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By Joseph Zrnchik for 5th Estate Media Email: (Reporter)
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Trump Is Winning Ugly

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I had previously written an article detailing how the media was destroying political discourse due to the fact that it has become little more than a propaganda arm of globalists and corporatists directing a disinformation campaign against the American people. In fact, I had deliberately voted for Trump specifically because he proved himself willing and able to challenge both the political and media establishment. Now I can clearly see that Trump is exactly the man for this time and place in history.


While Trump has been criticized for his ego, I postulate that this type of ego is exactly what was needed to take on and defeat the deep state, the political elites, globalist operatives and a sycophant media. Trump’s ego is so big that often his genius, shrewdness and cunning are underestimated by enemies who, due to their own egotism and an envious disrespect for Trump’s tenacity and courage, demonstrated by his refusal to back down from a challenge, cause them to blunder as they suffer humiliation and disgrace.


All the Dems laughed as Trump destroyed his fellow Republican candidates that the GOP establishment had termed as being a “deep bench”, confident that Trump would self-destruct as spectacularly in the general election as he had destroyed the GOP field in the primary.


Obama mocked Trump by saying he would never be president and then laughed at the GOP’s supposed disarray while Trump spent only a fraction of what Hillary and the DNC pumped into the election as he decisively beat her. Obama promised to support the next president “no matter who she was.” Obama again mocked Trump saying it was “impossible to hack an election” and that “no serious or credible person” would even make a statement such as that. Obama went on to further admonish Trump by telling him to “quit whining and start campaigning”. See Obama make a complete fool of himself here:

Metro-sexual Obama also alluded to Trump being weak by saying he was not tough enough to handle the job. However, Trump has shown he is not only tough enough to handle the job, but can also take on the deep state at the NSA, CIA, FBI, DOJ, State Department and the Pentagon, the globalists, the DNC, the RNC, an arrogant NFL, the media, and the Obama and Clinton crime cartel and have a good time while doing it. Trump has not only shown he has the toughness to take them all on, but he has shown again and again he has the intelligence and cunning to beat them at their own game. He has managed to turn the tables on the entire U.S. political establishment. This is unprecedented. Meanwhile, the DOJ and FBI dodge oversight subpoenas and ditch meetings. But, Emmit Sullivan, the judge overseeing the hearings involving the FBI and DOJ has the distinction of sending an entire prosecutorial team to jail and the unemployment office after he had their law licenses shredded due to a corrupt prosecution of Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens. This guy does not play.


After Hillary lost the election, she had a difficult time accepting the fact that most Americans knew she was a crook, a liar, and a psychopath. She could not only not accept defeat, but she proved herself willing to wage a scorched-earth policy utilizing Obama holdovers in the DOJ and FBI to wage a treasonous propaganda campaign against Trump that has backfired so violently that it has exposed what most thought to be merely irony and absurdity to now understand it as treason and the crudest, most deserved exercise in political and legal self-immolation that even the most devious and twisted mind could not have devised. When one steps back and examines and understands what is happening, they will come to realize they are looking at a historically unprecedented epic blunder of overextension and miscalculation caused by one of the most historically obscene examples of greed, corruption, treason and arrogance in history.


The deep state overestimated its power and did not understand its weaknesses while playing a card hand it bluffed as Trump knew he was holding all the aces. The FBI and DOJ thought its mendacity would be hidden and could have never guessed their crimes would be discovered and exposed by the peoples’ representatives to whom they are finding they are subordinate, much to their chagrin. Hillary and Obama played poker against Putin as he played chess in Syria and we see the way that came out. Then, Hillary decided to play poker and double down on a bad bet as Trump could smell fear and the stench of her crapped-in pantsuit.


Think about it. Trump has exposed the deep state and has discredited it to such an extent that the FBI and DOJ now stand naked and exposed for the corrupt, politicized, abusive, partisan and inept organizations the perceptive always knew them to be. Those with some understanding always knew the FBI to be organizationally what Bruce Ohr, Peter Strzok and Andrew McCabe are individually- powerful, arrogant, corrupt, mostly unaccountable and stupid.

