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Americans are getting a rare taste of responsible government
as enticement to attack Iran. Americans refusing to sacrifice life
and lucre for Israel will become the central issue of 2025. Trump and
Netanyahu are members of Chabad, a Jewish supremacist cult dedicated to
exterminating Christians and assimilated Jews using war as a pretext.
Americans are being conned by the greatest Jewish chiseler since Adolf Hitler.
Why Are Soldiers Mass Resigning from U.S. Military Over Israel?
Comments on this video:
“I was in the military. My country’s decision to support Israel in this modern day atrocity has made me ashamed and embarrassed to have served and ashamed and embarrassed as an American. If I was in now, I’d also have resigned. I will not and do not support Israel.”
“The UK and Australian military is having similar problems recruiting also , young people are better informed and no longer want to die for american imperialism
“Most American soldiers come from socially disadvantaged backgrounds. Do you really expect them to risk their lives for a pittance, their families fed with food stamps while we wasted 8 trillion dollars since 2003 on Israel where the Israelis enjoy full social security, free higher education, etc…
“I’m a US citizen, 73 years old. I originally liked the idea of Israel and had a idealistic feeling for the kibbutz system. During the 1967 war I cheered for Israel as if it was a sporting event. Now I feel like the world would be a better place if Israel no longer existed. Not only is it a lawless, immoral country committing horrible atrocities, but it has control of governments and media all over the world, especially in the US. This is a dangerous country. If I feel this way, you can be sure a lot of other Americans must feel this way.”
Phil Giraldi- Making America Great Is All About Israel
It’s the overwhelming sentiment in the White House and Congress
“After Donald Trump began to pull together his cabinet and inner circle it became pretty clear that the overwhelming tie that bound the group together was its embrace of Israel and everything that it is doing.
“Congressman Tom Massie of Kentucky has declared that every Republican congressman but himself has among their staffs at least one “minder” (he calls them “babysitters”) who is present to monitor and report on how the representative votes in support of Israel. The Israel-first staffer is often an employee of the Lobby, commonly either connected to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) or with the even more virulent Anti-Defamation League (ADL).
“After the “cleansing of Gaza” the West Bank will clearly be next. Israel has already announced that the approximate 40,000 West Bank Palestinians who have already been driven from their homes in ongoing operation “Iron Wall” will not be allowed to return and new Jewish settlements are planned for the former Palestinian towns and villages. As in Gaza the Israeli onslaught has involved the destruction of roads, homes, schools, churches, hospitals and other infrastructure, and the killing of civilians, including a pregnant woman and several children.
Reader-”This is sickening! The USA is Jewry’s lap dog. More than ever. It fully supports Israel’s Genocide and the NeoBolshevik Jews. They’ll get us Nuked.”"
Carney, Trudeau found to be heavily linked to Beijing, WEF in new expose
Cooper, author of Wilful Blindness, says Carney is tangled up in “a constellation of global influencers deeply tied” to China’s trade and finance arms, particularly the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB),” and the World Economic Forum (WEF).
Among those named in Cooper’s expose are former Canadian ambassador to China Dominic Barton, Trudeau campaign backers Mark Wiseman and Gerald Butts, former CBC Power & Politics host Evan Solomon and Jin Liqun of AIIB, who is reportedly a senior Chinese Communist Party (CCP) operative and former Red Guard.
If Trump nixes this one government rule it could unravel the entire climate-change hoax
“The Trump administration may soon throw out a major piece of junk science that has served as the philosophical underpinning for the government wasting hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars on the climate-change hoax. In essence, they’ve robbed us blind while claiming to save us from ourselves, and they based it all on a lie.
The Daily Mail reports that EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin is lobbying for the White House to discard the so-called “endangerment finding.” This is a 2009 bureaucratic rule theorizing that greenhouse gases, created by burning “fossil fuels,” lead to global warming and allegedly pose a threat to public health.
This allegedly scientific finding has served as the justification for government regulations limiting the emission of greenhouse gases since the Obama presidency.
‘QUEER THE SYSTEM’: Inside the 1,110% increase in Liberals’ queer refugee program
“The number of applicants applying to Canada’s “LGBTQI+ refugees resettlement program” is up 1,100% year-over-year, with more than $50 million of taxpayers’ cash doled out to a single charity so far.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberals in February 2025 updated the program first rolled out by Stephen Harper’s Conservatives in 2011. Since then, the Canadian government has partnered with more than 60 organizations and brought in more than 330 gay refugees.
People who say they are persecuted in their home countries for identifying as gay, trans, queer, etc., can come to Canada, where they will receive a full year of financial “support” — and longer if they can’t support themselves after a year has passed.”
Italians grass roots movement opposes Russophobic Policy of government
Satanists telling us to worship black lesbians
Black queer woman to portray Jesus Christ in Jesus Christ Superstar musical
Secret CIA doc reveals how US waged Invisible Third World War on its own people with terrifying bioweapons
The work, titled ‘The Invisible World War’, focused on psychological operations, mind control, and the use of electromagnetic and biological weapons.
The covert attacks were carried out by ‘a secret-CIA Army,’ which unleashed plagues, bacteria and nerve gas in Hawaii, Alaska, New York, Florida and California from 1949 to 1969 during these covert experiments that killed more than a dozen people.
The experiments on American soil were to test the Army’s new warfare tactics and vulnerabilities in America’s largest cities that would be target during the Cold War.”
Israel carried out mass killing of own people under ‘Hannibal Directive’: Military probe
The Israeli military probe, findings released on Thursday, found that at around 10:30am, the air force began firing on “anything that moved” near the Gaza border.
There you go again, trying to put doubts in our minds. Go kiss a Jew and fall in love.