Ray-El / Raymond Lear is a Fraud and Criminal
Raymond Elwood Lear, commonly referred to by his deluded followers as Ray-El or Ra-El, boasts the claim that he descended as the Messiah of the Scriptures from a UFO down to the city of Jurasalem on January 28th, 2011. If this sounds ridiculous, it’s because Raymond Lear was actually born on June 9th of 1968. This fact can easily be proven simply by visiting the Indiana Department of Corrections website where it shows a warrant for his arrest.
Source: http://www.themostwanted.net/Indiana/DepartmentOfCorrections/View/9466285a10ac3e4c2122944d8becc49f
Nice mug shot.
He looks much less “Messiah-like” without the beard, not to mention a little bit crazy.
“There is a seven-page opinion by the Indiana Court of Appeals which says that in 2003 Howard-Lear was arrested for attacking his ex-girlfriend. He was then sentenced to six years in prison, but was released after only 18 months. A little more than a month after being released, in 2005 he accosted his ex-girlfriend again, this time in Illinois, and tried to convince police called to the scene that he had papers that would allow him to have his ex-girlfriend“committed.” When she showed that in fact she had a restraining order against him, police arrested Raymond Howard-Lear. He was ordered to serve 166 days in Cook County jail, and then was resentenced in Indiana on his original charge to five years in prison. He appealed the sentence, and lost.”
It gets even worse…
“Raymond Howard-Lear, 35, was charged Friday with conspiracy to commit confinement and stalking by the Lake County prosecutor’s office. Howard-Lear is being held in the Lake County Jail.
Howard-Lear reportedly posed as a U.S. senator in an effort to get a Kokomo bail/recovery agent to abduct the 34-year-old Schererville woman who he reportedly claimed was his common-law wife and in the custody of drug dealers, police said.
Schererville police Cmdr. Randy Reno said the agent discovered the man was not a senator and the story was false. The Kokomo agent then contacted Schererville police.
“Mr. Howard-Lear allegedly asked the bail agent to fly the victim to Mexico where he reported that he was going to put her in a detox clinic,” Reno said. “Police have inspected the woman’s home several times as well as conducted several interviews with her. There is no evidence or signs of drug use in the house. We believe he made up the story in an attempt to justify his obsession and attempted confinement of his former girlfriend.”
When Howard-Lear, was arrested, police said his vehicle contained clothing, personal hygiene items, duct tape and a fake CIA badge and CIA photo identification with his photograph.
Reno said the police have a series of previous reports involving Howard-Lear.
On Sept. 5, Howard-Lear was charged with one count of felony confinement and one count of misdemeanor battery after the man and his mother, Ruth Lear, 67, also of 531 Deborah Lane, Lynwood, allegedly beat the Schererville woman and shocked her with a stun gun in an effort to abduct her.
According to a previous news report, they reportedly tried to pull the woman into their van, in which police found fur-covered handcuffs, a ski mask and gloves.
The victim escaped and the duo were arrested when they went to a local exercise club and claimed they were the victims in an attempt to cover up their crime, police said.”
As for the sentencing…
“CROWN POINT — A Lynwood man has been sentenced to three years in prison after pleading guilty to felony criminal confinement, felony battery, criminal confinement and misdemeanor battery stemming from an attempt to abduct a former girlfriend and then beating her and shocking her with a stun gun a little more than one year ago.
Raymond Lear’s lawyer, Kevin Relphorde, said Lear initially received a sentence of six years Wednesday but it was suspended to three years. Relphorde said Lear has been in prison for about one year, so he probably will serve six months in prison.”
For a “Messiah” it is strange that the only contact he has with his brainwashed followers is through a series of poorly made, super-budget style Youtube videos. This is ironic due to the amount of tithes he constantly needs and begs for through his videos and website. I didn’t realize that when the “Messiah” showed up he’d need so much money.
His followers that frequent Beforeitsnews.com have been proven wrong so many times in the past while trying to defend an indefensible position that they have taken to posting a story about their fraudulent “savior”, all commenting quickly and feverishly whilst upvoting themselves, then disabling the comments before any of their detractors can get a word in. It’s a pathetic attempt to make it look like they’re winning, and that their “Messiah” is valid. This can be seen by looking through the last 7 or so stories posted by BIN “contributor” Corey DeFranceso, who appears to be Lear’s top lackey boy and “priest.” (Haha… ”priest.”)
