The Son of Satan Work Force Lies They Are A Son of God Work Force
My channeled information has explained there is proof of a baby being murdered in a baby child pelvic stand by a photo that a wise Saint got out to some people and readings say the pedophilia child molester serial killer ring of females are messengering out lies and telling others to pass their lies along as they do this 24 hours a day to cover up their crimes and readings say they are saying ” Hey hey guys and dolls that was an isolated incident and we are checking into it so thoroughly and say that information is probably not right at all so please do not listen to what you all hear online as we say that was probably a photo shopped snap shot okay dokay guys remember we are doing investigative work on parents to see parenting styles and to find out who is fit to be a Mom and some Dads we do research on also and many in depth personality profiles as the great Son of God work force team salright ? you guys? and readings have said they stole the Son of God jobs years ago starting in 2005 and rip them off everyday, and they stole my Prophet psychic crime tip channeling medium jobs that are my channeling the Son of God Jesus Christ the Savior of Life on Earth and God to stop them, the two or more lied Sons of satan conspiracy who take people to sex slavery by lying, and readings the stolen instructions said Nancy Fox should hire a Work Force and to in depth crime tips on her Angel Board by her psychic detective wisdom to stop sex slavery internationally for the United Nations and Permanent Missions who sent her the Son of God Save Life On Earth Mission job that say for Nancy Gail Fox to do this work from Los Angeles County by spelling out channeled Angel Board crime tip answers, and readings say they lie they are the Son of God Work Force when it said for Nancy Fox to hire a Work Force, and they lie they are doing In Depth Investigations when stolen mail said for Nancy Fox to do In Depth Investigations to stop crimes, and they commit the crimes, they frame nice Parents to take family’s to sex slavery and set them up with lies, fraud, and framing to their CPS Secret Court, and lie they investigate parents and lie the job they are doing is investigative work, and they lie they are The In Home Investigators and CIA Northern California’s work force by stolen instructions and I D Theft as readings say for two decades this ring follows stolen instructions and does I D Theft and they pretend they are doing a Son of God Work Force Investigative job, by stolen instructions that say Nancy Fox should hire a work force to fed ex her Angel Board channeled crime tip answers out and her in depth psychic detective investigation work to stop top secret fair game of a worthless person ( which is robbing good prosperous people to frame them to look worthless to capture familys by pretending they are helping a less fortunate family) so no one is ever taken underground again and they commit these crimes that jobs and instructions have been sent to stop the jobs sent for 20 years that they steal are for me to stop them with my psychic channeled crime tips, and that is why they steal them as they do not want their serial killer organized crime con artist ring stopped, so they do the opposite of everything sent as stopping sex slavery and saving people so they are not taken underground means DO NOT TAKE ANY PEOPLE, and they take people by framing them to their CPS Secret Court, and by robbing people blind they capture them by Medical Kidnaps, by force through the Government by conning everyone, so saving life on earth means DO NOT TAKE ANY BABYS OR KIDS OF ANY AGE FROM ANY PARENTS or from their SCHOOLS or a teenagers work place etc etc etc etc. and they are taking people every way they can by master manipulation, and follow stolen Prophet instructions and say they are fed exing and hand delivering Investigative Reports and they are reports on Parents,and the reports are supposed to be on this wicked serial killer ring who frame Parents to stop them,and they say they make up anything about Moms they do not like and Hate them with a passion, and those Moms and baby’s and kids are the ones they chose to take away by their work force messaging and conspiring ideas on ways to set the nicest and best good Moms up to take the family’s so fast by the force of the CPS Secret Court, by Medical Kidnaps, as they force shots and hand cuff people by framing and fraud, and follow stolen instructions that say Nancy Fox should have 5,000 people in a Son of God work force send her psychic crime tips out to stop sex slavery internationally and instead the message out and conspire how to frame Parents, when its to stop them from taking people,as readings have said this wicked group God named in 2008 the two or more lied sons of satan conspiracy murder every age person, and they steal Son of God Save Life On Earth Instructions for 20 years by this ring on spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras and change every notice and instruction sent and do the opposite of what they say as they are also sadistic and if it says stop taking people do not ever take custody of a baby or child of any age from a parent again period, they would change it and write keep taking people, keep on setting up Nice Moms we Hate because of the way they look and act by your fake Investigative Reports as we are pretending we got the Crime Tip In Depth Investigation Job to put crime tips in folders and to fed ex them from many mansions like instructions say from 05 to 07, when stolen instructions they ripped off said Nancy Fox should buy many mansions on