Prophecy News - 'Gates Insider: Bird Flu Jab Causes ‘Gut Storms,’ Trial Participants ‘Shat Out Internal Organs’, presented by The People's Voice, January 2nd, 2025
There’s nothing pleasant about this, except to avoid it. The effects of this, building upon one vaccine after another, are decaying, and the only reason why I put this up: is that it’s in one of the vials that angels will pour out upon the Earth: Revelation 16:1 KJV. “And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.” The “gene deletion” mentioned, 1P36, is one that produces mental retardation. So please read, please look up what you don’t understand, and please share with whom you can.
Gates Insider: Bird Flu Jab Causes ‘Gut Storms,’ Trial Participants ‘Shat Out Internal Organs’
The People’s Voice Host
In a disturbing revelation making waves in medical circles, a Gates Foundation whistleblower has issued a chilling warning: mRNA-vaccinated individuals are harboring dormant nanopathogens within their bodies, and these pathogens can be activated remotely through an 18-gigahertz signal on the 5G network.
What happens when these nanopathogens lurking in every vaccinated body are activated? Cue: catastrophic health events ranging from sudden heart or brain failure to uncontrollable internal bleeding. Even more alarming, the whistleblower says the recently developed bird flu vaccine is continuing where the COVID-19 vaccines left off. For those who’ve already been vaccinated, getting this new shot could trigger severe health issues, including, according to an insider, the terrifying possibility of “defecating out internal organs.”
And now, with reports surfacing of strange symptoms like sudden heart attacks and unexplained bleeding, these claims are sparking real fear around the world. The stakes have never been higher. The global elite, desperate and cornered after Trump’s recent victory, are reportedly preparing to run the same playbook: unleashing another lab-developed virus on humanity. Here’s Dr. Leana Wen, the Covid cabal’s favorite agent of doom, seeding the fear-based narrative in the mainstream media this week.
Face the Nation, December 29, 2924
Interviewer: Dr Wen is bird flu in humans super dangerous?
Dr Leana Wen: Well, the World Health Organization estimates that in prior outbreaks of the bird flu that the mortality rate is 52%. 52%. However, in the- in this most recent outbreak, it seems that most cases have been mild, and maybe some people even have asymptomatic infection. But the question is, we don’t know what happens when bird flu affects more vulnerable individuals. People infected so far in the US have been mainly farm workers who are working, presumably generally healthy, as opposed to what happens when you get to children, to pregnant women, to older individuals with chronic illnesses.
TPV Host: Here we go again. Another so-called virus – one so insidious that you might not even know you have it, because the only symptom… is no symptoms at all. For the record, during the Covid pandemic. Dr. Wen went on record stating that unvaccinated people had the right to choose to remain unvaccinated, but they should not be allowed to go out in public ever again.
Some things don’t change. The Covid cabal including Leana Wen are sadistic psychopaths and Bill Gates is still pumping millions of dollars into the creation of next generation vaccine delivery systems and deadly pathogens. For years, the mainstream media have bent over backward to “debunk” claims that Bill Gates has been developing bioengineered vaccines and GMO mosquitoes designed to deliver them to humans without consent. But now, the New England Journal of Medicine, a leading medical journal, has quietly confirmed that’s exactly what he’s doing.
Make no mistake, the elite are running the same hoax they ran in the early days of Covid. Their playbook? Lock downs, 15 minute cities, fear-mongering, and a fresh wave of mandatory, deadly mRNA vaccines to counter “a manufactured threat.” Their ultimate goal? A drastically reduced global population, with the survivors transformed into a subdued, obedient human race, fully subservient to the whims of the global elite.
But a vast swathe of humanity has woken up and it’s just as well, because experts are warning the new bird flu mRNA jabs are going to create a cytokine gut storm that will literally make the heavily vaccinated shit out their internal organs.
