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GANG STALKERS! Are After Targeted Individuals Across America

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I got on this Medium Prophetess writer path by words channeled in Februrary 2005 that informed me I was put on earth to do goodwill and to save the human race so I bought an Angel Board to channel on and the first thing I channeled was ” This is God” those were the blessed words spelled that informed me I could channel and communicate for God and so the journey began right then in the summer of 2005 in the house I bought where Church bells chimed each hour in the day, each night I channeled on my Angel Board at 10 pm by a white candle light.

Stalking went on in 2008 and I channeled on my Angel Board ” A two or more lied Sons of satan conspiracy take people to sex slavery by lying” many times, and this sentence is the basis of how sex slavery and sex trafficking is run, it is by Liars who lie about nice people, who have come to be called Targeted Individuals, and Gang Stalkers are the two or more lied Sons of Satan conspiracy who Lie and Conspire to harm T I’s. When I read about Gang Stalking years later the description of them was the same as the Two or More Lied Sons of Satan Conspiracy were described in my channeling years earlier and when I asked in 2008 and 2009 on my Angel Board ” who are the stalkers?” the answer was ” A two or more lied sons of satan conspiracy who take people to sex slavery by lying” so I was a scared to death Mother determined to get to the root of how sex slavery is run to save my two lovely daughters who were teenagers then and myself. Many names were channeled on my Angel Board explaining they were enemys, the two or more lied Sons of Satan conspiracy, and these were many people I knew, so called friends and relatives I thought were nice, and Targeted Individuals explain this on the internet also, that many they knew turned against them, and also everyone starts treating you dfferent, like you are someone else as they are the Two or more lied Sons of Satan conspiracy who LIE. Therefore I felt betrayed, and did not trust hardly anyone, and come to find out many were phony to my face and stabbing me in the back, and that Gang Stalking a Targeted Individual, suddenly everyones showing up on your doorstep, stalking on your street, and acting different towards you on the phone even, and people you thought were nice are not, and Gang Stalkers get everybody in on this as many T Is have also explained, and my Prophetic readings have said they pay everybody and their brother money to do what they call ” Keep an eye on them for us” and say ” Tell us their whereabouts” and everybody wants the money so they take this Gang Stalker job to make nice Targeted Individuals look bad and become part of the Two or More Lied Sons of Satan conspiracy for money, and harm the Targeted Individuals, Nice Mothers and their children by sneaking around and pulling pranks on them, by acting nice to their faces, by stealing their mail and money from their mail boxes, and clothes and papers from their houses as they are told the goal is to make the people look bad, and to run them out of their house and home and that that is helping when of course its not as the Targeted people want to have their life remain Good and stay in their Home, so they rope everybody into their wicked game and they hop on the gravey train, and say free pay and gifts all day and night and those are many gang stalker girls and women who loot ups fed ex trucks by security camera stalking, and who steal mail and money from the persons mail they take with fraud liens, as Gang Stalkers the two or more or lied Sons of satan conspiracy are greedy sinners and mean, and they are dishonest and phony betraying alot of nice people whos faces they act nice to as con artists, and it came to be known to me by my Angel Board channeling readings in 2008 and 2009 that many were right at our house acting nice, and many have been disclosed to me years later in my Prophet Medium channel writing that they are girls who pretended to be my daughters friends who were at our house years ago acting nice, and their parents are also in on it for money, and so are people I worked with as a realtor, therefore ” The Devil is Among Us” as they are right under a T I’s nose, and T I is short for a Targeted Individual, and that means an over nice Mother whos being framed to The Department of Child Family Protective Services as that is what they did to me in spring 09 after years of vandalism, theft, stalking, an apparent cat napping, car break in robbery were done, and you name it as things also went missing from the house such as my Screenplay pages etc. as they steal from you to take you down, and show up on your doorstep with smiling faces, and act nice on the phone then suddenly pull their masks of to do the most cruel act ever, they lie about a nice Mother to DCFS, as that is what was done to me when they had smiled in my face and pretended as a Mom like me would never ever have DCFS knocking on their door, as I am patient, calm, honest sincere, genuine, and family orientated, and nicer than most people and