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By Joseph Zrnchik for 5th Estate Media Email: (Reporter)
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Hillarygate and a Fake Dossier - Everyone Dares Call It Treason - Nobody Dares Prosecute It

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Everyone Dares Call It Treason – Nobody Dares Prosecute It


The deep state has always whole-heartedly supported, endorsed and perpetrated torture and murder. The FBI tortured and murdered Kenneth Trentadue while he was a federal prisoner when they mistook him for Richard Lee Guthrie, AKA John Doe #2, in the OKC Murrah Building bombing. They then tried to incinerate Trentadue’s body, falsely claiming he had AIDS, to hide the horrific beating he suffered at the hands of the FBI. The FBI whitewashed the interrogation cell, and then destroyed all the logs and sign-in sheets to hide the identity of the murdering torturers.

Kenneth Trentadue’s brother was a highly connected attorney, Jesse Trentadue, and fought the FBI for 20 years to expose this crime and cover-up involving a case of mistaken identity during FBI Operation Patriot Conspiracy (PATCON). This crime resulted in the FBI destroying all the CCTV tapes of Timothy McVeigh driving the bomb to the Murrah Building so there would be no mention that they had killed the wrong guy while in search of Richard Lee Guthrie, aka John Doe #2, who the FBI eventually captured and then also suicided in prison days before he was to talk to the press and expose the torture and murder of Trentadue. This FBI torture and murder would have muddied the FBI’s reputation along with prosecution against Richard Lee Guthrie. This is the FBI. It tortures, murders, destroys evidence, intimidates witnesses and obstructs justice. Now it commits treason.

Comey, Bruce Ohr, Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok would all tell you how it would be necessary and justified to engage in torture if an enemy, foreign or domestic, was on the verge of overthrowing a Hillary presidency, threatening our national security and destabilizing our society. They would argue that if an American citizen was working in coordination with a foreign agent, both operating for personal profit or advantage, let’s say for example a wife of a treasonous FBI agent and a former MI6 spy, and this spy and his confederates, who were paying Russian operatives and being their dupes for the purpose of causing grave harm to the US Government and paralyzing the presidency, that torture in such a situation would be a small price to pay. Comey and his ilk would argue that individuals engaging in treasonous activity while hiding behind corrupt political leaders, bureaucrats and institutions to attack a Hillary Clinton presidency would, and should, be subject to “enhanced interrogation and secret indefinite detention.

We now currently have a slew of actors, more dangerous than any outside foe due to the fact that they are acting not only within the castle walls, but also within the palace itself. Not only are they within the palace itself, but these traitors managed to weasel their way into trusted positions and institutions responsible for ensuring safety and security. The lust for power and willingness to betray all knows no bounds as they have used billionaire Soros’ money to sow a divisiveness that excuses treason, justifies and betrayal of the nation and enlists the support of the globalists’ partisans -foolish citizens, news reporters, television talking heads and other politician who ought to be tried for treason. These co-conspirators now obfuscate and engage in apologetics while excusing away the treason that has become so obvious to all.

Trey Gowdy now says he trusts Comey, Clinton, Mueller, the FBI and the DOJ. Accordingly, he ought to be impeached. We are in the midst of civil war and high treason that Gowdy has shown himself willing to sweep under the rug. As Hillary has waged war against the people and their elected officials, there are no more excuses left to justify her treason, nor that of her cohorts. This crime has been an affront to democracy itself and the people perpetrating this crime have proven themselves to be more dangerous to the peoples’ liberty than Putin had ever hoped to be. Putin has done everything in his power to stop war, but Hillary and the deep state want another cold war and arm buildup leading to nuclear confrontation. But, where is Gowdy now? He is on the MSM saying he has no desire to hold Hillary accountable for her crimes.

The FBI has shown itself complicit in this treason and not only should people be charged and held without bond, but they ought to be tried and summarily executed for treason. These actors are even more dangerous than the Rosenburgs because they have enlisted the aid the elites who control the establishment. Clinton ought to be taken care of by Americans as she had Gadaffi taken care of by the jihadists she supported and armed in Libya. Hillary should be held in solitary and without bond lest she continue in her conspiracy. These conspirators should no longer be allowed to collude. Just as Bradley Manning was held in solitary confinement a measure supported by this criminal cabal, so to should their plot be stopped using the same measures. To do any less would be to prove that we live under a two-tiered justice system ran by a blind lady who is unable to see the truth, the truth that her scales are heavily weighed towards those who place gold on her scales. This lady must sell out justice in the same manner Hillary sold out the American people when she used this scale to justify Putin walking away with 20% of all US uranium.

