And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted.

18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.


It is also interesting that there is the Holy Ghost and the Holy Spirit. Are they both the same, or are they two different Holy Powers? The Holy Ghost Power is given to us by Jesus and His Father. This power also comes with ‘fire’. There is a hedge of fire that surrounds the followers of Christ who preach the Gospel.

1John Chapter 5:1-21.

1 Whosoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loves him that begat loves him also that is begotten of him.

2 By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments.

 3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.

4 For whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world: and this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith.

5 Who is he that overcomes the world, but he that believes that Jesus is the Son of God?

6 This is he that came by water and blood,even Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit that bears witness, because the Spirit is truth.

7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

8 And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.

 9 If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for this is the witness of God which he hath testified of his Son.

 10 He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son.

11 And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.

12 He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.

13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.

 14 And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:

 15 And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.

 16 If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it.

 17 All unrighteousness is sin: and there is a sin not unto death.

 18 We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not.

19 And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.

 20 And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.

 21 Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.


I should note here that this blog began even before my last published blog. So now a couple of days after adding to it, at least three times over the past month, today, I feel the need to write. This is strange for me to produce so many words consistently, in a way, and so I have to remain focus on the message which is all about Christ Jesus and the WAY He has established for us to travel, as we journey through this world.

This is obviously my testimony and I know that I have to write, it is a part of my DNA. Hopefully my words are logical and interesting to you- the reader, and I really do appreciate your interest. I have been writing for a long time and many people read my words, but very few ever comment on the public places. Yes, it would be great to hear the thoughts of others, however I do understand on some level.

Is it in my best interest to write about the way I am feeling when the words are pouring out from me? Sometimes, many times, I often feel an overwhelming sadness that comes over me like a wave and it is because of the state of the present Human existence. As a Human and a follower of Christ Jesus, I see the world from a very big picture perspective. What I mean is that I do possess a spiritual perspective, just like all true Christians, however my perspective has taken me to the highest places. How do I write these words without you thinking that I am full of myself, or egotistical, or anything negative?

This is why I should just focus on Christ Jesus and leave my feelings out of it, yet these two things are completely entwined. It is challenging when you are a seeker of knowledge in Truth. My journey is one of studying and reading, writing, praying, meditation and fellowship. I must become manifest in the light. Most if not all Christians desire to be taken from this world in the Rapture, however I know that I will be here until the last day.

It is such a horrible thing that has happened to us, through the use of sorcery, lies and fear. Do not be afraid and going forward, we should reject everything this world offers us if it could affect our physical health. Jesus is my physician and has been for a long time and staying away from hospitals and doctors have been my mantra all these years.

I do not live in a vacuum and I do have a family and a life which do intersect and I too have issues, mainly family issues, I am very close to my kids, even in proximity. The world is in great turmoil and Humans are suffering and dying in great numbers from all manner of calamities, both natural and man made. There is so much confusion in the world for those who are trying to find the truth as to what is happening here, as confusion and illusion are fed to us daily.

The great deception is in play and all of this confusion and fear are leading us towards the appearance of the unholy trinity into our world. There is severe flooding happening in many places throughout the world like never seen before, especially in pagan countries. It is also time for these people to abandon their paganism- their worship of Idols and grab hold of the Christian Bible. These countries also greatly persecute Christians who are trying to bring them the truth and save them from destruction. Not all countries will have a place in the Millennial Kingdom of God- the New Earth.

Almighty God is coming to destroy all evil from upon the face of the Earth. Christ is coming to judge the Nations and the kings of the Earth. We can clearly see that the fires have already begun to burn the forests and homes, they will only intensify each year. It is also the same with the hurricanes and typhoons, as the winds will grow stronger and cause more destruction.

The size of the hail stones will increase and the rain and floods will become more severe, as judgment draws near. Also more and more volcanoes will continue to erupt, for all the hills will be made low at the coming of that great and terrible day of the Lord. He is coming to destroy evil which is basically rooted in the physical, in the flesh.

It is so very important at this time that we move closer to Christ Jesus, for He is the only one who can protect us from these evil times. He is our light in the world and His WAY is the only way that leads us into the Kingdom. If you are not following Christ Jesus you are being led by the evil forces and your destination is not the Kingdom, but the places where the evil ones will be imprisoned on their day of Judgment, for you will follow them into Hell and the Lake of Fire.

