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DANGER!!! BEWARE!!! “You’ve Got to Read This!”

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Depending upon your commitment level to continually seek the truth, your eyes have been opened to many things. The world, and characters living amongst us, are not what we have been taught, nor believe. I think that it’s fair to say….”WE HAVE BEEN DECEIVED!”

Politicians, government agencies, medical leaders and organizations are just a shell filled with lies and deception. Historical events such as 9/11, JFK’s assignation, reasons for engaging in war, Man on the moon, COVID-19, and the list goes on and on. ALL LIES! Dishonesty motivated by power, wealth, and control of you and me.

I remember as a child, when I learned the deception involved with the cover-up of Santa Clause’s identity. I was devastated. An icon in my early life, as someone magical, and filled with spreading joy and love to all children.

A quick trip to the store to sit upon his lap, he was truly interested in fulfilling a wish that I had. And, on those snowy Christmas mornings, he fulfilled most of my wishes.. bringing me untold joy and happiness.

But sadly, it was all made up. EVERYTHING from the sleighbells late at night on Christmas eve, Santa’s personal card written to me, and even the reindeer poop outside in the snow. Yup… A BIG lie!!!

Don’t get me wrong, I understand the spirit of Christmas, and the fact that my parents were just trying to promote that giving principle. However, I just remember feeling that I had been scammed, tricked, and played for a number of years. And what made things even more difficult for me to process is that this deception had come from the people that I trusted most… My Parents.

But life moved on, and I soon learned that there was more.. Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, puppy love, door to door salesmen, investment promises, and outright betrayal from friends and people that I loved dearly. Welcome to a world filled with deception.

As I watched things unfold on July 13th, 2024, this level of deception once again revealed itself. Some of those “trusted” people and agencies sworn to protect our leaders were not giving truthful answers regarding their involvement with the day’s events. Through the grace of God, President Trump was saved from certain death. A slight tilt of his head was what was needed to correct all of the deception from others that placed Trump’s life in danger.

I’d like you to take a moment and think about all of those who have deceived you over your lifetime. Write them down. Have you been deceived? Let’s just see how big of an issue this is for you in your life.

Now, take a look at your list. Have these people (groups) harmed you through their deception? How? I would love to hear your answers. (Perhaps someday, we can compare notes).

Deception ALWAYS brings negative consequences, even if it’s just the feeling of emotional hurt, and the lack of trust towards others.

Now, I’d like you to ponder this question: Get ready for this one.. It’s a doosey. What if deception meant losing your life? Would you want to have a heads-up prior to the deceptive event?

For my Christian brothers and sisters reading this post, what if DECEPTION meant losing your “spiritual life?” Would you want someone screaming “HEADS UP” then?



Now, if you are not seeing, nor can relate to the deception that I am writing, you are probably the most High-Risk person that will be deceived with the events that are coming. I invite you to jump on your knees and ask GOD to open your eyes. Pray that He will give you the insight to get in the game, and be courageous enough to see the reality of what is happening around you.

The stage is now perfectly set to introduce the deceptive Antichrist onto the world stage. Do you know who it is? Are you ready for him to arrive? Would you be interested if I could give you the Heads-Up that I am referring to? Well, you’ve come to the right place my friend. I will share those “secrets” with you, and will guarantee 100% that they are true. Do you trust me? …

…Think about it…


If you said that you trust me, you are grounded from your phone for 1 hour. =) TRUST NO MAN… remember. Do not fall for this! We have to be on high alert right now. I mean that deeply!!!!!

I’d like you to consider two scriptures from the bible relating to the planned deception that is coming to the Earth:

Matthew 7:15

“Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.”

Acts 5:29

“Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.”

Matthew 24:24

“For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect”.

God knew that we would be deceived in these last days. It’s interesting to me that He actually used the word “Prophets” in this scripture. Deceived by a prophet… How could that be? As we equate this word with the bible events written, the Prophet has always been God’s person upon the earth that led people through the most challenging events of the day.

Here is the first heads-up. We could be deceived by a religious leader that we have come to trust over our lifetime. Perhaps…even a Prophet of God.

As we look at some religious “leaders” today, it’s fair to say that they could very well fall under a “False Prophet” category. Here’s what I’m talking about.

I’m appalled at the financial gains that some churches and/or leaders have obtained. They use the tithes and offerings given by church members for their own mansions and personal wealth, rather than care for those “sheep” that are hungry and poor. This doesn’t set well with me. This is indeed selfish, but does it make them a false prophet?

Insert this thought into your mind right now…Trust No Man.

This is just my opinion, but I’d like for you to tuck what I have to say into the back of your memory for future use. I am going to be so bold as to suggest that some church leaders have actually made a deal with the dark side. In this deal, they have received financial wealth and gain personally. Now, as with all deals, it’s time for them to “pay up”. The note is due, and they must demonstrate their loyalty towards the broker of such a deal…the dark leader.

Satan and his followers could very well have wiggled into a church system with promises of financial wealth and power, if they would agree to do his work when asked to do so. He has promised that he would take the riches of this world to lead people astray.

So, “Heads-Up’ to you. Your spiritual leader could be a false prophet, and someone who will soon be an instrument in the hands of the adversary. Under the disguise of righteousness, they could be very instrumental in directing their followers to accept the mark of the beast, which is the ultimate goal that Satan has. To protect yourself, you all have your own ability to question everything that you hear, regardless of the source.

Take your concerns to God in prayer, and He will validate if those things are true or not. If true, you will feel at peace in your heart. If false, you will feel unresolved and confused. This is how God answers our prayers. You can ALWAYS trust God.

