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MTG (like Box of Chocolates, never know what you're gonna get) - which MTG showed up for FRAUDci hearings?

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MTG (like Box of Chocolates, never know what you’re gonna get (apologies to Forrest Gump)) – which MTG showed up for  the (Doctor? Was/is it an honorary Degree? Does he have ANY License to Practice Medicine of any type in any State? Dr. Rand Paul does! Regardless we’ll go with “Mr.”) #FRAUDci hearings?

[also in Republican News: /republican/2024/06/is-usa-still-constitutionally-limited-judeochristian-republican-form-of-government-our-founders-created-2445208.html]


ABOUT MTG, such a mixed-bag (as will be this article, criticism and yet too CREDIT WHERE CREDIT DUE – TODAY) — MIXED BAG OF NUTS 99.9% of time…. SHE IS A HYSTERICS PURVEYOR (I’ve said via social-media over and over and over (#CONTEXTmatters)) which HAS ITS ROLE AT TIMES and Places, great RedMeat tosser at Rallies) and as every CON knows (not calling her a Con, she is indeed sincere I think most times, just that she like a Con knows how to manipulate some who just look at the Public things and know nothing about the behind-the-scenes need to be serious times she isn’t) way to get Monies out of People is indeed EMOTIONS —- Quick, ACT NOW, do not delay, this offer won’t last, DO NOT THINK JUST ACT (hysterically, emotionally)….


I have said, and I will ALWAYS say,

I will be critical of anyone, anytime, any place, IMO they deserve such and I just was earlier today calling out MTG “unserious antics” – but too, conversely, PRAISE when deserving….

I have been critical of MTG many times, including earlier today (on my more than dozen social-media platforms I am on) for her often very (all to often, IMO) UNSERIOUS behavior, antics, language (behaving as badly as a DUMBocrat SQUAD member).

HOWEVER, CREDIT WHERE CREDIT DUE – TODAY she was – FOR MOST PART – NOT ENTIRELY and YES still worthy of criticism but MUCH BETTER THAN NORMAL of her hysteria manure tactics — calm, calculated (I have NO PROBLEM, Left did it with Dr Oz during Campaign, AVOIDING him his “DR” title), and GREAT, in her VERY SERIOUS (Thankfully, for change) Committee hearing time she had in TAKING DOWN #FRAUDci (rather than hysterical antics)

And GREG KELLY (NEWSMAX) showed some great highlights (of course, SELECTIVELY CHOSEN, edited out her more idiotic hysterics parts)!!! WE ALL needed her to CHECK HERSELF, and her usual 1 million percent OVER THE TOP antics, and Thankfully she did (well, for the most part, not entirely)….

I just WISH we could/would see more of the MORE SERIOUS MTG; than we often do the other ranting/raving/lunatic “AOC” type (no, duh, we all know, don’t go down that STRAWMAN idiocy deflections; obviously not talking Politically leaning wise); AOC (unserious side) with an “R” beside her name. MOST that know the behind-the-scenes actually come time try GET SERIOUS THINGS DONE know she is not serious, knows little, cannot be relied upon. Again, SHE certainly has her place and her HYSTERICS ANTICS are useful time-to-time especially when comes to stirring up other EMOTIONALLY HYSTERICAL people (yes, there are SNOWFLAKE emote non-thinker types on our Side too) to Action or get Monies out of them. And other potential Strawman IF I DO NOT SING MTG’S PRAISES 24×7 (be a Cultist, I am NOT a Cultist for anyone, ever, not my entire 62 years of Life to date, nor will ever as many more years as I have remaining) THEN I AM SOMEHOW NOT #MAGA. Bullshit, again, as said over and over forever NO MAN OR WOMAN IS PERFECT, any and all deserving of criticism and/or praise on MERITS OF ISSUE DISCUSSED (#PrinciplesNotPersonalities) and I am the Catholic who coined the term #nincomPOPE for Francis (NO MAN/WOMAN above criticism, PERIOD! Francis more interested in COMMUNISM than CATHOLICISM (He’s a Leftist above all) but that of course is a whole other rabbit-hole; but DOES RELATE – again NOBODY ABOVE AT LEAST OCCASIONAL CRITICISM (I did Reagan back in the day, I did Trump, as I especially criticized and called out (obviously far more often) CINOs/RINOs like HWBush and others than Heroes like Reagan and Trump (and certainly never afraid to call out Leftist loon #FASCICRATS Politicians but never, ever, just for only hyper-partisan reasons always equal, not double-standards, reasonings (as I said I am NOT a Cultist for anyone, nor do I engage in DERANGEMENT SYNDROME against anyone, ever, stand on POLICY NOT PERSONALITIES))).

Closing, again – will call her out when she gets ridiculous (and NO, spare me the, WOULD YOU SAY THAT IF SHE WERE A MAN, HELL YES I WOULD, again I will, can, do, see my articles over the decades, my social-media posts over the decades, CALL OUT ANY AND ALL when unserious idiocy is on display) — WE NEED MORE SERIOUS (and hopefully we’ll continue to see more and more of this more (not entirely, but better) serious side of her) PEOPLE to promote our MAGA agenda —— THINKING, not FEEWINGS, logic, reason, common-sense, facts, evidence; AS SHE DEMONSTRATED IN THE #FRAUDci HEARING THIS TIME AROUND.