There are those who are actively engaged in the agenda to kill most of us, and unfortunately, they are succeeding, mainly because of fear and ignorance, however there are also those who are working very hard to defend Humans and the world from the evil ones, who really hate us and seek to destroy us. Reptiles eat bugs and insects as their main food source, not Humans. Selah.

We really do live in a very strange world, don’t we? The experience of the Human is so very complex, yet all the options are laid out and established here for us. We have free-will to choose which path we will follow, however the evil overlords does not want us to be free, nor do they want us to think for ourselves. Who are these evil bastards having such power and control over us?

This world-system is one set up by the Adversary in order to enslave Humans through sin and disobedience against the LAW, which the Angels are also under. The LAW and the TRUTH have always been rejected, even the prophets were killed, and Jesus crucified, because the Devil is the father of lies and cannot withstand or endure the truth, for truth has no place in him.

We are told to seek after knowledge of the truth so as not to be deceived by the rulers of the world and the father of lies. We do have free-will to chose between life or death, as to which path we will follow. When we follow Christ Jesus as we are led through this world along the WAY, it is vital that we remind ourselves that we do not belong here and that we are just passing through. This world is not our home.

Christians are being persecuted in more and more places around the world and this seems to be spreading throughout the African and Asian countries. In the western countries the persecution is more subtle, but just as dangerous. Churches are being burnt all across Canada and some western Nations, and Christians are being arrested for speaking out against the Alphabet people and their insane policies being pushed upon a non-receptive public, to accept their crazy lifestyle choices and demonic possessions, and they get upset when they are told to ‘leave the kids alone’.

Christians are arrested for praying outside of abortion clinics, even if through thought-prayer, without saying a word. The prayers of Christians really does upset the Gates of Hell and the powers who rule over this world-system. Jesus did tell us that the persecution will be terrible in the last days, and we are only seeing the beginning of the descent into extreme evil by way of Christian persecution.

There is a strange new power here in this world relating to the Alphabet movement, such things we have never seen before, especially the way they show themselves in their public celebrations. Of course acceptance is what they desire of us, as well as for you to share in their celebrations and lifestyle. When we tell them NO! they call us racists and bigots and will even try to ‘cancel you’.

There is also a credit style system working its way through big business and industry and the corporate world where they have to promote Alphabet movement or they will be punished by the ones who promote this insanity. Bud Light and Target and the rest are being forced to comply to keep their credit ratings. There is some kind of credit-system these companies are under that also compels them to push the Alphabet agenda or lose bigly. They lose anyway because the majority of the people will not go along and they will be boycotted, so they lose both ways.

This insanity and depravity must be stopped, and they must all repent of their ungodly ways, because when this abomination is punished, it will be worse than the time of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. They also do not want to hear the truth and speaking the truth of the Gospel of Salvation is forbidden in many countries, and Christians are killed for speaking the truth.

All we can do is continue to speak the truth of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and it is up to our Lord to work in their hearts so as to convert them. Why does the world hate Christians so? They hated Jesus Christ also and it is because we do not belong to this world, if we did belong, the world would love us. The entire world-system is established by lies and with the purpose of enslaving Humans in order to keep us from finding the truth and thus be saved.

If you love the truth you will become an enemy of this world, because only lies and deception flourish here. The prince of this world, Lucifer, has already been judged and his punishment awaits. These are indeed scary times, however we must not ever let fear come into our hearts or minds. Reject the things of the world and trust in Christ Jesus and you will be safe and protected

Repent of your sins, even if you are a Christian, so that you are found without blemish, especially in a dangerous world where your life can be taken at any time. There are so many calamities taking place everywhere, as well as wars and rumours of wars, pestilence on the horizon and so many natural disasters on the rise… and so many are ‘suddenly dying’.

A few days ago was the assassination attempt made on President Trump… crazy world indeed! ‘The shot heard around the world’. All I have to say is that the next couple of years will be very interesting indeed, and I believe we will be seeing more ‘fire’ in the world from every possible source. This world is a very dangerous place and you must not love your life in it, nor be afraid of dying for truth sake.

