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The Wicked Trickery Of Human Capturing Through The Government and Court System

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Human sex trafficking is run through the Government system without the real Government people knowing as it’s a secret system used to take Targeted Individuals down subtley to then Gang Stalk them in cars lurking all over America waiting to take the people away by force of Government Agency and Court papers, and fraud arrest warrants, and the Gang Stalker human sex traffickers lie they take people for help when they are the ones who caused the harm to them, as they stalk the Familys Homes, steal their mail and ups fed exes and money left by seeing everything sent to them by survellence, security cameras, spy cams they place everywere to case out the Targeted Individuals property, and if they are sent a large sum of money or big job the Gang Stalkers run and take it, and act like it’s theirs and people think its theirs because they know about it, as they may say ” I am here to pick that up, I was told it would be here at 10 o’clock” etc. so its invisible theft being done all over America, in bank parking lots also, as they sit lurking under bank parking lots in rooms they built then pop up a hatch and run with papers and say they are their to unload the truck of funds sent, and lurk on streets around banks waiting for the trucks with money to run with papers and pretend its their money, their business funds, and use fraud liens that they do by framing Targeted Individuals, and many they choose to Target are ones with large bank deliverys being sent they see on a list, and they would call banks and say put that deposit sent in this account and transfer it on up and banks would think its their money because they know about it, when its by survellence. They also call UPS and Fed Ex corporate offices and say they are covering mail for a business or a job etc. and say to let them know what time the delivery will be left to run and steal from Targeted Individuals, and they lie to UPS Stores, Fed Ex offices, and Post Offices, and act like they are the persons assistant, and lie they are associates, or say that mail and money is for their Group Business when its one persons business, a Targeted Individual, and they sit on security cameras waiting for deliverys to be left in front of an office building, and left at a UPS Store, and run and take what is not theirs, and people think its their because they know about it, and they do this by papers that say they were assigned this job top secretly by the in home investigator, a sub division of the Secret Service who investigates what goes on inside family’s homes when they Target nice familys who do not need invesigating, where nothing illegal is going on in their homes, as its a game for human sex trafficking, its a trick to do ispy exploation on the whole family, and they cast the people in Kiddy Porn, Baby Porn, Snuff Movies, and decide who they will use for human sex trafficking, and pick a few people out of a hundred for regular human sex trafficking who are teenage women and young adult women and the rest are murdered by sex torture, as its a a hollocaust being run, as many in this Human Sex Traffick Gang Stalker ring stalking everyone on their lists, they call Their Books are murdering people they Hate, the same way Adolph Hitler killed Jewish People he hated, many in this Gang Stalker ring hate Divorced Mothers, Legally Seperated Moms, especially the ones who filed in Court, and they hate Unwed Moms, and Sexy Moms, and these are the types they target, they hate free spirited new age bold independant women, and a brain washed cult thinks these types of people are bad persons. They brain wash kids and corupt them, and tell them if a Mom is sexy looking, and orgasms in intercourse, or uses love making positions then shes a very bad person to go down on their list, and they are nice wonderful Mothers who are loving parents and very good persons, as they are ones with moral values, with many who are thoughful, caring, and sentimental, and who do not sin. The cult tells children that they are after a certain type of Mother they name a Serpent, they tell them they have bad DNA, a bad gene, and too much passion and totostorone, the male hormone, and they tell them that can tell if they are very bad persons by staring at their clitorus in a spy cam when they have intercourse, and that they are top secret agents investigating what goes on inside a home, and they get neive sheltered type kids who have conservative and religous parents who are not that way, so they think a Mom they see orgasm in a spy cam is a very bad person, and say their Moms would not do that, their Moms are ones to lay in bed under the covers at bed time heads a top a pillow with a kiss good night, and many of the kids parents get in the Gang Stalking cult on spy cam, hacking, bugging equipment, and security camera stalking to Vote on weather a Mom looks sexy, and they Hate and Loathe Moms who try stylish clothes on, who flip their hair to make it full, who own sets of bras and underwear etc. and think they are wrong to buy undergarments for their man, say the Dad to see them in as many doing this are religous Mothers, house wife types who think a man should not see a woman in their bra and underwear or in the daytime etc. and they sit spying on them in ispy in mirrors, and in bedrooms by spy cams placed on ceilings by the in home investigators who are investigating so see who will is use for Human Sex Trafficking? which teenage girls will we keep under our lawns in our rooms we built? in our 9 houses around parks. Which Son of Daughter will we put in a dog cage? and use for our Kiddy Porn films, which ones will we keep under our Whipple Woods houses under the hatch by the fireplace? who will be kept under the Dog Parks in our underground Dog run kennels by Stop Signs? which baby will we put in a Child Pelvic exam stand to sex torture them til they are dead? which Moms and toddlers and children genitals will be eaten ? then clitoruses clipped off by the Gang Stalker nurse assistants, top secret investigator agents, City Hall Computer Technicians, their the ones lurking all over America in cars lying they need to take people named on lists for help when its to eat their gentials til they are dead for the in home investigators movie business, for the Movie Call Sheet shot list scenes. and which pregnant Mom shall we get to cut them open to get their unborn babys to eat them alive? and which newborns shall be place in a flour sack and keep in our chicken hen coupes under the bank parking lots by the gang stalker girls local work apartment buildings? and which teenagers will the male hackers eat genitals on ? and which Moms and Girls shall be put in gyno chairs and child pelvic stands to eat them alive, and gang rape, and cut clitoruses off of? as this is their Satanic Sex Human Torture Murder Ritual as they are the Serpents, “the two or more lied sons of satan conspiracy who take people to sex slavery by lying” that sentence is my Prophetic tip I got in 2008 on my Angel Board, that is what God and Jesus name them, and its the worst sex torturing murders being done to the most innocent human beings they capture through the Government system.

