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FBI Spy Discovered Inside Trump Campaign – This Is Not The Usual BIN Sensationalist Nonsense By Idiots

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FBI Spy Discovered Inside Trump Campaign –

This Is Not The Usual BIN Sensationalist Nonsense By Idiots


The FBI has been caught again. It has just been discovered that the FBI had used a long time former CIA asset, University of Cambridge Professor Stefan Halp, to infiltrate the Trump Campaign.


Halp worked incessantly to facilitate meetings between Trump campaign officials and Russian sources that he had cultivated while previously working for the CIA. This was clearly done as a means of entrapping low-level campaign workers to facilitate and then report on any contacts between the Trump campaign and Russian officials. This was to serve as the pretext for obtaining FISA warrants, initiating a criminal investigation and establishing the ruse for a Russian collusion narrative.


The FBI is now using its influence with the MSM to push the narrative that Halp was not spying, but was merely protecting Trump from Russian influence. It seems the MSM knows no bounds when it comes to insulting the intelligence of American citizens.


However, it should be noted that Halp was working for Rosenstein, McCabe and Strzok, all rabid anti-Trump conspirators, who have exonerated every Clinton crime witnessed by all of America while going after Trump to the point of raiding his attorney’s office as Hillary destroyed hard drives, cell phones, servers, and documents. While Hillary’s aids were all granted immunity, Hillary provided testimony that was not recorded, not taken under oath and not as part of any grand jury investigation. The FBI even facilitated int the destruction of evidence to hide its obstruction of justice. The farcical Hillary investigation is a far cry from the attacks endured by Trump and his administration.


It should also be noted that Comey and then Rosenstein both purposely illegally hid this “counter-intelligence investigation” from the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and from the Gang of Eight, a group of bipartisan officials from both the US House and Senate that the FBI is mandated by law to report to with respect to major counter-intelligence operations. The Obama Justice Department, led by Loretta Lynch, and the FBI, led by James Comey, leaked like a boat made from Swiss cheese in an orchestrated attempt to discredit Trump and bolster their collusion narritive.  So far the NSA, CIA, FBI, MI6, Obama White House, Loretta Lynch’s “Justice Department”  the remaining members of Five Eyes, the hundreds of unmaskings done by Samantha Power and the State Department, the entire DNC and RNC, the wire taps and FISA surveillance, an army of Trump haters, dozens upon dozens of investigative journalists and lets not forget the spy that was on the inside during the Trump campaign, the Trump transition and the Trump administration including Mueller and his Grand Inquisitors raiding homes, lawyer’s offices and seizing computers and business records HAVE ALL COME UP WITH A BIG FAT NOTHINGBURGER.


So, how much longer will Americans have to tolerate Rosenstein and Mueller?  And, when will Rosenstein and Mueller be recused because they are all now fact witnesses to the biggest scam in American political history.  This is Obama’s legacy.


Rosenstein is now obstructing the investigation into the illegal spying saying he will not tolerate nor cooperate with those attacking the FBI. He has stated that neither he nor the FBI will be threatened, blackmailed or coerced into acting against the FBI’s interest. Yet, it seems he confuses his need to hide his law-breaking with the need for the FBI to be transparent and accountable while this abuse of office is being investigated by the legislature, the DOJ that assigned a prosecutor and the Inspector General’s office.


Of course the always anti-Trump media and deep state conspirators are up in arms over the leak regarding their sedition, as very uncomfortable questions will soon be asked under oath. This latest revelation may require IG Horowitz to hold off on the completion of his final report. Given that Comey has betrayed McCabe and Strzok had attempted to hang his crimes on Page, we may end up getting inside information now that the cat is out of the bag and people want to seek revenge after being hung out to dry.

All of this is being reported on the MSM, albeit with their usual twisting and perverting of the facts and truth.

Here is the rest of the story:

FBI Spy-Op Exposed, Trump Campaign Infiltrated By Longtime CIA And MI6 Asset
 by Tyler Durden

More is coming to light about how the FBI infiltrated the Trump campaign. From Tyler Durden at

Following two weeks of mounting speculation over the FBI’s so-called “mole” inside the Trump campaign, the New York Times and Washington Postpublished separate accounts on Friday detailing the infiltration of the Trump campaign – a scheme revealed in a Wednesday report by the New York Times in which “at least one government informant met several times with Mr. Page and Mr. Papadopoulos.” The Wednesday report also disclosed the existence of “Operation Crossfire Hurricane” – the FBI’s code name for their early Trump-Russia investigation.

Thanks to Friday’s carefully crafted deep-state disclosures by WaPo and the Times, along with actual reporting by the Daily Caller‘s Chuck Ross, we now know it wasn’t a mole at all – but 73-year-old University of Cambridge professor Stefan Halper, a US citizen, political veteran and longtime US Intelligence asset enlisted by the FBI to befriend and spy on three members of the Trump campaign during the 2016 US election.