There are two sets of Christians here which make up the Church of Christ Jesus. There are the Gentiles and there are those who belong to the 12 Tribes of Israel and they all belong to a spiritual Church, not a physical one. The 144,000 are not of the flesh and blood but are of a spiritual nature, although they are not all the same. Each tribe has its own function, and will be preaching in the last days of the world, this Great Babylonian Empire, where they will be hunted, starved, imprisoned and killed by the Evil one, since he hates truth and wants to be worshipped as God, which they reject.

These 144,000 will also refuse the Mark of the Beast so they will be outcasts with no financial means of survival. Many will be captured and brought before the Babylonian king in a Human flesh-suit, where he will demand you worship him and deny Christ Jesus and live, or if you refuse you will be imprisoned or killed. The Just shall live by Faith.

Life is a very stressful experience especially when you see all the injustices and lawlessness taking place all around us. Those who are in power are certifiably insane and they really want to mold the Human psyche into their own image, into the image of the Devil whom the all serve. They are trying very hard to destroy us, especially our minds and hearts, so they can recondition us through fear and deception and sorcery into an obedient slave.

As mentioned in previous blogs, I worship the UNITY, which is the PERFECT FATHER, who is the Father of Spirits and the Father of the Sons of GOD, which is a new creature who will be born anew when our LORD and KING arrives with His Angels. As one who has never thought of one who will be Raptured or Harvested, I did seek into the knowledge of the ones who remain until the last day, those belonging to the 12 Tribes of Israel.

I want to say so many things at this time, however I do believe that I belong to one of the 12 Tribes, based on my personal experiences. I was sealed in my forehead by a lightning-bolt, from beyond the clouds, and it was very real, even though it happened in the supernatural. I have see both harvests of the Church and so many other incredible dream-visions. I must confess that it has been a while since I have had a dream-vision.

My last three visions were of me getting sealed, getting searched by a golden shining light from above in the clouds, and finally being consumed by the fire. That was my last dream-vision, of the ones that I actually prayed for and asked our Lord to reveal the hidden things to me. Although I have been having them for some time before that, I never prayed for them like I did the last ones, they just happened to me and I was mostly a watcher in those visions, I was never really involved, I was involved in all the ones I received after I prayed for revelation.

So many wonderful things have happened to me and it is not because I am different in any way from the next person, it is because at an early age, I found myself lost, literally lost in this world and I did not know who I was. It was a life and death situation for me, because I reasoned that If I have no purpose in this world, then there is no real reason for living, right? I had to find purpose or die.

So I decided to seek after knowledge to see if I could find my purpose. I knew who I was in the flesh, with only dead relatives on my ancestor tree. I was not born in death, and Jesus was in me because I was a catholic and I believed that He is the Son of God, who died for our sins. I did go to Him first to begin my journey in a way, because when I was faced with the daunting reality of seeking after purpose and identity, I remembered His words of asking and receiving, seeking and finding and knocking and the door will open to us.

I did tell Him that He made us a promise and I needed to know who I am, however I was not close to Him, He was not my friend, in that I knew Him as I do now. I was A Catholic who had just renounced my Catholic religion and was on my own in this big world, trying to find out why I am here and who I am. I did not look into the Bible for answers, not really, I went into the world to see what other Humans thought and believed.

I soon found out that no one has the answers I needed after reading so many books in all related genres, the greatest minds and the wisest men, but no one had what I was seeking after. It was then that a thought came into my mind saying, ‘why are you looking in the world to find yourself, you are self-contained and you need to look within yourself to find the answers you are seeking, only you possess the answers to who you are.’

There are so many ‘I’s’ in these last few paragraphs and I did not really want to make it all about me, however this is also my testimony and I will be judged according to my words. I was able to go within through meditation and I woke something up that was asleep within, or the truth is something was conceived and became aware within, it became alive, and the only thought that was in my mind, and it has continued until today, is that ‘I must become manifest in the Light’.

This manifestation must happen and it will happen, and over the years I have come to understand the origin of the thought and that it is actually something that is established for Humans to seek after and find in knowledge, for the knowledge does exist here in this world. Some of us will bring forth fruit thirty-fold or sixty-fold or a hundred-fold. The Light-seed sowed in each if us upon entering the world by the WORD, in which the thought dwells, does sometimes conceive and brings forth an actual body, a spiritual body which is the MIND and the male part of the new Human, the Perfect Human.