Dr Ray on Twitter with guests, May 25th, 2023
An unidentified woman: “My name is Janci Chun Lindsay; I’m a toxicologist and a molecular biologist with over thirty years of scientific experience, including vaccine development experience. Well, microbiology is the study of DNA and RNA and proteins, and I have a doctorate level degree in this. Three separate labs across the globe have now found that the MRNA vaccines, both Pfizer and Moderna, are heavily contaminated with the DNA plasmids used to create the shots in large volume. The contamination was found in every vial tested of eight vials by genomist, Kevin McKernan, both the monovalent shots and the boosters.
The contaminating DNA plasmids are designed to infect E.Coli in which they are grown in large volume. They are supposed to be separated away from the shot and the code that’s injected into you, as their presence introduces DNA that is not allowed in the shot, and which increases the risk of genomic integration, and anaphylaxis. In Pfizer vaccines, these DNA plasmids are present in up to 1/3rd of the shot material. So this is not a chance contamination in the least. These DNA plasmids can infect E.Coli in your gut and make your gut a perpetual spike factory.
An additional serious issue with the plasmid contamination is that they carry two antibiotic resistant genes, to Kanamycin and Neomycin. These are two major antibiotics that we use in medicine today. Kanamycin is used to treat Tuberculosis, and Neomycin is a broad spectrum antifungal, that most of us use in triple antibiotic. These are used in hospitals all over the country today, and we have many immigrants coming across our borders that are carrying Tuberculosis. The potential consequence of this is that anybody injected with these contaminated shots could become antibiotic resistant to those two major classes of antibiotic. Typically this type of contamination would get the shots pulled off of the market immediately.
MRNA is already being proposed to be used in cattle, and has been used in swine since 2018 without our knowledge and without our permission. Historically the genetic vaccines and the gene therapy have never been brought to market because of the severe adverse effects, including multiple cancers and lethal autoimmune reactions. These issues have not been resolved when they rolled out this genetic vaccine platform to billions of people. I know, as a molecular biologist, they have not been resolved.
We are asking for an immediate recall of these vaccines due to these significant dangers. The contamination of the shots and the adulteration of the shots, including the degradation of the MRNA which has also been found; the risk they pose to others through shedding, and being passed on through the germ-line to the next generation – an inadvertent gene transfer. We are asking for the entire platform be banned, and food, agriculture, and especially for human use.”
TPV Host: Military attorney Todd Callender, has been fighting back ever since the elite pushed the COVID mRNA vaccines on the world. He’s been filing lawsuits and sounding the alarm on what he calls a deeply rooted agenda that’s been in motion for years. Teaming up with a dedicated research group, Callender’s uncovered shocking evidence, backed by thousands of whistleblowers, pointing to a planned Marburg outbreak. What’s worse, the whole operation is already paid for by U.S. taxpayers through last year’s PREP Act.
But here’s the real kicker: Callender discovered that the lipid nanoparticles in mRNA vaccines contain dormant pathogens like E.coli, Marburg, and even Ebola. And according to his research, these pathogens can be triggered by specific frequencies, sent through the 5G network, which by pure coincidence, was rolled out right around the same time as the mRNA vaccines. As Callender explains, these frequencies can unleash the pathogens in a highly controlled and devastating way.
The Prather Point, April 22, 2022
Tod Callender: “Those pathogens are chimeric. They include, E coli, Marburg, Ebola, Staphylococcus and brewer’s yeast, amongst others. We know that upon the broadcast from the 5G system that is now employed across the United States, and the world for that matter; um, when they broadcast an 18 gigahertz signal for one minute, three different times, as a pulse, it will cause those lipid nanoparticles to swell and release these pathogenic contents, thereby causing a Marburg epidemic that they’ve already spent the money on.
It’s already done. the Marburg epidemic, for purposes of the law has happened. And now we just need the actual disaster to happen. And there’s actually worse parts to it than that, including the 1P36 gene deletion that effectively turn those poor people into zombies. As odd as that sounds, our government’s preparing for that”.
TPV Host: Are the vaccinated unknowingly serving as human cyborgs for the global elite, until a 5G signal flips the switch and ends their lives? It may sound like sci-fi, but the evidence tells a darker story. Studies show 5G signals can create electrical currents inside the body, causing measurable biological changes. Dr. Joseph Mercola’s research sheds light on the dangers of 5G radiation, and a 2022 peer-reviewed study confirms that cell signals can activate chemical payloads from graphene oxide introduced through mRNA vaccines. What once seemed like science fiction is now an unfolding nightmare for the vaccinated.
