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By wakeupmypeoplespiritrain
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If You Think Indigenous Bamboo Grass Grows Fast, Wait Until You Witness What's Going To Happen During The Apocalypse!: From Portal Re-Activations To Deeply Buried Ancient Antediluvian Giant Seeds Growing...

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If You Think Indigenous Bamboo Grass Grows Fast, Wait Until You Witness What’s Going To Happen During The Apocalypse (REMEMBER The Essene Gospels Of Peace Apocrypha Texts)!: From Earth Shaking Extraordinarily Energetic High Vibe Portal Re-Activations To Deeply Buried Ancient Antediluvian Giant Seeds Growing Up Quickly To Towering Sky Touching Heights With Beautiful Bioluminescence – The Evil Deceptive Dystopian Demoncratic NWO War Mongering Black-Ops Cronies Of The Diabolical E.P.A. (The Environmental Destruction Agency Of Vile M.A.D. Scientists Of So-Called Greenhouse Gases/Satan’s Low Vibe Ozone Layer Gaseous Veil) Cannot Hide The Extraordinarily High Vibe *Spiritually Powered* Supernatural EARTH SHAKING Fiery Glorious Apocalypse Of ISHI CHRIST…Who Watered The Radioactive Geraniums – REMEMBER Amos 9th Ch. Because This Is The Unstoppable Unavoidable Main Heavenly Spiritually Powered Trigger Of The Apocalypse + Ezekiel 37th Ch. Involving The Dry Bones Of Yisrael Being Spiritually Watered + Isaiah 40th Ch. + Malachi 3rd/4th Chs. + Luke 21st Ch. + Revelation 12th Ch. + Mark 13th Ch. + 2nd Esdras 15th/16th Chs. Apocrypha Texts + Hosea 4th Ch. (Non-Indigenous Low Freq. “Cain Like” Mutants Will Have Major Issues With Energy While Becoming Lethargic And Dying Including Bursting Into Flames From Within As We Rare Indigenous Original Gene-Sis Creations Vigorously Vibe Up) + Matthew 24:27-36 + Acts 2:17 + Joel 2:28 + Malachi 4th Ch. + Isaiah 30:26 + Hosea 6th Ch. + 2nd Peter 1:19-21 + Daniel 12:3 Plus Listen To The Cryptic Predictive Programming Illuminati Song By Imagine Dragons Called RADIOACTIVE About Us Hebrews Negroes + Isaiah 24th Ch. + Enoch 79th-80th Chs. + The Entire Book Of Enoch + The Entire Apocalyptic Book Of Revelation, Because As The Unstoppable Unavoidable Influx-Flow Of Apocalyptic Extra-Solar Heavenly Celestial Cosmic Spiritual WORD Bearing DNA Energy Gradually Increases With Amplified Burning Healing Purifying UV Light Energy Radiation Induction Shockwaves In The Ultra-Deep Penetrating Ultra-Powerful Ultra-High Frequency Ultra-High Amplitude Cymatic X-RAY Spectrum And The More Earth Shaking Cymatic GAMMA-RAY Spectrum, Our Receptive Indigenous Multi-Cellular Multi-Layer Multi-Dimensional Living Earth Will Undergo Apocalyptic Necessary Corrective Transformative Extreme Climate Changes Above And Below With Flooding Fiery Hellish Wrathful Vengeful Exterminations (E.L.E.S/Extinction Level Events Getting Rid) Of The Low Vibe Sinister Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Non-Indigenous Genetically Hybridized Evil Vaxxed-Branded-Marked “CAIN LIKE” Snow White Leprous Cursed Monstrous Beastly Chimeran Vampiric Mutants And All Other Genetically Engineered Fleshly Abominations Against Nature (All G.M.O.s) Classed As Doomed Ill-Fated Unholy Vile EVIL SEED Mutative Recessive Genes Bearing Tares Who Are All Fit For The Fire, Who Will Be Burned Up During The Apocalypse, But We Rare Precious Holy Chosen Elect Indigenous Spiritually Arked Up Gold Wheat Spiritually Melanated HOLY SEED Bearing Original Gene-Sis Heavenly Spiritual/DNA/Genetic Record Carrying Creations, We Temples Of The Holy Spirit, Who Vigorously Have THE MOST HIGH ISHI’S PURIFYING PURE LOVE Apocalyptically Coming Forth Within Us Through ISHI CHRIST And THE HOLY SPIRIT Will Joyfully Make It Through The Imminent Unstoppable Unavoidable Worldwide Flood Of Fire Which Will Cleanse Our Indigenous Earth Above And Below Involving The Extraordinarily Bright Eternally Peaceful EYE Poppingly Beautiful Glorious Good Manifestation Of Heaven On Earth, REMEMBER Our Apocalyptic Transformations Of Eternal Glory At The Spiritual/DNA/Genetic Levels! Please Wake Up Y’all Keep In Mind The Entire Book Of Enoch And The Entire Apocalyptic Book Of Revelation Because Eternal Salvation Be Unto Holy Yisrael World Without End, So Be Joyfully Encouraged And Patiently Endure With True Love My Rare Precious Indigenous Brethren Of ISHI CHRIST, Don’t Ever Give Up You Spiritually Powered Fiery Breath-UR-Ans Because We Are AB+ Real gods As Foretold In Psalms 82:6 And We Are Gradually Ascending Up The Heavenly Spiritual WORD Bearing DNA Ladder Of ISHI CHRIST Into Indestructible Beautifully Bright Eternally Peaceful Glory, So Righteously Keep The Faith And Wisely Let Your Internal Light Of True Love Shine Brightly With Eternal HOLY SPIRIT Empowerment Through ISHI CHRIST The Holy Anointed One Of Yisrael Who Faithfully Mercifully Showed And Told Us What We Must All Righteously Do While Obediently Striving For Perfection Unto Eternal Life REMEMBER Matthew 25th Ch., I Love You All My Rare Precious Indigenous Brothers And Sisters, Keep Your Minds Stayed On Our HOLY HEAVENLY FATHER I AM THAT I AM THE MOST HIGH ISHI THE HIGHEST SAVIOR OF YISRAEL’S HOLY LIVING WORD OF PURE LOVE TRUTH PEACE HEAVEN THROUGH ISHI CHRIST AND THE HOLY SPIRIT, REMEMBER SAINT LUKE 17TH CH., AHMAN. SELAH 



