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Prophecy News - 'The Mighty Gathering of the Faithful in Christ', given to William Brooks by Jesus, February 1st, 2025

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We have to admit that Jesus, in our age and in the age to come, is the conduit for Yahweh, the Mighty I AM.. No one gets to Yahweh except through Jesus who conquered all things laid before Him. He is unconquerable. Jesus’ appearance in the sky is imminent. What comes after that is the Judgment by Jesus, which occurs during the first half of the tribulation (the Seals). After the first half, when the two witnesses are killed by the beast coming out of the pit and the antichrist sits on the throne of Peter, the Wrath of God sets in (the Bowls of Revelation) and this world is basically demolished. The Earth, following Dr Sam’s last talk, will expand by 3000 kilometers (O.M.Aivanhov, 04/11/2911) and will exist in a different density altogether (Anael, 05/19/2012). The first half of the Tribulation, in this message, is termed “a mercy” because it allows people who have not heeded the warnings before, to be saved if they then live according to the teachings of Jesus (“Do unto others as you would be done by”). We don’t quite know when the last seven years of the Prophet Daniel are, because the Christian Jubilee year is different from the Jewish Jubilee year, but the Seven Years after that is Tribulation.

 image of Jesus painted in Italy in 2016

The Mighty Gathering of the Faithful in Christ.

    Written by: William Brooks
    Category: The Little Book Of Revelation Chapter Ten
    Published: February 01, 2025
    Created: February 01, 2025

    The Little Book of Revelation 10 / The Everlasting Gospel
    The Little Book for Handheld Devices
    Spirit of Prophecy YouTube Channel

Hear the Words of your Everlasting Lord, my Church, my Body, and even my Bride, and bow your ears in obedience to the Words of Yeshua HaMashiach. Hear my voice and come to your Lord with ready hearts to receive my Words, even so that comfort may come over you fully, because the times of comfort and full redemption are upon you my loves, therefore be ready!

As it is, I Jesus the Nazarene, even he who is also Yeshua HaMashiach in the Hebrew tongue, do come to ready you my loves, because there is no more time, and the gathering of the faithful in Christ is set to begin so suddenly and unexpectedly now. So fear not my loves, and understand that the judgments of those who have refused my warnings are not for you, and you will be saved fully from the wrath to come! Truly, truly, because you have believed and accepted salvation and remission of sins in the new birth according to my New Testament, during the times of grace and mercy, you are absolutely saved from the wrath to come!

Yet, so it is, that many unstable and insincere souls who speak lies in hypocrisy and twist my Words, to their own judgment and destruction, who by sleight of hand and prideful boasting of the flesh, claim that they are the great power of Yahweh and do lead astray all who hear and obey their lies told from deceitful hearts. Therefore, understand my promises that I revealed to Paul when I taught him The Great Mystery of God that is fully revealed in his epistles, even a mystery that so many of you still do not understand. Nevertheless, he did witness and testify concerning Yahweh’s wrath: ‘But God commends his love towards us, seeing that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. For if when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life” (Rom 5:8-10)!

Oh, you of little faith, how long shall I endure you, my loves? So I come to give you comfort because I will never leave you nor forsake you, even all of you who are in Christ. And truly I will endure with you for all eternity because you will forever be with me and forever be like me. Selah.

Therefore, understand that all who live godly will suffer persecution in one form or another, and that toothless lion still wanders about seeking whom he may devour. So resist him fully and he will flee. However, the gates of hell will not prevail against my Church, neither against the faithful in my Church who obey my voice and who I do empower mightily by my spirit of Sonship created within all who have made me Lord from a faith filled heart. And you are sealed with the seal of The Everlasting God of Righteousness, even Yahweh the Great I AM, and that seal cannot be broken, and neither can you be plucked from my hands, though they lie!

