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Prophecy News - 'And so the Seasons Change', given to William Brooks by Jesus, July 17th, 2024

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Some of you will applaud and some of you will frown, but I’m just putting names to some of what Jesus has described here and in His previous messages.

The Dragon is Satan
The Beast from the Sea is Barry Hussein Obama
    We were asked to look up his name in Hebrew.
    In Hebrew, Baraq is lightning. Bamah is heights or the Heaven.
    Hence: “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven” (Luke 10:18).
The Beast from the Earth is Joseph Gregory Hallett
    -self admitted, ‘The Hidden King Documentary’
    Jesus: “the antichrist will be from the East, not the West”
    Mary: “Virá do hemisfério sul e muitos o terão como um salvador.”
Barabbus, recently revealed, is Donald John Trump
    Like the pied piper of Hamelin, he leads the children away.
    He is also “the one who restrains” (2Thes 2:7)
    A prophetic message of his death in 2025: ‘Vivid dream of Trump in D.C. with bombs and missiles falling.’ (link below)
Think what you like, but is Donald Trump acting like Jesus would act? MAGA is not an act of love, but an act of self aggrandizement. Ego based. It does not have the breadth nor the quietness of Spirit.

 image Prophecy Rock

And So the Seasons Change!

    Written by: William Brooks
    Category: The Little Book Of Revelation Chapter Ten
    Published: July 17, 2024
    Created: July 17, 2024

    The Little Book of Revelation Chapter 10
    Spirit of Prophecy YouTube Channel

Gather yourselves, my Church [My people], and lend your ears to wisdom. Incline your ears to the voice of your warrior King, even he who stands to fight for you, even me The Lion of the Tribe of Judah who is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. I am he whom Yahweh has given all things in heaven and earth, and in my mighty hands, for I am alive evermore and hold the keys of death and of hell in my hands. And the earth is mine for I have purchased it in my atoning blood. “And I have a name above every name that at the Name of Jesus every knee will bow, both of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth. And that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, unto the glory of the Father of Lights” (Php 2:9-11), with whom is no variableness nor shadow of turning. “And who can stand against the double-edged sword that proceeds out of my mouth? For with it, I will smite the nations: and I am he who shall rule them with a rod of iron: and I am he who treads in fury the wine press of the fierceness and wrath of El Shaddai even the Almighty God. And I am he who has on my vesture, and on my thigh, a name written, King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords” (Rev 19:15-16), and my time has COME!

Whatever is there that can be found amongst Yahweh’s entire creation, my children, that you should fear? Know of a truth, my little ones, that the fallen ones fear you. For they know that they are now as you, and you will be made much more glorious than they once were, even all of those who left their first estate. To depart from the orders that Yahweh sets for his creation is grave sin because Yahweh’s creation is intended to function in harmonious perfection. And Yahweh gives free will, so to chose to rebel in selfish lusts causes death and suffering amongst the tapestry of life. And so the sin of the fallen ones resonates to this day, and the times of their judgment is now! Know you not, my children, that you will judge angels?

Who shall separate you from my love? Will tribulation or anguish, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? No! In all of these things you are more than conquerors in me Christ Jesus, your ascended and empowered Lord, for Yahweh has shared his throne with me and I will share my throne with the faithful, even those who love me and whom I love. Understand that Yahweh himself fights for you and Yahweh has sent me, even your Lord, King and defender. For I am your strong tower and rock of defense, for I am the Rock of Ages, even your Lord and savior. And I am the refiner who sits with billow and hammer in hand to stoke the fires of purification removing the dross! And I am he who hammers and folds the precious metals of Yahweh’s treasure house, of which his many treasures are the priceless treasures that are the sons of God, into glorious perfection. And my works are about to be consummated in you my Children, even my first-fruits and called and chosen and faithful.

Behold! The time has come for the completion and full redemption of you, my loves, and I will complete your redemption and into the eternity of eternities you will now go! And in the twinkling of an eye you will find yourselves standing in Yahweh’s throne room in heavenly surprise and everlasting joy, for you will now enter into the joy of your Lord. And you will find yourselves engulfed in the glorious everlasting light of Yahweh, the great eternal God and the everlasting brightness of the Son of Righteousness and you will be fully recreated, and you will marvel at the splendor with which you will be clothed. My children, every work you have ever performed in my name in service to Christ, in that you have ministered to the saints and do minister, is recorded in the heavens! Eye has not seen, neither ear heard, neither has entered into the heart of man the things Yahweh has prepared for those who love him and your reward is in my hand, for you are my overcomers, and I have created you newly in me forever more, and you will never corrupt and yours is an everlasting eternal inheritance that never fades and your glory is eternal. For in that you have been faithful in the tiniest I will make you ruler over much.