While even Trey Gowdy sings the praises of the DOJ and FBI, there are those of us who remember the FBI torture and murder of Kenneth Trentadue in a case of mistaken identity that was covered up by Eric Holder. The FBI thought that Kenneth Trentadue was John Doe #2 in the OKC bombing that occurred under Operation Patriot Conspiracy. All prison logs and blood evidence were scrubbed and destroyed and justice was institutionally obstructed. So, contempt of the constitution, perjury, evidence tampering and obstruction of justice is nothing new to the FBI, not to mention the issue of torture and murder the red, white and blue FBI perpetrates. It still seems that patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels. Unfortunately for the FBI leadership, this time they decided to mess with the wrong guy, one who is not impressed by them especially when they act as a cabal of Hillary-worshipping treasonous liars. Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes, John Ratcliffe, Darrell Issa, Chuck Grassley and Trey Gowdy are all holding FBI’s Director Wray’s feet to the fire. I have to mention here that although Gowdy talks a good game, he usually crumbles when it come to getting the ball over the goal line, and anyone as obsequious to the DOJ and the FBI, while refusing to take issue with their crimes, is someone I will never trust.


Partisan FBI agents weren’t just satisfied with being able to obstruct justice in the Clinton email scandal in which tens of thousands of emails were destroyed along with handfuls of Blackberry phones and computer hard drives, but they also wanted the power to politically and legally destroy anyone who stood in the way of a Clinton election victory.

While Hillary Clinton ran the State Department, the Clinton Foundation raked in literally billions of dollars. The State Department allowed Clinton to then destroy all the emails and schedules that clearly demonstrated quid pro quo and direct correlations between donors and their receiving State Department action.


Not only did the State Department do that, but the DOJ and FBI slapped a nondisclosure order on a witness to prevent

Congress from learning about bribes, money laundering, racketeering and blackmail in relation to the Clinton Foundation getting $150 million as Hillary’s State Department approved a deal in which Uranium One was allowed to be purchased by Rosatom, a Putin-controlled business, effectively placing Putin in control of 20% of all US uranium deposits.


After Hillary having had promised Obama she would separate the Clinton Foundation from the State Department, the foundation went on to collect nearly $2 billion as donors received weapons deals, favorable legislation, special access and assorted business deals not to mention Putin gettign 20% of US uranium. Now that Clinton has no influence, donations to the foundation dropped to nothing and much of the foundation has ceased to exist. While Hillary received $150 million into the Clinton Foundation and Bill obtained a $500, 000 Russsian speaking engagement when the Uranium One/Rosatom deal was going through, how much money do you think Russian oligarchs paid after she lost the election?


It seems the DOJ and the FBI were perfectly prepared to allow Hillary to continue her global crime spree even if it meant engaging in politically motivated prosecutions and obstruction of justice thereby ensuring her crimes could continue while being hidden. Oh, and did I mention FBI and DOJ treason? The FBI and DOJ knew the dossier to be lies and yet provided even more lies to Christopher Steele who had long-standing ties to the FBI and Bruce Ohr. This was how Bruce Ohr’s wife made hundreds of thousands of dollars before she took her Russian bought-and-paid-for disinformation campaign to her husband to submit to the FISA court.

After Trump won the election, Clinton seemed obsessed with calling attention to a meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a female Russian lawyer who promised to give the Trump team dirt on Hillary Clinton. The meeting was inconsequential and no dirt on Hillary ever came out as a result of the meeting because it has already been posted by Assange on Wikileaks. Then, the mainstream media lied and said Trump obtained the information on Hillary before it was posted on Wikileaks. This turned into a media fiasco as Glenn Greenwald and “The Intercept” exposed the MSM duplicity. The MSM, to include CNN, MSNBC, CBS, the WSJ, the NYT and Wapo all claimed to have accidentally made the same mistake of misreading the date. The Russian attorney Don Jr. took the meeting with claims the meeting was an offer to provide dirt on Hillary in exchange for help in getting the Magnitsky Act repealed.

While Hillary claims she had nothing to do with the Uranium One deal because she did not approve it herself, she suddenly wants everyone to buy into the belief that Don Jr. could personally get the Magnitsky Act dropped all by himself in exchange for getting some dirt of dubious value on Crooked Hillary, as if everyone didn’t already know Hillary was a crook. The Podesta emails, the Hillary server that was hacked by foreign intelligence and the Wikileaks postings provided years of crimes and scandals, crimes that was later covered up by Comey and Lynch. Now we find out that Lynch lied about the contents of her discussion with regard to her tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton as he accosted Lynch.


