Prophecy News - 'I am The Everlasting Lord of Righteousness!', given by Jesus to William Brooks, January 1st, 2025
There is a river of energy that you can rely upon. It flows through you, and around you, and into everything else as well. You only start to find it and know about it when the urge to sex is curbed. Jesus is speaking from that center. If you think he is speaking from his ego – the little self, you yourself are imagining it and attributing what you are imagining to Jesus. I myself have done that in the past, but decided early on to oppose it. When it is opposed, consistently , it – the ego mind, dies down.
The little mind has to die down, be overcome, before the greater or spiritual mind dawns. Jesus is called, ‘The Son of Man’; he also identifies himself as “the Last Adam.” So what goes on here? We are created, or individualized, Sons of God (one soul, one person) The animals have what is known as group-souls, which means that two or more animals are overshadowed by one soul, the higher animals, those in association with man, have fewer units per soul; the less evolved animals, more. Plants have more still. And minerals too are ensouled. Nothing we can see is without a soul.
When we become individualized, one body one soul, we have the three aspects of God joined within us: intelligent activity, love-wisdom and nascent will. At first we don’t use our will very well, and we make mistakes like Eve did in the Garden of Eden when she ate of the forbidden fruit from the tree in the center of the garden. But basically we are expected to use our will as we enter further incarnations, and with “free will”, direct our course – be responsible for it. Our mistake has been to not develop our individual will, but to follow. Herein, it’s termed, “we die.” Our biggest disaster of all time is our willingness to follow.
We don’t have a will; we use others’ instead, given to us on the TV screen, on the internet, in entertainment, by government, science, education, money. How did we get this way? By the encouragement to let loose our sexual energy, to drive away from us our life force AND (which is) THE HOLY SPIRIT, we lose our connection to spirit. The ego grows- the little self comes to the fore, and our greater self – our ability to identify with the essence of others as being like our own, dies down. So please read what Jesus has to say, without THE EGO MIND popping up its objections.
(Jesus over Yellowstone, 2017)
I am The Everlasting Lord of Righteousness!
Written by: William Brooks
Category: The Little Book Of Revelation Chapter Ten
Published: January 01, 2025
Created: January 01, 2025
The Little Book of Revelation 10 / The Everlasting Gospel
The Little Book for Handheld Devices
Spirit ofProphecy YouTube Channel
Behold! Hear the Words of Jesus the Christ and yield your thoughts and circumcise [remove sin from] your hearts and ears in obedience to the Words of Yeshua HaMashiach, and I will impart wisdom to the wise so that the wise man amongst you may learn the fear of the Lord, and that you may learn to tremble before the Lord of Hosts, for so has Yahweh, The Great I AM made me.
Who are you, O’ natural man to raise your heel against Yahweh, The Great I AM, even he who is The Ancient of Days, even he who is The Lord of Spirits? Who are you “O’ natural man” (1Cor 15:44) to exalt yourself in boastful pride against Jesus the Nazarene who is also Christ Jesus, even he whose name is above every name, even he whom Yahweh, the Great I AM, has shared his throne, even he who is elevated above all except Yahweh himself “until my enemies be made my footstool” (Heb 10:13). And of my kingdom and rule there is never an end and I will present the subjected Kingdom to the Father of Lights so that Adonai Yahweh may be all in all!
Can the thing that is formed say to he that formed it, why have you made me thus? Can the lump of clay that is forged into vessels of honor say to the potter, why have you made me thus? Why have you given such honor to me? I want to be something else and I will instead have their honor [from others]! Would any potter not destroy such an evil creation that would rebel against his hand, even seeking the potter’s demise, along with the potters other creations; as if such a thing were possible?
