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Gang Stalkers Lie To Real Authoritys About Targeted Individuals

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Readings have said the real authority’s don’t know Gang Stalkers commit crimes as they say ” they are covering for the in home investigator Secret Service man and CPS Secret Courthouse case worker woman, his relative” 

Readings say the man who says he’s the In Home Investigator Secret Service man covering secretly in L A County and in surrounding areas and in 10 States in America is really human sex trafficking people they lie they are investigating and framing. Readings say they bring fraud framing slanderous reports to real authority’s and lie the individuals on lists are very bad persons when they are very good persons, targeted individuals who have been gang stalked, robbed, slandered and set up and there are crews of people who sit around changing credit reports, bank statements, background resumes’ etc. and they edit spy cam footage, photo shop security camera photos, loop bugging, and use voice synthizers, and hundreds of Gang Stalkers spend hours, weeks, months, years 24 hours a day framing people. They also rob their money by spy cam, hacking, bugging equipment and security camera stalking with fraud papers and force the high earners into the Welfare Food Stamp system and then lie the robbed victims are Welfare Bums by their framing formula they use all planned, They target attractive Moms and kids and start in lying and brain washing their area 5 miles square around where they live and ruin the lives of popular kids and nice Mothers by lying all over and this ruins livelihood where they had a spotless reputation and were loved in their community as they are nice, sincere, good people and wonderful parents they Target who are family orientated people. They target them by looks, and use their formula to make attractive Mothers look like they are Welfare Bums by robbing them, and they shoot them up with drugs when they do no drugs and do not party at all are many of the Moms they Target. Readings say the formula is to lie 5 hands back so lies leak in, to messenger lies about them 24 7, to steal mail from thier mail boxes and their money from their mail, and to steal their ups, fed exes, P O Box business mail, work calls from their cells by bugging them, and paypal, cash app, venmo by hacking, they ruin income right away by lying to work people about nice Moms who have spotless reputations, nice honest good sincere Mothers they do this wickedness to and lie ” She has such problems she’s so wild out dancing” etc when the Mom might have danced at work convention, a AA Dance etc. and they tell stories about when they were teenagers and in their early 20′s as if that is them today when they are hard working Moms and great parents, and some are in University’s who will get degrees and make a great living, and some have their own business and work from home, and they rob the nice Moms blind and lie about them, and lie about their personality, and do peeping tom spy cams on them in bed and showering and getting dressed by spy cams in mirrors and everywhere, and edit it and add music and props in peeping tom videos they do to make the Moms look like they have a different personality to send a false impression to real authority’s who think these men and women investigate to see what is going on in a family home, and the real authority’s are told these individuals have such problems when they had no problems at all, the Gang Stalkers caused them, and they do fraud framing repots to make it look like honest law abiding citizens with no record did something wrong, and they lie to banks also and say ” they were kiking money into their account, funneling it in so fast” when they were transferring their own money they earned from their savings account to their checking account, and they lie ” they were not playing it straight” if they did not tell people about their private financial business which is no ones business to be in or know of,and they lie they got in a jam buying a house that cost too much and got a neg am loan that will go sky high, through the roof etc. and say they have to run the family’s out who’s payments will go up years later, when by then they will have more income or refinance etc. and they pull the rug out from under people jump the gun on them instead of letting things play themselves out, and run people out by this wicked game as its their family home and their mortgage payment they decided to have, their money they bought the house with and their life plan and they are running many out with this game, and family’s in nice apartments also and say if their bills are more than their income they have to run them out to a cheap rental when they want to stay in the house they own, and they may have hundreds of thousands in equity in their home, and if their bills are more than thier income they can make extra money, get payments reduced etc, refinance their house or car payment even, rent a room or do whatever it takes to stay in thier homes and nice apartments as its their life and business and decision to live the way they do, and many have plans to make more income that they gang stalk, and many are business owners and entrepenuers they rob, and they frame them to look like they cannot afford their house by robbing their money and they lie they are dumb floozy’s, and dumb idiots etc. when they are nice Mothers with a happy family home life, and the gang stalkers ruin it when they put them on the list to Target them, and call it ” The Books” and life is fine until they go on the list. Readings say the In Home Investigator man and his family have done this to family’s for over 50 years so real authority’s think the men and women bringing them reports are investigators, when they frame people, and bring fraud to authority’s, and say ” see these bad Moms were not fit to be a parent, they lost custody of their family, or will by us setting it up, and they took money, see the bank statements, they funneled money right into their account without much needed permission, and had wild sex in the day , see the spy cam shots” etc. when they are Good Moms who would never loose custody as they are great Parents, and they would never take money as they are honest, and they have love making in love with the Dad, or with their boyfriend if they are divorced and readings say they spy on private sex couples have, and edit it, exploit them, and lie they have a sex problem when they only have sex with one person they love, so they send a false impression of nice Moms to authority’s and lie they needed to be on their Watch List when they do not, and they say its a CPS Secret Courthouse Watch List for troubled family’s, for Moms who lost full custody of their family’s or who may by their set ups, and they lie the normal intelligent nice Mothers have mental health problems when they do not, and they lie moms who do not drink or do drugs at all are wasted crack whore old hag floozy welfare bum women, all by framing them, and by robbing their earnings by hacking, and from postal mail by lists of names at Post Offices, that say these 500 Persons cannot have their regular mail because we are doing a In Home Investigation on them, and we name them very bad persons, for things they have done, when they did nothing wrong at all, they are over nice honest law abiding citizens family orientated people who’s lives were fine until the stalkers swarmed around their houses and apartments, until they put them on the Targeted list, as they use their devil system to take nice people down.