But, considering Hillary paid foreigners to gather opposition research provided by Russian intelligence agents who were paid with funds provided by the DNC, the Clinton campaign and the FBI, while later learning that Hillary and the DNC were one in the same, how is it wrong for Trump Jr. to take a meeting in which nothing of value was promised or exchanged? Yet, Hillary can launder $10 million through a law firm to do exactly what she accused Trump of doing, as she used intermediaries to collude with Russians to provide lies on Trump. She then went on to hire a law firm to assist in the dirty work of espionage and treason so that she could launder and hide the cost of her $12 million dossier from Russian spy services. Hillary used the Russians and their dossier to attempt to influence the US election. How many millions of dollars of Trump and GOP money made it into the hands of Russian agents? Yet, the fact is that Russian agents were paid millions by Hillary. Let’s not forget the fact that there was no Hillary dossier gathered from Russian intelligence agents by Trump or the GOP.


Which brings us to the next question. How did everyone know about the Trump Jr. – Russian attorney meeting? Well, it seems Hillary got John McCain to turn the Russian dossier, she paid a foreigner $12 million for, over to the FBI, but, it was learned that the FBI already had a copy of the dossier. It is clear this came from Ohr’s wife. Then, a group of anti-Trump pro-Clinton FBI partisans, who in emails stated they needed to “protect America from Trump”, “could smell Trump supporters at Wal-Mart” called the Trump family “douche bags”, and admitted in emails that they had a plan that they had an “insurance policy” against Trump as Peter Strzok, a counter-intelligence agent with the FBI made treasonous statements of being able to “protect the country from Trump at many different levels” all decided to play the Hillary Gambit. This same Peter Strzok changed the FBI report verbiage in an attempt to exonerate Clinton of crimes in relation to her email scandal and Bruce Ohr’s wife made hundreds of thousand of dollars from the group contriving the Russian dossier as he himself met, unbeknownst to the FBI, with the group authoring the dossier. This is not only official corruption, it is also treason. Bruce Ohr has since dodged a subpoena and refused to testify in front of congressional committees.


It seems Peter Strzok and Lisa Page wanted an insurance policy against Trump, but they forgot to get the rider that covers professional, political, legal, marital and financial doom. They were about as able to hide their crimes as they were at hiding their affair while sending, literally, 10,000 love notes on an FBI email server when they were not criticizing Trump as they planned the rescue of the republic.


An FBI Inspector General’s investigation showed that Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, an attorney for the FBI, relied on work phones to try to hide their romance from their respective spouses and made the bureau’s probe of Clinton’s private email server their cover story for being in such close contact, according to people familiar with the matter. Obviously Strzok left gaps because he did not have time to investigate or bring a prosecution because he was too busy schmoozing his paramour. This same Peter Strzok took the Russian/Trump dossier that was bought from Russian agents by Hillary, and he and Ohr dressed it up and put a gold ring on a pig’s nose so he could pass it off as legitimate FBI intelligence to a FISA court and get wire surveillance on everyone working for the Trump campaign and transition team. Strzok has, since being discovered, has been demoted from the #4 position to low-level clerk in the FBI personnel office. I hope he provies the type of fairness to FBI agents that he supplied to Trump and Flynn. What a stupid place to place someone who is incapable of suppressing bias or being profesional. What an example of FBI integrity. While CNN mocked Trump’s allegations of being spied on by the Obama Administration, we now know that

Trump was right beyond anyone’s wildest belief.


Trump investigator Robert Ohr, was demoted after it was discovered that he hid the fact that he secretly met with Fusion GPS and gave them more false intelligence to add to the Trump dossier. He had no qualms about providing lies as he was just taking one more baby-step towards treason. He has already helped coverup Clinton’s email server crimes. Ohr also hid the fact that his wife worked with FUSION GPS while she helped Russian spies spread disinformation. She then gave her husband the dossier who then took it to the the FISA court as FBI intelligence to get wire taps on Trump’s campaign team, transition team and administration. Robert Ohr’s wife worked for Fusion GPS and was compensated many hundreds of thousands of dollars, as were the Russian spies Christopher Steele hired to provide lies about Trump. Meanwhile, Ohr’s office was a couple of doors down from Strzok and McCabe so that all could easily conspire by concocting their “insurance policy”.


