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Prophecy News - 'The Rising of the Unholy Three', given to William Brooks by Jesus, July 13th, 2024

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This goes so much further than no more churches and no more Christianity in the world. It follows the thoughts of people like Jacob Rothschild, who in his reply no. 5, admitted that they want total uniformity, including by means of vaccines. The laws that they are enforcing are the Noahide Laws, which Jesus says that He has no part in. It’s basically top-down management of people with inflicted, even mortal punishment for not obeying, instead of self-management from within to without as in the Christian view. My feeling is that it is better to know what has been planned and is being implemented, than not. So please pray over this, and look to your own inner guidance.

  image No more churches or Christianity

The Rising of the Unholy Three!

    Written by: William Brooks
    Category: The Little Book Of Revelation Chapter Ten
    Published: July 13, 2024
    Created: July 13, 2024

    The Little Book of Revelation Chapter 10
    Spirit of Prophecy Youtube Channel

And so time is at an end and my appearing is approaching! I will now tell you the order of events that are soon to come to pass, so hearken yourselves to hear the voice of your Messiah, even Yeshua HaMashiach, even the words of the Lord of Lords, King of Kings, Messiah, and High Priest forever after the Order of Melchizedek. Perhaps your national arrogance will blind your hearts to me, oh Mystery Babylon: even these United States. For you think you sit as a queen and no calamity will fall on you, and you say to yourselves, I am no widow (Rev 18:7)! Yet your desolation will come within one hour (Rev 18:17) and never again will you rise nor will your leadership ever plague Yahweh’s earth again, for a double portion of judgment has been declared by Yahweh, and what Yahweh declares can no one change.

Imagine, if you will, a world without Christianity and Christian nations. There will be no more Churches and Christianity will be illegal worldwide, and the Church age has come to a close even my age of grace declared by my apostles and prophets during the first century, and they planted the seeds where you are able to find shelter in these times of trouble, even my holy Word and mysteries of God! It is important to interpret these events with the exact language used by John the Revelator, for he stated: “And I stood upon the sand of the sea: and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads, and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads, the name of blasphemy” (Rev 13:1). And again: “And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon” (Rev 13:11). And again: “the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority” (Rev 13:2). And so will be the rising of the unholy three, the beast from the sea, the beast from the earth who is also the false prophet and false Moshiach, and the dragon who gives them great authority.

There is no central anti-Christ, though spirits of anti-Christ have gone out in the world and deceive many, but two beasts and the dragon. One to rule the sea, or the gentile nations, and one to rule the holy lands who is from the tribe of Dan and is a beastly temple builder. The beast from the sea will rule the nations, or goyim via the Noahide laws, and they are already in place, and they are both anti-Christ in nature. Antichrist is in opposition to me, Christ Jesus and in place of Christ Jesus as well. For behold! The mystery of iniquity is well advanced and Satan waits on your departure, my Church, even my Bride. He will rule from an ecumenical, syncretized [brought together] religion and will claim to be their Mahdi. Ecumenism [unity] will unite them, under the falsehood- that concept that all roads lead to the same god. Except, me Jesus Christ the true Messiah will not be allowed.

And I have no part in them and their destruction lingers not. So their ecumenism [unity] will lead to the beastly society where the mark will be forced on the nations to participate in their society. Take not the mark, for whoso does will share in the lake of fire with the beast and false prophet. And all who take the mark will be forever genetically altered. Have you not read? “And where you saw iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay” (Dan 2:43). Those who take the mark will be a slave to the rising system and will be slave to the hive mind which will occur from the mingling of flesh with technology.

The sea represents gentile nations. The false Noahide laws already states that Christianity is idolatrous and prescribes beheading as punishment. These laws are in place and will be ruthlessly enforced. And those who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved, for it is written: “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes: and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne, said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, write: for these words are true and faithful” (Rev 21:4-5). And so will your future be, my tribulation saints, for I will yet save Jacob and all who call on my mighty name in whatever language they call.

The Beast from the earth, who is also the false prophet will rule Israel, and he will rule the World from the promised land, but not the people of God, not the Israel of God for you are the Israel of God, even the children of the most high who are sealed with the seal of the most high God, and Yahweh’s seal cannot be broken. And a great multitude will come out of Jacob’s Trouble and will take their rightful places amongst the Israel of God, for both Judean and Gentile will be saved and will be one new man for I will recreate them in me at the resurrection of the just.

