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Missing History of the first Ambassadors Yeshua appointed

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This is not breaking news, but it will be quite surprising news to 99% of Christians. Here are some accurate insights into the missing history of Yeshua (or Jesus in Greek) and His Ambassadors, (or Apostles). Yeshua was and is a brilliant spiritual, social, economic and political revolutionary leader, chosen by God to be Israel’s Leader forever. This generally unknown history (outlined below) is derived and compiled from the ancient Scriptures when correctly translated and by studying surviving historical records as well as reading between the lines of those records. This summary will reinforce confidence in the authenticity and value of the original ancient records compiled and preserved by followers of Israel’s Messiah, the records mistakenly called “The New Testament.” 


This summary will not pay much attention to the commonly accepted 20th century hypothesis that Christians are credulous believers in a mythological person whose existence was fabricated by early Roman Catholic bishops and historians. That commonly accepted conjecture is so far from reality that there’s no merit in paying much attention to it. Yes, it’s true that centuries of official church history were largely fabricated, by Roman Catholic bishops and historians, but those promoting the hypothesis that mischievous religious leaders fabricated the entire history of the relevant persons and events and the entire contents of the so-called New Testament books, have a lot to explain away.


Obvious minor discrepancies in the different accounts of Yeshua’s life and teachings (in so-called “New Testament” records) attest to the genuine but imperfect efforts of His devout and heroic but fallible followers. They wanted above all to preserve His unsurpassed wisdom and insight, profound explanations of their historical origins and predictions of their future destiny. They also wanted to preserve His humane and sensible interpretation of the Law of Moses for His followers and in particular His instructions on how to survive the global disasters He predicted for the end of the age. That was crucial to His followers. Every second author in the alternative, independent media of the Internet today will offer and promote their personal recommendations on how to survive the coming wars, economic collapse and ecological disasters, but few if any pay attention to Yeshua’s instructions on how to survive these coming disasters.


It’s clear that most devout and faithful followers of Israel’s Messiah were not perfect. In their best efforts, they inadvertently made relatively minor record-keeping errors and were subject to typical distortions of the human memory in their recall of facts and details. These minor errors give the surviving accounts the recognizable mark of serious, human efforts at genuine record-keeping and editing rather than intentional attempts to fabricate and deceive. We can discover the truth emerging through the relatively unimportant human mistakes.

Yeshua’s followers truly believed their lives depended on correctly understanding and preserving His instructions. That was essential for surviving the global disasters He warned them to prepare for. They and their leaders would not, therefore, resort to fabrication and misinformation. Their lives depended on accurate records and instructions. Only psychotically deranged leaders would fabricate and misinform their followers as cynics might claim. Or if anyone believes those religious leaders were callous deceivers intent on starting a new religion as a means to control people through fear and enrich themselves by deluding their followers into joining their false religion, the facts deny that hypothesis. These are the facts:


Firstly, Yeshua and His followers did not start a new religion but strictly upheld, taught, and interpreted the ancient Law of Moses (the Constitution for Israel) and the Prophetic literature which their official religious leaders were supposed to uphold and exemplify, but did not. Rather than starting a new religion and mythology, Yeshua and His followers spear-headed a spiritual revolution of their nation’s ancient religious practices and encouraged a spiritual revitalization (rebirth) of their nation.


Secondly, most ancient, non-Christian historians described the second and third generation of believers as mainly poor, oppressed servants and working-class people who shared their wealth with poor oppressed and persecuted believers rather than contributed to enrich an elite group of religious leaders. Obviously, rich Christian leaders exploited the gullible poor in later centuries when influential Greek and Roman academics usurped the leadership, twisted the words of Yeshua into a false religion and then falsified the history of the origins of their own new religion called “Christianity.”


Thirdly, religious Jewish literature (the Talmud) from the 2nd and 3rd centuries CE denounced Yeshua as a magician and false prophet and provides good evidence which supports other evidence for his real historical existence and His really challenging message at the time He lived.


Fourthly, confidence in the validity of Yeshua’s words comes from the fact that He correctly predicted the official response to His vision, message and revolutionary strategies. His predictions derived entirely from the ancient Law of Moses and the Prophetic literature. He also predicted the subsequent infiltration of His organization, the corruption of His teachings and falsification of His life by His contemporaries and later generations. Accurate prediction of subsequent history is not the work of crazy religious people or crafty deceivers and psychopaths who fabricate and perpetrate false religions on ignorant people. In fact, the economic, political and religious world today exists in exactly the manner and character described for the end of this civilization by Yeshua and His Ambassadors. That doesn’t support the hypothesis of a crazy, false religion. It attests to the exceptional wisdom, insight, accuracy and authority of the words of Israel’s Messiah and the ancient Prophets.


