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Prophecy News - 'Word of Alert “Mega Death is Coming…Hecatomb”' Words Given to Intercessors of Bread of Life Church in Mexico, July 19th, 2024

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Jesus says, “If you only could see what goes on in the spiritual world, you would run to your knees to seek me.” .. Well, I will tell you a little bit about what goes on. My first concerted psychic attack was in the 1970s, when a disembodied spirit from South America who had tried to play Robin Hood- revenge against the great injustices he saw there, attacked me.. The eyes were his target; he wanted to open my third eye. For three days I resisted repeated assaults. When it was over and the peace came around, I felt some gentle hands inspecting my third eye, again I resisted, strongly, not knowing if it was another attack… Yet, it was my dear door keeper guide, an American Indian… Throughout the 70′s, 80′s and 90′s, I experienced psychic attacks about three or four every year. Then they eased off a bit. In 2014, there was another strong psychic attack, to which I went on the attack and pushed back at every angle round in a circle against the force that was trying to possess me- to take me over. Then the attack was over, and I heard a voice in spirit say with some awe, ”That was Satan.” The very next message from Jesus given in Ireland, went like this: “As the persecution will intensify, know that Satan’s power has been curtailed and all he will do is to continue to throw stones, spread lies and try to draw souls away from Me.” Over the years since the 1960′s, I have been aware of my grandmother, my mother after she died, my father, my nutcracker guide, as I called him – a Chinese person, my American Indian door keeper guide, and others who I deeply respect. But there are people in spirit who need to be cleared… The psychic atmosphere needs to be cleared, and, not knowing anything else, that’s what I thought I was helping to do during the 1970′s, 80′s and 90′s, again and again and again.. And then I came up with this little mantra: “Get the energies right on the inside, and things on the outside seem to go better.” So please read in these short messages what Jesus has to say, and do your own thinking.. Tune in to the peaceful energies which surround you and always look for them… I have never seen Jesus, and am not conscious of his presence, but the peace is there..

  image I will remove many from this world before they are corrupted in their innocence.

Word of Alert “Mega Death is Coming…Hecatomb”
Words Given to Intercessors of Bread of Life Church in Telegram ❤️

Sister Eva

July 2024

They are coming, they are coming, my judgements are coming stronger. Let the one who thinks that they are standing strong not fall. I tell you that many will fall away because they are not holding on to me, and they have fallen in the traps of the enemy. Many have allowed the enemy to deceive them. I had mercy on them, I cleansed them as I did with Israel [a people], I made them my wife, but they left me. They returned like a dog to their vomit. They committed adultery like a prostitute, they sold themselves for money.

Many are called but few are chosen, watch and pray that nobody will steal your crown. My children, I want you to be courageous, you will see great things in these times of the end. Be brave to go seek the lost who are seeking how to come to me in the midst of so much chaos, disasters, scarcity. I am their only hope of life & protection. Many will seek to find you, I will send them to you, I will give them dreams and visions, I will guide them to you. I want you to be prepared. Soon I will reap the great harvest of souls; Work for me in my vineyard.

My daughter, strong judgements are coming to the nations and they will know that there is a God, they will know that the great I AM is lord and owns the entire earth and everything that exists, because I created all things for me and I do as I desire. I have given you all much time to repent. I will put an end to those perverse carnivals, I will clean the streets of their filth with my judgements, so much so that they will not even desire to go out to the streets, for fear of getting struck by my judgements. There will not be a place to hide, I will find them in all their hiding places, they will not be able to mock me anymore.

They have perverted my little ones, I will remove many from this world before they are corrupted in their innocence, because they seek to turn the little children away from me. There will not be left any safe place to hide from my wrath, I have not forgotten that judgement begins at the house of God, and I tell you that already I have begun to cleanse it, because they have turned my house into a den of thieves, into a house of fornication. I will knock down their walls and roofs. The way is narrow and few find it. Cry out, for you and for your children and I will have mercy, I have your children in my hands, I come quickly.

July 17, 2024

My daughter, how many I have called to me by name, but they do not hear me, they do not listen to me. I knock on the door of their hearts, I give them dreams, visions and they don’t believe me, they do not respond, they are too busy with the cares of this world. When the time is up, then they will want to respond and come to me, but I will not hear them, I will not respond to them, I will close my ears and my eyes. Seek me now while you can find me.

