900 Real Estate Women Are Gang Stalkers Lying and Stealing From Targeted Individuals
Readings say they have 900 Real Estate women framing Targeted Individuals to the banks, and there are 9 of them assigned to framing a group of Targeted Individuals, and the readings say they lie they do personality profiles when they are not qualified or capable of doing that work, and they see everything wrong with their warped dense narrow minded conservative perception, and they write down what they think someone is doing and why and have no clue at all why and they lie they do real estate evaluations on how and why someone bought a property or rented a place, and they do not know why, they do not know how long the person planned it, what work went into the move, and they do not know what their plans are for the future or what will transpire, and lie they need to run the people out of their houses and apartments based on their evaluations they do on personalitys and propertys, and tell banks they decide what the peoples best interest is, and say move them on out and thats their decision, they may lie the mortgage or rent is too high when its not or say the loan will go up to much when the owner may plan to sell before that occurs or refinance, and they do not know what the future holds for the people they target, and readings say they say they are evaluting decisions the people made and write down what they think, and there are many of them who are doing this, who say they go On Patrol, that others call Gang Stalking homes, and readings say 5 real estate women an hour in 5 shifts zip around On Patrol, and write framing notes on the home owners to run them out of their homes, and they do this to people in apartments they target and to many unwed mothers, and unwed couples, Moms and Dads, and to divorced single Moms, and readings say there are packs of them in banks dressed in business clothes saying they are handing them their real estate evaluations, and personality profiles they did, and they say they need to take their money and mail based on the evaluations they did, and say they pack up and sort through things the person did or said, and make mountains out of mole hills to make good Moms look bad, and they write fake notes, and frame them and say they hate Moms who dress stylish and who look good, and they do this to rob their jobs and money sent, and take it out of their mail boxes when they zip around On Patrol, and according to readings there are
90 Real estate women in Westlake Village
49 in 10 areas of Thousand Oaks, The Conejo Valley, CA
and 900 real estate women doing this in the United States of America
According to my readings they have alot of Real estate agents and AA people gang stalking and framing targeted individuals and they are ruining real estate boards and Alcoholics Anonymous, and they say they are paid to do this to the people named on lists, and told to write anything down to make people look bad, and they say its top secret and the real estate board can’t know what they are doing, and neither can Towns Hall meeting people, and the AAs say they think they can break AA rules that say, what you hear in an AA meeting stays there, and do not repeat it,and they do not follow AA rules, and realtors doing the gang stalking and framing in fraud reports do not follow laws or rules, as its illegal just to leave a real estate flyer in a mail box, you are not allowed to stick your hand in someones mail box, and you are not allowed to steal mail that is addressed to someone elses name and address, and you are not allowed to open it or read it, and they steal mail from targeted individuals homes and apartments by sticking their hands in mail boxes the readings say, and they tell people they are secret court evaluators who do real estate property mortgage evaluations on people named on lists, and they do not, they frame people in fraud reports, and they say there are 89 in one area who are dressed to the nines everyday in banks and post offices that many believe because they are dressed nice, and they think they have important jobs because they say they do real estate home loan mortgage evaluations and they say they do personality profiles, and really they frame people and steal from them, and readings say they say they go by a check off list that says number 1 Is the Mom dressed up and a little sexy looking in her off hours or not? and the realtors are conservative and think stylish clothes are sexy, they say they would not wear a halter top ever not even under a coat and think a Mom with halter tops they wear under a jacket only should be shot, as they think they would wear it alone when they get home, and think and imagine they will be with a man in a halter top when they would not be and were not, as the top was bought to wear under a jacket for the front of the top, and the Mom would not let anyone see her in in by itself as bra straps would show for one thing, and some are Moms who always have their arms covered if they are over 40 as many do, and they would only wear long sleeves or three quarter sleeves, and always wear a bra and would never wear a backless halter top by itself, and they outright slander people and imagine things and make things up, and say thats how they see it as they would not own that top, as they dress conservative, and wear high necks, and pleated pants, and blouses with a tie at the neck, and suits, and pantyhose, and they dress like conservative realtors, and they are not qualified to evaulate clothing, they are not credible people as they are not into fashion, or into