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By Joseph Zrnchik for 5th Estate Media Email: (Reporter)
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Hillary Getting Trumped Is No Laughing Matter for Democrats or Republicans

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Hillary Getting Trumped Is No Laughing Matter for Democrats or Republicans


Democrats want to dismiss Trump as a curiosity while refusing to accept the facts as to why he is leading all Republican candidates as he showcases an ability to expose Hillary and the other Republican candidates as the kind of people most conservative Republicans and Democrats should rightfully dislike and ridicule. 


Trump’s rise has to do with the fact that the entire gaggle of presidential aspirants are all a national embarrassment and disgrace.  All of the candidates show they have an aversion to truth and reality and have no more ideas or better ideology than continuing to try some nuanced version of the overall failed US imperial plan to attempt to militarily dominate the planet even as they fail to recognize or accept the fact that it was the US who not only created ISIS but then also failed conduct an effective campaign to stop this hostile force that has no air force, navy, nor even a combined arms military.  Nor do any of these candidates, except for Rand Paul, even want to admit that invading Iraq and Afghanistan, and the supporting of the attack on Libya and Syria, were all US strategic disasters of biblical proportions.


But the really pathetic crowd is not the presidential candidates, but it is instead the voters who fall for the kind of nonsense the candidates have put forward in their theater of the absurd as they pander to an electorate that has no understanding of geopolitics, history or economics and no idea that Hillary’s voting record trumps (no pun intended) the record of Lindsey Graham and John McCain when it comes to supporting bombing, invading and occupying other nations that pose no military threat to the US.


People who know what is going on want to see all the candidates have scorn and derision heaped upon them by a political outsider so that Americans can see how pathetic these politicians are as they shamelessly promote lies, stupidity, absurdity and contradictions.  To have an outsider take time and recognition away from people like Rick Santorum or Lindsey Graham, or the person many thought would be the GOP torch bearer himself, Jeb Bush, is a  coup de grace to the political establishment that had turned its back on  Ron Paul and ignored the wise council of people like him and statesman Andrew Bacevich.


We as Americans deserve every misforture we that has amassed for believing people like Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Obama Holder and Clinton.  I wish this story would go viral, but that will never happen because it shows the Democratic and Republican establishments to be equally as ignorant, arrogant and corrupt.


Hillary signed an agreement with Japan that makes sure the US continues to buy Japanese seafood as Fukushima’s four destroyed reactors dump hundreds of tons of radioactive water into the Sea of Japan and Pacific Ocean.  She now tries to spin Libya as a great foreign policy success as it continues its complete collapse into fundamentalism, sectarian violence, and being a breeding ground for jihadists. If this is what she is willing do for the interests of ISIS and the interests of fishermen due to a small donation to the Clinton Foundation, imagine what she would be willing to do for those who donate millions.


To see people who consider themselves progressives voting for Hillary because she supports abortion as she lays waste to nations, panders to Zionists conducting ethnic cleansing, supported US international criminal lawlessness while allowing gun-running through the US embassy in Libya as its ambassadors and CIA staffers were slaughtered shows almost willfull ignorance and criminal apathy.  Then Americans were misled by her attempt at cover-up for her dereliction of duty after being caught on video laughing as Saddam was bayoneted through his rectum as she gleefully exclaimed, “We came. We saw.  He died.”  Even Dick Cheney had more dignity about the torture and murder of Iraqis than Hillary did for the head of state of a foreign country.  If this is what we get from her as Secretary of State, one wonders what we can expect from her as president.


So, I say all Americans should vote for Trump as he would be no less harmful to this nation than the other candidates who all try to make Americans believe that they believe their own lies.  Americans should understand that as an empire starts to decline, its actions become more irrational, desperate and counterproductive.  As banking elites, the  political establishment and the warrior class, all with ties to the military industrial complex, now drain the masses of their wealth, the time of awakening and reckoning is nigh.  These forces will all continue to ride the wave until it breaks and it remains to be seen if Americans will descend further into a moral abyss or if the American people, along with the support and cooperation of the other peoples of the world, will finally hold this criminal class accountable.


Meanwhile, we see the FBI has decided to pursue Hillary’s perjury, obstruction of justice, and stealing and destroying of classified material.  She keeps telling Americans she had no documents that were marked classified, nor did she destroy any material marked as classified. In this she tells the truth because no material is ever marked classified.  It is always marked Confidential, Secret or Top Secret.  This is her version of doing what her husband did when he proffered that he had not committed perjury in relation to a semen stain on a certain female’s dress when he argued that his perjury all hinged upon a legal argument regarding the issue of what the word “is” means.  It seems the more things change, the more they stay the same.


Hillary, in a recent interview, said she would still be the one who would pick out the silverware if she were elected president, I wonder if she and her husband would then steal the silverware this time as they did the last time they left the White House.  But, since the Clinton Foundation has taken tens of millions of dollars in bribes to provide access and influence, maybe this time around they will leave the silverware.  But, one wonders how people can ignore the fact that Hillary has a long record of being willing to prostitute truth for power.  This vicious fact may yet prove to be her downfall. 


Yet, we Americans can choose between love or fear.  We can choose enlightenment or barbarity.  We can accept the fact that what we do to others we do to ourselves and fix the problems that are so clearly evident, or we can continue to lie ourselves into more failed wars that engender the hatred of all who desire justice.  The choice is clear and plain, but not simple.  Whoever thought it would take a person of courage to make what clearly are the correct choices needed for the advancement of a civil society?  Who would have ever thought there would have been so many candidates running for political office who are so arrogant, cowardly, greedy and corrupt?  How could Trump be any worse then the current batch of people who think themselves serious candidates?  At least Trump knows this is all a joke and treats these jokers with the level of dignity they deserve.  The only thing truthful and accurate in this entire election process is the contempt with which Trump holds both the Republican and Democratic candidates.

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