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Prophecy News - 'To My Faithful Who Patiently Wait on Your Everlasting Lord!', given to William Brooks by Jesus, October 13th, 2024

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This is probably one of the last messages before some big event occurs. The goal always is to open the channel to light, so that the pure, ie. innocent, energy of Yahweh (I AM who I AM) can flow through and be exchanged in this world. The fact that Jesus OWNS this world, due to him overcoming the pull of Satan, means that all of the consciences of this world (human and pre-human), each a part of Yahweh, can grow and develop of their own accord, in innocence and in Love. The evil [reverse of to live] is when we impinge upon the life of another.

 image Jesus over Yellowstone

To My Faithful Who Patiently Wait on Your Everlasting Lord!

    Written by: William Brooks
    Category: The Little Book Of Revelation Chapter Ten
    Published: October 13, 2024
    Created: October 13, 2024

    The Little Book of Revelation Chapter 10 / The Everlasting Gospel
    Spirit of Prophecy Youtube Channel
    The Little Book for Handheld Devices

Hear the words of your eternal Lord, even Yeshua HaMashiach and come to me with your hearts ready to receive and expect your reward from my hand, for truly the time is now. Even that long expected moment when “I descend from the heavens with a mighty shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of God (for that trumpet will sound) and the dead in Christ will be raised incorruptible and you which are alive and remain shall be caught up in the clouds where you will put on immortality and so will you ever be with, and like, your everlasting Lord forevermore” (1Thes 4:16-17).

I am Lord of Lords and King of Kings, and I am he who has purchased the earth in my atoning blood. Truly, truly, I paid the price for the sins of mankind that mankind might be reconciled to Yahweh, because I, Jesus the Nazarene am your peace treaty whereby men are reconciled to God, wherefore I had Paul write to the Corinthians: “Now then are we ambassadors for Christ: as though God did beseech you through us, we pray you in Christs stead, that you be reconciled to God. For he has made him to be sin for us, which knew no sin, that we should be made the righteousness of God in him” (2Cor 5:20-21).

Therefore, my children, I have made you the righteousness of God by way of Christ in you, the hope of glory, even that spirit of everlasting sonship whereby you cry ABBA, Father. And so you are born again as eternal sons of God and are sealed with that holy spirit of promise. Understand that the seal of Yahweh cannot be broken, nor altered, and all those who are sealed thereby are eternally secure, and so understand that what Yahweh has written and declared; that, no one can change. So who is it that can pluck you from my hands? Who is it that can overcome the great eternal God, even Yahweh, who is the Father of Lights?

So why do you fret and worry that I will cast you away? Yet, which of you would cast your own children away, as if such a thing is a light matter in the sight of your Lord and Savior, even Jesus the Nazarene. Truly, truly, the gifts and calling of God are without repentance [regret], and those who have been given the gift of eternal life by confessing Jesus as Lord, all the while trusting that God raised me from the dead, are given eternal life and are made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus their Lord. Now if any man makes that confession from a faithless heart I withhold the seal of the living God that I may draw them fully to myself so they come to full repentance of sins, lest perhaps my seed has fallen on stony ground.

Now if any man has not the spirit of Christ, he is none of His. I am he who tests and tries the hearts of men that they may be purified in my fires of purification, because I am he who sits with billow in hand stoking the flames of purification, for I am the smith who billows the coals that you may come to your full inheritance in me, Christ Jesus. So stay meek to my efforts and resist not the pull of that spirit of sonship born within you that brings righteousness and true holiness. And so I implore you my children walk after the spirit, that you fulfill not the lusts of the flesh.

Yet, so many of you let your hearts trouble you needlessly that the seal of God can be broken by the folly of man. I ask you, my loves? Did El Shaddai in his foreknowledge overlook the fact that he was sending me, Jesus the Nazarene, to redeem sinners who would sin again after salvation? Did Yahweh, the great eternal God who needs no counselor though ten thousand times ten thousand surround his throne and who works all things after the counsel of his own will, not understand the imperfection of corrupted Adam, even all men born of red earth who partake of Adam’s blood?

No my children, it is impossible that Yahweh would not understand these things and has provided for you in every way and given every means in order for your full redemption to come fully on you, my loves. So walk in the law of faith and by means of my spirit born within you, and walk according to the spirit of life in Christ Jesus. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision avails anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation. And as many as walk according to this rule, peace shall be upon them and mercy, and upon the Israel of God.