streets she loves around the County Line and hire a Son of God Work Force to fed ex her IN DEPTH INVESTIGATIVE Psychic crime tip reports out in folders and they are fed exing reports and say they are their In depth investigative reports on parents from many mansions they bought with stolen funds by following the Prophet camp suggestions to buy properties to protect the Prophet Family, that means Nancy Gail Fox and family, and readings say they bought properties on the streets I loved where I sold real estate from 1999 to 2009, and pay people with my money they rob, and lie they are their Son of God Work Force staff and do this to every job sent and I have gotten many of the areas they bought mansions in in my psychic Prophetic medium channeling readings, and they are areas and streets I loved, my readings have said many times, that they are in two gated areas, one a golf course estate gaurd gated area, and other estates are by a Golf course that are not gated with many laden Oak Trees, and in another guard gated estate neighborhood that does not have a golf course, and readings say they sit in these estates stealing my paypal sent for me to stop sex slavery internationally, sent for my Medium For God Prophet channel writing I have done for 15 years that hackers send them in the many mansions, and many of them Golf and lie to golfers and brain wash alot of people who would not be in their game if they knew they killed blundered baby’s in baby pelvic exam stands etc. and readings say they sit in the many mansions framing parents and say they do in depth investigative background reports, and lie they should loose full custody of their entire family if they had parking ticket late fees, and if their income does not cover their bills when they rob people blind and frame them to look like they over extended themselves to lie thats reason to take custody away, when its not, as if a parents bills were too high they would move or balance out their budget, and say what can I do to reduce my bills? and they might refinance their house or car and have a lower payment each month by secured debt, and they might figure out ways to save money at the market, and on car insurance etc etc etc. and they may say I can decrease bills here and increase income here, and they might get a side job for extra money and balance out their budget, and they might sell and figure out what they will Net selling, and run sheets to see what houses they could buy with money down from the house they sell and what would their payment be? as this is what Home Owners often do, they say we should move what could we buy? what could we spend what will we make selling? what would the new payment be? and these Gang Stalkers run family’s out of house and home to take them underground, to human sex traffick them, to kill them in kiddy porn films to put them a cage and to murder baby’s and children in baby child pelvic exam stands and dead child traffick them on dry ice to rape their poor souls across the Country their body’s that are 99 percent dead by 199 of the computer lab work station men and women sex torturing them and readings say they say they take custody away based on household bills and income? when that is not child endangering and not a reason to loose custody at all in any way as even if parents foreclosed they would get Move Out money probably $3,500.00 from the mortgage company and rent an apartment with it as the important thing is that family’s stay together, if they are Targeted Individuals being framed, they would steal the Move Out check from the mail, as they steal everything and start doing this to frame them to look like they cannot afford their house or apartment, by robbing their money from the bank, by hacking and stealing work emails. by bugging phones and stealing their work calls by vandalizing and stealing their property, by stealing their work phone numbers and lying to everyone, they ruin the Targeted Parents income and lie if a parents income does not cover their household bills that is reason to take custody away when its not its reason to Balance Out Their Budget and to find a Solution, to solve a problem with bills and income and there are many ways of solving these things, and that is nothing to do with parenting, that is not child endangering and the family’s should do whatever it takes to stay in their homes or nice apartments where they are acclimated and productive and comfortable is my opinion but a Gang Stalked family is scared to death and no longer feels comfortable in their home, and it may be dangerous and a time to leave the area but they will follow them wherever they go to another Town City County or State as once you are on their list they never stop, they keep stealing from you from wherever you move to, they keep brain washing people by paying people to lie in every neighborhood a T I Moves to, and they lie to children’s Schools and brain wash Teachers Staff, Parents by Class Lists, and by lying to Students of every age in Home Day Cares Pre Schools Elementary Schools Middle and High Schools and Colleges and University’s. and the lie about every family member who is in a School, and Mothers in University’s they do this to and do their child in the University Day Care also and they would lie to Home School people too, as thats the name of their game Murdering by Lying and Brain Washing. and readings say they have 10 off duty or retired 58 to 80 year old authority type men in 80 areas of the Los Angeles County California area and in 8 or 9 States too probably as the follow their same secret pattern all over the Country and readings say they lie to those men