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Have You Ever Seen People Walking Around With Legs Bending Like Grasshoppers - DISTRICT 9 INSECTOID INVASION - Ancient People Were Genetically Corrupted With Evil Fallen Angels' DNA Mutations Called...

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GET READY FOR OUR APOCALYPTIC DEMUTATIONS!: Have You All Ever Seen People Walking Around With Legs Bending Like Grasshoppers – DISTRICT 9 INSECTOID INVASION OCCURRED IN THE PAST – Many Ancient People Were Genetically Corrupted With Sinister Fallen Angels’ Evil Seed DNA Mutations That Sinfully Pass From Generation To Generation Called Recessive Genes But We Must Righteously Put An Apocalyptic Fiery End To These Temporal Fallen State Curses Of Sinful Rebellion…We All Have Some Of Their Corrupt Monstrously Mutative DNA/Genes Within Us At Certain Percentages Which Must All Be Spiritually Purged Out During The Good Supernatural Apocalypse Of Fiery Purification Through ISHI CHRIST AND THE HOLY SPIRIT WHO Will Remove The Small Percentage Of Satan’s Ancient Satanic Thorn Evil Spiritual/DNA/Genetic Virus Of Rebellion From Us Righteous Faithful Few Rare Precious Indigenous AB+ Gold Wheat Spiritually Melanated HOLY SEED Bearing People In Which Purifying Spiritual Fire Of Pure Love Will Be Inductively Triggered To Be Unleashed From Our Bones Into Our Blood While Becoming The New Wine So We Can Have The New Wine Skin (Our Flesh Temple-Vessel-Body-Brain-Cells Gradually Demutating, While Purging Out The Dross) Through THE HOLY LIVING SPIRITUAL WORD BEARING DNA OF ISHI CHRIST’S MARRIAGE AT ONE MENT UNITY Being Infused Into Our Cells At The Spiritual/DNA/Genetic Levels Including Our Souls Being Amped Up As We Are Apocalyptically Healed And Purified From The Inside Out By THE MOST HIGH ISHI WHO Is Faithfully Using HIS Glorious Sun Of Righteousness That Will Rise With Healing In Its Wings*Solar UV Light Energy Rays (We Are Much Greater In Power Than The Feeble White Superman Comic Book Movie Character), REMEMBER Amos 9th Ch. + Malachi 3rd/4th Chs. + Luke 21st Ch. + Micah 3rd Ch. + Revelation 12th Ch. + Matthew 24:27-36 + Acts 2:17 + Joel 2:28 + Malachi 4th Ch. + Isaiah 30:26 (Spiritually Tuned Extra-Solar Heavenly Celestial Cosmic Deep Penetrating GAMMA-RAYS Initially Being Unleashed As Extraordinarily Powerful Shockwaves Vigorously Flowing From THE MOST HIGH ISHI THROUGH HIS GLORIOUS SON/Sun Of Righteousness During The 3 Days Of Total Worldwide Darkness Called *The Thief In The Night Event* Which Is Good For Us Black People Involving Our 5th Seal/5th Chakrah Opening First Resurrection Fiery Holy Gene-Sis Ascension Process Being Started Involving The Apocalyptic Revelation Of ISHI CHRIST, REMEMBER We Rare Precious Indigenous People Ranked Under ISHI CHRIST Are Like HIM At The Spiritual/DNA/Genetic Levels Which Will Be Gloriously Reveled Through THE MOST HIGH ISHI’S ETERNAL HOLY SPIRIT MAKING HIS FREELY INHERITED HOLY SEED*THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN COME FORTH WITHIN US IN ORDER TO PURGE OUT THE SMALL PERCENTAGES OF TEMPORAL FALLEN STATE EVIL SATANIC-FALLEN ANGELIC-DEMONIC-PARASITIC-MUTATIVE CELLULAR CORRUPTION, VIGOROUSLY BURN IT ALL OUT OF US MOST HIGH ISHI AND APOCALYPTICALLY REVEAL YOUR GLORIOUS HOLY SPIRIT WITHIN US, REMEMBER LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE AS FORETOLD IN DANIEL 12:3 + REMEMBER 2ND PETER 1:19-21 INVOLVING OUR CENTRAL SPIRITUAL EYE OPENING UP TO PURE LOVE THROUGH ISHI CHRIST AND THE HOLY SPIRIT WHO WILL BRING FORTH THE GLORIOUS LIGHT OF HEAVEN WITHIN US RIGHTEOUS RARE PRECIOUS INDIGENOUS HOLY CHOSEN ELECT ONES WHO FAITHFULLY OBEDIENTLY SHOW TRUE LOVE WITH PATIENT ENDURANCE, REMEMBER MATTHEW 25TH CH. + SAINT LUKE 17TH CH., Also Please Check Out The Cryptic Predictive Programming Illuminati Song By Imagine Dragons Called *RADIOACTIVE* Because Evil High Level Secret Society Members Know Who We Really Are As Foretold In Psalms 82:6 And They Are Vainly Trying To Stop Us From Apocalyptically Rising And Shining Into Indestructible Bright Beautiful Eternally Peaceful Glory! So Please Let’s All Righteously REPENT Now Before It’s Too Late My Rare Precious Indigenous Gold Wheat Spiritually Melanated *HOLY SEED* Bearing Brethren Of ISHI CHRIST, We Must All Faithfully Strive To Live Perfectly Obedient Like HIM Unto THE MOST HIGH ISHI’S GOOD HOLY LAWS AND COMMANDMENTS UNTO ETERNAL LIFE AS OUR RIGHTEOUS HOLY REWARD WHICH IS THE FUTURE HOPE OF GLORY THAT WE WILL COME FORTH FROM WITHIN US, REMEMBER AMOS 9TH CH. AND LET’S GET READY NOW TO APOCALYPTICALLY WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, ALSO KEEP IN MIND HOSEA 2:16 CALL ON THE HOLY NAME OF TRUE HEBREW NEGRO ISHI CHRIST IN ORDER TO BE SPIRITUALLY SAVED AND MERCIFULLY SPARED FROM WRATH + MATTHEW 25TH CH. + THE ENTIRE BOOK OF ENOCH + THE ENTIRE APOCALYPTIC BOOK OF REVELATION AND BE JOYFULLY ENCOURAGED WHILE ALSO PATIENTLY ENDURING THROUGH THE FIERY BURNING FLOODING APOCALYPSE OF PURIFICATION BECAUSE ETERNAL SALVATION BE UNTO HOLY YISRAEL WORLD WITHOUT END, I LOVE YOU ALL MY RARE BRETHREN AND DON’T EVER GIVE UP, AHMAN. SELAH


favicon *Insectoid Mutative Recessive DNA/Genes And Many Other Fallen Angels’ Curses Have Evilly Infiltrated Our Rare Indigenous Genetic Lineages, But THE MOST HIGH ISHI Will Apocalyptically Purge The Vile Curses Out And Purify Us Through ISHI CHRIST And THE HOLY SPIRIT If Our Souls Are Righteously Faithfully Obedient Unto HIM And Our Cellular DNA Bearing GENES Are Not Corrupted Over 50%, REMEMBER Numbers 12th Ch. And The Entire Apocalyptic Book Of ISHI CHRIST’S Glorious Holy Revelation, So Don’t Give Up My Rare Pecious Indigenous Brethren, We Must Patiently Endure With True Love, Ahman. SELAH) › Cathars

