Nazi Germany was close to perfecting nuclear bombs but
Patrick O’Carroll believes Hitler had no intention of using them
because he was controlled by the Rothschilds.
by Patrick O’Carroll
This article discusses the unequivocal evidence from Rainer Karlsch and, more recently from MIT scientist Todd Rider, that NSDAP Germany had a highly advanced nuclear weapons program, and tested two atomic bombs.
Essentially, there are THREE MAIN REASONS why Adolf Hitler did not deploy Germany’s atomic bomb:
1. In early 1945, the NSDAP only had a crude version of its atom bomb. Many experts gauge that it would not have been deliverable until late 1945, at the earliest. For a while, Hitler may well have believed that Germany would soon nuke Zionist epicenters such as NYC, London, Moscow etc. because he was quoted as having stated, “May God forgive me the last five minutes of the war”. Nonetheless, some of Hitler’s conscientious generals are also quoted as having countered that they would sooner resign than nuke major enemy targets.
2. By far the most likely reason is because all the evidence today given by leading truthers such as Carroll Quigley, Antony Sutton, and Fritz Springmeier tells us that, at the very top, the Zionist NSDAP was working with the western Zionist powers (US, GB, FR) all along. Facts: 30 prominent members of the lofty Committee of 300 aided the NSDAP in 1933-45; 30 “Illuminati” corporations traded with, and were protected by, Hitler in 1933-45, when Onassis did not lose a single ship thanks to protection (collusion) from Hitler; Hitler committed 30 major military “blunders”, and hundreds of minor military “blunders”, in favor of the Zionist powers.
3. Also, the Western Zionist powers (US, GB, FR) may have credited the success of the NSDAP nuclear project and decided to give it preferential treatment. After WW2, the Zionist powers (US, GB, RU, FR) acquired most of the NSDAP’s research, know-how, as well as hundreds of its leading scientists. It was as if the “Illuminati” tasked the NSDAP with special research, albeit research that it must never actually deploy during wartime.
But it is also certain that the US atom bomb was not ready by Aug 1945 either. Very many researchers have proved conclusively that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were subjected to conventional Napalm-Firebomb strikes. So, although it is certain that Germany was ahead, the live deployment of ANY nukes in WW2 remains highly questionable. A third school-of-thought maintains that nuclear bombs are scientifically impossible and do not exist.
In his book, Rainer Karlsch showed the evidence he had uncovered that NSDAP Germany exploded the first two atom bombs (called “StrahlWaffen”) in Rügen, on 11 Oct 1944, and in Ohrdruf, on 4 Mar 1945. So, on the night of 11 Oct 1944, Germany exploded the first atom bomb (“StrahlWaffe”) in modern times, on the Baltic island of Rügen. It had been developed mainly at the Peenemünde facility under the direction of Dr Kurt Diebner.
After WW2, the NSDAP was not required to sign the Deed of Surrender which was drawn up by Committee-of-300 member Kenneth Strong, who was a British mil-intel director during WW2. This is fairly conclusive proof that the NSDAP was in fact the Fifth Victorious Power of WW2. In any case, the Committee of 300 gave the NSDAP highly preferential treatment; and that was partly to reward it for its highly successful nuclear weapons program.
Another clear sign the USA and the NSDAP were conjoined was that both used Kabbalist numerology for the first three atomic bombs. Kabbalists use the occult 11 to signify the Tree of Life’s ABYSS. The NSDAP honored 11 with the date 11 Oct 1944 (4 x 11 = 44) and Rügen’s 55th parallel (5 x 11 = 55); and when the West’s Freemasons exploded the THIRD atom bomb in modern times, they chose the Trinity Site on the 33rd parallel (3 x 11 = 33).
Recently, MIT scientist Todd Rider summarized his research on German nukes in the following talk:
Todd’s slides show the many eye-opening quotes below, all confirming that NSDAP nukes were indeed a reality:
1. NSDAP Germany had A-Bomb and H-Bomb projects whose designs were similar to those of the USA, although Germany’s designs were more advanced.
2. The US Regime and the OSS used the codename “AZUSA” to refer to the NSDAP nuclear program.
3. Still today in 2025, the US and British archives contain many reports about NSDAP Germany’s nuclear projects that are still marked “Access Restricted”, whereas many other reports have simply vanished. There are many photos showing visits by key Allied leaders to German towns that had nuclear facilities, but all the associated reports are still buried (or disappeared) 80 years after WW2.
