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Prophecy News - '2025 New York great tribulation dream', 3rd posting, author unknown, received “way in the past”

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This is a very vivid tribulation dream set in New York City. This dream was received years ago, probably decades, since the lady refers to 2025 as “way into the future”. The video has gone through two reposts, because the original was taken down and can no longer be found of the internet. It was reposted by someone else from where the youtube user, Joseph Ponce de Leon, picked it up and posted it again. A third posting. We don’t know who the lady is but she says in the video she used to live in Queens, New York City, a poorer suburb of that great city. So please read what she describes about New York City in the tribulation, and how she found out it was 2025.

2025 New York great tribulation dream

Presented by Joseph Ponce de Leon


(Lady’s voice): Vision starts off- This is my most detailed Vision about the end. Okay, this Vision starts off- this is my most detailed Vision about the end times, okay? So this Vision starts off with me in an old apartment building that I used to- excuse me it’s like a private house so it doesn’t have levels, it’s just the one level. This is the first place I lived at when I moved to Queens. So I’m in the middle of a living room watching TV with my family. All of a sudden I see three men barge into my home. When I say they look like ‘the Men in Black’, they look like these people, they look dark ominous. It looks scary like three men, almost looking like this, right? Except the only difference between these people is that they had on hats, they had on black hats okay? Barge into my home with my family there.

These men are standing over me and my family. You may have to get terrified, because they completely barge in our home, and then they threw some kind of like- they threw this um canister that lit up with with um smoke, you know like in how they- someone would throw smoke to try to like escape from a dangerous situation? They threw this little canister into the home and I started screaming and running with my family. But before they even started to come after us they came, barged in the door and just stared at us for a very long time. Just staring, staring, staring at us. These scary looking men just staring, right?

It doesn’t even seem right the way they were staring at us. And when I tell you these beings were soulless. They were soulless beings, they weren’t even human. It was crazy. They had no soul. So these demon beings right here; they were staring us down – staring, staring, staring, staring us down. And then I’m staring at it looking at me, and then the way they barge into my home; it’s like they came in so abruptly that um they knocked the TV over in my home. So the TV was upside down. The TV was upside down, and I’m terrified because the presence that came with them it was evil, it was an evil presence. It wasn’t a human presence, it felt demonic. They felt so like- they didn’t even feel like humans. They, you know what they kind of remind me of, how those conspiracy videos are on YouTube, how people talk about that they’re creating like false um, like clone-like people? That’s what they seem like. They seem like clones of humans; they look like humans but they weren’t humans, and they they were literally soulless like. They seemed like they wanted to kill me and my family, and had zero Mercy. Zero!

And then after they stared at us for a while and we stared at them, they they were stiff like mannequins. I mean mannequin-like, and then they started- they ran after us. And then I just- they threw the smoke bomb into the home and then I saw the TV screen; the TV was turned upside down, but I turned my head and I could clearly see this number on the TV screen, like I was way into the future; it said 2025. 2025. And let me tell you something, if you were Christian in the comment section talking about ‘stop date setting’, ‘stop dates’.. And don’t even start with that- that garbage on my page, okay? Please. Please, if you don’t believe in Prophecy that’s on you, I’m not setting dates, I’m not setting times, I’m not doing numerology, I’m telling you this is what I saw in my dream. TV turned upside down- turned my head over.. clearly see this number very specifically, 2025, okay?

If there’s a lot of significance with this number as well? I heard a- I heard some um devil worshiping people saying that this is year Satan is gonna return. I don’t know. I’m gonna have to do some research into this, but I believe this number has very very important significance. I’ve heard people talking about 2025 before. I need to do some more research on that, that I will admit, but let’s just stay on topic. This is the year that was broadcasted on the TV screen, and then after I saw the year I ran for my life.

