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By Medium For God
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I’ve explained how sex slavery torturing murders are being commited a million times over for 15 years by my medium Prophetic channel writing and I am channel wiriting what the guides are explaining is going on this moment in time and that is many girls and women are yelling at babys and children and Mom’s they are sex torturing eating alive with their mouths as they are a drug addict drunken child molester canablist ring addicted to eating people alive, they chew on their private areas til they bleed to death in their mouths, and say they swallow the blood of the very bad persons, the ones choosen to do this to with their hatred for sexy looking Moms and Moms with passion within and they do this to their newborn infants right after they are born, carve them out of pregnant Moms to eat them alive and discard the Mom’s dead body they kill by slicing them from the clitorus up, and poke clitoruses with knifes to kill them instantly, to get their unborn babys as they are addicted to eating their hot pink vagina flesh is how the pedos describe it in channeling as I also channel what criminals are saying as well as guides from heavene realm, and God and Jesus are so sick of it not being stopped and so frustrated as I am as I channel them for over 19 years everyday, and channel write for them since 2009 and report their words I write to stop sex slavery internationally, and right now what I am channeling that criminal pedos are saying is ” lay down, lay down you stinken dam brats, you were born to a sexala Ma Ma, a real hot lady who we saw a cummin in spy watch cams placed over beds to see them doing this to know they are very bad persons, as we are trained to know that an orgasm is hot lusty air, from passion within a nice Moms body, and we are told long ago when we were kids and youths that a long O means a Mom is bad if that happens, and we were told thats satanic air trapped inside, and not a blissful wisp of air that reserach describes, that only happens to us gals they ladies and gents, us men we call ourselves, and the udder gals as we eat out vagina udders of every person named for us to do that to,, to force long orgasms on every age person in the familys named, and to brand new infants to lap up their vagina canal juices to purifty them for the next life as we kill them and say we save life by getting rid of bad persons with bad dna and say we are not a brainwashed cult we are doing this to rid the whole entire world of this type of person, and by hate crimes YES we write in many texts amongst our wee rotten selves as we tell a lie all day and night online about the nicest Moms and do that to get them and all their babies and kids, and lap them up in our local work apartment buidlings on 9 to 15 shots of meth we get before hand and are addicted to eating them alive, and to seeing them turn blue, to hearing them yelp and squeal when they die with their private areas in our mouths as we are on a top secret mission to do the reverse of saving life on earth and got it in long ago when instuctions were sent to our cell phones when we were in Elementary School. Middle School, and High Schools, and many are new doing this with us who are 9 years old and some are 7 who suck on babies, and many are teenagers and we all choe down on many private areas, and strap the people down with blue shipping straps we get at the Greyhound Bus each day in the a m in a giggling pack acting so happy as it is part of our ritual to pick them up at the Greyhound and to go to Post Offices in a giddy pack to mail the cell Sim cards with us eating kids out in the videos we send to edit them, and we mail them in hand written letters and greeting cards and write a cute note on the envelope that reads so glad to have seen you agian, and happy trails with a flower or heart drawn on them so no one knows there are baby kids porn snuff films enclosed, and get butcher knifes and flour sacks to put babys in at the market each day, and buy many razors from all over town to slice their clitorus off and their whole vagina and say they are sold to medical research, named vrey bad persons for cumming, and all their infants, babys, children, tiny tots, and youths are named very bad persons for having the exact tactly dna within and that means the world will be polluted with orgasm air if they are not gotten rid of by us men, and we are females really and men do this to the youths, and rape every age person as part of the ritual we are told to do, that we were informed of years back, and say amongst our wee rotten selves we are saving life on earth! all in glee and yippee ! we killed off more bad persons and are killing more right now with our mouths chowing down on the private areas of 9 infants we took from birthing wards, labor places as well in Candy Stripper Dreses for years we do this infant snatching, and now wear casual clothes, plain clothes day we say to dam day hey hey to many online, and we have eaten many out right in the elevators we put on stop and 9 of us run in and snatch infants, and do this with many CPS Secret Courthouse papers that our spy watch cam committee folks do that many name gang stalkers on spy cam, hacking, bugging equipment and security cameras, and we all got in on it years ago when we were told we are doing a save life mission in reserve, that is to eat out kids and Moms vaginas to make them cum to punish Moms for orgasming, and we were told anyone who does that is a very bad person, and those are the Moms choosen to set up to the CPS Secret Court, and we began by taking the save life on earth and stop sex slavery internationally mail and do that for nearly 2 decades and we were told to pull pranks on the persons named, and to steal their cats from their family residences and do this each day, our vans pull up and a pack of get out and take cats right after the people have left for work that we are targeting, and we tell neighbors so sorry but the person has such huge problems, we have to remove their animals as they are going to have their kids custody taken away by the CPS Secret Court and DCFS, our secret Department of Health and Welfare Service department and by us the County Worker Nurse Assitants, and we take 9 cats a day from 5 streets near each other as we map out who we are targeting, and lie the person needs medical attention when they do not, and lie they will be incarcerated when they did nothing wrong, as its by fraud framing papers we do to set the nicest Moms on earth up, to get them and all their babies and kids taken away