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Perilous Times And Spiritual Warfare As The Encroaching Evil Spreads Throughout...

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Written by: Marlene*

Posted on: Sunday 6th October, 2024.

Most recently I have noticed that the tension in the atmosphere here in the world has become even more heightened and has greatly intensified. I understand that my words are different in some way but the same in another way. There is no doubt in my mind that I have to write about- concerning the things happening here and this is what I am trying to do, because I must understand how to run my race without any real set backs that may hinder my walk with CHRIST and even help others along the way.

The spiritual-warfare does continue in this world and it is not as easy to recognize because it also involves those close to you as well, those who do not know Jesus Christ. There are wars and rumours of wars, there are Earthquakes in many places throughout the world at this time, volcanoes erupting everywhere and the weather, the storms are very catastrophic, floods and very strong winds and other disasters, and many Humans are hurting at this time. People are rising up all over the world, standing up and facing tyranny, or making noise and causing property destruction for their noble causes.

The anti-Human Agenda is in power here and the Climate Change Agenda is not as they tell us it is, and their carbon-tax is simply an under-hand way to steal our money. The carbon-tax can not do anything to change the weather, unless they pool all the monies they steal from the peoples and build weather manipulating machines. I am also certain that not all the weather is manipulated. When they create storms, God will finish them. Extreme weather events will intensify, no matter what the cause.

I recently saw a video of one of their weather machines at work, shooting ‘seeds’ up to the clouds or in the air, like shooting rockets from a ‘gun’ mounted on the back of a large pick-up style military truck. It actually caused an extreme weather event with lots of rain and flooding. I believe it happened in a Middle East desert country. The cost was very high, but weather-manipulation is real and the insane ones in power are messing around and finding out… the Earth is suffering labour pains and soon it will give birth to a New Earth, with New Humans, new flora and new animals.

Climate Change is not a thing that is happening to the planet, but Climate Change is part of their anti-Human Agenda, something they intend to and are imposing upon us. They hate Carbon and Nitrogen, and they also believe that there are too many of us on the planet and are doing all in their power to cull the herd of Humans. They even call some of us ‘useless eaters’. I am certain that during the attack on Humans, during that time when we all voluntarily locked-up ourselves and our families in our homes for months on end, when five billion took the sorcerer’s brew, which caused most of the elderly population throughout to be decimated… and a very large number of elderly parents and grand-parents died alone and afraid.

What a very strange place and situation we find ourselves in, as Humans. We can see what is happening to us, we even know who the power wielders are and yet the madness continues. Oh, we have to wait until elections to vote them out, all the while they continue to push their Agenda with all its insane anti-Human policies upon the people and it seems that all we can really do is complain about it… but it continues and their Agenda to enslave and kill us is playing out right before our very eyes, as we sit back and watch things unfold.

Those who control are pushing this anti-Human agenda are those who are not even elected officials. They made up these Agencies and took power and are wreaking havoc throughout the world, especially in the Third World countries. The one question I always keep asking myself is: who are these people and why should I give them power over my life? These people are insane because of evil, and that is the truth. The Adversary is against all that is good and righteous and Holy, and is always looking to corrupt Humans where ever he finds them and by any means necessary, for he resembles a roaring lion, always lurking in the shadows, looking for the ones whose lives he can destroy, whose Soul he can steal and whose body he can kill.

We are the ones who are the actors in this play and those who are sitting in the high places, those who are the real power behind this enslavement and destruction of the Humans, those who have the real power are the ones who are watching it happen. They are the ones powering all the evil here, all of the wickedness and lawlessness and godlessness we Human experience, for this is their world-system and always has been. There are those who are ministers of Satan and they enter mainly through the Churches. The Church is in captivity, so many wolves standing in the pulpits. Beware, that your preacher is not a wolf. You will know them by their fruits, however you must study the Word of God so that you will not be deceived by the evil one and his wolves, who belong to the Synagogue of Satan.

Their purpose is to spread the evil and rebellious Satanic doctrine into the world, especially to the children and cause it is to become widely known as in making it public and a thing in our world, and now we all know about the Satanic Temple and its encroachment into the schools. So many young children have been hurt and mutilated because of this anti-Human doctrine and practice, this evil agenda. The only comfort in all of this is knowing what happens to Satan and Lucifer, and all of the Watchers and their generations of their ‘alien blood’ that was mixed with Humans- those descended from Adam and Eve. We know that these despicable ones will receive their wages on the Day of Judgment. Soon they will be no more, never to interfere with us again and they will be imprisoned so far away, that even our memory of them and all the evil they have ever done will also disappear from our minds.