As if all this was not enough to taint the FBI investigation, Andrew McCabe, Deputy Director of the FBI, who was also working with this cabal investigating Trump, met with Peter Strzok and Lisa Page to strategize how they could formulate an “insurance policy” using the dossier to attack Trump in the event he won the election. This plot was also discovered and exposed through the FBI’s Inspector General investigation. The FBI IG also discovered that McCabe’s wife had received over $500,000 from long-time Clinton confidant Democratic West Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe. It is so well known about McAuliffe’s connection to Clinton that McCabe has now chosen to retire. He is now being investigated by the Inspector General of the FBI and is being subpoenaed by numerous legislative oversight committees for his failure to disclose his connection to the Clintons and his conspiracy to attack Trump.

While Special Investigator Robert Mueller and Deputy Director Rod Rosenstein assert that there are no conflicts of interest that were severe enough to warrant a special investigation of the Trump investigators, or misconduct that would taint the Trump investigation, neither Comey, Ohr, McCabe, Strzok or Rosenstein will answer questions put to them by congress or the FBI Inspector General. This has led to subpoenas being issued with threats of Contempt of Congress charges for any further obstruction.


The questions various agents are being asked do not imperil or undermine the FBI investigation into Trump-Russian collusion, but seek to verify who submitted the discredited Trump dossier to the FISA Court, a dossier paid for by Clinton, to obtain wiretaps on the Trump transition team and administration. This leaves one to ask: How is a meeting by Trump Jr., which amounted to absolutely nothing, a case of collusion or treason? Yet, a dossier obtained from Russia containing nothing but lies which is used as fake intelligence and then misrepresented to a FISA Court so as to spy on the President and engage in treason, is nothing but “oppo research”. When President Trump stated he was being spied upon the media engaged in a 3-week disinformation campaign in an attempt to discredit Trump, but once again he made CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and all the major print media look like idiots to those who can remember more than a month back.


The mainstream media has absolutely lost its mind. It refuses to report on even the most obvious misdeeds by Clinton and her minions, holdovers from the Obama administration, openly engaging in usurping the presidency by leaking false information to the media. Meanwhile, everyone later finds out that the FBI and DOJ hid documents and then lied about their existence relating to Bill Clinton confronting Loretta Lynch on an airport tarmac during the whitewash of the Clinton email server crimes. Clinton was engaging in obstruction of justice. How much was this mentioned by the MSM? Nada, zippo, zilch.


While the media is rabidly anti-Trump, often times Trump was shrewd enough to use this to his advantage. There was no funnier example of Trump making the media look like idiots than when he called a press conference he claimed was to make a statement regarding Obama’s citizenship. The media bit on it hook, line and sinker. After using the media frenzy to make an exhibit of his receiving numerous endorsements, Trump then said he believed Obama was a citizen and correctly reminded everyone that the issue of Obama’s citizenship was brought up by Hillary during her primary when she ran against Obama. He then thanked everyone for coming. The media stood stunned and played for the very fool they tried to play Trump as. It was classic Trump giving the media what it was trying to serve him.


As it now stands the Clinton cabal within the FBI has been exposed. Trump can now order Jeff Sessions to open an investigation by the FBI given what the Inspector General has now confirmed and is further investigating. Trump now has various oversight committees demanding answers to their questions, under the penalty of Contempt of Congress, answers that will be embarrassing and revealing. What will be revealed is how this whole fiasco was a criminally contrived conspiracy by Clinton, Obama and their impeccably placed deep state partisans and globalist media arm using a dossier that its author Christopher Steele has now been publicly disavowing since being hit with libel lawsuits. This Clinton-contrived dossier was used by her sycophantic followers to open up an investigation that has gone exactly nowhere after a year of work and many millions of dollars wasted. Mueller has since decided to look into Trump’s campaign analytics to see if he can find statistical date he can use to contrive a crime as he creates perjury traps resulting from minor discrepancies and petty crimes having absolutely nothing with Russian collusion.


The Never-Trumpers want to cite supposed violations of the Logan Act because Trump told Lt. Gen. Flynn to tell the Russians to not retaliate against the US for Obama expelling Russian diplomats. So, how exactly does telling a supposed enemy to not take adverse retaliatory action against the US equate to treason, or for that matter even hurt the country? Trump was not a private citizen carrying out a private foreign policy. He was the president-elect implementing a foreign policy he ran on and was elected for, so to use the words of Comey – “no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute this case”.