Cathars – World History Encyclopedia

The Cathars (also known as Cathari from the Greek Katharoi for “pure ones”) were a dualist medieval religious sect of Southern France which flourished in the 12th century and challenged the authority of the Catholic Church. They were also known as Albigensians for the town of Albi, which was a strong Cathar center of belief. Cathar priests lived simply, had no possessions, imposed no taxes …

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Catharism – Wikipedia

Catharism (/ ˈ k æ θ ər ɪ z əm / KATH-ər-iz-əm; [1] from the Ancient Greek: καθαροί, romanized: katharoí, “the pure ones” [2]) was a Christian quasi-dualist or pseudo-Gnostic movement which thrived in Southern Europe, particularly in northern Italy and southern France, between the 12th and14th centuries. [3] Denounced as a heretical sect by the Catholic Church, its followers …

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A Five-Minute Guide to the Cathars –

1. Catharism was a dualistic faith. Instead of accepting the Catholic church’s dogma involving the Holy Trinity, the Cathars believed that the universe was ruled by two gods in conflict: a good, kind, and loving god who had created the spiritual realm, and an evil god who had created this material, earthly world with all of its suffering …

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The Fall of Spirituality: The Blood-Soaked History of the Cathars

Catharism first appeared in 11th century southern France, in the Languedoc region. This is the first time that the name Cathars was used, but we now know that this was not what they called themselves. Their self-identifying name was simple – good men, good women, or good Christians ( Bons Hommes, Bonnes Femmes, Bons Chretiens). As a teaching, Catharism was a dualistic, Gnostic revival movement …

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The Cathars: Purity and Rebellion in Medieval France

The Cathars were a religious sect that emerged in the Languedoc region of Southern France during the 12th century. They held beliefs deemed heretical by the Catholic Church, including the rejection of materialism, denial of the sacraments, and belief in dualism, viewing the material world as inherently evil. Cathar communities were centered around principles of asceticism and spiritual purity.

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What Was Catharism? What Did Cathar Christians Believe? – Learn Religions

They were a heretical sect of Christians who lived in Southern France during the 11th and 12th centuries. One branch of the Cathars became known as the Albigenses because they took their name from the local town Albi. Cathar beliefs probably developed as a consequence of traders coming from Eastern Europe, bringing teachings of the Bogomils.

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Cathari – New World Encyclopedia

The Cathari (also known as Cathars, Albigensians, or Catharism) were followers of a controversial religious sect that flourished in the Languedoc region of France between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries before they were eradicated by the Albigensian Crusade and the subsequent Roman Catholic Inquisition.The Cathari adopted gnostic, dualist (and perhaps Manichaean beliefs) in their …

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Your guide to the Cathars and the Albigensian Crusade

On Friday 13 May 1239, some 183 Cathar men and women were burned alive in Champagne, while between May 1243 and March 1244, the Cathar fortress of Montségur was besieged and more than 200 Cathar perfects burned on a huge fire near the foot of the castle. Over several decades, Cathar religious texts were destroyed and with those who remained …

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Cathars –

CATHARI. CATHARI.Catharism (from cathari, “the pure”) was distinguished from the other heresies of the Middle Ages by its rejection of basic Christian beliefs, although its adherents claimed that in their pursuit of a pure life they were the only true Christians. In contrast to the Waldensians and other gospel-inspired movements of the twelfth century, the basis of Catharism was a non …

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The Cathars – Simon Fraser University

places of their own hearts. Forrester Roberts Cathars Doctrines The term “Cathars” derives from the Greek word Katheroi and means “Pure Ones”. The Cathars professed a theological dualism in which two coequal divine principles, one good and one evil, struggled against each other from eternity. They believed all matter to be evil because it

To go further

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Cathars Timeline – World History Encyclopedia

1167. Cathar Council of Saint-Felix held to determine bishoprics and set rules. 1209 – 1229. The Albigensian Crusade against Cathars heretics in southern France. 1243 – 1244. Siege of the last Cathar stronghold Montsegur. 1244. Fall of Montsegur; Cathars are massacred by the Church’s army and the heresy is suppressed.

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Cathars in France and the cathar religion – France This Way

The word kathari, from which cathar is probably derived, is the Greek word for pure. Cathars in France. The Cathars in France were based largely in theLanguedoc region, near Toulouse, and Albi and Carcassonne, with a popularity arising at least in part as a reaction to the over-excesses of theRoman Catholic church. The Cathar religion was …

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The Cathars: Persecuting Heretical Christians In The 13th Century

St. Paul the Hermit by Luca Giordano, 1685-90; with Innocent III, fresco in the Abbey of San Benedetto, Subiaco, ca. 6th century AD Arriving in theLanguedoc region of southern France as early as the 11th century, Cathars(deriving from the Greek Katharoi, meaning ‘pure ones’) were dualist, gnostic Christians.Their doctrine, which stated that two opposing deities existed, was antithetical …

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Ancient Semitic people: The Carthaginians – Our History

The Carthaginians were an ancient Semitic people known for establishing one of the most powerful and enduring civilisations in the Mediterranean region. Originating from the Phoenician city-state of Tyre (in modern-day Lebanon), they settled in Carthage, located near present-day Tunis in Tunisia, around the 9th century BCE. Carthage became a major power due to its strategic location for trade …

favicon › 2019 › 02 › 21 › who-were-the-cathars


Paulicianism was vibrant around the 7th to 9th centuries C.E., particularly in Armenia. Cathars, like the Paulicians, primarily believed in a dualistic Christian system, wherein the were two “Gods,” one good, one evil, as well as deeper Gnostic concepts. The basic tenants of the Cathar religion seem to have come from a single priest …

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Bogomils and Cathars –

Bogomils and CatharsThe Bogomils and Cathars were radical dualistic Christian sects that differed from mainstream Christianity on a number of important doctrinal issues. The Bogomils and Cathars challenged traditional medieval Christian views about marriage, sex, and the religious authority of women. Although both groups ultimately were dismissed as heretical, thealternative notions of sex …

favicon › 2013 › 12 › 18 › catharism-a-late-flowering…

Catharism – a late flowering of pagan doctrine in Europe?