These last days are very interesting indeed and it is the time for those who are in Christ Jesus to pray and pray some more. Prayers are our ammunition and it really does work and destroy evil strongholds. There is a change happening right now among Christians and it is vital that we all get right with God. Do not allow the madness of this world to snare you, because the world actually hates you if you are a Christian and follower of Christ Jesus- the Son of God. The veil is also growing weaker and thinner, which allows for there to appear more supernatural and strangeness occurring, especially in the skies and in the Heavens, and more chaos will enter into your own personal journey. Pray for an increase in your Faith.

Unwavering Faith is what we need which must remain constant. It is challenging in this world, because we also have to pay attention to what is happening in our midst. The enemy is here and will use all manner of evil against us. Personally, I have come to understand the greatest enemy to our Faith is Doubt and Faith and Doubt cannot coexist. It is a complete surrender to the Will of the Father. We must put our focus on the Kingdom which is to come and become one in Jesus, for He lives in us and we live in Him and He in the Father.

The warfare is here and it is real and we cannot lose this battle as individuals and be destroyed, killed or kidnapped by these lawless ones. We already have victory through Christ Jesus and we are fully equipped with powerful spiritual armour that will overcome and banish all those from the Gates of Hell. Although I am very fearless in my times of spiritual-warfare and along with our Lord, I have always had victory, There is still a part of me were weakness is found. Interestingly, this ‘doubting’ happens when I think about the power I possess within me, at a couple of occasions during my dream-visions.

I realized in one experience that I had actually caused the dream to end because I did not trust the power within me. Actually it was more along the lines of not trusting that I knew enough Scripture to preach without a Bible. I doubted my ability to do so and by so doing I also basically silenced the power of the Holy Spirit within me, which I had just received, as I was sealed in the forehead, and I had also a few minutes earlier preached to a classroom of kids without the Bible in my hand, I still doubted myself and so also silenced the power within. That is a very dangerous thing to do as a Follower, although at the time you do not even realize the consequences of your doubt and that is why we must pray always. Of course it is a discipline I have not yet mastered- praying unceasingly, however we must pray as much as we can during the day and with direct prayers, asking for specific things, especially in our war against evil.

Keep looking up, for our Redemption draws near. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God. CHRIST is Coming! Almighty God is coming! Only Jesus Christ can save us from Death and Hell, no other god in any other religion found here on Earth has offered us this WAY, but Jesus. Choose Jesus Christ and live! If you do not choose Him, you will die! Every Human needs Salvation and Repentance in order to have Life and only Jesus offers these gifts to us. We have free-will to choose the road we want to travel in this world and whether all of us are aware of it or not, there are only two roads available here.

The road we arrive on is the one running through our world, where we get to partake and enjoy all the offerings provided for us here. Anything we want of the world, it can provide to us, for a price, of course. They even trade in Human Souls. I believe that they actually steal our Souls and enslave us in alternate reality, in another dimension just beyond the veil, and they use worm-holes or other gates to enter into our world. There are many Humans whose Souls have been stolen and replaced by strange evil entities.

These are just my personal beliefs based on all the knowledge I have found. Adam and Eve were existing in the Psychic Realm, where Eden and Paradise are located. These places are not found in our physical world, but in our psychic world where the Soul can travel. The Earth has a physical body as well as a psychic one, where the gods and Angels Dwell and there is a veil that hides the Heavens from the eyes of Humans. In the days of Adam and Eve when they were in the Garden they were able to see the Angels coming and going from Heaven to Earth… In the Psychic Realm.

Their bodies were psychic in nature, and was not made of flesh and blood. They walked with God in the Garden in those days. After they sinned a crimson stain may have appeared on their Souls and they realized that they were naked. The animal clothing they received was the flesh and blood body and they were banished to our physical world and reality. In the Millennial Age we will return to our original state as when Adam and Eve were in Paradise. There was even an Angel with a flaming-sword guarding the Gates of Paradise to prevent Human Souls from entering.