How is it Comey and Mueller think Trump should be prosecuted for beginning to implement his foreign policy as president-elect, but yet believe Hillary should not be prosecuted for hiding and destroying emails, hard drives, Blackberry phones, appointment schedules showing quid pro quo with her customers who bought foreign policy favors at the State Department? How is it Hillary allowied foreign actors access to top secret and above top secret special action programs, illegally removing email and the allowing those emails to end up on convicted sex offender Anthony Weiner’s laptop computer while lying about everything and she is not prosecuted? How do people think Hillary ended up with $2 billion in her foundation? It sure was not the result of doing any work. Yet Comey thinks no prosecutor would prosecute Hillary while Peter Strzok and Andy McCabe go out of their way to entrap 3-star General Flynn. In fact, it wqas Peter Strzok and Andrew McCabe who changed the wording of Comey’s report so as to cover for Hillary’s cimes. They both have yet to testify in front of the American people regarding this issue.


How amazing it is that the FBI, under Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein and Strzok, granted everyone from Hillary’s team amnesty, failed to record any interviews, and allowed witnesses and attorneys of targets of the investigation to sit in on witness interviews so that all could coordinate their alibis and not get caught in a perjury trap of the type in which they had ensnared Lt. Gen Flynn? Former Deputy Directors of the FBI stated what they allowed in the Hillary email server investigation is simply unprecedented in the annals of all FBI history.


The next thing the Never-Trumpers cling to is the fact the DNC claims Russia hacked the DNC. Yet, intelligence experts concluded that it was not a hack because computer forensic experts have universally agreed that the only way the entire DNC server could have been downloaded at the speed it was was if the download occurred within the system using a usb drive. While it seems the DNC alleging that the Russians hacked the DNC would give this allegation some legitimacy, Donna Brazile, the DNC Chairwoman, exposed the fact that Clinton completely took over the DNC early in the primary and put the fix in against Bernie Sanders. So it should come as no surprise that the DNC came to the same self-serving conclusion as had Hillary Clinton about Russian hackers because they were both one in the same.


Clinton then refused to allow the FBI to examine the DNC computers, but instead hired a DNC connected computer firm, Crowd Strike, paying them many tens of thousands of dollars to come to the conclusion that Hillary wanted and paid for extravagantly. Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), a group of retired CIA, NSA and FBI officials, all stated unanimously that the DNC computer breach was not a hack, but instead was a leak by Bernie Sanders supporter Seth Rich. Rich turned up dead in a park after the hack and before he could testify about Hillary’s illegal takeover of the DNC. While VIPS is non-partisan, in the politicized world of GOP/DNC skullduggery those without an ideological agenda are usually distrusted by both sides and ignored because the biggest fear in politics is that truth might rear its ugly head.


What is amazing about this whole Trump investigation situation is that none of this would be occurring if Sessions hadn’t recused himself only because he supported Trump during the election and was therefore worried about the appearance of impropriety. Yet, those highly partisan political hacks that make up Mueller’s team have been so intent on wreaking havoc upon the Trump presidency that reason and logic have gone out the window. While Sessions recused himself he has allowed Hillary partisans to engage in outright conspiracy and treason, directly exposed in email, while refusing to order the FBI and DOJ to make documents and witnesses available to numerous senatorial and congressional oversight committees thereby committing treason to the US Constitution and allowing partisan deep state actors to subvert democracy itself. The FBI is not a law onto itself and does not get to decide for itself with which laws it will comply and which witnesses or documents it will provide to any particular legislative oversight committee. The US Constitution says these committees will get it all. It is ironic that the FBI believes it does not have to obey the law and can obstruct justice and oversight.


Another absurdity espoused by Clinton is that Russia stole the election from Hillary and thus interfered in the US election by buying Facebook and Twitter adds. Clinton’s experts have placed the amount of money spent on social media by groups peripherally connected to Russia at $100,000. The overall money spent by both Clinton and Trump was $2.3 billion. This means that Russia won the election for Trump by spending 1/400,000th of what both campaigns spent. The US admitted to spending $5 billion in Ukraine alone to destabilize that country. How much do you think the CIA fronts of USAID and National Endowment for Democracy spent in Russia? Let’s not forget the Voice Of America’s budget. Yet, now Hillary wants to scream about Russian interference and foreign interference as Israeli Zionists through AIPAC buy off the entire US legislature of both parties and have their partisans control the entire legislature, committees and departments. Why is it that AIPAC doesn’t have to file as a foreign agent? The answer is: Because it wields so much influence in Washington it has managed to get itself exempted from our laws because it has already bought off our politicians and has its partisan in influential positions in the FBI, CIA, State Department, DHS, White House, US intelligence committees and armed services committees. If you want to find foreign influence in US politics, one need look no further than the fact that our legislature invited and allowed a lunatic like Netanyahu to usurp Obama’s foreign policy in front of the entire world while given a warm invitation by our congress.