Yet so are the ridiculous and insane ways of the fallen ones who have rebelled against their creator by leaving their orders and holy and honorable functions they were given to fulfill in righteousness, even purposes given by Yahweh himself on the day he created the sons of God. Even the holy angels that Yahweh made before he made the earth, of whom it is written in Job when he made the earth: “The morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy” (Job 38:7)! And they did indeed shout for joy at the marvels and wonders they witnessed at the hands of Yahweh when he created the earth. And so were the fallen angels, even the sons of God, initially created and made glorious and powerful for their purposes, and Yahweh did clothe them with honor and made them to excel in wisdom that they may love Yahweh in perfect obedience to his voice. And indeed they were given a glorious first estate of which they were initially created, until they rebelled in the lusts of their hearts and iniquity was found in them.
And so did the Satans rebel in the beginning against their creator, even those who once surrounded Yahweh’s throne, even whose throne is currently surrounded by 10,000 times 10,000 and still Yahweh is sovereign and needs no counselor. Yet so it is written of this great red dragon, having seven heads, and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads that “his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven [created beings], and did cast them to the earth” (Rev 12:4): and so were the Satans and even a third of the angels who followed their rebellion cast down to the earth, even in the days when angelic corruption fell from heaven in sin and rebellion, and they became utter darkness after their sins, and so they are to this very day.
And so the serpent did approach the mother of all the living in the Garden of Eden these many ages past, and he did beguile Eve to partake of the very thing that Yahweh commanded them not to partake, “because in the day that they ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, even in that same day they surely would die” (Gen 2:17; 1Tim 5:6). Even so, Eve did take from the serpent as she was beguiled by his deception and did eat, and she did give to her husband this forbidden fruit and Adam did willingly eat and in dying, they did die as promised. And mankind has been subject to death ever since due to the sin found in his blood, because Adam is forevermore corrupted in sin, and “for this purpose was the Son of Man made manifest that I would destroy the works of the devil and bring redemption to fallen Adam, because I am the last Adam whom Yahweh has made a life giving spirit” (1Cor 15:44-45). Truly, truly, I will recreate all who accept my offer of salvation into a new and righteous creation for so does my New Testament bring.
So Adam and Eve were driven from the Garden of Eden, and they were changed from the wondrous bright nature of which they were created in full glory by Yahweh himself; and under subjection to sin and the evil it brings, have they wandered the earth in their chastisement. And in the days of Jared did the Watchers descend upon Mount Hermon, even those who were captivated by the lusts of their hearts because they did lust after the daughters of men, even desiring offspring from them. And in the lusts of their hearts of which they were tempted by the Satans did they bind themselves to mutual imprecations, even in their unholy oath that in turn has become an eternal curse that will be fulfilled in that great lake of rolling, burning brimstone where their worm [little self] dies not.
And so the sons of God did come in unto the daughters of men, and they did take to themselves wives of all whom they chose. Some women went willingly, even giving themselves fully to the sins of the fallen ones (who will bear their judgment), and some were taken by force and were brutally victimized by the Watchers in their evil lusts. And so was the world that then was, even the world that was destroyed in the great deluge that occurred in the days of Noah; that was laid waste on account of the evil abominations made by the watchers, who were actually made for mankind’s destruction. Even so that mankind would never possess the earth of which the fallen ones lusted and are now bound in judgment.
Because they chose their own destruction and eternal torment in return for the objects of their lusts, which is not theirs to seize, and of which objects they did and do still seek to forcefully seize. Nevertheless, their actions and plans will all come to nothing, and they will never regain their so-called golden age, but harsh and severe and eternal judgment will they have instead. For of an unchanging truth: “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof” (1Cor 10:26), and I am The Everlasting Lord of Righteousness who purchased the earth in my own redeeming blood, and I do come to forcefully seize what is rightfully mine, and who shall be able to stand against my powerful might?
As it is written of me so shall it be done: Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, has prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof. Wherefore, understand fully that I am he who is worthy to loose the seals because the deed to the earth is mine! And as it is written of me so shall it be done, because I am worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for I was slain, and have redeemed all who will come to eternal salvation, to Yahweh by my sinless blood [purity]. And I have redeemed you out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation: and there is not one entity who can pluck any of you from my eternal hands! Therefore, who is there you should fear?