This happened in the Psychic Realm and those men who are trying to find the Garden of Eden here on Earth are actually in a fool’s errand. They will also have to find a gateway or opening that leads into the other Realm to find Eden. Most recently, they seemed to have found traces of the lost river Pishon, one of the four rivers that are sourced from out of the Garden of Eden. Perhaps they will find the source location of these four rivers and locate the entrance to the place of the Heavens and of Paradise! I seriously doubt it because they would have to leave their flesh and blood bodies behind to enter this place. Only Souls can take this journey, not flesh and blood Humans.

When you look at all the prophets who were given the visions of the Heavenly things, they were all asleep upon the ground while their Souls made the journey. Not sure about Enoch though, because according to his teachings, he did travel to those places. I have read many of the prophet’s teachings and I do not believe he has ever said that he was asleep when he had these experiences, unlike Daniel and Esdras and others, even the Apostle Paul was uncertain as to whether he was in the body or out of the body when He went up to the Third Heaven.

The world of the Angels and gods is currently converging with our world, and soon the veil will be ripped from top to bottom and the things up above will appear to us. It is mind-boggling to truly understand the significance of this time we live in. Jesus warned us that we have never before seen nor will we ever see this kind of evil ever in our world… and the Darkness is really spreading throughout the world and seeping into the minds and hearts of Humans. There is an effort being made to undo and return to the previous laws that somehow protected us from these evil ones, but is that effort even plausible, can the genie be captured and put back into the bottle? No, but we must still try. The greatest evils are yet to come!

There is also a kind of strangeness around the American presidential election in November and I have noticed it in several places among Christian prophecy concerning Donald Trump. They are saying that Donald Trump will not become president because God will give over America, (which they call ‘secret Babylon’), to evil forces and America will suffer and be destroyed as a country. That is not good NEWS because the only way TRUMP will not become president is if the unthinkable happens, right?

I personally believe that America and the world will have a strange short time of a false-peace, but then destruction will come suddenly. There is great hardship ahead for everyone, especially those who will not bow down and serve the Babylonian kings. These kings are yet to take power, although they may be already here, like Pope Francis, who is the head-power behind the One World Religion. Fallen Angels are entering into our world and establishing a kingdom. They will come bearing gifts and many will accept their offerings and lose their Souls on account of the deception and treachery and evil.

Consider that Satan and Lucifer will be ruling here in Human fleshly form as kings over us. The False-Prophet is also a Fallen Angel who occupies a Human body. Apollyon who is the Angel over the Abyss will be released from his chains and enter into our world…. there will be Great Christian persecution when he comes to be in power, perhaps he already is here. Did Humans find the key to unlock the Bottom-less Pit? It is an Angel from Heaven who has the key, he descends and opens the Pit and releases Apollyon the persecutor of Followers of Christ Jesus. He even kills The Two Witnesses!

Does this happen first in the Psychic Realm where the Bottomless Pit is an opening that leads to the underworld, like down to the Abyss? I believe that the Bottom-less Pit is a passage way that leads to the prisons of the Underworld and Hell. The prisons of Hell are in the surrounding walls of the Pit, as the kings of the Earth were able to see Lucifer from their cells as he was cast into the Pit on Judgment Day.

The Pit is also over the Abyss and so when Apollyon is freed, he can ascend with his demonic army that comes into the world and carry out the curse of the plague of boils upon those who do not have the Seal of God in their foreheads. What will that look like? Are Humans today being infected with more boils than ever before, and is it spreading throughout the world?

I believe my second dream-vision was that of finding myself in the Underworld, walking along the shoreline at the edge of the Abyss, and it was then and there that I had an encounter with Apollyon who was chained around his neck and his ‘legs and arms’, while physically situated over the Abyss. Not sure why kind of creature he is in his fallen state, some kind of dragon-dog, he was in the darkness, so I could not really see his face. He was dark in the darkness, but yet he was visible. I saw his eyes when he opened them and looked at me as I drew closer to his location. He was blocking my way along the shoreline, as I looked for a way out of that place.

That dream-vision happened at around nineteen years old, but I was a six or seven year old in the vision… a small child. What was I doing there? This dream-vision had always been confusing to me, as to why was I, a child and why was I down there in the first place. I have since come to a better understanding of that strange experience, maybe.

I did reason that it was because I was a Catholic and had just renounced the Church, and being Catholic, the kind that I was, like practically all of us who believe in Jesus and the Bible, but do not know Him nor the real truth of the Gospel, and we cannot call Him a friend. In addition to all of my sins which were really never ever washed away by all the Hail Mary’s and Penance I had to recite for the forgiveness of my sins, as every Catholic does, somehow found me down there on the shores of the Abyss?

