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Prophecy News - 'Word To All Intercessors Of The Lord Jesus Christ', given to Sr Eva and the Church of 'Pan de Vida', by Abba, June 24th, 2024

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Our prayer for what we want in life is everything we do. Our temple, as we all know is our physical bodies: 1 Cor 6:19 “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;” That, we desecrate by expelling the life force/Holy Spirit sexually, eating meat which coarsens its vibration, imbibing alcohol, smoking, submitting to vaccination falsely believing that vaccines are beneficial, lack of exercise and a whole host of unhealthy practices. Our Church is the world (catholic means universal). You cannot confine Church to a building.

Mary in her latest message says: “The powerful of this world will unite and act against the People of God.”  Already evidenced by Jacob Rothschild writing in a 2021 reply: “Regardless of whether or not the vaccines are unnecessary and useless regarding the virus, or even harmful for many, they are the most uniform and concerted psychological weapon ever devised to control human behaviour.” Jesus went the whole way against external control to preserve the internal control of the Spirit. Its wholeness (Holiness)

“I elected, for your sake and mine, to demonstrate that the most outrageous assault, as judged by the ego, does not matter.” And, “There is no strain in doing God’s Will as soon as you recognize that it is also your own.” If you read some of ‘A Course in Miracles’ you see that God’s Will is UNCONFLICTED, hence all powerful, which is why Jesus had to submit to persecution. He did not want to increase the conflict, hence the damage to the fabric of God. Which is ‘trust’ or ‘faith’, basically relationship.

“As the world judges these things, but not as God knows them, I was betrayed, abandoned, beaten, torn, and finally killed. It was clear that this was only because of the projection of others onto me, since I had not harmed anyone and had healed many.”

 image Rise up and fight this spiritual battle

Word To All Intercessors Of The Lord Jesus Christ
June 24, 2024 1:56 PM
Sister Eva

Word given to /sister Eva from “Bread of Life church”, Pan de Vida.

I share with you this word I received this morning, all to God’s Glory.

“The Judgements of God are coming to all the continents, I will keep you safe where you are at that time.

My daughters [souls], rise up and fight this spiritual battle because the enemy comes against you with all he has. He is very angry because of all the work you are doing, because you have scourged him as a strong tempestuous wind. You have caused him great harm.

Stay firm, do not allow yourselves to be moved, I am with you.
Hold on to me, to My Word, continue on, there is not much time left.
I am coming quickly; I want to find you doing My Will.

Fill yourselves more with my holy fire, so that you can destroy all the darts and arrows that are coming against you. I give you my power but you have to be one with my Holy Spirit.

The enemy is waiting for you to slack, do not fall sleep. I want you to be alert and awake.

Do not move from your position my army, cover your backs, do not abandon your partner in spiritual warfare.

The enemy’s camp fears you. They see the authority that I have given you. Use your authority over the enemy, destroy his fortress and dominions using your swords, I have given you. I fill you with my power.
I have told you that I am with you all the days of your lives, and I keep my promises. I have never left you desolate.

I have crowns to give you, my warrior daughters [souls]. Soon you will not even remember everything you have suffered in this world; you will have My Peace forever.”

Abba I love you, I love you more.

All glory to God!!!

[Note. the soul is feminine to the Spirit, hence God refers to you whether male of female, as “My daughters’.]

Announcement: The church, Bread of Life “Pan de Vida” will be having a
prophetic session with Prophet Zach from ‘Outpouring Gates’ on July 13, 2024 at 8 am NY eastern time.

You can find us in telegram under the church name “Pan de Vida”.
All church teachings and prayer sessions are in Spanish.
However, we have translators for all prophetic and healing sessions.

Every Sunday afternoon we have healing and deliverance sessions, we look forward to seeing you.



Word to all intercessors of the Lord Jesus Christ

Insider Revealed “Vaccine” Genocide Plan in 1981
reply no. 5
Jacob R. “Regardless of whether or not the vaccines are unnecessary and useless regarding the virus, or even harmful for many, they are the most uniform and concerted psychological weapon ever devised to control human behaviour.”

The Message of the Crucifixion
“I am sorry when my brothers do not share my decision to hear only one Voice, because it weakens them as teachers and as learners. Yet I know they cannot really betray themselves or me, and that it is still on them that I must build my church. There is no choice in this, because only you can be the foundation of God’s church.”

Fear and Conflict
“Being afraid seems to be involuntary; something beyond your own control. Yet I have said already that only constructive acts should be involuntary. My control can take over everything that does not matter, while my guidance can direct everything that does, if you so choose. Fear cannot be controlled by me, but it can be self-controlled. Fear prevents me from giving you my control.”

Mary’s Messages



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