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The Last Days.. Written Without Fear

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For the past several weeks, I have found myself so caught up in the doom and negativity associated with the events of the last days. War, evil, mark of the beast, antichrist, death, etc. These concepts have worn me down emotionally, and have placed me into a state of despair.

But deep inside my soul, I know that I am a child of God. I also know my Father in Heaven, and His love for me. It was time for me to once again approach my loving Father, and ask for His guidance and comfort.

The gospel of Jesus Christ has always brought me peace, comfort, confidence, and joy. My soul has been saved from the sin and mistakes that I have made while on this earth. I am now clean, refreshed, and renewed because of His unselfish sacrifice. He died for Me… and YOU. He has offered this sacrifice for all mankind.

This sacrifice of Jesus Christ has not changed, even though the state of the world has. Satan is the one that has brought all of this awfulness to the earth. He doesn’t want anything but our destruction, misery, and loss of hope. His plan of forcing all of us to worship him is the very reason that I am receiving these feelings of doom.

So, what if we all were to ignore Satan’s plan, and see things entirely through the light of Jesus Christ, and the plan that God has for His children? Just writing this sentence restores the light, and positive feelings that I have come to know through a lifetime of trying to live a life that God would want me to live. Just thinking this thought brings me joy, hope, comfort, and the excitement to know that God has a plan for us to navigate through these end times.

I invite you to join me as we follow the “end times” plan that God has for us.

  1. Acknowledge the Relationship that you have with God. Take a moment and remember all that He has done for you throughout your lifetime.

I am humbled in remembering some of the experiences that I have had in my life, where my loving Father in Heaven has watched over me, and has seen me through to the very end.

Being lost in the snowy Mountains of Utah while hunting. In the late hours of the night, freezing, defeated and not being able to find my way back to camp, I had the glaring thought that I was doomed to die that night on the mountain. Exhausted, frozen, and broken, I found the strength to get on my knees and ask God for help. “Please, lead me through this challenge, and help me live.”

After I concluded my prayer, in the pitch black of night, I got on my feet and began walking with the utmost confidence in a direction given to me in my mind…and…right back to our campsite and a renewed belief in a Father in Heaven that was there for me. Rescued, saved, and the witness of a miracle.

Our Father is just that; Someone who cares about us, and will protect and guide us when we are not able to do things beyond our abilities.

Another impossible challenge in my life was the death of my son who died in a motorcycle accident. I cannot properly explain the difficulty that this was for me. I lost my very best friend in a tragic way, and my very being was shattered into a million pieces. How could I navigate through the loss that me and my family were experiencing?

Once again, I approached a kind loving Father in Heaven and asked for His help. I immediately felt this overwhelming feeling of being coddled in God’s loving arms. Exquisite peace flooded my entire body. It was divine, and lasting.

This gave me the strength and ability to emotionally care for my wife and our other siblings. We all prayed together, and they too received this peace and comfort from God that I had received. People showed up in our lives with love, and encouraging thoughts to assist us in the grieving process.

As we were able to progress through the challenge, God allowed this peaceful “life-saving” emotion to gradually be withdrawn. He was there for us when it was too much for us to bear, but then allowed us to continue growing when we were able to continue on ourselves.

  1. Live a life that is Intune with God’s teachings.

Now that we have recognized the power that God has to guide and direct us, it is important to continue living your life in such a way that we will be open to the whispering directions that He will be giving to those who have chosen to listen to Him.

Lose your life in the service to others. There are many people around us who need our help. Remember, God usually answers people’s prayers with other people who are tuned in to hear His promptings. Don’t just sit on the bench. Listen for God to put you into the game and assist others who are calling upon Him for help.

  1. Continue Communicating with God through Prayer.

Pray each morning, night, and throughout the day. Then take some time listening for the answers to come.

I must say that I talk with God informally in my mind throughout the day. But there is something different when I take the time to get down upon my knees showing respect when I say my prayers. It’s not possible to always do this, but there are certain times in the day when it is just the right thing to do. I hope that you will find this to be the case in your life as well.

  1. Have Faith that He will Guide and Protect You.

These last days are a prophesied battle between Good and Evil. We are on the side of Good. God will never destroy Good. The things that are mentioned in the bible stating that God will pour out His wrath upon the earth are not directed towards us… Remember this!!! This is His plan to defeat Evil, and those who are on the opposing team. God will watch over you, and protect you from these things.

Satan is the one that seeks to destroy good, and all of the members of that team. Although this might cause anxiety and worry, remember, God will watch over you and protect you.