As far as Russia buying Facebook ads, we must remember that we live in an open society. If Russia wants to buy Facebook ads, why should a free society worry about being told the truth about it politicians? Have we become so sovietized that we now have to fear that Russia telling us the truth about Hillary Clinton and the DNC will destroy our democracy? How bizarre that the USG is worried not that Trump or Russia lied to us, but that Russia hacked the DNC to give the unaltered emails to Wikileaks who then supposedly gave them to Trump so as to subvert the US election process by telling people the truth. Truth does not become less untrue because Putin or Assange exposed it. The DNC position is one of indignation that anyone should be allowed to know the truth about it. One wonders how many Facebook ads were posted by those who are here illegally in this country. I bet you will never hear Democrats whine about how illegal immigrants and their families helped Hillary’s vote total. There were illegal aliens leading protests against Trump. How many votes did that influence?


The entire MSM falsely reported that Trump Jr. received the DNC emails 10 days before they were posted by Assange on Wikileaks and somehow this amounted to Russian collusion and treason. It was later discovered that the MSM, as a whole, purposely misreported a lie. Glenn Greenwald of “The Intercept” exposed this lie here on the Intercept and exposed the entire MSM plot in his article here titled, “The US Media Suffered Its Most Humiliating Debacle In Ages and Now Refuses All Transparency over What Happened.” The extent of the collusion by the MSM to spread this lie was thoroughly documented by Greenwald, himself a famous progressive Democrat and media reformer. Here he takes on the MSM, exposing its fake news.

While the MSM tries to push the narrative that the political pressure upon Mueller is nothing more than Trump and Fox News pushback, the actual fact is that former FBI and DOJ Deputy Directors and other retired former high ranking officials, and even more importantly various chairmen of congressional and senate committees, are all are calling for prosecutions of Clinton, Lynch, Comey, McCabe, Strzok and Ohr.


Tablet Magazine stated: “To date the investigation into the Fusion GPS-manufactured collusion scandal has focused largely on the firm itself, its allies in the press, as well as contacts in the Department of Justice and FBI,” Tablet said. “However, if a sitting president used the instruments of state, including the intelligence community, to disseminate and legitimize a piece of paid opposition research in order to first obtain warrants to spy on the other party’s campaign, and then to de-legitimize the results of an election once the other party’s candidate won, we’re looking at a scandal that dwarfs Watergate – a story not about a bad man in the White House, but about the subversion of key security institutions that are charged with protecting core elements of our democratic process while operating largely in the shadows.” The fact that such news is now hitting a tipping point, we may soon see heads roll and indictments fly.

Out of desperation, the MSM is attempting to provoke Trump into firing Mueller with threats of resistance should he engage in such an act. However, Trump is now content to watch these Clinton partisans destroy themselves and play their fiddles as all of Rome burns. The lies required pronouncements and support from all of Hillary’s minions, the deep state and the MSM, but it is appearing that truth can stand on its own and this terrifies Clinton and her supporters more than Russian ICBMs and ISIS jihadists wielding machetes.

I have finally concluded that Trump is guilty…..of destroying Hillary’s crime syndicate, the deep state, the globalists’ agenda, entitled NFL players, and a corrupt mainstream media in on fell swoop. This is a guy Mr. Metrosexual Obama called weak. What an interesting time in which we live! May God speed.


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    • Joseph Zrnchik for 5th Estate Media Email:

      This is my article and I give all permission to republish far and wide. Let’s get this one viral! -Joseph Zrnchik

    • Anonymous

      Watch this! His plan is clear lucid and understandable It’s really worth it given the confusion we are now seeing.
      Former CIA Robert David Steele – Trump, Putin & XI Must CRUSH The Deep State
      Published on Dec 26, 2017This is in my opinion, one of Steele’s finest interviews. We were asked to mirror this interview on our channel. Excellent questions and RDS knocks them out of the park with his broad knowledge base & Open Source Everything solution. Don’t miss this one.

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