and tell them they are the Son of God Work Force, and lie the In Home Investigators and CIA Northern CAL are in charge of a secret mission, and the men are told if anyone gets near the computer lab kids and women to yell at them to Keep Back Get Away and to lie they are investigating parents to see if they are fit to be a Mom or Dad and they got spy cam shots of them looking sexy in hot pants with flashing lights and thats illegal peeping tom voyeurism they did on Moms wearing Boy Short Underwear, and they edit in flashing lights and music and props to make peeping tom they did look lie its a shot of a hot and sexy Mom, and they give the 10 men in many areas fake information, as they send it to many all over the Country as they frame nice good Mothers to murder them and their baby’s and kids of every age, and they are told to tell people who ask what is going on with children that were taken to say they are in the computer lab girls and women’s local work residences and in the computer dug outs being saved by them, and they yell ” their fine! leave them be! go away! this is the Levina Brothers Enterprises In Home Investigation” and readings say they are the serial killers sex torturers running sex slavery, and readings say one does the Movie Call Sheet Shot Lists, and tell the child molester serial killer cult to eat out baby’s in baby child pelvic stand til they are dead and to pack the older girls on dry ice brought in the back door of your local work apartment buildings, and they say send 5 to our houses for Sons Kiddy Porn Films, put 8 Moms in the Dog Cages we brought to your apartment buildings take 8 Moms from each of your apartment building streets thats 5 buildings on a block, throw some in laundry hampers we brought up, and then place them in the Large Poodle Dog Crates as we got caught for buying so many Great Dane Dog Kennels and take them down the fake laundry shoot from the parking lots into the cement into the rooms we built under where you all park your brand new cars, and then the men will take them down under to the pipes right under the sewer line trap by your buildings so it smells to harm them further as we are doing in Moms who had a hot sexala time, who did it in the daylight a broad at high Noon we yell online, and love making in the daylight of God we say not, we say if a Moms does it one time in the day or in the shower that means she should loose full custody of her entire family. When its nothing to do with parenting.
Readings say some who take custody from nice Mother’s pretend they are doing a Child Protective Services case worker job and a Department of Health and Welfare case worker job and these DHW fakes have POD Storage unit offices, and readings say they are fooling 500 on the Spy Watch Cam Committee and Schools by speaking at School Staff Meetings, readings say they have gone to these meetings, and say ” they are so concerned about these children being with their very bad Moms who are named on our lists of people we are covering, we are so worried” and readings say they are very nice Good Moms and there is no problem with the kids and Moms at all, as they have good loving relationships, and these women pretending to do Case Worker jobs are very dangerous child molester serial killers, the readings have said they shoot up drugs and her meth heroin junkys, and they are practicing alcoholics who drive drunk, and they are child molesters sex torture addicts who do oral sex molesting to babys and children in child pelvic exam stands and murder them and pack them to dead child traffick them, and that is about 7 out of the devil number 9 women in School Offices and who went to School Staff Meetings to speak the readings say as that may be a way to find out who they are and which kids and Mothers are in danger, as they have Hit Lists of names of individuals that they plan to kill, and they frame them to their CPS Secret Devil Number 9 Court and then lie they need to be on a Secret Watch list which they would never would be on, these women would be on a Watch List and Probation but really they should all be in Prison according to my readings, and they are related to the Levina Brothers Incorporated Enterprises In Home Investigators who do fake pretend in home investigations to frame nice Good Moms to their CPS Secret Court to lie they need to be on a Secret Watch List to set them up to be any kind of case file by lies to steal their money and mail by case file numbers of any kind, and they run many into welfare by robbing them and then lie the Moms are welfare bums who should loose full custody of their entire family because they are on welfare, and they sit there with the Mothers money they stole, their paypal cash app venmo by hacking with their computer squad room techy pedophile girls women and men and the 199 of them sex torture and murder innocent baby’s and kids in Baby Child Pelvic Examination Stands and get them there by these packs of fake case workers taking them and they lie they are taking a welfare bum woman’s baby because she cant provide and say they need to take less unfortunate poor folk Moms and Kids for medical exams in their dug out rooms with Gyno chairs and Baby Child Pelvic stands and they in the group of 199 sex torture them in human sacrifice rituals, and they are naked and shot up with drugs and drunk and its helter skelter the readings have said, and the 199 have sex together after they kill a baby and readings say some of the DCFS fakes who pretend they save kids are some of the child molesters, and the DHW fat fake case workers molest the baby’s with their big fat naked rear end in the camera lens with