While it’s true that fraudulent religious leaders and grandiose claims of special spiritual status and supernatural knowledge abound among Christians today, the Keys of Knowledge provide a unique and unquestionable method of inquiry and testing for exposing all fools and fraudulent claims. This test is prescribed in the ancient Scriptures and derives from the instructions given by Moses, Yeshua, the Prophets and Yeshua’s Ambassadors. The test will quickly, easily and accurately reveal genuine spiritual teachers and leaders and expose counterfeit deceivers. Ironically, but also quite understandably, most religious leaders are part of religious deception and so, for obvious reasons, they reject and disparage this amazingly accurate test called the Keys of Knowledge.


Yeshua’s Ambassadors applied and promoted the Keys of Knowledge for exposing deceivers and fools and so it’s inconceivable that they would be stupid enough to deceive people and then teach them how to test and expose deceivers. It’s a long stretch of the imagination to believe that people who promoted, valued and upheld honesty, integrity, sound knowledge and truth as value priorities in their lives and literature would then be so twisted, callous and psychopathic as to fabricate religious myths and false documents to mislead people. Not that religious people are incapable of intentionally exploiting gullible people. Jewish and Roman Catholic leaders have been doing that for centuries; but it’s not credible that Yeshua’s followers, who posed a direct and serious challenge and threat to the existing corrupt and devious religious leaders of the empire and their country, would attempt to expose those leaders using the same immoral tactics of lies, misinformation and hypocrisy. That idea just doesn’t stack up.


It’s true that the life of Yeshua himself hardly features in the records of historians who lived in the same era. But one should realize that He lived as a secretive person in careful obscurity for most of His life because He was the legitimate claimant to the throne of the ruthless, non-Jewish usurper, King Herod. Yeshua only came out of hiding for the final three years before His execution and constantly warned those who knew who He really was not to tell anyone else. After His exposure and execution, the authorities expressly forbade His followers to teach in His name, nor even mention His name. Imagine that! How would historians have heard about someone who was for most time a carefully secretive person with a legitimate claim to the throne of King David and later a person whom the authorities censored and forbade to be mentioned? He told the Roman Governor: “If My Kingdom were part of this World Order, My Deputies would have fought so that I would not have been handed over to the Jews. But, No, My Kingdom is not part of this World Order” He told His Ambassadors that they would rule the world with Him in the New Age to come when the earth is regenerated. That’s what Yeshua reportedly told His Ambassadors who repeated that promise to their followers and if this sounds like the words of a crazy religious leader, then all Christians have been worshipping a crazy religious leader.  


Within a generation, His surviving followers were hiding in secret underground meetings where Yeshua’s lectures and predictions were only discussed in small trusted circles and where records of His life and teachings were guarded with their lives. Historical documents preserved and later found in ancient monasteries and archaeological digs attest to this secrecy. Doesn’t that sound like secret communist cells which threaten the fascist capitalist empires of today? Secrecy was part of the brilliant strategy which Yeshua taught and promoted. This was one of the principles of His political, social, economic, spiritual revolutionary movement. He taught and promoted an overt, public strategy for new converts and a private, covert, secretive strategy for the trusted inner circle. His enemies had a hard time defeating a virtually invisible movement and in fact, history shows they nearly did.


His message, vision and strategies potentially have the power to turn the world upside down, if the true message is really understood and spreads. It was therefore in the best interest of contemporary Greek, Roman and Jewish leaders, academics and their agents to eliminate or distort the knowledge and history of Yeshua and His followers. When that failed, they concocted and spread a counterfeit, confusing and impotent version of His message and vision. They relied on their subservient librarians and historians for destroying much of what they officially labelled “unorthodox” historical heritage of the period. Complicit church officials were trained to burn unacceptable literature and promote or preserve only those narratives which supported the theology, philosophy and propaganda of their empires; just like today.


Censuring of libraries and assassination of dissidents and heretics was commonplace then, just like today. Only “acceptable” history, theology and propaganda were allowed to survive into subsequent generations and flourish in later centuries and foreign countries. Why would the Roman and Jewish authorities go to such lengths to torture and kill Yeshua as an example to others? Why would they go to such lengths to kill His most devout followers if they were really only a rabble of religious freaks who believed in a collection of crazy myths and a psychopathic megalomaniac, religious leader? who incidentally but significantly never claimed He was God, nor a god and nor did His followers claim that of Him. There were plenty of other crazy religions the Romans could have picked on. Why target only Yeshua’s followers? ANSWER: It was vitally important for Roman emperors, and also later Muslim conquerors to out-smart and eliminate the revolutionary, inflammatory, anti-establishment axioms, value priorities, insights, influence, heroism and transforming power which Yeshua and the ancient Prophets would release on the world. Yeshua’s true revolutionary followers presented a far greater threat than any other religions.