By renouncing the Catholic Church, it was as if I had been newly born a six year old. I wore a pleated shining white skirt and blouse, with matching socks and shoes with two shining white ribbons in my hair. I had to find my way out of that place, that was my goal as I walked along the shore, while looking over the dark-waters of the Abyss.

It was then that I saw the huge Beast lying half body on the shore blocking my way forward and the rear half of his body was lying over the waters of the abyss, like a jetty. He was lying on his stomach with his face turned in my direction. I was smaller than a grass-hopper next to him. He was very huge. He opened his eyes, looked at me and asked me: ‘how are you going to cross?’. I was not afraid of him and did not answer him. I looked across the water and saw that there was a faint light shining down from the low clouds above the water, and I also saw four or five others in shining white clothing walking over the water about fifty to a hundred yards out ahead of me.

I looked down at the dark heavy water close to my feet and tried to put my foot in it, but my foot would not touch it, but I could walk over it. I wanted to reach the others who were before me and as I walked over the water, not on it, without touching the dark water, Jesus suddenly appeared before me in a shining white robe and shining face, but you could see His features. He took my hand left hand with His right hand and led me out from over the water.

He held my hand and then we were on land next to a great wall, which I believe is part of the foundation of the Earth and keeps the waters of the Abyss contained. He walked up to the wall and placed His hand on it and a door opened and I found myself in a beautiful garden, alone, and then I woke up. I did see Apollyon in his fallen imprisoned state and he will be a great persecutor of Christians and Humans, even kills the Two Witnesses.

The workers of iniquity have prepared the world for the Deceive and his minions to enter and take power, without any opposition from any side. The Adversary said that not one opposed him or lifted their voice or hand against him. I think we are currently watching ourselves becoming enslaved by the teachings and rules of the Babylonian kingdom and many are aware of this evil being afflicted upon us, but no one will do anything to stop these Beasts and Dragon and Serpents from taking up power and wielding it very harshly over us.

The Beast-System is encroaching upon us from every side and soon will become established here, and you will not be able to function as a free Human, unless you take the Mark of the Beast. Has the Mark already been given and taken in some places? I did pray and asked Christ Jesus to show me the ‘hidden things’, not knowing what I would receive. I had a series of nine dream-visions over a ten year period which actually began in the early two thousands, perhaps around two thousand and ten. These I prayed to receive, the previous visions came as part of my journey, which I believe are the works of my faith and my labour.

The second series of three dream-visions were different from the others because I was just given short glimpses into the things that will happen and are happening. The first of the three was when I found myself in a strange place where I could see the Souls of Humans walking and wandering about normally in their lives. I believe this is how the Demons see us when they look at us from their Psychic world. They see only Human Souls and not our flesh and blood bodies. I did feel that I was there at that time when it was happening.

There was a large Beast, he looked like the Beast for Disney, however He was twenty feet tall and he also had a brush in his hand. He walked through the crowd of Souls who were going about their lives in the physical world, unaware that this horror is taking place and many were being marked without even knowing. He would take his brush and walk up to someone and brush a mark on their foreheads or the back of their hands. No one knew what was happening. I actually felt that if I had not seen him, I too could have been marked. This dream-vision seemed to be in black and white. It was also very short like a few seconds.

The second dream-vision was was even shorter and also in black and white, but in the darkness. Mostly shades and forms, but there was a great ‘rapture’- a Harvest, where I saw people ascending together, but as if they were being taken out of the Earth. They were all crowded together and were taken up very quickly beyond the dark clouds into the darkness of the skies. It was not a good sight for me.

The third one was when I saw our Lord in the clouds which were brightly lit. The clouds formed a huge tunnel- like opening and He came through it. It was also very short and far away up in the sky, and lasted only a few seconds. Those three came together over a period of months. The first Rapture dream-vision I had, was actually before or during the time when I had these three visions but this one I was in the midst of it.

Not very many people were ascending in this vision, thousands more were taken in the previous glimpse compared to this one. Although I have never believed that I will be taken in the ‘Rapture’ which most Christians are anxiously awaiting to get out of this world, before evil becomes full grown. I have always believed and still do that I will be here until the Last day and have my place in the Gathering, according to the Father’s Will. That is my heart’s desire.