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The Sinister Dystopian NWO Demoncrats Are M.A.D. At Russia’s Putin Because He Knows And Showed That Ishi Christ Is Black, Also German Gehazi Nazi Hitler Knew Who The Real Jews…

Prophecy | Sep 19 2024 00:024 – Check This Out Y’all – ISHI CHRIST Was On Earth About 500 Years Ago, Known As The Black Hunchback Of Notre Dame! PLEASE LET’S ALL RIGHTEOUSLY REPENT NOW…

Prophecy | Sep 18 2024 16:2449


Prophecy | Sep 17 2024 16:2456


Prophecy | Sep 17 2024 01:2370

OVERNIGHT TERRORS ARE IMMINENT: Don’t Forget About 911 False Flags, Tower Of Babel TESLA Unnatural Disasters, Demonic Zombism 4D Extreme Paranormal Activities, UFOS/ALIENS, And Spiritually Powered Supernatural Earth Shaking Fiery…

Prophecy | Sep 15 2024 20:1137

Tower Of Babel Amped Up: LL COOL J Went Nuclear – It’s Weaponized Microwave Activated Vaxx Fiery Headburn Self Destruction Mode And The Birds Are Flying Weirdly In…

Prophecy | Sep 15 2024 11:3064

Stay Away From Pagan Idolatrous 501-C3 Gov. FEMA Trap House Mega-Churches And Smaller Ones Lead By Evil Money Hungry False Shepherds And Demonic Divination Paid False Prophets Of Cursed Gehazi…

Prophecy | Sep 15 2024 08:5466

REMEMBER Numbers 12th Ch. Because We Hebrews Are Less Than 50% Corrupted By The Ancient Satanic Thorn Evil Spiritual/DNA/Genetic Virus Of Rebellion But The Doomed Non-Indigenous Snow White Leprous Cursed…

Prophecy | Sep 14 2024 22:2841

Weed – Baalim Baal Mutated Hemp – Chemosh Chemical Sigils 4D Beelzebub Magic – Pharmakeia – Pharmaceuticals – Drugs – Demonic Sorcery – NEGATIVELY TUNE YOUR VULNERABLE FALLEN SPIRITUAL EYE…

