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Nancy Fox The Medium For God Prophet Writer Writes To Stop Sex Trafficking

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This is a picture of me from 1971 under our tree on Ranchito Avenue in Sherman Oaks, California and at this time I was channeling spirits on my Ouija Board I got for my 11th birthday in 1970 as I am psychic since I was a kid.

Mrs. Mancuso who lived next door died in around 2002 and touched me by the light in middle of the night at the house we lived in the suburbs as I felt a magical energy around me and woke up and she said ” It’s Shirley, I will protect you and your girls from heaven”. When I woke up the next morning I wondered what we needed protecting from, and thought I guess Shirley is our Guardian Angel. Then another spirit board reader later told me she was interrupting her Angel Board channeling readings and spelling out a million times over all day and night ” It’s Shirley I died, I have to speak to Nancy Fox”. This woman I knew as acquaintance was a messenger I kept bumping into who kept asking me to come and do a reading. I then ran into about 40 minutes away from where we lived in the suburbs and the elevator door opened and there she stood, and I said ” I’ll come and do a reading” so I did in early February 2005 and I was told ” Nancy Fox you’re put on earth to do goodwill and to save the human race” by God and Jesus Christ’s channeling with a white candle flickering so high and moving from side to side, and I felt so elated and connected to heaven by this miraculous occurance, a divine intervention from heaven occured that night and she said “you better buy an Angel Board and get busy” and so I did after we moved into a house where Church Bells chimed and where I felt so spiritual and so psychic with a wall of Angels around from the Church Steeple, and I had dreamt of the house several times and knew it was the house God intended for me to buy for my family. I started doing Angel Board channeling there each night at 10 pm and it was spelled out ” alot of big angel board jobs and moneys coming” and ” the Brinks truck is coming” and I felt I would have a lot of Angel Board jobs sent for me To Save the Human Race. I posted on The Angel Board Alliance Web site in summer 05 and wrote ” I am advancing my higher consciousness and psychic ability channeling on the Angel Board” etc. and readings have said many Angel Board jobs and lot of money was sent and stolen in 2005 and is since for 19 years. Right after moving in Gang Stalker vandalism started, and pranks, thefts, and stalking went on for 4 years at the house then I was set up to DCFS, obviously to rob my identity as an over nice Mother was framed by lies, and I have obvious I D Theft since, as I do not receive mail and money as I should since and I work very hard with my mediumship channeling ability to stop human sex trafficking. Due to the set ups we were run back to live in The San Fernando Valley.

In 2009 I decided to set up my Medium For God channel writer business to stop sex slavery internationally and to stop human sex trafficking and  to save the human race. I became a full Medium Clear Open Vessel of Light in July 2009 with the gift to channel write for spirits and for God and Jesus Christ so I decided to call my channel writer medium business the ” Medium For God’ and set it up in Sherman Oaks in 2009 and ordered Medium For God business cards, Medium For God Prophet writer stationary and address labels and I Prophet wrote by hand as a Medium channel writer on boxes of white copy paper, and faxed it to Stop Human Sex Traffick Offices, and to Stop Sex Slavery offices all over the world in 2009, I put Gods Medium on my aol address I have had since around 2000 and set up other emails, etc. and emailed away by Prophet Medium For God channel writer crime tips to stop sex slavery and traffick and bought small lap tops and carried them in my purse and emailed from wifi all over Sherman Oaks and worked doing in person readings at a store for a couple years at this time. In 2009 and 2010 I started writing Medium For God channel writer resumes’ and decided to email them to every email address I could find so everyone would know ” I am a Medium” so they would listen to the words I write for God and Jesus Christ to stop crimes, and thus my Medium For God Prophetic Channel Writer Stop Traffick Internet Business began that I do since then, for 14 years on the internet to stop human sex traffick and sex slavery, and I sent out millions of letters that said. I am Nancy Fox,I am a psychic medium so everyone would know so they would listen to stop the crimes and I started asking for my money to have a stop traffick office but none has come. March 10th, 2010 I set up my Angel Board & Psychic Reading facebook to get readings and I sent many letters to publish Prophet channel writer books but mail does not reach me as it should, as my Sherman Oaks P O Box was stark empty on Ventura Blvd that I set up in 2012 January, and readings say stalkers who pulled pranks, stalked our house, and who lied about me in 09 steal Medium For God Prophet gifts, and gift cards, and Prophet thank you pay sent for my many resumes’ and everything sent, so sex slavery and trafficking is not stopping. readings say they started looting my Medium For God thank you Prophet writer gifts from ups and fed ex trucks in 2009, and do for 15 years, and still are. Readings say they are Gang Stalkers on security cameras who see ups and fed ex trucks and know of them by spy cam hacking bugging equipment, and run and loot the trucks with fraud papers, and rob money in bank parking lots at 9 am as they see trucks coming with money for the Son of God Medium For God in security cameras, and rob money with fraud papers, and lie they are a Medium For God Group” when there is no group, and readings say they steal Prophet speaker clothes sent for me to speak in for God, Jesus, and Virgin Mary since May 2010 as my resume’ says this. In Jan 2013 I set up my email address and made that my paypal address, and set up paypal April 4th, 2012 with my Medium For God business registration, Individual Owner Nancy Gail Fox aka Fox-Taylor, and put paypal all over the internet on my work on my facebookswordpresses, and youtubes etc. and no paypal has come to stop traffick, not a cent. Readings say the same stalker liar prank pulling group steals it by hacking for over 11 years, and they get new cars with my money they stole that they deposit in car lot accounts and do I D theft and rob Medium For God Thank you Prophet gifts and Thank you Prophet pay by sitting on security cameras at intersections, and on spy cam hacking bugging equipment they rob everything so sex traffick and sex slavery is not stopping because of them interfering and blocking communication.

Photo of Shirley Mancuso and I from the 1960′s on the links below.

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