These threats come with devastating health consequences — heart attacks, strokes, turbo cancer, and cytokine gut storms, to name a few. According to a Gates Foundation insider, the bird flu mRNA vaccine is set to unleash even more horrors on an unsuspecting public. We’ve got the details after this important word from our sponsor.
Chilling discoveries about vaccinated corpses reveal that something changed dramatically after the 2021 vaccine rollout. Investigators are now reporting that these bodies emit detectable radio frequency waves, a revelation that raises more questions than answers. If this sounds like science fiction, think again. Microsoft holds Patent 6,754,472, titled ‘Method and apparatus for transmitting power and data using the human body.’
It’s the stuff of dystopian nightmares when you stop to think about it. Did anyone ask you if you were willing to hand over the exclusive rights to your own body to Bill Gates? Of course the answer is no. Just like nobody asked the owners of the bodies now six feet under and still emitting radio frequency signals detectable with a hand-held spectrum analyzer.
Scene: “Information coming out of the graves, guys”.
For years, we’ve been sounding the alarm. If the Covid cabal isn’t held accountable for their crimes, they will repeat the hoax, and this time with even graver consequences. But here’s the good news: this time, people are awake. The masses won’t allow the cabal to lock us down again or force experimental, toxic vaccines into billions of arms. The era of fear and blind obedience is over, and the Covid cabal know they are about to face the wrath of the people.
Scene: “Mister Prime Minister”.
We’ve already witnessed what the New World Order can do with a virus that has a 99.99% survival rate. It was the classic playbook: problem, reaction, solution. They manufacture a crisis, provoke mass fear and outrage, and then swoop in with their pre-planned “solutions.” They’ve done it before, and as a Gates Foundation whistleblower warns, if we’re not vigilant, if we keep falling for their lies, they’ll do it all over again.
Gates Foundation insider: “What I’m about to say could cost me everything: my career, my reputation, even my safety. But it needs to be said, because silence in the face of this horror would make me complicit. You’ve been told that the new MRNA Bird Flu vaccines are a triumph of science, ‘a beacon of hope’ for humanity, but I am here to tell you the truth. These vaccines are NOT a threat; they are a catastrophe waiting to happen. During the trials, we witnessed devastation unlike anything we’ve seen before. People didn’t just get sick, they died. Eleven lives were lost, and countless others suffered horrific side effects.
But you won’t hear about this on the news, and do you know why? Because the man funding this very Foundation, the man who bankrolled these vaccines; he also funds the media outlets that state what the world knows, or rather what it doesn’t. The truth has been buried, not because it isn’t catastrophic, but because there’s simply too much money at stake. Billions have already been poured into the creation of these vaccines. Failure is not an option for those kind of things. Even as they know these vaccines are a disaster, they push forward.
Even as the consequences have become undeniable, they move ahead. Let me be clear. These vaccines are NOT what they seem. Encased in those lipid nanoparticles are dormant pathogens – pathogens engineered to destroy the immune system from the inside-out. When they are activated, and they WiLL BE ACTIVATED, they will unleash a biological apocalypse. I’m talking about immune systems collapsing; people expelling internal organs in what can only be described as “gut storm”. A horrifying deadly cascade, triggered not by a massive disease, but by the very solution they sold to you as salvation.
But here’s the cruelest part. The fallout won’t be blamed on the vaccine. The architects of this plan already have their scapegoat. They will point to some new emerging threat, some new virus, perhaps even the Bird Flu itself. They’ll blame anything and everything, except for the real source. The cycle of lies will continue as global health is systematically destroyed from the inside. Global health –15m47s–, my arse. This isn’t about saving lives. this is about control; it’s about creating a world where you are dependent on their solution, even as their solutions destroy you.