My children the Synagogue of Satan has prepared their rule, and they have no remorse, you are two legged animals to them, for they follow the blasphemous Babylonian Talmud, a book that is from Satan and not Yahweh, for Israel turned from Yahweh long ago when they rejected me, Yeshua the Nazarene, and I will yet save my people. These are the same type of tares where I told their Fathers when I told them plainly: “You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do: he has been a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, then he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father there of” (John 8:44). Understand my Children that Dan is a lion’s whelp and Dan has no representation in the 144,000. These tares eagerly await their temple builder, and they already recognize him as their king. The beast from the earth is the one who brings the mark of the beast. Even ‘Operation Warp Seed’, that has now been tried and perfected for distribution and enforcement by death for those who refuse. The earth represents the land of promise.

My Children, quit believing the lies of those who do not speak for me, for I did not send them. My true prophets speak in unison, and they are many, and they do not contradict each other, nor scripture, for I am the Word made flesh. These two evil beasts do not receive their power from some corrupt church father, but the Dragon himself, for the Dragon is the devil. Understand that Christianity will have no play at all because all false churches are judged and destroyed, for judgement begins at the house of God, and my true Church, even my called Faithful and chosen will be taken into the heavens to receive their rewards and begin their eternity. And it is given to the dragon to rule, and aliens will appear, but they are no aliens but fallen angels of which the Dragon is their head. Many of these have been kept in chains since the days of Noah but are now released for their final judgement which slumbers not.

The beast from the sea, even he whose name is translated into English from Hebrew: ‘Lightning fall from heaven’: study to learn. For he does not desire women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. The dragon beast from the sea, and beast from the earth will rise from the ashes as heroes for destroying Secret Babylon, the great harlot, and they all work in collusion. They hate America and anything associated with the name of Jesus Christ, but they will bow the knee just the same in their judgment, from which they will never recover. So, scripture cannot be understood in the current configuration of nations and the earth itself. For Yahweh is preparing to bring great shaking on the earth in judgement and borders will be redrawn. This is their final war to destroy the old order, and bring in Satan’s order who will rule mankind via the beast from the earth and beast from the sea who is also the false prophet. Ten horns, who are ten kings who will receive power to rule for one hour, for so it is given, will give their power and consent to this beastly trio.

Behold! I will give you a basic order of events so you will know the times you live. Some of these events happen in succession, and some happen simultaneously, and they are as follows!

- Mystery Babylon is destroyed and world war kicks- breaks across the earth. And even now they are staging their militaries and are planning a very well  coordinated attack on Mystery Babylon. Do not believe your leaders, nor the media, for they are a pulpit of liars who are part of the attack.
- The beast from the sea, and the beast from the earth, and the dragon will rise from the ashes of war.
- These two evil beasts will stand in opposition to the 2 witnesses who will prophesy for 42 months, at which time they will be killed and will ascend into the heavens in three and a half days and so their resurrection will be.
- As the temple is built, war on the saints continues 42 months and the mark of the beast is established, administered and enforced under pain of death.

Then the turning point, when the abomination of desolation is carried out and the beast from the earth will seek to kill all who would come to me, even Yeshua HaMaschiach during this time.

- The beast from the earth declares himself God and turns against the people to kill them, for he betrays the people in similar fashion as Antiochus Epiphanes.  

-  And I looked, and lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand, having his Father’s Name written in their foreheads.

(“Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, from henceforth, yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors, and their works do follow them” Rev 14:13)

- My 144,000 will shelter my people and take them to places of safety to weather the storm as the land is cleansed from all unrighteousness, even the evil tares. For had I not shortened the days no flesh would survive, and so I will shelter many in the wilderness. This will happen in part so that a remnant of mankind is saved.

- The 144,000 come to earth clothed in garments that I will specifically tailor for them, and they are unbreakable and will be mighty and powerful and no element of the enemy will gain ascendancy, and so the purposes of Yahweh will be fulfilled.

I Am Yeshua Hamashiach and I have sent these words by my servant, and by my servant have my words been sent

Look to the skies my faithful Church for I am approaching and will take you into my Father’s house where I have prepared a place for you and you rule with me as Kings and Priests, of which my Kingdom knows no end, so comfort yourselves with these Words.



The Rising of the Unholy Three

Mary’s Messages



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  • jon

    the true believers right now who are true to Jesus will be raptured out before this happens. the marriage supper of the lamb is very close.

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