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By Mica Molecule
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Traditional mainstream Christianity is antichrist

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European conquerors colonized, “Christianized” and oppressed the nations in Africa, Asia, and America, espousing Christianity as their ideology, their justification and their motivation. We now know that these conquerors were definitely NOT led by the spirit of our Saviour, Yeshua, but were and are the agents of the antichrist operating through the bloodlines of Esau, Ishmael and Nahor.  It’s quite obvious that their tactics are the complete opposite of the spirit and teachings of Our Saviour, Yeshua Messhiah. They have recently been exposed as fake Christians.


Virtually all churches today and probably most leaders and adherents of organized Christianity for the past 1700 years at least have completely missed the most profound essence of his teaching. Instead, the preaching we hear today in virtually all churches and Christian mission stations is a hybrid of the ancient Hebrew religion and the ancient pagan religions of the Middle East. The modern hybrid of Christian religion is dressed in all the right biblical terminology and imagery but it has lost the most important elements of the Good News and added certain pagan concepts and practices that result in an entirely confusing and impotent mix of truth and fallacy. 

There is now no doubt that the scenario described above is an informed, unbiased and accurate picture of the history of Christianity. After more than 40 years of studying the bible [as well as numerous other books and commentaries on the subject] and contemplating the life and teachings of Yeshua Messhiah, the centrepiece of both old and new testaments, I have come to the carefully considered conclusion that the message of Yeshua Messhiah has been perverted, misinterpreted and robbed of its impact by his so-called followers.  I am also absolutely convinced that the original Good News message to the world was incredibly radical, challenging and powerful but that the unique dimension of revolutionary social and spiritual power, the key to the future of the world, has been lost. 

Our Saviour expected the Good News [in it’s pure from] to impact the world as a liberating, enlightening, empowering message and to culminate in an earth-shattering and life-transforming experience for all mankind. I am convinced that these teachings have been twisted, misrepresented and watered down by most Christian theologians and preachers to suit the goals and agendas of the state and governments that these Christian theologians and preachers bow to. In a nutshell it’s either that or nothing sensible. I don’t believe there is any other way of understanding what the bible is all about.

Now, the only thing to decide is whether or not our Saviour was and is right about his expectations regarding his message and its powerful impact. Was he right? Was he the wisest, most perceptive, profound and most inspirational leader of all times? Or was he merely a highly intelligent victim of insanity, given to flights of fanciful delusions of grandeur. Was he a megalomaniac with a warped desire for vengeance against those who rise to great heights of worldly privilege and abusive power? Both of these positions are logically consistent with the facts available to us but it has to be either the one or the other. He was either the wisest of all men or the greatest maniac and deceiver.

So, the big question – what do we make of this amazing and unique man, that no other human has matched or even come close to matching? Was he a highly charismatic but insane genius, or was he the incredibly wise, chosen son of Yahweh and destined to save the world from a forth-coming calamity? If we decide that the first is true then we are quite at liberty to ignore him or at best treat his teachings with caution. If we decide that the second is true then we are forced into a choice – we must be either for him or against him. There’s no room for half measures.

Our Saviour expected his message to precipitate a climactic war between good and evil of such horrific magnitude that only the wise believers and followers of goodness, truth, and humility would survive. Instead of that the world has merely seen a new religion emerge on the global stage, a religion named after “Christ” and incorporating some of his original teachings but polluted and confused with the religions it was intended to displace.

We need to choose if we are going to be for him or against him and this is by no means an easy choice. It’s not easy because he said that the choice is black and white. We must be wholly for him or not at all. He is not interested in half hearted commitment. And if we make a wrong choice we may regret it and curse our days.

Any religion or system of beliefs and population control cannot be good, valuable and true if it requires violence, threats, persecution, intimidation, or force of arms for its defence, assertion and extension. This is the situation for nearly all the major religions and political systems of the world. If a religion or belief system cannot withstand careful scrutiny and critique by outsiders and survives mainly through the indoctrination of children or uneducated people then it’s not worthy of adherence by good, honest and humble seekers.

The biggest mystery (secret) is the Kingdom of YHWH, the centrepiece of both old and new testaments. Virtually all churches today and probably most leaders and adherents of organized Christianity for the past 1700 years at least have completely missed the most profound essence of this mystery. Our Saviour’s teaching has been perverted, misinterpreted and robbed of its impact by his so-called followers. I have come to this carefully considered conclusion after 40 years of studying the bible [as well as some of the very best books and commentaries on the subject] and contemplating the life and teachings of our Saviour,  

My conclusion is based fairly and squarely on all the scriptures, on evidence from the early church fathers, from historians and from modern psychological and genetic research. I could write volumes to prove and elaborate this. There may be other minor themes that contradict this conclusion but as we agree the bible often incorporates two paradoxical and apparently contradictory themes. I suspect that’s part of the plan of salvation. It’s a mystery and only the wise will understand.  


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    Total 4 comments

      “There is now no doubt that the scenario described above is an informed, unbiased and accurate picture of the history of Christianity.”

      Speaking only in vague generalities, that’s probably a fair statement. It is also an incomplete statement.

      “After more than 40 years of studying the bible… …I have come to the carefully considered conclusion that the message of Yeshua Messhiah has been perverted, misinterpreted and robbed of its impact by his so-called followers.”

      Should it have taken you 40 years to arrive at that determination?

