Serial Killer Molester Girls In The South
The serial killer molester girls in the South are about 27 and 28 years old and they are 5 ft 7 to 5 ft 10 and they have dark long curly hair mostly and some may be dyed blond and they are at 5 Postal Centers a day in North Carolina stealing mail and money from it, and say they pick up mail addressed to persons named on lists, and they wear tall boots, funky cute knee socks and gloves orange florescent parkas, Yellow rain coats with galoshes, and jeans , levis, dungarees, and look like attractive tall models with long wavy hair but are 40 pounds over weight and have large breasts and say they are from the Ventura County side around the County Line and graduated in 2015 they may say, and started doing this 4 years ago, and got in on it by their peers they knew from a horse back riding camp who called them, and said ” hey girls you all could make a whole lot of dough if you want to parade around with us girls, or guys they may call themselves often, and get naked and chow down on baby’s and kids vaginas for free gifts and pay and a whole lot of funds at the end is the promise with this mission we have been on since 2005 to 2009 and starting eating out babys kids and Moms in June 09 at computer lab training and the point is to make people of every age cum to stop cumming times to do the reverse of a save life mission, so they started in training and learned to hack and steal money in around 2014 and they learned to loot property and started molesting baby’s and kids then or in 2015 and did this under a Civics Art Plaza and got there by going down a hole down a long shoot that leads to a room with gyno chairs and child pelvic stands and they got shot up with meth beforehand and heroin after and say they do it for the drug shots and free new clothes fed exed to their door steps for lying about nice Moms is how they started as they ran around with folders with spy cam shots and false reports at their Middle Schools and High Schools starting in 2007 when they were children and some got in it right then and there by the radio broadcast sent to their cells when they were 10 and 11 years old it could have been in 05 and 06 and they graduated online in 2015 probably from a High School in Ventura County and they were told hey kids take folders around for free new clothes, and got them fed exed to their doors in their neighborhoods, and their Moms were told its a secret save life mission to take custody away from Moms named, and they were told see the Moms look hot naked standing alone, and see they are laying on their back in the dam daylight cumming, and see them looking hot and sexy showering all by spy cams installed in shower heads bathroom walls bedroom ceilings and mirrors and their moms said they hated them because of the way they looked in private by spy cam observation, and said no way they could be nice Moms if they look like that and they too spy cam shots around with their Moms and many of them live in large estates and some in modest normal tract homes and they did not all go to School together as some went to Private religious Schools and some Public and some of their parents have huge incomes and they said why not get the Moms named and their baby’s and kids down and out to eat them out to get shot up with dope at the end, and murder and child molesting they did not know it would turn into them being serial killers and child molesters and they have open back trucks they put camper shells on and eat each other out and pair up for lesbian sex with each other, and their Moms think its like a long field trip and that they are helping flood victims in the South and some take the train to Chattanooga Tennessee or an area like that to pick up fed ex funds, and they have 5 feed store roof top patio local work places they rented and many Neon Light Motels and Hotels and Lodges mostly where they eat genitals on every age person in a family and shoot them up with speed balls tie them off with yarn by the 19 of them in a furious pack as they get mad looking at naked moms from spy cam shots and feel hatred for them and want them all gone and all their babies tiny tots and young children by them molesting them and they are calling 199 men they know in the south to help them get people taken away so they can eat their genitals til they die as hey are addicted to is like their peers and girls they grew up with and they are lying to 199 large men they need them to help consul troubled less unfortunate family’s and they steal money from them, and lie about their income, and its a sex torture operation and the men think they are to carry people out of their houses and ranches into vehicles to get them counseling or to talk about something as they lie they are troubled family’s with discord in the homes when there is no discord or trouble at all, as its a game these child molester serial killer kidnapper sex torture addicts play to get people of every age, and some of their friends are at hotels by Malls and 5 go to PO Box and Postal Centers in a pack, and meet up at their roof top feed store patios apartments to pack up and murder people like Charlie Manson women