The ‘Cathar’ religion reached its height of popularity and notoriety in southern France, parts of Germany and northern Italy between the 12th and14th centuries. It was founded on a belief in two gods – God in Heaven and a God of the Earth. Essentially Christian, it held that the good Heavenly God represented the redeeming god of the New …

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The Cathars – Local Histories

The Cathars. By Tim Lambert. The Cathars were a religious sect that flourished in Southern France and Northern Italy in the 12th and 13th centuries. (They became very common after about 1140). The name Cathar comes from the Greek Kathori, meaning pure ones. In France, they were called Albigensians after the town of Albi. The Cathars were dualists.

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Ancient Carthage – Wikipedia

Carthaginians spoke a variety of Phoenician called Punic, a Semiticlanguage originating in their ancestral homeland of Phoenicia (present-day Lebanon). [187] [188] Like its parent language, Punic was written from right to left in an alphabet consisting of 22 consonants without vowels. It is known mostly through inscriptions.

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Cathar Beliefs, doctrines, theology and practices

The realm of the Good God, heaven, was filled with light. (Some Catharsregarded the stars as divine sparks, or souls, or angels, in heaven). Therealm of the bad god was the material world in which we serve out our earthly terms. Satan had entrapped these divine sparks and created humankind as their prison.

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Catharism – Wikiwand / articles

Catharism (/ ˈ k æ θ ər ɪ z əm / KATH-ər-iz-əm; [1] from the Ancient Greek: καθαροί, romanized: katharoí, “the pure ones” [2]) was a Christian quasi-dualist or pseudo-Gnostic movement which thrived in Southern Europe, particularly in northern Italy and southern France, between the 12th and14th centuries. [3] Denounced as a heretical sect by the Catholic Church, its followers …

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Semitic people – Wikipedia

Semitic people or Semites is an obsolete term for an ethnic, … the term is sometimes used informally as “a kind of shorthand” for ancient Semitic-speaking peoples. [8] Ethnicity and race … Israel etc. but called the Semiticraces inferior to the Aryan for their monotheism, which he held to arise from their supposed lustful, violent …

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Ancient Semitic-speaking peoples – Wikipedia

Approximate historical distribution of the Semitic languages in the AncientNear East.. Ancient Semitic-speaking peoples or Proto-Semitic people were speakers of Semitic languages who lived throughout the ancient Near East and North Africa, including the Levant, Mesopotamia, the Arabian Peninsula and Carthage from the 3rd millennium BC until the end of antiquity, withsome, such as Arabs …

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Ancient Carthaginians really did sacrifice their children

But people looked at it differently 2,500 years ago. ‘Indeed, contemporary Greek and Roman writers tended to describe the practice as more of an eccentricity or historical oddity – they’re not actually very critical. ‘We should not imagine that ancient people thought like us and were horrified by thesame things.’

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Ancient Carthage – Wikiwand articles

Carthage was settled around 814 BC by colonists from Tyre, a leading Phoenician city-state located in present-day Lebanon.In the 7th century BC, following Phoenicia’s conquest by the Neo-Assyrian Empire, Carthage became independent, gradually expanding its economic and political hegemony across the western Mediterranean.By 300 BC, through its vast patchwork of colonies, vassal states, and …

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For 800 years, they were celebrated as martyrs to their faith. Just one …

For their considerable pains, the Cathars were memorialized and celebrated as martyred religious rebels by a region of southern France that, eight centuries later, still promotes itself under …

favicon › 2023 › 07 › 07 › catharism-the…

Catharism: The Strange History of the 13th Century French Gnostics

In the year 1229, a dreaded Inquisition was set upon the Cathars. Thetransition of control of this Inquisition to the Dominicans marked thebeginning of a bleaker era for the beleaguered Cathars. Accused of heresy, they were stripped of rights, while those bearing testimonies in their favor risked being ensnared in the net of heresy themselves.

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3.2: Ancient Carthage – Humanities LibreTexts

Military and Warfare. The military of Carthage was one of the largest military forces in the ancient world. Although Carthage’s navy was always its main military force, the army acquired a key role in the spread of Carthaginian power over the native peoples of northern Africa and southern Iberian Peninsula, from the 6th century BC to the 3rd century BC.

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Who were the Cathars, and what did they believe? – Stars Insider

O ne of the most mysterious religious sects of the High Medieval period, theCathars were particularly prolific in the Languedoc region of France. Little is known about their ideology besides what has been recorded by their opponents. This group were followers of Jesus and the New Testament, eschewing the Old Testament, and they considered themselves the ”true Christians.”

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Cathars: The Pure Ones The word… – The Book of Love

Territories in this frontier region, far from the powerhouses of Europe, changed hands frequently as a result of alliances and power struggles, yet despite that the Languedoc was a wealthy, prosperous place, rich in culture and learning: it was a cultural melting pot, where new ideas and different religious ideas were more readily embraced than in the cooler climes of northern Europe; it was …

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Who were the Cathars, and what did they believe? – Stars Insider

O ne of the most mysterious religious sects of the High Medieval period, the Cathars were particularly prolific in theLanguedoc region of France. Little is known about their ideology besides what has been recorded by their opponents. This group were followers of Jesus and the New Testament, eschewing the Old Testament, and they considered themselves the ”true Christians.”

thumbnail image for Who were the Cathars, and what did they believe? - Stars Insider

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Cathars: The Pure Ones The word… – The Book of Love

Territories in this frontier region, far from the powerhouses of Europe, changed hands frequently as a result of alliances and power struggles, yet despite that the Languedoc was a wealthy, prosperous place, rich in culture and learning: it was a cultural melting pot, where new ideas and different religious ideas were more readily embraced than in the cooler climes of northern Europe; it was …

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Punic people – Wikipedia

Carthaginian sphere of influence 264 BC. The Punic people, usually known as the Carthaginians [1] (and sometimes as Western Phoenicians), [2] were a Semitic people who migrated from Phoenicia to the Western Mediterranean [3] during the Early Iron Age.In modern scholarship, the term Punic, the Latin equivalent of the Greek-derived term Phoenician, is exclusively used to refer to Phoenicians in …

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The Cathars in Languedoc

One popular theory on the origin of the name Cathar is that it derived from ancient Greek: Katharoi, meaning “pure ones”. Confusingly, the Catharswere also sometimes referred to as the Albigensians. This name originates from the end of the 12th century, and was used by the chronicler Geoffroy du Breuil of Vigeois in 1181.

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Who were the Cathars, and what did they believe? – MSN

Catharism comes from the ancient Greek katharoi, meaning “the pure ones.” The Cathars existed in Southern Europe between the 12th and 14th centuries. The Cathars existed in Southern Europe between …

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What Happened to the Canaanites? – Biblical Archaeology Society

Cannanites were not semitic people as your article says. Remember Canaan is the son of Ham, not Shem. Semitic people emanate from the lineage of Shem and not Ham. Canaanites are what we refer to as Hamites. Ham had 4 sons Mizraim (Egyptians), Phut (Lybians), Cush (Ethiopia) and Canaan (Original inhabitants of the land of Israel).