      “I am also absolutely convinced that the original Good News message to the world was incredibly radical…”

      ‘Follow Me. And suffer. And die.’ Yes. Radical.

      “…the key to the future of the world, has been lost.”

      Has it been?

      “Our Saviour expected the Good News [in it’s pure from] to impact the world as a liberating, enlightening, empowering message and to culminate in an earth-shattering and life-transforming experience for all mankind.”

      Wow. You must think very little of Him indeed. Friend, isn’t it so that Messiah the KING expected the world to receive His Gospel exactly as the world has received it? Have you in truth studied the Word of God for 40 years?

      “I am convinced that these teachings have been twisted, misrepresented and watered down by most Christian theologians and preachers to suit the goals and agendas of the state and governments that these Christian theologians and preachers bow to.”

      Precisely as He told us they would be. To the letter. The world exists today in EXACTLY the state He told us it would exist, nearly two thousand years after He is risen.

      “In a nutshell it’s either that or nothing sensible.”

      It is what He said it would be. Look, and what do we see? We see the entities from His Revelation marching in formation to assemble themselves, just as it is written they would do – and at the time it is written they would do it. The inauguration of the final chapter (before the end of the age) is most probably to be found in Isaiah 17:1, because once fulfilled, that verse will provide for us an unmistakable marker. If we were expecting an immediate fulfillment of that prophecy (as I once expected), we do well to recall that nothing in the verse promises immediacy – only that Damascus would be utterly devastated in a way that has never yet happened, historically speaking. Have you seen Damascus lately? The Prophet Daniel wrote that knowledge would be increased before the time of the end. Is that not what we’re experiencing? The depth to which Christendom has been plunged into darkness is becoming apparent to many – but only to a remnant. It will never become clear to the vast majority until they have died in their sins. The remnant of Jacob is regaining his sight. Are you regaining yours? Do you know who your King is and do you know His voice?

      “Was he the wisest, most perceptive, profound and most inspirational leader of all times?”

      He was a little more than that, friend. I’m getting the sense you don’t know who He IS.

      “Both of these positions are logically consistent with the facts available to us…”

      This is not something you should be able to say after 40 years of studying the Word of God.

      “…chosen son of Yahweh…”

      Uniquely-begotten Son of YHWH.

      “…destined to save the world from a forth-coming calamity?”

      Wow. You really don’t know the Word at all, do you? Show me where it is written that He will save the world from some forthcoming calamity. Isn’t it so that the world is going to be a vast wasteland by the time of His return? And doesn’t He come with a Sword? Isn’t His first task upon touching the Earth with His foot, to begin slaying His enemies? What world is He going to save from calamity, friend? 40 years?

      “Our Saviour expected his message to precipitate a climactic war between good and evil of such horrific magnitude that only the wise believers and followers of goodness, truth, and humility would survive.”

      Oh how you have fumbled the ball. Climactic war between good and evil? What are you reading? The climactic war begins when Earth, led by the King of Babylon, invades the Heavens:

      ‘I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God I will set my throne on high; I will sit on the mount of assembly in the far reaches of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’

      “Instead of that the world has merely seen a new religion emerge on the global stage, a religion named after “Christ” and incorporating some of his original teachings but polluted and confused with the religions it was intended to displace.”

      Christendom has been softened up for absorption into either secularism or the coming world religion. And secularism will be absorbed by the religion. So will ‘science’ – falsely so-called.

      “We need to choose if we are going to be for him or against him and this is by no means an easy choice.”

      Are you with Him? Do you know who He is?

      “Any religion or system of beliefs and population control cannot be good, valuable and true if it requires violence, threats, persecution, intimidation, or force of arms for its defence, assertion and extension.”

      Careful, friend. Have you read the Old Testament? Have you read the New? What is it that Messiah comes to rule WITH? Is it flowers and peaches? Or is it a Rod of Iron. And won’t those who refuse to submit be punished in the age to come? And didn’t Messiah Himself say THIS:

      As for these enemies of Mine, who did not want Me to reign over them, bring them here and slaughter them before Me. (And that verse is found in the New Testament, Mr. Molecule.)

      Are you a careful student of the Word?

      “Our Saviour’s teaching has been perverted, misinterpreted and robbed of its impact by his so-called followers.”

      Well said.

      “…the bible often incorporates two paradoxical and apparently contradictory themes.”

      It is good that you included the word ‘apparently.’ Hopefully that means you are aware Scripture does not contradict itself, ever.

      “I suspect that’s part of the plan of salvation.”

      It is that. The Scriptures are able to make us wise unto salvation which is through faith in the KING. Have you resolved all the apparent contradictions? That is perhaps the best way to open the Word in ways not previously imaginable.

      • Anonymous

        Good cast, keep it above the weeds, and make lot’s of noise, after the strike, reel it in slow and steady.
        A+ brudder.

    • Klemens

      Mica Molecule,
      I do think you never did read a catholic book.
      please read this book:
      “Baltimore Catechism and Mass No. 3″
      and you need this one:
      The Holy Bible: Douay-Rheims Version

      then it will be easier to check out if something is wrong.

    • Amminadab

      The papacy is and always has been the antichrist.

      It is also mother Babylon with all of the Protestant churches following along and teaching her corruptions. The immortality of the soul and SUN-day sacredness, along with denying God’s holy Law the Ten Commandments.

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