When the seed is conceived within in some, a new spiritual mind-body is born and this perfect spiritual body is the exact replica or image of the individual, however this spirit body exists in the Spiritual Eternal Realm in the presence of the Perfect Father, for these are His seeds sown in this world through His WORD, Christ the LORD and KING of ALL. The Human Angels are perfect Human Minds, being spiritual in nature, and on the last day when our LORD appears with His Army of Angels, these will be the ones.

He will also send them throughout the four corners of Heaven to gather together His Elect, who are those who are alive and remain and the dead in Christ. Those who through knowledge has found the Perfect Father and have been born of water and of spirit, and those who have ‘created’ a mind-body in their worldly experience and are alive and clean Souls surviving to the last day, will see their spiritual male mind body counterparts, or images, who are actually the Angels coming with our LORD in His Heavenly Army.

These spirit-mind Angels will ascend to the four corners of Heaven to find their female Redeemed Souls counterparts from those who are alive and remain on the last day, and the two parts, spirit-mind Angel and Redeemed Soul- who is also Spirit, will be gathered together and join to become the Perfect Humans- the Sons of God. A new Spiritual Being becomes manifest in the Light. This is my journey and testimony and on the last day there will be no more physical existence and the Earth is part of the Heaven, since all the Fallen Ones will be here also on that day.

We must pray that our Joy may be full, because the Joy of the Lord is our strength. Pray also that your Faith increase because it will be your main protection against the Evil one. These times will get tougher for Christians, however it is also a time to really test our faith as Christians and that is done through prayer. Remember that it may seem to some of us in places of the world that seem quite, the destruction comes suddenly in the middle of a false peace.

This world is not going to get better and we must recognize this truth, for the Day of the Lord is neat at hand. Perhaps Trump will be elected, hopefully, because they are still planning more ways of cancelling him permanently. It was quite shocking to see the bullet missing his head and striking his ears. I could not imagine what would have happened if he was shot in the head. America would be on fire.

Some are saying that he did not really get shot and that it was all staged. I find that hard to believe. From all of the sources I have read and information gleaned, there were three shooters, two were killed by the SS, the one on the roof and another on the water tower, there was also a third shooter, but not sure of location. They did find three different kinds of bullet casings, and none of the security people were not even Secret Service. Crazy times indeed, I am glad he is safe.

Trump may be able to broker peace deals, and with enough threats to the warmongers, he can stop this current escalation between NATO Allies and Russian Allies, thus delaying the inevitable for a short time. He may also broker a peace deal between Israel and Palestine and bring stability to the world for a short time. It will be interesting to see how his policies will make America great and safe again.

This peace deal will be a false deal and will end in destruction. It just came to mind that the one who brokers the peace deal with Israel is the Anti-Christ. (You know, saving Israel for last and all that ‘trust the plan’ stuff). No one knows the Anti-Christ, the False-prophet or the Beast true identities, until the TWO WITNESSES appear and reveal them to the world. Interestingly, it would appear to me that in the past when I found info about the evil plans, it seemed as though they were always trying to replicate the scriptures according to their evil beliefs, putting themselves into the prophecy in order to bring about their agenda.

Now it also appears that those who we might consider the good guys are also doing the same as the evil ones do… and yes, this is going to be biblical, right? Trust no man, look at what happened with the sorcerer’s brew, I believe five billion Humans took this poison. The deception is afoot and many will continue to fall away and soon the whole world will realize that we have all been deceived, except the few who are not.

Please keep in mind always that this is about Fallen Angels and Almighty God. The Angels were the first to be created and everything else in existence, including Demons, Aliens and Extraterrestrials are all the works of the Fallen Ones and their off-springs. There is a battle taking place between the good powers and the evil powers, and Humans are caught in the middle. There is a WAY established here for us to travel and all the knowledge we could find to not become a casualty of evil and death.

We all have free-will to choose which road we will travel- Life or Death. The narrow road which leads to life and the broad road that leads to Death. Christ Jesus is the Door to the narrow road. The Fallen ones who are ruling over our world offer us the broad road where you travel with a lot of your friends and you desire and love the things of this world and also hate the LAWS that judge over us all, even the Angels.