Then you know how the dreams cut to one thing from the other? So I had a knowing in this dream, I’m in New York City. I’m in New York and the Earth became very very dark. So what I saw was people, they were.. When I tell you New York City again looked like a third world country; the people in New York City they were- became like scavengers okay? They would come out in the middle of the day and they would, um, they would try to find food and shelter and necessities like medication- things like that, during the day. They would come out and it, and I mean, it was crazy.. It wasn’t even like it was really day, it just seemed like there was a dim afternoon, and it was so strange. It didn’t seem like day at all, it seemed kind of like this- no, a little bit darker than that. You know when it starts to get a little dark, you start seeing that orangey light, you know what I’m talking about? Like right here, you could see over the horizon it starts to get a little dark.

Okay, so people were trying to like get food. Okay, found a picture that looks like it, let me show you right now. Like this. It looked, it looked like not even full day. People were scavengers, they were trying to find food, medicine, clothes, shelter, anything. Let me tell you something, nobody wanted to stay in the apartments, nobody wanted to stay in the houses in New York City anymore, because they became extremely unsafe. So when I was there, um, I could see that people were trying to get whatever they needed to get done in the day as quick as they can. The reason why they were doing this: because demons were coming out at night and they were killing people. So I could see like a young girl and a young man and a bunch of young people in Queens and all over the place. When I tell you people are moved out of their homes during this situation, because this was the apocalypse. It literally was the apocalypse.

I mean all people were scattered all over New York City, people that don’t even look like they would step foot in Queens. I mean like people that would seem like they were Manhattan people, that they had some money, but they were in Queens scavenging okay? Scavenging- became scavengers because they they had no choice, because we were in the apocalypse and they’re gonna have to bear it with the rest of us, rich or not. So um, people were scavenging looking for stuff. And then when I tell you the day became night instantly – Instantly! Like it literally was winding out to complete darkness – complete darkness. I’m gonna show you a little bit of what that kind of looked like to me, so this is what it was looking like. New York city became dark instantly. And when I tell you people started running like crazy. The young people are seen running, because they knew, they knew and it’s almost like yes they knew that days were shortened. But they didn’t know when the night was going to come up on them so quickly, and they became terrified.

When they became terrified I heard a siren, and it went “Oh OOOOOOOO..”. And then when they heard this siren they knew it was time for them to find shelter at all costs, you guys, ALL COSTS. And I began to see these huge black trucks. If you- if you were from New York, and or you know you’re in this area where you get this, in Queens and Brooklyn, they have these Vans called ‘dollar Vans’, and they’re basically like dollar taxis, and they will drop you like close to your destination. You would pay a dollar only.. They look like dollar Vans like the black- big black trucks, right? And in these Vans, there were demons in these Vans! Right, demonic um entities, and they were driving all over the streets of New York City. When I say they were swerving, they were swerving on the street, they were knocking into buildings, they were driving over lamp posts, mailboxes, anything, like crazy, like driving like crazy.

And then they had, they had um- black faces, completely black with long, long, long tongues, nasty long tongues, right? And then the people, some of the people, they were trying to knock on doors, they were trying to knock doors down. Some people would answer the door, some people would not. Some people were thinking about their families. Some people tried to um you know help them. Some people actually let them in their home. I saw that, that some people took mercy on others; and other people they they weren’t trusting because um people- because some people were evil around this time.

So when these demons came.. in these big old black trucks right here, they were looking to kill any- and everybody. They were even trying to run people down with the trucks. It looked like the night began.. belonged to those demons. And then um, I could see in this dream that I was with a group of people, and when I tell you New York City looked like this, okay, it looked like a -third -world -country. New York City gonna look like a third world country. When I tell you all the large buildings were gone and the streets were filled with rubble and dirt, and stuff like that. New York City gonna look like this, man, it’s gonna look like that – like a wild warlike Nation, okay? So uh me – the people are trying to get off the street as soon as possible; I mean they were running like crazy- like crazy getting away from these black trucks with the demons in there.