While Halper’s name remains undisclosed by the NYT and WaPo, a quick read of all three articles linked above makes it abundantly clear that the “American academic who teaches in Britain” described by The Times, who “met several times with Mr. Page and Mr. Papadopoulos” is none other than Halper – whose meetings with the Trump aides were revealed by the Daily Caller‘s Chuck Ross in late March.

Two months before the 2016 election, George Papadopoulos received a strange request for a meeting in London, one of several the young Trump adviser would be offered — and he would accept — during the presidential campaign.

The meeting request, which has not been reported until now, came from Stefan Halper, a foreign policy expert and Cambridge professor with connections to the CIA and its British counterpart, MI6.

Halper’s September 2016 outreach to Papadopoulos wasn’t his only contact with Trump campaign members. The 73-year-old professor, a veteran of three Republican administrations, met with two other campaign advisers, The Daily Caller News Foundation learned. –Daily Caller

These contacts are notable, as Halper’s infiltration of the Trump campaign corresponds with the two of the four targets of the FBI’s Operation Crossfire Hurricane – in which the agency sent counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok and others to a London meeting in the Summer of 2016 with former Australian diplomat Alexander Downer – who says Papadopoulos drunkenly admitted to knowing that the Russians had Hillary Clinton’s emails.

Read the rest here:

FBI Spy-Op Exposed, Trump Campaign Infiltrated By Longtime CIA And MI6 Asset



The FBI Informant Who Monitored the Trump Campaign, Stefan Halper, Oversaw a CIA Spying Operation in the 1980 Presidential Election, by Glenn Greenwald

Posted on May 19, 2018 | Leave a comment

The FBI spy in the Trump campaign whose name couldn’t be divulged because of supposedly high-level national security concerns has been identified, and he has nothing to do with high-level national security. The questions now is why did the FBI and the Department of Justice strive so mightily to keep his name secret? From Glen Greenwald at

AN EXTREMELY STRANGE EPISODE that has engulfed official Washington over the last two weeks came to a truly bizarre conclusion on Friday night. And it revolves around a long-time, highly sketchy CIA operative, Stefan Halper.

Four decades ago, Halper was responsible for a long-forgotten spying scandal involving the 1980 election, in which the Reagan campaign – using CIA officials managed by Halper, reportedly under the direction of former CIA Director and then-Vice-Presidential candidate George H.W. Bush – got caught running a spying operation from inside the Carter administration. The plot involved CIA operatives passing classified information about Carter’s foreign policy to Reagan campaign officials in order to ensure the Reagan campaign knew of any foreign policy decisions that Carter was considering.

Over the past several weeks, House Republicans have been claiming that the FBI during the 2016 election used an operative to spy on the Trump campaign, and they triggered outrage within the FBI by trying to learn his identity. The controversy escalated when President Trump joined the fray on Friday morning. “Reports are there was indeed at least one FBI representative implanted, for political purposes, into my campaign for president,” Trump tweeted, adding: “It took place very early on, and long before the phony Russia Hoax became a “hot” Fake News story. If true – all time biggest political scandal!”

In response, the DOJ and the FBI’s various media spokespeople did not deny the core accusation, but quibbled with the language (the FBI used an “informant,” not a “spy”), and then began using increasingly strident language to warn that exposing his name would jeopardize his life and those of others, and also put American national security at grave risk. On May 8, the Washington Post described the informant as “a top-secret intelligence source” and cited DOJ officials as arguing that disclosure of his name “could risk lives by potentially exposing the source, a U.S. citizen who has provided intelligence to the CIA and FBI.”

The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, Mark Warner, who spent much of last week working to ensure confirmation of Trump’s choice to lead the CIA, Gina Haspel, actually threatened his own colleagues in Congress with criminal prosecution if they tried to obtain the identity of the informant. “Anyone who is entrusted with our nation’s highest secrets should act with the gravity and seriousness of purpose that knowledge deserves,” Warner said.

To continue reading: The FBI Informant Who Monitored the Trump Campaign, Stefan Halper, Oversaw a CIA Spying Operation in the 1980 Presidential Election


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    • & Research

      93% of Resorts International, a CIA front founded by Crown Agents Allen Dulles and David Rockefeller as the Mary Carter Paint Company in the 1950’s ← Richie Allen Show: The City Of London
      Why Trump Is A Rothschild Tool
      Posted on 05/16/2018 | 27 Comments

      The moving of the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem al Quds on Monday was marked by Israeli Defense Forces killing more than 60 unarmed Palestinian protestors.  It should have surprised no one that, despite the convening of a UN Security Council meeting to discuss the genocide, the US government said nothing to condemn the Israeli slaughter.  UN Ambassador Nikki Haley said,  “No country in this chamber would act with more restraint than Israel has.”