GET THE POINT HERE? Unlike that exchange between her and Squad members in that other Hearing weeks ago (which makes my point, ALL people remember are the HYSTERICAL ANTICS back and forth (the EYELASHES vs BEACH BLONDE BUBBLE BUTT “looks” not “Intellect” based BITCHING bullshit (making both look foolish, petty, childish)) AND NOT the SERIOUS MATTERS NEEDING THE ATTENTION that the Hearing was about that day). That just plays into Leftard controlled #ENEMEdia hands as they can then play her (on a never-ending loop, and they did play MTG’s “Catty” comments not The Squad members equally SEXIST NONSENSE based petty retorts (WE NEED SERIOUS FOCUS, our Nation is circling the Drain damn-it)) and peddling “ALL REPUBLICANS ARE UNHINGED” narrative – helps the Left, as it allows them TO DEFLECT (see, extension of Alinsky bullshit tactics article: rather than (we Win, ALWAYS) when the focus is on THE ISSUES (LISTEN:!!!

BOTTOM-LINE: Absolutely, time for some new NERUMBERG TRIALS and #FRAUDci (and all his contacts and cohorts and GAIN OF FUNCTION of SARS-Co-V-2 (Covid-19 creation) weaponization associates) MUST be put on Trial for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!!!!

Normally I’d take a Matt Gaetz or Nancy Mace over MTG any day of the week, BUT NOT THIS DAY!
And it is time for Jack Kevorkian (for those who remember who he was, how Jeffrey Feiger got his claim to Legal Fame, in Michigan) to hand over his DOCTOR DEATH title to FRAUDci, at least Jack only ASSISTED those wanting to die to Euthanize themselves – Fraudci MASS MURDERED (IMO) PEOPLE or at least Guilty of NEGLEGENT HOMOCIDE of Millions!!!

SEE MY WUHAN HYSTERIA ERA CRITICAL PIECES OF “FRAUDci and ‘The Science’” (read: Political Pseudo-Science, power grab) at:  

#ROAR — #RestoreOurAmericanRepublic


#AMomentOfLevity #JokesterJoe (of #SavagedUnfiltered #podcast) #JoeOriginal break

#Trump said over on #TruthSocial “I Love you Staten Island” my response….

Why, do you have HIGH CHELESTEROL (sp?) problems????
;-) :P (couldn’t resist PHARMA Joke, like my prior #BRONXchitis one for the #BronxRally) :) LOL
#JokesterJoe #JoeOriginal #AMomentOfLevity
thelibertybeacon / the-need-to-keep-a-sense-of-humor

#TrumpNoem2024 #NoemScott2028 #Scott???2036




a day later than expected (June 2nd), was supposed to be up Saturday June 1st, delays by/from/with #AMAZON #KDP Services…..
but FINALLY ARRIVED: #ChristiTutionalist TM #Politics 2 (#book)
Well, #eBook / #Kindle version anyway, #Softcopy #ComingSoon

Amazon KDP Softcopy ISBN: tbd (ASIN: tbd)
Amazon Kindle ASIN: B0D5WRBB49 (ISBN: n/a)



Now, as for OBVIOUS (COMING) July News — FLASHBACK to 2023 about #4thOfJuly….



LASTLY: In The News THIS Month (June 2024, which was Christian Heritage Month (no doubt you likely missed hearing about amidst all the GAY PRIDE #ENEMEdia hysteria peddling which I wrote on at BeforeItsNews 5 years ago)) Not Yet Commented On… You may have heard minor mentions of, but now need to understand the broader-contexts you will not have heard anywhere else… Now does it makes sense why my “Is Prayer Alone Enough” TLB piece dropping as well as “ChristiTutionalist TM Politics 2” book dropping June 2024?!?!?

Global Unrest related News….
which was also dropped Mon. June 3rd

Also in Republican News: /republican/2024/06/is-usa-still-constitutionally-limited-judeochristian-republican-form-of-government-our-founders-created-2445208.html

The laughable “Man On The Street” Interviews – showing our poor Education regarding Economics, and everything really….