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Faith of the Cathars – Sacred Mystery Tours

The citizens of the region, among whom the Cathar heresy had an ever stronger hold in the twelfth century, were simple farmers and peasants. They heard the sermons of the itinerant preachers, the Cathari, called the“pure ones,” who came and worked in their fields, shared their bread, andpreached to them, urging them to live their lives in the simplicity and humble spirit of Jesus.

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Secrets of The Cathars – Why the Dark Age Church Was Out to Destroy Them

According to Budge’s Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary, Ar means, “to make do, to create, to form, to fashion.” It is the root of Ari, the creative god. In Egyptian, Ari-en means “made by, produced by the lady of the house’. These definitions shed light on the Cathars and their prominent lady, Mari, their Pure Goddess.

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Carthaginian Trade – World History Encyclopedia

The Carthaginians, like their Phoenician forefathers, were highly successful traders who sailed the Mediterranean with their goods, and such was their success that Carthage became the richest city in the ancient world. Metals, foodstuffs, slaves, and high-quality manufactured goods such as fine cloths and gold jewellery were bought and sold to anyone who could afford them.

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The Lost Teachings of the Cathars : Their Beliefs and Practices

A deep-dive into the history, culture, and legacy of the medieval Christian dualist movement, Catharism—as seen in popular novels by Dan Brown andKate Mosse Centuries after the brutal slaughter of the Cathars by papally endorsed Northern French forces, and their suppression by the Inquisition, the medieval Cathars continue to exert a powerful influence on both popular culture and spiritual …

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Catharism | Official website of the Office de Tourisme des Pyrénées …

Albigensians: Members of the heretical religious sect that spread throughout southern France in the 13th century, particularly around Albi and in the Bas Languedoc region.Also known as Cathars. As a reminder, this is also the current name of the inhabitants of the city of Albi 😉* Bons Hommes, Bonnes Femmes: Cathar clerics call themselves “bons hommes” or “bonnes femmes”, “good …

thumbnail image for Catharism | Official website of the Office de Tourisme des Pyrénées ...

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Six Great Heresies of the Middle Ages – World History Encyclopedia

The medieval Church established its monopoly over thespiritual life of Europeans in the Early Middle Ages (c. 476-1000) and consolidated that power throughout the High Middle Ages (1000-1300) and Late Middle Ages (1300-1500). Along the way, the clergy became increasingly corrupt, ignored basic tenets of Christianity, and often lived lavishly on the tithes of the people.

thumbnail image for Six Great Heresies of the Middle Ages - World History Encyclopedia

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Rome’s Early Rivals: Who Were the Carthaginians? – History Hit

The Carthaginians were able to benefit from their city’s location at the heart of the ancient Mediterranean trade routes. Specialising in the production of fine textiles, perfumes, and household goods such as furniture andcooking implements, in its heyday Carthage was the dominant metropolis in the western Mediterranean, and profited hugely …

thumbnail image for Rome’s Early Rivals: Who Were the Carthaginians? - History Hit

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The Medieval Crushing of the Cathars and Sexualizing … – Ancient Origins

Stories like those of the Cathars were prelude to the next set of actors designed to scare the wits out of people: witches. In some ways, witches were even more effective, since they were flesh and blood human beings, infected by not-quite-tangible demons.

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The Pure Ones – extracted from ‘Rule By Secrecy’ – Biblioteca Pleyades

The Cathars, whose name meant Pure Ones as they believed their religious views were more “pure” than those of the Catholic church, were ideally situated for acquiring unorthodox beliefs. The Languedoc, formerly known as Occitania, encompassed the Mediterranean coast west of Marseilles, theBlack and Corbieres Mountains and the Pyrenees, which …

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Did the Cathars Exist? – READING HISTORY

The Consolamentum (meaning ‘consoling’) – baptism in the spirit by thelaying on of hands was a sacrament administered only to fully instructed adults or to the dying; only those who had received it were full members of the Church and were known as ‘perfecti’ (‘perfect ones’) rather than merely ‘credentes’ (‘believers …

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Carthage: The Ancient Empire That Nearly Destroyed Rome

Carthage: The Ancient Empire That Nearly Destroyed Rome. In the early 2nd century AD, the Roman Empire dominated the Ancient World. Aside from regional disputes with the Persian Empire in the east, Rome was unrivaled. The next 100 years marked an era of unprecedented peace and prosperity that would be aptly remembered as the Pax Romana, meaning “Roman Peace” in Latin.

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The History of the Carthaginians – Digital Maps of the Ancient World

The History of the Carthaginians We invite you on an immersive journey to explore the captivating story of the Carthaginians. We’ll delve into their rise as a dominant maritime force, navigating trade routes and establishing a vast network of colonies. An Illustration of Carthage by Jean-Claude Golvin. Unravel the rich tapestry of their culture, a…

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Black or white? Ancient Egyptian race mystery now solved

Modern Egyptians share 8% of their genome with central Africans, far more than ancient ones, according to the study, published in the journal Nature Communications. The influx of sub-Saharan genes …

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TIL Ancient Carthage was a Semitic country. They called their … – Reddit

TIL Ancient Carthage was a Semitic country. They called their leaders Judges like in the Old Testament, they spoke a variation of theCanaanite/Hebrew language family, they used Shekels for their coinage, andtheir alphabet was the same as ancient Israel and the Canaanites. … 


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Old Jimmy Carter Dead (His Pre-Planned Death Day Via Hospice Drugs)…The Apocalyptic Beginning Of Sorrows Fires Up…John Amos Dead (Good Times For Us Black People Of ISHI CHRIST)… REMEMBER John…

Prophecy | Oct 02 2024 06:4034

Evil Rich Old Money Illuminati Elitist NWO Bastards Are Burning Islands With Fiery D.E.W.S: Maui And Honolulu Hawaii Are Going To Pale In Comparison To Jamaica, Hati, And Other Caribbean…

Prophecy | Oct 02 2024 00:4327

(Ottoman Empire/Fake Jew-ish Israel False Peace Blackmail Contract Broken In The Middle Of The Week As Foretold In Daniel 11th Ch. Involving Gay Barack Hussein Obama The War Mongering Mass…

Prophecy | Oct 01 2024 17:5257

Gay Barack Hussein Obama Is Working With The Ashkenazi Sephardic Zionist Jew-ish Imposters To Forcefully Break The Ancient Blackmail False Peace Contract With The Ottoman Empire Annunaki Dragons Faction Of…

Prophecy | Oct 01 2024 16:2282

It Suddenly Fired Up After Midnight…False Flags (Mega-Explosions, D.E.W.S, Mega-Tsunamis, Demonic Zombism, Aerosolized Bioweapons) And Shocking Apocalyptic Earth Shaking Ultra-Cataclysmic Events Involving Supernovas And Multiphase Solar Amplifications Shockwaves Dislodging Things…

Prophecy | Sep 30 2024 21:40109


Prophecy | Sep 30 2024 20:0661

Monetary Slavery Reparations Are Not Acceptable – OUR ENEMIES WILL PAY WITH THEIR LIVES – THE APOCALYPTIC SUPERNATURAL BIG PAYBACK IS IMMINENT: A Black Jonny Cash Statue Is Symbolically In…

