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The Last Days Are Filled With Chaos And Confusion With More Evil At every Turn.

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Written by: Marlene*.

Posted on: Tuesday 17th September, 2024.

Greetings to You and Thank You for reading my words.

Writing for me is interesting because most times I would be doing something completely unrelated and then something within moves me and I have to drop what I am doing and start to write, not really knowing what words will pour out of me. So this blog is or should be mainly about some of the things I have found over the years of seeking and finding much information, concerning the things of this world and what I think could be true, those words that need to be poured out.

Is it possible that there were ‘Humans’ on the Earth, before the time Adam and Eve were banished here, being kicked out of Paradise? Scientists believe so, at least they believe that Humans existed for millions of years. The problem I have with being a seeker is that I find all manner of strange writings that really challenge what I have been taught concerning our origins.

I did find many ancient texts and I have a keen interest in Mythology and ancient History. At one time I posted on a thread where I collected all the information about GIANTS I could find and there was a lot, unfortunately, the Forum no longer exists. I delved into the Hollow Earth and found a lot of information, even was attacked by a demon-witch during those days, about ten years ago. I did learn a very important lesson concerning seeking after ‘knowledge’ in places of Darkness.

Initially, I did not know what I would find and did not think of Hollow Earth as an evil thing. There is a lot of information about what is inside the Earth available to be found, whether you believe it or not, that is up to you. It is not at all that important what information I find concerning the history of this world, it plays no part as to my destination and does not affect my journey in any way. It is just that when you seek into ancient ‘knowledge’ concerning this world, you will find all manner of strange things and I do find this information very interesting.

The important lesson I learned was that when you seek after information in some places and are very focused while doing research for weeks or months, you will become preoccupied with reading and seeking, even praying to discover the truth, you will send out psychic signals and the things you seek after will somehow discover your peering into their world, and they will come and attack you. So please be careful where you go to find information, because the thing you seek to find, may in turn find you! This also works on the spiritual level, however these are wonderful experiences when you experience spiritual things, things of the LIGHT.

The Earth is Hollow and filled with inhabitants and strangeness. I believe that there is a river that runs through the centre of the Earth, beginning at the North Pole all the way down through to the South Pole. There exists several accounts of people who took that journey in the past, and they found civilized Giants who grew giant fruits and vegetables. Then there is the city of Agartha and personally I do have a lot to say about that place and the inhabitants. Several years ago I read the declassified files about Admiral Byrd and his journey into the Earth, and I did also find much information about the inhabitants of Agartha, and I have concluded that the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel are in fact the generations and current citizens of Agartha.

Their king whom I believe to be a Fallen One and is the one who will ascend to the surface of the Earth in the last days. I also believe that the city exists just beyond the veil and they are not permitted to come to the surface, unless invited. Even though they remain unknown to us on the surface, they have great power, influence and control over what happens here. They did tell Admiral Byrd that they were the ones responsible for all of the flying-saucers we see in the skies. Do I dare write the words of what I really think and believe about these Inner-Earth dwellers? I am already thinking too much about them by writing this and I do not really like to think about them, however they will have their part in our future and soon.

The reason for my hesitancy is that my ‘theory’ is kinda crazy, really, however I did do a lot of research on the subject of the Hollow Earth and then I found Agartha, and was also attacked by one of its inhabitants! Yes, this is my testimony and it is true, and it was during that attack I discovered that my armour of God is real. That was actually the last time the Gates of Hell waged spiritual-warfare against me. So should I go down into the rabbit-hole of the Agarthans or do I go somewhere else?

It is actually an interesting, yet admittedly crazy perspective and it also includes the Pleiadeans, the Greys, the Reptilians and even Donald Trump, as well as Eisenhower, med-beds and the new financial system and the other things seemingly great for the betterment and advancement of us Humans. The Lost 10 Tribes of Israel, and the curious fact that these Inner-Earth inhabitants, being so much more advanced than we surface dwellers, in all these years, over two thousand at least, have not made themselves known to the whole world.