So the women taken by the sons of God, (even the fallen watchers) did conceive and did bear to them abominable giants who were evil to the depth of their hearts. And in their size and strength did they trust and boast, yet in Yahweh’s judgment on them for the evil with which they wronged mankind, he bound their spirits to the earth in punishment because they were made on the earth in the likeness of sinful flesh, and their spirits were eternal in nature given from their Fathers whose lusts they are bound to fulfill. And so as these Nephilim died in their judgments from Yahweh himself, their spirits were disembodied in their deaths, and they did continue on, bound to the earth in punishment. Wherefore, they hunger and thirst but can take no food nor water. Whereas they once had giant and powerful bodies with which they used to dominate the inhabitants of the earth, they were made powerless unless they are able to take possession of a host that they inhabit as demonic parasites, because so have they become. Understand, that since the days of Noah due to Noah’s intercession that nine tenths of them have been kept in the abyss, but are soon to be released on the earth in judgment.
And yet, so has the rebellion of the fallen ones been from the very day that iniquity was found in their hearts, that insanity and madness has filled the hearts of the fallen ones in their rebellion. Along with natural man, who joined them by refusing to depart from his fallen and sinful state: that they all seek to become something other than that which Yahweh intends in all righteous perfection. Instead of obedience to their creator who would make sure of their perfect fulfillment, joy, happiness, and peace; who would have always provided for them perfectly in his love for his creation, they instead sought and follow the lusts of their hearts. And they demand a world of their own without Yahweh, where they can live out the lusts of their hearts, and bask in their rebellion in the pleasures of sin at the expense of Yahweh’s creation. Even a sinful and evil desire that they will never attain nor achieve.
Just the same, has natural man joined himself to their rebellion except natural man is born in ignorance and darkness of his true purposes and potential glory that Yahweh has promised the obedient. And natural man has willingly gone after the ways of the fallen ones, although the fallen ones are committed to Adams destruction, of which Adam is willingly ignorant in his lusts with which he binds himself in foolish expectation to their many and malevolent lies. Even by way of which lies, many will be led to the lake of fire when that punishment was not intended for them.
Yet, so has this rebellion continued through the ages now, even a rebellion that is played out in the seed war between the righteous creations of Yahweh and the unrighteous abominations made by the evil ones’ genetic mutations, and they are no gods though they pretend. And so are the times you live, O’ man, who rebels in hateful disobedience from the ways of his creator, even ignorantly joining those who are fully committed to your own deaths and eternal destruction of which they lust.
And so I declare the day, I Yeshua HaMashiach, do declare that the day of the Lord has come and is about to break across the earth in great violent judgment and many calamities are now set to be unleashed on the earth, even calamities and judgments foretold of old, whose time has now come. Therefore, understand just who I am who makes this declaration in the power and throne of Yahweh himself, because I am he who is worthy to take the book and open it, and loose the seals therein, and I will do just exactly just that, and who is it that can stop my mighty hand?!
Understand, O’ natural man, even you who would hatefully reject your creator, that your times have come. And much love and grace and compassion has been given in these times of judgment, because all those who call on the name of Jesus the Nazarene until their end will be saved and the weight of their reward is not worthy to be compared to their sufferings they will endure for my name’s sake. Understand, O’ natural man, that I will lead my 144,000 mighty ones for the deliverance of Jacob and I will yet hide away a mighty remnant of Israel who will continue alive into my millennial Kingdom in a place prepared by Yahweh in the wilderness, even so that they may be fruitful and multiply and enjoy the fat of the land in my millennial kingdom that is so soon to come upon the earth in fulfillment of promise, covenant, and testament.
So will it be for natural man, that they will either accept the lamb of God as their savior or they will have chosen their own eternal judgment in that ever-burning lake of fire, because there is no other choice. And nowhere else can they go, because Yahweh will never allow evil to overtake and destroy his creation and their days of willful rebellion are coming to an end.