In an instant, in a moment of time, in a split second your full redemption will occur and all of your troubles will vanish instantly. Suddenly there will be no more sickness, suddenly there will be no more pain, suddenly there will be no more fear, suddenly you will be in perfect union with Yahweh, suddenly you will be in perfect union with Yeshua HaMashiach, suddenly will you find yourselves full of joy, peace. And everlasting brightness will forever shine from you. For in that you have glorified the Lamb of God, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah will now glorify you, for I am he in whom you have believed, and I am he who is faithful and true, who has kept that which you have committed to me against this day. And you that I have made wise, will forever shine, even as the brightness of the firmament: and you who have turned many to righteousness, will shine as the stars, for ever and ever. So now knowing this my children that now is time to leave the cares of this world and rest in me and stay pure as a virgin in my atoning blood.

Behold! The accuser of the brethren is cast down, is cast down, even that old serpent, even that great red dragon whose tail drew a third part of the stars [angels] and cast them to the earth. “And there was a battle in heaven, Michael and his Angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon fought and his angels. But they prevailed not, neither is their place found anymore in heaven. And the great dragon, that old serpent, called the devil and Satan, was cast out, which deceives all the world: he is even cast into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him” (Rev 12:7-9). For there was a flash and a boom and there was shaking and the sign of his presence was felt, and the lies of the forked tongue deceiver are already spread because they have always watched for the coming of his sign. His sign was over his blasphemous statue.

Woe to the inhabitants of the earth for the devil and his angels are cast down amongst you and bound to the earth for judgment, and there is no place in the heavens for them evermore and never again shall they enter. Rejoice you heavens, for the accuser of the brethren is cast down which accused them day and night before our God, and his place is in the heavens no more and forever. Now comes salvation, now comes the glory of the saints, and they will be glorified for they shall glorify Yahweh in me Christ Jesus and I will clothe them in everlasting righteousness, even pure white spotless linen that can never be stained, and I will reward them with everlasting reward and will make them Kings and Priest before Yahweh and they will rule from my throne according as their love and faithfulness has been. To the faithful is great reward and to the unfaithful there is loss, but they shall be saved, so as yet by fire.

Hear me, all those who dwell on earth, even though you are deaf and refute my signs! The devil is now cast down amongst you, and he knows that he has but a short time. He has great anger and vengeance, for he is a defeated enemy bound for the purposes of Yahweh, which will be consummated in that fiery cobalt blue lake of continual destruction. And because you, oh natural man love darkness rather than light, because you, oh natural man love your evil works and despise my saving hand of grace, (“For every one that practices evil, hates the light, neither comes to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved” John 3:20), so I will now give you the evil you so desire.

image Jewish flag image Amos and Acts image symbol of fertility & Hex

Because you now live in the tabernacle of Moloch waving the star of your god Remphan on your banner, figures you made to worship them. Since you sacrifice children to Moloch, since you adore your abominable Baphomet, behold! Your dragon is now amongst you. And you will learn first hand that the thief comes not, but for to steal, kill and destroy. Except now there will be no cloak, there will be no restrainer, there will be no more mercy and grace from the heavens for you have chosen the dragon as your god, and you have chosen Barabbas as your savior and king. So now I give them to rule over you as your evil hearts so desire. Behold! Here is wisdom, let he who has understanding count the number of the beast for it is in the star of Remphan they carry on their banner, for they are the synagogue of Satan who seek to steal the land and kill it’s rightful inhabitants and I will save Jacob!

Behold! Satan enters into Barrabas, and he is taking the reins, and his lying signs and wonders will lead to your utter destruction. For he will use his claims that God alone saved him to claim that he is sent of God and that he is God, for so they believe that they are God in the flesh and all else are animals. He will use his lying signs and wonders and together with the beast from the sea will bring great destruction on the earth, for you have chosen the dragon, and now you will fully eat of the utter filth that the dragon brings. You, oh dwellers on the earth, you have spit at Yahweh’s grace and mercy that he sent in me, even in the face of Jesus Christ, and since you rejected the Lamb of God, you will now meet the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. For I came in peace and love and goodwill and grace and mercy, and you have foolishly rejected salvation in favor of your own deaths and eternal punishment, for there is no other choice. To spit towards Yahweh when he extends his hand in peace and love, even giving the life of his only-begotten son, is eternal sin and there is no escape from wrath except to call on the mighty name of Jesus to the very end and he who loves not his life to the end shall be saved, and a multitude of multitudes will be saved.

