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Sept 6 - Masonic-Jewish Grift is Unravelling

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Zionism was a Masonic “British” Imperialist strategy.

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Thanks to people like Candace Owens and Benny Johnson, the goyim are waking up to their genocide planned by Organized Jewry and their traitorous Masonic goyim flunkies.  Despite the Plandemic, the slow-witted goyim haven’t figured out that Organized Jewry controls their society and tries to kill them.

First, the MSM betrays the public. Then the DOJ tries to suppress truth tellers. 
Dave Rubin, Benny Johnson, Tim Pool Exposed as “Working For Alleged Russian Influence Operation in New DOJ Indictment”
“Russian election interference scheme” targeted US military competency
The Justice Department seized 32 websites and charged two Russian state media employees Wednesday in a Kremlin-backed campaign to influence voters in the U.S. presidential election by exploiting societal and political divisions — and by criticizing the competency of the U.S. military.


Candace Owens debates Rabbi Shmuley on Piers Morgan Show – over one million one hundred and fifty thousand views in less than 24 
Reader- “Best video I have seen yet with NO PLANES hitting the WTC towers on blind eleven.” 

Rabbi Schmuley Boteach Destroyed in under 2 minutes

This Rabbi Boteach is a real Supremacist, Racist, Scumbag-Runt who loves spewing his Satanic Judaism. Ms. Owens slaps his creepy, lying, terrorist face. 
Trump loves Kill Shot.jpg
Trump Warns Paranoid Jews: You’re Not Going to Have an Israel If Kamala Wins

Anglin– “Therefore – therefore – if Trump wants to win this fake election, the only thing he needs to focus on is appealing to the Jews. And, quite frankly, that is what he is doing. He might as well make his campaign slogan “Everything for the Jews.” If you listened to him talk, you’d just assume that was his campaign slogan. And that’s good, because that’s the only possible way he can win a fake election that is entirely decided by the Jews.”

Traitorous Jew Trump at 14 min. Kabbalah – “Everything I stand for.” 


BREAKING: Wheelchair-Bound Teen Breaks Silence! Kamala’s DUI Scandal Rocks Washington

Viewer–”Trump should invite this girl to the ABC debate and give her a front-row seat. Just like he did with Bill Clinton’s sexual assault victims in the 2016 debates.

–”If this is a fact, Kamala Harris should not be allowed to run for President!!  This is pathetic!!

The Case of Reiner Fuellmich Is Representative for a New Nazi Germany
By Peter Koenig

For 11 months, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, German Civil Rights lawyer, has been unjustly detained in prison, in pre-trial detention. Like a criminal, he may leave prison only in handcuffs and foot shackles and accompanied by two armed guards.

He has committed no crime, has not been judged, but is a political prisoner, waiting for a political trial. If it were in what the West arrogantly calls a developing country, it would be named a “Kangaroo Court with a Kangaroo Trial”.

Mike Adams- The truth about the satanic partnership between the abortion and vaccine industries

“The vaccine and abortion industries work together to harvest fetal tissue and turn it into vaccine ingredients like MRC-5 and WI-38.They grow the aborted fetal tissue, grind it up, and inject it into children (and adults) as part of new vaccines, including polio vaccines and some mRNA jabs.

There is a demonic, ritualistic aspect to all of this that harkens back to the Old Testament practices of sacrificing children to Molech. Today’s version of satanism pretends to be medicine but still delivers contaminants to the blood and the flesh.”

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New! Perhaps the best history of Cabbalist Jewish Depradation Not Written by a Jew 

Gaza’s Children Don’t Need Polio Vaccine, They Need Peace and Clean Water!

“The single case of polio in Gaza triggered a global outcry and an appeal by the UN, which obtained the agreement of the United States and Israel to send 1.2 million doses of vaccine (at our expense, of course).

But who are we kidding? Why vaccinate children at all costs whose main risk is to be victims of the ongoing war? Why vaccinate children against a disease that can be completely eradicated by drinking water?”
NEW PODCAST! “15 minutes with Dr.Makis” – Episode 028: Health Canada orders all COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine vials DESTROYED!