I am the lamb of God, given for the sins of the world.
I am the lion of The Tribe of Judah, and in righteousness I do come to judge and make war.
I am he in whom the lamb of God and the lion of the tribe of Judah are fully united in my eternal purposes and rule as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, so who is there who can stand against Yeshua HaMashiach who is the holy one of Adonai, even he whom Yahweh has sent to execute eternal judgment on the fallen ones and all who chose to join their ways.
And so I counsel the faithful in Christ to remain faithful still, because the day of your redemption has come and is nearly upon you. Look only to your Everlasting Lord of Righteousness, because the fallen ones have flooded the earth in a great deluge of lies and falsehoods designed to deceive the very elect if such a thing were possible. Therefore, understand many false prophets have been sent who prophesy in the ways of Balaam and who are taken by spirits of Jezebel and who speak by spirits of anti-Christ who teach another Jesus who falsely stands in place of and is in opposition to Jesus the Christ who is Yeshua HaMashiach, in the hearts of the deceived. All who are taken in such deception will bear their judgment should they refuse to repent from their ways when they are confronted by their Lord in the mouths of the faithful in Christ. Truly, truly, some false prophets are sincere and deceived and can be reached with the truth spoken on lips of love, but only truth will set them free and only the blunt truth of their sins and false prophesies that they may indeed recover themselves in repentance.
Then there are those who prophesy for money, and filthy lucre, and to achieve acclaim and attention, and to bask fully in this evil world’s goods. No matter who it is who prophesies falsely, rebuke them and repudiate their Words, even Words that are designed by the fallen ones to ensnare the very elect in deception if possible. Why do you run to and fro, my faithful Church? Have I not commanded and counseled and empowered you to be my overcomers? Even those who overcome every aspect of the enemies kingdom in like manner as I overcame? Therefore, come to Christ Jesus and I will confirm in your hearts my true prophets, because my true prophets do speak in unison with the heart of their Lord who is the Word made flesh. Therefore, Christ Jesus can never contradict scripture, for so I am!
To those who arrogantly think they stand for me but are taken in lies: Why do you run to and fro, seeking someone to tickle your ears even seeking after wizards who peep and mutter, who will tell you exactly what they want you to hear to incite the lusts in your evil hearts as you run from repentance into the arms of deceivers who are sent to deceive. You run to and fro because you neglect the voice of Yeshua HaMashiach, because you reject the truth that would set you free, because you refuse to learn of me by holding the Word of Yahweh as your highest and only standard. Therefore, I do counsel all who think they prophesy for Christ Jesus, even all who think they speak for Yahweh, The Great I AM to take heed to yourselves lest you fall into eternal darkness and everlasting judgment because all who join the fallen ones in like manner and refuse repentance will have their names blotted out of the book of life should they refuse the refiners fire to which they will be left, should they continue in their sins, because there is no more time.
So I counsel and warn those whom I love so that they may avoid strong delusion that is not intended for them should they walk in obedience to their Lord, and so I counsel and warn those whom I love that they may not be ensnared by the great deception that even now is overtaking the earth. I counsel all who will hear these Words to depart from evil and depart from wizards who peep and mutter, and remove your places from Jezebels table and refuse the rewards of Balaam. Understand that anyone whosoever whose prophecies prophesy against scripture are speaking lies in hypocrisy. Understand that neither Yahweh, the Great I AM, nor Yeshua HaMashiach (who is also Christ Jesus) will ever contradict scripture. Therefore, those who speak against scripture speak against Yahweh the Great I AM and also speak against Yeshua HaMashiach who is also Christ Jesus.