Prophecy | Sep 14 2024 08:1138

Tower Of Babel Tesla Telemetry: Fallen Angels Trapped Inside Of Tesseracts In Space Are Trying To Ride The Thunderless Lightning Down To The Earth Involving Energetic Connections With Tall Infrastructures…

Prophecy | Sep 13 2024 14:3558


Prophecy | Sep 13 2024 03:3071

Foolish Demonic Laughter About Getting Vaccinated Is Hellishly Contagious And Sinfully Hinders The Production Of Spiritual MelanIn Honey Which Is Not A Legendary Or Sweet Or Fresh Thing To Do…

Prophecy | Sep 12 2024 23:2543

Foolish Demonic Laughter About Getting Vaccinated Is Hellishly Contagious And Sinfully Hinders The Production Of Spiritual MelanIn Honey Which Is Not A Legendary Or Sweet Or Fresh Thing To Do…

Prophecy | Sep 12 2024 17:3154

Your Bank Accounts Will Be Robbed By Demoncratic Dystopian NWO Feds To Fund SATAN’S “$QUID GAM3″ GLOWING MARK OF THE BEAST 666 BIOMETRICS OF REVELATION 13TH CH., WATCH OUT SLEEP…

Prophecy | Sep 12 2024 13:4642

REMEMBER Psalms 91st Ch. + The Apocalypse Of Baruch + Micah 3rd Ch. Fiery Noonday/Noneday Destruction (911$) And Strange Darkness Amid Tower Of Babel Tesla Disasters. PLEASE REPENT AND WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN,…

Prophecy | Sep 11 2024 15:3535


Prophecy | Sep 10 2024 20:31126

Most Evil Major Cities Parks (National And Central) Are Mass Graveyards Of Rare Indigenous Native People (Hebrews – Negroes – Slaves) And Enemies Are Trying To Massacre Our People Again…

Prophecy | Sep 10 2024 14:0132

Ancient Antediluvian Highly Advanced Sinister Fallen Angels’ Demonic A.I. Technologies Have Been Shown In Many Illuminati Movies, REMEMBER Predictive Programming Because Many Things Of The Ancient Past Are Being Cunningly…

Prophecy | Sep 10 2024 06:4434

The Apocalyptic Night Of The Eerily Sounding Artificial 2nd Sun Infrared Solar Simulator Giant Nuclear Powered L.E.D.S. Array Is Imminent – Strangely The Real Sun’s Gone Dim And The Sky’s…

Prophecy | Sep 10 2024 03:3936

Why Was The Beautiful Word Cancer Given A Bad Name And 911 ISHI CHRIST’S Earthly Birthday Evilly Obscured With Tragedies Involving September 11th 2001 False Flag Terrorist Attacks, REMEMBER THE…

Prophecy | Sep 09 2024 11:3339

Apocalyptic Fiery Noonday/Noneday Destruction – Psalms 91st Ch. – The Sun’s Gone Dim And The Sky’s Turned Dark – BLACKOUTS – GRID DOWN – 911$ – BANK ROBBERIES – TESLA…

Prophecy | Sep 08 2024 16:1549

NASA Is Trying To Use Tower Of Babel Tesla Tech To Intrude Into Neter Neter Land 5D Earth World Located Behind The Sun, APOCALYPTIC! PLEASE LET’S RIGHTEOUSLY REPENT AND WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN,…

Prophecy | Sep 08 2024 06:4073

October 7th Is Code 17 Involving An Imminent Nuclear Attack On NY City Involving A Neutron Bomb Planted In Central Park September 8th Is 17, HEADS WAY UP ON SATURDAY…

Prophecy | Sep 07 2024 14:59108

Saturday In The Park You’d Think it Was The 4th Of July – WARNING $ BEWAR3 – There’s A Demoncratic Neutron Bomb Planted In Central Park NY City. REPENT AND…

Prophecy | Sep 07 2024 14:2857

There’s A Radical Jihad Isis Ashkenazi Sephardic Zionist Jew-ish Imposters’ Synagogue Of Satan NEUTRON BOMB IN CENTRAL PARK NY, But It’s Not The Only One Sleepyheaded Sheeple REMEMBER That They…

