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The last Pope & the risen Messiah

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~ Open Letter to Pope Francis ~
John McCarthy QC – Ambassador to The Holy See

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 349
00186 Rome – Italy

Dear Ambassador McCarthy,

Reference:  The last Pope & the risen Messiah

Be advised that the Spirit of Truth who is the messenger of the Most High, our God, now walks this earth in the ‘disguise’ of a very simple mortal man from Tanzania who now resides in Tasmania, and is the wielder of this God’s sacred pen. I now state:

“Please deliver this ‘epistle’ to Jorge Bergoglio the new Catholic Pontiff, Pope Francis.”

Dear ‘brother’ George, I do believe that you are a sincere man of God seeking to promote ‘goodness’ and to assist humanity in your role as Christ’s ‘Vicar’ on earth.

I simply ask you to read my message to humanity from the Source God the Mother – the LIGHT. For only in so doing will you ‘believe’ who I AM and then know that God’s ‘Truth’ via my pen ~ God’s, is sent to uplift ‘believers’ and NOT them deceive.

I have returned ‘as a thief in the night’ in that my ‘Invincible’ spirit soul is hidden in the flesh of a ‘simple’ man from Tanzania, East Africa. I have now lived in Tasmania, Australia ‘cloistered’ in the ‘forests’ of the land away from the ‘madding’ crowd for 20 years. During this time I have daily sat, both day and night, writing God’s FINAL message to humanity to prepare ALL for the coming upliftment - – - OR – - – the FALL.

Within my The Testament of Truth there are many revelations which are not taught by any ‘religions’ of the day. This also applies to the ‘Catholic’ church, and ONLY those who now obtain the CLEAR comprehension of what is revealed will be ABLE to save THEMSELVES.

I ADD: ONLY our God is to be ADORED. At present – - – men of man’s churches all ‘adore’ and praise and elevate into ‘godship’ the Pope – bishops – priests – clerics, and other ‘holy men,’ all FORGETTING to SIMPLY:

“Go their way in peace and love one another and be merciful, compassionate, and to forgive their perceived enemy” as COMMANDED by THE FATHER.

Seekers of Salvation must OBEY the ‘WILL’ of GOD or DIE & FRY.

I ADD: All, and this includes yourself, now as elected Pontiff, together with all other church elders of any ‘creed’ or system of belief, MUST now ‘defrock’ from their ‘Regal regalia’ and become CIVIL civilians and OBEY the a – b -c – d Commands given herein as well as within the ‘Wielstra.pdf’ found on line at the given link below.

Being the infallible WORDS of God which were recorded correctly in mans’ Holy scriptural texts over the ages.

(a) Go your way in peace and love one another and BE merciful and compassionate and always FORGIVE your enemies.

(b) Turn the other cheek when faced with adversity and do NOT retaliate or you will be late for Heavens Gate.

(c) Go as “a Lamb to the slaughter” even when your enemies wish to destroy you.

(d) The words purported to have been spoken by Jesus and recorded here by my hand are also the infallible Word of God.

“The greatest of all the commands given by the Father is that we are to LOVE one another and to forgive others even unto 70 x 7, and I add, more than 70 x seven.”

God now reiterates: “MY ONE LAW is immutable and INFALLIBLE.” That LAW is:

“As you Sow so shall you Reap”

 ”What you or your servants do unto others will be done to you by others on an EQUAL and therefore ‘eye for an eye’ basis” – - – being God’s:


I ADD: Due to the many ‘factors’ given within my The Testament of Truth it is revealed that presently, every person living in any Realm outside of the pure Light of Heaven, (of which there are ‘countless realms,’ including planet earth) are in FACT sliding down and backwards towards the ‘PIT’ and eternal hellfire. If it was not ‘so’ then there would have been NO need for God to send me here again. I can but state:

OBEY God and spiritually LIVE ~ DEFY God and spiritually DIE

I ADD: One cannot serve two ‘masters.’ If one is condoning, funding and supporting the ‘works’ of Caesar, (State) then one is MOST DEFINITELY in contravention of God’s Command as delineated in a – b – c – d above because, adherents to the ideological religious ‘philosophy’ of ‘Caesar,’ being: “WAR, domination, subjugation, interference, control, punishment, taxation extortion and killing” are in ABSOLUTE opposition to the ideological religious ‘philosophy’ of: “PEACE & love & mercy & compassion & forgiveness” Commanded by GOD.