Do you not understand that the just shall live by faith? So understand that none of my faithful are perfect at this time, no, not until their full redemption. And all the redeemed who are sealed with that holy spirit of promise will all sin, either knowingly or unknowingly, throughout the day. Therefore, cleanse yourselves in my atoning blood daily. Come to me and kindle your relationship with me and keep it strong, my loves. Confess your sins to me daily, and remain meek to my still small voice when I come to you to convict you of righteousness. I have already moved towards you and am right there in front of you cheering you onwards and keeping your paths clear so that you may walk that straight and narrow path of which you have been called to walk. And continue to look forward to that day of your full redemption where you will stand perfect before Yahweh himself clothed in the righteousness that I will fully give you. For it is I, Christ Jesus, who will clothe you in spotless, fine white linen without spot, blemish, nor wrinkle or any such thing.

Therefore, understand my little ones, that judgment has come on the earth, even that great judgment foretold of old by the prophets of old, even whose time for fulfillment has now come. The birth pangs are non-stop on the earth now, as judgment is here, and my redeemed will come to their full redemption. And so it is that events will come, wave by wave. Each wave greater and more intense in its destruction than the last until suddenly you are taken to safety and suddenly Secret Babylon is not. Each wave brings judgment and each wave crashes harder and louder than the last. And so are my judgments and warnings to the earth, for I do come as the lion of the tribe of Judah and in righteousness I do come to judge and make war.

And so it is that before the final calamity strikes, it will happen at my command that my faithful ones who have fallen asleep in Christ will be raised from their graves and my faithful ones who are alive and remain will be gathered with them (1Thes 4), and into the Heaven of the heavens you will go, where you will all stand before that great judgement-seat of Christ that you all may receive for the things done in the body. All who are taken to approach my Bema do not come there to be judged on account of their sins, because you accepted remission of sins during the day of sinful man, even in this day when sinful man rules the earth, of which rule is at its end. Because the earth belongs to me, Christ Jesus, and the fullness thereof. And I am approaching and I will take by force my inheritance from the squatters and their full judgment lingers not.

My loves, understand that you have passed from death straight to eternal life in me, Christ Jesus your Lord. And I am he who has cleansed you fully from sin in my atoning blood, because I am your perfect Passover who has offered myself to Yahweh the great eternal God, once, all, and forevermore for the sins of mankind: “therefore, there remains no more sacrifice for sins” (Heb 10:26 ). Therefore, the sons of God will approach my judgment seat that I may judge their works so that all will receive for what they have accomplished, whether it be good or bad. And so you all will bring the sacrifices of your redeemed lives on earth you have offered in service to your eternal Lord.

As it is written, so will it be done, just as written: “For other foundation can no man lay, than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.  And if any man build on this foundation, gold, silver, precious stones, timber, hay, or stubble, Every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by the fire: and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is. If any man’s work, that he has built upon, abide, he shall receive wages. If any man’s work burn, he shall endure loss, but he shall be saved himself: nevertheless yet as it were by the fire” (1Cor 3:11-15).

So it will be my loves that I will reward you fully for your service to me and the things that are burned away as chaff by my fires of judgment you will suffer loss, and for those things that withstand my fires of judgment, even the works that I have given you to accomplish, great reward will be yours. For it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither has entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love him” (1Cor 2:9). And so is the nature of your inheritance and reward, that not one man on earth understands fully the magnificence and glory of the inheritance of the eternal sons of God who are born again after the spirit of Christ.. Whereby you are born again sons of God for all eternity.

So understand my loves that the day of your full redemption is closer than you imagine, and it is speeding towards you right this very second and that day is soon to be fulfilled. Sooner than you expect. Understand that there is no more time remaining to warn, no more time remaining to plead, no more time remaining to reason with secret Babylon, because her judgment is final and cannot be altered. No, her times of repentance were wasted, and she ignored fully the voices of my prophets and apostles, saying in her heart as she scoffed at my words “I sit as a queen and am no widow, tomorrow will be as today and today is the same as yesterday. (Rev 18:7)”

Yet in one hour will her calamity fall fully on her, and never again will she rise. But in place of a once great nation that respected the ways of Yahweh and where people followed Jesus the Nazarene and were not ashamed to love their neighbors, will a wasteland remain where Secret Babylon will be laid waste in one hour, because strong is the Lord God which judges her. And as that calamity approaches ever closer my loves, so too does your full redemption, salvation, reward, and eternal joy, so fret not at the approaching judgment of sinners. That is not for you, if you come fully out of your sins.