It was in that dream-vision when I was sealed with the Seal of God by a white lightning-bolt which struck me in my forehead from beyond the clouds. Now that was a real experience! It was a very strong bolt that literally lit you up, in your head and in your body. Glorious white light permeates every space in your body/Soul, and you actually enter into that place of Light, at that moment, if you can see these things as they happen, wonderful spiritual things which are happening in secret. How many of the 144,000 from the 12 Tribes of Israel who are sealed with the Seal of God in the fore-heads will actually see and experience their own sealing? It is done in secret, in the Psychic Realm where the Soul also exist.

After the shock from the lightning-bolt I was filled with what I believe was the power of the Holy Spirit. I was able to run very fast and I did not try but, I also felt as if I could fly. I also was preaching to people in the dream, but not enough. In my previous visions I am mostly preaching, walking around in a dark desolate world, alone. There will be some form of ‘Alien Invasion’ coming upon us, perhaps even more than one encounter, in the days ahead. I have seen a fleet of UFO’s, flying-saucers hovering in the sky. This was actually brought to my attention in this dream by a voice, an audible voice who showed me things that are to come, before our LORD and KING, CHRIST, who is The WORD of God will appear with His Army of Angels. This was the first and only time when I ever heard an audible voice speaking to me without knowing who spoke the words.

Personally, I do not know why I have all of these spiritual experiences. I like to think that I am very blessed and I pray that I am found worthy to experience what it means to be Human… in the LIGHT. That is all I want in this experience. I want to know who I am as a Son of God, and there is a WAY available in Knowledge for those who seek to find it. I can only write of the things I know and experience along the way. It feels as though I am a captive of my own desire and will, because my desire is waiting to be conceived and become known. It has thus already conceived through Knowledge.

We Humans possess a light-seed planted within. We need the WORD of God through Christ Jesus in order to cause this seed to be conceived and grow to bear fruits. Many will fall-away mainly through deception and doubt, but also by way of fear, for the survival of one’s own life. I really would prefer to tell you that things are only going to get better and great times are ahead, but that would not be true, would it? And many can actually see what is happening to us in real time, it is already here! Remember that those who follow Jesus and those who keep a testimony of Jesus are persecuted by the Babylonian Beast-kings until the last day.

They are given power over us to persecute and imprison and kill us, if we do not bow down and worship their king and idols, their strange religion, and we also know that they will also be claiming to be Christ. You will find one in the desert and Jesus warned us to stay away, for he baptizes with ‘dark-water’ and you will lose your Soul if you go through the ritual of baptism performed by the prophet out in the desert by the river Jordan. Your Soul will become captured by the water and you will become trapped there in the Abyss.

There will be the short false-peace that will happen soon of three and a half years. You should pay close attention to those involved in the brokering of the peace-treaties and of course lies will be spoken at the table, and the treaties will be broken and will not stand, and then suddenly comes destruction. This world and its prince have already been judged, and has been condemned to destruction, and the purifying and purging of all the evil from upon the face of the Earth. The Prince of this world has already been judged!

They are also conditioning us with UFO and Alien News to soften the blow that will be inflicted upon us, when these so-called ‘Aliens and Extraterrestrials and even demon armies will infect the ungodly with a plague of terrible sores on their bodies which lasts for about five months, but does not kill them- those who have not the Seal of God in their foreheads. It is very overwhelming sometimes to think of how deep down will evil take us in this time, especially when even Death and Hades are coming here to capture and remove Human Souls from upon the Earth. Eventually they will be both thrown into the Lake of fire burning with brimstone and be imprisoned forever.

There are strange and dangerous happenings in the Middle East and the war there. It seems that people are being told to leave the area. Is something coming? We are dealing here with wickedness from the highest places, where the Angels rule and wage war against Humans and each other. What can we do to journey through this valley of Death and Chaos, and find ourselves on the other side of what is currently taking place unharmed? There are wars being waged all around us and it seems so strange and sad to know that this is how the world really is and many Humans will perish.

It is actually very easy to be swayed by ungodly and worldly things when you are not saved and have not found Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Christ Jesus is very real and you can only worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. We are moving to a next-level of perilous times upon the Earth and soon the Judgment. Only Jesus Saves! He is called Faithful and True because He is. He does answer prayers and He also will deliver us from evil when we call on His name to save and us from whatever evil the Gates of Hell throws at us. His Light does cause great fear in the demonic ones, they always flee from and cannot stand in the light.

