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WAR, ISRAEL, TRUMP And Other Insanities

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Written and Posted by: Marlene*

Friday 20th September, 2024.

This world is insane, really, really insane and it is because evil has permeated every aspect of our society. They have removed God and His LAW from the governing and teaching places of the Western Christian countries and replaced it with their ‘Equal Rights’, and separation of Church and State. Today we have the Satanic Temple, that have seeped into the schools along with the ALPHABET movement and their warped anti-Human ideology… such insanity! The Devil is alive and well in these times and doing great evil, and Humans are suffering worldwide. Can you imagine how many people in this world who are demonic possessed? There are far more than we even realize.

There is war in the Middle East, which is also insane. There are those who love war and live for war among us, unfortunately they become our leaders. War is by far the most profitable industry in our world, so many things of death are produced. The pharmaceutical industry is second and they produce medicines to heal us and make us feel better, however that is not what actually happens. Their cures produce more problems for us with terrible side-effects and the patient will need more of their poisons to alleviate the ailments from these side-effects. A vicious cycle that keeps the patient dependent for life.

Israel is at war with all of their neighbours. Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Yemen, West Bank and others are all fighting against Israel. As Christians we are told to support Israel and to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. Do you think that there will ever be peace in the Middle East? The peace of Jerusalem happens only when our Lord Christ Jesus is King and Lord of the New Earth in the Kingdom Age, which is near upon us.

Bible prophecy does tell us that Israel will experience a time of peace when the Anti-Christ is come, but only for a short time, three and a half years, after which this new leader will turn on Israel and destroy it. So much more insanity and evil to look forward to. It is because the Jews and Israeli people are not the true descendants of Israel? Those who say they are Jews but belong to the Synagogue of Satan. Jesus did speak of them. He encountered them during His Ministry and we know that there is a Harvest of Chaff which the Devil planted secretly among the Father’s wheat that is growing along together in this world. Soon the Harvest will begin and the chaff will be separated from the wheat; the wheat will be placed in the Father’s barn and the chaff will be burned in the fire.

They are really trying very hard to kill President Donald Trump, which is also insane. He is currently the most hated man on Earth. Not being an American, I have followed Trump since he first came on the scene, along with the seventeenth letter movement that came with him. There are so many conspiracy theories concerning Trump, even that he is the Anti-Christ… leaving Israel for last. I really do not know what to believe anymore, however as one who is interested in Last Days prophecy, I believe that Trump is the lion who came out of the woods and berated the eagle with three heads. He spoke great things against the Eagle. This is found in the Apocrypha in the Book of the prophet Esdras.

The insanity and evil will intensify and continue to accelerate as we move closer to the end of our world. The only way to survive is to put all of your trust in Christ Jesus and be certain of your Salvation, be sure that you are saved and are a sheep in the flock Jesus Christ. There are many who hate Jesus Christ, mainly because they are captives of the Darkness and the evil it brings. Christ Jesus is the LIGHT of the world and wherever He goes and when we speak the Truth, the light shines on the evil and it becomes offended or it is obliterated. Evil hates Truth because Truth will always stand. Have you also noticed that these evil Humans have absolutely no sense of humour. There is no real laughter in them. They are not of the LIGHT.

Here are some of the latest related NEWS.

Exclusive: Rep. Matt Gaetz Claims There Are 5 Known Assassination Teams in U.S.

Motorcade kind of day in DC with Trump in town for an event. – YouTube

War in the MIDDLE EAST and ISRAEL. After the exploding pagers, walkie-talkies, radios, cars, solar power and bombings, there is war declared against Israel by his brother Ishmael. Many people were killed and seriously injured, mainly the terrorists. We will soon have a beautiful Israel and a Great City Jerusalem, where all 144,000 of the Twelve Tribes along with all those who are blessed and are alive and newly created will all flourish together in the New KINGDOM AGE, where Christ Jesus is King.

This is the Great Babylon Era with Fallen Angel-kings who hate Humans and this world, and they all want to kill us and enslave us, even eat us. They are doing a very good job at it… and the whole world will be deceived. Remember also that Almighty God and Christ Jesus are in control, because evil and the Gates of Hell have already been defeated. Christ has already defeated them all and opened the Gates of Paradise once again to Human Souls, where those of the Flock of Jesus Christ can enter after life ends in this world.

Note: I realize that I do interchange Christ Jesus and Jesus Christ at times. Jesus Christ is the Human Jesus, the one who walked among us for three and a half years. Christ Jesus is Jesus resurrected and restored to His Glory. He did remain among the disciples for some time after His resurrection. The Jesus who was raised from the dead on the third day and ascended into Heaven. The King and Lord of the coming Kingdom of God. The LAMB of God who takes away the sins of the world. Peace to you all in Christ Jesus.