And so that twinkling of an eye approaches, where in a split second you will find yourselves standing in the throne room of Yahweh himself where your thrones are adorned and where you are seated as eternal kings and priests by the inheritance of your eternal Lord.. Whereby you shall rule the nations with a rod of iron, for so is given to me, and so will I give to those who overcome. Who are my overcomers? Even those who came fully out of sin by full repentance and repudiation of their sins. And it is I Christ Jesus who has overcome the wiles of the devil fully and for all eternity, leaving him a desolate and fully defeated enemy, of which the eternal flames of punishment are stoked and ready to receive. For so is their inheritance, and so are they worthy.

Therefore, I have paved a mighty way for all who come to me fully, to overcome fully the wiles of the devil in like manner as I did. So come to me fully that I may lead you on that straight and narrow path to your full salvation. Hear my voice those of you who have slipped and fallen in the way, “for a just man falls seven times, and rises again” (Prov 24:16), so rise up Oh’ men of God and come to me fully that I may reconnect you to your reward, by cleansing you in my atoning blood that you may stand fully clothed in my righteousness. Understand that my overcomers will inherit all things and no good thing will be withheld from them. And so my overcomers, will forever shine, even as the brightness of the firmament: “and you who have turned many to righteousness, will shine as the stars, for ever and ever” (Dan 12:3). So now knowing this my children that now is time to leave the cares of this world and rest in me and stay pure as a virgin in my atoning blood.

Therefore, my loves stand fast in the face of approaching calamity, because you do see that terrible day approaching, and I am he who has opened the eyes of the humble in heart that you may see the truth of your world and not succumb to strong delusion, that is not for you. Understand that I, Yeshua Hamashiach am the one who causes the blind to see, therefore, come to me that I may anoint your eyes with eyesalve and that you may see in part this wicked world as it truly is, in which you live. So fear not the judgment of sinners for that judgment is not for you my loves. No, judgment is not for the redeemed because you have been saved from the wrath of the Lamb and from the wrath of God, wherefore stand fast and secure in your salvation my loves, because the day is at hand and is speeding towards you ever closer by the second.

Yes that moment in time of your full redemption has come upon you my loves, and that everlasting moment of time is nearly here and is coming upon you nearer and nearer by the second. I have confirmed in your spirits, I have shown signs above and signs in the earth, I have caused wonders in the heavens and even unleashed disasters in judgment on sinners and to wake those who slumber, that they may understand that now is the time for full redemption of the children of the Almighty God, even my bride and my body.

Do not join them in their faithless ways, because they seek to take claim and explain away the many signs and wonders that are shown in the heavens of which many have been drawn with the finger of Yahweh himself. Have you forgotten Genesis my loves? For it is written: “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven, to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years. And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so” (Gen 1:14-15). Therefore, understand that Yahweh reigns supreme and there is nothing that is allowed on his creation that he does not allow, and of which he is not aware. Wherefore, do not join them in their faithless reasonings that mankind now somehow controls and manipulates the heavens, although mankind certainly tries to overcome God and his efforts always end in futility.

Yet, the fallen ones do try to hide my signs and the many announcements that Yahweh has placed in the heavens of the wedding of the bridegroom to his bride. So take comfort in the glory of God, knowing that whatever the fallen ones are allowed to do only serves the eternal purposes of the everlasting God, “for so are his ways that even his enemies obey his voice” (Prov 16:7). But make no mistake Yahweh reigns supreme and nothing occurs of which he does not allow in his grace, mercy, and eventual eternal judgment on the unrepentant and fallen ones. Even that great judgment foretold of old that is now about to break across the earth in violent fashion.

And that day is upon you my loves and I AM COMING FOR YOU! Though the squatters would seek to hide my glory, I will not share my glory with another and so the weak and beggarly elements’ efforts are futile to conceal the appearing of Christ Jesus for my bride and my body. No, I cannot be hindered nor concealed in the least and all the world will know of my appearing, though the fallen ones will seek to conceal my appearing through war and their fake alien invasion. Understand there are no aliens from other falsely spinning worlds but fallen ones banned from the heavens forevermore who pretend, because they are all pretenders who come to deceive and lead astray.