sentimental, and I am sober in Alcoholics Anonymous since Feb 1985 and work an Alanon program since 1997 which teaches you to keep your eyes on your self to not gossip or medal in peoples business etc. and I am over honest check my motives, and keep a clear consiouness by the standard way of being nice. Love they neighbor as you love thyself, treat others the way you want to be treated, wish others have what you wish for youself and so on, I am one always wanting the best for everyone, and one who would not hurt a flea as an over nice person, so knowing I did nothing wrong by my spiritual way of life how could hate crimes be done? when there was nothing to hate. My Prophetic readings say they Hate Moms who get divorced and who file for the divorce, and they hate Single Moms who look good, and I filed for divorce in 2004 after being :Legally Seperated in Jan 2000, and I started a low carb diet in 2004 to get back to my regular weight, and did a make over on myself, and apparently did what the Two or More Lied Sons of Satan Conspiracy Hate, that is what my readings explain, they Target Moms who look good, and who file for divorce, and they Target Moms who are unwed the readings have said, and Hate Crimes began in 2005 with vandalism to our Mail Box on a post that happened again in 2006, and they also Target people for money and jobs they earn that they want to steal, and readings say that other reason they started Targeting me and doing Hate crimes when there is nothing to hate, as I am over nice. Readings say they stole many jobs sent for my in born psychic gift and money sent at the same time, and that many hopped on the gravy train to rob me blind is really why they did the Hate Crimes to steal and to do I D Theft with phony masks on and that many doing this act of betrayal were at my 20 Year sober AA party at our two story house Feb 27th, 2005 and at our one story house warming party Oct 8th, 2005 and many were texting and calling with the Sons of satan Gang Stalkers at the partys conspiriing to harm us, and therefore the Devil is among us which makes it very scary for parents to think friends of their kids at a sleep over may be a Gang Stalker Son of Satan conspiracy, and  to think people at their work place with smiling faces are back stabbers, as this goes on under everybodys noses wherever you go there they are and when we were stalked by many White B M Ws etc. I thought a realtor was after my real estate business, and I thought maybe a Realtor was doing the Hate Crimes, and women were dressed like Real Estate agents standing outside white B M Ws staring at our mail box on a post as I could see them from the covered porch, as I piece facts together from years ago as I have a photograhic memory, and I dream about crimes while they are happening, and put this information with my Prophet writing to figure out how to stop The Two or More Lied Sons of Satan Conspiracy of Gang Stalkers as everywhere I went for years someone would show up with a smiling face, and being a psychic Medium Prophet I spelled many names on my Angel Board to know who not to trust, whos a back stabber betraying me, and have been on cracking this case to stop Gang Stalkers wicked sneakiness and acts of betrayal for years, and readings say they rope more into this wherever a Targeted Individual goes, and lives and works etc. and say ” hey take the pay, keep an eye on these folks named, okay dokey, you will receive more pay and loads of gifts for being on it with us” so everyone everywhere a T I goes gets in on Gang Stalking them for money and presents, and that is The Two or More Lied Sons of Satan Conspiracy and readings say they take my jobs sent for me an Open Vessel Medium channel writer to stop human sex trafficking, sex slavery, and gang stalking, and FGM and depopulation etc. and my money sent because they do not want me stopping them, and thats the main reason they decided to Target me in 2005 its because I am a Psychic Medium and they did not want me reporting their operation and because money is sent everytime a psychic question list is sent for me to answer my readings have said a million times over, so the steal my psychic questions for over 19 years by this Gang Stalker Sons of satan conspiracy group and rob the money as they are greedy sinner liars wearing a mask of kindness pretending they are helping people out, and that is their wicked game of trickery they do to Targeted Individuals, Nice Parents in America, they rob them blind, and slander them behind their backs, and brain wash everyone wherever they are to send a false impression of who they are, so people think they are someone else and do not know they are very nice good people who are robbed slandered victims, as that is part of their wicked system of trickery, and that is what I have been figuring out to tell everyone to get them caught and stopped.

The way to stop human traffick is;

DO NOT TAKE ANY PEOPLE. This should be obvious to everyone, as if no one is taken no one can be trafficked. This is why I spend alot of time writing fact letters and sending out petitions, and writing on my fact wordpresses to SHUT DOWN CPS and DCFS! If no one is taken no one can be trafficked.