10 Serial Killer Women Are Lying To The USA To Get Baby’s Kids Moms Taken Away To Kill Them In Cold Blood They Are Phony Devils With A Mask On
10 murderer molester women are trying to kill alot of nice good people as they sex torture and murder people everyday since 2009 the readings say, and they are calling all over the Country to authority’s and lying to them about the people they want to kill as they frame them in fraud reports, and rob alot of peoples money by hacking and mail ups fed exes and they are lying they are investigating individuals and doing personality profiles when its lies and framing and fraud they do to show up with papers they scribble lies on and take custody with from nice good great Moms by them the wicked evil serial killer molester Mothers who kill people with their own adult daughters and they do Mom Daughter porn with their own kids and did this when they were teenagers too and they shoot up drugs with them meth heroin speed balls drive drunk on peppermint schnapps and are the worst Moms in the world murdering unborn babies they carve out of pregnant moms they kill to eat their genitals in a naked orgy sex addict junky drunk pack with their own daughters who turned into full blown child molesters as teens and they are slandering and exploiting the nicest Moms and their kids to authority’s in California Nevada Arizona Utah Colo South Dakota Tenn Ohio NYC and North Carolina where their slut junky serial killer molester friends are who are in their 20’s and they sex torture and murder victims the same way as the gals their pals they name them do who are calling out to North Carolina authority’s and lying and they say ” Hi Sir we are on patrol in good ol Cal covering case files and Moms and Dads we are setting to get custody taken away from and we work for CIA Northern Ca and the secret court spy watch committee and take folks to counseling centers for a nice little talk and I am Hazel ( really Luann a dirty sick serial killer sex torture addict Mom) with La Lisa who’s about 32 yup de do and La Michelle My Bell a Mom my counterpart with her daughter around 30 who’s Syd, and my daughter is Kylie and there are 10 of us, and we have two Jennas who are about 30 and 32 and they are under 5 feet tall, and our pal Kim Nelson a woman does this with us who’s the stop slavery White House staff rep top secret in Los Angeles, and there are 10 of us udder gals, udder we say as we do pap smears and medical exams on persons named, so many of our gals from Thousand Jokes meaning Thousand Oaks in Ventura County CAL may swing by some homes and ranches and appear to help family’s as they may give them a nice little prick tiny shot to really relax the Moms Dads Baby’s tiny Tots and Young Children, as even young Sons we do a penis exam on and pull the scrotum back to check for hygiene and we are in Bryman Nursing School see the shots of us we sent in prim proper nice neat pressed white Nurse shifts, and other medical attire, nice quaint smocks with puffed girly sleeves as we are a helpin so please alert your entire area our young ladies gals from the T O area shall be arriving and their names are Carla or a name like that, and Cindy’s friends her pals on line thats another Mom with us we name Cindy Widow and her daughters not here now, and we got many friends from Thousand Oaks in North Carolina and they have nice orange parkas on and denim and reserved Neon light Motels feed store with roof top rentals and have trucks, and tall boots on or combat boots and they are in their 20’s and some may be younger as they are here as many teens do this with us so please Sirs and Mams let the whole town know as 10 of us nice gals are arranging this so please review the reports we sent fed ex ups and by snail mail to see the background reports we have done on those named on lists as we need to do something about their living situation right here and now and get the baby’s and kids adopted out as that is what we do in the whole entire country and that is our top secret operation we do for CIA Northern California and the CPS Secret Court case worker the relative of the Levine Brothers Incorperated In Home Investigators and other case workers are their relatives who do this with us” They shoot babys kids Moms Dads up with meth heroin speed ball shots and murder them on the spot, and some who are just drugged they take away and rape torture molest murder them and human sex traffick some before they kill them, and its all a wicked game to kill people of every age with their molester murder mouths as these sick Mom and young girls are addicted to shooting up meth and eating genitals in a naked orgy pack til the victims die.