dressing stylish, and they describe clothes a Mom wears as a hot outfit and they say they went out dressed sexy, and say thats how they see it, as they would not be caught in tight jeans or a halter top under a jacket, or in wedgey shoes, as they think they are sexy too, when many wear them because they are better for your back and easier and more comfortable to walk in, and they do not even know why a Mom has wedgy shoes, and they say they are going into to tell people they do this to get rid of Moms who are too sexy in their areas, and they break the Fair Housing Discrimination Law and realtors learn about this law in real estate school and know that people are not allowed to discrimate against a person when they buy or rent, they say if they look really nice inside their homes and apartments they go down as too cute, too good looking to have them around, as many of the gang stalker women are jealous realtors and mortgage brokers who do not want attractive women around or attractive daughters even, and they text and vote among their sick immature childish selves and write too cute what do ya think guys? run them out or not? and send out photos of them and say a sexy Ma Ma what do ya think? and say they go by that alone alot, and lie they can as notices read run everyone out you guys hate, as we are gettin rid of the ones who look hot and sexy at home also, and the ones who are vain in the mirrors seen in spy cams in residences and in public restrooms as our mission is to get rid of people we hate, and hate crimes are illegal, and hate crimes lead to murder, and they break many laws each day, and lie they can do whatever they want to anyone? when they are not above the law says God, and they are lying these Moms are not spiritual and nice people when they are spiritual and nice. and the gang stalker real estate women are not spiritual or nice and have no concept about spirtual nice people, as readings say they do this to many spiritual people in AA, and readings say the gang stalker realtor women are drinking everynight at happy hour from 4 pm to 7 pm or 9 pm, and many are practicing alcohoics, and many have margerita partys etc. and sit around lying about long time sober nice people who lead a spiritual life, and they say they do that to people they hate, and they hate them for being so whimsical and free spirited so happy go lucky and spontaneous, and say thats who they target, and say if a Mom lays around in a day for 10 minutes they go down on the list, when many Moms take a break on purpose, and they say thats bad to do as they should not loose a second of time says CIA Northern California, who says thats how they see it, and do not like books about me time that says Moms should take a 10 to 20 minute break for themselves each day, and thats to distress to unwind, and they think they should not take 1 minute off, as they think Moms should hustle and bustle around like chickens with their heads cut off and be stressed, and AAs learn to not be stressed, to take things in stride to pace themselves, to be serene, and patient, and everyone would have a heart attack if they did what CIA Northern California thinks they should do as all Moms will sit and drink ice tea or water or a soda for a minute and take a short break, and that is normal, and the ones who stress who do not do this are often uptight and so stresed they might yell because they did not unwind, so they hate tools Moms use on purpose to pace themselves, and they say thats how it is in their book as they got check lists and mark them off and say if they are too unable to work more hours due to family reasons or whatever the case is thats wrong to them when the Moms have their prioritys and reasons and their own plans for their life they are in charge of, and they do whats best for themselves and their family which has always worked just fine til gang stalkers ruin their lives, as they start stealing their jobs and money from their mail boxes off their porches, and their work calls they earned by bugging their cells and their pets and their possesions by breaking in cars, and they start lying and ruining their lives and they say they are paid to do this to the ones they choose to do it to, and thats to Moms who do things in stride who are so calm patient and nice, and they hate them because they do not stress out, and they hate them for napping even for one minute and they hate them for not freaking out over little things as they hate spiritual persons who work a spiritual program, as most of the gang stalkers are drunks, and practicing alcoholics who have no concept of a spiritual 12 step life, and they lie they do personality profiles when they cannot not as they are not capable of it, and they are not credible people, and many are not in reality and see things totally wrong, and they lie they evalaute why and how people do things when they have no idea why.
They say they go On Patrol to see what a Mom is doing with their time and jot it down on a note pad, and say they see if they are doing their hair and make up and trying clothes on or going out on the town at night, and write down a hot ma ma in a hot sexy get up went out carousing to have a really hot sexy time. A LIE as they are nice Mothers in stylish outfits going out to socialize as grown up mature adults to see friends and they are nothing the awful liars say. and they say they do this to set up nice Moms to take custody away from them by how they spend their time and act at home, and they think trying on clothes is a waste of time, and they set them up to take custody away for that?