Prophecy | Sep 06 2024 20:15105

If You LOVE Your Precious Children Take Them Out Of The Evil Government Schools RIGHT NOW Because They Are Expendable Political Pawns, (NATIONWIDE MASS DEADLY FEAR TACTICS) SINISTER DYSTOPIAN NWO…

Prophecy | Sep 06 2024 09:0243

Evil Islamic Nations And Wicked Muslim Nationals Both Agree On One Thing “DEATH TO AMERICA” (The Fiery Hellish Hard Fall Of The Archaic Draconian Reptilian * Roman Edomite * Brutish…

Prophecy | Sep 05 2024 15:1034

Sinister NWO Factions And Wicked Archaic Ones Are Trying To Takeover Our Indigenous Earth – ANCIENT WAR OF THE ROSES $ CANADA/CAIN-NOD-A WILL ALSO FALL – The Gehazi Nazi Bush…

Prophecy | Sep 05 2024 14:1037

The Evil Gay White Witch Matriarchal False Prophet And Mass Beheadings Commander MATLOCK Is Hillary Isis-Ishtar-Lilith Clinton Who’s Covertly Working With Vile Gay Barack Hussein Obama The Black Vampire Chief…

Prophecy | Sep 04 2024 22:0290

News Flash Bill Cosby Dead (Ritualistic Demonic Illuminati Sacrifice): Check Out The Mayan Apocalypse Jell-O Pudding Commercial Because Major Troubles Are About To Befall Evil Gay America/Cursed Mystery Babylon The…

Prophecy | Sep 04 2024 15:22159

REMEMBER REVELATION 12TH CH. Because Our Enemies Are Trying To Abort Us Before We Apocalyptically Spiritually Awaken And Undergo Our Spiritual Rebirth! (A Sinister Flood Of Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Dystopian NWO…

Prophecy | Sep 03 2024 23:5445

Have You Ever Wondered Why HOBOS (Us Humble Poor People Of Rich Heavenly Light) Like To Ride On The TRAIN, REMEMBER AMOS 9TH CH. + HOSEA 2:16 + MATTHEW 25TH…

Prophecy | Sep 03 2024 13:1337

I Really Hate Satan’s Unrighteous Mamon Money Currency!!!: When Banks Get Robbed Nationwide I’ll Be Laughing With Joy, But Pagan Idolatrous Worldly Money Hungry People Of The So-Called American Dream…

Prophecy | Sep 03 2024 00:4731


Prophecy | Sep 02 2024 20:1644

2nd Esdras 15th/16th Chs. Apocrypha Texts Stated Within The 9th Month In 2 To 3 Hours (Days) Spiritual Labor Pains Fire Up Known As The Beginning Of Sorrows Which Also…

Prophecy | Sep 02 2024 14:5742

REMEMBER Daniel 11th Ch. And Revelation 13th Ch. Because Vile Gay Barack Hussein Obama (The Black Vampire) Is Twisted Robinhood Who’s Going To Covertly Command His Sinister Dystopian NWO War…

Prophecy | Sep 01 2024 14:2886

Apocalyptic Extreme Paranormal Spiritual Activities Are Imminent!: REMEMBER That The Earth Energy Grid Nervous System Network Of Flowing Ley Lines And Vortex Portals Work Like Electrical Wiring And Demons Are…

Prophecy | Sep 01 2024 01:5270

Arctic Cold And Deeply Wet In The South!: Earth Shaking Apocalyptic Ultra-Cataclysmic Events Are Going To Suddenly Fire Up Overnight (After MIDNIGHT), So Warn Other People And Get Ready Now…

Prophecy | Aug 31 2024 17:18170

SPIRITUAL LABOR DAY PAINS – This Is It The Apocalypse – I’m Waking Up – RADIOACTIVE Powered Through The Spirit Of THE MOST HIGH ISHI. Please Let’s All Righteously REPENT…

Prophecy | Aug 31 2024 11:4638

After Midnight Many People Will Be Apocalyptically Caught In The CROSS FIRE Involving Flase Flag Fiery Directed Energy Weapons/D.E.W.S And A Heavenly Celestial Cosmic Golden Shower Of Fragmented Sparkling Radioactive…

Prophecy | Aug 30 2024 17:18114

Apocalyptic Anniversary: The Hurricane Katrina Mega-Disaster Will Be Flooded Out Of People’s Minds Due To The Gulf Of Mexico Mega-Tsunami New Madrid Fault Mega-Earthquake Event, REMEMBER The Revelation 12th Ch….

