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DEAD CHILD TRAFFICKERS Say They Are Investigators Covering Anyone Who's Been Any Type of Case File. They Frame Targeted Individuals To Be Not Needed Case Files

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The Gang Stalkers who murder many babys and kid have not been stopped. They are mass murdering many familys by brutally sex torturing the family members in front of each other restrained and the Gang Stalker girls and women who do this say they Hate the Mom’s so they kill the whole family, infants just born, and every age baby and child with their drug addict methed out drunken oral sex addict mouths, and many commiting these sex torturing murder crimes got in it when they were young, and they were told they were going to sex therapy to people to end orgasms and that it was a save life mission when its a murder mission. 

They are not being put in Prison or Jails where they belong or gagged even to stop their lies and brain washing because they fool authoritys as the men and women they work for do, as the ones who command them to murder victims lie they are investigators, and many have Government Agency Titles so criminals are under everybodys noses acting like they are in charge of investigating and covering familys when they are very dangerous murderers who should not be near anybody and they are liars that no one should believe.

The girls and women molester murderers sex torture addicts lie they are covering case file people for well being when they are Gang Stalking waiting to murder the people, and they say they are just all parked in a vechicle a hanging out logging poop and potty times in logs, and jotting notes on note pads, ipads, and doing their important work investigatin what a Mom is doing and their kids by observing their actions, when really they are Gang Stalking waiting to sex torture and kill all of them with their pedophile sex addict methed out drunken mouths. They sit Gang Stalking in many vechicles and say they are technicians covering case files of every kind, and they say they take their pay away by  a hackin to force help, they say they make them broke so they can surround them and force really relaxing shots in them against all the family members will to haul them off to help them out, when really they are bank robber, cybercrime criminals robbing money from many familys by hacking, and they are looters who loot property that belongs to the familys they Gang Stalk, and they are Cat Napper killers who cat nap and kill many cats they take from family homes, they throw cats in extra long pillow cases and say they dispose of the cats the way they dispose of Moms they murder carving her open for her unborn to eat her infant alive with their methed out drunken serial killer mouths, and they do this to every age baby and child, and to boys also that they restrain and sex torture and kill in what they call their County Local City Hall Computer Technician Apartment Buildings with roof top patios, and attics they place baby’s and kids in in sacks to chow down on them in shifts as their mission is to eat genitals on the ones named on long lists, the people they pretend they are covering that have been chosen by many on the spy watch cam committee a votin by text messages, they vote cap YES the Mom is sexy looking YES, yes she walks with a little ol tiny wiggle, YES we say shes not fit to be a Mom because of her clothes her body shows in, such as a jogging outfit or even a work suit, they hate Moms with good body’s who look good in clothes, and that is who they Target, and say they are Hate Crimes they commit Cap YES and their mission is to get rid of this type of person, and they are trained to force orgasms on the nicest Moms and all their baby’s and kids, and the men do the teens, and the men rape the baby’s and toddlers with them also in gynological chair rooms in a big naked orgy, and the packs of the naked methed our drunken sex torture addicts are addicted to the orgy sex excitement, as readings say the children doing the molesting are 10 and 11 and the youths are teenagers and there are many in their 20s and 30s addicted to sex torturing and murdering victims, and many are older also from 50 to 70 years old, and they run around looking conservative and acting nice to people and say they are helping poor folk, less fortunate people, case file people as secret monitors, and say they are County Nurses, they are Technicians, they are City Hall Computer hackers covering gravely disabled case files when they are Gang Stalker insane criminals robbing normal people by lying they are gravely disabled to get a hacker computer device, and they sit in computer squad rooms hacking people, and back space on what people typed to make it look messed up, and they sit robbing their paypal cash app venmo, and run and loot their delivery’s all with fraud papers, as they pick out who to Target by their looks, then swam around Family’s homes and scare Moms and Kids to death by stalking, and they steal their mail from their mail boxes, their money from it, and their fed ex ups delivery’s off their porches, and say they take many Packages a parked in their brand spankin new Vehicles they are Technicians who take people to put them in Gynological Chairs and use whole words and do not talk like people talk normally as most may say I got a delivery not a package, they would say computer Techy, not Technician, and they would say they are in their Car going to a Gyno they would not say Vehicle and Genealogical etc. and they say they talk this way to fool everybody as they think they are so Superior and so very Important, and they were raised in large tract homes with conservative religious parents and think Moms who are free spirited and stylish