Of course, there are those who know of their existence and consult with them. Why did so many of our world leaders and so-called ‘Elites’ travel down to Antarctica during the 2016 US presidential election when Hillary lost? What is down there that is so important that even the Pope went there? Perhaps, the one who rises up from the Earth or from the sea?

I will say this however, if you do not already know. One of my earlier blogs was about this same topic: ‘Dangerous Words and Spiritual Warfare’. I have also written about ‘meeting’ an individual from inside the Earth, the one who looks over the 144,000 of the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel. He wears a golden robe. I do believe that the 10 Lost Tribes were the ones who disappeared from Israel, also the last king of Israel who was taken captive by the Assyrian king and was never seen again. They also crossed a great river and went into lands no man had step foot in before… around 735BC.

They went inside the Earth and the Assyrian king was also a Nephilim, just as king Nebuchadnezzar was as well. We learn about the unholy trinity being the Beast, the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet, however these are not the only ones coming here to rule over us and enslave us. The Beasts are Fallen Angels who have power over ruling-systems, with the individual Beast, the Fallen Angel at the head who wields all the power and control in our world. These are very powerful Angels who were cast down from Heaven and imprisoned in the Earth, even under the Euphrates River and in the Bottomless-Pit, for a time, until they are freed from their prisons during the last days of the Earth.

I believe that the Agarthans were finally invited by one of our leaders to come into our world, and this was very recently. They have always been denied by the political powers to reveal themselves to us who live on the surface about their existence, which they really want to do. There are no good Aliens, they are all the creations of the Fallen Angels. There really are those from Agartha who believe that they belong to the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel, and that they will come up to the surface and reveal themselves along with their god… and Israel will welcome them and the world will be deceived by his miracles. He will also worship another god- the god of forces, who is Sabaoth, and will claim himself to be god. He will deceive the whole world, except for the Elect, who are not deceived.

He will be a religious leader with the power of a Fallen Angel, and they do have great power and heavenly devices and weapons as well, things forbidden to Humans.

REV 13:11-18

And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spoke as a dragon.

12 And he exercises all the power of the first beast before him, and causes the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,

14 And deceives them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. 

16 And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name:

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

The Beasts of the Earth also refer to the Fallen ones who rule over us, as well as those who are imprisoned here and will be released at the appointed time in the last days, some to have power to rule over us and even kill us, but in the end all Beasts will stand before the LORD and KING and His Heavenly Army on the day of Judgment. The veil will be ripped from top to bottom and the supernatural world of the Angels will converge with our world. The Babylonian rulers who will rule here will put on Human flesh suits, cover themselves with thick clay, except for the False-Prophet who will inhabit the body of a young man prepared for him. They will all be exposed after the consuming-fire removes all physical matter from existence, on that great and terrible day of the Lord.

There are also Four Beasts who stand before the Throne of God in the Temple of God in Heaven. I believe that there were originally Seven Beasts who stood before the Throne of God and Three are Fallen, including Lucifer. The Four Beasts before the Throne of God are the Four Archangels- Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael, all of whom are mediators between man and Almighty God.

In a previous blog, I did mention the Sumerian Texts and I have found many ancient scrolls and writings in the past. So I have all of this competing information that clashes with the things I believe to be true and instead of denying one to accept the other, I have tried to combine them, being Science and Religion to get a more complete perspective. Science and Religion both belong to this world and the Heavens, the Created Realm- Heaven and Earth. My view of Christianity is that it is a world religion alongside Islam, Judaism, Buddhism and Paganism, as well as all the other world religions that belong in this world-system.

The WAY of Truth does pass through this world, however the path is a supernatural one and is not in anyway a part of this world-system of religions. Be in the world, but not of the world. Become passers-by. My identity is already known and so is my destination and purpose, and none of it has to do with this world. This is a place of learning and growing and finding spiritual gifts, those you can take with you after you die. This is also the only place to remove the curse of death from upon us. This is the only place where Humans can be saved from Death and Hell. This Earth also consumes Human bodies, as well as sustains Humans; the eater of Human corpses and the source of life for all living creatures.