Prophecy | Sep 30 2024 18:2848

WISE BLACK COMELY KING SOLOMON Had The Spiritual Ability To Control Demons And Bind Them Inside Of Containers Called Tessracts (Even Evil Spirit Trapping Magical Tapestries Made Of High Vibe…

Prophecy | Sep 29 2024 14:1683

I Was Feeling Sorrowfully “Sick Since” I Found Out Why Hell Fire Is Going To Rain Down On Evil Gay Major Cities, REMEMBER Gene-Sis 19th Ch. Because Millions Are Going…

Prophecy | Sep 29 2024 04:18165

September 30th End Of Fiscal Year – Sinister Dystopian NWO Black-Ops Demoncrat Bank Robberies By The Feds Are Imminent To Covertly Aid In The Big Economic Switch (RESET) Involving Evilly…

Prophecy | Sep 28 2024 13:1546


Prophecy | Sep 27 2024 22:1180

TV’s Are Ancient: Long Ago In The Antediluvian World Special High Vibe Energetic Crystals Were Used By Rare Indigenous People To See And Hear Over Long Distances, But This Is…

Prophecy | Sep 27 2024 15:1482

Satan’s Accelerated Oil Gas Petroleum Fuel Burning Mega-GeoEngineering Mega-Terraforming Engine Vehicles Are Evilly Pumping Out Low Vibe Vaporous Chemicals (Smog) Which Is Being Cunningly Used To Vainly Try To Thicken…

Prophecy | Sep 26 2024 13:3433

MINORITY REPORT Movie In Real Life: Vaxxed People Are Now Para-Electromagnetic Cellular Phones With Sky Net Iridium Satellite Network GPS Tracking Inside (GAMER Movie – Robotic Remote Controlled Sheeple) They…

Prophecy | Sep 26 2024 01:2650

Hurricane hELEn Mega-Storm (Gulf Of Mexico HAARP NUKES Inductively Triggered Via The Freakishly Electrifying Disastrous TESLA TOWER OF BABEL) Apocalyptic Extinction Level Event BOOOOOOOOM, Extremely Deep, Arctic Cold Waters Burning…

Prophecy | Sep 25 2024 21:5182

GAMESTOP!: Illuminati Insiders Know That A Biometrics Based Economy Is Imminent – Get Ready For A Severe Stock Crash – Banks Robbed By Democratic Dystopian NWO Feds – Cut Throat…

Prophecy | Sep 25 2024 01:4555

You Should Have Never Gotten Vaxxed With The Noisome Demonic Zombism Airborne A.I.D.S Black Death Bubonic Plagues Multimodal Plandemics That Will Be Covertly Activated Via Satan’s Disharmonic Negatively Tuned Ancient…

Prophecy | Sep 24 2024 15:38147

Joyfully Walk On By: We Will Watch The Reward Of The Wicked During The Apocalypse – Our Enemies Will Be Ashes Under Our Feet (Bye Bye You Non-Indigenous Cain Like…

Prophecy | Sep 24 2024 02:4836

The Evil Female MATLOCK Is Portraying Hillary Isis-Ishtar-Lilith Clinton * Mr.T Is Portraying Obama, T = 20 = 9-23-24/9+5+6 = 20, BA (AB- Pharaoh) Barack Attack US Code, MR.T BA…

Prophecy | Sep 22 2024 21:3690

D.U.M.B. Black Goo 666 Venom Suit Infused ALIENS Are On The Run Away From The Fiery SON/Sun!: The Main Zion Gateway Between Heaven And Earth Is Gradually Opening And Extra-Solar…

Prophecy | Sep 22 2024 08:03107

Real Natural Living Rare Indigenous People Rich In Spirit Are Doing Much Better Than The So-Called Civilized World, THEY ARE READY FOR THE APOCALYPSE – REMEMBER THE TRUE LOVE OF…

Prophecy | Sep 21 2024 11:0974

Oprah Winfrey Is The Whore Of Babylon NWO Financer Of The Dystopian Demoncrats And Kamala Harris Is An Expendable Pawn That Has The Deceptively In-FLU-encial Black Witch Buzzard Lurking Around…

Prophecy | Sep 20 2024 22:4695

April Is Equal To Bloody Red October Involving The Extremely Violent Fiery Death Of The Archaic Petro-Dollar Standard (SEPTEMBER-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R) Quickly Leading To Satan’s Glowing Biometrics Of Revelation 13th Ch., BEWAR3…

Prophecy | Sep 20 2024 13:0038

The Petro-Dollar Standard Is About To Take It’s Last Oily-Gassy-Smokey-Stanky Breath Due To Demoncratic Dystopian (NWO) One World Bank Instigated Major Blame Game Wars Fired Up In The Highly Volatile…

Prophecy | Sep 20 2024 12:4936

Title Lock Membership Protection Is A Joke – Quitclaim Deed Switchovers – Forestry Service Land Rental Taxes Unpayable Due To Bank Robberies Of People’s Accounts By The Sinister Dystopian NWO…

Prophecy | Sep 20 2024 04:0445

If You Think Indigenous Bamboo Grass Grows Fast, Wait Until You Witness What’s Going To Happen During The Apocalypse!: From Portal Re-Activations To Deeply Buried Ancient Antediluvian Giant Seeds Growing…

Prophecy | Sep 19 2024 09:1952

The Sinister Dystopian NWO Demoncrats Are M.A.D. At Russia’s Putin Because He Knows And Showed That Ishi Christ Is Black, Also German Gehazi Nazi Hitler Knew Who The Real Jews…

Prophecy | Sep 19 2024 00:0258 – Check This Out Y’all – ISHI CHRIST Was On Earth About 500 Years Ago, Known As The Black Hunchback Of Notre Dame! PLEASE LET’S ALL RIGHTEOUSLY REPENT NOW…

Prophecy | Sep 18 2024 16:2482


Prophecy | Sep 17 2024 16:2472


Prophecy | Sep 17 2024 01:2380

OVERNIGHT TERRORS ARE IMMINENT: Don’t Forget About 911 False Flags, Tower Of Babel TESLA Unnatural Disasters, Demonic Zombism 4D Extreme Paranormal Activities, UFOS/ALIENS, And Spiritually Powered Supernatural Earth Shaking Fiery…

Prophecy | Sep 15 2024 20:1140

Tower Of Babel Amped Up: LL COOL J Went Nuclear – It’s Weaponized Microwave Activated Vaxx Fiery Headburn Self Destruction Mode And The Birds Are Flying Weirdly In…

Prophecy | Sep 15 2024 11:3070

Stay Away From Pagan Idolatrous 501-C3 Gov. FEMA Trap House Mega-Churches And Smaller Ones Lead By Evil Money Hungry False Shepherds And Demonic Divination Paid False Prophets Of Cursed Gehazi…