Humans are here to learn about who we are so that we may become known in Christ Jesus, both in the Heaven and on the Earth in the Kingdom Age and unto Eternal Life. Jesus told us that there are many more who are lost than are saved. We will not all enter into the Kingdom of God, however we can labour in this world, seeking after the things of the Kingdom and its Christ so as to take our place in the New Earth and the new Heavens.

Human Beings are very special Beings, and not even the Angels know about our LIGHT qualities, mainly because they cannot see it, so as to grasp it or seize it. The Kingdom of God in the New Earth is where Christ Jesus, Almighty God and the Saints will rule. The Kingdom of Heaven which is Spiritual, unlike the New Earth which will be like Paradise, is the place of the WORD of GOD, who is KING and LORD of ALL and existing in Eternal Life and Perfection always.

The New Earth will be as Paradise, perfect yet Humans can still commit sin as they did in the last days of the Millennial Kingdom Age. The Saints will be made perfect in Christ, so they will no longer sin, but the rest of the peoples who inhabit the Kingdom, or the New earth will be capable of sin. The Sons of God will be with the WORD of God in the Spiritual Realm, from where the New Jerusalem will descend to the New post-millennial Earth, down from above, a gift from the Perfect Father who exists in Eternal Life and Perfection, as a gift to the LAMB as His Bride. The Perfect Eternal city, where Perfect Humans dwell. How wonderful a hope and a promise.

I pray that your Joy may be full and that your Faith will increase. Repent and confess all of your sins, especially when old sins pops up in your mind, even sins you may have committed as a child. You must wash away all of the crimson stains that may still be on your Soul. You do not have to wreck your memories for sins you may have committed and have since forgotten, because when you pray and repent regularly, your buried sins will move up to the surface to be washed away, so please pay close attention to those painful long ago memories that may just pop up out of nowhere.

Personally, I believe that all of the terrible things I have discovered over the years, the evil, godless things, especially those done to Humans, even the children, I may suffer from PTSD, as I am sure many are. The evil done here is mind-bending, and so that is why we must trust only in Christ Jesus and try to remove yourself from this world, in that you do not partake in its offerings, especially in this time of increasing darkness. To be in the world by not of the world. Trust only in Christ Jesus and He will lead you into the highest places in the Kingdom of God.

We must continue to pray always, or as much as possible. A lot more than you normally do and prayers do work. The evil ones also know that prayers work against their kingdom of darkness. Prayer is the ammunition of the Christian and the Lord loves it when we pray and ask Him to help us, especially in these crazy times. Prayers are answered in a timely manner. Sometimes you need to be delivered right away, in the moment. At other times prayers take longer to be answered and you may see results in days or weeks, months or even years, but you will notice the results.

This world has changed and this life experience has also changed for most of us. We do possess a path to Understanding and Wisdom, however we must pray and ask for these gifts on a regular basis. If you have never asked for Spiritual Wisdom and Understanding, then you do not possess them, for these are things we receive when we ask for them in prayer. Ask and you shall receive.

There are some teachings which are challenging to come to understanding, such as persecution. In the past I would regularly read the Christian persecution sites all the time, especially about eight to ten years ago. It was very difficult for me to understand how to love my enemy and I still struggle with it, especially when I see how Christians are being treated in many places throughout the world.

At that time there was a lot of Christian persecution being done by Muslims and I read many testimonies of what it is like to find Jesus in the Muslim world. You have to run away basically, or they will kill you, even your parents and those closest to you. It was very sad to hear those testimonies of severe persecution, and love our enemy. I understood the teaching in my heart, however I had to accept it in my mind, which is difficult to do. It is against Human nature to love your enemy.

You basically have to accept what is happening to us because this is the way things are established. Why even bother to fight when death will release you to be in the presence of our Lord, right? The persecution does echo in your mind, especially when it is violent and graphic, and I do remember. So my understanding came in the form of a prayer because this was the only way I could really come to terms with this, especially when they are openly killing us, with no justice for the persecuted in most cases.

My solution was to say a prayer and ask our Lord to convert one thousand Muslims for every Christian killed. This prayer was a part of my daily prayer and I still sometimes pray that prayer, not as much as I used to ten or so years ago, however over the years there has been a lot of Muslim conversion and it is still happening today. There was also a time when a lot of Muslims were being visited by Jesus. I also would like to believe that my prayers are being answered and I am certain that there are many Christians who also pray for the Salvation of our enemies.