The Ten Lost Tribes will appear in our world one day, soon, and they will appear to be perfect Humans, with pale skin, blonde and tall. These ‘people’ survived by means of ‘science’ and genetic manipulation and also have gained their longevity in unnatural ways. Where do all the missing people disappear to, especially the children? All of this insanity always leads directly to a Fallen Angel. They have been on the Earth for a very long time, and of the Watchers, they were kings who ruled over every corner of the Earth where there were Humans. They are responsible for all of the mysterious ancient architecture, found throughout the world.

These Angels possess technology that was used to create temples carved out of granite and limestone, like Petra and in Sri Lanka, India, Egypt, Africa, South Asia and other places throughout the world. They built pyramids and all the information and knowledge we Humans possess were given to us by these Fallen ones, from how to use herbs to how to perform an abortion. They taught us everything we know, and what the Angels began, the Humans will finish, and God will destroy all of these evil works and dispatch all of these fallen ones on the day of Judgment. Additionally, their children, who are the Nephilim also had power as kings here in times past and today in our world there is also a harvest of this evil seed growing up alongside the King’s wheat.

All of these Fallen ones will come to the surface, and they will be seen by us, when the veil is ripped from top to bottom and the world of the Angels will merge with our world, and all the hidden things will be revealed. None of them possess love or goodness. There are NO good Aliens. These Fallen ones hate us and seek to corrupt, enslave and kill us, even eat us. They are not our friends or helpers and all the things we receive from them are designed to enslave and kill us even more, ultimately separating us from God and Truth. These Fallen ones cannot be redeemed and will show us who they truly are, they will be judged by the KING when He appears with His Heavenly Army on the last day.

Remember that they will kill us gradually as they have done thus far, however death is coming to us in even greater numbers, that if Christ does not return and shorten the time of the end, no Human would be left alive. Yes, The Devil hates us and so does the Dragon and the Serpent. When Angels fall and leave their First Estate, which are the places they were assigned by Almighty God according to the Creation of the Heavens and the Earth. The Watchers had a place in the Heavens and a purpose, but they rebelled and left that purpose and came to our world where they brought all of their knowledge with them and did build and irrigate and do many things with Humans, as they ruled over them in the ancient days.

I am not sure if I should add this, however I did begin this blog around July 17th and wrote only three pages and could not seem to write anymore for almost two months, even though I thought of writing every day. So many things have happened since then including the Olympics and all the insanity of the opening and closing ceremonies. Personally, I have nothing to say because I did not watch either, not because I did not want to, but because of circumstances. I am certain that this is the first time in my life, perhaps since the age of five years old, that I have missed the Olympic opening ceremonies.

Athletics was my life for the early part of my life and I was a good sprinter, although I did not like the muscles, so the Olympics were great in my life, still love running and watching the games. Actually, I was watching the parade of Nations coming up the river, I believe it was Italy and Jamaica, and then I had to leave to fulfill a promise to someone next door. I was hoping that they were watching the opening ceremony, but alas I walked into a Harry Potter binge watch! Can you imagine? They had never seen Harry Potter before, and they are almost forty!

When I mentioned the games they told me that they were not going to change the channel. So for about forty-five minutes I had to listen to Harry Potter. When I got home the opening ceremony was over, so I went online to see what people thought and it was then that I heard of all of the madness and evil depiction of the Last Supper, or as they claim it to be a representation of the fifteen century painting- The Feast of the gods. I did not watch the ceremony but was more interested in the comments of Christians who were promoting a boycott of the Olympics, because they saw the depiction as an offence to the Last Supper.

I did watch the competitions and I even saw many Christian athletes professing their faith in Christ Jesus. There was even a place set up in the Olympic village where Christian athletes were spreading the gospel to other athletes. We know that the Devil is in control of this world and he is taking it to Hell in a hand-basket. I know that the Games have changed in many ways, however they have a way of showing us in their ceremonies what they have in store for us in the next few years. They did warn us about C-19 in the 2020 Games, remember?