If their “Messiah” is valid, then what’s with the deceptive behavior of their cult? One thing the cult of Ray-El leans on for proof of Raymond Lear being the Messiah is codes that were supposedly found in the Torah.
Here is some info I found on these supposed Torah codes:
“Top Torah Code ResearcherMatityahu Glazerson has a very extensive credentials including authoring more than 30 books in Hebrew, which have since been translated he is also somewhat of a Gemantra Whizz.
Glazerson is not a Christian, he is a Jewish Rabbi who believes that one day the Mashiach (or Jewish messiah) will return. (Before its news) RAYMOND LEAR (Lord RayEL) believes that he is, the MASHIACH. The difference is that the Christians see this, soon to return Jewish Mashiach, as the Anti-Christ. Since Jews do not believe Jesus is God, they believe this Mashiach is the official “messiah”.
“Rabbi Glazerson previously stated that RAYMOND LEAR was not the returned Moshiach and that he CHEATS with the BIBLE CODES. The Ecumencal Order of Christ will not show you this.”
Here is the video where the Rabbi explains how the codes produced by the cult of Raymond Lear are fraudulent:
A message to Ray-El’s cult members:
Please don’t forget to pay your tithes. If you don’t pay them, your beloved Raymond will have to go get a job like the rest of us and stop living off of you, like the pathetic parasitic worm that he is. I had no idea that the Messiah would return only to beat and kidnap women, then go into hiding and beg suckers for money. Go figure.
Matthew 24: 4 Yeshua replied: “Watch out! Don’t let anyone fool you! 5 For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Messiah!’ and they will lead many astray.
Matthew 24: 11 Many false prophets will appear and fool many people; 12 and many people’s love will grow cold because of increased distance from Torah. 13 But whoever holds out till the end will be delivered. 14 And this Good News about the Kingdom will be announced throughout the whole world as a witness to all the Goyim. It is then that the end will come.
Revelation 19:11 And I saw heaven opened: and lo, a white horse; and he that sat on it is called Faithful and True: and in righteousness he judges, and makes war. 12. His eyes (were) like a flame of fire, and on his head (were) many diadems; and he had names inscribed; and the name which was written on him, no one knew, except himself. 13. And he was clothed with a vesture sprinkled with blood; and his name is called, The Word of Elohim. 14. And the army of heaven followed him on white horses, clad in garments of fine linen, pure (and) white. 15. And from his mouth issued a sharp two-edged sword, that with it he could strike the nations; and he will rule the nations with a rod of iron; and he will tread the wine-press of the wrath of Elohim Almighty. 16. And he has upon his vesture and upon his thigh the words written: King of Kings, and Master of Masters.
Huh… that sounds way different than a woman beating criminal hiding behind a computer monitor.
Unlike the Rayelians I promise to leave comments open.
Oh no!!! Why is his name RAY EL and not JESUS?
Cuz he’s a conman named Raymond and is not Jesus. See how easy that was?
Will the Rayelians be here shortly to spam up the comment section, trying to keep truth from getting out?
Probably not. But nevermind. Their brand of cartoonish silliness only fools the veriest lopsided of minds.
But it’s nice to see that his cluckishness has the chutzpah to stick by what he believes, and not stoop to engaging in overt censorship the way the Rayelians do with their serial disabling of commentary just as soon as the last costumed goobersmoocher has posted his contribution, to be followed only by a slamming door and a fetishistic flurry of upvoting each other like a pack of giggling circus animals!!
Best they avoid the difficulty by pretending not to have seen this article. They know how poorly they fare when exposed to even our flaccid resistance to their buffooneries.
Yep. I even saw a link today where someone provided information regarding the notion that Raymond Lear is….. dead.
Twiggie? Is that our beloved “Troll Hunter?” I like that one.
I should add though, that the suggestion of him being dead is in part based on Richard Ruff’s Torah codes, which I’ve shown to be fraudulent from the get-go in the above article.
Twiggie’s probably just trying to smoke him out of whatever hole he’s ducked down.
Fella don’t seem to like showing his face too much. Ye heard?
Compare that with THE KING, who, when He was in the land, was very easy to find. All you had to do was follow the crowds. Ask anyone back then…
…they always knew where He was and He always had something to say and something to teach. Hiding was just something He did not do.
This Raymond Howard Elwood Lear dude?