Prophecy | Aug 29 2024 20:5499

OLYMPIC BLACKOUTS 2.0: Paris France Is An Evil Major City That Will Be Destroyed At The Beginning Of The Fiery Apocalypse. PLEASE REPENT AND WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, REMEMBER AMOS 9TH CH. +…

Prophecy | Aug 28 2024 17:0752

Fear Mongering Black-Ops Draconian Reptilian Republican Racists Are Going To Execute Major Attacks Targeting Black People And Also Against The Sinister Dystopian NWO Black-Ops War Mongering Demoncrats Who Are Major…

Prophecy | Aug 28 2024 12:4346

Vaxxed-Branded-Marked-Cursed Dumb D.U.M.B.S Can’t Hide From The SON/Sun!: VENOM Suit Infusions Won’t Save Satan’s Vaxxed Cain Like Vampires!: Low Vibe Black Goo 666 Carbonic Liquid Crystalline Graphene Hydroxide Synthetic Melanin…

Prophecy | Aug 28 2024 00:5762

PREDESTINATION – OUR HOLY DESTINY – THE APOCALYPSE: As A High Ranking AB+ 144,000 Member Of The Holy Chosen Elect 1/3 Remnant Of The Original 12 Tribes Of Yisrael, I…

Prophecy | Aug 27 2024 18:0268

Bad News Won’t Travel Fast!: Communications Blackout Imminent – Banks Robbed By The NWO Feds Before Supernovas And Earth Shaking Multiphase Solar Amplification Shockwaves! REPENT AND WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, REMEMBER AMOS 9TH…

Prophecy | Aug 27 2024 02:5578

Why Do Sinister Old Money Iluminati Elitist Cunningly Say That “You Can’t Wear White After Labor Day”…America The Grave?!? PLEASE LET’S ALL RIGHTEOUSLY REPENT AND GET READY NOW TO APOCALYPTICALLY…

Prophecy | Aug 26 2024 11:1575

The Earth Shaking Fiery Apocalypse Begins After MIDNIGHT With A Mesmerizing Golden Shower Of Sparks Raining Down From The Giraffe Constellation Camelopardalids! PLEASE LET’S ALL RIGHTEOUSLY REPENT AND WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, REMEMBER…

Prophecy | Aug 26 2024 00:0390

Suicidal Evil Rich People Are *Nervous – It’s A Real Gas* 911$ (Old Talk For Pranked By Robinhood – Gay Barack Hussein Obama Who’s Funding Satan’s Biometrics, Remember Revelation 13th…

Prophecy | Aug 25 2024 15:48122

SHOCKINGLY ELECTRIFYING – Trump Goes Augue 26th – False Flags – Bloody Black Sunday – Manic Monday – Spiritually Powered Supernatural Apocalyptic Events! REPENT AND WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, REMEMBER AMOS 9TH…

Prophecy | Aug 25 2024 14:1792

I’m Still Seeing And Hearing “I Am Legend” Code 20 And 21 – Watch Out For 911$ Over The Weekend – Augue 24th 24 = 20 And Augue 25th 24…

Prophecy | Aug 24 2024 15:0671

Synagogue Of Satan Six Point Star Chiun Saturnian Cain Like Canaanites Ashkenazi Sephardic Snakes Are Evilly Slithering In Our Ancestral Hebrew Negro Holy Land, REMEMBER Revelation 3:9 About Them Diabolical…

Prophecy | Aug 24 2024 03:2060

Fallen Sinful Girls Don’t Run The World Like Evil Beyonce Sang In Her Extremely Deceptive Wicked Song About Satan’s Vainly Attempted Upside-Down Backwards Disorderly Matriarchal Rule (REPENT Y’all). KEEP IN…

Prophecy | Aug 23 2024 23:0253

Fallen Sinful Girls Don’t Run The World Like Evil Beyonce Sang In Her Extremely Deceptive Wicked Song About Satan’s Vainly Attempted Upside Backwards Disorderly Matriarchal Rule. KEEP IN MIND THAT…