Understand that my appearing is not the same as my second coming and is a mystery concealed within the great mystery of God that I, Yeshua HaMashiach, revealed to my apostle Paul. My second coming has been known and anticipated for ages now and with it comes the resurrection of the just. At my appearing I come to gather my saints to myself that I may reward them and wed my bride and sup with my honored guests. It is at my appearing that I will snatch away to myself the faithful who have come to me in full repentance and take them to the safety of the heavens until judgment on earth has passed, for the times of judgment has come upon the entire world and especially the fallen ones.

Understand that my second coming is where I come with my redeemed and with my 144,000, and the entire host of heaven to destroy Satan’s kingdom fully, of which destruction his kingdom will never recover. And at my second coming all will see and all will know, and there is no deception that could possibly deceive anyone from this event. Satan is no king and the fallen ones are no gods but pretenders who pretend. And Satan will be bound and cast into the abyss for a thousand years that he may deceive the nations no more and until he is released for his little season, and there will he remain chained in a great chain in torment and terrible fear of his inheritance in that burning lake of fire and brimstone of which he will never escape. And after his little season he will be cast fully into that ever burning lake of putrid burning brimstone that burns the hottest flames of blue. And so then will the Great White Throne Judgment occur, even surely before Yahweh creates a new heaven and earth, and makes all things new in eternal and perfect consummation.

And so it is written and so shall it be so soon accomplished that “I will descend from the heavens with a mighty shout with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of God” (1Thes 4:16), and that mighty trumpet blast lingers not and it is the last trumpet of my age of grace as the world turns to face it’s impending and severe judgment. And I will gather my elect from the four corners of the earth, even all those who have fallen asleep in Christ, yes all who have fallen asleep in Christ sealed with that holy spirit of promise. And the birth pangs which are non-stop will give way to the earth giving birth to those who have fallen asleep, but of whom it is impossible that death should hold one second longer. “And then you which are alive and remain shall be caught up in the air with them to meet me in the clouds and in the twinkling of an eye you will see” (1Thes 4:17).

Yes, you will see with your own eyes the everlasting glory of the great eternal God, even the Father of Lights who longs for your presence and who has prepared for this moment for all eternity because you have ever been in Yahweh’s heart. And you will see me, your eternal and everlasting Saviour who gave myself fully in agony as I sacrificed myself that you may live before the Father of Lights who has fathered the lights of the world. Yes, you will see me with your own eyes, even all of you who have faith in your glorified Lord of whom you haven’t yet seen with your own eyes.

You will see with your own eyes my full glory that Yahweh has given in my inheritance, of which I will share fully with my overcomers, and of which I will reward all who come to me with works that withstand the fires test. Truly, truly, you will see with your own eyes the heavenly host, of whom many have been sent to minister to those who are heirs of eternal salvation. And you will stand in complete wholeness, even newly recreated in heavenly perfection, and you will absolutely stand and marvel at what your eternal end will bring and what the riches of the glory of my inheritance in the saints truly means for you.

Understand my loves, (“even all those who love not your lives to the end” John 12:25), even you who have come out of your sins in full repentance: Your eternal end is your eternal beginning where you will stand in your first second of eternal life and nothing will ever corrupt you again in the least. For you will be recreated perfect in holy perfection and you will never be corrupted again for you will be recreated incorruptible.

And forevermore will you serve Yahweh, and forevermore will you be with me where ever I go. And I will restore to you all that the locust have eaten and all that Satan has stolen from you. You will be recompensed fully for your works and labor of love that you have showed to my name in that you have ministered to the saints and do minister. We will eat of the fat of the land during my millennial reign where you will rule with me as my kings and priests and a righteous rule will it be forevermore.

I am he who has cleansed you fully from sin in my atoning blood
I am your perfect Passover who has offered my self to Yahweh the great eternal God
I am he who has opened the eyes of the humble in heart
I am the smith who billows the coals that you may come to your full inheritance in me, Christ Jesus
I am sent by the great I AM and I AM COMING FOR YOU!

I am he who has sent my words by my servant that I have raised from his youth and set apart for my purposes and hidden in my quiver for such a time as this, and by my servant have my eternal words been sent. And the words of the everlasting gospel will be preserved through the coming calamities and will find the eyes, ears, and hearts of those they are sent, because I, Yeshua HaMashiach, even Christ Jesus do declare these things with the full authority and power of Yahweh himself who has shared his throne with his only begotten son that by my mighty hand the creation may be restored forever more to it’s creator who is blessed forevermore, yea and Amen.



To My Faithful who patiently Wait on Your everlasting Lord

Mary’s Messages



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