(Cannot seem to be able to put the news videos of the war in the Middle East here) They are posted on my home page.

Please be prepared for it will come upon us like a thief in the night. Christ loves you and wants you to have ETERNAL LIFE. The rulers of the world are only interested in the things of Death and Hell. They are good at dressing up evil, Evil Lucifer can appear as an Angel of Light and deceive many. You sometimes must also enter into the Light in order to recognize the Darkness, especially the counterfeit ones.

Please turn to Jesus Christ, for He truly is the Saviour of the world. He really does save us and the real Truth is that what He is saving us from is being condemned and imprisoned along with these evil rulers, all the Fallen ones and Evil ones, and Demon ones who receive power in this world. All of the ungodly creations that the Watchers and their created descendants, things not sanctioned by God. All these things will burn in the fire or cast into the Bottomless-Pit, and all evil will be purged from the upon the Earth.

Sin is mainly of the Soul, but it is in the defiling of the body that the effects are shown. This world-system really sucks and it is now openly anti-Human. We will mostly all die as Jesus told us and if He does not return for those who are His- HIS ELECT, then no one would be left alive. There will be those who will make it to the LAST DAY when our LORD and KING CHRIST, THE WORD OF GOD will appear with HIS Heavenly Army of ANGELS, who were born of Humans, and HE will send them to gather HIS ELECT from the four corners of the Heavens. Earth in that day will no longer be physical, all matter will be consumed by the fire on that great and terrible day of the Lord, which is not the end of evil. There is still the Judgment.

There will be Humans still here after the fire, our Souls are ‘immortal’ and is not touched by the fire, only the physical flesh, our clothing is burned away. Just as we Humans have to move to the next level, which is the Kingdom Age upon the Earth, the Earth also has to transform in order to accommodate the New Humans. No more flesh and blood bodies, since they were burned away by the fire. Even the evil rulers will be here, seen in their natural state… and Babylon has become a place for dragons and evil creatures. The fire consumes their Human flesh suits and destroys all of their power to deceive us, because we are no longer flesh and blood Humans. The time and reign of evil is come to an end, and all the things of corruption will be consumed by fire, or be thrown into the fire.

Rev 18:1-2

1 And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.

2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

There is only hope in Christ Jesus because if you are one who makes it to the last day, or even tomorrow, we do not really know when our last day is, except in suicide, which is a sin. Only those who are in Christ will enter into the Kingdom where He is Lord of The New Earth. All religions do not lead to Christ and the Father. Only through Jesus Christ can you have access to the Father and to spiritual things. The gods of this world, the Fallen Angels from the days of Noah, and perhaps even before, the WATCHERS, they are the ones who are still being worshipped here in many pagan religions.

This world has its religions, and Christ Jesus has HIS CHURCH. His Followers are not of this world, but the new inhabits of the coming Millennial Kingdom where He is King and Lord, the LAMB of God who takes away the sins of the world. In order for Humans to enter into the Kingdom of God we must become friends with Christ Jesus and make Him the Lord of our lives. Trust in Him and no one else and He will lead us into the Kingdom which is soon upon us. REPENT, for the End is very near! Jesus loves you and does not want you to suffer in the fate and eternal punishment of the Fallen Angels and their creations.

Hell was created for the Angels and not for Humans, however I believe it is because both Angels and Humans are under the same LAW, from the same God, and those Humans who break the LAW along with the Angels who rule over them, will suffer in the same fate in the Judgment. So to avoid all of this madness, choose Christ Jesus, for He will protect you and even give your own spiritual armour, which can defeat these evil ones. I know because I actually found my Sword of the Spirit and my Helmet of Salvation during spiritual warfare, with a witch-demon whom I believe was from Agartha- the Hollow Earth.

I was blessed enough to see my enemies, most of us are not and there is warfare taking place in the ‘spiritual’… spiritual is not the correct term as to the place or location where spiritual warfare occurs. Spiritual-warfare is only related to the ones, mainly Christians who wage war against invisible supernatural powers and forces because we are using spiritual weapons, that is why it is called spiritual-warfare, because our spiritual weapons and armour are greater that all the powers of the Gates of Hell. They cannot endure the Light and the Truth of the word of God… deliver us from all Evil Lord. as we pass through this world of Darkness.