Prophecy | Aug 23 2024 22:5737

Your Bank Accounts Will Be Covertly Robbed By The Dystopian NWO Demoncratic Feds Overnight – FALSE FLAGS – Wake Up Sleepyheaded Sheeple They Are Evilly Funding Satan’s Biometric Digital Currency…

Prophecy | Aug 23 2024 01:19100

Ghostbusting *Demon Fallen Angel Spirit Containment* Is Ancient And Satan’s M.A.D. Scientist Cronies Who Retro-Engineered The Tower Of Babel Are Trying To Release Them Vile GangStars!: Before The Coming Of…

Prophecy | Aug 22 2024 17:1150

Kamala Harris (The Dumb Pawn) Is Going Down With Chicago: The USA Is In The Apocalyptic Fiery Danger Zone And Major Cities Are On The Dystopian NWO Hit List, Especially…

Prophecy | Aug 22 2024 06:1474

Satan Has A Worldwide Microwave Piano Called The Tower Of Babel And He Plays Freakishly Electrifying Demonic Zombism Looney Tunes With Vaxxed Evil People Shiva Dancing Up A Mega-Storm. Please…

Prophecy | Aug 22 2024 02:4451

August 21 Major Turning Point – Political Murders – The Clock STRIKES MIDNIGHT – America Burning In The Darkness – Tower Of Babel Demonic Zombism Paranormal Activity – UFOS/ALIENS And…

Prophecy | Aug 21 2024 14:4268

D.N.C. (DEADLY NIGHT CARNAGE And FIERY NOONDAY DESTRUCTION/NONEDAY 3PM STRANGE DARKNESS – MICAH 3RD CH.) Radical Jihad Isis Terrorism Dystopian NWO Demoncrats Are Going To Destroy Your American Dream! (Bye…

Prophecy | Aug 21 2024 10:1544


Prophecy | Aug 20 2024 23:4441

Two Destructive Big Buzzards Are In Chicago (The USA And Mass Death Will Be Synonymous): Vile Gay Barack Hussein Obama And Evil Gay Hillary Isis-Ishtar-Lilith Clinton Are Mass Murderers (Remember…

Prophecy | Aug 20 2024 15:1776

THE MOST HIGH ISHI WILL JUDGE YOU ALL!: Why Did Chris Brown “Go There” And Sinfully Got Satanically Mutatively Monstrously Vaccinated And Justin Timberlake, Are They Dumb D.U.M.B.S For Satan?!?…

Prophecy | Aug 19 2024 23:55106

It Smells Deathly Rotten In Chicago…Vile Gay Barack Hussein Obama And Evil Gay Hillary Isis-Ishtar-Lilith Clinton Are There…Terrorist Attacks… Their Deceptive Getaway Plan. PLEASE REPENT AND WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, REMEMBER AMOS 9TH…

Prophecy | Aug 19 2024 14:06160

REMEMBER Revelation 13th/22nd Chs. Because Satan’s Strong Delusions Irreversible Curse-All Vaccinations Are Not Cool – The Final Phase Eerily Glows – BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING – Don’t Get Vaxxed To Death!…

Prophecy | Aug 18 2024 20:1590

Hillary Clinton NWO Matriarchal President Under Barack Hussein Obama (Satan’s) Authority: Source Code… Chicago Severely Attacked…Two D.U.M.B. Bastards Fake Their Own Death And Go Into Hiding While Covertly Giving Murderous…

Prophecy | Aug 18 2024 19:20108

The USA World Terrorist Bully Nation: Many Wars Have Been Fought Over Fallen Angels’ Ancient Antediluvian Weaponized Free Energy Tunable Electromagnetic Technologies WW3 Is No Exception. Please Let’s All Righteously…

Prophecy | Aug 18 2024 07:5483

It’s Going HOT Before August 20th – Watchout – OVERNIGHT Between Saturday And Sunday – Major Troubles Involving False Flags And The Apocalypse/Our 2nd Greater Exodus! PLEASE RIGHTEOUSLY REPENT AND…

Prophecy | Aug 17 2024 21:23135

A Vast Stinging Swarm Of Very High-Tech Heavily Weaponized Rogue UN Non-Peacekeeping Helicopters Loaded With Demonic Mind Controlled Mercenaries Is Coming Soon Involving The Sinister Dystopian NWO War Mongering Black-Ops…