He will stand next to you in spiritual battle against these Principalities, and Powers and Authorities, and also against those who ascend out of the pits of Hell to steal your Soul and destroy your life. Yes, that happened to me and during that attack I realized how helpless I was against the evil powers as an individual Human, and possessing no weapons or means to defend myself. That was not a very good feeling knowing how truly weak I was without Christ Jesus. I did call on Him to save me and He did show up, His Light appeared from behind me and the two demons who came from Hell to steal my Soul quickly fell down with their faces to the ground and then scampered like roaches backwards into the darkness of the cloud that rose with them from out of the Pit.

There is a Light which dwells within us and we also possess spiritual Armour gifted to us by God, and when we learn how to use these protection, no weapon formed against us shall prosper, and no evil one will ever be able to defeat us, for we already have victory in Christ Jesus. We must pray that our Faith be increased and that our Joy may be full. The Joy of the Lord is our strength. Only when we seek and find and study the knowledge concerning these things are we able to receive them as gifts, established for us to find- those who belong to Christ Jesus, for not all will be saved.

My journey seems like a mission to me, something I must achieve and will achieve, and by the Grace and Will of the Perfect Father, through Christ Jesus who is the DOOR, reach even to the Highest Places. When you seek after Knowledge of Truth, concerning meaning and purpose and identity and destination and origin, this Knowledge will oftentimes come directly from God, through men. Many are told by God to write down the words told to them by God or by an Angel Messenger from God, to preserve the knowledge for future generations and to enlighten the people.

In this world the Knowledge does indeed exist, however you will have to also seek outside of conventional Christianity and also include the Books and teachings that were deemed uninspired by the so-called wise and holy men, who omitted them from the Bible. We can still find them if we really want to know what they are trying to hide from us. I did read a long time ago when I discovered the Books of Enoch, why they were not included in the Bible. There are so may ancient texts written by the disciples, as well as some of the prophets that we do not even know exist. There is the Apocrypha which are the fourteen books of the missing five hundred years between the Old and New Testaments.

Apparently, it was because King James did not want the common people to learn about Angels and such things, for fear that King James would lose control over them once they learned about Angels and Heavens, so the Books of Enoch were banned from everyone, in reality. There were many other Books used by the first and second century Church that are also banned from the Bible, fortunately, when you are a seeker, you will definitely come across these hidden books, and your knowledge will increase.

There are other words of Christ Jesus found outside the Bible and I also study them or at least read them to see if they are useful on my journey. There are many ancient religious texts waiting to be found concerning Christ Jesus not found in the Bible, and I personally believe that some these books are just as valid as the Bible books, and essential to take you up from glory to glory. The Gospel of Nicodemus does add a lot of pieces to the mystery. There are also books written by the prophets and the disciples not found in the Bible. Have you read ‘The Martyrdom of Isaiah’? He had a vision of Christ-the WORD of God descending down through the Heavens down to Earth when Jesus was baptized in the River Jordan. The WORD of God, who is also the Holy Spirit and was the Dove who descended upon Jesus.

Christians believe in prophesy and constantly look for the signs and the times to try and understand what is happening. There is an intensity building here, being felt and experienced on every level, including Humans, animals, weather, and geological activities such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. ‘The planet will crack and burst open like a roasted nut’. I read those words a long time ago describing the days of the Destroyer, when the Wrath of God is poured out upon the Earth.

Judgment is coming and the closer we move towards that day everything will become even more chaotic, and Climate Change will become so out of control that the powers may ramp up their taxes and their cures and agenda, and bring us more solutions to help stop Climate Change by eliminating more Humans and animals from upon the Earth. Actually, these extreme weather conditions are the result of the sin and evil that is happening here.

The further we move away from the LAW of God, the more intense the climate of the Earth will react… and everything is spiraling out of control; even the hearts of Humans have grown cold toward their God. God is not pleased with this world and its inhabitants and the Day of the Lord is near at hand. The chaos and death and destruction will continue to increase as the day draws nearer. The environment will give us extreme experiences we have never had before and is directly affected by the sin, godlessness, lawlessness and disobedience of Humans and the approaching of the Angel of Wrath.