Prophecy | Sep 15 2024 08:5473

REMEMBER Numbers 12th Ch. Because We Hebrews Are Less Than 50% Corrupted By The Ancient Satanic Thorn Evil Spiritual/DNA/Genetic Virus Of Rebellion But The Doomed Non-Indigenous Snow White Leprous Cursed…

Prophecy | Sep 14 2024 22:2846

Weed – Baalim Baal Mutated Hemp – Chemosh Chemical Sigils 4D Beelzebub Magic – Pharmakeia – Pharmaceuticals – Drugs – Demonic Sorcery – NEGATIVELY TUNE YOUR VULNERABLE FALLEN SPIRITUAL EYE…

Prophecy | Sep 14 2024 08:1145

Tower Of Babel Tesla Telemetry: Fallen Angels Trapped Inside Of Tesseracts In Space Are Trying To Ride The Thunderless Lightning Down To The Earth Involving Energetic Connections With Tall Infrastructures…

Prophecy | Sep 13 2024 14:3562


Prophecy | Sep 13 2024 03:3076

Foolish Demonic Laughter About Getting Vaccinated Is Hellishly Contagious And Sinfully Hinders The Production Of Spiritual MelanIn Honey Which Is Not A Legendary Or Sweet Or Fresh Thing To Do…

Prophecy | Sep 12 2024 23:2546

Foolish Demonic Laughter About Getting Vaccinated Is Hellishly Contagious And Sinfully Hinders The Production Of Spiritual MelanIn Honey Which Is Not A Legendary Or Sweet Or Fresh Thing To Do…

Prophecy | Sep 12 2024 17:3156

Your Bank Accounts Will Be Robbed By Demoncratic Dystopian NWO Feds To Fund SATAN’S “$QUID GAM3″ GLOWING MARK OF THE BEAST 666 BIOMETRICS OF REVELATION 13TH CH., WATCH OUT SLEEP…

Prophecy | Sep 12 2024 13:4647

REMEMBER Psalms 91st Ch. + The Apocalypse Of Baruch + Micah 3rd Ch. Fiery Noonday/Noneday Destruction (911$) And Strange Darkness Amid Tower Of Babel Tesla Disasters. PLEASE REPENT AND WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN,…

Prophecy | Sep 11 2024 15:3537


Prophecy | Sep 10 2024 20:31129

Most Evil Major Cities Parks (National And Central) Are Mass Graveyards Of Rare Indigenous Native People (Hebrews – Negroes – Slaves) And Enemies Are Trying To Massacre Our People Again…

Prophecy | Sep 10 2024 14:0139

Ancient Antediluvian Highly Advanced Sinister Fallen Angels’ Demonic A.I. Technologies Have Been Shown In Many Illuminati Movies, REMEMBER Predictive Programming Because Many Things Of The Ancient Past Are Being Cunningly…

Prophecy | Sep 10 2024 06:4439

The Apocalyptic Night Of The Eerily Sounding Artificial 2nd Sun Infrared Solar Simulator Giant Nuclear Powered L.E.D.S. Array Is Imminent – Strangely The Real Sun’s Gone Dim And The Sky’s…

Prophecy | Sep 10 2024 03:3941

Why Was The Beautiful Word Cancer Given A Bad Name And 911 ISHI CHRIST’S Earthly Birthday Evilly Obscured With Tragedies Involving September 11th 2001 False Flag Terrorist Attacks, REMEMBER THE…

Prophecy | Sep 09 2024 11:3345

Apocalyptic Fiery Noonday/Noneday Destruction – Psalms 91st Ch. – The Sun’s Gone Dim And The Sky’s Turned Dark – BLACKOUTS – GRID DOWN – 911$ – BANK ROBBERIES – TESLA…

Prophecy | Sep 08 2024 16:1551

NASA Is Trying To Use Tower Of Babel Tesla Tech To Intrude Into Neter Neter Land 5D Earth World Located Behind The Sun, APOCALYPTIC! PLEASE LET’S RIGHTEOUSLY REPENT AND WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN,…

Prophecy | Sep 08 2024 06:4076

October 7th Is Code 17 Involving An Imminent Nuclear Attack On NY City Involving A Neutron Bomb Planted In Central Park September 8th Is 17, HEADS WAY UP ON SATURDAY…

Prophecy | Sep 07 2024 14:59110

Saturday In The Park You’d Think it Was The 4th Of July – WARNING $ BEWAR3 – There’s A Demoncratic Neutron Bomb Planted In Central Park NY City. REPENT AND…

Prophecy | Sep 07 2024 14:2861

There’s A Radical Jihad Isis Ashkenazi Sephardic Zionist Jew-ish Imposters’ Synagogue Of Satan NEUTRON BOMB IN CENTRAL PARK NY, But It’s Not The Only One Sleepyheaded Sheeple REMEMBER That They…

Prophecy | Sep 06 2024 20:15110

If You LOVE Your Precious Children Take Them Out Of The Evil Government Schools RIGHT NOW Because They Are Expendable Political Pawns, (NATIONWIDE MASS DEADLY FEAR TACTICS) SINISTER DYSTOPIAN NWO…

Prophecy | Sep 06 2024 09:0246

Evil Islamic Nations And Wicked Muslim Nationals Both Agree On One Thing “DEATH TO AMERICA” (The Fiery Hellish Hard Fall Of The Archaic Draconian Reptilian * Roman Edomite * Brutish…

Prophecy | Sep 05 2024 15:1035

Sinister NWO Factions And Wicked Archaic Ones Are Trying To Takeover Our Indigenous Earth – ANCIENT WAR OF THE ROSES $ CANADA/CAIN-NOD-A WILL ALSO FALL – The Gehazi Nazi Bush…

Prophecy | Sep 05 2024 14:1037

The Evil Gay White Witch Matriarchal False Prophet And Mass Beheadings Commander MATLOCK Is Hillary Isis-Ishtar-Lilith Clinton Who’s Covertly Working With Vile Gay Barack Hussein Obama The Black Vampire Chief…

Prophecy | Sep 04 2024 22:0294

News Flash Bill Cosby Dead (Ritualistic Demonic Illuminati Sacrifice): Check Out The Mayan Apocalypse Jell-O Pudding Commercial Because Major Troubles Are About To Befall Evil Gay America/Cursed Mystery Babylon The…

Prophecy | Sep 04 2024 15:22161

REMEMBER REVELATION 12TH CH. Because Our Enemies Are Trying To Abort Us Before We Apocalyptically Spiritually Awaken And Undergo Our Spiritual Rebirth! (A Sinister Flood Of Satanic-Fallen Angelic-Demonic-Parasitic Dystopian NWO…

Prophecy | Sep 03 2024 23:5445

Have You Ever Wondered Why HOBOS (Us Humble Poor People Of Rich Heavenly Light) Like To Ride On The TRAIN, REMEMBER AMOS 9TH CH. + HOSEA 2:16 + MATTHEW 25TH…

