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By Les Visible (Reporter)
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You Can be Sure that The Two Sides of The Story are Both Creations of The Single Source That... Manufactures The Lies.

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 God Poet Transmitting…….

The World has changed. It’s not materially apparent yet, BUT… it will be. When The Divine creates… he thinks material form into being. Even if he is going to do it instantaneously… for The Purpose of Demonstration… it still has to go through 3 more stages of precipitation into form… for you to be able to see it.

So… up top… on The Plane of Ideas… God has already thought this new world into being. It is now coming down the planes… in a similar fashion to how The Avatar is coming down the planes. You don’t get a golden age until The Avatar has arrived and set everything in order. You can’t have a building… at least not for long… unless you set the foundation in place first.

Even though the materialization of objects and conditions comes from the top down. They appear from the bottom up. The situation is upside down for most people. When you are born you see things upside down. They right themselves when you learn to walk, which is one of your greatest accomplishments… though you don’t think much of it after the novelty has worn off.

Obviously, The Shooter at the Trump campaign stop was not the only shooter. The people who do these sorts of things, and usually it is the same people (at least in this country)… regardless of who they work as a proxy… always have a backup in place, and often it is the backup that does the deed. The visibly evident is merely a distraction from the actual main players.

That they missed, and yeah… they missed… is evidence that The World has changed… even though this new… changed world has not yet appeared. Let’s set up a demonstration in your mind. Killing Trump was The Idea. The strategizing and planning was the next step. Then the shooting took place in The World of Forces in Motion. The bullet… or The Dead Man… is the material result. Everything follows this pattern.

We all use this process… even when we are completely ignorant of its existence. An adept can materialize things on the spot… or seemingly. His/Her sense of time is not the same as ours. An adept has brought their level of concentration to the necessary level… in order to cause instantaneous change… should there be a need. Any authentic adept does not go around like a carnival act. Such people who do… work for The Infernal Kingdom.

We materialize things just like an adept… only it takes longer; same principle… same process… it just takes longer. The World has been changed… in reaction to the passage of The Avatar… through specific stages of change. As stated; you can’t see it yet, BUT… you will.

The shooter missed because The World has changed. This is one of the ways that evil is destroyed… things suddenly start to go haywire. All of their efforts begin to turn on them, and… the more they do… the more they screw up, and… the more they are exposed, and seen in the process.

Do I really have to tell you who was behind this failed effort? It’s the usual offenders. This is their level of operations. One facet of their organization is called The Deep State. It’s called The Deep State because you can’t see it right off. It’s below… above… or out of the range of your perception. That is… until something changes, and suddenly… more and more people can see what they are up to.

The one thing you have to get clear in your mind… FIRST… before you go running around gathering evidence to support your off-the-cuff conclusions… is that appearances are deceiving. You can also be absolutely certain that the people who are telling you what happened are full-time liars, employed by people who make big money from the manufacture and proliferation of lies. You can also be sure that the two sides of the story are both representatives of the one who manufactures the lies…

…BUT… The World has changed… so now… people can see things before they get explained to them, and they can see that the explanations they get are insufficient and misleading. In a Time of Apocalypse… the force of apocalypse… which reveals and uncovers… is always attended by a force of awakening… that gives people the ability to see what is happening and to understand it… at the level they are present on. In some cases that means… not at all.

Given that the collective mindset… in a Time of Material Darkness… is easily swayed and manipulated… it requires a significant force of apocalypse and awakening… to get through to the people… running wild… through a hallway of funhouse mirrors. This involves a certain amount of trauma… which is necessary for them to… wake the fuck up. If this is not required in your case, you will not be experiencing it.

The source of the forces… accomplishing the changes… in the collective mindset… is remarkably, and surgically precise. If only one side of a hair on your head is wrong for your next state of being… this source can split it in half… while chewing gum, and patting its head, AND… be shooting over its shoulder… while looking in a mirror… as it stands on one foot, AND taking a call on another line.

This force is present inside of each one of us, AND our lives progress, and are utterly reliant on the degree to which we are in sync with it… according to our ability to hear and adjust to the sound of the tuning fork going off in our inner ear. Call it resonance if you wish. Call it ‘being in the presence.’ Call it serendipity or kismet… it is what it is, and you are what you are… based on your relationship to it; no IFS… ANDS… or BUTS need apply.

You are either in harmony with The Divine or you are not, AND… right this moment… and at every moment… you are headed directly… or indirectly… toward the celebration or resolution of it.

The World has changed, so… The Evil Doers are finding it increasingly more… and more difficult… to control the flow of events… which they were so certain of… only a little while ago. Things begin to go awry… by millimeters… then centimeters… and then by yards… furlongs and leagues. Though… it never gets to that point because it self-destructs soon enough… once it goes far enough awry for that to be the inevitable outcome.

When you violate the laws of Nature… lower nature or higher nature… you set certain processes in motion. You activate the sentinels… who react to the circuit being broken, the moment it happens… through electromagnetic reaction. It’s real science and it accounts for EVERYTHING that happens on this plane.

The Bad Guys have been… in their minds… in charge of The Action at all times. They have people who handle all The Details. If they screw up they go in the foundation of a building… or into the crusher at the auto-wrecking yard. So… discipline and order are maintained in the ranks. Now… shit has gone sideways. Heads are rolling, but… that’s no help.

How do I put it? Let’s just say… The World has changed, and what once worked… no longer works the same way. Through periods of time… Evil is allowed to flourish in order to keep Good on course. Evil is the raw material that Masters of The Art work with. Until you understand the point and purpose of Evil… you don’t know what’s going on. You might think you do. Most people… who don’t know what’s going on… are certain that they do.

The people who ordered The Shot are a determined lot. They will try again, and it will be even worse for them. They might not get to it. It depends on how Heaven wants the sequencing ordered. This doesn’t mean that the people getting shot at are The Good Guys. It’s a mixed bag.

The thing is… this is not the only event that has gone wrong for them. All kinds of things are going wrong, and some of them are much bigger deals. The Mysterious Stranger is… very much… at work behind The Scenes, and also on camera, BUT… moving fast, so… unless you have the exposure set right… you’re not going to see him, BUT you will see the effects of his passage.

I could go on and on about this, BUT these things take some amount of time… going through the stages… between the stating, and the understanding of the statement. It’s the same principle at work… as that which controls the stages… by which the fruits of existence come into view. It’s also a seasonal thing. Solar systems and galaxies have seasons too. Wheels within wheels, my friends… big wheels and small.

…and one last thing.

Links are over at GAB=

I’m taking a break from The Gita for a day. Let’s all just think about coming into alignment with Heaven so that it can materialize in our lives.

See more Visible Origami at Les Visible


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