First, they text and do a thumbs up symbol cap YES by text to agree to set a Mom up by the two or more lied conspiracy. Then this group writes fraud framing slanderous reports about nice good honest people to the banks, and they call 1,000 persons in the area and lie to them and start in brain washing where they live to ruin their lives.

Second, 5 of the Gang Stalker women go ” On Patrol” an hour in shifts and zip around houses and apartments and write slanderous notes about what the Moms are doing to set them up with lies, and they steal their mail from their mail box at the same time, and rob their money from it, and start in with their take down.

Third, they steal ups and fed exes off their porches at 9 am and 5 pm when no ones home, and steal 8 work calls from their cells a day, and siphon their money out of their bank accounts to a ” Floater” account, and lie they have to over see finances of these troubled individuals when they cause the troubles by stealing their money from their bank accounts and from their mail box, and out of ups and fed exes they rob from the porches, and they leave money in water and power holes by curbs and someone picks that money of the persons up also, and the Gang Stalker women dressed in business clothes run in banks lying ” These Moms have such problems, Oh my God they bought a house so fast, and we need to cover their finances, they are not thinking straight” and they set them up look like they do things without thinking to then say they need to make them a top secret ” Health and Welfare  Case File” through their POD Storage Unit Office where they have large women who are child molesters, FGM clitoral cutters, who do medical kidnaps to family’s by forcing not needed or wanted shots of meth and heroin and Ajax, and they wear lab coats, and medical uniforms, and say they cover people for the CPS Secret Court case worker, and that woman does oral sex torture raping to teenagers of the targeted Family’s, and she buys Kiddy Porn clothes etc. and is not a real case worker protecting children as she’s the danger, and she is the ex sister in law of the In Home Investigator man who directs kiddy porn, eat out orgasm torture, raping, clitoral cutter movies, dead child trafficking, baby porn movies, and snuff movies, and human sex trafficks some of the victims who are under his relatives lawns and they say they are the Watch Dogs covering gravely disabled persons who need their medical observation units to keep an eye on them from their tall Vans, and they gang rape the people at Hotels and Motels they take them to and bring them in the front doors, and say ” Got another wild one here, a really hot wasted old hag crack whore mom, gotta take her for hotel therapy with her kids” etc. and they are Moms who were beautiful, prosperous with a happy family life, they were Gang Stalker by 5 business women such as Realtors ” On Patrol” who slandered them and set them up to be a not needed case file, they are robbed Targeted Individuals who’s mai. ups , fed exes , paypal cash app vemo is stolen by hackers and so is their money in banks, they are robbed victims who were set up to the CPS Secret Courthouse and to DCFS etc. and set up to be a fake Health and Welfare case file through a pretend office in a POD Storage Unit, and the gang stalkers who hack in cars have speed balls shots in their socks and bras, and so do the fat pretend case workers and other CPS DCFS case workers who are really child molester, sex addict, rapists, drug addicts alcoholics driving drunk who pretend they protect kids and they murder them, they are child endangering not the parents, and they shoot them up and the kids, molest rape them, throw alcohol on them, and drag the raped shot up Mom in a Hotel and lie ” she’s a wasted old hag crack whore lady a welfare bum Mom we gotta help” and say ” she’s loosing custody by our papers on clip boards” when she’s a nice Mom who was shot up raped who’s robbed, and slandered, and a Victim, a nice  Mother who would never ever loose custody and thats some of their wicked system they use, as thousands frame people to create a phasod and so others think they are someone else with a different personality, and they take reports to real authority and say ” see the Moms named here are loosing full custody, they are not fit to be a Mom so stay out of our business, do not interfere, we are investigating inside family homes and this is our business and do not bother our girls ho are parked in cars, they are fine they work for us and for the CPS Secret Court case worker to cover people named on lists we say are very bad persons” when they are very good persons who have been gang stalked, slandered, robbed, and set up by lies to be not needed case files.


Crimes Gang Stalkers Commit

Human trafficking

Child Molesting


Pre meditated gang raping

Exploitation, selling people online


Human Torture

Baby snatching.


Forced medical attention

Medical kidnaps

Possession of drugs

Drunk driving


Car thefts

Postal Crimes

Identity Theft


Giving away stolen property

Laundering money

Embezzling Money

Rerouting money to other accounts

Stealing money from accounts to a floater account

Combing accounts secretly, slandering people to lie they need to oversee finances when there is no reason to, the people are capable of managing their own finances


Lying people’s businesses are their Group Businesses

Copy Katting

Changing business owners names on stolen mail with white out, copy pasting, scanning, photo copy xeroxing

Lying people are disabled to get hacking devices


Peeping tom spy cam crimes by spy cams in smoke detectors, and toilets, shower heads etc

Slipping mickeys in drinks and food in houses apartments etc

Breaking and entering, by keys they make by lock smiths.

Petty theft, they steal clothes and possessions from houses and apartments



Cat napping

Dog snatching

Brain washing


Character assignation

Character Depravation

Fraud not needed foreclosures and evictions while they have the persons money they need

Fraud framing hand cuffing without reading the person their rights to have an attorney.

Capturing people as sex slaves

Robbing money in bank parking lots with fraud papers.

Cybercrimes robbery of online money by hacking.

Kiddy Porn

Snuff Movies


Hate Crimes



Authority’s may think the Targeted Individuals are ones to be Watched, by reports they get that explain how they lived their lives, and they go by that and see what they did wrong by the reports, and spy cam and bugging observation which is fraud and framing and full of slanderous lies, and they do not know their mail and money and work calls , emails etc are stolen, and the whole City they live in is brain washed, and that the way they did things in their lives was fine and always worked for them until they are put on The Books of the Gang Stalkers who are the very bad persons.

The In Home Investigator says he decides who goes on the list and they have to listen to him, and he picks the most innocent people to sex torture and kill.




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