They scout out on security cameras, and spy cameras for attractive Moms with a good body, and vote YES, all agreed and text set the bad Mom up, when they are Good Moms.

They dig through pregnancy records, birth records, marriage and divorce and legal separation records, tax records to see if Moms are head of house hold in tax filings to find independant Mothers they think are too bold to Target them.

They see which Mothers bought a house and got a neg am loan and put them on The Books to run them and their children out of the house, they lie they are very bad persons for getting a neg am loan, and for keeping reserves, money in the bank from their house they sold, their divorce, their jobs etc. they say they should have put most of their money down on their house they bought, and got a fixed loan mortgage, and they lie their payment will go through the roof, and lie they are stupid to buy the house, and lie they are so dumb to get a neg am loan, and to not think of the mortgage balance, and say they have to run them out of their house they bought because of the neg am loan they got when it won’t go up for 5 to 10 years, and they like the interest they write off on their taxes and do not care about their loan balance, and may plan to sell it and make money, or refinance later when their kids are older, and time it all for their kids ages as single parents, and keep some of their money in the bank as reserves and for exspenses for their children when they are young and did it this way on purpose for their family life. The Gang Stalkers brain wash people 5 miles square around the family home and lie ” The Mom bought a house that cost too much” and say “Oh my God, they did that without thinking, they spent too much money and bought furniture too fast” and lie ” they have to run them out because they got a neg am loan that will be too much and say that was so stupid as they should have thought about the interest they will pay in their life time, and each month” etc. when they are concerned about their happy family life today not about what interest they will pay in their lifetime. The Gang Stalkers set it up to take the nice Moms down, to run them out of their houses, and start taking two to five thousand of their reserves in their bank accounts out of the bank to a ” Floater Account” a secret bank robber account, and steal up to one hundred thousand of the mothers reserves money from the Moms bank accounts, and lie they are doing that because they bought that house so they need to manage their finances secretly because they did not know what they were doing, when they knew exactly what they were doing. They decided to keep a hundred thousand or so in reserves in the bank and to not put it all down on the house they bought, and they decided to get a neg am loan to keep their payment low while their kids were young, and to have the mortgage interest as a tax write off, and they planned to live in the house forever, or sell it, or refinance it in the future, and bought it with their money as their family home, and the Gang Stalkers say they are Evaluators, for the in home investigator man, and they say they Evaluate mortgages and finances, and they frame Mothers who get neg am mortgages, who keep reserves in the bank, and who shop fast and who buy alot at once, and they lie they had frivilous spending on too many expenditures and bought too much too fast without thinking, when they were thinking and often shop this way in their life as they are ones who buy a lot a one time then not for awhile. they make lists, and buy what they need and are finished, they may buy a several outfits at once, and wear them for years, they may buy furniture when they move in a new home or apartment and they are done spending on furnture for years, they are ones to make lists, get it done, buy what they need. Gang Stalkers doing fake Evaluations are many who hate this type of person, as they are ones who think they should wait, they should wait a year to buy furniture they think, they think they should get by with what they have and make due, and not spend their equity they made selling their house etc. and they hate equity money, refinancing, and equity second money, they lie that is Free Money, and they lie when they transfer their equity money to their bank account they are kiking money, and funneling money into their accounts so fast buying things they do not need etc. when its their money to spend as they please, and its supposed to be a free Country, and slavery was supposed to be out lawed in 1800′s and they are running a slavery ring, as it’s financial slavery, then sex slavery and its run by them pretending they are doing Investigations on Familys and Evaluations, and they send their reports to their CPS Secret Court, to CPS DCFS etc, Government Agency Offices, and to Family Law Courts, and tell them to take custody away from the Mothers based on their reports and the reports are full of lies and fraud and framing and fake Evaluations to take custody from nice law abiding innocent Good Mom’s.