Understand exactly who I am and who Yahweh created me to be. I am the Word of Yahweh made flesh who dwells in you my loves, and I can never contradict myself nor will I lie, because I am sinless and will always remain sinless. “Understand the Father of Lights with whom there is neither variableness nor shadow of turning” (James 1:17), even he with whom you have to do! Understand that it is impossible for Adonai Yahweh to contradict himself because it is impossible for Adonai Yahweh to lie. Yet, why do you so foolishly bow your ears to those who pass sneakily by in the night? Will you play the harlot [wayward] my loves, when instead you are to be faithful and obedient to one Lord, who is your eternal savior, even he who is coming to snatch away the faithful in Christ into the heavens any second now?
Therefore understand, that the gates of hell will not prevail against the faithful in Christ who are my true Church, for so has it been written and promised of old, and so it is still written and promised in the times of now, because the Words of Yahweh and Yeshua HaMashiach are pure words, as silver tried in a furnace of earth, refined seven-fold. Yes, the fallen ones are powerless against the faithful in Christ and I will cause my faithful to trample underfoot any aspect of the enemies kingdom, even trampling those who would seek to stop the unstoppable.
I am Christ Jesus, and who is able to stand against my power and might that I have received from Yahweh himself?
Understand that I and my Father are one in unity and purpose, and I always do the will of my Father! Therefore, no one can stand against me, nor is there any entity amongst the fallen ones who can overcome me, neither by craft, nor by force, nor by numbers, nor by their worthless technologies! And I am he who eternally secured their eternal defeat at calvary when I uttered the Words, “It is finished” (John 19:30). Understand that you are identified fully with Christ Jesus, and I do cause you to stand mightily in my strength and might! Therefore, who is it who can come against you my loves? Who is it you should fear? Hear my Words my children and understand that I will never leave you nor forsake you into the hand of your enemies, because you have overcome them and you have been obedient to the many trials and chastisements given at my saving hand!
Who is it amongst you that should hide away as cowards in your homes? Who is it amongst you that should be silent in the face of their evil lies? Who is it amongst you that should submit themselves to that toothless lion whose judgment lingers not? Hear the roar of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah who does stand to fight for you and understand my purposes in these end times right before Jacobs trouble hits! Why do you cower in fear against your defeated enemies? Look to me in faith and I will give you the Words to speak against them to bind them, and to cast them out, and to silence your would be oppressors who foolishly seek to bind you to their judgment, by their spurious lies with which they seek to ensnare my doves.
Therefore, I command you to have faith in your Everlasting Lord and allow The Everlasting God of Righteousness to infuse you with inner strength in the face of your Lord, Christ Jesus! Walk out with great faith in Yeshuah HaMashiach, who is Jesus the Nazarene, because I have empowered you that you may trample underfoot all aspects of the enemies kingdom. Therefore, understand, that even the fallen angels are under my feet in utter defeat, and should you encounter Satan himself you would only need to answer as Michael answered when contending for the body of Moses, saying in powerful faith, “The Lord rebuke you Satan” (Zech 3:2)! And I will rebuke, and bind any of the fallen ones who would try to harm or stop you from doing the will of He who has sent you, should you continue to walk faithfully in faith as you speak the Words that I will give you in faith. Wherefore, have faith in your hearts and say to this mountain be removed! And it shall be cast in the sea by my mighty power. Where are those who would walk out on the water like Peter with their eyes fixed on me? Where are those who have the courage to stand and proclaim truth in the face of seemingly impossible adversity? Yes! Who amongst you will be my Joshua and Calebs? Stand forth and present yourselves to your Lord who does command your obedience in service!
Therefore, understand the power you are to walk in my faithful in Christ, and my restrainer does restrain until the faithful in Christ are taken, at which time there will be no restrainer to restrain the fallen ones any longer. At the time you are taken into the heavens so suddenly now my Church, my body, and even my bride; the fallen ones will be fully released without restraint, in judgment on Secret Babylon; and shortly thereafter will the seals be loosed, and the trumpets will sound, and in time the vials of the wrath of Yahweh will be poured. Because the day of the Lord has come upon the earth and the times of Jacobs trouble have arrived, and who shall be able to stand?