Soon I will take my own with me, I will take the ones that listen to me, those that do not reject me, I will take those that walk with me and those that listen to me when I exhort them.

I will take my bride with me, and then those who rejected me, they will weep and wail, they will pull their hairs out from frustration, they will regret that they rejected me, but it will be too late. They will seek me but they will not find me, I will be in the wedding supper of the lamb and the door will be shut. Today is the day of salvation, I am still calling you to repent while there is still little time.

The nations are bleeding due to the violence, fear, hatred and they will weep much more because it is the time of sorrows, and they [the sorrows] will continue to increase. The penalty for sin is death, all who mock me and my word will receive their just reward. The pain will be unbearable. The earth is cracking and will continue to crack. The earth’s core has moved, on the surface and underneath. The earth is moving and it is feeling the weight of sin, and the earth is weary with the sin of humanity. The earth is daily complaining to me and asking me to do her justice and to cleanse her, and I will act soon.

The earth will go through drastic climate changes necessary, like a woman in birth pains, it must be for it to give birth to a new earth.

My people, oh my people Israel, your hour is coming, the 70th week of Daniel is quickly coming. I have to judge you so that you will return to me for it is written.

I asked the Lord regarding our church ‘bread of life’, he said, “Do not be afraid, attacks will come but I am with you, take refuge in me, I will help you, for you know that only the ones who stand on the rock will stand. Those who are on sinking sand will fall.

The enemy has his plans against you, but my plans for you are greater and better, I have told you that trials are necessary, I have already given you the victory. Stay firm in your faith in me and do not allow anyone to move you.”

Sister Sandy:
Write my daughter, my hour is coming, my hour is here, calamity after calamity is coming. I warned but they did not want to listen, soon it will be too late for many. Prepare my people for there is not much time left, they will regret that they did not seek me, they will regret that they did not prepare, they will weep, the hour is late. I come soon and my reward is with me to recompense according to their works.

I am coming soon, I will not delay, watch and pray, do not be distracted with the things of this world. Those who are kept in me will remain forever. I have rewards for you my daughter, you can not imagine what awaits you, your tribulations do not compare to what I have for you, for those who love me.” We love you lord, I also love you and desire to be with you. Father, we don’t want to be in this earth of sin and vanity anymore. “I know my daughter, but remain in me and you will have your rewards, trust in me, give me your burdens, I will sustain you, I will help you, I feed you green pastures my sheep, my precious loved ones. You are all precious in my sight and highly favored, I am pleased with you.” Lord even though we fail you? “Everyone fails me, but I am pleased with those who repent daily of their sins and constantly seek me, you are my faithful remnant.

I am coming soon for you, seek me more, be more holy, sanctify yourselves for me, I gave it all for you, now give me your all, and you will receive your reward.

If you only could see what goes on in the spiritual world, you would run to your knees to seek me.

Everything is ready, the table is served, my recompense is ready, do not waste your time now, do not get distracted in the things of this world, the hour is late, is very late, I have given you my signs in the heavens. I will make a new earth and sky.”

March 24, 2024
Hurry my daughter, soon everything will change, there is no more time, prices will increase on things, there won’t be water, there will not be food, a great catastrophe is coming upon the earth, you will only be safe in me. Warn them my daughter, a great catastrophe is coming worldwide, it is coming quickly, clothe yourselves in my truth, cloth yourselves in justice and humility. I don’t want spots and wrinkles in your garments, you must be clothed in your new man, you must be born again. Is it not written in my word? Leave all hatred and bitterness against your enemies, because many are lost for this reason, examine yourselves daily, be guided by my holy spirit, do not look behind like Lot’s wife, these are dangerous times. I give you instructions my daughter.

Store water as much as you can, save seeds, oil, all you can.

You are in a great spiritual battle

I keep my remnant safe, I am with you, I am always with my people, I will sustain you, I will glorify myself, I will help you. If you cross the waters you will not drown, the fire will not burn you.

Prepare my children, there is no more time. Use your time wisely.

Cry out for your loved ones, cry out for the lost souls, the last and great harvest is coming soon, it is ready. There is no more time. I love you my faithful remnant, I am with you.



Alert Mega death if coming…Hecatomb

Jesus’ Message given in Ireland, May 5th 2014

Mary’s Messages



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