As for the closing ceremonies, Hurricane Beryl passed over us the night before and there was massive power black-out, so no internet and I missed it again. I also did not watch it, but was interested in the comments and there was a lot of Satanic things on display. These are the times we live in, where evil is seemingly in control. I just read an article where the ‘Elites’ admit that the C-19 fiasco was a trial run to see how many Humans would obey, and according to their results, we failed the test, or passed it depending on how you look at it. We are being ruled by evil over-lords!

For the past several weeks I have been unable to write, actually I was attempting to start a new blog, yesterday, but these first three pages were already written so here I am five pages in. Even though I thought about writing all during these past few weeks, I could not start the process. It has been a time of more reflection and understanding. Here is a truth happening in my personal journey. Because I am a seeker and an avid reader, I have found so many evil things in the past ten years or so, but six years ago the information flow became more rapid. It is difficult to consume so much evil info and not be affected in some way. All of this information also have to settle inside you and I think that these past several weeks was a time of settling for me.

I really hate this world and the evil and chaos are intensifying. We cannot change things around like we did in the past, because this time everything is different… five billion people are different. There is also a revival happening in some places where there are a few occasions of mass-baptisms, where new believers are hearing the call. I pray that they are not led by wolves, but by true Christian ministries, because there are so many false prophets and ravenous wolves ministering to the flock and leading them astray. There are many things in this world that cannot be settled and be at peace with, such as all those who took the sorcerer’s brew; my heart breaks when I think that such an evil thing happened and is affecting so many Humans. ‘Died suddenly’ or ‘suddenly dying’ are also part of our current vocabulary, and no one in the MSM will address the issue and cause… yes, evil lives here.

Another evil that cannot be settled is the absolutely insane fact that over a million Humans go missing every year, especially the children and the authorities do not address any of it. Where are all these people disappearing to? Always keep in mind that the ones who desire to enslave and kill most of us, look at us as a herd. Do you think that most of these missing people turn out to be food for under-ground and inner-Earth dwellers, including man-made monsters in underground prisons? What happens to all the missing? Did they ever find the missing kids from the Maui fires? There are so many evils deeds done underground, however, the day is coming and soon when all these underground places will be emptied and all evil destroyed and removed from upon the Earth.

Every Christian believes that Lucifer is the prince of this world and he has already been judged when Jesus Christ came and died for our sins. The evil has been here all along, however the Harvest has never been this great. Concerning the powers that be, it is reasonable to believe that since the Adversary has power here to rule, as well as to give power to others who will bow down and worship him, that every position of power in this world must be given to these leaders and influencers by Lucifer. You cannot have power to rule or to be famous or successful without receiving it from the Evil one and that is why all of the so-called ‘Elites’- those in the high places of this world are all found to be Satan worshippers and murderers, who feed on the life-force of children and the flesh of Humans.

These are some of the things that cannot really settle in your psyche because this kind of evil does not have a place in your journey. Jesus did warn us that the times will be evil, even being the evilest it will ever be since the beginning or any other time to come. The fruits of evil are evident and even though it seems that this new world reality we find ourselves living in, where good is evil and evil is good; where right is left and left is right, and there seems to be strange people who have rejected their sacred Human identity and are caught up in a world of confusion, delusion, pain, remorse and suicide, all because they do not know what male and females are and cannot define what a woman is.

Men are ‘becoming’ women and women becoming men, and the little children are completely confused because of this evil conditioning being taught and done in the classrooms by the teachers, in secret. How evil is that? There are places where this is still taking place and the young and innocent ones are still being violated with these rebellious and lawless teachings, even having body-mutilation performed on children without parental consent. Shouldn’t people be arrested for such behaviour?

This is truly a strange world, because evil continues to grow even though some places are actually pushing back against this insane evil agenda of children mutilation. We cannot stop this evil, or undo it or press the reset or default button, only God can, whether through Jesus Christ or by fire… remember Sodom and Gomorrah? There are very grave punishments for this kind of strange and lawless behaviour.