And then um after that I saw, um ah, that I was with a group of people, and there was a white man. He was- like, he he kind of looked like this but a little younger. And I believe in the end times people are gonna split off into groups. Some people, family members, is gonna die okay, because of the things that are coming on- on the earth, and people gonna get scattered, like. Let’s say, like you home, the per- your family is in the market- your mother is in the market. When the apocalypse comes, it’s gonna come up quickly. So it’s like people didn’t have chance to- a chance to get together, people didn’t have a chance to regroup. So basically you were trying to like- you were trying to get with any group that, just to save your life, to to stay safe. That’s what was happening.

So I’m in a group with a man that looked like- he looks like a bald white man, and he was over the group of me and a bunch of children and some other people. When I say like from different age groups: young children, middle-aged women, black women, white women, you know it was crazy, like the mixture. I’m telling you in the end times even the most racist of people, their hearts gonna be humbled. I tell you that- I tell you that the people that say they would never be seen with a black person, they would never talk to a black person, they would never speak to a Spanish person, an Asian person, or they would never speak to a white person: None of that was happening here. When I tell you people were desperate- the word desperation wasn’t even the word. I didn’t- you will not be thinking about nothing like that in the End Days, talking about racism and colorism and all this garbage. That’s not gonna happen. People gonna be so desperate- so desperate for life, for for shelter, for food, for anything that reminds them of their old life – any kind of comfort. They will start to group up with people they wouldn’t even be seen with in life

So um, you know me and this man and a bunch of children, we saw that the demons were coming, and it’s almost like we were a little more, we were a little more um organized than the rest of them. It seemed like the young people, some of them were staying- like some of the couples were seen together, and some of them weren’t organized, okay? So this man he was basically helping us, he was helping me with my group; he was over our group. And I believe in the Last Days, God is gonna put certain people over people in groups- groups of people that are going to stick together to try to survive. He’s gonna put certain people to watch over that group of people. I’m not saying I think the man is 144,000, I’m not saying that, I don’t know. He seemed like to me- the energy I was getting from him and this understanding – the spirit; this was a man that never actually believed in God, never took god seriously never cared to see God, and now in the end times God humbled his heart. He saw the calamities that came upon the Earth.. He never gave me a Vibe as a Christian, not a.. none of that. He never gave me that type of energy. He saw the calamities that came upon here.

When I tell you this man was extremely humbled by this experience, he was broken; he- Not him only, the people in the group – broken. And this is the only way God is going to reach these people, because we live in a- in a world of racism, we live in a world of pride, greed, deception, anger, unforgiveness. And the end of the world, the um, the tribulation, is gonna be a time of humility, okay? So much humility is going to be on people, because the reason why a lot of people now won’t turn to God is because they feel that, “Why do they need God?” They have so much, they have a nice home, they have a nice car, they have a nice job, they have food in their house, their belly is full, they’re living better than the rich man from the Bible, okay? We have people living better than him.

So you know most Christians, in the eyes of God, are actually rich. We are richer some- than some of the disciples in the Bible that God has blessed. We are richer than them. So we are blessed beyond means. Those people had to reap in um, for most of their, the things they had: Everything, crops, everything, food, they had to literally till the ground for this. We don’t have to do any of that. We can take our wages to the supermarket and buy food and go home and live fat, like a fatted calf – we can live like a fat calf and fill our bellies and be gluttonous and be.. We we are literally rich in the eyes of God. So that is why people feel like they don’t need God. Because Christians are seeking God, Christians have everything they need too, but they- they understand that they need a spiritual food. They need the connection with the Lord, or they’re empty.