Therefore, it will so suddenly come to pass that the final separation will commence. And those who are ordained to eternal salvation will call on the name of Jesus the Nazarene to the end, and those of Israel who accept Yeshua HaMashiach as their true Messiah will be taken into the wilderness and hidden away from the wrath of Yahweh and the battle of that great day, and from the dragon, beast, and false prophet. And in relative peace and safety will they be kept from harm and will be fed and cared for where they are hidden away and they shall not be found.
I am Jesus the Christ who is ever calling the faithful in Christ ever closer in saving relationship with their Lord and redeemer who truly, truly cares for their souls.
I am Yeshua HaMashiach and I am calling Jacob to accept me as their true Messiah, for no other Messiah will Yahweh ever send.
I am he in whom the lamb of God and the Lion of the tribe of Judah are united forevermore because I am your Lord and redeemer and in righteousness I do come to judge and make war, and who can stand against the power of my might!
I am he who upholds and strengthens the faithful in Christ, even so that the purposes of Yahweh and Yeshua HaMashiach may live in their lives and ministries, and so they may trample every aspect of the enemies kingdom underfoot if need be!
I am he who will judge any individual who has ever claimed to speak for me as my holy prophets. And of my true prophets, the spirit of prophecy does reside in them and they do speak in unison with one another, and especially with their Lord who gives them the Words to speak, because the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus. And my true prophets will receive the eternal rewards reserved for faithful prophets who are faithful and true to give the Words of their Lord and they will be given great honor and responsibilities when I will coronate and ordain them kings and priests to serve under their King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
I am he who will cause all false prophets to fall into complete silence in their judgments, and a harsh penalty will they pay for leading the righteous astray and for joining the rebellion of the fallen ones, and for thinking it but a light thing to speak lies in hypocrisy claiming their lying words are given by the Word made flesh. For truly I am, and all those who speak falsely in such manner will suffer eternal judgment, loss, and punishment should they refuse to repent from their evil ways. And of those who refuse to repent and continue therein will have their portion in that ever-burning and hottest burning lake of fire where their worm dies not.
Therefore, stand immovable my faithful ones whom I love and will so suddenly fully redeem! Understand that I will cause you to fully overcome, should you remain obedient to my voice. And to those who have overcome, I command you to continue in the works I have given you to do and keep yourself in all purity by always keeping yourselves in a state of repentance that I may evermore cleanse you fully in my ever atoning blood.
I am he, along with Yahweh, The Great I AM, who has revealed the Words of The Everlasting Gospel to our messenger and servant, and by our messenger and servant have the Words of The Everlasting Gospel been revealed for obedience for all those to whom they are sent! The Words of The Everlasting Gospel will find the eyes, ears, and hearts of all those to whom they are sent! Selah!
I am coming for you my loves, so suddenly now, so keep your full hearts fixed on Christ Jesus your Lord. Selah!
Behold! I am coming for you my loves and I will recreate you in righteousness and true holiness and I am he who will clothe you in righteous perfection and I will restore to you a bright nature yet once again that will be more glorious than when Adam was initially created. Therefore, look up! Because I come at an hour you do not expect, even an hour of which not many seconds remain between when your promised redemption meets fulfillment in the times of now. Are you listening? The last trumpet is about to sound! Selah!
Jesus: I am the everlasting Lord of Righteousness
Oh how arrogant is the man who scoffs at My Existence
given in 2014
“How easily led are those who are empty of the Holy Spirit. Woe to those who rise up against the Gift of the Holy Spirit, which is the life force of all things, which spring from Me. How thirsty are you who deny Me. Water will never quench your thirst and a day will come when you will beg Me for the Fountain of Life. Until that day comes, unless you ask to drink of Me, you will have no life.”
1 Corinthians 15:42-49
42 So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption: 43 It is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power: 44 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. 45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. 46 Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual. 47 The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven. 48 As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly. 49 And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.
Mary’s Messages
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