      The Ministry of Truth’s version of “restraint” occurred on the 70th anniversary of the founding of Israel.   Back then, Stern Gang and Haganah Zionist terror cells operating in the British Mandate of Palestine, slaughtered Palestinian families, seized their olive and pistachio groves and moved into their deeded houses, all with the backing of President Harry Truman and the US government.

      The founding of Israel was a project of the Business Roundtable – a Chatham House City of London project later known as the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA).  They pushed through the private Federal Reserve bank in the US in 1913 while President Woodrow Wilson relaxed Revolutionary War-era tariffs aimed at the East India Company and other Crown Agents.

      In 1917 the RIIA overthrew the Romanov dynasty in Russia with phony Bolshevik revolutionaries funded by the Kuhn Loeb and Warburg banking dynasties.  That same year Roundtable member & British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour sent a letter to fellow Roundtabler Lord Walter Rothschild declaring support for the establishment of Israel on Palestinian land.  It became known as the Balfour Declaration.

      The Crown then backed the rise of Adolf Hitler and the subsequent de-industrialization of Germany.  Soon they had their pretext for a mass exodus of Zionist Jews to Israel where that nation would serve not as a safe Jewish homeland, but as a regional enforcer for the Rothschild/Rockefeller oil cartel. (

      The 1922 Treaty of Jeddah established the exact same role for the House of Saud.  The RIIA Crown Agent in the US is the Council on Foreign Relations, which pretty much dictates US foreign policy through its widely read Foreign Affairs rag.  The Atlantic Council is another Crown Agent RIIA affiliate.

      The brazen move by President Trump to relocate the US embassy to Jerusalem al Quds, a city shared by both Israel & Palestine, marks a dangerous new chapter US Middle East policy.  Trump’s hailing of peace on the Korean Peninsula was a red herring.  North Korea has no oil.  And the peace will not hold if the US continues to conduct military exercises with South Korea.

      Meanwhile, the elevation of Crown Agents (neo-cons) John Bolton and Mike Pompeo indicate the the Project for a New Century crowd (Crown Agents), despite their cumulative failures in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Sudan and Syria; still want to go to war with that 7th country they targeted for destruction – Iran.  This embassy move, along with increased Israeli shelling of Iranian bases in Syria, could be the trigger.

      So where does Trump fit into all this?

      Despite the aforementioned carnage and the further deregulation of the corporatocracy, controlled opposition figures such as Alex Jones and the widely circulated QAnon tell us that Trump is a white knight waiting for the right moment to end the banker’s hegemony over planet earth.

      For anyone who still believes this and bought that swamp in Florida which was supposed to get drained…some day, here’s the evidence that in fact your white knight is nothing more than a Trojan horse Crown Agent beholden to the City of London banksters.

      In 1987 Donald Trump purchased 93% of Resorts International, a CIA front founded by Crown Agents Allen Dulles and David Rockefeller as the Mary Carter Paint Company in the 1950’s.   A year later Trump bought the Atlantic City, NJ Taj Mahal Casino from Resorts International, then began buying up other properties on the Atlantic City boardwalk.

      Soon Trump was tapped out and couldn’t make his debt payments.

      Enter Wilbur Ross, billionaire bond trader portrayed by the Illuminati financial media as an “independent investor”.   In fact, in 1992 Ross was heading Rothschild Inc.’s bankruptcy advising team, which represented bondholders who were threatening to foreclose on Donald’s house of cards.

      Ross saw how Trump had the ability to sway masses of people, something certainly not missed by his bosses at Rothschild.  So he struck a sweetheart bankruptcy deal for Trump, where he would relinquish a 50% stake in his Atlantic City, NJ Taj Mahal casino in return for better debt terms and a Presidency to be named later.

      Rothschild and their City of London partners in crime, not only got a new East Coast money laundering center in Atlantic City.  They now had their straw man Trump by the balls.

      Later Ross would partner with Jared Kushner in buying commercial properties in New York through Invesco.  Jared married Trump’s daughter Ivanka, who prior to that had been dating Lord Jacob Rothschild’s son Nat.  Ross got behind Trump’s candidacy and would later be named Commerce Secretary.

      For the Democratic faithful feeling a big smug right about now, don’t forget that Hillary Clinton had herself been endorsed by Lynn De Rothschild.

      The City of London had this election in the bag.  Time to lose childish illusions fed by Crown Agents.  Forget about elections.  Those days are over.  It’s time to unite, drop the cowardly lion routine and cut off the head of  snake~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 93% of Resorts International, a CIA front founded by Crown Agents Allen Dulles and David Rockefeller as the Mary Carter Paint Company in the 1950’s

    • Anonymous

      Your headline will not make you too many fans here. Although you are totally right. :smile:

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