Readings say gang stalkers say they packed up and decided to find out why Nancy Fox looked so good all the sudden in 05? Thats because I did a make over on myself, I went on a diet and lost weight, and went shopping, and I did my skin with line filler and did a planned make over, readings say it mad them mad I looked good so they wanted to ruin it and lied they would do an evaluation on her clothes, and readings say they started stealing my clothes by breaking in, and alot of my clothes did go missing years ago in from 05 to 09 and do since then, and readings say they listed clothes they stole and lied they were evaluating her clothes, to see why she bought what, and alot of the clothes I had for years, and they say they were told to see what she had and to write down bras and underwear and camasole tops to frame her to look like she has a different personality, and did not know she kept bras and camasoles from years ago for the color, and always bought white bra and underwear sets for white outfits, and black for black outfits, and always owned a strapless bra for outfits so bra straps do not show, and did not know this is proper and old school for a woman to have these things in their wardrobe, and did not know I was a Costume Designer Stylist Wardrobe expert for many years, and they did not know that was what she always had in her wardrobe, white and black sets to wear under outfits those colors, and say they never heard of this and they were brought up to own one tan bra only, and high waisted underwear or cotton bikinis in packs, floral etc. and did not know she only has solids her whole life, and hates t strap cotton bras, as they are not comfortable and because cotton is not padded and they did not know she always had many bra and underwear sets to match even just for herself under her clothes, and they thought if women had them men would see them, and found out they do not usually ever, and they say they are in trouble for lying they do personality evaluations when they are not qualified to and have no clue why women do what and just make stuff up and make assumpations, and they are told to frame the people on lists in logs, and to make them sound bad when they are not, and they say they have 199 women on the lists now in 10 areas of The San Fernando Valley and in surrounding Valleys also as always as usual, and they do it to get shot up with 9 shots of meth, and they get that in the early A M, the realtor women who go on patrol are shot up at 9 am at their home or office and in the parking lot often in a van, and they get meth shots for doing framing reports, they do fraud fake framing real estate mortgage evaluations on home owners to run them out, and they do this to Unwed Couples Single Moms and pregnant Moms, to set them up to take custody away by framing they do, and they say they get heroin shots at night at bedtime and thats why they do it as they are drug addict junkys needle users addicted to drugs, and they all drink at happy hour together and they say they do it to do them in , they hate sexy looking Moms, and Moms who look good in work clothes, they hate them because they are not built that way curvy with a good shape, and some doing it are, but most are not, and they do not know why they would be in trouble for lying about nice Moms? as they use a jot pad and a note pad, and write reports, and bring them into banks a whole pack of them dressed up, and say here is the report on the individuals the La Vina Brothers Incorperated are investigating finances on, and those men shoot them up with drugs, and tell them they can get 80 mil at the end, and they do not care if happy loved babys and kids and youths are crying their eyes out when DEM GALS take them away from their nice Moms, and they do not see it as bad as they thnk they should not be raised by Moms who look sexy in their clothes, even a little bit sexy, and even if its just their shape in work clothes that gets them put on the list, as they do not think a Mom who spends time doing her hair make up and clothes is a good Mom, when many they lie about and frame take 20 or 30 minutes getting ready or 5 or 10 minutes, and many doing it are hypocrites who take one hour to five hours getting ready, and they pile on ten coats of base make up, and ten coats of mascara, and use hot rollers and hair products and the Moms they hate do not do this at all, and they say they get ready to go to banks and to sell homes and really mostly are On Patrol a zipping around a home 5 an hour in 5 shifts per day to frame nice parents, and have no remorse over doing this to familys, they think they deserve it for spending time trying clothes on to look good, as they do not do that, they throw clothes right from a shopping bag, and dont see what shirt and shoes look right, and they say they get meth at 10 am some days, and lie its an energy shot, and they get this for hot glueing lies in files to frame nice Moms, and say they do this to remove the attractive Moms they hate, and lie to banks at 9 am to 11 am and at 4 pm to 5 pm and they lie to them on the phone at night, and they say they were told the top secret mission is to remove the people named, and to say and do anything to set them up to the secret court and to CPS DCFS by all calling and lying in the same hour and or during a five hour period and they lie they say they did On patrol reports, and really they frame Nice Moms with lies, and by describing what they are wearing and doing wrong, and they say dem gals are the ones they read reports to who record them and type them in a stenographers proffesional box the sheds like a dark room they stand in to make the reports look real and official and dem gals pretend to be child protective service case workers but really are human sex traffickers, they are serial killers rapists pedophile child molesters, and one says shes an M S Therapist whos molests the babys and kids they get til they are dead.
The Fact is I was set up to DCFS by lies in spring 09 after stalking etc went on and the lies were dismissed without prejudice in 09 and I have I D theft since and I do readings to get tips everyday and combine them with facts of what was done.
I saw women who looked like real estate agents stalking our house years ago and they were women dressed in business clothes standing outside of their parked BMWs staring at our mail box on a post, and other stalkers swarmed sped in stalked the mail box on a post, and my real estate portfolio was stolen by a car break in, and I thought a realtor was after my real estate business, at that time as I was a realtor from 1999 to 2009, and after 4 years of vandalism done to the mail box twice the car break in theft, and stalking I was lied about and set up in 2009 spring, and by some anonymous liars and I feel it was the stalking women I saw who lied about me, and the lies were dimissed without prejudice and I have I D theft since.
Defrauding Banks and Frame-Up’s
18 U.S. Code § 1344 – Bank fraud
to defraud a financial institution
California’s stalking laws are found in Penal Code 646.9. The law prohibits willfully and repeatedly following, harassing, or threatening another person.
Sticking your hand in a mailbox, unless you are the intended recipient retrieving your mail, is considered a violation of federal law as mailboxes are considered federal property protected by the United States Postal Service; doing so could result in fines and potential legal repercussions depending on the circumstances and intent.
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