another DCFS case worker woman videoing it on their cells and the 199 call them Dem Gals, and one collects human sex traffick money from men on their cell to rape their case files, children and Moms, and they say the money is a donation for their poor needy case files to help them, and readings say Dem Gals are related to the fake in home investigator rapist serial killer kiddy porn director men as a past Step Dad or one is their Moms ex boyfriend , a cousin, and one an ex husband of the CPS Secret Court case worker woman,and they go in banks and say they are covering their poor needed welfare bum Mom case files when most are not on welfare and some the run into getting welfare by stealing their money and they say they take custody if a Moms over extended herself on monthly bills and do by loan and credit card balances not the monthly bill payment amount, and lie if a Mom owes to much money they should loose full custody of their entire family when some Moms may have College Loans and will make hundreds of thousands a year in the near future, and some have invested money into their business knowing it will increase and double later, and what would be a financial budgeting issue they lie is for a Mom to be a case file when its nothing to do with parenting, it would be getting a calculator out and adding up minimum monthly payments for the monthly bill total then subtracting that from their monthly income, and that would be their Gross Income divided by 12, and readings say they use a lot of dirty tricks to frame nice ambitious hard working very good Mothers and they would give the Net and not the Gross income, and they would not give what income they will be making, and they do not even ask the Mom a question about income or monthly income, and balancing a budget would not be a reason to loose custody, as some people have small place for awhile, and in America people are supposed to help people and support them not tear them apart all sneakily by framing fraud lying and brain washing and bank robbery and cyber crime hacking, and by postal crimes and ups fed ex looting crimes and car thefts as readings say the Dem Gals steal everything from them by spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras and by forms they assign the stolen property on, and its illegal for people to receive stolen property, and its wicked game to frame people to rob them blind to take them away to lie its for a medical exam to place them in a Baby Chlld Pelvic Stand and Gyno Chairs to sex torture them in their human sacrifice rituals and thats why they lie to Schools with the 89 computer girl pedos and who change crime tips I write and lie they take people to save them, and lie Miss New wrote the Medium For God work.
9 of them are calling banks and lying they wrote the Medium For God Contributed Stories that I wrote, and they are lying the paypal they take that is sent for them is theirs for redoing the so sloppily written work, for unscrambling mish mosh when its for my Prophetic channeling I wrote in a Medium Trance, and it is my Medium For God Prophet channel writer business I started in 2009 in The San Fernando Valley and Money sent to my paypal would be for me obviously the writer and the business owner, and readings say they hack and rob my paypal since I opened it almost 12 years ago and they cover up the crimes they commit that are in my articles and posts and plaster their 30 devils on it and send it to a Miss New to send the Copy Kat Plagerism pages out that cover up their crimes, and write we take people to save their lives.
They are saying their apartments are very upscale with beautiful refinished hardwood floors and pergo floors and they have three trash compactors, some with granite, and loads of designer clothes in the closets, and those are probably looted stolen Medium For God clothing gifts sent for Nancy Gail Fox the Medium For God by ups and fed exes that they looted and stole outright, and they say the living rooms are completely empty with just a tri pod camera and that tip is right that the psychic medium wrote and some say they are told the living rooms are empty for really fun films they do and thats why the tri pod cameras all in all the living rooms of the 5 apartment buildings on a block on 9 streets near each other and in houses also they are this way, and they say no way there would be dead baby and dead child murdered Moms DNA as they are mopped regularly, some say they say its for really fun films, and they do not see murdered victims in their small silver trash cans with lids or dumpsters, and they have not send K 9 Dogs or Cadaver Dogs as they do not see probable cause but may when they see the Babys Kids and Moms are no where to be found, as they lie they adopt them out, and they lie they take Moms for much needed surgery to save her life by forcing, when there is A Right To Die Law, and A Patients Right Law, and forcing surgery if it were that would be illegal and inhuman also, and they lie they got medical control of the individuals on lists by case file numbers and say thats why they set them up to then lie they got financial and medical control secretly to rob them and kill all the family’s and the Moms are Dog Cages Kennels Crates right under their local work apartment residences and so are babys, and kids who they did not murder yet and it better be Yet says God and Jesus as a probably cause search and rescue could be done when they see and know is not found as in who did they take away into their sick Dem Gal gals and their male relatives vechicles by many liar papers? where are they now?
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