Wherefore, understand that you are saved from wrath, and you are saved from all wrath. So understand that the wrath of the Lamb is not intended for the obedient, but to begin final judgment on the fallen ones and all who fully join or remain with them. And to bring final salvation to the disobedient and stubborn who will obey The Everlasting Gospel in their times of distress and calamity, because they ignored my warnings in the times of warning that is now at an end. And in warnings place, declarations now stand!! Yet, all the faithful in Christ, even all those who are adopted fully as eternal Sons of Yahweh and are now grafted into the natural Olive tree of The Israel of God where all fullness does dwell, are not subject to the wrath of the Lamb, and neither the wrath of Yahweh, Selah!

Because the wrath of the Lamb comes first and will fall hard and heavy on the disobedient and unfaithful of the house of God, whether they are of Israel or the nations. Because this is a mercy given by promise from covenants of old that is still promised and set for fulfillment for all time and eternity – forevermore in my New Testament of complete fulfillment! The wrath of the Lamb comes when I loosen the seals on my scroll of inheritance, even the deed to the earth and even my mighty inheritance that has been given into my mighty hands by Yahweh Himself to share with my overcomers. Because in all things have I overcome! The two witnesses will rise in their time and great and mighty wonders will they do, and many revelations will they reveal, and many testimonies of old will they reveal in their appointed times of revealing. And they will command many plagues, miracles, signs, and wonders by the Words and commands of their faith filled hearts and power filled mouths! Selah.

Also, during this time it is given to the dragon, the beast from the sea, and the false prophet to make war on the saints and to overcome them. Yet, those who love their lives not to the end and who call on the name of Jesus until their end will achieve eternal salvation and a mighty eternal inheritance of whose weight is not worthy to be compared to their sufferings they will endure for my namesake. And I, Yeshua HaMashiach, will lead my mighty 144,000 for the rescue of Jacob, even all from Israel who are of the actual bloodlines of promise, and will be separated and taken alive into the wilderness to a place prepared for them of Yahweh where they will remain hidden safely away from the greatest tribulation to ever overtake the earth. And truly times of trouble will never overtake the earth again, for so has Yahweh, The Great I AM, declared!

Therefore, understand my Words and hearken to my voice my loves, and understand that you are saved from the wrath to come, even though you are all still on earth and are all still fighting many battles that rage in these times of finality of the seed war of Genesis 3:15, that still rages to this day between Yahweh and the heavens, and the satans who have hijacked evil men to do their bidding by the love of money and many deceptive and promising lies, that ultimately lead to the lake of fire where their worm dies not. Nevertheless, I have overcome them and all wars will cease at the mighty power and forceful hand of The Lion of the Tribe of Judah, when in righteousness I come to judge and make war! Selah.

Yes, you are saved from wrath, and the gates of hell will not prevail against you! Therefore, present yourselves to Christ Jesus your eternal Lord, even he who has redeemed you from the hand of the enemy. Yes present yourselves to your Lord because the times of your heavenly presentation is at hand. Even a time of eternal expectation hidden in the heart of Yahweh that has now been revealed fully. Even a time when eternal promise and expectation meets fulfillment and presentation because, I, Christ Jesus, even your Everlasting Lord of Righteousness will present the faithful in Christ to Yahweh, The Great I AM, in his throne room in the heaven of the heavens.

And I WILL present the obedient, without spot nor blemish, nor stain, nor any such thing but will clothe you all fully in fine white, spotless linen and so will your houses remain forevermore, because garments, clothes, and houses all refer to your resurrected and perfect bodies that so suddenly now you will find yourselves standing in. Forevermore, when I recreate the faithful in Christ in the twinkling of an eye at that great and mighty shout of the Archangel. And that sweet trumpet of consummation will sound, officially ending my times of Grace and mercy, that will mark a full end to the times of the gentiles, although, all who call on the name of Jesus the Nazarene will be saved to the uttermost.

And so I come to expose those who would trouble you, even all those so many of you still give heed to their cankerous words, even false words given in deceit from evil hearts governed by the lusts of their flesh. Even those who pervert the pure Words of my gospel with fables and unholy narratives that are lies, wholly intended for the destruction of all those who would believe these faithless words. My loves, focus your full attention on me and my Word because I am the stability of your times and strength of salvation, and who is it who can stand against The Lion of the Tribe of Judah!?