LOOK BACK: The last several TLB pieces and correlating/corresponding CTP Shows (and planned going forward from May 4th – June 29th)…

  • May 4 – S1E46: Issue Never the Issue (#Revolutiontards useful-idiots) 
  • May 11 – S1E47: Continued Left-wing Violence 
  • May 18 – S1E48: Let Them Keep Pushing, Generational Shift Occurring 
  • May 25 – S1E49: Mother’s Day retrospective  (Ex Post Facto piece, just as last year’s Memorial Day and 4th-Of-July pieces were) 
  • June 1 – S1E50: Slaves To State 
  • June 8 – S1E51: Is Prayer Alone Enough? [also note: CTP2 dropping]
  • June 15 – S1E52: Rising Tides Lift All Boats 
  • June 22 – S2E53: TLB-Talk relaunch
  • June 29 – S2E54: Speculations and What Ifs




Appreciate THIS and other Joseph M. Lenard pieces?
Joseph M Lenard is on @buymeacoffee! 🎉
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Rick Walker joined me on my Show awhile back – see:

2023 in review…

CTP (S1E33, 20240203 drop, BTS/SP) “Brain-Dead Folks 1 (that’s a harsh title LOL)” BehindTheScenes/SneakPeek Video

[BRIEF NOTE: There has been, continues to be AN ISSUE with BeforeItsNews of late (in certain B4IN category sections, not all) in embedding Videos that I have filed a Support ticket regarding and still awaiting resolve. Normally, I am able to add several embedded Videos within every piece. For some reason I am limited to only including one as attempting more causes entire HTML code and parts of Articles TO VANISH. So, there will be additional links to Videos. Related Videos that I had hoped to embed throughout are...
"(CTP S1E28) SneakPeek/BTS "Can One 'Generalize' About Women Voters?" (Audio Show drops 20231230)"
or Rumble:
"CTP BTS/SP (S1EDecSpecial (MidWeek 12/6/23 drop)) "Dating in these WOKE times" Politics dividing."
"CTP S1ENov2023Special BTS/SP "Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas""
"CTP S1E25 BTS/SP Video "Year in Review (part 1)" 20231209 Audio podcast drop"
"CTP BTS/SP Video (S1E26) Year in Review (part 2)"
These Videos are also available via Bitchute and Brighteon @JLenardDetroit channels.
To see my CTP Show "Soundbites" samples - see: 
Take these, and of course ANY of the ChristiTutionalist TM Politics episodes on the Road (or whatever/where-ever) with you via Buzzsprout or any of the 14 other podcast platforms it is available. ]

AGAIN, you are likely NOT hearing about JUNE being CHRISTIAN HERITAGE MONTH, so I am going to share the following about our (in MI, may be being replicated in your State, check with your local RIGHT-TO-LIFE organization) CHRISTIAN – PROLIFE – LIFEWALK (June 22 2024) PREVIEW —-







NOT Hyperbole, FACTS Left cannot refute.

These are NOT the 1930′s – when/where German Nazi-Socies were competing for Power in those early 1930′s for overall control of Germany against Moscow backed Communists!!!! TODAY, there is NO DIFFERENCE (just different color banner) but minor operational tactics strategies TO SAME ENDS/GOALS/OBJECTIVE — Complete and Total top-down Tyrannical control OVER ALL OTHERS. A CommieFasciSocies BLEND (of virtually identical minds, all and only about power/control attainment and keeping it once they got it)!
NOT HYPERBOLE, verifiable FACTS, DNC has 28 Planks of NSDAP Platform in their Platform today (oh, sure, more trying to be deceptive language to avoid the direct comparison, but one and the same 28 items)!!








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    Total 2 comments
    • JLenardDetroit

      #RNC Chair Whately on NEWSMAX trying carefully craft response when asked whether RINO Hogan gets RNC “FUNDING” to help him Win Maryland #USSenate seat (which indeed ALL #USSenate Races are important, any 1 of them could be determining factor in control of that Body in next Congress).

      I whole-heartedly ENDORSE Whately’s “CAREFUL/STRATEGIC” non-commital response – BUT, wish GOP get BETTER at handling such — IMO proper response is “Expanding our margin in #USHouse and getting control of #USSenate is important, therefore any and all Republican Candidates will have support from RNC as we must obtain Governance majorities – however, will NOT discuss (give away game-plan) as whom, when, where, RNC will or will not direct Monies (alerting opponents to our Strategies) toward those aims! This about #PrinciplesNotPersonalities and therefore will NOT discuss ‘thoughts’ about particular Candidates and individual nominees positions or estimated viability and feed MSM divisive narratives that might hurt our overall aims/goals!”

    • JLenardDetroit

      As I’ve said elsewhere
      (see, I appreciate Q and #QArmy (well, most of them) coming to those of us who were the TEST CASES (Trial Balloon run of #RussianCollusion delusion, before they proceeded to #SteeleDossier farce to more try “tag” such to #Trump) who supported us.
      HOWEVER, and this is kinda 2 part,
      ON RIGHT: There are what I call #QAnnoners (Truth Seekers, love them, consider myself one) and #QAnutters or #Jonesers (will say anything, Attn Seekers, sadly know far too many and distance myself as best I can).
      NOW, THE LEFT, of course
      Just #QLiars (will say anything to try to get anyone deals in the #ConspiracyFACTS things as NUTTERs and everything they say COMPLETE NONSENSE (as, sadly, some #QAnutters deal in).

      Matters not what you know true, but what can convincingly demonstrate others true

      S1E32 NOTES ( listen (Jan 27 2024 and after)):
      ChristiTutionalist Politics “Red-Pill Strategy (aka: ‘the Conspiracy-Theories show’)”

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