new age type Mothers are not fit to be a mom because of the way they act, singing and dancing around being funny in the house, and they hate them because they have emotion and life where their moms are shallow with no emotion,and no sense of humor, they are ones who are mundane, follow lists, dress conservative, so they hate new age artist type spiritual Mothers and lie they are very bad persons on messenger 24 hours a day brain washing the whole Country when they are murderers, child molesters, drunk drivers, meth addict junkys needle users shot off with heroin in the back on their necks after they commit the murders, and they are thieves looting and cyber crime criminals hacking with computer devices they got by framing nice normal Moms and they send stolen money they rob from many family’s and business owners on messenger and say ” Take the pay to dam pay” and ” here is pay for a coverin with us, just pass on the lines we send about the Moms” and send lies to pass on to brain wash people, and attached reports with fraud and framing, and say they are investigating backgrounds on the Moms named, and they lie the Moms on the lists are very bad persons when they are the nicest Moms on earth, they are normal good Mothers, and they are honest and sentimental type Moms, free spirited spiritual types who dress with style etc and they say they hate them because of the way they looked in their in home investigator unit spy cameras and thats who they work for also, as the serial killer family running the sex torture murder operation pretend they do in home investigations, and put spy cams over front doors, doors inside houses and apartments, and spy cams in mirrors, on bedroom ceilings, in shower heads, etc and they send spy cam footage out to make their Gang Stalkers hate people becaus of what they do in private when they are just being themselves, and might dance and sing alone, and they might try on alot of clothes, or use shower gel and they send out spy cam shots and say ” see what the bad Mom was a doin, she’s a trying on a new bra and underpant set and got shower gel, and to us that means she wants hot sex, and that means she’s a very bad person and a Mom who should loose full custody for being like that” when the nice good Mom is being herself in private, and is one to always buy matching bra and underwear sets and to try them on to see if they fit right, and to use shower gel to smell good, and to dance and sing to a song she likes etc. and they go by what a Mom does in private by seeing them in spy cams, and lie happy free spirited Moms are bad persons? when they are not bad at all, the bad ones are spying on them in spy cams, and they call this an in home investigation, and say they decide if Moms are wasting time and say they are not fit to be a Mom by how they spend time, and lie they are bad if they try on clothes, and if they primp in the mirror and go by what a Mom does in private not by parenting time, and many say Moms should have ME TIME in parenting books and they say a Mom should have at least a 20 minute break for herself everyday, and the Gang Stalkers lie they are bad to take time out for themselves, to unwind, to distress, take a break etc as the Gang Stalker conservative religious Mothers are not like that, and they say they make them sick the way the parade around in new clothes that fit snug, and the way they dance around at home alone, and they hate them for using shower gel, and powder because they don’t. and they say they waste time at home when they take a break, try on clothes, take a bath, a nap, read a spiritual book for 10 minutes even, and lie thats wrong for a Mom to do things like that for herself when they have always done things for themselves, and think its good to nurture their soul, and to distress as busy hard working parents, as most who they Target have a business and or career, and they are ambitious productive type Mothers, and the Gang Stalkers are mostly house wife types, and religious women, and they dress conservative, and they are nothing like the Moms they target and Hate, and say they decide by their down time, by what type of break they take when the kids are not home, and the Moms think they are GOOD to take a break for themselves, as many parents are taught to do this, and they write logs and frame them, and lie they are very bad to nap when they need a nap and have often taken a nap during the week in their life, and may do that because they will be driving their kids places at night, and people are supposed to do what works for them, and do what helps them relax etc and they lie if a Mom takes a not needed nap or try clothes on their are very bad persons, and they are not fit to be a Mom, and say thats what the In Home Investigation is for, to see how Moms act in private, and to see what they do when their kids are not home, and say they jot down notes about their behavior such as playing a game on line for 10 minutes even, they think that means they are a very bad person, when they may do this to relax and unwind, as many pace themselves to not be stressed, and take a break on purpose, and these uppity busy body conservative judgmental gang stalker women frame the nicest Moms on earth to the CPS Secret Court to take their baby’s and kids away because of how they are in private, and they all call in and set them up to be a not needed case file, packs of them will call all at once to a Child Protective type Government Agency after the CPS LIar hearing set up of framing and fraud, and they do this to Moms who are not child endangering who would never loose custody, they do this to Moms who do not hit spank or yell, they are the nicest sentimental sincere Mothers they Target, and they take them to their daughters who eat them alive and kill their souls.