Seems like he only wants money. Maybe to cozy up to a few of the female costume-wearers behind-the-scenes? That’s assuming he’s likes females — I mean, for reasons other than smacking them around.
I think he avoids showing his face to either avoid being shown as a fraud or he doesn’t want law enforcement catching up with him.
I am not going to speculate on his sexual orientation, aside to say that I think it falls under the “ambiguous” category.
If he’s hiding from law enforcement, he’s clearly not The Boss. Last time The Boss came he stood up to Law Enforcement and refused to back down on his claims, even when confronted with the penalty of Earthly death.
Rayel just cowers in fear like a wiener.
Why is his name RAY EL and not JESUS?
I have been assuming it is to do with this:
Raguel (also Raguil, Rasuil, Rufael, Raquel, Reuel, and Akrasiel) is an angel mainly of the Judaic traditions. He is the Angel of Justice. His name’s meaning is considered to be “Friend of God”.
Raguel is referred to as the archangel of justice, fairness, harmony, vengeance and redemption.[citation needed] In the Book of Enoch, cap. XXIII, Raguel is one of the seven angels who watch, His number is 6, and his function is to take vengeance on the world of the luminaries who have transgressed God’s laws.[1]
Raguel’s duties have remained the same across Jewish and Christian mythologies. Much like a sheriff or constable Raguel’s purpose has always been to keep fallen angels and demons in check, delivering heinous judgment upon any that over-steps their Elohim-prescribed boundaries. He has been known to destroy wicked spirits, and cast fallen angels into Tartarus/Gehenna.
I’m pretty sure I saw Raymond in the back row at one of my Vegas performances (@The Venetian) just last week.
He was sitting in the back row right next to Rosie O’Donnell and Nancy Pelosi.
That would explain the wig in his personal website photo. I’m guessing Whoopi was there “stirring the mustard.”
Where are the loyal Rayelians? No response? Too busy waiting for their “Messiah” to post a new Youtube video from the safety of his secret hiding place with Dick Ruff? (Nice name, BTW.)
Maurice Ronald thinks rayel has no testicles.
BEEF SUPREME thinks Maurice Ronald is RIGHT.
BEEF SUPREME also thinks Maurice Ronald looks like Jules Winnfield’s pops.
(BEEF, tread lightly around Mo Ron. He is very easily provoked and not mentally stable. You can see it in his eyes. He’s like KOS in the way that even if you agree with him he calls you an Obama shill and blames you for AIDS and homos.)
So, what?
I came alla da way down here just to see this smiling snapperhead and he’s a no show.
Is that what he looks like without a beard? Definitely a woman beater. Wait till he meets the REAL King. Going to be a very dark day in the history of Raymond Lear, that day.
I like the part where Raymond convinces his elderly mother to help him stalk, taser and abduct his ex-girlfriend in a van.
Sounds like a real hero worthy of “a crowning”. A real man….. ROFLMAO!
“When Howard-Lear, was arrested, police said his vehicle contained clothing, personal hygiene items, duct tape and a fake CIA badge and CIA photo identification with his photograph.”
“police found fur-covered handcuffs, a ski mask and gloves.”
What a butt hurt loser to go to such extremes over a woman who outright rejected him.
When you’re all the way down and there’s no place to go but up. nothing beats an epiphany that you’re actually the Second Coming!!!
From FAKE CIA agent to FAKE Messiah!!!
At least this guy doesn’t waste any time with half-measures.
I got a laugh over the duct tape and fur handcuffs thing. Not only that, but the involvement of his own mother. The handcuffs obviously came from a sex shop. If he had the handcuffs, the duct tape must have been meant to tape her mouth shut. He didn’t want her to speak.
He just wanted her immobilized, silenced and tied to a chair in his mom’s basement so he could stroke her hair in peace while longingly looking into her eyes with his dead-eyed gaze that she was once so fond of.
Mom excitedly shouts from top of stairs: “Ray-Ray! The meatloaf’s ready!”
Ray angrily responds: “Shut up mom! Can’t you see I’m busy with my girlfriend!?!?
Somehow I get the idea that Ray-Ray’s mom sounds just like Biff’s grandmother from Back to the Future.
If you don’t believe in Lizard people now you sure will if you catch a whiff of our whacky baccy.
Oops, newbie post, scroll down for comedic effect.
(I was thinking more like Gilbert Grape’s mom.)
ima going to say more like this….