The conversion is still happening today, and that is how you can love your enemies- those who want to kill you because you love Jesus and He loves you, they are just in a different state of sin than any unbeliever is or was, the time before they repented and made Jesus Christ their Lord and Saviour. They are all enemies of Christians simply because they do not know our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, nor do they know or believe in all the wonderful gifts He left for us and what He has done for the world, for He is also the LAMB of God who takes away the sins of the world.

He died even for those who worship pagan idols and gods, and hate Christians and seek to kill us. Seek the Lord while He can be found, because soon the famine of the word of God will be upon the Earth and everyone in the world will be seeking to find the truth, but it will not be found, except when they come upon one of the wandering and homeless, hungry and thirsty 144,000. I do not believe that many will survive until the last day, but only a few… many are called, but few are chosen. The chosen are the Elect of Christ.

I do pray always that my perception is rooted in Truth. My words are under judgment and I also know that as a Follower of CHRIST, my journey is filled with wonder and astonishment, deep sadness and great joy. I really hate this world-system, especially those insane non-elected ones who seem to wield the most power over us. This world needs to be deleted and reset… it is very hostile to Humans.

I do still have one important issue that I struggle with, even though it is already settled to some degree, but not completely. Personal, I believe that I am a warrior at heart, and I know that we are peace-makers. The kind of battle we face in the supernatural does not require violence, it is mostly about banishment, so we use spiritual words, not guns and bullets. I have fought against these evil ones and victory came through a call to be delivered and the appearance of Light. Evil ones hate the Light.

We can also have victory over these evil ones by using your sword, which is using the Word of God- memorized Scripture, as a weapon that banishes them back to where they came from. ‘Our battle is not against flesh and blood’ is interesting and I do understand it in the spiritual, because the war is mainly about the capture and enslavement of Human Souls, even the stealing, killing and destroying of our Souls. ( I am actually writing about this because I do think about it, sometimes.

I thank the Lord that it seems that my spiritual warfare is over. Resist the Devil and he will flee from you. My issue is that these evil ones are literally entering our world and will have power over us. My self-preservation and survival instincts are at the highest level. My thoughts always turn to possible future violent encounters with enemies who seek to kill us. Do I have the right to fight back and possibly even kill someone in order to save my own life?

The idea of being killed by a godless, lawless person because of my love for Jesus is very… I was going to say ‘repulsive’, I really cannot think of another word to describe how I feel about it. This is very personal and I know that many Christians own guns and they would have no problem with defending themselves, even taking the life of another to protect themselves. I feel the same way too! How am I supposed to make it to the last day without physical protection?

Of course, I already know the answer, however it still does not remove the need to fight back with violent actions. The answer is spiritual in nature. What did Jesus do when He was confronted with those who wanted to seize Him and kill Him? He was able to remove Himself from their midst. What I am trying to say is that I believe that the 144,000 will receive spiritual powers, although many will die.

I say this because in my dream-vision when I was sealed by a bolt from above, it was very real and intense. I was filled with white light and a name was branded on my forehead in white-light with tiny gold-light floating specs. I also was in another place for those few seconds, a place of Light. Afterwards I felt very energized and I knew that I could run fast or even fly if I had to.

Most of my visions have been in a world that is covered in darkness and completely destroyed. The clouds are always very low and dark, and the world is dark. I am always alone and I do not believe I have any weapons. I know that I must trust in the Lord, especially in those days and He will see us through and protect us and since I believe that I have to make it to the last day, because I want to be there for the Appearing of our LORD and KING and His Army of Angels. I guess that is just me, but I am concerned about future physical warfare and I should pray more for my Faith to increase, for we are peace-makers, and our feet are also shod with a part of our Armour.

MATTHEW 5:43-48

43 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.

44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

 46 For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?

 47 And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?

48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

So pray for our enemies and avoid dangerous situations. Come out of the world, so as not to become an enemy of God. I believe and know that prayer and Faith will see us through to the end. Our Armour of God worked against our enemies in the supernatural, and these same enemies are entering the physical world to continue to wage war against us, so why would our Faith and prayers not work as weapons in this world? It does work and I know that Faith can move mountains. We must put our Faith and Trust in the Lord and He will see us through till the end.

Peace and Love and Joy to You All in Christ Jesus our Lord and King. M.


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