The world of the Angels and all the Heavens and the underworld and Outer-Darkness belong to the Psychic Realm, the places where the Human Soul can enter. We exist in the Physical Realm, and the Kingdom Age will exist in a New Psychic Realm with some Spiritual Humans who are always with Christ Jesus. The Humans will be as Adam and Eve were before the fall, I believe, and not in the perfect spiritual Human State, because in the last days of the Millennial Age, even with Christ Jesus as King of the New Earth, Lucifer will be set free from His nearly one thousand year imprisonment and He will come again to the world and corrupt some Humans who will join with Him. They will come up against Jerusalem where our King dwells to wage war. Then the Evil one and his lawless gang of Humans will be destroyed by fire that comes down from Heaven.

Then there will be a new Earth that will be spiritual in nature and all the Humans there will become perfect, and the Eternal Spiritual Realm which exists on its own accord and is hidden from most, since we believe that the Psychic Realm is the highest place. There is a Realm where Creation occurred, the DEEP, however it was a dark place because the Spiritual Light was hidden from it by a veil, just as the world of the Angels and the Heavens are hidden from us by a veil. After the Millennial Age the Spiritual Realm will reclaim all of its spaces, except the fiery-prisons and outer-darkness where the Fallen Angels dwell.

Even though our future looks really challenging and at times could be over-whelming, especially when there are also family members involved who are still caught up in the hype and phony dangerous game the Adversary and his minions are playing in the world, with many Humans always dying, do not become one of their captives. All the offerings of this world lead to death. You cannot be a friend of this world and also be a friend of God. You have to become an enemy of this world, because the powers of this world only seek to destroy and enslave you. Call on Jesus Christ to come into your life and save you, protect you and provide you with all the food and drink you will ever need to journey through this world in these last Days.

He even gives us that peace we find within that surpasses all understanding. IT is because we trust in no one but in Christ Jesus and in Him only. We can REST and we will search the Scriptures and pray and speak with Him as you would a friend, with your heart or your mouth and tell Him all of your troubles. Ask of Him to help you and solve your problems that may seen unsolvable and He will surprise you with answering your prayers and supplications (requests). Do not let the Adversary and his minions blind you with the things of the world… be in the world, but not of it.

There is also a JOY you receive which is actually our strength in our Lord and we feel wonderful knowing that we are saved, for we labour to uncover the Truth of the Human Being found in CHRIST. Humans are very special Beings and we will all become known at the end of the Millennial Age, when we will all become Perfect Human Beings who exist in ETERNAL LIFE with the PERFECT FATHER, who is the PERFECT Spiritual Realm. The Realm hidden from the Angels and Humans. Few Humans in this world will find the knowledge of the WAY into the Higher Spiritual Places, those beyond the Creation, meaning the COSMOS.

My journey is challenging but also wonderful, I really love my life and I love being here at this time, because I really want to see it all happen and experience it as well. The evil done to Humans is very painful to watch, because we can see it happen in real time… now that makes me sad, however it does not upset or interfere with my inner peace and Joy in Christ. Evil is as evil does, right? War and Death is what they know and soon there will be four chained and imprisoned Angels released to kill a lot of Humans in war.

Great Christian Persecution is also ahead where those closest to you will betray you. Become rooted in Christ Jesus and do not let anything from this world or from the world of the Fallen ones capture you and draw you away from the love and protection of our Lord, not even fear. Let the Lord become your physician, there are remedies and natural cures for all the things that ail us. I would assume that for every pill or medicine made by Big Pharma, there is an equivalent natural remedy, which is also better for us. Like Quinine is natural Hydroxychloroquine.

We really have to learn how to love in these days, pray about love in your heart and actions and words, because this world is going to try us and is already doing so. Take yourself out of the world and become a watcher of the madness and insanity. We still have to be patriotic because we are tribal, but please do not get carried away by the things of the world, even the politics. I hope President Trump remains safe and becomes president and keep all of his promises, because if he does not, and turns out to be on the dark-side, that would really suck for us all, especially the Americans who love him and want him to rule, and also the rest of the world who are praying that America does not fall completely, before Trump takes power. It seems that he is the only hope. As America goes, so does the rest of the free Christian world.

Jesus Christ is the only way to make it into the Kingdom and into Paradise. No other religion offers us this path to Eternal Life. I hate this world, it is so insane, but the race is long, this is a marathon and some of us will make it to the end and welcome the LIGHT which appears from up above. Christ is KING and LORD. Follow Jesus Christ and you will live in the Light of Eternal Life. Peace to you all in Christ Jesus. M.

Written by: Marlene*

Posted on Friday 20th September, 2024.

Please subscribe to my page and I will post more, also comment, Thanks, M.


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