I ADD: The ‘Catholic’ flocks and the ‘flocks’ of EVERY other religion have been ONLY ‘permitted’ to exist undisturbed if they ‘bowed’ to the dictates of men such as ‘Caesar,’ being mortals backed by weapons who state: “Pay us a daily tax due or we will punish, evict, dispossess, excommunicate or destroy you.” None seeing that in paying this ‘annual’ Ransom, they become complicit to all ‘control and injury’ imposed upon others in the community by State forces.

ONLY those who NOW obey their God will be set free AFTER paying all outstanding spiritual dues to HIM for their ‘complicity.’ 

I ADD: I THE Messiah only DELIVERS the MESSAGE from God to mankind. YOU the individual of any ‘station’ in life are the ONE to comprehend IT – comply with IT and, as you so DO, and LIVE it, you show your God of your intent and DEED and thus the ‘value’ of your SEED, be IT:


Every individual person (child of God) of any race or creed can become a ‘carer’ of God’s children and can assist others to a comprehension of the content of The Testament of Truth message, for only by understanding what is written and illuminating one’s mind can one benefit.

It is NOT for any ‘Pope’ to try and ‘correct’ the woes within the ‘Church of Rome’ nor the woes of ‘the world.’ It is the content of the message from God the LIGHT to so do, – - – not me, nor you.

I ADD: Dear ‘brother’ George, I do believe that it was God who ‘advised’ your predecessor to resign. I do believe that it was God’s ‘Will’ that you have been elected this week, and why you? Because maybe just maybe you were the only ‘one’ of the Papal ‘nominees’ who is humble enough, courageous enough, and wise enough to READ God’s final message via me and then decide to NOT continue on being a ‘pretender’ to God’s throne on earth. God’s Holy Word RULES, not the rites and rituals or beliefs of mortal man.

Dear ‘brother’ George, please now advise all ‘Catholics’ worldwide to look direct to GOD as their ‘head of house,’ and to read Her ~ His final message to humanity at:

Our God requires you to now ‘resign’ as Christ’s Vicar and to tell all Catholic bishops, priests and others to ‘disband’ and go home and prepare for what is now to BE – The final separation of souls for ETERNITY.

I enclose my link to the ‘Wielstra.pdf’ and the ‘One True Faith’

It is imperative that everyone understands that if they do not fortify their minds against intrusive deceptive THOUGHTS presently invading the psyche of all mankind, in the manner given by ME, that they will BE used by the DARK demonic forces to impose great suffering upon others and the spiritual consequence of that will BE infinitely more than terrifying.

PLEASE, irrespective of ‘who’ you are – what you have done – what you are doing:
Turn to GOD, be respectful unto all, and BOW to
God’s Holy Command.

READ all about IT

I wish you well – Terence


God’s Judge Terence de Malaherre
Centre of Enlightenment
Constitutional & Spiritual Consultant
Mental & emotional counselling

A copy of this epistle is on line as Page 34 at

The antichrist is NOT any particular named person but in FACT is the destructive DARK energy of the Source – God which will emerge through the MIND of simple man being uncontrollable thoughts which will JUSTIFY a REASON in these ‘open’ minds to go forth and subjugate, control, injure, maim and kill etc.
Yes, global insanity will ‘reign’ for a time as THE DARK  metes out divine retribution against ALL who defied God’s ‘Go your way in peace and love one another’ command as they dominated, subjugated, interfered, judged, punished, controlled, injured, extorted funds, damaged, dispossessed and killed etc.. (God’s DARK energy ‘balancing’ ITS ‘Scales of Justice.’)
All ‘followers’ of ‘Caesar’s’ warring doctrine are serving the FALSE God of destruction. (State)
Irrespective of your ‘stated’ religious ‘order,’ if you fund the State coffers you are ITS ‘follower’ and supporter.
Irrespective of ‘anything’ anyone ELSE says, I THE MESSIAH state:
“All followers of the God of destruction are ON the wide road to Hell”

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