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By Joseph Zrnchik for 5th Estate Media Email: (Reporter)
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The Elite are Extolled to Rise Up Against the "Ignorant Masses" by CFR Member James Traub in Foreign Policy Magazine

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James Traub, Harvard graduate, CFR member and family member of the owners of Bloomingdale’s, wrote a column for Foreign Policy Magazine in which he argued that the elite need to “rise up” against the “mindlessly angry” ignorant masses in order to prevent globalization from being repudiated by an American movement comprised of those who have suffered under globalism.


While Traub shows his contempt towards those who have thrown their support behind Donald Trump in the US, he fails to mention a single issue as to why there has been a populist revolt against elite rule.  It appears he is as blind to the issues causing the suffering of millions of Americans as the French aristocracy was to the peoples’ suffering that gave rise to the French Revolution.  Yet, it appears that the discontent caused by globalism has gone global itself as Brits have voted to “Brexit” the EU thereby causing a political crisis that is preceding the assured eventuality of a euro currency crisis that is already in its early fruition.   


The Brexit ensures that the EU will be unable to bail out the PIIGS nations which will lead to the crumbling of the European Central Bank and its Common Market centralized non-democratic diktats emanating from Brussels that seek to crush the entity known as the nation state as the EU gives rise to other supranational entities like the Troika which also undermine sovereignty as it imposes austerity on the masses.  It seems the EU central bank like the US central bank only wants to pay homage to free market forces when it is confiscating wealth and imposing austerity.  Yet, the central banks wants to deny free market forces when they are printing euro and dollar denominations by the trillions to engage in what amounts to a global loan sharking scheme.  It seems more and more people are beginning to wake up to the absurdity of this contradiction of free market and the unlimited printing of currency.


It seems the Straussian and Trotskyite tradition has provided the finest example possible of the elitist mindset in Traub’s diatribe as he exposes the general elitist attitude towards the masses.  What he fails to realize due to the blinders given to those with class privilege is that there is an awakening of the masses that had largely been made ignorant and suffered indoctrination by elites who buy and sell politicians as easily as they have bought and centralized the entire media establishment now used as a propaganda machine to limit and frame political debate so as to further their agenda.


With the rise of elitist rule we have seen law go from being a shield that protects the innocent to a weapon the powerful use against the weak.  We have seen the US Constitution turned into a historical relic and curiosity as logic, truth, justice and meaning get turned on their very heads.  We have seen the rise of an elite criminal class that has created a two-tiered system of justice under which the masses suffer.  We have seen how the elite lie the masses into war to promote their financial interests.  When Gaddafi and Saddam no longer wanted to use the petrol dollar, their rules came to sudden and violent ends as the global banking criminals wanted us to believe that US and EU interventions were for humanitarian purposes as they crushed the nation state and turned sovereign governments into failed states even as they caused the death of many hundreds of thousands of innocents.


The US seeks no less than global domination.  This can not be denied to anyone that has read PNAC’s “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” or AIPAC’s “Clean Break” white paper.  The Anglo-American intervention in the Middle East when viewed in its entirety is nothing short of a permanent war being waged against the Middle East.  Why is this war being waged?  It is being waged because the elite seek to control oil, the petrol dollar status and the current global financial order that allows private individuals to own and operate private central banks.


It is these interests that have allowed and promoted torture, illegal wars, banking crimes, the destabilization of nations, the rise of the military-industrial complex, the police-prison state, the national security-surveillance state and the warfare-welfare state.  Americans watched in horror as al  Qaeda attacked the US and watched ISIS cut the heads of Christians, women and children only to have that same government go on to support al Qaeda and ISIS against Syria for Israeli interests because the IDF can no longer slaughter civilians at will as they steal more and more Palestinian land.


Americans watched in horror as the US military admitted it spent $500 million dollars to train five “moderate rebels” who were absorbed into or executed by ISIS as they captured hundreds of millions of dollars in US equipment in Iraq and Syria.  The American people watched in horror as Clinton tried to get the US involved in a war with Russia after the US destabilized Ukraine and midwived a fascist Svboda regime.  We watched in horror as Ukraine shot down Flight MH17 and then tried to blame it on Russia before hiding and limiting the scope of a report that began to expose and implicate the Fascist Ukrainian government.  We then watched in horror as the elites and their controlled media began to beat the drums for a war against Syria as the casus beli turned out to be a false flag chemical attack initiated by ISIS to draw the US into a Syrian war that experts say has caused such wide-spread destruction that it will take three generations to rebuild.


American’s watched in horror as their wealth was stolen, their stocks crumbled and their houses were repossessed by experts and elites who had assured them that all was well.  Then the people watched in horror as the bankers created trillions of dollars the US government borrowed at the peoples’ expense to then give back to the bankers. 


So, it does seem that Mr. Traub is right, the masses are ignorant.  In fact, we can’t even figure out who it was that killed President Kennedy and then killed his brother as he sought to get to the bottom of this assassination.  We can’t even see the tax records of Lee Harvey Oswald.  We allowed the CIA to overthrow the Iranian government in 1953 and lead us on a 24-year dispute with Iran which resulted in the US shooting down Iranian airliner, Flight IR 655, in support of Saddam’s war against Iran.  We then gave Saddam chemical weapons so that he could kill Shiites and then attacked him for doing just that.  Now we have the CIA and the Pentagon arming two rebel factions who are battling each other in Syria.  We watch the FBI let Hillary Clinton go as it creates false terrorist plots to justify its existence as it tortures innocent people like Kenneth Trentadue as the result of an OKC bombing plot that was part of an FBI operation known as Operation Patriot Conspiracy or Operation PATCON


So, as long as we listen to and believe what the elite have to say about war, economics or politics, we will be not only ignorant, but poor, disposed, abused and oppressed.  When we finally understand how easy it would be to create a US Independent Party like the British voted for UKIP, and then hold the ruling elite responsible for their crimes, it will be at that point where we will begin to have justice and liberty.  By overthrowing these criminal elites acting as our oppressors who have already risen up against the masses they purposely have worked to keep ignorant and misinformed we will have bestowed the blessings of liberty and freedom upon our children.  When propganda and misinformation are directed at a populous, it should be clear that a war is already being waged against the American people.


Maybe Mr. Traub’s article will be the beginning of a great awakening.  Maybe people will become aware of the Straussian and Trotskyite manufacturing of consent.  Maybe people will understand that the only decisions the elite will allow them to make are inconsequential ones like who will be the next leader to represent the elites’ interests at the expense of the American people.  Now is the time to attack the establishment.  Let Hillary go work at Wall Street or for Halliburton if she wants so badly to represent their interests.

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