Prophecy | Aug 17 2024 16:19180

Overnight Major Airlines Airplanes Will Be Horrifically Crashing For Many Reasons Other Than Demoncratic Isis Terrorism – Remember The Tower Of Babel – BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyheaded Sheeple! PLEASE REPENT…

Prophecy | Aug 16 2024 17:43136

Are You All Ready To Get Paranormally Freaky?!?… It’s Friday – Fireday – REMEMBER The Tesla Low Vibe Weaoonized Microwaves Tower Of Babel Demonic Cloverfield Paradox 4D Rift Black Hole…

Prophecy | Aug 16 2024 15:3373

When The Moon Gets Stuck By A Giant Asteroid It’s Orbit Will Change By Few Degrees Causing The Seas And Waves To Roar (Extremely Large Tidal Wave And Very High…

Prophecy | Aug 15 2024 22:1584

Betelgeuse – Beetlejuice – Betelgeuse!: Get Ready For Mind Bending 4th Dimensional Shifting Supernovas Exploding Within Your Mind’s EYE That Will Be Expanding With Heavenly Light Giving Us Higher Dimensional…

Prophecy | Aug 15 2024 15:0478

As An Elite Ranked Member Of The Rare AB+ 144,000 Blue Lantern Capricorn Celestial Goats I Have Spiritually Powered Immunity To All Forms Of Ancient Anthrax – In Other Words…

Prophecy | Aug 15 2024 05:1169

Hades X-1 Anthrax Botulism Toxin Is Due To Be Put Into Water Supplies – It Doesn’t Take Much To Kill Millions Of People! Please Let’s All Righteously REPENT And Get…

Prophecy | Aug 15 2024 04:4783


Prophecy | Aug 14 2024 22:52367

Oprah Winfrey OWN/NWO President Of The Titanic USA: Gayle King Is Going To Be Ritualistically Sacrificed By The Deceptively In-FLU-ential Demonic Gay Black Witch Hefer Called The Whore Of…

Prophecy | Aug 14 2024 12:0185

Oprah Winfrew OWN/NWO President Of The Titanic USA: Gayle King Is Going To Be Sacrificed By The Deceptively In-FLU-ential Gay Black Witch Hefer Called The Whore Of Babylon Who Is…

Prophecy | Aug 14 2024 02:4090

NWO ISIS DEMONCRATS Are War Mongers Allied With The Synagogue Of Satan (Ashkenazi Sephardic Fake Jew-ish Israel): Iran Pakistan Is Going To Be Falsely Blamed For Major Attacks On Las…

Prophecy | Aug 13 2024 05:1447

MIDNIGHT – Apocalypse Now – Your World Is Going To Be Ultra-Cataclysmically Turned Upside Down In Rapid Fire Succession! REPENT AND WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, REMEMBER AMOS 9TH CH. + HOSEA 2:16 +…

Prophecy | Aug 12 2024 23:0658

Apocalyptic Fire Falls At Night – The USA Is High On The Hog In Debt – The China Credit Buffet Is Over – Now Famine And Mourning – August Sinister…

Prophecy | Aug 11 2024 17:5666

America Apocalyptically Beaten Like A Red Haired You Know What!: Cursed Red Headed Roman Edomite Mystery Babylon The Great US Eagle Government Of Esau (The Whore Of Babylon NY City)…

Prophecy | Aug 11 2024 02:1456

Kamala Harris Is Dead Already (Las Vegas Attacked)?!? Man That Was Fast…Oprah Winfrey Is Up Next Evilly Selected Behind Closed Doors (Major Political Upsets – REMEMBER Purge Election Year Anarchy)!…

Prophecy | Aug 10 2024 22:34227

From What My Endtime Prophetic Dreams Have Shown THE APOCALYPSE Fires Up At Night Around A Vast Meteor Shower (Kamala Harris In Las Vegas Sin City Attacked)! Please Let’s All…

Prophecy | Aug 10 2024 19:5496

Satan’s NASA Space Agency Is Trying To Release Fallen Angels From Rahab Fragment Phantom Zone Asteroid Belt Tesseracts – AUGUST 11TH/12TH Battle Los Angeles Cryptic Coding Running In The Matrix…

