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"The Jewish Utopia" is Gentile Enslavement

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at-the-wall-i.png(Left- Rothschild lackeys swear allegiance)

According to Rabbi Higger, in Jewish tradition

Jews are destined to govern mankind.  
The “non-righteous,” i.e. everyone who resists
satanic Jewish domination, including assimilated Jews, shall perish. 
This is the New World Order.

Most wars can be seen as Gentile genocide. So is the war on gender and migration.  Gentiles need to wake up and smell the coffee.

The Illuminati are inching toward World War Three. 9-11 and “terrorism” are just pretexts for invading the Muslim world and building a police state.  Ordinary Jews have a choice: Disown this demented ideology or take the blame for it.

Don’t be deceived. Higger’s “God” is Satan. Their “righteous” are Satan worshipers.  This is not God’s dispensation. It is Satan’s. 
Satanists invert everything.  Humanity is satanically possessed. 

Is Communism (Satanism) the Jewish Utopia?
(from May 2016)
by Michael Collins Piper 
Excerpt from The New Babylon
  (abridged by

In 1932, Rabbi Michael Higger, Ph.D., [1898-1952] published a book entitled The Jewish Utopia, …[based on] “the sum total of the prophecies, teachings and plans and interpretations of the foremost Jewish rabbis and tribal leaders over some 2,500 years…”

The books talked of “the righteous” and “the non-righteous.” In the end, according to Higger, the “non-righteous” shall perish…

And it is clear throughout Higger’s writings that the “righteous” shall be the Jews and the servants of the Jews; and the “wicked” will be those who are perceived by the Jews to be standing in opposition to their interests!

The words of Isaiah will be fulfilled: “Behold, My servants shall eat, but ye shall be hungry. Behold, My servants shall drink, but ye shall be thirsty; Behold, My servants shall rejoice, but ye shall be ashamed.” …

MCP.jpg(This article is  from this book.)

Higger continues: “All the treasures and natural resources of the world will eventually come [into the] possession of the righteous.” 

This, he said, would be in keeping, with thy prophecy of Isaiah: “In her gain and her hire shall be holiness to the Lord;…for her gain shall be for them that dwell before the Lord, to eat their fill and for stately clothing.” …

In short, this is the massive extermination of those who resist the Jewish Utopia — the New World Order. It continues:

“All of these unrighteous nations shall be called to judgment before they are punished and doomed. The severe sentence of their doom will be pronounced upon them only after they have been given a fair trial when it will become evident that their existence would hinder the advent of the ideal era.”

“Thus, at the coming of the Messiah, when all righteous nations will pay homage to the ideal righteous leader [the AntiChrist] and offer gifts to him, the wicked and corrupt nations, by realizing the approach of their doom, will bring similar presents to the Messiah. Their gifts and pretended acknowledgment of the new era will be blunted rejected, for the really wicked nations, like the really wicked individuals must disappear from the earth before an ideal human society of righteous nations can be established.”

And when one considers the fact that the Jewish concept of the Messiah is often reckoned to be that the Jewish people themselves, what Higger has described takes on even greater consequence.


 Armageddon, in Jewish tradition, is the final battle in which the Jews will once and for all establish their absolute rule over the earth…

(left. Meanwhile Illuminati Jewish-controlled DHS stocks up on guns and ammo)

According to Higger, there will be no room for the unrighteous whether Jewish or non-Jewish in the Kingdom of God. All of them will have disappeared before the advent of the ideal era on this earth. Unrighteous Israelites will be punished equally with the wicked of other nations. All the righteous, on the other hand, whether Hebrew or Gentile, will share equally in the happiness and abundance of the ideal era.

In contrast to what the average American Christian would think, or perceive in the context of his Christian faith, which looks forward to a universal kingdom of God in Heaven, the paradise referred to throughout The Jewish Utopia describing the “new ideal era” — the New World Order — is “a universal paradise of mankind … established in this world,” with no reference to the future world whatever.

Who will rule this New World Order? According to Higger’s assessment of the Jewish tradition: “He will be a descendant of the House of David.”


Talmudic tradition says that “a descendant of the House of David will appear as the head of the ‘ideal era’ only after the whole world will have suffered, for a continuous period of nine months, from a wicked, corrupt government like the historically traditionally wicked Edom.”

(Note: Today there is a formally organized international Jewish organization, Davidic Dynasty, openly working to track down and reunite all of the descendants of the House of David. This is no “conspiracy theory.” It is fact. Knowing what the Talmud teaches about who shall rule the globe, we can perhaps understand the motivation of this group.)

The whole world will “gradually come to the realization that Godliness is identical with righteousness,” and that God “cleaves to Israel and that Israel is the ideal righteous nation.”

According to these rabbinic teachings which are the foundation for the age-old Jewish dream of the establishment of the New World Order, the peoples of the earth will then proclaim to the Jewish rulers: “We will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.”

So it is that, as the rabbis proclaim: “The people of Israel will conquer spiritually the peoples of the earth, so that Israel will be made high above all nations in praise, in name and in glory.”

Note the concept of “conquer” — as in battle. Note the concept of Israel raised above all others — as in supremacy and superiority. Violence and racism toward the non-Jews: as simple as that.


There will eventually be one global religion, Judaism i.e. Cabalism. This has been part of the prophecy: “The nations would first unite to call upon the name of the Lord to serve him.”

Indeed, it will be the global Jewish power, seated in Jerusalem, headed by a descendant of the House of David-referred to as “the Holy One” — who will divide up the property of the world.

Who will get this property?”To the righteous will belong all the wealth, treasures and industrial gains and other resources of the world. To the unrighteous will belong nothing.”

The unrighteous nations “will not share in the ideal era.” Their rule will be destroyed and disappear before the ushering in of the New World Order. The “wickedness” of these nations will consist mainly in accumulating money belonging to “the people” and of oppressing and robbing “the poor.”

Although Higger does not state this emphatically, those familiar with Talmudic tradition, the “people” and the “poor” are the Jews: The Talmud teaches that only Jews are humanity and all others are animals, thus, of course, only Jews can be “people.” The “poor” are — of course — the Jews who have forever painted themselves as the victims and the oppressed — as in “the poor, persecuted Jews.”

piper1.jpgAlso by Michael Collins Piper on this website:  Illuminati Bankers Controlled McCarthy

Related - Brother Nathaniel – Gentile Race, Religion, Nation & Family Come Under Illuminati Jewish Jackboot
—————Is Self Serving Jewish Prophesy the Origin of the NWO? 

—————  Bella Dodd  The NWO is Communism (Satanism)
“Israel Must become a World Power”   Benjamin Netanyahu , Sept, 2015


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