But you, oh natural man, you have chosen the pleasures of sin when grace was given you and you were given space to repent. For I have reached out to you, I have reached out to your fathers, I have reached out to your father’s fathers, even back many jubilees now since I first sent my apostles and prophets and the great mystery of God has been proclaimed even to the ends of the earth! And now your rejection is complete, and I accept your final decision, and I am Christ Jesus, and I am he who now declares the times of the gentiles are over and now comes judgement starting at the house of God. In that your lips have denied Yahweh, even the Lord of Spirits, your appointed inheritance is now in that great lake of fiery, rolling brimstone, and It would have been good for you if you had not been born. You foolishly think you have all the time in the world and that Yahweh will continue to wait until perhaps someday you might turn to righteousness from your detestable sins. And I tell you plainly now, time is up and for many they have forever missed their chance at eternal life and even their chance to be amongst my Bride who will come to be admired by all in that day.

For so is the fate of all who take the mark. And so I announce to the nations once again:


For the mark surely approaches. It will be the entrance to their society, and they will tell you it is the cure. They will tell you it will bring eternal life, they will tell you that you will never be sick again, they will tell you a multitude of lies so that you take their beastly jab, and they will convince many that it is for their own good. Behold! Fallen ones come posing as aliens with their technologies in their hands. Understand that the mark will make you slave to their technologies, for they will mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. Their beastly mark, even the serpents bite, will utterly decimate all who take their poison and there is no escape.

Behold! “And I heard a great voice out of the Temple, saying to the seven Angels, Go your ways, and pour out the seven vials of the wrath of God upon the earth. And the first went and poured out his vial upon the earth: and there fell a noisome, and a grievous sore upon the men, which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshiped his image” (Rev 16:1-2). And so this future awaits all who willingly accept their own eternal torment and those who chose the second death. All because you have refused Jesus the Nazarene, who would have saved you to the uttermost. And all who take the mark will have their noisome and grevious sores and all who take the mark will forever be in their inheritance in those fiery flames of blue in the blackness of darkness forever, and yet this fate is willingly chosen by those it is intended, and so it will be!

And so the final separation now begins and as there was war in the heavens now there will be war on earth for I will instantly take peace away and instantly will the restrainer be removed, and instant madness will break across the earth for evil will no longer be restrained, and I will give to each man according to their works. And so the times of the gentiles are closed and war is about to break across the earth, and they will reconfigure their borders into the final beast kingdom of which the dragon, beast from the sea and the beast from the earth who also is their false Moshiach will rise and Jacob’s trouble will break across the earth in an instant, and they shall not escape!

Behold! I send my everlasting gospel, for its sending has been declared of old by John the Revelator when I had him write: “I saw another Angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting Gospel, to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people” (Rev 14:6). Behold! The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy and know that my words will find the eyes, ears, and hearts to all whom they are sent, and the Words of the everlasting gospel have been revealed in their time and will be preserved for those they are sent, so hearken to the voice of your True Moshiach! For I am Yeshua HaMashiach!

And so the Words of John the Revelator stand as comfort and a beacon of hope for those who will yet attain salvation:

Revelation 21:1-7
And I saw a new heaven, and a new earth: for the first heaven, and the first earth were passed away, and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city New Jerusalem come down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride trimmed for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven, saying, Behold, the Tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them: and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be their God with them. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes: and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, neither crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the first things are passed. And he that sat upon the throne, says, Behold, I make all things new: and he said unto me, Write: for these words are faithfull and true. And he said unto me, It is done, I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give to him that is a thirst, of the well of the water of life freely. He that overcommeth, shall inherit all things, and I will be his God, and he shall be my son”.

I am he whom Yahweh has given all things in heaven and earth
I am he who shall rule them with a rod of iron
I am he who treads in fury the wine press of the fierceness and wrath of El Shaddai
I am he who has on my vesture, and on my thigh a name written, King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords, and my time has COME
I am your strong tower and rock of defense, for I am the Rock of Ages, even your Lord and savior.
I am the refiner who sits with billow and hammer in hand to stoke the fires of purification removing the dross
I am he who hammers and folds the precious metals of Yahwehs treasure house, of which his many treasures are the priceless treasures that are the sons of God into glorious perfection
I am he in whom you have believed
I am he who is faithful and true, who has kept that which you have committed to me against this day

I, Yeshua HaMashiach have sent these Words by my servant, and by my servant have these Words been sent. Hearken to my Words for in them are eternal life.



And so the Seasons Change!

Mary’s Messages

Joseph Gregory Hallett
The Hidden King documentary
image Joseph Gregory Hallett mashiach (Messiah)

Donald Trump

Mary’s Third Secret of Fatima

AMOS 5:26 (NKJV):
You also carried Sikkuth your king and Chiun [Saturn or Remphan], your idols, THE STAR of your gods, which you made for yourselves.

  image Hexagram as sign of male female fertility and Hex spells

ACTS 7:43 (NKJV):
You also took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and THE STAR of your god Remphan, images which you made to worship.



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