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By Joseph Zrnchik for 5th Estate Media Email: (Reporter)
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Why Trey Gowdy Is a Scum Bag and All Trust In Government is Lost

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Why Trey Gowdy Is a Scum Bag and All Trust In Government is Lost


As we have watched Hillary and Obama use power so corruptly, not only have we seen the FBI and DOJ bureaucracy refuse to acknowledge that this Trump-Russia collusion is one big lie, but we have seen the Democrats and their special prosecutors relish in the power that they have so gluttonously abused that was provided via a $12 million dossier based on lies obtained from Russian spies by Hillary Clinton as the MSM acted as cheerleaders and sycophants while the GOP establishment became apologists extraordinaire.

Then, we watched the FBI and DOJ refuse to answer what everyone in the country already knows, namely that the Trump dossier was a Hillary-DNC hit job but was used by partisans within the FBI and DOJ to obtain FISA Court warrants to carry out spying on Trump’s campaign, Trump’s transition team, the Trump administration and finally on American citizens.

Then, we watched as the media, MSNBC, CBS, CNN, WaPo, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and NPR all turned a blind eye and deaf ear to this issue that clearly demonstrates that no one in government can be trusted. Trey Gowdy has stated he is not interested in reopening what truly was a corrupt email investigation in which the FBI and DOJ obstructed justice.  He is no longer to be trusted.  The political establishment and the national security-surveillance state all act as if they are above reproach. The fact is that the whole Trump dossier fiasco is only an issue because a handful of prominent Republicans have decided to make an issue of it. Trye Gowdy is not one of them. He is more interested in hiding FBI corruption.  

The abuses by the FBI are regularly rained down upon the American people with the blessing of the federal court system and nothing is said or done, especially by people like Trey Gowdy.  And, if Hillary had won, there is not a single abuse of which we now know that would have ever made it into the consciousness of the American people. Then, we watch as the American people, who have been so corrupted by the system have  50% stand by apathetically as the other half of the nation’s people, the Democrats, cheer on this abuse.

We then watched the FBI and DOJ bring charges over unrelated issues that have nothing to do with any Trump collusion. The crime the FBI got on Lt. Gen Flynn will be pardoned by Trump. The FBI set a trap asking questions it already knew the answer to. The questions didn’t need to be asked and Lt. Gen Flynn is an idiot for even talking to a corrupt FBI, for not telling them his work was classified and for not claiming executive privilege. Why would someone expect justice from a Clintonized and Obamaized FBI and Justice Department?

We then observed the FBI and DOJ overlook such obvious crimes by Clinton that they had to change wording of the final report while ignoring the much more serious issue, that of committing treason by using fraudulent information forwarded by Hillary’s minions in the FBI to the FISA Court as legitimate intelligence. While Flynn’s mouth was yapping to Clinton partisans in the FBI, the FBI itself has had no problem telling President Trump, the DOJ Inspector General and all the oversight committees from both the House and Senate to go pound sand. I am not Secretary of State material, but even I would have known to tell the FBI to take a long walk off a short pier if they came knocking on my door. It seems the pactice of regime change has now come home to roost.

We watched the FBI change its own verbiage of Clinton being “grossly negligent” to her being “extremely careless” to avoid using the statutory term that was the only element of the crime necessary for her to be charged. We watched Clinton destroy emails. We watched her destroy Blackberry phones. We watched her destroy hard drives. We watched her lie to congress during investigations. Yet nothing happened to her while the Democrats held power. We now see how her home caught fire and yet more evidence was destroyed as hard drives, documents and servers when up in flames.  

We watched as Hillary, the FBI and DOJ allowed Russians to bribe their way into buying 20% of US uranium. This is more information everyone knew about, but would have never been addressed if Hillary had won, and it is now only being looked at because Trump wants to place the same heat on the Democrats as the Democrats are using their partisans in the FBI and DOJ to bring on Trump.

But, if Hillary had won, or had not decided to attack Trump, the fact is that people like Trey Gowdy would have said and done nothing. Same is true for the FBI and DOJ as institutions. The same is true for Sessions, Comey, McCabe, Ohr, Eric Holder, Yet, people like Gowdy want us to respect those institutions after they have betrayed Americans and now go on to perpetrate treason. Not only will they not stop the corruption, but they actually cheered it on so long as it was Hillary committing it.  All parties knowingly do all of this with impunity. How can Gowdy expect our fealty as we watch the FBI and DOJ lie, excuse, obstruct, hide, abuse and assist in the commission of treason?

People like Gowdy and Hillary’s minions in the FBI, NSA, CIA and DOJ want us to grant the NSA and FBI all that power over us, yet we now watch them abuse their power at even the highest levels of government. Those in power in the FBI want to contrive a Russia-Trump connection so badly, that they are willing to pay Russians $12 million for lies and then have a FBI agents swear out a Hilllary sponsored Russian-contrived dossier as legitimate intelligence.  If this is what the whole government is willing to do to other powerful people in government, what thinks you it is willing to do to the average citizen who does not have Fox News on his or her side and no oversight committee even willing to ask questions and force answers?