Perhaps it is the way my journey has developed, especially since my life has been filled with dream-visions and supernatural experiences. This life experience has been all about seeking after knowledge and experience in Truth what it means to be Human, not one belonging to this world where sin and Death is alive, but one who desires to reach the Highest Places in the Light. I know that this world is not my home and I am just a pilgrim on a journey through this world, a seeker of the knowledge of the WAY which was established by the WORD of God, through Christ Jesus, as a gift for us to seek and find and experience fully. Jesus Christ is that WAY. In Him you will find TRUTH and LIFE Eternal.

This journey was not of my choosing, however it was my heart’s desire. I wanted something from the beginning at around eighteen years old, which was to know the answers to why I exist here and there must be a reason why I am here. Yes, I was actually lost in the world and I had no identity as a Human. I needed to know because I wanted meaning, for if there is no meaning, then why even bother to exist in this crazy place?

I really do think that this world-system and those who rule from the highest places over us, within Creation- the Fallen and rebellious ones, are truly all insane! Evil is insane and is also devoid of any laughter and Joy, and lacks everything good which is from Goodness and Love and Light. That, by default, is insanity, not knowing the goodness and love of God, which gives us peace and rest. Evil is insane and the depths of evil knows no bounds. Only a little while longer and all evil will be purged from upon the Earth and Humans will be free from these diabolical and despicable ones.

They are lawless and rebellious, they are liars and murderers, thieves and slavers of Human Souls. They hate Humans and our Earth and they seek to destroy us all. I have fought against them and are not afraid of them. I can see what they are doing here in our world and how Humans are suffering. I will continue to speak boldly against the Gates of Hell and those in high places, who wage spiritual warfare against the Church and The Body of Christ. We must stand up and speak out against this insane Agenda they are implementing on us, without any real resistance.

My journey is a gift given to me to achieve, however I have to do the hard work and labour to seek and find the knowledge of these things. I have been able to do what I have wanted to do and put a lot of faith and trust in Christ Jesus to lead me to the things I need to find. I was a Catholic until that time more than forty years ago, when I renounced the RC Church three times in my heart and with my mouth, and I considered myself no longer Catholic. I left because I could not find what I was looking for and had to go elsewhere. Today I consider myself a Wayist and a Follower of CHRIST.

The WAY does exist and it ascends upwards beyond the Created Realms of the Heavens and the Earth and leads us up from glory to glory into the Spiritual Realm, which is also beyond the veil, hidden from those who exist in Creation. These are some of the things which I have found and I also have spiritual experiences which validates my learning and understanding, and believing in the knowledge I find that is food I can eat, in order to become who I am. I will say that all of the knowledge found outside of the Bible, even in ancient teachings were from those who were included in the Bible, previously, we knew of Enoch, but did not have his teachings.

There is much knowledge to be found written by the WORD of God, even the Spirit of TRUTH -The Comforter whom Jesus told us about, the one who would come and dwell with us once He leaves and ascends to Heaven. I refrain from giving references because I believe the each individual in Christ Jesus has a specific journey and one will seek after the things which belong to them according to the specific way that they must travel. My Journey is not at all different in any way than the Christian.

Jesus Christ is Our Lord and Saviour and Our Shepherd and the DOOR into the Kingdom and with many mansions there.

Put on your Full Armour of God and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Disciples and become members of the Churches that preach Repentance and Salvation and the Return of Our Lord and King. The Adversary is working in so many ways trying to ensnare you and steal from you. Please be on the lookout for scams. Please pray for the peace of Jerusalem which is only possible in the Millennial Kingdom Age. This world is becoming more strange and soon we will see things that will cause us to faint, or the child becoming grey because of fear.

We must become prepared and pray even more, for warfare already taking place, especially against the works of the evil ones and against the Gates of Hell. This life is very strange indeed and as for myself, I will never bow down to anyone of these despicable ones who wear the counterfeit-light, the fake light belonging to the darkness. We cannot fix any of this. The Anti-Christ is already here and the One World Religion is taking hold throughout the different religious beliefs, all religions coming together under one god. We will have to wait and see where all this lead to.

The next four months will be extreme everywhere, however there will be and should be Revivals, people coming to God en masse, and also individuals returning to God in order to overcome their current dire predicaments, as well as to seek Repentance and Salvation in Jesus Christ. I pray that all of these ones who hear the Calling and do answer it will be led and be ministered to by leaders who are in Christ Jesus and He in them. Those who follow His teachings of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and the Way entered through Repentance and Salvation and the Cross. Jesus Christ is the LAMB of God who takes away the sins of the world.