Prophecy | Sep 03 2024 13:1337

I Really Hate Satan’s Unrighteous Mamon Money Currency!!!: When Banks Get Robbed Nationwide I’ll Be Laughing With Joy, But Pagan Idolatrous Worldly Money Hungry People Of The So-Called American Dream…

Prophecy | Sep 03 2024 00:4731


Prophecy | Sep 02 2024 20:1644

2nd Esdras 15th/16th Chs. Apocrypha Texts Stated Within The 9th Month In 2 To 3 Hours (Days) Spiritual Labor Pains Fire Up Known As The Beginning Of Sorrows Which Also…

Prophecy | Sep 02 2024 14:5742

REMEMBER Daniel 11th Ch. And Revelation 13th Ch. Because Vile Gay Barack Hussein Obama (The Black Vampire) Is Twisted Robinhood Who’s Going To Covertly Command His Sinister Dystopian NWO War…

Prophecy | Sep 01 2024 14:2886

Apocalyptic Extreme Paranormal Spiritual Activities Are Imminent!: REMEMBER That The Earth Energy Grid Nervous System Network Of Flowing Ley Lines And Vortex Portals Work Like Electrical Wiring And Demons Are…

Prophecy | Sep 01 2024 01:5273

Arctic Cold And Deeply Wet In The South!: Earth Shaking Apocalyptic Ultra-Cataclysmic Events Are Going To Suddenly Fire Up Overnight (After MIDNIGHT), So Warn Other People And Get Ready Now…

Prophecy | Aug 31 2024 17:18170

SPIRITUAL LABOR DAY PAINS – This Is It The Apocalypse – I’m Waking Up – RADIOACTIVE Powered Through The Spirit Of THE MOST HIGH ISHI. Please Let’s All Righteously REPENT…

Prophecy | Aug 31 2024 11:4638

After Midnight Many People Will Be Apocalyptically Caught In The CROSS FIRE Involving Flase Flag Fiery Directed Energy Weapons/D.E.W.S And A Heavenly Celestial Cosmic Golden Shower Of Fragmented Sparkling Radioactive…

Prophecy | Aug 30 2024 17:18114

Apocalyptic Anniversary: The Hurricane Katrina Mega-Disaster Will Be Flooded Out Of People’s Minds Due To The Gulf Of Mexico Mega-Tsunami New Madrid Fault Mega-Earthquake Event, REMEMBER The Revelation 12th Ch….

Prophecy | Aug 29 2024 20:54102

OLYMPIC BLACKOUTS 2.0: Paris France Is An Evil Major City That Will Be Destroyed At The Beginning Of The Fiery Apocalypse. PLEASE REPENT AND WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, REMEMBER AMOS 9TH CH. +…

Prophecy | Aug 28 2024 17:0752

Fear Mongering Black-Ops Draconian Reptilian Republican Racists Are Going To Execute Major Attacks Targeting Black People And Also Against The Sinister Dystopian NWO Black-Ops War Mongering Demoncrats Who Are Major…

Prophecy | Aug 28 2024 12:4346

Vaxxed-Branded-Marked-Cursed Dumb D.U.M.B.S Can’t Hide From The SON/Sun!: VENOM Suit Infusions Won’t Save Satan’s Vaxxed Cain Like Vampires!: Low Vibe Black Goo 666 Carbonic Liquid Crystalline Graphene Hydroxide Synthetic Melanin…

Prophecy | Aug 28 2024 00:5762

PREDESTINATION – OUR HOLY DESTINY – THE APOCALYPSE: As A High Ranking AB+ 144,000 Member Of The Holy Chosen Elect 1/3 Remnant Of The Original 12 Tribes Of Yisrael, I…

Prophecy | Aug 27 2024 18:0269

Bad News Won’t Travel Fast!: Communications Blackout Imminent – Banks Robbed By The NWO Feds Before Supernovas And Earth Shaking Multiphase Solar Amplification Shockwaves! REPENT AND WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, REMEMBER AMOS 9TH…

Prophecy | Aug 27 2024 02:5580

Why Do Sinister Old Money Iluminati Elitist Cunningly Say That “You Can’t Wear White After Labor Day”…America The Grave?!? PLEASE LET’S ALL RIGHTEOUSLY REPENT AND GET READY NOW TO APOCALYPTICALLY…

Prophecy | Aug 26 2024 11:1576

The Earth Shaking Fiery Apocalypse Begins After MIDNIGHT With A Mesmerizing Golden Shower Of Sparks Raining Down From The Giraffe Constellation Camelopardalids! PLEASE LET’S ALL RIGHTEOUSLY REPENT AND WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, REMEMBER…

Prophecy | Aug 26 2024 00:0390

Suicidal Evil Rich People Are *Nervous – It’s A Real Gas* 911$ (Old Talk For Pranked By Robinhood – Gay Barack Hussein Obama Who’s Funding Satan’s Biometrics, Remember Revelation 13th…

Prophecy | Aug 25 2024 15:48124

SHOCKINGLY ELECTRIFYING – Trump Goes Augue 26th – False Flags – Bloody Black Sunday – Manic Monday – Spiritually Powered Supernatural Apocalyptic Events! REPENT AND WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, REMEMBER AMOS 9TH…

Prophecy | Aug 25 2024 14:1792

I’m Still Seeing And Hearing “I Am Legend” Code 20 And 21 – Watch Out For 911$ Over The Weekend – Augue 24th 24 = 20 And Augue 25th 24…

Prophecy | Aug 24 2024 15:0671

Synagogue Of Satan Six Point Star Chiun Saturnian Cain Like Canaanites Ashkenazi Sephardic Snakes Are Evilly Slithering In Our Ancestral Hebrew Negro Holy Land, REMEMBER Revelation 3:9 About Them Diabolical…

Prophecy | Aug 24 2024 03:2060

Fallen Sinful Girls Don’t Run The World Like Evil Beyonce Sang In Her Extremely Deceptive Wicked Song About Satan’s Vainly Attempted Upside-Down Backwards Disorderly Matriarchal Rule (REPENT Y’all). KEEP IN…

Prophecy | Aug 23 2024 23:0253

Fallen Sinful Girls Don’t Run The World Like Evil Beyonce Sang In Her Extremely Deceptive Wicked Song About Satan’s Vainly Attempted Upside Backwards Disorderly Matriarchal Rule. KEEP IN MIND THAT…

Prophecy | Aug 23 2024 22:5737

Your Bank Accounts Will Be Covertly Robbed By The Dystopian NWO Demoncratic Feds Overnight – FALSE FLAGS – Wake Up Sleepyheaded Sheeple They Are Evilly Funding Satan’s Biometric Digital Currency…

Prophecy | Aug 23 2024 01:19100

Ghostbusting *Demon Fallen Angel Spirit Containment* Is Ancient And Satan’s M.A.D. Scientist Cronies Who Retro-Engineered The Tower Of Babel Are Trying To Release Them Vile GangStars!: Before The Coming Of…