Behold! I have protected my pure Words in the ‘Byzantine line of Texts’ and I Yeshua HaMashiach, as well as Adonai Yahweh, have revealed our Words in ‘The Everlasting Gospel’, even in that Little Book of Righteousness that has  reestablished many truths amongst the faithful in Christ. Therefore, compare diligently every word from any entity who claims to speak for Yeshua HaMashiach, or Yahweh, The Great I AM to my pure Words contained in scripture and study to show yourselves approved!

Because any prophesy ever given by Yeshua HaMashiach or Adonai Yahweh, will never contradict established truths that were revealed in the times of old and neither the times of now. Repudiate their lies and understand that the faithful in Christ will not endure thick darkness as the plagues of Egypt, neither will they be present on earth when the abyss is opened, and neither will my Church be overcome by the gates of hell, that they should hide away in their homes like cowards who are powerless over evil! Understand, the blasphemy of all who say these things will not go unrewarded for all who refuse repentance from such foolishness.

Understand further, the 144,000 are chosen by Yahweh before the foundations of the earth for such a time. They are forged in affliction and all possess unique abilities and strengths. They will be taken in the rapture of the faithful, but are set apart for Yeshua HaMaschiach’s purposes and will be accordingly sealed in their foreheads in the heavens. They come later to the earth during the great tribulation to lead Israel to safety. But first they are taken to marry their Bridegroom for they are my Bride, the called, chosen, faithful, and true. Even those whom I, Christ Jesus, have made pure as a virgin in my atoning blood. Therefore, anyone who speaks contrary to these Words does not know me, neither speaks for me! Selah!

Therefore understand, that the gates of hell will not prevail against the faithful in Christ who are my true Church, for so has it been written and promised of old, and so it is still written and promised in the times of now, because the Words of Yahweh and Yeshua HaMashiach are pure words, as silver tried in a furnace of earth, refined seven fold. Yes, the fallen ones are powerless against the faithful in Christ and I will cause my faithful to trample underfoot any aspect of the enemies kingdom, even trampling those who would seek to stop the unstoppable.

Therefore, I command you to have faith in your Everlasting Lord and allow The Everlasting God of Righteousness to infuse you with inner strength in the face of your Lord, Christ Jesus! Walk out with great faith in Yeshuah HaMashiach, who is Jesus the Nazarene because I have empowered you that you may trample underfoot all aspects of the enemies kingdom. Therefore, understand, that even the fallen angels are under my feet in utter defeat, and should you encounter Satan himself you would only need to answer as Michael answered when contending for the body of Moses, saying in powerful faith, “The Lord rebuke you Satan” (Jude 1:9)! And I will rebuke, and bind any of the fallen ones who would try to harm or stop you from doing the will of he who has sent you, should you continue to walk faithfully in faith as you speak the Words that I will give you in faith.

And so I command you my loves to ready yourselves, because your departure is at hand! And I do come to warn you to remain separate from Secret Babylon in all things, and in as many ways as I will lead you for your sanctification and separation. Heed the Words of The Everlasting Gospel and allow my ‘all truth’ that has been revealed in these times of revealing to be a lamp unto your feet even so that your path is enlightened, because there is but one path, even that straight and narrow way that leads to eternal life in Christ Jesus your eternal Lord!

Ready yourselves, my bride and buy oil of me that your lamps may be filled! My oil is found in my Words, my love, even in the very Words you now read. And I have given you multitudes of Words to comfort, keep, and guide you into all righteousness where that wicked one touches you not!

Ready yourselves, my loves, because it is always time to trim your wicks, and you will trim your wicks by repentance of sins and producing fruit of the spirit as you overcome the works of the flesh by way of my holy spirit that is born within you fully, and can never be removed once it has rooted itself into the hearts of men in all holiness and righteousness. Keep your hearts always soft to my love and instructions, even so that you are kept fully safe and protected from all evil in the palm of my eternal hands.