But the people in the world, they don’t see that. They don’t see that they’re empty, and if they do see it, they try to cover it up with material things  and things and lies in their life to make them feel happy.  But in the, in their dark- in when that- they go behind closed doors, whenever they’re alone and you see their real real face, and how people really feel, and that they they bring that wall down, and they they try- they take off that false smile off their face that they carry from work, to home, to their friends, to um um socially with um co-workers. When that face- their face starts to drop from that fake smile, trust me, they’re empty. They are empty, they are sad, they are depressed, they’re keep- they keep buying things thinking that this is gonna make me happy, but it’s never gonna make them happy. They’re just even more empty to keep- they keep buying, because they think that if they- if I get here in life, if I get that promotion, if I get that house, if I get that wife, if I get that car, I’m gonna be so so content. But it never makes you content, if anything it makes you feel more empty, because you’re wondering, “Why am I feeling empty when I have all of this?” So these people that keep buying, they keep buying and buying and buying, trying to look for God in material things and and false religions and things like that.

So during this time of the tribulation God is gonna work to Humble every single heart. Many people, family members will die. This first of all. When the tribulation starts the calamities that are going to come on the earth, the first calamities is gonna wipe out most of the people. So when you saw people in groups, they weren’t with their families, not because they didn’t want to, ..because their families were dead. Most people were dead. So um, I’m, I’m with this man and different people of different age groups, and everything. We see that these beasts- these demons are coming out of the trucks okay? And then we start to MOVE. So we had like us, we had a spot- and I tell you this is the most disgusting part; in the end times people are gonna get so desperate to try to live, they’re gonna actually start to hide in the sewers. They’re gonna hide in the sewers- the sewers, just to get away.

Me and this man was in the sewers with this- with these people. Sewers that we could- me and a man can see outside the sewers. You see how you can see kind of like this grill right here? In in New York City, they have these sewers at the side of the sidewalk, but they’re upwards, so it’s like you can see inside of them, in the- from this, from like a a um standing up and from the side, so me and the man and everyone, we we were looking out of the grills of these sewers, looking out at the people getting killed, getting destroyed. These these demon beings um beating on these people and killing them; whoever they could catch they were killing them. So me and the man we we, I’m looking out that we know in terror. Me and him look- excuse me, looking out the grills of the sewer in terror, like “Oh my God what’s going on?” But it’s like we were used to it at this point because we would keep moving.

People not gonna stay in one area anymore. People gonna keep moving, moving, moving, almost like you see how the ‘The Walking Dead.’ Yes, don’t watch the show, it’s a wicked show, but in like ‘The Walking Dead’, how they never stayed in one place because it gets dangerous. That’s how it’s going to be. People gonna Keep moving, moving, moving, they’re not gonna stay in the obvious places, they’re not gonna stay in houses, apartment buildings. People gonna flee from these places. The the people- rich people, all these people, they’re gonna be in the tribulation just like me and you – rich people, Rich, okay? When I tell you like celebrities: Beyonce, Jay-Z, all these people.. Rihanna, Taylor Swift, all these people, okay, they’re gonna be in the tribulation. And I tell- when I tell you that the time of the tribulation is so bad that the richest person in the world – the richest Beyonce, all these rich people, they couldn’t even buy themselves safety.

There is nobody on this Earth that would have taken their money to give them safety. When I tell you the most important thing at this time became number one God, number two safety, uh number three food and shelter. The three things that were important – all in everybody’s mind, every single person. I tell you, if a Beyonce came up to somebody, says, “Hey I’m gonna give you 10 million dollars right now to go ahead and give me safety”, nobody would take it. Nobody.. no Money, obsolete. Money became obsolete. The most important thing: God, food and shelter, safety. All of these things extremely important.

So the next day me and the group of man – the white guy that was just showing, here, this man. Me and him and our group we started moving again in the day, because this was the safest time to be moving. And we went to a ground level type of apartment building- of course everything is destroyed everything looks horrible and nasty and stuff like that. So me and him go into the building with the rest of people to kind of get safety for a little while. And let’s say, like some people did stay in apartment buildings, they would probably stay for a night or they’ll turn- like they’ll keep everything, clothes off, and try to look out of the way as possible, so that nobody would come in the apartments or houses to try to kill you. Because not only did the demons come out to kill people, but people, people themselves became crazy. People became wicked, they were doing almost anything to say to stay alive. Almost anything!