Prophecy | Aug 22 2024 17:1150

Kamala Harris (The Dumb Pawn) Is Going Down With Chicago: The USA Is In The Apocalyptic Fiery Danger Zone And Major Cities Are On The Dystopian NWO Hit List, Especially…

Prophecy | Aug 22 2024 06:1475

Satan Has A Worldwide Microwave Piano Called The Tower Of Babel And He Plays Freakishly Electrifying Demonic Zombism Looney Tunes With Vaxxed Evil People Shiva Dancing Up A Mega-Storm. Please…

Prophecy | Aug 22 2024 02:4451

August 21 Major Turning Point – Political Murders – The Clock STRIKES MIDNIGHT – America Burning In The Darkness – Tower Of Babel Demonic Zombism Paranormal Activity – UFOS/ALIENS And…

Prophecy | Aug 21 2024 14:4269

D.N.C. (DEADLY NIGHT CARNAGE And FIERY NOONDAY DESTRUCTION/NONEDAY 3PM STRANGE DARKNESS – MICAH 3RD CH.) Radical Jihad Isis Terrorism Dystopian NWO Demoncrats Are Going To Destroy Your American Dream! (Bye…

Prophecy | Aug 21 2024 10:1544


Prophecy | Aug 20 2024 23:4442

Two Destructive Big Buzzards Are In Chicago (The USA And Mass Death Will Be Synonymous): Vile Gay Barack Hussein Obama And Evil Gay Hillary Isis-Ishtar-Lilith Clinton Are Mass Murderers (Remember…

Prophecy | Aug 20 2024 15:1776

THE MOST HIGH ISHI WILL JUDGE YOU ALL!: Why Did Chris Brown “Go There” And Sinfully Got Satanically Mutatively Monstrously Vaccinated And Justin Timberlake, Are They Dumb D.U.M.B.S For Satan?!?…

Prophecy | Aug 19 2024 23:55106

It Smells Deathly Rotten In Chicago…Vile Gay Barack Hussein Obama And Evil Gay Hillary Isis-Ishtar-Lilith Clinton Are There…Terrorist Attacks… Their Deceptive Getaway Plan. PLEASE REPENT AND WAKE-UP-MY-PEOPLE-SPIRIT-TRAIN, REMEMBER AMOS 9TH…

Prophecy | Aug 19 2024 14:06160

REMEMBER Revelation 13th/22nd Chs. Because Satan’s Strong Delusions Irreversible Curse-All Vaccinations Are Not Cool – The Final Phase Eerily Glows – BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING – Don’t Get Vaxxed To Death!…

Prophecy | Aug 18 2024 20:1590

Hillary Clinton NWO Matriarchal President Under Barack Hussein Obama (Satan’s) Authority: Source Code… Chicago Severely Attacked…Two D.U.M.B. Bastards Fake Their Own Death And Go Into Hiding While Covertly Giving Murderous…

Prophecy | Aug 18 2024 19:20108

The USA World Terrorist Bully Nation: Many Wars Have Been Fought Over Fallen Angels’ Ancient Antediluvian Weaponized Free Energy Tunable Electromagnetic Technologies WW3 Is No Exception. Please Let’s All Righteously…

Prophecy | Aug 18 2024 07:5484

It’s Going HOT Before August 20th – Watchout – OVERNIGHT Between Saturday And Sunday – Major Troubles Involving False Flags And The Apocalypse/Our 2nd Greater Exodus! PLEASE RIGHTEOUSLY REPENT AND…

Prophecy | Aug 17 2024 21:23135

A Vast Stinging Swarm Of Very High-Tech Heavily Weaponized Rogue UN Non-Peacekeeping Helicopters Loaded With Demonic Mind Controlled Mercenaries Is Coming Soon Involving The Sinister Dystopian NWO War Mongering Black-Ops…

Prophecy | Aug 17 2024 16:19182

Overnight Major Airlines Airplanes Will Be Horrifically Crashing For Many Reasons Other Than Demoncratic Isis Terrorism – Remember The Tower Of Babel – BEWAR3 $ WAR-NING Sleepyheaded Sheeple! PLEASE REPENT…

Prophecy | Aug 16 2024 17:43136

Are You All Ready To Get Paranormally Freaky?!?… It’s Friday – Fireday – REMEMBER The Tesla Low Vibe Weaoonized Microwaves Tower Of Babel Demonic Cloverfield Paradox 4D Rift Black Hole…

Prophecy | Aug 16 2024 15:3373

When The Moon Gets Stuck By A Giant Asteroid It’s Orbit Will Change By Few Degrees Causing The Seas And Waves To Roar (Extremely Large Tidal Wave And Very High…

Prophecy | Aug 15 2024 22:1584

Betelgeuse – Beetlejuice – Betelgeuse!: Get Ready For Mind Bending 4th Dimensional Shifting Supernovas Exploding Within Your Mind’s EYE That Will Be Expanding With Heavenly Light Giving Us Higher Dimensional…

Prophecy | Aug 15 2024 15:0479

As An Elite Ranked Member Of The Rare AB+ 144,000 Blue Lantern Capricorn Celestial Goats I Have Spiritually Powered Immunity To All Forms Of Ancient Anthrax – In Other Words…

Prophecy | Aug 15 2024 05:1169




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Try Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend 60 Capsules

Mushrooms are having a moment. One fabulous fungus in particular, lion’s mane, may help improve memory, depression and anxiety symptoms. They are also an excellent source of nutrients that show promise as a therapy for dementia, and other neurodegenerative diseases. If you’re living with anxiety or depression, you may be curious about all the therapy options out there — including the natural ones.Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend has been formulated to utilize the potency of Lion’s mane but also include the benefits of four other Highly Beneficial Mushrooms. Synergistically, they work together to Build your health through improving cognitive function and immunity regardless of your age. Our Nootropic not only improves your Cognitive Function and Activates your Immune System, but it benefits growth of Essential Gut Flora, further enhancing your Vitality.

Our Formula includes: Lion’s Mane Mushrooms which Increase Brain Power through nerve growth, lessen anxiety, reduce depression, and improve concentration. Its an excellent adaptogen, promotes sleep and improves immunity. Shiitake Mushrooms which Fight cancer cells and infectious disease, boost the immune system, promotes brain function, and serves as a source of B vitamins. Maitake Mushrooms which regulate blood sugar levels of diabetics, reduce hypertension and boosts the immune system. Reishi Mushrooms which Fight inflammation, liver disease, fatigue, tumor growth and cancer. They Improve skin disorders and soothes digestive problems, stomach ulcers and leaky gut syndrome. Chaga Mushrooms which have anti-aging effects, boost immune function, improve stamina and athletic performance, even act as a natural aphrodisiac, fighting diabetes and improving liver function. Try Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend 60 Capsules Today. Be 100% Satisfied or Receive a Full Money Back Guarantee. Order Yours Today by Following This Link.

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