Ready yourselves, O’ Faithful in Christ, and understand the nearness of the final hour when the gathering of the faithful in Christ occurs, snatching you all away into the full safety and reward of the heavens that is now set to engulf the earth in my glorious appearing. As my glory shines “like lightning out of the east into the west” (Matt 24:27), many of you will see the brightness of my coming.

Then, truly, truly, “when the mighty shout of the Archangel breaks across the world, as that mighty trumpet blast is heralded across the earth, the dead in Christ will be birthed out of the earth with great and mighty force and power; then you which are alive and remain will be caught up with them to meet your Everlasting Lord of Righteousness in the air” (1Thes 16-17), and you will instantly find yourselves clothed in full glory and a very bright and glorious nature, standing in the heaven of heavens. You will see fully, you will hear fully, “you will know even as you are known” (1Cor 13:12), and many of you will be reunited with your loved ones and all will rejoice!

You who are alive and remain will understand the event. You suddenly find yourselves engulfed, and you will hear the Words “Come up Hither!” and you will feel yourselves pulled mightily and swiftly upwards into the brightness of my glory, and the birth pangs will cease as the eternal children of Yahweh are birthed into the heavens where they will stand in great glory and eternal reward according as their faithfulness has been.

It is I, Christ Jesus, The Everlasting Lord of Righteousness who has sent these Words by my mighty messenger and servant, and by my mighty messenger and servant have my Words been sent, even so that the faithful in Christ may be fully readied and waiting for the approach of their Bridegroom, who is now approaching for his bride! Selah.

Ready yourselves, O’ Faithful ones in Christ, because the hour of your full redemption is about to suddenly and unexpectedly take you away from all troubles that will fall on the earth in great and terrible judgment, because the times of judgment have come and must be fulfilled. Only completely separate yourselves in all things in word and in deed from the faithless so you do not share in their judgments, nor share in their plagues.

Ready yourselves, my Bride, and come fully to me in full repentance and depart from all evil so that your lamps are full and your wicks are trimmed, and that you may be readied for your Bridegroom who surely approaches. And the hour of my journey nears completion! Selah!

To my Church, my Body, and even my Bride, I say your times of your full redemption have come, therefore, wait for me and be at the ready and hold fast to the testimonies I have given, because these testimonies will sustain you and keep you from the evil one who surely comes against you with great hate and wrath that is not intended for you. Understand, that I do rebuke and restrain the fallen ones more than any of you realize and they are restrained until my restrainer is removed. Therefore, keep yourselves separate from the judged masses, and do not participate in their gathering, because they already bring chaos and destruction to those who will be given fully to judgment so suddenly as my restrainer is removed. Therefore, do not fear the things they say, neither fear the things they do, and neither fear the things they are planning and boasting that they will surely do, because these things are not for the faithful in Christ. Wherefore, fear them not.

Who can stand against The Lion of the Tribe of Judah and the full fury and power of my might!? Hear my Words and hear me well, even all of you fallen ones from the least to the greatest. I, Jesus the Christ, even Christ Jesus am he, declares in the throne and power of Yahweh, the Great I AM, that I am he who is coming to, and absolutely will take full possession of all who are redeemed fully by my atoning blood and sealed with the seal of the living God, even Yahweh, The Great I AM. And their times have come. Therefore, I will not be denied and your efforts to resist me will collapse fully on the heads of those you send to try. Who is it amongst you that can stand against my power and might!? Who?!

The will of Yahweh, the Great I AM be eternally done, once, all and eternally more! Behold, I approach, and all who seek to hinder will be overwhelmed in utter defeat and judgment of which they will not escape, eternally and forevermore. Selah!

To the Faithful in Christ, I again say:

Ready yourselves in all obedience and love,

Yeshua HaMashiach, The Everlasting Lord of Righteousness.



The Mighty Gathering of the Faithful in Christ.

Mary’s Messages



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