How is this kind of thinking and practice were even allowed to enter the world and cause so much pain and misery to those on both sides of this issue, including the parents who never really knew what was happening with their own children at school? There is as mention previously the great evil that was done to the five billion Humans, that is still not being addressed by the MSM, those who are the worshippers of the Adversary. Remember that Humans are fearfully and wonderfully made and that we were created to exist in Eternal Life. The Devil does not what this to happen, so now is his time to do as he pleases and has power over us to terrorize and kill us- those who do not bow down and worship him or refuse to take the Mark.

There is already increased Christian persecution taking place throughout the world, and it seems that even those who are sworn to protect the people are also serving their evil overlord, so there is no place for Christians to receive protection as a church, and the persecution will only increase as we move closer to ‘the great and terrible day of the Lord’. Eventually all evil will be removed from upon the Earth, however in the meantime, the Dragon is giver power over the Saints to persecute, imprison and kill. Why? Well we cannot know the mind of God, for His ways are not our ways, right?

Personally, I believe that there are rewards and special spiritual gifts established for the martyrs of Christ, having their own place and role in the coming Kingdom, and Christians cannot receive these gifts unless they lose their lives for Jesus Christ. I also believe that there are a specific number of martyrs who must be killed by way of persecution and until that number is achieved, the persecution will continue. The Church will experience great persecution before the Harvest. We are also awaiting the imminent arrival and appearance of the Two Witnesses.

The last four pages were written about a week ago, however I am posting NEWS and other videos on my blog site, and I am still reading a lot. Well when I began this blog it was a couple of days after the first Trump assassination attempt in July, and today which is the sixteenth of September, there was another attempt made to kill Donald Trump at his golf-course, near his home in Florida. This time the bullets fired only came from the Secret Service who saw the would be assassin’s rifle pointing through the fence. He was captured after he fled the scene a short time later. They really do not want Trump to become president. Crazy times indeed.

There is a lot of tension and confusion and deception currently taking place in the world. There is also punishment and plagues. There are catastrophic floods taking place in several countries in central Europe and South Asia and China. Earthquakes in California and other places around the world. Volcanic eruptions are peaking and more volcanic gases and dust are entering our atmosphere. There should be a cooling coming soon. Let us hope the the pollution from all the volcanic ash does not block too much sunlight so that the plants are affected. But, all the trees are destroyed in these last days and all of the grass burnt up.

There is only one safe place for us to find refuge from all of this evil and that place is firmly planted in Christ Jesus. We have to remove ourselves from the emotional drag of the insanity of this place and put all of our focus on Jesus. There are so many Americans who are depending on Trump to be elected and fulfill his promises to drain the swamp and make America great again. There is a lot of confusion within the Christian community and these are also Patriots who believe in America First. Many are also interested in the Q-thing, even I got excited from the beginning. I did learn a lot from those posts about those who rule over us and the things they do to gain and maintain their power, things I did not know previously.

Today, all of us have become watchers, waiting to see what will happen. We are actually told to sit back and watch this unfold, and to trust the plan. Americans must be so angry because the can see the madness and the destruction of their country by a flood of invaders and the gates remain wide open, even with an invite and an offer of a lot of money and there is nothing they can do about it. This flood of invaders is happening to some degree in just about every western country and having serious political and religious consequences worldwide. Many Christian countries are changing into Muslim enclaves and the local Christian peoples are being shamed and even arrested for speaking out about this invasion and insanity.

You only have to read the NEWS to see what is happening to these cities and the horrific effects on the women and girls and the children. Everywhere there are too many people invading, so there are no places for them to stay. So the governments take over of hotels, schools, buildings and the corruption taking place because of all of these people are overwhelming the native peoples. Rent increases and crime, displacement and other problems are being experienced all over the western countries and many people are really fed-up.