What’s really sad is his international congregation page only has 47 members. Last I heard he was boasting thousands. I guess most that joined his little facebook thingy are only there to laugh at these nutjobs.
47 more than KOS, I guess. (If you don’t coun’t GayWill and the lady with 900 cats.)
You guys got this mom thing all front-to-back.
I mean, she can’t be too old, like Biff’s grandmom if she’s gonna help me capture and torture adult women. And she can’t be so fat that she won’t even fit into my cargo van, like Gilbert’s mom. Also, she can’t be some grumpy old sourpuss like momma from the Billy Crystal and Danny DeVito movie.
So? What does that leave?
So your mom is Peg Bundy? That actually makes a lot of sense for some reason…
Yup. I actually AM Bud Bundy all growed up.
I grew out the beard so no one would recognize me.
Worked like a charm.
And to think, all this time you fellas have been making fun of me without ever once realizing that I’m only having a goof and taking advantage of low-brain-power people with a few extra dollars to donate to my ’cause.’
See? I ain’t such a bad guy. I always use furry handcuffs so victims, er… girlfriends, won’t get a rash or blisters on their wrists!!!
MMmm what about Anne Ramsey in the Goonies… you know… before her stroke?
You telling Gus that “Mama Fratelli” couldn’t be the mastermind behind this kidnapping?
Maybe Ray was framed by …. dun … dun dun…. his Mom?
P.S… Raymond.. You Clumsy Poop!
She’s dead, ain’t she Gus.
And Biff’s grandmom was actually voiced by Tom Wilson, the actor who played Biff. So it can’t be her.
Gilbert Grape’s mom is actually still alive. Can you believe it?
But she’s still WAY too fat to be of any use in a snatch-and-grab hostage take.
No sir. Peg Bundy all the way. And you know how mean she can be when she dresses up like Gemma Teller-Morrow from Sons of Anarchy!!!
No i cant believed Gilbert Grapes mom in alive… I call BS
Always liked Peg as Leela in the Futurama cartoon… and yes the fur lined cuffs the Cluck Machine mention point to peg all the way.
Peg it is then. I still haven’t watched the last 2 seasons of Sons. Watched it years ago but moved and didn’t have TV access for awhile. I better catch up.
So where are these Ray-elians? I think there “messiah” would be ashamed in them for not sticking up for him. Apparently this is a case where silence is the best thing they can do, to keep from looking stoopid.
Stoopid iz a stoopid duz.
And Gus, I gave you a friggin WIKI LINK as evidence that Gilbert’s mom is still alive and kicking. I would never ask anyone to take my word for such a thing. (Asking them to take my word for messiahship is another matter entirely)
ALMOST 70 YEARS OLD SHE IS, and still as fat as the day is long!!! Why, it should give hope and serve as inspiration to the rest of OBESE Amerikkee to see a fat person wobble right on into old age. Hell, she should probably get a job as a poster girl for Burger King just to give any would-be healthniks the proper motivation to hit the drive-through after work and forego the wheatgrass smoothie and gym membership!!!
“ALMOST 70 YEARS OLD SHE IS, and still as fat as the day is long!!!”
I’m impressed. More with your metaphor than her current state of being, but both are impressive.
Is there really an active warrant for my ass out of Indiana?
Am i the only guy here who thinks Katy Sagal is smoking hot?
Not so much as Peg Bundy, to be sure, but that Gemma, whoar!
Hey, you leave my mom out of this you New Zealander troll.
Er, Katey, my bad
Does New Zealand extradite to the USA?
Maybe I should come visit you for a few decades.
We sure do. Your ass would be bounced at the airport on your way in.
Then I guess I better make sure my subscription to High Times magazine is all paid up.
Gemma? I’d hit it.
If you don’t believe in Lizard people now you sure will if you catch a whiff of our whacky baccy.
Your wacky baccy must be better than mine. Mine gets me high as F but I haven’t seen any Lizard people yet.
Wow! Lookit all them up votes here.. 9′s.. 10′s.. holy crap! Did some Rayelians go completely bonkers and mistake this article for one of theirs?
Ray-El………… whatever…………..
Genuflect and click on the green.
Good observation Kitty Cat. I visited the article and most comments were around the 2 to 3 range, then I came back about a half hour later and most were at 9. Not sure how that happened. Maybe BOB BELL does?