So, what’s up with this antichrist, and how does it tie into deception? I do have two things to share with you as we are awaiting his arrival. These truths are taught in the scriptures of the bible.

First, we are told in the book of Matthew, that even the intelligent, God-fearing people will be deceived in the last days. So what’s his name, and how can I know, so that I am not deceived?

As John was describing the antichrist in the book of revelation, he gave us some definite specifics regarding an event that would happen, helping us identify this antichrist.

Revelation 13:3

And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.”

Here’s another heads-up. The beast, the antichrist, is someone that will receive a wound to his head that would turn out to be deadly. He will die. All of us will become aware of an awesome leader that has just been killed. And given some time: a few minutes, days, or weeks, the wound would be healed, and the beast brought back to life. Once dead, now alive, and all mankind would be in awe after seeing such a miracle.

As an event that most of us have never witnessed personally, this is a certain fact that we can all use to identify the antichrist. Someone killed, and then being raised from the dead.

So what is the takeaway from this writing so far? It’s rather simple.

*Trust no man. Use your relationship with God to prayerfully verify those things that you are hearing from others, even from your earthly spiritual leaders.

*Know that all mankind will be deceived in the last days…Even the very best of the best who are spiritually connected with God. Watch for a new leader to emerge who, at the beginning, will be the most awesome, talented, likable person by everyone. This deception is a clue in and of itself in identifying the antichrist.

*When this incredibly bright person is on the world’s stage, you will notice that he will be “killed” by a head wound. Then, appearing as though it is a miracle, he will be brought back to life. This is the most powerful clue that He in the antichrist.

If you are using this information that I have provided, you will come to know who the antichrist really is. Once identified, take your newfound understanding and present it to God for your own validation. You will then know for a fact that this is the person prophesied in the bible, who has been sent to earth by Satan, to fight for the control of your soul.

Now, here come the biggest head-up: This antichrist wants to take you away from God, and make you his servant. He wants to own your soul, and keep you for his army to fight against God. This transaction will be done by the antichrist desiring that all mankind follow him, and take his mark identifying your allegiance to him. This mark is a contract with the devil. Let’s learn about it from the bible.

Revelation 13:16-17

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

The antichrist is going to present a deal with you in this manner. He will be seen as such an awesome leader. He will even show you the miracle of being brought back from his death. He will promise to give you everything, and a bright future. He will also tell those who choose to deny this mark, that they will be outcast from this popular world group, and that their life will become difficult.

If you do not possess this mark, “you cannot buy or sell.” This likely also means that you will not be employable, earn a living, nor get loans from a bank, etc. It might even mean the loss of your life if you don’t comply.

Taking this mark will be very enticing. It will appear that taking the mark seems to be the most logical choice, but remember, this antichrist is a deceiver. Any promise that he makes will be very short lived, empty, and will have long-term consequences that are disastrous…Losing your soul, and being a slave to Satan.

You will have a decision to make, with the consequences being the difference of serving as a slave and living with Satan in the depts of hell forever, or standing true and choosing to refuse the mark, which might have challenging earthly consequences, but will result in living in peace, harmony, goodness, and in the mansion that He has prepared for you… Forever, with God.

This is the most important decision that you will make… ever. Don’t screw this one up! We saw the pressure that was placed on all of us to comply with the demands of the government during the pandemic of Covid-19. That was just a mild example of what’s coming.

But there’s more immediate negative coming to those who choose to take the mark. Check this out.

Revelation 16:1,2

And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.

And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.

God will not be happy with those who have chosen to follow Satan, and will begin His punishments by causing sores and boils to plaque the skin of these marked people. What? Wait.. the antichrist never told us that this would happen.

For those of us choosing right at this very moment to follow God and not take the mark, we will be under the protection of God Himself. He will watch over us, and will guide us through to the very end. Your decision has to be made now. PLEASE, study this more so that you will be able to decide before things happen.

On a very personal level, I must share my thoughts with you. I have played the scenario of being offered the mark over and over in my mind numerous times. And, I must say, that even if me choosing to refuse the mark of the beast caused me to lose my life right there on the spot, I WOULD REMAIN TRUE TO GOD. I have already chosen not to take the mark of the beast, regardless of any negative consequence.

Death to me is merely the turning of a page. My spirit would immediately move past the awfulness of this world into a glorious place in heaven, to begin eternity surrounded by those that I love. There would no longer be anything associated with the evils of Satan, and those who have chosen to be evil. I would essentially be moving into the perfect neighborhood, rid of all of the Karen’s of this earth life =)

So, there you have it. Information to save your eternal life. How will you choose? I invite you to make this decision right now. Then, prayerfully ask God to help you remain true to your commitment to always follow Him.

Should you be undecided, then I must tell you a hard reality. Prepare yourself for an eternity filled with misery, doom, darkness and unhappiness forever, and ever, and ever, and ever…. As waiting to decide then will be next to impossible under the cleaver deception of the antichrist.

Be aware of his deception, know that you will be asked or required to take Satan’s mark, and be prepared to refuse the mark, regardless of any immediate earthly consequence. This is the only answer that will give you happiness.

There is joy and peace in having this plan, as it eliminates the uncertainty. God and His followers will win this battle, and He has a reward for all that choose Him. “I can only imagine!!”

God be with you…There is PEACE there.

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  • Lacox

    You are being deceived once again, the zionists did not try to kill trump, he is a zionist!! sorry, but they do Not miss. you are watching mass mind control, enjoy the show. …and stop being so gullible.

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