When I say people in the end times, the the people that you always thought were evil and demonic, they’re gonna- they’re not even gonna be like hot or cold, they’re gonna be straight cold, like.. It’s gonna be completely split: the wicked will become completely wicked, or the good will become broken and righteous. So me and the man and the children and the older people, the mixture of all races, and all that was with him, we went into the apartment building. And for some reason this woman was with us, Janice Dickinson. First I don’t know if he let her in to try to like get her some- seek you know, seek some safety with us, but we we freely accepted people to come into our group to help them. But we did- we weren’t a large group either, and I think that’s how we stayed alive, because a lot of the groups that were large, I think it’s harder for us to keep up with everybody, because we- people get cut off and and murdered, and um they would pick them off.

So we had a- me and the man was in a small group. We, in the building all right? We with this- with the white guy, we all hide in the back- the back of the apartment building. Janice Dickinson is with us, and she she gets so.. She, I mean she had- she is shocked at the things that are going on in the world. And I think what really made her more shocked is that not only was the world in turmoil but the New York government was um trying to kill people and they were with those demons that came in the apartment to try to um gas bomb my- the apartment when it first started. She was- she was so upset. Janice Dickinson, you know, she came in our group, she was upset and she was revolted in her spirit, she couldn’t take it to hide with us anymore. So we, the group, started getting scared because Janice Dickinson was there.. she was- she’s a former model, and she used to be on ‘America’s Next Top Model’ with Tyra Banks. She started to -scream- in the apartment building, she started screaming, and we, just me and the group and the man we’re getting like, oh we’re getting upset. We were getting scared. We were like, Oh my God, she’s gonna get us caught”, right?

She’s gonna get us caught, and surely she did. We were looking at the side of a window where there were white blinds. And when I tell you during this time on the earth it became extremely humid. It was so hot- so hot, and you could feel the water in the air- It’s so humid that our skins felt wet and damp and nasty all the time. And the moon became extremely close to the earth. I mean when you say you could look out and see the moon like you’re looking at the sun almost up close, the moon became close to the Earth.. So Janice Dickinson, she exposes our spot, guys, she exposes the spot; she screams out, “I’m not gonna take this anymore”. Like she said, “I’m not taking this anymore; I can’t believe our government is doing this to our people”, stuff like this. She’s she’s literally shocked, and you know what’s funny? In her real life she is that type of person; she’s kind of like- she’s not gonna take things from people. So she screams out and gets her whole group caught.

And I tell you a police officer came in- a police officer came into the apartment where we were hiding because of Janice Dickinson, and he found our whole group. He didn’t know anybody was in here. When I tell you he was just gonna pass by, it’s like police officers were patrolling the area during this time, and they were killing people and taking them- taking them places, and the police officer came in and he took Janice Dickinson out by force, dragged her out of this place, okay? And then we got scared because we got caught… And when I tell you the dream just ended right there; it just ended completely – ending, and I didn’t- I didn’t get this.. any other parts of the dream. And she got caught, and we got caught together.

Oh my goodness y’all, I’ve been trying to share this vision for a long time. I’ve been trying to share this vision for a long time with you guys, but I keep getting interruptions. Things are happening- videos not rendering, all this crazy stuff. But remember I saw this number, I saw this number, 2025, y’all.

 image 2025 tribulation

I saw this number, and I tell you the whole world was like in turmoil, the entire world, okay? Every single nation, every tribe, every tongue, all of the people um were struggling, were hungry, were starving. We looked dirty. And when I tell you people looked- it’s so dirty like third world country dirty. Like, we looked like a country that didn’t have any type of resources, no nothing. We looked filthy, people looking hungry, the dirt was looking like that, like dry. All the buildings falling on top of each other and dirt piles. When I say it was a horrible time, I just had to share this video with you guys, I had to.. I hope y’all stay blessed in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.



What the World will be like in 2025

‘2025 New York great tribulation dream’

Mary’s Messages



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