But I refuse to stay silent. I refuse to let this atrocity unfold without a fight. You deserve to know the truth, even it it’s hard to hear. And now that you do, it’s up to you to demand accountability. To demand sincerity, and to stand against this machine of deceit before it’s too late.”
TPV Host: Let’s be clear, the poison isn’t for the elite. It’s for the brainwashed masses — the people they see as disposable. The elites don’t take these shots. They know exactly what’s in them and avoid them entirely. These vaccines are not protection; they’re weapons designed to weaken immune systems, create chronic illnesses, and destroy health under the guise of safety. It’s a calculated game: they create the problem, stoke the fear, and then sell the solution: a cycle of deceit that keeps the public sick, dependent, and obedient. This isn’t just about money. It’s about control.
Del Bigtree’s ‘The Highwire’
Jefferey Jaxen, investigative journalist: In Spain, apparently there is- there is an investigation by Federal Police, and they caught a bunch of people in, I guess it would be like ‘a vaccine passport sting’. This is a shocking headline; it’s really incredible. Listen to this: ‘Big Pharma Boss Caught FAKNG His COVID Vaccination Status’, injected Himself with Salt Water Instead.. Now Facing Criminal Charges’.. It says, “Police have charged Jose Maria Fernandez Sousa-Faro, the president of European pharmaceutical behemoth PharmaMar, with being falsely vaccinated against COVID-19. Dr Sousa-Faro is embroiled in a European controversy involving individuals, many of whom are well-known figures, being added to the National Immunization Registry in exchange for large sums of money. Dr Sousa-Faro is among more than 2,200 celebrities and European elites on the list drawn up by National Police, of those falsely vaccinated against Covid. According to El Mundo (that’s the newspaper reporting), Spanish police carried out the investigation called ‘Operation Jenner’ which uncovered the vast network of celebrities and elites who have paid money to have their names fraudulently entered on the National Immunization Register, despite refusing to be vaccinated.”
And it says here, and this is the kicker, “According to the police who are investigating the 2,200 false Covid-19 vaccination certificates, the fee was dependent on your social standing. The more important you were, the higher the price” paid! You’ve got to wonder whether that’s going on in other countries, like the United States.
Del Bigtree: Yeah, I mean, how many professional athletes, you know, had a doctor’s squirt of vaccine into a trash can , and how many people in power? I’ve even heard inside sources, inside CDC, FDA, you know, saying that, you know, “They’re cheating in here”. Now, here you have a guy that works in the pharmaceutical industry, um, so he should know- if anyone’s going to know what’s going on there. And this guy’s paying a fortune in order to keep from putting this thing in his body. If you haven’t got that injection, you don’t have that serum running through your veins. Are there machines that are going to detect that? You know, are we going to have a dye or something that appears in our veins. All this has been discussed. All these thoughts are out there, and this technology is being worked on, as we speak.
Jefferey Jaxen: Yeah, how many of these people of the 2,200 celebrities and elites, as they say in this article, How many who are on the front-end pushing this through PSAs (public service announcements) or through commercials, or pushing it because they’re sports celebrities? And now on the back-end, the hypocrisy of this is jaw-dropping.
TPV Host: It’s one rule for thee and another for me.
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Gates Insider: Bird flu Jab causes Gut Storms
Using humans’ bodies to transmit internet data: Sabrina was experimented upon as a child.
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Seriously? At this point anyone stupid enough or gullible enough to roll up their sleeve deserves what they get. Will bring up the mean IQ world wide. B’uh bye.
Look up the Latin definition of the word Virus. Means poison, venom, or bad liquid. There is a reason that latin is used exclusively in Medicine and Legalese. This is how they hide the truth while trolling you at the same time. Open your eyes and think for a moment before you blindly follow the people that use you as livestock or a Mobile ATM.
What happens when they make access to food dependent on you receiving these vaccines and the mark? .. Don’t forget, how many vaccines are children (parents required to give their children) required to take at a young age when their immune systems are not even fully developed.
Dr Kurt: “With a child’s immune system being very immature until age 2, the overload of 36 vaccines by the age of 18 months seems about as logical as drinking from a fire hydrant.”