January 12, 2025
The molester girls and women are molesting baby’s kids and Moms still and they are yelling ” lay down lay down you stinken dam brats lay flat we are eating you out til you stinken dam day and we are doing this to you to end cumming times and to punish your Mom who was seen cumming in a spy cam and we are told and know if a Mom cums it means she’s got a hot sex problem as we are trained to know these things and view cumming times by spy cams placed on ceilings all over the City and Country over beds to see if a Mom cums and to see if she is laying flat on her back and moaning and acting sexy and even if a Mom acts sexy changing and lets a man view her body and shows her cleavage in clothes we say thats a hot sexy Mom to get rid of and set the nice Moms up so dam bad to our secret court to get the baby’s and kids custody taken away to make them cum so much they die and to punish the Moms for being that way even once in their lives as our leaders told us that a Mom who looks sexy in a spy cam is a very bad person and we are trained from long ago to know how to spot them and label them very bad persons for one cum even and do this to them and all their babies and kids, new ones just born and unborn’s we get from pregnant Moms and the teens youths our own Dads do with computer hacker techy men as our mission is to get rid of them and that is why we took you all from many Parks and large shopping Malls and from sidewalks and streets everywhere where we filled out papers fast and said sorry Mam you are loosing full custody of your entire family because of the way you look and some are by reports we made up with framing and fraud our 5000 do on the spy watch cam committee and many of them are our own Mothers who set them up so dam bad by logs and notes to frame them to get custody taken away and they hate them for cumming one time and for letting the Dad see their body, and they hate them for laying on their backs flat in the day to do it at what we name High Noon, and they hate shower gel and matching bra and underwear sets and when Moms try on clothes as they are ones to wear conservative clothing, and hate this type of Mom so much for looking a little bit sexala for walking with a tiny wee wiggle and they help get many taken away as they agree they are very bad persons by the way they see them act in spy cams in what is supposed to be private time, and thats why we are doing this orgasm forcing and have many baby’s and kids with one Mom strapped down with straps in our living rooms in our local work apartment buildings, 5 on a street on 9 streets near each other, and as soon as we serve fake fraud papers we say we got medical control and force shots in the entire family and in houses and apartments and our vans suburban’s etc we rip off baby’s diapers kids underwear and the Moms and go down on them, and do this for our leaders and there are 4 main ones and thats the LaVina Brothers Investigations Incorporated who pretend to do in home investigations and their female relatives are secret court case workers and other case workers who do this with us as they pretend they are saving kids and kill them off with us as they do down on them, and they bring men to have their way with them and collect money from the men they bring in their vehicles and lie its donation funds for a case file family when its to rape them really, and human trafficking we lie its not, and are other leaders are CIA Northern California who texts and says great job my great girls keep eating them out to make them all cum so stinken dam bad and to show me the shots on my cell from the tri pod camera in your living rooms in your apartments I got you guys and I buy the gyno chairs and child pelvic stands to make them cum and sent the shipping straps to you to restrain them as that is the mission, its to end cumming times as any one who does that is seen as a bad person and your Moms think they are wrong too to do that but do not know what happens to them and neither does my counterpart who hates cumming times and cleavage showing, who does the in the nude spy cam charts to decide who’s chosen, and the mortgage broker gal is the 4th leader who sends funds and she hates sexy looking Moms and we are not stopping this, and they may die anytime and we got dry ice to pack them in tins as always for many men to stick it in them and some say they are blessing a car crash victim when dead baby’s and kids are sent to them ups as that is what the box is labeled it says My poor case file died in a car crash, this is a medical research donation so no one knows 7 UPS trucks pick up dead babies and kids each day from our local work spaces, and no one knows the dry ice comes in the back way by a special hand delivery and no one knows we are killing many babys and kids and our Moms in our large tract homes where we grew up in the suburbs do not know what we do to them, and the houses are right near our leader who’s 6 ft 8 who pretends to do in home investigations, and we did walk to his newer gated large home about 15 to 20 years ago when we started and he did stick it in us then, and did shoot us up with meth and then heroin, and that house was right across the County line and we did go there in a pack and that was in 2007 2008 2009 around that time, and his female relatives told us to eat each other out to practice and prepare to this to to every age person, and she says she’s the CPS Secret Courthouse case worker and our friends peers are doing this in 7 other areas of the valley, and they have the same exact set up we do 5 apartment buildings on a street on 9 streets near each other and our peers from that next County over are in North Carolina and there are groups of them who pretend they are saving kids who eat them alive and kill them to, and they say Thousand Jokes is our hometown and some of us gals are from there too, and those Middle Schools as we got in it long ago and decided to do this for millions at the end and our moms got into framing Moms who look sexy alone even in a spy cam as they hate their personality.
