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'Do You Know Jesus?' is the all important question, for that is the only thing that matters. All Else is Folly.

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There’s nothing like knowing Jesus. Nothing can compare. When you know Jesus, you become a born-again, Spirit-filled, tongue-talking, Bible-believing Christian who is not just filled to the brim with the living, loving God, but your soul overflows from a never ending river of love, joy, peace, strength, hope, faith, and everything else that is a by-product of knowing God. There’s nothing like it. The world knows not the peace and joy that comes from knowing Him. Christianity is not a religion. Christianity is a relationship with the living, loving God.

Religion cannot make true and lasting changes in your life. Religion in and of itself will not get you into heaven. And good works cannot get you into heaven. In man’s attempt at religion, there is a great deceiver that leads him astray. Satan takes advantage of man’s desire to make rules and regulations and have people observe them. Through religion, Satan puts blindfolds on people and tells them they’re on the path to heaven when they’re actually on the path to hell. A cunning serpent, this Satan! Man is not happy to only preach and teach the truths that God has revealed, man wants to inject his own rules and regulations and portray them as if they are sacred. That is vain worship. The Father seeks those who worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

Religion is not where it’s at. A relationship is where it’s at—a daily relationship with the living, loving God. Only by inviting Jesus into your heart can His grace change you from the inside out. When God dwells on the inside of you and you cultivate your relationship with Him, His presence will change your heart, your soul, your body (divine health), and your external surroundings (blessings in your life). When you draw near to God, God will draw near to you and envelope you in His presence. And it is in God’s presence that you will receive the blessings that come with His presence. Look at what happened to the house of Obededom the Gittite when the ark of the LORD was kept at his house. The LORD blessed him and his household (see 2 Samuel 6:11). Obededom wasn’t anyone special, but he and his family became blessed merely from the fact that the presence of the LORD was in his house. And how much more are we blessed in the New Covenant with the presence of God dwelling WITHIN us! Seek God daily and His presence will bless you and your household and God will keep you from all harm. His angels will watch over you when you’re coming and when you’re going (see Psalm 121).

If you want to find refuge from all that is coming over the heavens and the earth, if you want to avoid the eternal torments of hell and inherit the eternal pleasures of heaven, if you want to walk in divine protection and divine health, if you want to find out your calling in life and why God created you and receive the grace and anointing you need to do that which God called you to do, you must draw near to God. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. The key to it all is picking up your cross daily and seeking His presence. It is there—in God’s presence—where you will you be given all that you need, the grace, the revelation, the peace, the joy, the strength, the wisdom, the health, etc. etc. etc.. There in His presence is where you will be transformed into the image of Jesus. If you make prayer and worship the foundation of your life, it will be the one thing from which all blessings flow. When you plant a seed in the ground and water it, it grows and becomes what it is supposed to be naturally and automatically as a by-product of feeding upon nutrients in the soil. Likewise, if you abide in His presence, you are feeding in His presence and you will, through no effort on your part other than the effort to get into His presence daily, automatically receive everything you need to fulfill your destiny and automatically be transformed into the image and likeness of Jesus. As seeking His presence daily becomes part of your life, you will begin to grow in Christ. You will come to know why God created you. You will enter into a symbiotic relationship with the Most High and you will fulfill your destiny, automatically. Let it happen as you believe! Learn to trust in God for all things! Become like an olive tree flourishing in God’s house as you trust in Him! Learn and realize that He is with you ALWAYS! I guarantee you if you seek Him with all your heart, you will experience the hand of God in your life!

I could go on forever talking about my Jesus because He the source of my joy, my peace, my strength, my protection, my health, my hope, He’s in my corner, He speaks words of encouragement to my heart, He gives me guidance, He gives me wisdom, He’s my everything!

Someone who knows Jesus can’t help but overflow with thoughts of the King. Knowing Jesus is the only thing that matters. Jesus, that’s my King!

Do you know Him?!


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    Total 14 comments
    • Lantern

      Touching Thank you for the uplift

      • am123

        You’re very welcome!

    • Mayhem

      It’s most certain that i disappoint Him and yet it remains that He is my King.

    • Truthseeker007

      Don’t fall for the propaganda of the article posted.Here is what really happened in a very brief summary:

      Titus (Latin: Titus Flavius Caesar Vespasianus Augustus was Roman Emperor from 79 to 81 and is now credited with the invention of Jesus (as himself) and Christianity.

      The Romans took every available mythos and weaved a new one, the created out of whole cloth a new savior god and named him Jesus. Jesus is 100% literary invention, a composite of all previous sun and salvation gods.

      The primary reason for doing this was to establish authority in the minds of conquered peoples, since the Judeans wouldn’t submit to Roman authority they created a religious authority. The purpose of Christianity was to convert Jews to a new religion, one that would bring them under the wings of Roman rule. Their experiment was wildly successful, Christianity is the dominant religion on the planet with over 2 billion adherents.

      • am123

        The reason why Christianity was wildly successful was the willingness of the early Christian martyrs to die for their beliefs. When the rubber meets the road, they weren’t going to die for someone who wasn’t real.

        How could someone who never existed in the first place go on to become the single most influential person in the history of mankind–how foolish is that?

    • Anonymouse

      You know, in your ENTIRE article there is NOTHING said that you WILL OBEY HIM!!! OR even LOVE HIM! Only seek, know, refuge, relationship and all that other meaningless words..

      Jesus said, if you LOVE ME, you will keep MY commandments.

      SO, do you?

      • am123

        Yes I do.

        Do you know what worshiping God in spirit and in truth means? Do you know what abiding or remaining in Jesus means? It includes loving Him and obeying Him and more.

        I have a much more important question for you: Do you know Jesus?

        • Anonymouse

          More importantly, does HE KNOW YOU????

        • am123

          Yes. In case you didn’t comprehend it from reading the article, God is number 1 in my life. I LOOOOOOOVE JESUS!!!!!!!! We are more than thisclose. And so:

          “…whoever loves God is known by God.”

          —1 Corinthians 8:3

        • Best Comment Yet

          Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them,…

          Hear, hear, you must DO the will of God. Not announce your love for him.

        • am123


          So are you accusing me, saying I am not doing the will of God and will not be accepted into the kingdom of heaven?

          If so, please be specific and provide Scripture for your accusation of what I have done that is against the will of God.

        • Best Comment Yet

          It goes back to do you keep the commandments of God? You have to answer that yourself since you said you know Him and He knows you.

          Again, if you LOVE ME, you KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS! He had rules you live by. You would know the rules if you LOVE him.

        • am123

          You are avoiding the issue. You appeared to accuse me in your previous post. Are you backing down from that? Or if not, what have I done that is against the will of God? Make yourself clear—go ahead, how have I transgressed the will of God?

    • Gabriela

      Hello, thank you for this. Much Love, Gabriela :o )

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