Prophecy | Aug 10 2024 15:24113

Illuminati Cryptic Predictive Programming – Apocalyptic Disasters – Black Male President Obama/Black Female Presidents Kamala And Oprah (Hillary’s The Worst Of These Gay Bastards) – August 11th Battle Los Angeles…

Prophecy | Aug 10 2024 02:2495

Don’t Sinfully Cause Your Vulnerable Flesh Cells To Lose Spiritual Communication With THE MOST HIGH ISHI – Don’t Let Them Cut You Off From The Free Gift Holy Salvation *…

Prophecy | Aug 09 2024 15:2446

THE GLORIOUS APOCALYPSE OF ISHI CHRIST, REMEMBER HOSEA 2:16 MY BRETHREN: We Are Resetting Back To The Heavenly Gene-Sis Right Order Time With NO MORE Snow White Leprous Cursed Cain…

Prophecy | Aug 09 2024 07:1523

Please Watchout Today Everybody Because We Are At A Critical Crossing Involving Major Attacks Against Rare Indigenous People Before We Apocalyptically Wake Up And Undergo Our Glorious Spiritual Rebith Fiery…

Prophecy | Aug 08 2024 17:0151

What Does Old Bill Cosby Have To Do With The Mayan Apocalypse Involving The Beginning Of The End Of The World And Paris France Being Severely Attacked Including America/Mystery Babylon…

Prophecy | Aug 08 2024 01:00100

Low Vibe Weaponized Microwaves Induction Ignited Fiery Headburn Self-Destruct Mode CoronaVirus Covid-19 Vaccinations Have Demonically Overtaken Billions Of Herd Infection Carriers Worldwide Who Are Now Walking Dead Matchsticks!: The Vaxxed…

Prophecy | Aug 07 2024 16:08160


Prophecy | Aug 07 2024 00:11260

BEWAR3 Hawaiian Pompeii WAR-NING!: The Hawaii Volcanoes Are Going To Be HAARP NUKED And More Directed Energy Weapons/D.E.W.S Are Going To Be Used For The Dystopian NWO Of Satan’s Demoncrats….

Prophecy | Aug 06 2024 17:52106

NWO Mercenary Bounty Hunters Are Being Sent Out To Track Down The 144,000 Blue Lanterns (Also Remember James 5th Ch. About The Sinisterly Rich Old Money Illuminati Elitist Slave Master…

Prophecy | Aug 06 2024 14:59115

The Dystopian NWO War Mongering Black-Ops Demoncats And The Fake Jew Synagogue Of Satan Are Evilly Setting Up Iran/Pakistan For False Flag Retaliation Strikes Which Involves Deceptive Isis Terrorist Attacks…

Prophecy | Aug 06 2024 06:5335

NATIONWIDE BLACKOUTS: Demonic Zombism Poltergeists Extreme Paranormal Activities Occur As The NWO Demoncrats Power Up The Tower Of Babel Tesla Technologies Overnight! PLEASE REPENT AND WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, REMEMBER AMOS 9TH CH….

Prophecy | Aug 05 2024 23:1261

The Wicked Fake Israel Synagogue Of Satan (Allied With Cain’s Kenite Vampires) Say They Come In Peace But Actually They Are War Mongering Bastards Who Are Vainly Trying To Forcefully…

Prophecy | Aug 05 2024 14:5197

Dead Bear In Central Park Code Means – Fiery Attacks (A Neutron Bomb) – Severe Economic Crash – Problems With Russia And It’s Strong Allies – BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyheaded…

Prophecy | Aug 05 2024 05:43116

MIDNIGHT Is Almost Here And It’s Time To Pay Your Fiery D.E.W.S (Tuned Directed Energy Weapons – Like Maui Hawaii) Amid BLACKOUTS And Extremely Violent Freakishly Electrified Weather Phenomenon Anomalies…

Prophecy | Aug 05 2024 00:59111

DEMONCRATIC OCEAN/SEA WARFARE (POSIDEN TESLA TECH.): Many Cruise Ships And Others Will Be Destroyed – HAARP Activated Remote Detonation Nukes Are In The Deep Waters – BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyheaded…

Prophecy | Aug 04 2024 17:56148




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