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From Burnout to Brilliance: How a Week Off Transformed Our Team’s Energy and Focus

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I Did It!

Three weeks ago, I shared with you my struggle to fully disconnect from work, even during family vacations. As one of our leaders, I always felt the need to “check in” each day to ensure everything was running smoothly. But this time, I did it—I truly unplugged!

I spent ten days touring London and the Scottish countryside, and even visited a relative in Paris. I was completely present with my family, soaking in every moment without a single thought about work (ok, some thoughts about work occasionally entered my mind—but not as many as I expected, and I did a great job staying out of my inbox and off my computer). This experience was not only refreshing but also reinforced the importance of taking a genuine break.

Why was this time different? It’s because our leadership team decided to shut our entire company down during the first week of July to give everyone on the team a truly unplugged break. You can read more about that decision in my article on Turning Off the Power.

The Week Without Catastrophe

Guess what? The company didn’t fall apart during our week away! Despite some people’s fears of returning to a smoldering ruin, our diligent preparation and fantastic team ensured that everything ran smoothly. Our clients were informed well in advance, and nothing exploded, imploded, or mysteriously vanished. Turns out, the world can survive without us for a week. Kudos to the team for proving that with great preparation and communication, a business can thrive even when everyone is blissfully unplugged.

The Real Benefits: Enhanced Productivity

“I’m ready and excited to be back at work tomorrow! I’ve got a new attitude and a bunch of ideas that I can’t wait to implement—this is going to be a great quarter!”

That was the text I got on Sunday night at the end of our break. Yes! Those are the kinds of messages that every leader longs to read.

Contrary to the assumption that shutting down for a week would kill productivity, the benefits were real and remarkable. Our team returned refreshed, reenergized, and ready to work with a new vigor. The break provided everyone, me included, with the mental space to relax and recharge. When we came back, there was an unmistakable buzz of excitement and enthusiasm. Projects that had been dragging suddenly picked up momentum and creative solutions to lingering problems began to flow. The energy was palpable, proving that a well-timed break can actually boost productivity and bring out the best in everyone.

Living Our Core Values

The companywide shutdown allowed us to put our core values into action. One team member shared with me, “One of the hardest things about a vacation is making sure I am leaving enough information for others to fill my shoes while I am gone, and wondering what I have missed that is going to cause an issue for someone else. It is just difficult to turn off the worry—even though the team is perfectly capable of handling the work while I am out. Our companywide shutdown allowed me to really set that worry aside, which was amazing as I did not feel the need to check my messages once!”

Another team member, while on vacation visiting a friend, was told, “There’s something different about you. You’re glowing. Your posture is up, you’re exuding confidence, and your skin has cleared up. You seem incredibly relaxed. What’s changed since I last saw you?” The response was heartwarming: “Well, not much. I did start a new job recently, and I’m finally in a healthy work environment. It’s been such a breath of fresh air!”

Living core values is essential for any company, and we emphasize this in our work with law firms every day. Values are more than just cute slogans on a website—they are the foundation of a healthy, thriving business. The amazing stories our team members shared about their reactions to the break highlight how deeply our values are embedded in our culture. When a company truly embodies its core values, it creates a strong, cohesive culture where employees feel supported, valued, and motivated.

By consistently living our values, we not only enhance our internal environment but also set a powerful example for the firms we consult, demonstrating that prioritizing values can lead to tangible, long-term success.

In my earlier article, I shared these simple steps law firms can take to embrace paid-time off and ensure team members have unplugged time away. If you’re scratching your head thinking this will never work at your firm, let’s talk! It’s possible—not just here with our team—we’ve helped other law firms make this dream a reality.

And after a great week away, I’m proud to realize that our team is stronger and ready to embrace what’s next.

The post From Burnout to Brilliance: How a Week Off Transformed Our Team’s Energy and Focus appeared first on Lawyerist.


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