One Gang Stalking serial killer girl says 9 of them are piled in vehicles pretendin they are a coverin for well being, and they are messaging authority’s, and lying the tips about them being child molester drunk driver junkys are nuts, and there are 6 of them in their apartment buildings eating out a mere quaint baby a molester girl says, right stinken dam now one yells in texts to them, who says they want them all gone do dam day, that is it, our mission is to get rid of this type of person we all hate, and a harmless act we dont care, we say shower gel means they are bad, we say trying on clothes on means they are a disgusting person, and we got many we are after who get their Eye Brows done by stalking them on Eye Brow store security cameras, like we to at Malls, and everywhere a person goes, as thats the fun of it to see what they do in their off time, and we say they are bad if they take a walk or go to Yoga, and so on, as a Mom should do mundane chores and not be so ambitious with a side line career an online business at home and we hate the Moms who paint, and who write, and model, and who are creative artsy types, we want Moms to be firm and scold their kids and use dicipline says CIA Northern California running this with the In Home Investigator and their counterpart who says she does real estate evaluations on houses Mothers, and unwed couples buy, and her information is not right, and she frames people to banks with fraud real estate evaluations and lies the house cost too much when it did not, when the person qualified to buy it, and she lies they just walked in a bought a house out of the blue without thinking when they shopped for a house for years and looked at alot of houses and spend alot of time and energy to find the right house for their family and she lies to banks and frames Mothers, and lies they did all that without thinking, and lies they need to get a hold of their finances because of the way they do things,when they do things great and always balanced their monthly budget, and when life was always fine til this liar started lying to banks with all the other wicked Gang Stalkers who ruin lives. The one saying they do real estate evaulations to banks in secret reports says shes going to keep saying what she thinks, and does not care what facts are she just makes stuff up to make them look bad to get them taken away any way we can, and shes done it for years and she logs body parts by spy cams and counts orgasms by bugging that Moms have in love making, and says to her that means they are a very bad person, if they cum they get marked down as a Mom with a libido problem she hates moms who have a sex drive, and says if they have sex in the day and cum is her word for an orgasm it means they are going to set them up so they loose full custody by what they do in private and she and CIA Northern CA their counterpart lie they are doing a Son of God Save Life On Earth job position, they stole the jobs and pretend they got a big important job to do crime tips, and frame people and kill life on earth, and say they do it for ages with the in home investigator men, they were taught years ago by them to find Moms who are sexy looking to get rid of them and were told cutting off clitorises would stop diseases and infections, and thats their pretend save life mission, and they are all sex tortured and murdered, and the girls doing this say they act pristine and so wise, and people think they are so nice because they give away alot of stolen property and money for one thing, and because they say ” hey hey babe we were raised in the wholesome suburb lands by nice religious conservative folks who brought us up right thereby we traipse way out to many areas to help others less fortunate” when the people are robbed by them, and had great lives before they started in, and when their parents are judgmental mean sinners who speak ill of others, gossip, say things to make nice good parents look bad, and have no moral values.

