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Prophecy News - 'Putin’s Back Against a Wall', given to Loyd Immanuel Acree by Spirit, September 5th, 2024

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I don’t have to put this up, but may as well, since events are coming to the boil. America and NATO are prodding Russia to make a move, and it will, but not as we expect. We don’t think of war on American soil, but it’s coming. Also for Australia. More details for both countries, almost like a mirror image, are below this vision.

  image Putin about to explode and unleash his military self.

Putin’s Back Against a Wall
9/5/24 9:11 PM
Lloyd Immanuel Acree

I was in a Russian military formation, And we marched to a meeting room where Putin spoke to us. As we marched there, my heart was concerned about Russia and America having peace. Once we got to the room and Putin began to speak, something strange happened. He coughed, and then this caused him to lurch back into the wall. So it was like the cough shoved him against the wall. His hands kind of flopped up in the air.
Next, he completely changed back to normal stance and I saw that he was wearing an odd military civilian uniform. Maybe it was a hybrid military civilian shirt. The dress shirt was not worn, though. It was firmly folded to like the size of a dinner plate, like what you see at a department store. This was pinned to his collar, down his upper chest, like a bib. Meanwhile, the other shirt that he actually wore fully was sort of like a blue collar shirt, or military blouse, not meant for dress occasions.
The last thing that happened (vaguely) is that he kind of smirked.


The beginning and the last part of the dream where I thought I saw Putin’s face are not so important. So what matters is the 2 back-to-back things that Putin did when he manifested some kind of mysterious trait.
So those are,
The cough that pushed him against the wall and made him flop his arms,
And second,
The way that he wore his extra shirt.

The second part is much more familiar to me, so I start with that. It was like in the military. The shirt that was pinned to his collar bone area was folded and tight, and made for appearance almost exclusively, as if he would never wear it. To me, this felt exactly like what is done in the military with some of things for inspection. For example, some Marines put boot bands on their bed covers, making the covers useless, but so that the bed folds would be snapped into place. So the dream shows that Putin has this trait about him. I think it shows that he is militant. He does not think like civilians. His civilian, presidential, political, face is (now) nothing. Rather, The shirt that mattered, the shirt that was for actual work, it was his military style, maybe even blue collar kind of shirt. This shows that he is a field agent at heart. Putin is not a politician at all. He wants to get things done and he is a soldier about it. Or, he has made this transformation now.

This I am certain of, because I had to feel that it was like for inspection, the way the shirt was folded. And the other shirt was military. How something feels in a dream is often key to interpretation, And in this case, I believe it’s a dead match. This should help to interpret the second part: Why did Putin have a cough that pushed him against the wall? A cough, according to dream bible. com, signifies some kind of issue that may not be properly diagnosed yet. Or it may not have been noticed. Whatever this cough is, It pushed his back against the wall. That’s pretty easy to interpret at face value. If his back is against the wall, that could also explain why he has discarded the use of civilian political dog-and-pony dress. He is only going to the guns. What I don’t understand is why the cough was ‘his’ cough. We would think that somebody else would push him against the wall. So maybe it’s an internal problem of his, which has triggered something where he now thinks that he doesn’t need to be concerned about anything except fighting to win at any cost. Maybe he believes that his health is in danger. Whatever it is, This thing in his life appears to have challenged his sense of destiny. He has to do what he can to assert a victory. And of course, I experience this whole thing as if I were in the military also. Everyone present was military. So that’s a double-layered evidence for what this dream is about. The bottom line: Putin is about to explode and unleash his military self.

Cross-reference to an older dream:

Now would be a good time for me to bring up the other dream I had about Russia and America going to war, which was posted to 444prophecynews. In this dream, I was standing between the Russian and American embassies or something like that, I was in an urban street, old style, probably European, apparently cobblestone. I was holding a metal church in my hands like a Christmas ornament church, but it was made out of quality metal. I dismantled the steeple and cross from off the top. As soon as I did this, The Russians fired a large rifle bullet into my shoulder from the embassy. I spun around, fell onto the ground, and shoulder-rolled across to the American side. I then saw as I took shelter behind a brick building that American soldiers had drawn their rifles around the corners and were all shooting back at the Russians in a full gunfight.
End of dream.


We must pray urgently for repentance and all nations to rededicate themselves to the Lord. We are witnessing the final calls to abandon this world for the true love of Jesus Christ before the darkness overtakes the harvest. Then as Easho (Jesus) said, then no one can work. Now is the day of salvation. Now might be your only chance to repent and tell someone else to repent.

The interpretation was obvious. When America removes the cross, our world war will start. The Russians will attack. And the USA will be under judgment!


Do you want to pray for more time to share the gospel and see more generations come to the Lord? Then pray for all these war agendas to be shut down. Pray for angels and the kingdom of God and his mighty hand to put a stop to these agendas and wars and allow mercy and grace to overtake the nations and that they should receive the gospel, in Jesus’ name. And otherwise, we can only hope that the nations will pay attention as Nineveh listened to Jonah. Be like the wise five virgins of Matthew 25 and God will give you peace regardless.

Pray for the people God has put in your life.

The beginning of sorrows is here, and judgment against all nations and the Church is right at the door.

Visit us mightily and keep us on track full of repented purity and Your kingdom harvest work, Lord Jesus.

Sep 5 2024

Lloyd Immanuel Acree



Putin’s Back against the Wall

Mary’s Messages

Russia demonstrated it’s nuclear power when on January 15th 2022, the nuclear submarine Belgorod fired one of its nuclear missiles at the Hunga-Tonga volcano in the south Pacific. Since then there was a dream of a young American boy, an 8 year old, who saw a tsunami which overtopped tall buildings, and he told his mother that there was an explosion before the tsunami.. He was scared, and said to his mom, ”Please don’t let me die!” The year before on September 23rd 2021, Jesus, without being asked, gave to Lyn Johnson an ‘Order of Events’:

“The FIRST EVENT is the earthquake in California which will devastate the State.

The SECOND EVENT is the Tsunamis which hits Florida from an asteroid hitting in the Caribbean which will also destroy some islands there.

The THIRD EVENT is the destruction in Toronto, Ontario, Canada from an earthquake.

The FOURTH EVENT is the sinking of the USS destroyer, the Abraham Lincoln, where the ship is hit by enemy fire. The Ronald Reagan, another USS battleship will also be hit by enemy fire. It will be disabled, many hurt, but the ship is not destroyed.

The FIFTH EVENT is the bombing of Philadelphia where the city is struck causing great damage and loss of life.

The SIXTH EVENT is New York City being hit with a tsunamis from an asteroid in the Atlantic Ocean.

The SEVENTH EVENT IS an earthquake in central Europe, affecting many countries, with great destruction.

The EIGHTH EVENT is the volcanic eruption of the super volcano in the state of Wyoming. This will, in effect split the United States into two separate pieces. This split will go right up to the Great Lakes causing the lakes, Lake Superior and Lake Huron to open up to the ocean through the split in the land. The split will fill with water from the Atlantic Ocean effectively creating separate land masses right through the United States up to the Great Lakes.

This is the Order of Events. The USS battleships being hit are NOT A SEPARATE EVENT, but rather at the same time as the city of Philadelphia being struck by bombs. THIS IS THE ORDER. There is great destruction resulting from these events. As you can see the hardest hit will be America-Babylon. These judgments will fall in rapid succession with little time in between each event.

The LAST EVENT TO FALL will be the THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS which will cover the earth for that time. Then the Great Harvest of Souls will happen. Once that is completed, then shortly after MY Believers will be brought to ME, to be with ME Forever.

During this time of destruction, Russia and China will offer to help America due to the destructions. They will come in under the pretense of helping to distribute food. They will start off nice but will soon revert to being an invading force subjecting the people to total control and domination. They will be merciless towards their captives. They will take people to Russia for physical labor, for physical pleasure. As will China. The government of the United States will do nothing to help as they sold out the country and the people to these two countries long ago. All of these judgments will fall quickly, not giving the people very much time to deal with one crisis after another. These are the judgments to begin soon.”


America Trembles After Russian Doomsday Torpedo Explodes Ocean Causing Global Tsunami
January 16h, 2022

8 Year Old Dreams of Tsunami in Winter
November 23rd, 2022

‘Order of Events”’
June 25th, 2021


The Chinese are playing a game of ‘asymmetric warfare‘. winning while not appearing to war. (Video of Ivan Tuttle with Sid Roth: no longer available).. “They are buying up property in the United States, and then they will just come in to claim their property and take over. I would then not be surprised if they just starved the Americans out, cut off their services, and let them die.”

The same thing will happen in Australia.. China buying up/ leasing land.


Nibiru – “the Last Year”, heralded by a Winter Tsunami & a February Invasion

2022 was not it, but 2024 and 2025 could well be.

Nibiru – Dr Sam.. ‘Urgent: Report of Barack Obama says the Year of the Arrival of the Nibiru
“The former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, when she asked President Barack Obama about the date of arrival of (Nibiru), and he said to her “2025“. With the knowledge, he burned all the archives and maps related to this subject!”

Australia Invaded by China-

Speech By Comrade Chi Haotian
Vice-Chairman Of China’s Military Commission’sPlanToConquer.htm
December 2005
Only countries like the United States, Canada and Australia have the vast land to serve our need for mass colonization.

‘What will become of Australia’, by Jack Burrell
His Blog is no longer available, but reproduced here from copy:

“Several years ago, I arose early in the morning, in the dark hours, to spend an hour in prayer and supplication with The Lord, as was my custom (The Lord when He was upon this earth, used to go out early in the morning and pray, so how much more do we need to do so). Having prayed I returned to my bed again, and went off to sleep. Perhaps I had not been asleep long before The Lord began to speak to me by way of a vivid dream showing me something of what will become of Australia. The dream came to me in two distinct parts.

I saw a vision of a great map of the world spread out on a wall before me. The map was a white background with the outlines of the countries in black, very plain and very clear. As I looked in wonder at this great map, I was amazed to notice that a filling in was slowly taking place of certain countries, in black colour.

What I saw reminded me of the pictures we used to see in our newspapers during the War when the Axis Powers were encroaching on countries, and each day their advance was indicated by filled in areas. I saw the blackness begin to fill in at the Northern end of India, and slowly move down until all of India was black. The black mass kept on moving and spreading, taking in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and all of Burma, and continuing down to fill in Malaya, and Sumatra and Borneo, on through Java and all of Indonesia, including West Irian.

Then as Papua and New Guinea filled in, so also did the Northern end of Australia, and Australia slowly filled in right down to a line across the continent from North West Cape in the West to Cape Byron in the East. Here the filling in halted, and remained, leaving less than half of Australia not filled in. What I saw was the invasion of Australia by an alien force, and as I watched this revelation taking place I was somewhat relieved to see the invaders stop at Byron Bay for my own home was at Ballina, only a few miles South.

The vision was so real.

The map of the world faded away as I looked, and in my dream I was left thinking about it all, and I was telling myself that away in the far distant future, some day such a thing would happen, but not in my day. And I reasoned like this with myself until I was startled to find myself an actual participant in yet another vision even more vivid than the one I had just seen.

A vision in a dream sent to me, I believe, to settle in my thinking a time factor, not in some far off day, but somewhere within my normal life span. I could be alive, and aware of the very invasion in actual time.

Nowhere up to date have I been shown the identity of the invaders. Some people have speculated that they are Russian, or Chinese, or Japanese, or that Islam is to arise in Arabia, and extend its Empire right down to Australia. But I would not like to say anything until it was clearly revealed.

In this second part of the dream I found myself to be out somewhere in the more Western and arid area of New South Wales or Queensland. It was outback country. I noticed the trees, all small like shrubs, Myall or Gidgea, low and scattered, as far as the eye could see. The air was full of rising dust, caused by the movement of stock, mostly cattle.

And there was the noise of cattle, and of stock men, and their dogs barking. I noticed that all the movement was in a Southward direction, and they were hurrying. Then I noticed people walking, and stopping to shelter with children in the scanty shade of the small trees because of the heat of the day. As I stood there looking at this unusual sight, a vehicle of the Australian Army forces drove up to me, and one of the occupants, an officer, spoke to me and said, “Get out of here as quickly as you can. We expect a battle to take place right here today in this area”…unquote. Jack had other revelations from The Lord during this period associated with his “invader vision” here is a list of events straight from “What will become of Australia” …page 20. There would be a time coming when…quote,

People will lose faith in authority, and a breakdown will take place in attitudes leading to open rebellion against all forms of government. With the build-up of perplexity, and the breakdown of morale, will come a general falling away as we have never envisaged, reaching into homes, and schools, and places of employment, and clubs, and churches, and governments. Iniquity will abound at a rate hitherto undreamed of, and as the scripture says, “Evil men shall wax worse and worse” (2Tim 3:13).

A last ditch stand shall be made for material security by many people, and at any cost, by any means, and across the whole strata of society many people shall be trodden under the feet of so-called neighbours, and so-called friends. Greed and avarice will be like a consuming bush fire taking all before it, in big business, and mono-polising combines. But the Lord Himself will see to it that the righteous are fed, and clothed, and not lacking in any good thing. They shall be a wonder to the wicked, and a help to the poor and needy. They shall rejoice in the goodness of The Lord.

Demonic powers shall be evident as some people will yield themselves to strange forces, causing others to be deceived by them, whose destruction will come upon them from the powers that bind them. But all power which is not of God will utterly fail before The Name of the Lord, and any person who calls on The Name of The Lord shall be delivered.
Lust is going to be like a great epidemic spreading out through the nation, leaving a trail of sorrow, and broken lives in its wake. It will not be safe for any girl, or woman, to be on their own.
Sex will be emphasised through every medium possible, to gain and warp the imaginations of people, both young and old. Adultery will not be regarded as sin, and unfaithfulness will not be seen for what it is, a vow made to God, broken asunder. But The Lord will sanctify His people, and in the midst of corruption show them forth to principalities, and powers, as the Perfection of His Grace.

There will be a strange fear stalking the land, driving many to consume alcohol and take drugs, or do anything in order to escape its darksome shadow. It will come upon people, bringing with it, heart attacks, nervous breakdowns, and all manner of sickness. Hospitals will not be able to cope with the sick and dying.

There will be many victims of violence, as crime, rape and godlessness abound.

Famine is going to sweep the country, and right here in Australia there are going to be those who will (suffer from lack of food). The famine will not be caused by droughts alone, although there will be strange weather behaviour bringing loss to rural areas, but the real cause will be political bungling and greed. Farmers will not be able to provide food because of a great fuel shortage, and transport difficulties.

Implements and machinery will lie in the fields and food will waste away.

At this time world politics (and powers) will be involved with the affairs of Australia. There are to be three great kingdoms on the earth who will rise in splendour to outshine each other. They will be like the sun, the stars and the moon as they shine. Out of those kingdoms shall come a force like a terrible dust storm, showing itself stronger and stronger, until all is engulfed by it.

It will take country after country until Australia is reached, and half of Australia is taken.

Right now, at this present time, there are ‘men of dark countenances‘ gathering to plan, and to scheme, and to share their ideas for the fall, and the take-over of Australia. They are absolutely ruthless. They are not concerned about their own lives. They want to kill, and cause destruction. As the scripture says, “their feet are quick to shed blood” (Rom 3:15; Isa 59:7; Prov 1:16).

They are gathering now. They are strengthening their positions. They are making ready to go to war with lands that are like unwalled cities, and defenseless against them.

Their dark secret is to take all before them. But The Lord knows their secret, and desires to broadcast it from the rooftops, and make it known, for the sake of the righteous, and because of His mercy towards all who will turn to Him, before it is too late.

When these things start to come to pass people living in the Northern half of Australia will flee to the South to shelter from the invader. Some will flee because they will take warning from The Lord, and others because of fear. The accommodation of so many will be a terrific problem, and how to feed them will be another.

There will be a program of conscription of manpower and woman power, whipped up by the government bodies for the defense of the country. As the invaders encroach further and further, the more intense the conscription will become, until only the young, and the old escape. When the invaders have finally taken possession of all of the northern half of Australia from its most easterly point to its most westerly point, a perimeter will be set up, and the advance of the invaders will be stayed because of some world political compromise being reached among world powers.

And the invaders will keep the Northern half of Australia, and populate it with people of their own choice.

The Southern part of Australia will be governed by a communist style government, and all land, and all property will be owned by the state. Farmers from the North will have to work land along with farmers in the South to provide food for the people.

All people will have to do as they are told, and will be oppressed by a police system empowered to make arrests, or kill without trial, for the slightest law infringement. There will be no substantial peace, or freedom again in Australia, until that day when The Lord Jesus Christ shall return with power and glory to rule the world in righteousness.

This is where the “Word of Wisdom” ceased, and I was left speechless. This was so final and so devastating that I wondered if there were any hope left anywhere. I am sure there is”

Mary’s Predictions for Australia



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