Trey Gowdy tells us how we should respect the FBI, but where was Trey Gowdy as Kenneth Trentadue was tortured and finally murdered by the FBI in a case of mistaken identity during Operation Patriot Conspiracy while being held in a federal proson?  The FBI then destroyed blood evidence, destroyed rosters and visitor logs and obstructed justice. In fact, I don’t see how their behavior is any different than that of a criminal organization. Yet, where was Gowdy when innocent blood screamed for justice? This torture and murder was institutionally promoted and protected by the FBI and still is, and Trey Gowdy protects and promotes the FBI as this crime has no statute of limitation and so is buried by those like Gowdy when he keeps his head up his ass and tells others to do the same.

Now the government wants ignorant Americans’ support in allowing the government to spy on us, to record our phone conversations, to collect our emails and texts and to use our televisions and phones as spy devices against us. If government can’t even trust government, and government has proven to itself and us that it is itself unworthy of any trust, then why should we give it trust and power to rule over us?

Doesn’t the government know it has exposed its true self to us? Haven’t we Americans seen what types of crimes the FBI and DOJ are willing to commet and cover up? Democrats have taken bribes from Russians so they would sell our uranium while the same Democrats paid 12 million dossier so that they might destroy our president and our faith in democracy and have our government cover up Russian crimes of bribery, money-laundering, and racketeering.  These same Democrats then accuse Trump of collusion with a foreign power. Don’t the Democrats think we can see who did the real collusion with the Russians?

We have watched the most corrupt people imaginable make it to the very highest levels of power in government itself. We have witnessed the most arrogant, conniving, manipulative and abusing people make it to pinnacles of power in various governmental agencies and who now, because they have wronged another powerful person, through the vicissitudes of fate under which they now suffer their self-inflicted wounds have their crimes exposed.  Only because Trump was elected president and is now forced to have to expose them to clear himself, has the slim chance that justice will prevail presented itself. I would not trust a single one of them individually and every crime they commit as individuals becomes multiplied exponentially by every single person in government who tells us we should all trust them and their vaunted FBI and DOJ.

There is no chance at all that someone who pulled in $2 billion while extracting cash for favorable treatment from the State Department will ever be held accountable and this was done right out in front of the FBI and DOJ. Gowdy is an idiot if he thinks the blindfolded lady does not hold a scale already heavily weighted in the favor of those with power and money, for him to say otherwise is itself colluding with a criminal enterprise.

We have seen the deep state rear its ugly head as it has sidestepped questions and evaded giving answers. We have watched as both sides of power sided with power regardless of the implications and consequences of siding with corruption. The political establishment has hidden the truth about the assassination of a sitting president and his brother and continues to this day in the perpetration of that criminal conspiracy, and Trey Gowdy wants us to support the deep state pack of criminals while the Kennedy assassination is hid. Gowdy reveres the FBI and CIA, and both the FBI and CIA were created for the expressed purpose of perpetrating the kexact types of crimes we as a society has disavowed.

The arrogance of someone like Gowdy to act like we don’t already see the truth is absurd. The fact is that Gowdy already works for the greatest criminal organization in the world. You can’t ignore international criminal lawlessness the US government engages in and not expect that there would be negative consequences internally. Yet, Gowdy wants us to double down on a bad bet that government has already placed for us by asking us to trust that the government will keep us safe from the types of regimes it has supported or overthrown with neither being too far apart when it comes to moral turpitude.

When Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, Donna Mills, Huma Abedin, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, James Comey, Andy McCabe, Bruce Ohr and Peter Strzok are all in prison for treason, that’s when I will start believing there is justice in the US, ditto goes for when George Bush, Susan Rice, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Alberto Gonzales are all prosecuted for war crimes and crimes against humanity. I have all of them too, the WASPS, Hispanics and African-Americans and lets not forget the Asian contingent of John Woo and Francis Fukuyama. While we are at it, lets not forget the neocons and neocon think tanks being prosecuted for instigating war crimes and crimes against humanity. Not only can’t any of these organizations such as the FBI and DOJ come up with rules to stop their abuses, but they can’t even stop the crimes they are already perpetrating. Yet, people lie Trey Gowdy advocate that we sign our rights over to them.

We need to end imperial wars and get the internationalists out of power and make it a crime for people like Soros to foment treason. We need to integrate ourselves into a cooperative world that seeks to do business. We need to quit thinking we need to control countries to buy oil. We need to slowly begin ending the petrol dollar system and start living within our means nationally and internationally. I wrote an article about five years ago for Sputnik News and it is amazing how much since then has come to pass that has exceeded even my wildest imagination. We are an empire on decline and just like a housing bubble, imperial decline is hard for those heavily invested in it to be able to see it happening, but outside of Washington it is apparent to the entire world. These idiots in D.C. keep showing the world how corrupt and stupid we are.

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