Just like the story in the bible, when the Israelites were fleeing from the evil king and his army, threatening to destroy them, God was very aware of their plight and rescued them. Backed into a dead end at the banks of the Red Sea, they initially thought they were doomed. With nowhere to go, the evil army was fast approaching. Through Moses, God parted the Red Sea, allowing the Israelites to successfully escape their captors.

YOU and I can be just as fortunate in these last days. When evil is chasing you, God will be there to provide escape and protection, just as He did in this experience.

  1. Commit TODAY that you will ALWAYS be on God’s Team.

We have been taught that the Antichrist will be likeable, and deceptive. He will initially be seen as the greatest leader on the earth. He will win the hearts of many if not all people on the earth.

Think of your life experiences, and how Satan has camouflaged sin and made it seem very enticing. He will do the same when He appears upon the world’s stage. However, just like the sins that we have fallen to, we realize that they were not as we thought, and only lead to unhappiness and destruction.

We need to have already made up our mind what we will do when he reveals himself to the world. Recognize his deception, and do not fall for his empty promises.

I would like to be a bit bold right now and discuss something which might seem scary for all of us. However, in discussing this all of the way through it will give us confidence, peace, and a well-thought-out plan.

I have no doubt that the things that I have written are true. I believe God will protect us, guide us, and even rescue us. If you believe in the Rapture, you can see that this can be His way of removing us from the dangers of the last days.

But what if being on the side of God would mean that we would lose our life. How would you respond.

I feel strongly that there might be someone who is reading this that might just have this decision to deal with in the future… perhaps even myself. What will we do?

I commit today to be on the side of God regardless of any consequences… even death. Do you share this same commitment?

Death has always been a topic to avoid discussing. It has symbolized the “end,” “defeat,” or the “worst possible outcome.” We see death as something that we should avoid at all costs. But it is time for a mental shift in dealing with death in the end times.

If faced with a serious decision in the future, let’s consider the two options in detail, right now, when we are not caught up in the emotions of having this decision happening to us in the moment.

Here is the scenario:

You are faced with a decision. The antichrist will grant you life if you choose to follow him. But, if you choose not to join his team, you will not be able to buy or sell anything, you will not be able to have a job, or provide for your family. And in some cases, the consequence of not following him will be the loss of your life, or your family members life.

How would you choose?

Let’s break this down into reality, rather than just an instinctive feeling of doing everything that we can possible to always live.

Option 1 – Being so fearful that we Choose to Take the Mark of the Beast. This choice might give a temporary extension of life, but in doing this, you have now become an enemy of God, and are subject to His wrath.

John 3:16

“And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshiped his image.”

God’s physical wrath will happen to all who are on the side of evil. But there is a far more severe consequence that will last for an eternity. By choosing Satan’s side, you have just sold your soul, and will live with Satan in the fiery pits of hell FOREVER!

Revelation 14:9-11

And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:

And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

So, choosing the mark might give you a year or two of mortal life, but you will be dodging the wrath of God during that time. You also will lose your soul and live in hell forever.

Option 2 – Refuse the Mark even if it means Losing your Life?

Death is merely the turning of a page in your eternal existence. You are immediately removed from the drama of this earthly life, and the end times war that is happening. You will feel immediate peace and joy. A complete opposite from your thinking that death would be associated with darkness and the end.

After death, you would now be in the environment of your dreams. Peace, comfort, joy, love, happiness, and most importantly, knowing that you have chosen the greatest reward of living with God forever, as a result of continuing to be on God’s team.

Revelation 20:4

“And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

So let us all be happy and look forward to the end times. We should know that we are moments away form the peace and joy that we have been seeking our entire life.

I can not wait to be surrounded by my family and friends that will be waiting for me there. A joyous reunion! We then will live forever free from sin and temptation, and will be with a loving Father in Heaven who will continue to teach us the things that we need to know.

Do not allow the worries of the day chip away at your relationship with God. There has been no greater time to draw closer to Him than at this very moment.

Feel confident that you have already decided how you will respond to a decision that might be in our future. A decision that will lead to peace and joy.

I’m grateful for a God that has given me the promise of happiness, as well as the cautionary information on how we should respond in these end times. I have a plan, and I also know that He will watch over me, just as He has done my entire life.

Hold your head high my friend. We are all in this together, and on a team that wins in the end. We will be victorious. And should there be challenges along the way, I KNOW that our Father will see us through to the very end. There is so much peace with this knowledge.

Let us all see this not as the end… but rather a new beginning of a wonderful eternal life. Take pride in knowing whose team you are on. God is our leader. He is in full control, and His command will be spot-on. Let us not be ashamed of following God, even if it becomes unpopular, for we know that deception is imminate, but will only be but a short moment. We will be victorious because we have a plan.

May God be with you all is my prayer… Amen!

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