You also have to want to be saved to actually be saved, no one can force Jesus on you because faith in Jesus Christ does not work through force or violence. Why are Christians so hated in this world? Christians do not belong to this world and the Christian speaks the Truth in the Light, whereas those of the world do not want their secret and hidden things exposed in the light, because then the people will see their evil deeds and plans… exposed, and that is not a good thing for them. We are learning of the depths of evil some have gone to, in order to serve their evil master and at the cost of countless of Human lives. All of the hidden things will be revealed in the last days, those done in secret… and your sins will find you out.

Only Jesus Saves! Repent and turn away from the things of this world and let Jesus provide for all of your needs. We must trust Him and in Him only if we want to make it out of this world alive. War in the Middle East and it is spreading, and so is the war against Russia, now NATO countries have become targets in this war with Ukraine. Consider this: suppose Trump wins and secures peace throughout the world, even with Russia and Ukraine, as he promises to do once elected, what does that really mean in last days terms? There is always a little hesitancy on my part with Trump… only time will tell.

There is also the population uprisings taking place in many cities around the world. Everyone wants to be heard. The noise is mainly because of the war in the Middle East. It is so fascinating to see how many people are organizing and protesting, mostly against Israel on the streets of some western cities. People are hurting and also afraid for their future and that of their children. There are even more storms coming and stronger than the last. The war is expanding and more lives and property are being destroyed. Most people have taken sides and this war is a very controversial topic. This is also insane from my perspective. They are all Barbarians as far as I am concerned. God will bring about a solution in the end.

Should I dare to even speak concerning the war between Israel and all its surrounding enemy States? Perhaps not, because I would say that Israel today, the last days Israel is become like Sodom and Egypt, just as it is prophesied in Scripture. Is it not a nation of Proselytes? How many Israelites can actually find their bloodline in the 12 Tribes of Israel? Perhaps less then ten percent? So immediately there is a problem here. Their land was taken away and the Tribes scattered throughout the world. How many from the 12 Tribes returned in 1947, or were the ones who returned to the Land after almost two thousand mostly converts?

The one thing that I have come to understand concerning punishment is that God will use an evil leader to punish a rebellious people. He will use an evil country to punish a rebellious Nation. He will use evil people to bring about His plans- His Will. When you disobey the LAW and also know that there is a LAW you are breaking, even if you do not believe it the said LAW and you are otherwise aware of it and continue in your sinful ways, God will then turn you over to your sin and this curse will take you deep down into the depths of depravity in your lawless life. Repent of all of your sins, for they will find you out.

There will be wars and rumors of wars, nations rising against nations and race against race. There will be more natural disasters, intensifying in their magnitude and causing more chaos. We will see how this ends or transitions into next level insanity for us all, just have to ride the wave. I believe that the Seven Year Tribulation period is near and this war will expand to many other places and many more will be affected and killed, just as the storms and hurricanes are affecting us and killing us and destroying our properties. We are living in perilous times and the extreme events bombarding us all over the world at these times will continue to increase and eventually spiral out of control.

More and more people are finding themselves and their lives in survival mode, having lost their possessions and livelihoods. The societies are crumbling in many places and it is all done by design. Wow, how evil and insane a plan! Some governments are supplying the drugs destroying the lives of people, creating a kind of ‘zombie-society’ in the middle of many cities in North America, on the side-walks, where you will find these sick people live. So many insane policies have come upon us and many Humans pay with their lives. The death rate will only accelerate and our lives have become quite hectic with so much uncertainty and desperation, sprinkled occasionally with fear, as we watch all of this unfold before our very eyes. Do we still have our pop-corn?

Trust no man and put all of your faith and focus on Christ Jesus who will soon return to receive us and take us unto Himself. Our reality is also changing as the veil grows thinner and the supernatural world is merging with/into our physical reality to become one. Supernatural Beings are coming to our world, both Fallen Angels and Demons, some are already here. Some Angels will be set free from prisons and chains and they will enter our world with armies in battle. I see more wars ahead, even supernatural ones. There is not much we can do except to help our brothers and sisters where we can, and become very close to Christ Jesus, for He will lead us and protect us through these increasing perilous times.

Peace to You All In Christ Jesus- Son of God and Saviour of the world. M.

Written by: Marlene*

Posted on: Sunday 6th October, 2024.

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