DO NOT TAKE PEOPLE BY HANDCUFFING THEM without reading them their rights to an attorney as many are trafficked this way. The law says a person is to be read their rights to get an Attorney, normally if a person does something wrong they go to Jail, get a lawyer, a bail bonds man, Go to Court etc. and pay a fine or do jail time if need be. My readings explain the human traffick by hand cuffing people without reading them their rights, and they just disappear and go missing and are human trafficked etc. Readings say they say they are In Home Investigators and County Case Workers etc, who hand cuff people to take them for questioning, and its for human trafficking as its all a game run by many with Government Agency job titles.

DO NOT CALL 911 or FORCE MEDICAL ATTENTION as they human traffick by Medical Kidnaps and pretend they are helping people, and Gang Stalkers sit in cars and Vans etc doing electronic harassment to Targeted Individuals to inflict pain on them and to make T Is uncomfortable to run in and take them away and the Gang Stalkers pretend they take them for help, so again DO NOT TAKE ANY PEOPLE FOR ANY REASON Obviously no one can be trafficked then, and do not take newborn babys, or babys of any age or any toddlers or children or teenagers with CPS DCFS Papers. Department of Health and Welfare papers, Medical Court Warrants etc. as they also just fill out forms quick and run in Pre Schools etc. to kidnap people for human trafficking, as devils with Masks on pretending to be nice. They are in School Offices digging through Students files, changing report card grades, lying to Teacher and Class lists, as they BRAIN WASH, as the Two or More Lied Sons of Satan Conspiracy their modus operandi is LYING. They pretend they are helping and everything they do and say is for Ill Purpose, and they rob TI S blind , Nice Parents and lie they are Poor Folk on Welfare etc. as they send a false impression of people by stealing from them, and send their stolen money all over to people to gang stalk them at every age School, Colleges, Universitys where Targeted nice Parents go, and wherever a T I goes there they are with smiling faces, and they pay Teachers and Students probably the persons money, and lie they need to ” Keep an eye on them” when there is no reason to ” Keep an eye on them” as they are nice harmless good people, and really people should be protecting T Is’ by keeping Gang Stalkers away, and they are sitting at intersections on traffic light survelence and security cameras stopping people from reaching the Targeted Individuals, they stop work customers, and money people may be bringing them, and tell people ” keep back stay away from them, we are covering as County Supervisors secret monitors” and so on when they are the Danger, and they are the Bad Persons, the very bad Gang Stalkers girls and women who are stealing from the Targeted Individuals. by looting ups fed ex trucks, by hacking robbing their paypal cash app venmo, they are the ones lying about the nicest parents on earth, they are the ones who do the human traffick, they are the ones who do the medical kidnaps with shots in their socks, and they say they are County Workers CPS DCFS Nurse Assistants when they are very dangerous as they are child molester sex addicts, junky drug addicts. alcoholics driving drunk, and they are bank robbers in bank parking lots, and they are Gang Stalker girls and women who stalk Family homes and apartments, cat nap, steal possesions in the family residences, pull pranks act nice to everyones faces, and they are some who went to the same Schools as my kids my readings say, they are many girls who were acting nice to our faces at our house years ago, and some are their parents and some people I worked with when I was a real estate agent, as they are the Two or More Lied Sons of Satan Conspiracy of Gang Stalkers who take T Is to human trafficking.


DO NOT TRUST THEM. SUSPECT THEM. Hang up on them. Block them!

They are Gang Stalking alot of nice good people in America in 10 States:

California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, North Carolina, Tennessee, Ohio, South Dakota, NYC

Today right now they are after 500 people in California and 200 in the other States or 1,000 people in a State, and say they are in cars, about 5 or 8 of them, 2 kids, 2 youths. 3 young women, 2 older gals, a mixture to fool people, with a mixture of drugs in their speed ball shots in their socks and bras saying ” hey hey we work for the County” ” hey you guys and dolls on messenger take the pay away to dam pay” and they lie ” thats our great amounts of so much hot dang paypal a babe” when no its my paypal they are robbing my hacking, it is sent to my paypal email and links for my 19 years of crime tips I have done, its for my 49 wordpresses I write on for 12 years and its for my posts. youtubes etc. it is sent for me to stop them from murdering people, and they are serial killers who hack and steal it, and lie on messenger as they are the Gang Stalker girls and women the two or more lied Sons of Satan conspiracy the most evil devil in history

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