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DEAD CHILD TRAFFICKERS Are Sex Torturing and Killing Many Brand Newborns

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The satanic sex torture orgasm hate crime cult took newborns to sex toture and murder them by the udder girls doing, 49 in a naked pack eating them alive, they molest private areas drunk on Peppermint Schnapps and on 9 to 15 shots of meth and eat them out, are their vulgar words, until they are dead or near dead, then they place them in a flour sack with a draw string they buy from butchers in markets as what they say is part of their daily routine as real Charlie Manson girls and women who murder infants and unborns they get from pregnant moms they frame to their CPS Secret Courthouse and to be a not needed case file to take the baby and mother with County Worker papers these methed out drunk pedophile serial killer, sex torture addicts running around with no underwear or pubic hair methed out and drunk get them with by a large group of them barging in a home, or apartment, job, School, a car, from wherever the targeted individuals are, and they say they are ” Choosen” and on their long lists to get the individuals taken away by their sheer udder force, which means by their vagina udder molester liar methed out drunk mouths, the ” Udder Girls” are addicted to sucking on vagina udders, and to eating flesh, and drinking blood from the victims they take away by force of County Worker papers on clip boards, and by meth heroin Ajax shots they keep in their bobby sock with Ked tennis shoes, and funky knee high socks, as they dress as little kids and as teenagers dress in bobby socks, Keds, and in knee socks a teenager would wear and many are in their 20′s and 30′s who look like kids and youths so people do not suspect them to be child molester, junky serial killers, and many are 9 years old who suck on babies, and many are teenagers also in this wicked ” Sheer Udder Girl Cult” and Sheer stands for clitoral cutting Female Genitial Mutilation sheers, and readings say they contact people by texts, and in messenger and say ” Hey Hey it’s us gals as always, we are contacting you with brief info on Moms and Kids we need to get From, us Sheer Udder Gals, from down undergroud in our neat nifty computer lab technician rooms down the stairs on the sides of buildings in Drug Store and Market Pod Malls so everything is hidden in our CPS Secret Court DCFS Department of Health and Welfare Headquarters where we hack texts, emails, and inform our spy watch cam committee workers what the people on our lists said and did, and we say we are covering them for well being, to keep an eye on them, and we do this to anyone who is any type of case file or who was part of a case file at any time in their life, and that includes closed dismissed CPS DCFS etc. case files, and many are ones we are setting up to the CPS Secret Courthouse hearings we hold privately to remove custody promptly from the Moms named, and from some Fathers as well, and tell everyone on line we are covering very bad persons, who are not bad at all, as its all a game to make the ones choosen look bad anyway we can, and that means reversing truth and facts, copy pasting, with white out, tying lies on papers, and doing framing fake financial investigations, and fake evaluations the Evaluators do by bugging phones, they write fake notes, and are told to make normal Moms look like they do not do things normally in their life while they steal 8 work calls a day from the phone bugging, and while the fake mortgage broker banking investigator framer steals thousands at a time from their bank accounts to a ” Floater” account, and while others On Patrol who zip around properties and park known as Gang Stalking Targeted Individuals write fake framing notes in logs, and they call the same day to set up a not needed case file, and plan it all out. The Evaluator was given crime tip jobs their leader running this operation took in 2005 and told her to lie that she got a crime tip job to save life on earth, and shes told to do the Moms in, and she says she wrecks everything they have done, smashs it, and she bugs phones, and frames nice good wonderful Moms in logs, and she bought the local work apartment buildings where they molest and murder newborn babys with blue shipping straps they get at the Greyhound Bus that are sent to do this to them says the wicked molester ” Udder Girl Serial Killers ” and they have babys they keep in Flour Sacks in the local City Hall Computer Technician Apartment Building attics and they have them in Chicken and Hen coupes under parking lots in the back by planters the murderer baby killers trapse through from their apartments, and they have incenerators they have been destroying the infant remains in, under 9 bank parking lots by the 9 Streets with 5 buidlings on each street, in many areas of the United States of America says God and Jesus who are both crying in heavens realm as no one is checking the udder girl serial killer molesters for drugs, for alcohol levels, for underwear and pubic hair, for DNA of infants they killed in their mouths and under their finger nails, and no one is searching their local computer techy apartment buildings for babys in flour sacks in attics, or to rescue them when they strap them down, put dog muzzles on them so they cannot cry, and they have been told to put gaffers tape over their mouths, when they place them in flour sacks so no one hears them in their attics, and they sit stealing stop traffick paypal for over 11 years by hacking and that is money for Nancy Gail Fox aka Fox-Taylor the Medium For God Individual Owner in Los Angeles County, California to pay people to follow the medium Prophetic tips to rescue the ones they took, to stop them from taking anyone ever again, it is to pay people so they can check the locations named in the Prophet tips, such as paying a K 9 Dog crew millions, to do search and rescues, as many locations are named for years such as their Local Computer Techy apartment buildings, and readings say the fake Evaluator woman bought the buildings, and someone should check Commerical Real Estate