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July 16 - Assassination Staged by Trump?

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(Why are Secret Service agents smiling during the attack? The MSM has promptly claimed this photo was made with AI, suggesting that it is authentic.)

Did ZOG reassert control by faking assassination attempt? 

“Trump was never meant to be killed. Neither he nor his home team masterminded this classic marketing false flag. He was just ordered to read his lines, similar to what he’s always done since 2016 as a ZOG-controlled politician. Even though he is trouncing Biden in the polls, our Zio overlords have doubled down by turning Trump into a fake hero to game the system with powerful optics in order to be absolutely sure he is catapulted into the presidency to do their bidding.


Ultimately, cui bono? the most? With a single headline, Andrew Anglin provides the perfect answer: Israel. Plus, Trump naming J.D. “I will be a strong advocate for Israel in the Senate” Vance as his running mate clinches it.

The ruling Zio oligarchs don’t need someone like Biden anymore to milk America for all it’s worth. There’s not much copper wiring left to tear out. At this point they will use Trump to the extent they can since he’s proven he’ll readily capitulate to do elite Jewish bidding. And bottom line, if and when the West goes to hell in a handbasket, they’ll make sure the full blame goes to Trump, America’s white male deplorable president.”


Miles Mathis–The Trump Shooting was of course Staged

“If a bullet had taken off even a centimeter of the edge of the ear, it would be bleeding profusely, and we would see blood dripping from his earlobe down onto his shirt and jacket. I have scratched off scabs on my ear that bled more than that, and you probably have, too.

Then there’s the little problem about allowing him to stand up and do his little dance, gesturing to the crowd and so on. They had to get the picture for the papers. But if this had been real they would have kept him down. He would never have been allowed to stand back up almost immediately, making himself a target again. That was against all protocol and logic.”

The US is a colony of Israel

Is Vance also a member of Skull and Bones?

“Keep in mind Vance is a former Banker with ties to three investment firms. Mithril Capital, was co-founded by Bilderberg Peter Thiel. Think grooming of Vance for a future subversion of America.

Unless you seriously believe hillbillies are allowed into Yale. Mithril Capital, aka Mithraism and the Mithraic Mysteries, the same old Bull of Wall Street, and of course Roman sacrifice.

Vance is as deep into the occult as the rest of our twisted Masonic leadership. He just has a nice American smile designed to lead you smoothly into destruction or what the elite really want as predicted by Albert Pike- World War III so the NWO can emerge as New World Disorder out of Chaos.
Proof Fake Blood Capsules Behind Trump’s Ear?    Shots came from Secret Service, not the crisis actor.

“We are being forced to watch a very badly produced Hollywood movie. If this was a white hat production, they need to find better scriptwriters and crisis actors. 

Here, this is the top secret plan behind “MOSHIACH” Donald J. Trump

“Now imagine how POTUS candidate Donald J. Trump, fits into this long-planned and meticulously designed GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH.  As follows: (Encore: video in link below.  At the end of the short video, the guy does flash the baphomet hand sign.).”

Encore: TRUMP – “Take The Guns First Go Through Due Process Second” – YouTube

  My guess is that the main purpose for the assassination event was for the purpose of keeping the “Trump  cult worship” alive and well among the  MAGA koolaid drinkers, and to convert those who have not yet joined the cult ….in order for him to become the next (s)elected POTUS….for the ZSOI.)
  Trump is the Jewish Messiah, says one Jew

Moscow Says US Financed Ukraine’s Plot to Assassinate Putin

“Yesterday one of the leaders of the Kiev regime, Budanov, admitted that Ukraine’s intelligence was plotting the assassination of the Russian president.

This assassination attempt was being prepared, again, with US money, without which there would be no malicious activities of the Ukrainian intelligence, the Ukrainian armed forces and, general, Bankova Street [government in Kiev],” Zakharova said on Telegram.


An Unbekoming repost: The Rockefellers invented and funded a thousand “Climate Change” organizations

With their unlimited backing, this idea has caught fire like an insanely destructive religion. This post is critical, and you must scan it immediately.

In the climate change arena, the Rockefellers call the shots. The whole thing was their idea… Jacob Nordangård

Every scurrilous, freedom-sapping organization in America has been founded or funded by Rockefeller money. In 1973, with the founding of the Trilateral Commission, their plan kicked into high gear to capture all the resources of the world.
Immigrants are bringing their deadly feuds to Canada

The victim was Mohamed Yusuf Abdullahi, 22, of Winnipeg.

The player was shot multiple times in the parking lot of the Ralph Cantafio Soccer Complex in south Winnipeg after a Canada African Cup of Nations match between teams made up of players with connections to Eritrea and Ghana, respectively. The well-attended game ended at about 11:30 p.m.




IT WAS ALL A LIE – we were lied to – it’s time to learn the TRUTH.

1) Vaccines do not confer immunity.

This means that a vaccinated person can (and does) get the illness for which they are vaccinated against.