Readings say the serial killer family who say they are In Home Investigators have gone to many Citys for years, and they go to The City Halls, and authoritys, and say they are going to do In Home Investigations to see how people act in their homes to they can take them out of their community, and really they frame the attractive Mothers with a certain body type to get them and their babys and kids to sex torture and murder them, and they run human sex trafficking, and have many girls they took under their backyard lawns under a Tarp, probably a Blue Tarp like Police use for crime scenes is over the human sex traffick rooms under their lawns in their backyards in their 9 houses around Parks, and they say they are investigator houses and they lie they have women and kids in a shelter when really they are kids whos mothers were framed to be not needed case files to take them to human sex trafficking, and they rape the girls ages 10 to 29 years old kept under their backyards everynight in Hotels, and dress them in Fredricks of Hollywood clothes, and take them at gun point with thier hands hand cuffed under their jackets, and boys they took by framing their nice good Moms are in dog cages under their houses and they say those houses are investigator top secret save life on earth mission residences, as they steal jobs sent to stop human sex traffick, to stop sex slavery internationally, to save life on earth and lie the job positions are theirs and many doing this with them have case worker job titles, and they steal jobs that say Stop Traffick at CPS and DCFS and Welfare Services and pretend they stop child traffick and run it, and they molest the kids til they are dead as they are an antichrist family of men and women who trained alot of young people to molest and eat genitals on newborns and unborns they get by carving a pregnant Mom open, and the conservative gang stalker girls think nothing of murdering them and their infants and say they toss the dead moms carcus away into the incenerator, and eat the unborns genitals private area til they die bleeding to death in their mouths, and they eat genitals on infants just born under the freeway everyday and are addicted to it, and the In Home Investigators rape the new born infants tear their legs off, and commit the worst sex torturing murders in history, and they have done this for a hundred years probably, and came up with their trick to get people to sex torture and kill them by telling City Halls and authoritys they are investigating to see what familys do in homes to see who to take out of their communitys, and they do fraud and framing to nice innocent people, and tell people to dig something up, get something on them anything at all to get them taken away by hand cuffs and forced shots and its all for human sex torturing to kill them all in cold blood, and the City Hall Government people and Authoritys think the In Home Investigators take people to help them and they think they take them to boot camps and medical facilitys underground when they are not supposed to go to a boot camp or be hand cuffed as they are innocent good people who are targeted and framed, and they are not supposed to go to a medical facility, and capturing a person to the underground is kidnapping people as hostages, and they say they are removing bad persons from many areas when they are mass murdering the population, and its all a game. The In Home Investigators are a homosapian family, they eat babys hearts, and they eat the older boys livers, so they keep many boys in dog cages under their houses that they molest in Kiddy Porn houses on the beds in their fake investigator houses, and then when they are older they put them in Dog runs underground Dog Parks and keep them there until they are older to eat their livers, and they rape, beat and sex torture many boys also, and they have a 5 year old girl always under their bedrooms that they sex torture with whips, and chains, and men are under the living room floors, and kitchen floors that they force to rape babys and kids, and they are all sex slave hostages, and no one looks for them because they say they are In Home Invetigators top secret agents and they trained suburb conservative yuppie goody two shoe Catholic looking pretty girls to eat genitals, to sex torture the victims of every age, and they are told they are so much better than the bad persons on the lists who were choosen to remove from their area, and the pedo genital eater gang stalker girls say the blood of the bad persons passes through their Saintly Self and they say they are purifying really bad persons who have a bad gene, bad dna, who were choosen for them to eat out until they die, as that is the mission, to kill them off to save the human race the brain washed serial killer cult says who are lying about alot of nice good people on messenger, and they have many lying about nice good Moms in AA Meetings, readings say they pay groups of people in AA to lie about nice good Mothers, and they send AAs paypal they steal by hacking to lie about them, and they set up human capturing sex torturing murdering of the Moms and their babies and kids, and say they go by reports they are sent by the In Home Investigator men, and by the CPS Secret Court gal whos from around the County Line area, and that CPS Secret Court lady is a relative of the In Home Investigator Men and says she gives girls head, the kids of the Moms they frame and set up , she sex tortures them while her in home investigator relatives rape them, and readings say the AAs fall for what they say to them, and they fall for bogus framing fraud reports, and lie and set up murders this way, as the In Home Investigators photo shop love making peeping tom shots from their spy cams placed on ceilings etc. and they photo shop props in like K Y Jelly and lingerie that is not really there, and they use body doubles, loop bugging, and they got many conservative Catholic and Jewish Moms to frame them in logs and its all a fasod for human capturing them through the Government System and they tell authoritys they remove bad persons from their areas when they are good people who do not break the law. People who would be removed by being arrested shoot people, and deal drugs, a parent who rapes their own kid would be a very bad person. They target people who are not harming anyone, and say just dig something up on them to get them taken.

Lying is a Sin, and in this case Lying is Murder, so AAs better be quiet, so should everyone else as the saying goes 






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