Idiot Trey Gowdy wants us to believe we are under a one-tiered criminal justice system ran by a blind lady holding a scale. The only thing this lady is blind to is justice itself. Answer this Mr. Hypocrite, exactly how much treason must we countenance before you will do your job? Why is it you say nothing as the DOJ smashes people like Jeffrey Sterling but you and the FBI ignore obstruction, misconduct and dereliction by others in relation to the Hillary prosecution? It is plain and simple for all to see that your derelict of duty has caused treason to be afoot. You know the FBI obstructed justice for Hillary so as to hide her reckless disregard for Top Secret and Special Access Programs. It was the FBI that allowed Hillary to place the national security of the nation in peril as the FBI hid the fact that intelligence services from multiple countries hacked her illegal server. It was the same FBI that obstructed justice so that she was able to destroy documents and hide her pay-to-play scheme where she walked off with $150 million of Russian oligarchs money as they walked off with 20% of US uranium. Because the FBI was corrupted by Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr, Andrew McCabe, Robert Mueller and Jim Comey, its dereliction, and yours, has allowed these criminals to double down on their treasonous plot so as to paralyze a presidency.

These same people who hold Americans under foot for even a mistaken utterance, now have lawyered-up better than Al Capone or John Dillinger. These people from the FBI and DOJ have attacked democracy itself and have posed a greater danger to the US Constitution that underpins that democracy than could have a thousand jihadists. These FBI agent and DOJ officials now evade subpoenas, plead the 5th Amendment and give such outlandish excuses and testimony as to be an insult to anyone with more than two neurons firing.

Strzok, Page, Ohr, McCabe and Comey excused Bill Clinton’s molestation of Loretta Lynch on a tarmac. They allowed him to tamper with what little appearance of legitimacy Lynch had to rubes too thick to understand Washington criminality. Only in the US could a Secretary of State rake in $2 billion and not raise an eyebrow, but this is the same US that allows the cover-up of the assassination of a president and then his brother.

Hillary has proven herself so in love with regime change that she tried her hand domestically. I am surprised Hillary did not accuse Trump of passing out viagra to his rape advisors. I bet she will tell us we should support her crimes against the tyrant Trump because he is “investigating his own people”. If this is allowed to continue, when will it stop? What crimes will be excused next time?

The entire political establishment, to include Obama, Clinton, Abedin, Power, Clapper, Brennen, Hayden, Lynch, Holder and Comey have all shown themselves too corrupt to be allowed to spy on Americans. If this is what they will do to a billionaire who was elected president, what think you they will do to someone who has no power at all? What will restrain their behavior? What will limit their abuse of power and intrusion on the liberty of innocents? We have no workable Constitution and no longer function as a democracy, Gowdy’s hypocrisy be damned.

So, I volunteer to utilize enhanced interrogation against the above named individuals of the kind the FBI visited upon the poor soul Kenneth Trentadue. I promise to save the democracy as Strzok had endeavored. I promose to give the American people an insurance policy against Hillary by ensuring she is imprisoned the rest of her life. I promise to do my duty to the above named individuals as those individuals all advised. They should all be spied on, jailed, tortured, held with out bond and have all their wealth seized under RICO statutes.

Seizing money, enhanced interrogations, renditions, indefinite detentions, malicious prosecutions of family members, extortion and murder, I am all for it. Let the FBI do its damnedest now. Let’s see the dark side! Let’s hang them by their arms while they are cuffed behind their back, nude and in sub-freezing temperature like they did to Iraqis and Afghans. I believe them now that waterboarding is not torture. I now believe Hayden that it is an effective means of justice and protecting America from traitors and other enemies, foreign, but especially one of the domestic variety. Do not let the elite lie. Do not allow them to obstruct justice. Do not allow them time to construct their alibis and conspiracies.

Think of all the horrible things the FBI and DOJ have done to people and now that it the leadership’s time to face the consequences, they will be allowed to set a new precedent of lowering the bar for future institutional criminality. We will one day be at war because of the abuses under which Americans will suffer at the hands of the elite working through their corrupt instruments of power. No amount of mealy-mouthed Gowdy-like appeals to accept subjugation will convince Americans that their system of government is anything more than that of the power of corrupt men whose might makes right. There is nothing more insulting than listening to Gowdy state the obvious problem and then do nothing to correct it.

I will bet you the farm that nothing will happen to anyone with Clinton’s Dossier-gate. There will be no consequences. The government will want us to believe it is impartial and provides justice. It will want us to believe that it does not commit crimes. It will want us to believe it does not obstruct justice or engage in malicious and contrived conspiratorial prosecutions. It will want us to continue to believe that it is not a two-tiered system. It will want us to believe that the dead wood US Constitution is a protection against criminals in government. It will expect us to give reverence to people like Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Peter Strzok and Andy McCabe. In short, it will ask us to give fealty to corrupt politicians and their political police and prosecutions. Meanwhile, we will continue to watch the FBI, ATF and DEA prove they are criminal organizations that, like the CIA, must be done away with or the rule of law will soon mean nothing.

We will continue to witness the absence of the rule of law and one day someone like a Bundy will stand against government and even more people will side with their fellow citizens. Only then will a corrupt government be put in its place when hundreds are charged and punished for their crimes against peace, humanity and prosperity.

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