2) The unvaccinated are MUCH HEALTHIER.

3) Vaccine damage is everywhere, and shows up as:

CJ Bjerknes

Reader- “You won’t find this kind of Trump Revelations Job analysis anywhere else”

Ontario Court Ruling: A Forced Nasal Swab PCR Test is Unconstitutional
Justice Paul Monahan of the Ontario Court of Justice ruled it is Unlawful to Force Covid-19 Nasal PCR Tests for Incoming Travelers under the Quarantine Act, as it is an “Instrument” or “Foreign Body”


Angirfaan–”Trump lied to your face and said he took a booster to make you take one because the Jews told him to.

Parents trusted him. They watched their toddlers turn pale in their arms, convulsing and helpless then die an agonizing death.
The single greatest genocide in history is ongoing with countless deaths added every day, a product of the Warp Speed scam.

The DNA of humanity is damaged irreparably and our grandchildren will not know if the people they end up starting a family with have genetic defects, a high prevalence of cancer or infertility.

The Jews just manufactured a false flag everyone knew was coming to stir up resentment between people, incite civil unrest and have everybody fawning over Trump again.

He is best friends with the World Jewish Congress head Ronald Lauder who just called for global governments to impose laws on us which would put us in prison indefinitely for criticizing Israel.

Trump will go to war for Israel if Israel is threatened, sending more young Americans to die. There is a disease afflicting the collective consciousness of humanity and it’s leading us down a path to collective suicide.

  Heritage Foundations Project 2025
  The 2025 Presidential Transition Project[3], also known as Project 2025, is an initiative organized by the Heritage Foundation with the aim of promoting a collection of conservative and right-wing policy proposals to reshape the United States federal government and consolidate executive power should Donald Trump win the 2024 presidential election.[4][5
  Trump's Agenda 47
  Agenda 47 is what Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign calls their formal policy plans.[1] According to the Trump campaign, it is “the only official comprehensive and detailed look at what President Trump will do if he returns to the White House”.[2]
  alligns with Agend 2025


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Lion’s Mane Mushroom Nootropic

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Total 8 comments
  • John

    Here’s why it’s IMPOSSIBLE to have faked the Trump shooting

    Eyewitnesses Report ‘Coordinated Attack’ with ‘Multiple Shooters’ in President Trump Assassination Attempt

    • GilgaMike

      :lol: …give it up, JOHNNY – people are waking up and seeing through the satanic deception faster than your lil’pecker can type! :arrow: :idea:

    • HypothesisFree

      In your first link the comments VERY VERY VERY STRONGLY prove that Mike Adam’s analysis is IRRELEVANT to the apparent strong and widespread evidence that it was NOT an assassination attempt on Trump. EVERYONE SHOULD SERIOUSLY READ THOSE COMMENTS!

  • truefreedom

    Yep that’s exactly what the MAGUS did … It wasn’t an “attempted assassination” … it was a staged to the second photo opt for Warp Speed Donny to gain sympathy. And seems he pulled it off even with real casualties as any 5th degree MAGA (MAGUS) of the Church of Satan would have to offer to their MAGA god. Donald Johann Drumpf of 666 5th Avenue is a Zionist shill and Mossad agent. Oh yea and “the chosen one” and “King of Israel” their Moshiach. And last but not least, where is the blood on the hand after the “Father of the kill shot” should have had after having his right ear pierced by a screaming hot AR-15 round. Notice at 27:54 not a drop of blood and the day after no swelling at all… staged people and to the second … /alternative/2024/07/breaking-stunning-new-details-in-trump-assassination-plot-exposed-redacted-w-clayton-morris-3817405.html

    • Enoch

      Nice to see not everybody is brainwashed by that fat orange Zionist pig. Fake Biden, Zionist Trump both serve the same master. This is one giant deception for ALL OF YOU! He serves Is-RA-EL not this country, not your family, not you. It’s quite clever but it hasnt changed since I have been alive. ALL presidents/candidates serve the same dark agenda. That way no matter who “wins” the same power structure stays intact. Scripted garbage nothing has changed. It goes back farther obviously but George Scherf Bush SR, Clinton, Gore/Bush Jr, Obama Romney, Clinton Trump, Biden Trump… they all serve the same master and it isnt you. So go ahead and make a snarky stupid ass comment. In just reinforces the fact the level of ignorance and stupidity is astounding

  • Slimey

    Yeah, das what Trump said. He said he put a micro firecracker fitted on his right ear and then paid his neighbor (forgot what his name was) to go shoot at him from across yonder and he would buy him a pizza after. :???:

  • Gordon

    Well Done!


    What a drag. our country is overrun by swine. American adult males buy gold plated neck medallions and lie to their wives to get them in tow. I had to stop drinking socially and otherwise over this observation. 3 years of the COVID fraud killing and maiming millions of people and all they do is wear that stupid medallion and suck on their television sets to the CFR propaganda which guides their lives. Like Mac Davis says, “It’s hard to be humble.”

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