so we can eat them out til they are stinken dam dead, and we say we are a coverin the individuals named on lists, and tell others keep back, stay away from them, and send them pay and say they are on our spy watch cam commitee crew so when we arrive to get a family the neighbors do not interfere, as we show up in 9 vechicles and run to a family residence and yell at the top of our wee lungs we are the County Workers with business to attend to so stay back stay out of it get lost go away we scream, and go in packs and say we are taking custody away, and we put bungy cords and twine rope around every family members arms to tie them off to shoot them up with meth heroin ajax speed ball shots we carry in our mere quaint bobby socks and in our bras, and place dog muzzles on their mouths, and say keep your tight lips shut , shut your stinken dam traps, keep quiet, and terrorizing familys YES it is, and we are addicted to seeing the look of horror on the nicest Moms faces when we go down on their babys, we we rip diapers and pull ups and underpants off and eat them out in front of the Mom while 9 of us eat her out and the men and the CPS Secret Court gal gives the teenagers head while our medic men stoop hump the teens and Moms lights out, and we say rape its not in any way as we are allowed to do this for the top secret save life on earth mission we pretend is ours by mail we steal for so many longest years, and say longest one in an infant is our gig that we see in cameras placed all around the medical apperatus CPS Headquarters Rooms by our Computer Lab Work Stations built under Market and Drug Store Pod Malls and those are in our Local Work Apartment Building areas, our Terroritorys, with a door that goes down to the rooms, that many 7 and 9 year olds go in after the freaway bus ride that they drink Peppermint Schnapps on, and they molest babys in the Baby Kids Porn Movies, with names on the Movie Call Sheets, and we do the Scenes in our local work apartments like we are doin a right dam now, it is 29 of us in one apartment, and 9 gals in some apartments, and 49 or 80 in others as its all done by many 9s and 5s we have 5 to 9 streets near each other that have 5 buildings on each street, and we do this to them at the same time in many local work apartments in the same pattern all timed to send the shots out after to the movie director who tells us we are such good kids my good gals for eating them out til they bleed to death in your mouths by you sucking their vaginal canal fluids to purify their being as their bad person souls pass through your Saintly selves wo when they come back as a person they won’t be bad, as this will ruin the orgasmic dna within, and the world can live on if they are all gone, and you are doing the save life on earth job, so go take more infants, babys, and kids from the chicken hen coupes we got under many bank parking lots, and take 9 more infants you got yesterday from nurserys all over town to eat them out, and leave their Moms in the Great Dane Dog Kennels under your buildings, and do not say a word about the Sons Kids Porn being done by the teenagers who are sucking on Sons, as its all top secret and so private you know, and this is our mission we all agreed on many years ago, to get the Moms who cum even one time, and to eat them alive and all their children of every age, and you have 9 infants in your apartments right now you are all eating out, and thats 5 on top of them but naked, and one licking their face, and one kickin them in the head as always the usual ritual on the Movie Call Sheets, so do not place them in white flour sacks today kids, put them right in the incenerator by the chicken hen coupes, and go there on skateboards in sports clothes, shorts, and tank tops the evaluator realtor gal bought for you as disguises, and shes our gal who chooses who gos, and she sets up nice moms in fraud framing slandrous logs to get them and all their babys and kids and teens taken away so you can do that to them, and she thinks the infants and kids are adopted out, and she thinks the Moms clitoral heads are cut off, as her mission is to stop orgasms, and to do Female Genital Mutilation, that we say is not against the law for us, we say we can do whatever we want by you kids taking the save life on earth mail for so long, and we got 900 infants named to get today, and all year we plan this as we have set up thousands of unwed pregnant Moms, and married pregnant Moms also, and say they are adopted out to many in public and say thats to take them to a new home, and have fake birth records and real ones, and say they are placed already so sorry thats private, so you should have 9 or more in your local work apartment building attics now, and 9 to 14 to 99 infants on your floor that you are eating alive to kill them off, as our mission is to rid the whole entire world of this type and no one will check as we told them you save life on earth, and sent in your photos and they see many girls around 30 years old with long beautiful blond hair, and long dark hair, and see very beautiful young womens photos, and they see the convervative appearing Moms photos in starched pressed white Nurse Uniform Dresses with white Nurse Caps White Nurse Hose, and White Nurse Shoes, and they see you beautiful girls in Candy Stipper Dresses, and they see the girls who are 5 feet tall and under, and some with dark hair, blue eyes and freckles, and they think what a lovely group of young women with their Moms in nurse outfits, with many children and teenager girls they are training to help them out for a save life on earth mission, and the reports say they take homeless less fortunate poor folks Ritz crackers and a cup of water in many Parks, and carry clip boards to mark down what they need, and they take many for a shower, and cleaning in the medical apperatus rooms, and they walk them right in the door of Drug Stores or go in the side door of buildings in Pod Malls, and the reports say they decide which Moms and Dads should loose full custody of their family, and they decide by notes the on patrol realtor gals make, and the logs from the Evaluator realtor gal who sets them up so dam bad, and they are lied to in reports and lie the moms are promiscuous when they are not, and they are told they went out at night to have a hot nasty time carousing around when its not true at all, and they are told say anything to make them look bad so you girls can do that to them is the reason, and do not say you have many infants in your attics , on your floors, in chicken hen coops, in your trunks, or anywhere.”

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