I do not claim to be anyone special, except myself, a Follower of CHRIST. My life is very blessed and I rest in that blessed hope waiting patiently for the appearing of our LORD and KING on the last day. My understanding is that there is a last day when all physical matter is consumed by fire and all physical matter will no longer exist, and that is ‘the great and terrible day of the Lord’. We will then move to the next level of existence where the flesh cannot enter and the Human Soul will require a new covering, for we will be found to be naked, after the fire. That will be the last day of physical existence throughout all of Creation, for the Heavens will also be burned in the fire.

The last day is the day when the WORD of God appears with His Army to judge the Nations of the world and to seize all of the Fallen ones and the demons and Aliens and all evil creatures and cast them into the lake burning with fire and brimstone, and all evil doers will be removed from the Earth. The ‘great anf terrible day of the Lord’ is near upon us. A day when all Humans will no longer possess a flesh and blood body and will be Souls who have no physical covering. For those who do not know our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and are not saved will find themselves naked and covered in the crimson stain and stench of sin, and they will be ashamed and in great distress, for Salvation is no longer available for them.

Those who are alive and remain as Followers of Christ Jesus will rejoice for they will be clothed in the Holy Spirit and their Souls will be white as snow. They will also wait patiently for the appearing of our LORD and KING with His Army of Angels- Human Spirit-Angels, whom He will send to the four corners of Heaven to gather up His Elect. Personally, that is the day I hope and prayer that I am alive and remain to experience, the appearing of our LORD in the clouds and have my place in the Gathering. I pray that this is the Will of the Perfect Father because it is all I have ever prayed for and worked to achieve.

The only desire in my heart is to experience what it means to be a Perfect Human. Every one who enters into the Kingdom- the New Earth, will experience Human Perfect at the end of the Millennial Age when Christ Jesus will be King of the Earth. There are some who will discover the WAY and more Human truths and knowledge during this lifetime and few will achieve this and be made Perfect at the Appearing and the Gathering. At that time a new Being will come into existence in Eternal Life and Perfection, the time when the redeemed Human Soul which is the female part.

The male part is the Spirit-Mind body who was born from that Soul through knowledge, being the exact image of the Redeemed-Soul and a Mind-body born from the Light-seed sowed in us by The WORD of God when we entered this world when we were born. The Light found in every man is the Life found within us. Did all those who came before Jesus began His ministry also possess this Light-seed? Personally, I do not believe they did, or if they did, there was no way for them to ‘activate’ it because the knowledge had not yet appeared in the world.

Those who lived before Jesus did not go to Heaven or entered into Paradise. There were very few who went to Heaven and we do know some of them. Moses, Abraham, Joshua, King David, and a few others. There are also words written whether or not truth concerning the death of Joseph when Jesus was in His late teens or early twenties, cannot remember, and Jesus had to contend with Lucifer for the body of His father. The Devil was trying to stop Joseph by accusing him of sin and arguing with Jesus for his Soul. Jesus did banish him or caused him to go away and Joseph was sent to Heaven.

If you believe the Gospel of Nicodemus, which the Early Church believed, you will realize that very few went to Heaven, even Adam and Eve were imprisoned in Hell. Christ Jesus did empty the prisons and set the captive free… for they all entered into Paradise, even the thief on the cross mainly because they believed in the Scriptures concerning the prophecies of the Son of God and the Saviour and the Messiah. They knew of Him and they believed, even the prophets were found in the prisons of Hell, because the Saviour and the WORD had not yet come. Almighty God had to clean the Souls of those who went to Heaven as He did with Joshua. According to Nicodemus both the prophets Enoch and Elijah were also found to be in Paradise.

Not to get too far off topic here, but I have also found knowledge concerning the Twenty-Four Elders who sit before the Throne of God. All of those whom Almighty God brought into Heaven were among the Elders, even Adam and Eve are found to be among them. From what I understood there were some seats yet to be filled, but occupied by Angels. Abraham, Joshua, Moses, Joseph, and Adam and Eve among others are the Twenty-Four Elders and all the seats will be filled at the end of this world when our Lord returns to establish the Earthly Kingdom Age, and to reward the Saints. There are those who are found with Christ Jesus- the LAMB of God, in the New Earthly Kingdom, and there are those who are found with CHRIST-The WORD of God, in the Spiritual Kingdom of Heaven. That is my understanding according to the knowledge I have found and the spiritual experiences I have lived.

As I was saying before concerning the Human Spirit-Mind body who is conceive through knowledge and the Light of the WORD, when it is conceived it does exist in the Spiritual Realm in the presence of the Perfect Father, while still being connected to the Living-Soul who conceived it. Many of those Humans who are able to achieve this do not get to see their Spirit-Minds. I do not know of anyone who has written about this. CHRIST is my KING and LORD and I love my Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus, for He has given me life. This is my testimony and I speak the truth, not because I believe all of what I say, but I have also experienced the things I write about.

I saw my Spirit-Mind self in a vision or dream state, and it felt very real when she came to visit me from beyond the clouds and she was larger than a Jumbo jet! Perhaps in the same way she will appear at the Gathering. She did dive down in the flash of an eye right into my body and filled me with glorious white light. These ones are the Spirit-Minds who are conceive through hidden Knowledge, found only by those who seek to reach the highest places. We stand in the place we can reach. When you find the knowledge of the Perfect Father, He will reveal Himself to you and your desire will be to become known as one of His Sons- the newly manifested Beings.

We do not all go to the same places and we do not all receive the same gifts and rewards, however when we pray for spiritual revelation, our prayers will more likely be answered when we do so on a regular basis. Personally, I will not stop praying for something until I receive it. Some pray only once for a thing, however you need to constantly pray until you receive. The knowledge of the Perfect Father and His Sons is found in this world by way of much seeking and labour over forty years now.

I also pray that my perception is rooted in the Truth of the Perfect Father and what I believe is actually the way it is, by the Will of the Perfect Father and our Lord Christ Jesus. I also pray that I am found worthy to receive these gifts for they are not guaranteed, in the sense that some will realize that they did conceive of a spiritual-mind body, but because they did not continue to labour in their journey, they will lose their inheritance. That would be inconceivable to me, I do not even want to think about that. It would be like Jesus saying to you to depart from Him, He never knew you.

This life is very challenging and at times very painful. There is so much evil here and the people seem to be getting even more lawless. There is also great conversion happening in the world as well, especially in the Muslim Nations and those Muslims who immigrate to Western Nations. The Church is divided and the ministers of the Devil are leading many astray, including the Pope who is the power behind the One World Religion. Babylon is rising and the Whore is working very hard bringing together all the strange religions together under one roof to blaspheme our Lord and His WORD. All religions must become Followers of Christ Jesus because there is no other way to have access to the Father, and no other worldly religion will have a place in the Kingdom of God.

REPENT for the Day of the lord is near. Seek after our Lord Christ Jesus for protection from evil in these last days and always confess your sins, so that you will remain clean and pleasing to our Lord. Keep praying always so that you will draw even closer to Him, because the Adversary and His henchmen are all after us and we will need to be strong in our faith. Do not reward evil with evil, but with good and Christians, please try to remove yourselves from the insanity and chaos of this world, even when you are literally living in it. The persecution is coming and is already here, and we must pray for discernment and trust no man. Even the members of our families will betray us when the going gets rough.

Trust only in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and He will protect us from all evil as He leads us beside the still waters. Christians know about that inner-peace we receive in Christ Jesus that surpasses all understanding. The peace that is not disturbed by the chaos of this evil doings of this world. Do not let the Devil and his minions rob you of that peace. Keep your eyes and ears on Christ Jesus and seek after Him also through His teachings and His WORD. Love them all and surrender your life to Christ Jesus, for it is your Soul He protects, not so much your physical body which will soon cease to exist, whether in Death or in LIFE. Peace to you All in Christ Jesus. M.

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Written and Posted by: Marlene*

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