PHOTO: Picture of Tim Walz at Bakery that Closed Due to His COVID-19 Lockdown Gets Blowback

MN Reader- “It is beyond comprehension how a single American citizen could vote for this evil, power-hungry, mentally ill,  tyrannical, psychopathic criminal!   TW needs a one-way ticked to a North Korean gulag.  I would need a long shower after being in the same room with him…….. How many Minnesotans are now permanently injured or dead from his “safe and effective OWS jab”?

GLOBAL ALERT: Cancer experts and renowned Oncologists Worldwide Call For an Immediate Halt to mRNA Gene Therapy Amid Surge of Hyper-progressive cancer cases

“There’s enough strong evidence linking mRNA vaccines to cancer. and then in addition to the safety signal of Japan to say, okay, it’s time to stop!”
So it’s true, that nano-structures are formed from COVID vaccines. Great.

Korean and Japanese scientists confirm the existence of self-assembling nano-tech / micro-tech in the Pfizer and Moderna MRNA vaccine.

Popular YouTube Influencer Astonished at Number of Fellow Influencers Dropping Dead!

“It’s 2024 and influencers are still dropping like flies. Three years on and we continue to see young and previously healthy people from all backgrounds dropping dead.”

Putin ‘Endorses’ Kamala Harris

Russian President Putin is believed to be trolling Democrats after he said he supports Vice President Kamala Harris to win the presidential election in November over Donald Trump and joked about her “infectious” laugh, which some find irritating, as a reason to prefer her over Donald Trump. US intelligence agencies believe Putin is hoping for Trump to take the White House in November, given his skepticism over US funding of Ukraine’s war machine. Putin’s public endorsement of Kamala Harris could hurt her in the election.

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How the Migrant Crisis Drained $150 Billion from Taxpayers in a Single Year

“Last year, US taxpayers shelled out some $150 billion in government services and support to help the 20 million illegal migrants in the country, according to a study from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). And most of the cost is being borne by state and local governments. FAIR included costs for services that include education, medical expenses, law enforcement, legal costs, and welfare in their study. California led the country with expenses of nearly $31 billion to take care of illegal immigrants and their children. Texas followed at more than $13 billion; Florida clocked in at more than $8 billion; then New York and New Jersey.


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Humic & Fulvic Liquid Trace Mineral Complex

HerbAnomic’s Humic and Fulvic Liquid Trace Mineral Complex is a revolutionary new Humic and Fulvic Acid Complex designed to support your body at the cellular level. Our product has been thoroughly tested by an ISO/IEC Certified Lab for toxins and Heavy metals as well as for trace mineral content. We KNOW we have NO lead, arsenic, mercury, aluminum etc. in our Formula.

This Humic & Fulvic Liquid Trace Mineral complex has high trace levels of naturally occurring Humic and Fulvic Acids as well as high trace levels of Zinc, Iron, Magnesium, Molybdenum, Potassium and more. There is a wide range of up to 70 trace minerals which occur naturally in our Complex at varying levels. We Choose to list the 8 substances which occur in higher trace levels on our supplement panel. We don’t claim a high number of minerals as other Humic and Fulvic Supplements do and leave you to guess which elements you’ll be getting.

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Our Humic and Fulvic Liquid Trace Mineral Complex has Minerals, Amino Acids, Poly Electrolytes, Phytochemicals, Polyphenols, Bioflavonoids and Trace Vitamins included with the Humic and Fulvic Acid. Our Source material is high in these constituents, where other manufacturers use inferior materials.

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  • JesusAlready

    Nobody can require DJT to resolve these concerns due to his becoming one of them on numerous two-faced occasions.

    Let’s call it what it is: FAKE JUDAISM

    Converting from Christ (out the right side of your face) to ????? (in name only) (out the left side) does not make one a semite….

    …almost the same as calling oneself Christ’s follower does mean heaven is automatic. Take for instance, the JesusAlready pen name, where did that come from BIN?

    It seemed to be auto-generated as I don’t see where to update my own BIN logon. Jesus Already! Fix it!

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