The Prophetic readings have said that they run ads that say ” Attorneys who just passed the bar train in 5 Seminars to work for the Family Law Courts” therefore Atttorneys who work at Family Law Courts, and the Staffs are told that they take custody based on the In Home Investigator Secret Reports, and they are told to base decisions on that alone, and they are told no ifs, ands, or buts, its already decided on by the In Home Investigators investigations done to see if the Mothers are fit to be a Mom and its all framing done to Family Law Courts and staffs, and to real CPS DCFS etc Government Agency staffs, readings say they are told you go by what we say, and by our group investigations we do by spy cam. hacking, bugging equipment, and security camera logs as 5,000 of us are investigating Moms. They tell the Mortgage Broker and Financial Evaluators to say anything to make them look bad, and to mark up and cut up credit reports, bank statements, and to paste fraud in them, copy them for the CPS Secret Court, and they lie the Moms are very bad persons if they have high balances on credit reports, when the Moms pay the minimum payments, and can cover their Monthly bills with their incomes, and they lie they should loose custody if they have high balances, and if they have late fees when its nothing to do with parenting, and they say that means they are irresponsible and should not have custody and thats how they do their Personality Evaluations on Moms named on lists, and 900 Moms they are doing this to now have neg am mortgages, and many are unwed Moms and Dads, home owners, and many who rent also, and they say they have to run them out because of their loan and credit card balances, and use trickery and their net income not their gross incomes, as many write off mortgage interest on their gross income, so half their bills may be paid after the Gross, and many have babies, toddlers, young children, and the unwed parents, and single Moms plan to pay things off when they are older and they can work more, as much of what they do is so they have time with thier babies,toddlers, and kids and they gauge their life around them. Others who are real estate agent women go On Patrol, and gang stalk the familys homes in America, and write down things to make nice good Moms look bad and they are told if a Mother goes out to dinner and dancing to write down this exactly tacktly ” the Mom went out carousing dressed all slinky to have a hot sexy time, she went partying and hung out at clubs to find a Man to have a hot sex time” etc. as they are trained to make Moms look like they are sex addicts when they are not, as thats the trick they use to capture them and all their babies and kids of every age, they lie the Moms have a sex problem and say they need to take them for help, and they say they need to take every family member for a pap smear in their gyno chair and child pelvic exam stand rooms built under drug store market pod mall parking lots, and that is to sex torture and murder them. Amen from God who says there are thousands of them out trying to get many familys now and the Moms have no sex trouble at all, in fact the kids and adults staring at exploation do, and the Moms are not ones to have a casual romance fling either, they are many who do no drugs at all, and they are many who do not cheat and most hate pornography, and they lie these nice timid to shy Moms who go out for coffee and dinner or to hear nice music, or who go to a convention to dance etc were out having a hot sexy time when they did no such thing as they lie in logs about what the nicest Mothers in America are doing says God.

They are after 900 Mothers with a neg am mortgage by a Ventura County mortgage broker woman who says she does private mortgage banking by the Ventura County Line in The Conejo Valley, California and its run in Los Angeles County and they are after renters also to take them from their residences also, many are unwed Couples, nice Moms and Dads, and the gang stalkers call and apply for their jobs all day and night with their vulcher parenia liar mouths like sharks, they just lie, lie, lie on phones around the clock to ruin income of nice unwed Moms and Dads, and many are unwed due to covid as they could not have a wedding during covid, and that is about 1,000 unwed Moms and Dads they are Targeting now, and they rob their ups fed ex deliverys, postal mail and money from the mail, and their paypal cash app venmo by hacking, and steal all their money they would plan a wedding with, and the hackers are child molesters, young goody two shoe suburb types parked all over America, and others are men medics in say dark Marron scrub tops. and scrub pants, with a stethoscope, with a hated rapist woman posing as a CPS DCFS case worker in many tall Vans, every type of car also stalking to get babies taken away to eat them alive, as its a human sex torturing operation, and they are lurking around in many areas of The San Fernando Valley now, and have book motels and hotels everywhere, and lie its to help familys in need as they sit with their money they took, and its all a wicked game to human sex torture the most innocent ones.



The readings say they have many hotels and motels booked on and around Ventura Blvd, and Sepulveda Blvd. and they have rooms under Drug Store and Market and Costco Parking Lots, and human smuggle people in pipes from their sex torture rooms to motels and hotels, and they are around the Sepulveda Dam, and are after many familys in that area, and in Reseda, Tarzana, Woodland Hills, Sherman Oaks, Studio City, North Hollywood, Pacomia in The San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles County, California and in surrounding areas and in 10 States in America they are using the same pattern of wicked trickery for human capturing. 

California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Dakota, Ohio, NYC













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