4. Todd lists at least 20 German plants that were producing deuterium (heavy water, D²O), and also mentions several German plants producing ten other nuclear-related materials.
5. Todd pinpoints a letter that Rainer Karlsch discovered in 2003. It was dated 23 Mar 1945, sent by General Ivan Ilyichev to “Stalin” (Ioseb Dzhugashvili) that described Germany’s fission bomb design. It stated: “The Germans have in recent times carried out two large-capacity bomb explosions in Thuringia … The bomb, supposedly filled with Uranium 235 and weighing approximately two tons, was brought to the test site … In addition, a massive radioactive effect was observed. The bomb is a sphere of diameter 130 cm”. This description matched almost exactly those given by Erich Schumann and Kurt Diebner in their later books.
6. The following photo shows Hitler visiting Gusen (location of a nuclear fission reactor) near Linz-Austria on 4 April 1943, and it shows him surrounded by four very prominent nuclear scientists: Kurt Diebner, Werner Heisenberg, Fritz Strassmann, and Rolf Wideröe:
7. On 1 Apr 1945, Allen Welsh Dulles (the “Illuminati” overseer of the entire Axis) sent the secret cable “IN 9061″ from Bern-Switzerland to the OSS in DC, stating: “In his conversation with [General Field Marshal ("Generalfeldmarschall") Albert] Kesselring, latter said to [SS-Obergruppenführer Karl] Wolff our situation is desperate. Nobody dares tell the truth to the Führer who is surrounded by a small group of advisors who still believe in a last specific secret-weapon which they call ‘desperation weapon’ (“VerzweifelungsWaffe”). Kesselring believed this weapon can prolong the war but not decide it. But might cause terrible bloodbath on both sides. Kesselring said if Führer gave him order to use weapon, he would surrender his command”.
8. For 11 Dec 1944, FDR-confidante Margaret Lynch Suckley’s diary entry stated: “the Germans have a bomb that will kill everything within a mile … the German program to develop that bomb is way ahead of us”.
9. In an article dated 13 Aug 1945, “Illuminati” news-rag Newsweek reported: “Since the surrender of the NSDAP armies, Allied officers have revealed that Germany would have been able to strike with atomic bombs by January 1945, if invasion had not come six months before. The highest Allied officials knew that such explosives could have won the war for the Axis”.
10. On 1 Sep 1945, General George Catlett Marshall wrote: “German technological advances, such as in the development of atomic explosives, made it imperative that we attack before these terrible weapons could be turned against us”.
11. On page 32 of his 1946 book “The Aircraft Manufacturing Industry”, Colonel George Bryant Woods (US intelligence, Air Technical Services Command during WW2, and assistant to undersecretary of the US Air Force in 1947-50) wrote: “Germany’s plans for the A-9 [rocket] with atomic bomb … It was well known that the Germans originally had hoped to have their atomic bomb developments completed by the end of 1944″.
12. Two top German scientists interrogated by the Western Zionist powers included SS-Obergruppenführer Hans Kammler, SS general in charge of the NSDAP’s nuclear program; and Siegfried Flügge, top physicist of the NSDAP’s nuclear program. Todd shows a document dated Nov 1945 describing how Hans Kammler was being interrogated at the time and “singing like a canary”, although WickedPedia claims he “died on 9 May 1945″. But, the associated interrogation transcripts are not locatable in US or British archives. Todd did discover key index-cards that read “Germany; Nuclear Physics; Blueprints of Atomic Bomb” and “Germany; Nuclear Physics; Atomic Bomb Detonating Plans” but NOT the actual documents cited by said index-cards.
Todd’s slides show a great deal of explosive evidence of NSDAP collusion with the Western Zionist powers. But this evidence has been mostly buried by “Team Antichrist”, which does not want you to know that WW2 was the single most controlled conflict in human history, whose two biggest aims were the German Holocaust of 1914-55 (the genocide of 37 million Ethnic-German Civilians) and the establishment the Antichrist State of Israel in 1948.
At the following link, you can download free-of-charge the 6300-page mega-tome “Forgotten Creators (2024)” by MIT scientist Todd Rider. It describes the extraordinary achievements of German science up until 1945:
More on Berlin historian Rainer Karlsch, author of the 2005 book “Hitler’s Bomb”, here: