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Prophecy News - 'SUDDENLY, part 1', given to Anonymous One by Yahweh, the I AM outside of Time and Space, September 16th, 2024

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People who mess with sex only see what they can see. They are trapped in this world, blinded to anything else, namely the source of their being. In “Godly sorrow”. Self-restraint it the key to opening the doors to the Heaven. The speaker is the one who lives outside of time and space, not a created being, not a persona of the life force or holy spirit: not father, not son, not matter (nor will, love-wisdom, intelligent activity), but the source which never runs dry. Will you rely upon it alone, or will you rely upon yourself alone?

 image Suddenly the Door will Close

9/16/24 11:27 PM
Anonymous One

The enemy must not want this out and he took my computer system down all night so now this is my attempt at getting it out there for all. Anonymous One

At 3:33 a.m. I was awakened by the Lord’s voice: “Daughter, write these words down.

Children, you have lived in your “wilful ignorance” and disobedience far too long. The wake up call will jolt most and it will stricken you in fear. Many souls are dying each day as you sit in your complacency, never reaching out for fear of offending someone. You are the same as the Pharisees. You mock and scoff and live in unbelief. Your “religious” mumbo jumbo means nothing to Me.

As this “SUDDENLY” comes, what will you do? This will take many by surprise as they still live in unbelief of all warnings that were given. There is a heavy price to pay for this as many will perish when it strikes without warning. You know how to discern the weather whether it will be sunny or cloudy yet you don’t know how to discern the “time and hour you live in”. Did they not do the same during Noah’s day? Have I not called over and over and given ample time to get your houses in order? Oh, you stocked up on food and supplies yet neglected the most important of all things; that was, to get your “spiritual house” in order. Your garments are stained and there’s very little or no oil in your lamp.(Matthew 25:1-5) I am not speaking of a rapture just yet.

The great persecution of saints is what will befall you. Will you stand or sell your soul for a bowl of porridge as Esau did? Food is needed for the body, yes, but most importantly, you have neglected that this was to come to Me daily. Repent, read My Word to know it in your heart. I speak to all Christians. Witches and the like know the Word better than you do. You sat in your church being comforted. Do you know how to stand in the evil day?

I did not come to bring peace but a sword. (Matthew 10:34). I have grown weary of your “lukewarmness” (Revelation 3:14-22); of your lovey dovey God is only love gospel that has neglected intentionally to mention I AM a God of severity. This time of “testing” will come “suddenly”. Your guns cannot save you, your food can only keep most of you for a short period of time: ONLY I CAN SAVE. The most fundamental basic truth and you ignore. Wilful ignorance is “REBELLION” and rebellion is of witchcraft. (1 Samuel 15:23) My law on how to live is basic, and you continue to live in your lies, hypocrisy, adulteries, lusts of the flesh, fornication; living your best life now. Do you know the hour I will call you home? NO!!!

My children, I, the Great I AM, does not desire for this shock to fall upon this nation, as I do not desire more to perish. You refuse to heed the warnings so now a greater redemptive judgment comes.

The invaders have already taken over some areas and this will spread like wildfire. Kamala is the new poisonous tool; another puppet of the Grand Masters that control from behind. Obama still runs the show cunningly in the background using the Grand Puppet Masters at will. Have you not figured out this is the great delusion; the great con job of all time?

Are you tired yet of looking to man to save you when I am the only way, the only truth and the life? (John 14:6) Are you yet tired of the greatest con of all, as they push another plandemic down on you and how conveniently there is a vaccine for it? During WW!, more died after they received the vaccine than in war. Here in this day, it’s still the same. There is nothing new under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 1:9) How many of you SHEEPLE will line up and accept this new vaccine or an improved booster? The enemy knows his time is short and how many “DIED SUDDENLIES” do you have to read about? How many young and healthy suddenly died or now are so ill they will never fully recover?

WHAT DOES IT TAKE? WHAT DOES IT TAKE? WHAT DOES IT TAKE? If this next SUDDENLY doesn’t wake you up, what else shall I allow them to do? STOP running from Me. STOP putting more poison in your bodies. STOP defiling your temple (your body). STOP compromising truth. STOP tolerating the “woke” agenda!

RISE UP! RISE UP! RISE UP! If you do not know My Word in your heart because of laziness to learn, you will fall. My children, I am a Holy God, I cannot lie and I would never tell anyone to take the vaccine to watch you suffer or to suddenly “DIE SUDDENLY”. You believe the lies. Yes children, saints that know Me can be deceived into taking a vaccine. It has happened many times. None are exempt and it’s an honest mistake so if you have taken it, come and repent to Me and I will remove the poison. I am for all My children. You take man’s word over Mine.

REPENT of all your unfaithfulness to Me, for believing man over Me, for your sins of infidelity to Me, and all other sins and I will be more than willing to still cleanse you, to remove the poison out of your vessels. Are you willing to let go of your pride, your science which has now been proven wrong about this bioweapon? COME, the door will CLOSE SUDDENLY!

My children, you have accepted tolerance, inclusion and abominations into this nation America; it leaves Me with no choice but to send correction. Do you even know how to war in the Spirit? When will you come out of “false religion”? Did My Son follow religion or did He just obey My commands and follow Me? Was He lying, stealing, fornicating, calling unto other gods, idolizing man or sitting in buildings built on sand, or was He admonishing, turning tables over, preaching to come out of religion? (Revelation 18:4) He was hated solely for speaking truth. He, too, learned obedience through His trials and tribulations and died in obedience. My Son was your example yet you choose filth.

Now the testing comes for all. Will you die for Me? They have already declared WAR, children. When they say they are for you and for democracy “RUN” as fast as you can. A nation can only be saved from destruction if man acknowledges SIN is responsible. It’s a “spiritual condition” in the soul of a nation. This is a different kind of war now = extermination through bio-engineering, bioweapons, GMO foods, wastewater bottled water. Do you really believe you can survive all these assaults without Me?

REPENT, RETURN, LAY AT MY FEET. I will not condemn you – no sin is too big for me to cleanse. Only one unpardonable sin and that is blaspheming My Holy Spirit. If you are wondering if you did this, ask Me. The separation of the wheat and tares is here – now come as this door is about to close soon. Which will it be? Salvation or remain under My Wrath? Choose NOW. THE HOUR IS THAT LATE.

That is all now daughter. I have spoken.

Isaiah 55:11 NIV: 11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

1 John 1:9 states that “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness

Jeremiah 29:11 New KJV: 11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

Philippians 2:9-10 NIV: 9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

1 Timothy 4:1-2 KJV: 1. Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;



Suddenly, part 1

Mary’s Messages



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