Sites to see what Apartment Buildings were listed, and sold in the past few years, and it may be 2 years that should be searched says God, and Jesus says they took more infants today again that could be saved, they took them dressed in Nurse Coverlets, Coverall, Nurse Shifts, 8 or 9 pedo women took them with the CPS Secret Courthouse satan woman and DCFS, and fat Pedo Department of Health and Welfare molester R N nurses, and the others say they are Nurse Assistants in Nursing Schools online in training, and this pack of serial killer drunk methed out molesters took more again today from 500 places it may be in the whole USA County says God and Jesus Christ, Readings have explained in 2005 a crime tip job sent by a UPS was given to the fake evaluator woman who frames nice Moms, and kids, and many sons, and many unwed Pregnant Moms, and her mission is to do FGM to the Moms who orgasms that she sees in in the nude spyware spy cameras, and she just does care what happens to the Moms and kids, she says she hates Moms who orgasm, and wants to get rid of all of them, and she stole crime tip jobs in 2005 and real estate instructions, and plotted to lie she got a big save life on earth real estate job, and lies she has a job to over see buying many properties and she steals instructions sent to buy real estate and to rent offices etc for about 19 years, as they steal everything by security camera stalking, by hacking, and bugging, and by spyware cams they put on porches, mail boxes, curbs etc. and she does I D theft this way, and buys properties with stolen money, and bought the City Hall Computer Local Work Apartment Buidlings where they are sex torturing infant newborns that are taken from Mothers when they give birth by her fraud evaluation papers she does to frame nice Moms, as she is the devils right arm since 1978 it began, and they do this together alot since 1990 the readings have said, and she got in it as a youth with CIA Northern California in 1978 by the sex slavery antichrist tall serial killer man telling they could to the reverse of a save life mission with him, by taking jobs in mail and by pretending those are thieir job positions, and he told them his mission is to take women underground who are floozys, who are promisicous they do not infect the population and spread diseases, and he told them a Mother who orgasms is a very bad person, and they came up with a system to trap people to the underground, and he said it was to take them to medical facilitys underground to cut off clitoral heads, and the evaluators job is also to keep track of condoms women buy in their life, birth control etc, and she spies on Mothers when they have intercourse and says they are very bad persons if they cum, she says they are bad if they have passion in love making, and tells the cult ” hey you guys I got another horny pussy pot key Mom to set up, see my in the nude spy cam shots, what do you think?” and they all vote YES with a text symbol if they think they are sexy looking, and she lies if a woman has an orgasm it means they have a sex problem, and she hates Moms with passion and who dance, who moan in intercourse, who lay on their back, and charts their body parts on a graph, that says Breast Size, Waist, Hips, Buttocks, Pubic Hair Type and Color and she takes the lists of Mothers and Children they say are “Choosen” to the pedo molester fat Department of Health and Welfare Services case worker and or R N’s Orange Pod Storage Unit Office on Lurline Drive, and says ” here is another list of Moms and Kids I want to help” and she lies to banks, and lies ” these Moms have mental health problems and are sex addicts and do not do things normally in their life that I logged as the Evaluator for the CPS Secret Courthouse hearings, and they are Top Secret Department of Health and Welfare Case Files, so I need to put their earnings in another account as we are taking all their money so we can force help on the Moms and all their babies and kids who are named on long lists to get” She lies the moms have such problems who do not have problems at all, she is the problem as she ruins lives on purpose with many others in this gang stalker cult who pull many pranks, steal mail, money from it, lie, brain wash etc. and she texts children her in the nude spy cam shots and says ” look girls at this very bad Mom cumming, yuckity yuck! if they cum that means they have too much passion within and they are named very bad persons with a sex problem by the way they do it, and we need to take custody away from the Moms who are like this, so tell everyone and I will bring you goody and treat bags at the Parks at Noon, and Fed Ex free new clothes to your door, and hand you great girls cash in front of markets to go around and read the lines on recipe cards to inform people of these very bad persons, to warn them to stay back from them, and so others can help us get them taken away by the older girls who force really relaxing shots in them to take them away by Papers” The children and youths are told by this cult ” that the human race will die if this type exists, that the orgasm air will kill the population as that is satanic air and those are very bad persons who cum, so the mission is to eat out the infant newborns, babys and toddlers and children of every age and teenagers and Moms and Sons til they die, and they will pass through your Saintly Selves when their blood passes through your mouths by you eating them out, you shall suck on the hot pink newborn flesh and lap up vagina canal juices til they die, and you will do this to every age person named, and some will be nearly dead and packed in leaf crates for dead child traffick, and others are kept in Chicken and Hen Coupes and the Udder Girls attics, as the mission is to get rid of this type of person, as we hate moms who look sexy, and who act so nice and proud in public, to then sprawl out on a bed in private to orgasm we say means they are a very bad person, and we say they have a sex problem if they cum so do not listen to others who say an orgasm is very normal, as we say it is not so. The trick by the devil.

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