For three centuries Yehua’s followers were persecuted, infiltrated and their leaders secretly arrested, tortured and executed – just like today. All this explains why Yeshua himself hardly features (if at all) in the records of contemporary historians of that era. Generations later, the surviving leaderless followers were misled, bribed, coerced and indoctrinated into the official neo-pagan “Christian religion, created mostly by Greek and Roman bishops for the Roman Empire under the patronage and approval of Emperor Constantine “the Great.” Much of the early “history” of the Roman Catholic institution was then written retrospectively by official, authorized “church historians.” But a careful examination of recent archaeological discoveries and records written by and about Believers, dating back closer to the days of Yeshua, like the Dead Sea scrolls, show how much was covered up and still covered up by modern Christian historians. It’s easy to understand why it’s so difficult to verify the history of Yeshua’s hand-picked Ambassadors and first followers. Where did they go and what did they achieve? Little accurate information about them was allowed to survive the censorship. Besides the Book “Acts of the Apostles” we generally only have Roman Catholic “traditions” and rumors about this first century era of history.   


The suggestion that Christianity was invented and the so-called “New Testament” composed (as a fabricated myth) about 230 years after the events supposedly described in the “New Testament” is inconsistent with historical evidence and sound logic. Christianity was not invented but evolved out of the original revolutionary organization which Israel’s Messiah established. Surviving copies of records written by and about Christians, dating back to a century after the days of Yeshua and confirming one another as authentic are accepted as accurate by many renown and respected historians, both today and in antiquity. There are too many such corroborating ancient records for anyone serious about historical research to conclude that Christianity was invented and the foundational religious documents composed (supposedly fabricated) by leaders of the Roman Catholic church in the 3rd or 4th century CE.

However, the Roman Catholic Church did invent certain myths which were later passed on by the rest of Christendom: For example, they proclaim that an amazing, miracle working God, lived and died in a mortal body 2000 years ago, and as a result, the world is a better place. Really??? That sounds like certain other pagan religious figures. Then 200 years of early church history was accidently lost or was never written. How could that be possible? Are we supposed to believe that? The fact that 99% of the civilized world’s educated population at the time were unimpressed by this “miracle working God” (supposedly disguised in a human body) demands explanation from these myth-writing Christian “historians.” On the contrary, Acts 2:22 says Yeshua was a man, authorized by God, a truly amazing man who drew thousands to His lectures. None of the earliest records claim He was a god or The God.

1 John 4:4 requires true believers to acknowledge Yeshua, not as God in flesh, but as “The Anointed One in flesh.” That’s the correct translation of the Greek. Psalm 2:7 and 45:7 says Yeshua would be anointed, meaning chosen, from among His companions (like King David) and God would then become His Father. We read in John 17:5-6 and Luke 2:30-32 that Yeshua was chosen to reveal the truth and glory of His God and Father.

The facts can be discovered in copies of ancient manuscripts which have survived in the original texts and languages “But men preferred darkness.” (John 3:19)

By incorrectly translating the original ancient manuscripts into modern languages Christians have so twisted and hidden the truth from those who might benefit from knowing it. “Light shines in the darkness and the darkness does not comprehend it.” (John 1:5)

These myth-writing deceivers also go to great lengths, twisting the facts, misrepresenting the earliest surviving records of His followers in their mind-boggling attempts to prove that He was God-in-flesh and that we are heretics or possessed by evil spirits if we question the God-in-flesh myth. The notion that “God” appeared but escaped the notice of contemporary historians is preposterous. Without a doubt the miracle working Son of God was amazing, brilliant and His authority and insights unsurpassed. He healed, inspired and educated many people and still gives inspiration, wisdom, self-respect, faith and hope in Eternal Life, and purpose to us and millions of others. But His strategy for eventually defeating opposing organizations like the Roman Catholic Church and the corrupt, greedy, arrogant and self-serving governments which most Christians serve is a very long-term strategy. It’s taken 2000 years so far and we haven’t won the battle yet, but Yeshua said we will eventually win if we obey all His instructions. This promise is called the Good News of God’s Kingdom (not gospel) and there’s a big “IF” in this promise which few if any believers notice.


How to defeat the evil empire in 3 difficult steps:

  1. Obey all Yeshua’s instructions
  2. Obey all Yeshua’s instructions
  3. Obey all Yeshua’s instructions

That’s not hard to understand!

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