The Devils Liar Pharse Letter
medium4jesusgod Medium For God DBA January 12, 2025 “The Devils Liar Pharse Letter”
My Prophetic readings explain letters are sent to Post Offices that say
Dear Folks, to all in America
We are the Levina Brothers Incorporated Investigators from Bel Air and we are in charge of a large operation to save life on earth with a large staff of 5,000 as we took over a big crime tip job sent in early to mid 05 and the instructions said hire 5,000 and fed ex crime tips, and we say that is our big large important Son of God Save Life On Earth Mission job as some named to be hired took over the big large huge important Son of God job that was sent for Nancy Gail Fox aka Fox-Taylor to do crime tips by word spellings on a game board, and we took the mail and said we will say the people suggested for her to hire are doing the job instead and by professional spy cam hacking bugging security camera equipment, therefore we take the funds sent to the banks that say for Nancy Fox and her family, and we say family means the 80 persons named on lists as suggestions for her to hire, so do not believe what she says as we say its a parse and she’s just writing a bunch of nonsense for free pay and gifts and we say she’s not the honest person she claims to be or sober as long as she claims by reports we have done that explain she used pain medication for her two c sections in 1991 and 1995 and for a root canal and we say thats a relapse and therefore we say she’s a total parse pretending she’s an open vessel medium clear and we say she bought a game board so fast in mid 05 to then post online a brief post about her so called psychic ability and advancing her higher consciousness to get free pay and fast extra work and thats how we all see it thereby we took not stole her angel board jobs sent from their mail box on a post and her pay as we say thats a swindler looking for a fast buck and say she got into selling homes and not estates as she claims to make a fast buck as thats her personality and always has been according to one of my counterparts logs and she took her ups and fed exed angel board jobs off their porches in 05 and still does as we say we the Levina Brothers assigned her and her counterpart CIA Northern CA the jobs secretly to do crime tip with us by very professional spy cam equipment and that still stands as we decided by voting amongst ourselves that they were so much better suited for the utmost important job positions sent that said to buy many mansions hire a staff and 5,000 eventually to send out crime tips, and to fed ex folders that are nice and neat to leaf through all tabbed to USA Senators so they follow the instructions and hired the staffs in many places and many were named as suggestions for Nancy Fox to hire, and she never saw the list or her angel board jobs sent as many mad realtor women zipped around and took them right out of their mail box on a post because they were so mad she got a big job to buy many mansions when she hardly sold any houses and said she was a new agent and we say licensed in 1999 is not right at all, in fact we say it was 2002 and we say she was not that great honest Fox-Taylor agent as she so claims as what she says is a total lie and what we say is right on this money as you shall be paid a large donation as a contribution for being on our side in our clan as real estate women were so mad when they heard she got a huge real estate job to buy many mansions and yelled out ” Sir why is that her big job?” and ” we want that big job” and they went to town on them and were so mad at her appearance anyway as she lost alot of weight so fast in early to the middle of 05 to have a hot sexy time we said and laughed and said what a floozy prancing around in tight True Religion jeans, and no way someone dressed how could get a nice Son of God job sent to them at the million dollar house she bought so fast without thinking at all and a game board job was sent to the two story house in Feb 05 we all took and said this job is for you gals who dress so conservative and this is not for a hot shit actin so bitchen in a house she just bought as she ran around buying clothes so fast after loosing alot of weight we estimate 80 lbs not 30 pounds as she claims, and we say not so she got plastic surgery too not line filler for $450 as she claims in so called fact letters and therefore the bundles of postal mail addressed to Nancy Gail Fox and the Fox-Taylor Family and the Medium For God we say are for us to take and pick up and to take the cash from them and checks and we deposit the funds in our Son of God Family Trust Fund Accounts, and please do not listen to her complaining online as we say being stalked, so called vandalized, having an suv broken into and theft done many years ago was by her doing and not by ours as we were investigating how she bought a house for about a million so fast and said she just funneled family trust fund money into her checking to buy it after walking in an open house out of the wind with no concept or intelligence so please do not listen to her say she’s so over honest and she was an over honest ethical realtor from 1999 to 2009 for 10 years who sold many homes and estates as we say thats not right at all in fact we checked the L A Times real estate sections in those years and do not find Miss Nancy Gail Fox or Nancy G Fox-Taylor at all anywhere and why does she claim she had listings in the L A Times for 10 years? and we say she’s not telling the truth as she says she wrote a $40,000.00 3 percent deposit check to buy the 1 mil dollar house in mid June 05 and got a swing loan from her two story for $300.000.00 all on title reports and in escrow closing statements is the proof and facts and we say not accurate as we say that was $3,000.00 and what a joke she says she had over half a million in 05 by 7 real estate sales and two story house equity that she listed for sale the end of Feb 05 and we say its all a lie from her mouth and we say she just funneled family trust fund account money right into her checking to buy a 1 mil dollar house so fast to act bitchen and to be in love later maybe we say she had hot sex right away and say thats a fact and we say it was not Dec 1 05 with a man she dated and fell in love with in 1988, and we say her house was worth $450,000.00 not sale price $750,000.00 as she claims and we say it was in a very tacky tract home area where she did not sell 10 homes and she describes it as a nice tract home area in that suburb City and we say not so it was Agoura by a golf course and she says it was 91362 right next to Ventura County North Ranch and Oak Park, and was near a Agoura golf course, she claims it was 2 story a large lot and 3 car garage and she updated it to sell it to buy a one story for her Mom to live with them and that one story was in the same Suburb City
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